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Koncertinė veikla - muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinę kultūrą ugdantis veiksnys / Performing activity – musical culture training factor of primary class in music schoolMiliuvienė, Jolana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Pradinis muzikinis ugdymas yra ypatingos reikšmės vaiko muzikinės kultūros formavimo etapas. Muzika labai glaudžiai siejasi su emocijomis, kurios užima aktualią vietą jaunesniajame mokykliniame amžiuje. Svarbu nepervertinti pradinuk�� galimybių, atsižvelgti į jų ugdymo ypatumus, smalsumą ir žingeidumą, patenkinti šiuos poreikius, įtraukiant vaikus į muzikinę veiklą. Veikla gali būti įvairi. Muzikos mokykloje vaikams aktuali yra koncertinė veikla, kuri padeda tobulėti, leidžia save išreikšti, labiau pažinti muzikos kalbą ir yra vienas muzikinės kultūros ugdymo veiksnių. Deja, ne visi vaikai turi galimybę save išreikšti koncertinėje veikloje, nes dažniausiai koncertams ruo��iami gabesnieji, o mažiau gabiems lieka tik muzikavimas klasėje. Taip pat trūksta ir koncertų jaunesnių klasių vaikams, kad atitiktų jų amžiaus tarpsnį ir paskatintų dažniau juose lankytis. Pasinaudojant vaikų aktyviu domėjimusi aplinka, jų emocionalumu, būtina mokymo procesą daugiau organizuoti per veiklą, įtraukiant į ją ne tik labai gabius bet ir silpnesnių muzikinių gabumų vaikus bei skatinti dažniau lankytis koncertuose – tai aktuali pedagoginė problema.
Tyrimo tikslas. Ištirti koncertinės veiklos įtaką muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių muzikinės kultūros ugdymui.
Tyrimo objektas. Muzikos mokyklos pradinių klasių mokinių koncertinės veiklos poveikis jų muzikinės kultūros ugdymui.
Tyrimo hipotezė – mokinių koncertinė veikla teigiamai veikia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Primary musical training is the exclusive stage in forming the child,s musical culture. Music is very closely related with emotions which are very important in the junior school years. It is important not to overestimate young learners possibilities taking into consideration the training peculiarities, curiosity, to satisfy these needs, involving children to musical activity. This activity can be various. Prforming activity is very important to children in the music school which helps them to improve, gives opportunities for self-exprssion, to know better the music language and it is one of musical culture training factor. Unfortunately, not all the children has a possibility of self-axpression in the performing activity because usually more gifted pupils are prepared to take part in concerts suitable for their age and inducing to take part in them as well. It is necessary to organize the learning process through the activity involving to it not only very gifted pupils, but less gifted to music pupils as well, and to induce them to attend concerts more often. It is very urgent pedagogical problem.
The research aim is to investigate the influence of performing activity to musical culture training of primary class pupils in music school.
The research objekt is performing activity of primary class pupils in music school.
The research hypothesis – pupils performing activity has a positive effect on children,s musical culture training, induces them to attend cultural events... [to full text]
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Žurnalistinio tyrimo ribos asmens teisės į privatų gyvenimą kontekste / The boundaries of journalistic investigation in the context of a person's private lifeČekanauskaitė, Loreta 14 June 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra nustatyti, kokiais atvejais ir kokiu būdu žiniasklaida atlikdama žurnalistinį tyrimą peržengia jai nustatytas ribas privataus asmens gyvenimo kontekste. Kyla tikslas rasti ribą tarp žodžio laisvės ir kitos konstitucinės žmogaus teisės - teisės į privatų gyvenimą. Todėl šiame darbe svarbu suprasti ne tik žurnalistinio tyrimo ir žiniasklaidos laisvės ribas, bet ir kylančią atsakomybę už šių ribų peržengimą. Pasirinktam tyrimui atlikti naudojami aprašomasis, lyginamasis bei analitinis metodas. Ieškoma nagrinėjamos problemos priežasčių, siekiama atskleisti teisinio reguliavimo trūkumus bei teikiami siūlymai dėl žiniasklaidos priemonių teisinio reguliavimo ir pažeistų asmens teisių į privatų gyvenimą gynimo gerinimo. Magistrinio darbas yra sudarytas iš keturių pagrindinių dalių.
Pirmiausia yra pristatoma visuomenės informavimo teisės kaip naujos besiformuojančios teisės šakos samprata, jos teisės dalykas, sistema ir metodai, aptariami bendrieji teisės principai taikytini visuomenės informavimo priemonėms, analizuojami jos reguliuojami teisiniai santykiai, nacionaliniai ir tarptautiniai šios teisės šaltiniai.
