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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Penser le corps, sa puissance et sa destinée chez Spinoza : aux sources de son anthropologie / Understanding the body, its power, and its destiny in Spinoza's philosophy : at the sources of his anthropology

Brown, Julius 08 September 2015 (has links)
Spinoza évaluera la révolution copernicienne et prônera un naturalisme rationaliste et matérialiste contre la tradition onto-théologique, Aristote et Descartes en étant les deux figures clés, sans parler des théologiens et de la Bible. Spinoza interprète l’erreur du géocentrisme comme signalant deux autres erreurs : le dualisme anthropologique classique qui inféodait le corps à l’âme et l’illusion du libre-arbitre. Par la réhabilitation gnoséologique, psychophysique et socio-affective du corps, il prétend conduire l’homme au salut présent, non eschatologique, le réconciliant avec lui-même et avec le Dieu-Nature. La permanence d’une sensibilité anthropologique hébraïque y est prégnante, ce qui n’annule pas des disparités conceptuelles, métaphysiques, sotériologiques et éthiques entre lui et l’Écriture. Ces disparités pourraient rapprocher Spinoza plus d’Aristote que de Descartes. Le projet spinozien tiendra-t-il ses promesses sans retomber dans les travers du mythique et du mystique ? / Spinoza assesses the Copernican revolution and advocates a rationalist and materialistic naturalismagainst the onto-theological tradition, Aristotle and Descartes as the two main figures thereof,theologians and the Bible not to mention. Spinoza interprets the error of geocentrism as indicating twoother errors: classical anthropological dualism which subjugated the body to the soul and the illusion offree-will. By gnoseological, psychophysical and socio-emotional rehabilitation of the body, he claims tolead man to present salvation, not eschatological, reconciling him with himself and with God as Nature.The permanence of Hebraic anthropological sensibility is pregnant, which does not cancel metaphysical,soteriological and ethical disparities between him and the Bible. These disparities could bring Spinozacloser to Aristotle than to Descartes. Will the spinozian project keep its promises without relapsing intothe traps of the mythical and the mystical ?

Eine multidimensionale Methodik zur Analyse von Bekehrungsmotiven = A multi-dimensional methodology for the analysis of conversion motives

Rink, Tobias 28 February 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht Bekehrungsmotive von südsudanesischen Migranten, die in einem islamischen Kontext leben. Dazu wird zunächst das biblisch-theologische Bekeh¬rungsverständnis erhoben und im Kontext seiner kirchengeschichtlichen Entwicklung dar¬gestellt. Da jede Bekehrung ein multidimensionaler Prozess ist, der neben theologischen Fragestellungen auch soziologische, anthropologische und religionspsychologische Aspekte enthält, wird ein multidimensionaler Ansatz zur Erforschung von Bekehrungsmotiven konzipiert und ein Forschungswerkzeug erstellt, dass den Kontext südsudanesischer Migranten aufnimmt. Dieses kommt im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie zum Einsatz, die aus fünf Konvertiten-Interviews besteht. Zuerst wird der Inhalt jedes Interviews aus theologischer, soziologischer, religionspsychologischer und anthropologischer Sicht separat erhoben. Danach werden die unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsweisen in einen kritischen Dialog gebracht, um die Bekehrungsmotive zu bestimmen, welche den Kategorien kognitiv-religiös, mystisch-religiös, affektiv, experimentell oder sozial-politisch zugeordnet werden. Zum Schluss wird der Ertrag aller Interviews zu einem Gesamtergebnis verbunden und einer selbstkritischen Evaluierung unterzogen. Summary This dissertation examines conversion motives of Southern Sudanese migrants who live in an Islamic context. First of all a theological view of conversion in scripture and its development in the church history is presented. Since every conversion is a multi-dimensional process containing not only theological problems but also sociological, anthropological and religio¬psychlogical aspects, a multi-dimensional approach and a reseach methodology are designed for above context. This methodology is used for a pilot study of five interviews with converts. Each interview is examined separately from a theological, sociological, religio-psychological and anthropological analysis. After this the different views are brought into a critical dialog in order to identify the motives of conversion which are related to cognitive-religious, mystical¬religious, affective, experimental or social-political categories. The results of all individual interviews are merged in a final analysis and reflected in a self-critical evaluation. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

„Geschrieben um Unsertwillen“ (Römer 4,24)? : die Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels in der Argumentation des Römerbriefs / „Written for our sake“ [Romans 4:24]? : Paul’s references to Israel’s past in the rhetoric of Romans

