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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I havet av siffror och bokstäver : En studie om matematik- och lässvårigheter hos barn i andra klass / Amongst numbers and letters : A Study of Math and Reading Difficulties for Children in Second Grade

Arvidsson Schloenzig, Nina, Crona, Maja January 2012 (has links)
It is not uncommon for math difficulties and reading difficulties to occur simultaneously. Despite this, math and reading difficulties are thought to have different cognitive profiles where math difficulties are linked to number sense; an innate ability to understand, approximate and manipulate both quantities and numerical information, whereas reading difficulties are linked to phonological ability; an innate ability to understand, create representations of and manipulate phonological information. A possible link between the difficulties is that phonological abilities also could affect mathematical ability. Support for this comes from studies where comorbid math and reading difficulties are associated with more severe difficulties in arithmetic ability compared to those with isolated math difficulties. The purpose of this study is to examine whether isolated math difficulties, isolated reading difficulties and comorbid math and reading difficulties can be linked to deficits in number sense, phonological ability or both of these, and whether comorbid math and reading difficulties differ in performance in mathematical tasks compared to isolated math difficulties for children in second grade. The study was carried out by testing 161 second grade children in arithmetic performance, reading performance, number sense and phonological ability. Based on performance in arithmetic and reading participants were divided into four groups: math difficulties (MD), reading difficulties (LD), comorbid math and reading difficulties (MD/LD) and control group. Statistical comparisons between groups were calculated by use of ANCOVAs, with non-verbal intelligence as covariate, and by independent t-test. Results gave partial support for the proposed core deficits for math and reading difficulties respectively, mainly concerning math difficulties and number sense deficits. The MD group performed significantly poorer in the non-symbolic number sense test.The group LD did not perform significantly poorer in respect to any task. The group MD/LD performed significantly poorer regarding subtraction, symbolic number sense tests and phonological awareness. Based on these results it can be discussed whether a link between number sense deficits and phonological awareness deficits may cause difficulty with learning and manipulating symbolic digit number. / Det är inte ovanligt att matematiksvårigheter förekommer tillsammans med lässvårigheter. Däremot förefaller matematiksvårigheter och lässvårigheter ha skilda kognitiva profiler där matematiksvårigheter kopplas till bristande number sense; en medfödd förmåga för att förstå, approximera och manipulera kvantiteter och numerisk information, medan lässvårigheter kopplas till bristande fonologisk förmåga; en medfödd förmåga att förstå, skapa representationer för och manipulera fonologisk information. En möjlig länk mellan svårigheterna är att fonologisk förmåga även kan påverka den matematiska förmågan. Stöd för detta har framkommit i studier där komorbida matematik- och lässvårigheter kopplats till mer uttalade matematiksvårigheter i jämförelse med isolerade matematiksvårigheter. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka huruvida isolerade matematiksvårigheter, isolerade lässvårigheter samt komorbida matematik- och lässvårigheter kan kopplas till bristande number sense, bristande fonologisk förmåga eller båda samt huruvida komorbida matematik- och lässvårigheter skiljer sig gentemot isolerade matematiksvårigheter gällande matematiksvårigheternas omfattning hos barn i andra klass. För att besvara syftet testades 161 barn i andra klass gällande aritmetisk färdighet, läsfärdighet, number sense och fonologisk förmåga. Efter sin prestation i matematik och läsningdelades deltagarna in i fyra grupper; matematiksvårigheter (MS), lässvårigheter (LS), komorbida matematik- och lässvårigheter (MS/LS) samt kontrollgrupp. Statistiska jämförelser beräknades mellan grupperna genom kovariansanalyser (ANCOVA), med icke-verbal intelligens som kovariat, samt genom oberoende t-test. Resultatet gav delvis stöd för den tänkta kärnproblematiken för matematiksvårigheter respektive lässvårigheter, främst gällande matematiksvårigheter och bristande number sense. Gruppen MS var signifikant sämre på ett icke-symboliskt number sense-test. Gruppen LS var inte signifikant sämre gällande något test. Gruppen MS/LS var signifikant sämre gällande subtraktion och symboliska number sense-test samt gällande fonologisk medvetenhet. Utifrån resultatet diskuteras huruvida en länk mellan bristande number sense och bristande fonologisk medvetenhet kan orsaka svårigheter med inlärning och hantering av symboliska siffertal.