Antroje dalyje pristatoma žurnalisto kaip teisės subjekto samprata, aptariami bendrieji žurnalisto etikos principai, žurnalistiniam tyrimui keliami reikalavimai, teisinio reguliavimo trūkumai ir šiandieninė problematika.
Trečioji dalis yra skirta išaiškinti teisės turėti įsitikinimus ir juos laisvai reikšti sampratą, šios teisės teisinį ribojimą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY
The goal of this work „The boundaries of journalistic investigation in the context of a person's private life" is to determine in what situations and by what methods the public media, when performing journalistic research, crosses the boundaries of an individual in the context of private life. It becomes necessary to find the boundary between free speech and other personal rights mandated by the Constitution – rights to a private life. Thus, not only is it important to understand the limits of media’s freedom, but also the increasing liability for crossing those limits. Characterizing, comparative, and analytical methods were used for the chosen research topic. The paper will attempt to find the reasons behind the chosen inquiry, defend the shortcomings of the legal regulations, and it will provide recommendations for tools to regulate the media and protect the right to a private life. This paper is made up of four main parts.
The first section introduces the interpretation of a new developing law of civic broadcasting, its lawful base, organization and methods. It also discusses general law that is relevant to mass media and analyzes regulatory and legal statutes and national and international origins of this law.
The second section of the paper presents journalists as being subject to law and discusses general ethical principles of journalism, the requirements for journalistic investigation, the limitations of regulatory law and present-day problems.
The third... [to full text]
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Valstybės suteikiamos teisės ir garantijos bausmę atliekančių asmenų atžvilgiu Lukiškių tardymo izoliatoriuje – kalėjime / The guarantees of rights and punishment of persons in respect of state in Lukiskes Remand PrisonAsteikaitė, Kristina 31 July 2012 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos piliečiams suteikta teisė naudotis visomis Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijoje, įstatymuose ir tarptautiniuose teisės aktuose įtvirtintomis teisėmis, nepažeidžiant kitų asmenų teisių ir laisvių. Šių teisės aktų pagrindu reglamentuojamos pagrindinės žmogaus gyvenimo sferos. Juose taip pat numatytos ir pareigos, kurias privaloma vykdyti. Kadangi minėtos teisės ir laisvės yra saugomos valstybės, be juridinio fakto asmuo jų netekti negali. Taip pat be teisėtos priežasties, negalima atsisakyti vykdyti ir numatytų įpareigojimų, nes jų vykdymas užtikrinamas valstybės prievarta.
Nuteistųjų teisinės padėties institutas turi didelę tiek socialinę, tiek ir teisinę reikšmę. Detaliai reglamentuodama nuteistųjų teisinę padėtį, valstybė ir jos institucijos bei pareigūnai įgyvendina vieną svarbiausių – teisėtumo – principą, kuris reiškia ne tiktai, kad nuteistųjų teisių ir laisvių ribojimus bei specialias pareigas nustatyti gali tik Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai, bet tuo pačiu numato ir bausmes vykdančių institucijų veiklos ir sprendimų teisėtumo priežiūrą bei šių institucijų atsakomybę. Nuteistųjų teisinė padėtis reglamentuojama ne vien nacionaliniu, bet ir tarptautiniu lygmeniu. Tarptautinė teisė skiria nemažai dėmesio vienodam reglamentavimui visose šalyse.
Apie nuteistuosius kalbama ne tik specifiniuose teisės aktuose, reglamentuojančiuose laisvės atėmimo bausmės atlikimą, teisėtus veiksmus su nuteistaisiais, bet ir bendrojo pobūdžio aktuose, pavyzdžiui, Europos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Convicts Legal Status of the Institute and has a great social as well as reason of. Regulating in detail the legal position of prisoners, the state and its officials institution and implement one of the most important - legitimacy - the principle, which means not only that prisoners' rights and freedoms, restrictions and specific duties can only be determined by law of the Republic of Lithuania, but also provides for penalties of institutions and activities and legality of the decisions of these authorities and responsibilities. Convicts legal status governed not only nationally but also internationally. International law devotes considerable attention to the uniform regulation of all countries.
The main aim - to reveal the state guarantees the rights and prisoners during the execution of the punishment which constitute the basis of their legal status, given the social and material security, to discuss the condemnation against the amendment applies to instruments. Results of a study focused on the imprisonment of convicts legal situation on the ground that the sentence not related to restriction of liberty, his legal situation does not change significantly.
A review of prisoners' rights and responsibilities, based on various means of printed publications, exploration of key execution issues involving condemnation situation.
The object - State law and the guarantees provided by convicted Lukiškės Remand Prison.