Lüling, Manuel 10 1900 (has links)
Text in German / An drei Stellen im Römerbrief verweist Paulus auf die Vergangenheit Israels: auf Abraham in Röm 4,1–25, auf Abrahams Nachkommen, Mose und Pharao in Röm 9,6–18 und auf Elija in Röm 11,1–10. Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Bedeutung dieser Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels für die Argumentation des Römerbriefs. Nach der Analyse der rhetorischen Situation und der Einordnung der relevanten Stellen in die rhetorische Makrostruktur des Briefs werden alttestamentlicher Kontext und frühjüdische Rezeption der rezipierten Ereignisse untersucht. Auf diesem Hintergrund werden die drei Passagen detailliert betrachtet, indem der Argumentationsgang untersucht und die mögliche rhetorische Wirkung auf die Adressaten aus sechs unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert wird: mit hoher Schriftkenntnis, mit geringer Schriftkenntnis, aus jüdischer, nichtjüdischer, christlicher und stadtrömischer Perspektive. Auf diese Weise können unterschiedliche Aspekte der leserseitigen Rezeption differenziert wahrgenommen werden, bevor sie zu einem Gesamtbild zusammengeführt werden. / New Testament

Divine authority and covenant community in contemporary culture

Billingham, John January 2014 (has links)
The question I address is: how might a theology of authority be conceived in the light of questions raised by what is termed 'post-modernity'? Is it possible to articulate a theology of authority coming to the church community 'from God' that avoids an oppressive and alienating heteronomy? The thesis explores the question of authority as of vital importance in the sociological dimension of religion, calling for legitimisation (in light of claims made for itself) and as obligatory in the theological sphere. For this reason the project involves two methodologies (theological and sociological/ethnographic). While this investigation is relevant to all sections of the Christian church, particular attention is paid to Baptist churches in the UK, since they hold a concept in their tradition that I suggest is valuable in answering the question of the thesis, namely that of covenant. Within the Christian tradition there is an inner 'problematic' relating the personal authority of Christ to the forms of institution (church) and text (scripture). I explore this with a brief survey of theological authority as found in the fourfold foundation of scripture, tradition, reason and experience. From this is developed a brief theological and Christological reflection on divine authority and covenant theology as found in Karl Barth and his response to the 'inner problematic'. Within contemporary culture I view authority through the lens of so-called 'postmodernism', identifying four challenges to the notion of 'external authority' (all of which exemplify a move from the external to internal, and objective to subjective approaches to authority). This is further explored by means of qualitative research with one-to-one interviews conducted in a Baptist church in York. This data is reflected upon by means of ethnography and 'judicious narratives', especially in dialogue with material from Guest ('congregational study'), Heelas and Woodhead ('subjectivised-self') and Healy ('theodramatic horizon' and 'practical-prophetic ecclesiology'), providing an intersection between the language of theology and sociology. The concept of church as covenant community is explored in Baptist and (more briefly) Anglican traditions, leading to a constructive proposal that both the inner-church 'problematic' and the 'postmodern' challenge to authority might begin to be resolved with the notion of covenant. It is within this context of relationship, human and divine, that the authoritative and revelatory Word of God, the story that is Christ, is found in community and praxis. Here is a 'triangulating' relationship between authority, story and covenant revealing divine authority in a non-coercive way and relevant to contemporary culture.

Like pilgrims to this moment : myth, history, and politics in the early writing of Seamus Heaney and Leonard Cohen

Ward, Caitlin 23 December 2008
This thesis examines the early work of poets Leonard Cohen and Seamus Heaney in light of their treatment of mythology, ritual, and mythologization, moving either from personal to political awareness (Heaney), or from political to personal awareness (Cohen). Heaney, writing in the midst of the Irish Troubles throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, slowly works up to political awareness as the situation from which he is writing becomes more dire. By contrast, Cohen writes during the beginnings of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec, from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, moving progressively farther away from the highly political and mythologized work of his first book. This thesis analyzes both poets first four books of poetry and how each poet addresses the politics of his historical time and place as a minority figure: an Irish Catholic in Northern Ireland, and an Anglophone Jew in Montreal, respectively. Ultimately, each poet chooses to mythologize and use traditional mythologies as a means of addressing contemporary horrors before being poetically (and politically) exhausted by the spiritual and mental exertion involved in the "poetry of disfigurement."