Kognitiva förmågor som förklarar utveckling av läsförståelse från första till andra klass / Cognitive Skills that Explains the Development of Reading Comprehension from First to Second Grade

Claar, Moa, Larsson, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Bokstavskunskap, ordavkodningsförmåga och fonologisk medvetenhet inklusive RAN (rapid automatized naming, benämningshastighet) har i tidigare studier visats vara prediktorer för den tidiga läsförmågan. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga vilka kognitiva förmågor som kunde predicera utveckling av läsförståelse. Stort fokus lades på fonologisk medvetenhet i föreliggande studie. Metoder att mäta fonologisk medvetenhet utvärderas och diskuteras. Deltagarnas resultat från första klass jämfördes med deras prestation i andra klass. Det deltog 36 barn i föreliggande studie och de förmågor som undersöktes var: fonologisk medvetenhet, ordavkodning, läsförståelse och bokstavskunskap. Resultatet visade att läsförståelse i första klass predicerade läsförståelse i andra klass. Signifikanta korrelationer mellan läsförståelse och ordavkodning samt fonologisk medvetenhet konstaterades i föreliggande studie. Ordavkodning och fonologisk medvetenhet förklarade 58 % av variansen av läsförståelse i årskurs två.  Testet Fonologisk bearbetning förklarade den största delen av variansen. Vid undersökning av tester som mäter fonologisk medvetenhet framkom det att testet för RAN visade ett signifikant samband med rimtestet men inte med testet Fonologisk bearbetning. Resultatet beror troligen på att testerna mäter olika delar av fonologisk förmåga. Slutsatsen är att läsförståelse vid årskurs ett predicerar läsförståelse i årskurs två samt att fonologisk bearbetning tycks vara en stark prediktor för läsförståelse i årskurs två. / Letter knowledge, word decoding and phonological awareness including RAN (rapid automatized naming) are known to predict early reading ability. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development of reading comprehension from first to second grade. Phonological awareness holds an important role in this study; different ways to measure this ability will be discussed.  In the study, 36 second graders participated and the following abilities were measured; phonological awareness, word decoding, reading comprehension and letter knowledge. Performances in first and second grade were compared. The results showed that reading comprehension in first grade predicts reading comprehension in second grade. Furthermore, significant correlations between reading comprehension, word decoding and phonological awareness were observed in second grade. Word decoding and phonological awareness together explains 58 % of the variance of reading comprehension in second grade. The test Phonological processing alone explains the biggest part of the variance in reading comprehension. The tests for phonological awareness show that RAN had a significant correlation with the rime test but not with the test Phonological processing. The correlation indicates that the tests measure different aspects of phonological skills. In conclusion reading comprehension in first grade predicts reading comprehension in second grade. Additionally, phonological processing seems to be a strong predictor for reading comprehension in second grade.

Mediální výchova jako prostředek rozvoje kritického hodnocení mediálních sdělení u žáků druhého stupně základních škol / Media education as a mean of development of lower secondary school student's critical assessment

Caltová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the influence of media education of the ability of students of the second grade of elementary schools to interpret media communication. The reader will be provided an insight into the issue of media and their influence on a person with a main focus on the students of the second grade of elementary school. The second part of this thesis present the concept of media education, it offers a proposal for a block of media education with assessment of the impal of teaching on the respektive competencies of the students. The effectiveness of the teaching will be assessed through research surveys designed as a qualitative comparison of students' testimonies after completing a media education course, using the group interview Focus group. The questions are focused on the critical analysis of media communication, whereas students' answers are compared with a control group that was not equally educated. KEYWORDS advertisement, influence, focus group, media, mass media, media education, second grade of elementary school

Výuka regionální geografie světového oceánu a polárních oblastí na 2. stupni ZŠ / Teaching regional geography of the world ocean and polar regions at the second grade of elementary school

BAČÁKOVÁ, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with teaching regional geography of the world ocean and polar regions. It focuses on creating my own conception of teaching geography at the second grade of elementary school. The thesis includes the didactic analysis of textbooks and workbooks of geography for second grade of elementary school, which contain the subject matter. For inspiration and to create notions about the current teaching of the topic, a questionnaire survey was made on a few selected elementary schools. The main goal of the thesis was to create my own teaching materials in the form of a textbook, a workbook and a methodical manual for teachers with regard to new tendencies in education.

Narrativ förmåga i återberättande hos elever med svag textförståelse i åk 2

Andersson Kronlid, Maja, Björklund, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund. Stor del av barns spontana kommunikation sker i form av berättande och genom att undersöka mikro- och makrostrukturer i återberättande kan olika aspekter av den språkliga förmågan kartläggas. Barn med svag textförståelse uppvisar svårigheter i många språkliga områden och en god kartläggning kan både ligga till grund för identifiering av de individer som behöver stöd samt vara vägledande i interventionsplanering. Syfte. I första delen av studien var syftet att undersöka mikro- och makrostrukturella skillnader i narrativt återberättande mellan elever med svag textförståelse och elever med god textförståelse. Syftet i andra delen av studien var att undersöka det narrativa återberättandet hos elever identifierade med svag narrativ kvalitet. Metod. I studiens första del analyserades återberättande från elever i åk 2 kvantitativt på mikro- och makrostrukturell nivå utifrån SALT, NSS och Informationsled. I studiens andra del utfördes en kvalitativ analys av elevernas återberättande utifrån samma mått. Resultat. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna kunde påvisas i studiens första del. Eleverna med svag textförståelse tenderade att ha en högre språklig produktivitet i sitt återberättande medan eleverna med god textförståelse tenderade att ha ett mer komplext återberättande. I studiens andra del var eleverna benägna att sammanfatta berättelsen och exkludera delar. Slutsatser. Elever med språkliga svårigheter är inte en homogen grupp. Interventionsinsatser måste således anpassas efter varje elevs behov. Resultaten från denna studie kan dock tyda på att även små interventionsinsatser i grupp skulle kunna utjämna eventuella skillnader i narrativt återberättande mellan elever med svag textförståelse och elever med god textförståelse. / Background. Much of children’s spontaneous communication is in the form of storytelling. By examining micro- and macrostructures in retelling, different aspects of linguistic ability can be mapped. Children with poor text comprehension show weakness in many linguistic areas and an appropriate analysis can serve as a basis for identifying individuals who need support, as well as guidance for intervention. Aim. The first part of this study investigates micro- and macrostructural differences in narrative retelling between students with and without poor text comprehension. The second part investigates narrative retelling by students identified with poor narrative quality. Methods. In the first part of the study, retellings from second grade students were analyzed at micro- and macrostructural levels. In the second part, a qualitative analysis of the retellings based on these levels was performed. Results. In part 1, no significant differences between the groups were observed. However, students with poor text comprehension tended to have a higher linguistic productivity in their retellings and students with good text comprehension had more complex structures. Part 2, it was found that the students with poor narrative quality tended to summarize the story and exclude parts. Conclusions. Students with language difficulties are not a homogeneous group. Hence, an intervention needs to be adapted to the needs of the student. Further, the results indicate that a short intervention has the potential to equalize possible differences in narrative retelling between students with and without poor text comprehension. / Tidig intensivsatsning i avkodning och läsförståelse