Like pilgrims to this moment : myth, history, and politics in the early writing of Seamus Heaney and Leonard Cohen

Ward, Caitlin 23 December 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the early work of poets Leonard Cohen and Seamus Heaney in light of their treatment of mythology, ritual, and mythologization, moving either from personal to political awareness (Heaney), or from political to personal awareness (Cohen). Heaney, writing in the midst of the Irish Troubles throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, slowly works up to political awareness as the situation from which he is writing becomes more dire. By contrast, Cohen writes during the beginnings of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec, from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s, moving progressively farther away from the highly political and mythologized work of his first book. This thesis analyzes both poets first four books of poetry and how each poet addresses the politics of his historical time and place as a minority figure: an Irish Catholic in Northern Ireland, and an Anglophone Jew in Montreal, respectively. Ultimately, each poet chooses to mythologize and use traditional mythologies as a means of addressing contemporary horrors before being poetically (and politically) exhausted by the spiritual and mental exertion involved in the "poetry of disfigurement."

Eine multidimensionale Methodik zur Analyse von Bekehrungsmotiven = A multi-dimensional methodology for the analysis of conversion motives

Rink, Tobias 28 February 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht Bekehrungsmotive von südsudanesischen Migranten, die in einem islamischen Kontext leben. Dazu wird zunächst das biblisch-theologische Bekeh¬rungsverständnis erhoben und im Kontext seiner kirchengeschichtlichen Entwicklung dar¬gestellt. Da jede Bekehrung ein multidimensionaler Prozess ist, der neben theologischen Fragestellungen auch soziologische, anthropologische und religionspsychologische Aspekte enthält, wird ein multidimensionaler Ansatz zur Erforschung von Bekehrungsmotiven konzipiert und ein Forschungswerkzeug erstellt, dass den Kontext südsudanesischer Migranten aufnimmt. Dieses kommt im Rahmen einer Pilotstudie zum Einsatz, die aus fünf Konvertiten-Interviews besteht. Zuerst wird der Inhalt jedes Interviews aus theologischer, soziologischer, religionspsychologischer und anthropologischer Sicht separat erhoben. Danach werden die unterschiedlichen Betrachtungsweisen in einen kritischen Dialog gebracht, um die Bekehrungsmotive zu bestimmen, welche den Kategorien kognitiv-religiös, mystisch-religiös, affektiv, experimentell oder sozial-politisch zugeordnet werden. Zum Schluss wird der Ertrag aller Interviews zu einem Gesamtergebnis verbunden und einer selbstkritischen Evaluierung unterzogen. Summary This dissertation examines conversion motives of Southern Sudanese migrants who live in an Islamic context. First of all a theological view of conversion in scripture and its development in the church history is presented. Since every conversion is a multi-dimensional process containing not only theological problems but also sociological, anthropological and religio¬psychlogical aspects, a multi-dimensional approach and a reseach methodology are designed for above context. This methodology is used for a pilot study of five interviews with converts. Each interview is examined separately from a theological, sociological, religio-psychological and anthropological analysis. After this the different views are brought into a critical dialog in order to identify the motives of conversion which are related to cognitive-religious, mystical¬religious, affective, experimental or social-political categories. The results of all individual interviews are merged in a final analysis and reflected in a self-critical evaluation. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

„Geschrieben um Unsertwillen“ (Römer 4,24)? : die Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels in der Argumentation des Römerbriefs / „Written for our sake“ [Romans 4:24]? : Paul’s references to Israel’s past in the rhetoric of Romans

Lüling, Manuel 10 1900 (has links)
Text in German / An drei Stellen im Römerbrief verweist Paulus auf die Vergangenheit Israels: auf Abraham in Röm 4,1–25, auf Abrahams Nachkommen, Mose und Pharao in Röm 9,6–18 und auf Elija in Röm 11,1–10. Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Bedeutung dieser Verweise auf die Vergangenheit Israels für die Argumentation des Römerbriefs. Nach der Analyse der rhetorischen Situation und der Einordnung der relevanten Stellen in die rhetorische Makrostruktur des Briefs werden alttestamentlicher Kontext und frühjüdische Rezeption der rezipierten Ereignisse untersucht. Auf diesem Hintergrund werden die drei Passagen detailliert betrachtet, indem der Argumentationsgang untersucht und die mögliche rhetorische Wirkung auf die Adressaten aus sechs unterschiedlichen Perspektiven analysiert wird: mit hoher Schriftkenntnis, mit geringer Schriftkenntnis, aus jüdischer, nichtjüdischer, christlicher und stadtrömischer Perspektive. Auf diese Weise können unterschiedliche Aspekte der leserseitigen Rezeption differenziert wahrgenommen werden, bevor sie zu einem Gesamtbild zusammengeführt werden. / New Testament