Когнитивно оптерећење ученика другог разред гимназије у настави физике / Kognitivno opterećenje učenika drugog razred gimnazije u nastavi fizike / Cognitive load of the second grade physics students at high school

Radulović Branka 09 February 2015 (has links)
<p>У&nbsp; раду&nbsp; је&nbsp; испитано&nbsp; когнитивно&nbsp; оптерећење&nbsp;ученика при различитим наставим методама које&nbsp;се&nbsp; најчешће&nbsp; примењују&nbsp; у&nbsp; настави&nbsp; физике&nbsp;(традиционални, мултимедијални метод и&nbsp; метод&nbsp;коришћења&nbsp; експеримента)&nbsp; и&nbsp; како&nbsp; когнитивно&nbsp;<br />оптерећење&nbsp; утиче на постигнуће ученика.&nbsp; Да би&nbsp;испитао тражени утицај, примењен је педагошки&nbsp;експеримент&nbsp; са&nbsp; паралелним&nbsp; групама.&nbsp; У&nbsp; овом&nbsp;истраживању је учествовало 187 ученика другог&nbsp;разреда гимназија природно-математичког смера&nbsp;(четири&nbsp; одељења&nbsp; гимназије&nbsp; &bdquo;Ј.Ј.Змај&ldquo;&nbsp; и&nbsp; два&nbsp;<br />одељења гимназије &bdquo;Исидора Секулић&ldquo;) у Новом&nbsp;Саду.&nbsp; Ученици&nbsp; су,&nbsp; на&nbsp; основу&nbsp; постигнућа&nbsp; на&nbsp;иницијалном&nbsp; тестирању,&nbsp; подељени&nbsp; у&nbsp; три&nbsp; групе.&nbsp;Једну&nbsp; групу,&nbsp; контролну,&nbsp; чинили&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; са&nbsp;којима&nbsp; је&nbsp; реализован&nbsp; традиционалан&nbsp; метод. Другу&nbsp; групу,&nbsp; експерименталну&nbsp; Е<sub>1</sub>,&nbsp; чинили&nbsp; су ученици&nbsp; са&nbsp; којима&nbsp; је&nbsp; реализован&nbsp; метод коришћења&nbsp; експеримента.&nbsp; Трећу&nbsp; групу, експерименталну&nbsp; Е<sub>2</sub>,&nbsp; чинили&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученици&nbsp; са којима је реализован мултимедијални метод.</p><p>Резултати&nbsp; су&nbsp; показали&nbsp; да&nbsp; су&nbsp; ученици&nbsp;експерименталних&nbsp; група&nbsp; постигли&nbsp; веће&nbsp;<br />постигнуће&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тесту&nbsp; него&nbsp; ученици&nbsp;контролне групе. Ученици Е<sub>1&nbsp;</sub>групе су остварили&nbsp;веће&nbsp; постигнуће&nbsp; на&nbsp; финалном&nbsp; тестирању&nbsp; него&nbsp;ученици Е<sub>2</sub> групе.&nbsp;</p><p>Ученици&nbsp; експерименталних&nbsp; група&nbsp; су&nbsp;перципирали&nbsp; мање&nbsp; когнитивно&nbsp; оптерећење&nbsp; него&nbsp;ученици&nbsp; контролне&nbsp; групе.&nbsp; Ученици&nbsp; Е<sub>1</sub>&nbsp; групе&nbsp; су&nbsp;перципирали&nbsp; мање&nbsp; когнитивно&nbsp; оптерећење&nbsp; него&nbsp;ученици Е<sub>2</sub> групе. &nbsp;</p><p>У&nbsp; ово&nbsp; истраживању&nbsp; је,&nbsp; такође,&nbsp; добијено&nbsp; да&nbsp; су&nbsp;ученици&nbsp; који&nbsp; су&nbsp; перципирали&nbsp; мање&nbsp; оптерећење&nbsp;одговорили тачно на питања финалног теста.&nbsp;</p><p>Графичким&nbsp; одређивањем&nbsp; ефикасности&nbsp; наставне методе,&nbsp; добијено&nbsp; је&nbsp; да&nbsp; је&nbsp; метод&nbsp; коришћења експеримента&nbsp; ефикаснији&nbsp; од&nbsp; друга&nbsp; два испитивана&nbsp; метода.&nbsp; Такође&nbsp; је&nbsp; добијено&nbsp; да&nbsp; је мултимедијални&nbsp; метод&nbsp; ефикаснији&nbsp; од традиционалног метода.</p><p>Резултати&nbsp; овог&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; су&nbsp; од&nbsp; значаја наставницима физике јер&nbsp; дају&nbsp; потпунији&nbsp; увид&nbsp; у ефикасност примењеног наставног метода, али и методици&nbsp; наставе&nbsp; физике&nbsp; јер&nbsp; даје&nbsp; објективну слику&nbsp; и&nbsp; смернице&nbsp; развоја &nbsp;средњошколског образовања са посебним акцентом на когнитивно оптерећење.</p> / <p>U&nbsp; radu&nbsp; je&nbsp; ispitano&nbsp; kognitivno&nbsp; opterećenje&nbsp;učenika pri različitim nastavim metodama koje&nbsp;se&nbsp; najčešće&nbsp; primenjuju&nbsp; u&nbsp; nastavi&nbsp; fizike&nbsp;(tradicionalni, multimedijalni metod i&nbsp; metod&nbsp;korišćenja&nbsp; eksperimenta)&nbsp; i&nbsp; kako&nbsp; kognitivno&nbsp;<br />opterećenje&nbsp; utiče na postignuće učenika.&nbsp; Da bi&nbsp;ispitao traženi uticaj, primenjen je pedagoški&nbsp;eksperiment&nbsp; sa&nbsp; paralelnim&nbsp; grupama.&nbsp; U&nbsp; ovom&nbsp;istraživanju je učestvovalo 187 učenika drugog&nbsp;razreda gimnazija prirodno-matematičkog smera&nbsp;(četiri&nbsp; odeljenja&nbsp; gimnazije&nbsp; &bdquo;J.J.Zmaj&ldquo;&nbsp; i&nbsp; dva&nbsp;<br />odeljenja gimnazije &bdquo;Isidora Sekulić&ldquo;) u Novom&nbsp;Sadu.&nbsp; Učenici&nbsp; su,&nbsp; na&nbsp; osnovu&nbsp; postignuća&nbsp; na&nbsp;inicijalnom&nbsp; testiranju,&nbsp; podeljeni&nbsp; u&nbsp; tri&nbsp; grupe.&nbsp;Jednu&nbsp; grupu,&nbsp; kontrolnu,&nbsp; činili&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; sa&nbsp;kojima&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovan&nbsp; tradicionalan&nbsp; metod. Drugu&nbsp; grupu,&nbsp; eksperimentalnu&nbsp; E<sub>1</sub>,&nbsp; činili&nbsp; su učenici&nbsp; sa&nbsp; kojima&nbsp; je&nbsp; realizovan&nbsp; metod korišćenja&nbsp; eksperimenta.&nbsp; Treću&nbsp; grupu, eksperimentalnu&nbsp; E<sub>2</sub>,&nbsp; činili&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenici&nbsp; sa kojima je realizovan multimedijalni metod.</p><p>Rezultati&nbsp; su&nbsp; pokazali&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; učenici&nbsp;eksperimentalnih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; postigli&nbsp; veće&nbsp;<br />postignuće&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testu&nbsp; nego&nbsp; učenici&nbsp;kontrolne grupe. Učenici E<sub>1&nbsp;</sub>grupe su ostvarili&nbsp;veće&nbsp; postignuće&nbsp; na&nbsp; finalnom&nbsp; testiranju&nbsp; nego&nbsp;učenici E<sub>2</sub> grupe.&nbsp;</p><p>Učenici&nbsp; eksperimentalnih&nbsp; grupa&nbsp; su&nbsp;percipirali&nbsp; manje&nbsp; kognitivno&nbsp; opterećenje&nbsp; nego&nbsp;učenici&nbsp; kontrolne&nbsp; grupe.&nbsp; Učenici&nbsp; E<sub>1</sub>&nbsp; grupe&nbsp; su&nbsp;percipirali&nbsp; manje&nbsp; kognitivno&nbsp; opterećenje&nbsp; nego&nbsp;učenici E<sub>2</sub> grupe. &nbsp;</p><p>U&nbsp; ovo&nbsp; istraživanju&nbsp; je,&nbsp; takođe,&nbsp; dobijeno&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp;učenici&nbsp; koji&nbsp; su&nbsp; percipirali&nbsp; manje&nbsp; opterećenje&nbsp;odgovorili tačno na pitanja finalnog testa.&nbsp;</p><p>Grafičkim&nbsp; određivanjem&nbsp; efikasnosti&nbsp; nastavne metode,&nbsp; dobijeno&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; je&nbsp; metod&nbsp; korišćenja eksperimenta&nbsp; efikasniji&nbsp; od&nbsp; druga&nbsp; dva ispitivana&nbsp; metoda.&nbsp; Takođe&nbsp; je&nbsp; dobijeno&nbsp; da&nbsp; je multimedijalni&nbsp; metod&nbsp; efikasniji&nbsp; od tradicionalnog metoda.</p><p>Rezultati&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; od&nbsp; značaja nastavnicima fizike jer&nbsp; daju&nbsp; potpuniji&nbsp; uvid&nbsp; u efikasnost primenjenog nastavnog metoda, ali i metodici&nbsp; nastave&nbsp; fizike&nbsp; jer&nbsp; daje&nbsp; objektivnu sliku&nbsp; i&nbsp; smernice&nbsp; razvoja &nbsp;srednjoškolskog obrazovanja sa posebnim akcentom na kognitivno opterećenje.