The doctrine of the church and its ministry according to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the USA

Kuenzel, Karl Edwin 30 November 2006 (has links)
Nothing has influenced and affected the Lutheran Church in the U.S.A. in the past century more than the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry. When the first Norwegian immigrants entered the U.S. in the middle of the 19th century, there were not enough Lutheran pastors to minister to the spiritual needs of the people. Some of these immigrants resorted to a practice that had been used in Norway, that of using lay-preachers. This created problems because of a lack of proper theological training. The result was the teaching of false doctrine. Some thought more highly of the lay-preachers than they did of the ordained clergy. Consequently clergy were often viewed with a discerning eye and even despised. This was one of the earliest struggles within the Norwegian Synod. Further controversies involved whether the local congregation is the only form in which the church exists. Another facet of the controversy involves whether or not the ministry includes only the pastoral office; whether or not only ordained clergy do the ministry; whether teachers in the Lutheran schools are involved in the ministry; and whether or not any Christian can participate in the public ministry. Is a missionary, who serves on behalf of the entire church body, a pastor? If only the local congregation can call a pastor, then a missionary cannot be a pastor because he serves the entire church body in establishing new congregations. Is a seminary professor, who trains future pastors, a pastor? If only the local congregation can call a pastor, a seminary professor cannot be a pastor because he is called by the seminary board of control and not one particular congregation. In seeking to develop a statement that clearly defines the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry, a controversy exists within the church body known as the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), the successor synod to the Norwegian Synod. The reason for the controversy is that two different views of how to develop a doctrinal statement exist in the ELS. Some go directly to Scripture and set forth a position. Others follow an example found in C.F.W. Walther's theses on Church and Ministry. They misunderstand and misuse this approach that was developed only for use in a controversy against an erring Lutheran pastor, Johannes Grabau of the Buffalo Synod. Many of those who utilize this approach are former members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), of which Walther was one of the founders. As a result of the two distinct approaches, there has been an inability to unanimously agree on the wording of the statements on the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry. It is the conclusion of the author that it is this reliance on statements made by individuals in previous centuries regarding particular situations that has caused the struggle to develop and serves to prolong it. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

The doctrine of the church and its ministry according to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the USA

Kuenzel, Karl Edwin 30 November 2006 (has links)
Nothing has influenced and affected the Lutheran Church in the U.S.A. in the past century more than the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry. When the first Norwegian immigrants entered the U.S. in the middle of the 19th century, there were not enough Lutheran pastors to minister to the spiritual needs of the people. Some of these immigrants resorted to a practice that had been used in Norway, that of using lay-preachers. This created problems because of a lack of proper theological training. The result was the teaching of false doctrine. Some thought more highly of the lay-preachers than they did of the ordained clergy. Consequently clergy were often viewed with a discerning eye and even despised. This was one of the earliest struggles within the Norwegian Synod. Further controversies involved whether the local congregation is the only form in which the church exists. Another facet of the controversy involves whether or not the ministry includes only the pastoral office; whether or not only ordained clergy do the ministry; whether teachers in the Lutheran schools are involved in the ministry; and whether or not any Christian can participate in the public ministry. Is a missionary, who serves on behalf of the entire church body, a pastor? If only the local congregation can call a pastor, then a missionary cannot be a pastor because he serves the entire church body in establishing new congregations. Is a seminary professor, who trains future pastors, a pastor? If only the local congregation can call a pastor, a seminary professor cannot be a pastor because he is called by the seminary board of control and not one particular congregation. In seeking to develop a statement that clearly defines the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry, a controversy exists within the church body known as the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), the successor synod to the Norwegian Synod. The reason for the controversy is that two different views of how to develop a doctrinal statement exist in the ELS. Some go directly to Scripture and set forth a position. Others follow an example found in C.F.W. Walther's theses on Church and Ministry. They misunderstand and misuse this approach that was developed only for use in a controversy against an erring Lutheran pastor, Johannes Grabau of the Buffalo Synod. Many of those who utilize this approach are former members of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), of which Walther was one of the founders. As a result of the two distinct approaches, there has been an inability to unanimously agree on the wording of the statements on the doctrine of the Church and its Ministry. It is the conclusion of the author that it is this reliance on statements made by individuals in previous centuries regarding particular situations that has caused the struggle to develop and serves to prolong it. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

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