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; paper&nbsp; examines&nbsp; the&nbsp; cognitive&nbsp; load&nbsp; of&nbsp;students&nbsp; at&nbsp; different&nbsp; methods&nbsp; continue&nbsp; to&nbsp; be&nbsp;commonly&nbsp; used&nbsp; in&nbsp; physics&nbsp; (traditional,&nbsp;multimedia method and the method of using the&nbsp;experiment),&nbsp; and&nbsp; how&nbsp; cognitive&nbsp; load&nbsp; affects&nbsp;student achievement.&nbsp; To investigate the desired&nbsp;effect,&nbsp; applied&nbsp; a&nbsp; pedagogical&nbsp; experiment&nbsp; with&nbsp;parallel groups. This study included 187 second&nbsp;grade&nbsp; students&nbsp; in&nbsp; high&nbsp; school&nbsp; sciences&nbsp; and&nbsp;mathematics course (four classes&nbsp; of high school&nbsp;&quot;J.J.Zmaj&quot;&nbsp; and&nbsp; two&nbsp; classes&nbsp; of&nbsp; high&nbsp; school,&nbsp;&quot;Isidora Sekulic&quot;) in Novi Sad. Students, based&nbsp;on the achievement of the initial testing, divided&nbsp;into&nbsp; three&nbsp; groups.&nbsp; One&nbsp; group,&nbsp; the&nbsp; control, consisted of students with whom he realized the traditional&nbsp; method.&nbsp; The&nbsp; second&nbsp; group,&nbsp; the experimental E<sub>1</sub>, made&nbsp; the students with whom he realized the method of using the experiment. The third group, the experimental E2, consisted of students with &nbsp;whom implemented multimedia method.</p><p>The&nbsp; results&nbsp; showed&nbsp; that&nbsp; the&nbsp; students&nbsp; of&nbsp; the experimental&nbsp; group&nbsp; achieved&nbsp; higher achievement&nbsp; on&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test&nbsp; than&nbsp; students&nbsp; of the&nbsp; control&nbsp; group.&nbsp; Students&nbsp; E<sub>1&nbsp;</sub>group&nbsp; have achieved&nbsp; major&nbsp; achievement&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; final&nbsp; test than students E<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>group.</p><p>Students&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; experimental&nbsp; groups&nbsp; were&nbsp;perceived&nbsp; less&nbsp; cognitive&nbsp; load&nbsp; than&nbsp; the&nbsp; control&nbsp;group&nbsp; students.&nbsp; Students&nbsp; E<sub>1&nbsp;</sub>groups&nbsp; are&nbsp;perceived&nbsp; less&nbsp; cognitive&nbsp; load&nbsp; than&nbsp; students&nbsp; E<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>group.</p><p>In&nbsp; this&nbsp; study,&nbsp; also&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; that&nbsp; students&nbsp; who perceive&nbsp; less&nbsp; load&nbsp; answer&nbsp; correctly&nbsp; questions the final test.</p><p>Graphing the determination of the efficiency of&nbsp;the teaching methods, it is obtained by a method&nbsp;more&nbsp; efficient&nbsp; than&nbsp; the&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; experiments&nbsp;examined&nbsp; the&nbsp; other&nbsp; two&nbsp; methods.&nbsp; It&nbsp; is&nbsp; also&nbsp;obtained that the method of multimedia efficient&nbsp;than the raditional method.</p><p>The results of this study are important because&nbsp;they&nbsp; give&nbsp; physics&nbsp; teachers&nbsp; a&nbsp; better&nbsp; insight&nbsp; into&nbsp;the&nbsp; effectiveness&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; applied&nbsp; teaching&nbsp;methods, but also the methodology of teaching&nbsp;physics because it provides an objective picture&nbsp;and&nbsp; guidelines&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; development&nbsp; of&nbsp;secondary&nbsp; education&nbsp; with&nbsp; an&nbsp; emphasis&nbsp; on&nbsp;cognitive load.</p>

The Effect of a Canine-Assisted Reading Intervention on Second Grade Students' Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Performance and Attitude Toward Reading

Prater, Amanda N. 28 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence Of Virtual Manipulatives On Second Grader's Acquisition Of Place Value Concepts

Jolicoeur, Kay 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine my own practice of teaching place value and the influence virtual manipulatives had, in addition to physical manipulatives, on place value understanding of my second grade students. I wanted to see how adding a base-ten computer applet might better meet the needs of all learners while also meeting the needs of today’s technological classroom. Through this study, I found that both physical and virtual manipulatives helped students acquire place value concepts. I found that virtual manipulatives had features that engaged students in a way that increased their mathematical language, increased students’ ability to represent more conceptual understanding of composing and decomposing numbers, and express enthusiasm towards mathematics. A pretest and posttest revealed that students’ academic performance increased. While research on virtual manipulatives and mathematical achievement is fairly recent, this study offers insight to other classroom teachers and the research community.

The Apparent Relationship between Classroom Behavior Problems and the Emotional Stability of Twenty-Five Second Grade Children in the Sam Houston Elementary School, Denton, Texas

Crain, Ruth Seat 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine the apparent relationship between classroom behavior problems and the emotional stability of twenty-five pupils in the second grade of the Sam Houston Elementary School, Denton, Texas.

Comparison of a Traditional and an Integrated Program of Instruction in an Elementary School

Elder, Franklin L. 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine if elementary school children progress faster in academic or tool subjects when taught through interest units in an integrated curriculum or when taught the separate subjects by a traditional method. Reading, spelling, and handwriting are used as illustrative subjects in the sixth grade with reading only in the second grade.

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