The aim - to reveal the state guarantees the rights and prisoners... [to full text]
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Exploring adolescents' perceptions of risky behaviour using the mobile phone / N. Gois De Gouveia.De Gouveia, Natalie Gois January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine adolescent perceptions of risky behaviour using a mobile phone. This research may contribute to creating an awareness of risky and healthy adolescent uses of mobile phones. Anonymous sketches were collected from Grade 10 learners depicting their understanding of risky behaviour using the mobile phone. Thereafter, 12 learners agreed, through informed consent, to participate in semi-structured interviews.
All participants considered the mobile phone an integral part of their social lives. Participants noted the benefits of using their mobile phones for their school work, such as searching the internet, taking photos of, and recordings of class work. Participants indicated that engaging in activities that allow for self-expression using the mobile phone, as well as knowing how much information to post, and using the mobile phone for what it was intended for (i.e. communication), was healthy behaviour. Participants indicated that sharing one’s address, phone number, and personal or intimate photographs and videos was risky behaviour. Participants did not extend their definitions of healthy behaviour to include moderate use of the mobile phone on a daily basis, and in fact reported spending an average of 4-5 hours daily on their mobile phones.
Participants indicated numerous incidents of cyberbullying (although that term was not explicitly used), such as online racism, creating and distributing demeaning lists, and nude or offensive photographs of one another. Participants’ moral boundaries appeared to be negotiable, due to inconsistent opinions on what was considered acceptable or unacceptable behaviour on their mobile phones.
Participants revealed a desire to be trusted with their mobile phones, yet indicated that they hid information from their parents. Findings show that, although the participants knew and understood the risks that exist in mobile interactions, they continued to engage in these risky behaviours. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Exploring adolescents' perceptions of risky behaviour using the mobile phone / N. Gois De Gouveia.De Gouveia, Natalie Gois January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine adolescent perceptions of risky behaviour using a mobile phone. This research may contribute to creating an awareness of risky and healthy adolescent uses of mobile phones. Anonymous sketches were collected from Grade 10 learners depicting their understanding of risky behaviour using the mobile phone. Thereafter, 12 learners agreed, through informed consent, to participate in semi-structured interviews.
All participants considered the mobile phone an integral part of their social lives. Participants noted the benefits of using their mobile phones for their school work, such as searching the internet, taking photos of, and recordings of class work. Participants indicated that engaging in activities that allow for self-expression using the mobile phone, as well as knowing how much information to post, and using the mobile phone for what it was intended for (i.e. communication), was healthy behaviour. Participants indicated that sharing one’s address, phone number, and personal or intimate photographs and videos was risky behaviour. Participants did not extend their definitions of healthy behaviour to include moderate use of the mobile phone on a daily basis, and in fact reported spending an average of 4-5 hours daily on their mobile phones.
Participants indicated numerous incidents of cyberbullying (although that term was not explicitly used), such as online racism, creating and distributing demeaning lists, and nude or offensive photographs of one another. Participants’ moral boundaries appeared to be negotiable, due to inconsistent opinions on what was considered acceptable or unacceptable behaviour on their mobile phones.
Participants revealed a desire to be trusted with their mobile phones, yet indicated that they hid information from their parents. Findings show that, although the participants knew and understood the risks that exist in mobile interactions, they continued to engage in these risky behaviours. / Thesis (MA (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Literární dílo jako metoda zkoumání neverbální a hlasové komunikace / The literary work as a method of researching nonverbal and vocal communicationHájek, Matěj January 2018 (has links)
In my thesis, I will be pondering on the resources of non- verbal material as well as on the methodology of research concerning this topic. The thesis will illustrate the problematics of authentic non-verbal communication derived from scientific publications written by chosen authorities. In the second part, I will introduce the theoretical basis in which I will clarify the reasons why even artistic literature can be considered a valuable tool of research and I will demostrate the effect on chosen extracts with references to the terminology introduced in the first part of my thesis. In this part, I will point out the contribution of artistic literature to the scientific research as well as its possible typology. Key words non-verbal communication, systematization of means, verbalization, interpretation, exposition, discourse, pseudo- reality
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How vital is the voice? The use of vocal activities in group music therapy with institutionalised individuals with Cerebral Palsy in providing opportunities for self-expression and social interactionCumming, Marie-Victoire 29 October 2012 (has links)
This research study explores how the use of a selection of vocal activities in group music therapy may provide institutionalised individuals with CP opportunities for self-expression and social interaction. In addition, the manner in which self-expression is related to social interaction, in this context, is investigated. The study falls into the interpretive paradigm and uses a qualitative approach. A case study design is utilised. A total of eight sessions were conducted over a period of eight weeks, with a group comprising five individuals with CP, ranging from 9-17 years of age. Each individual presented with communication and cognitive impairments, resulting in an inability to verbally communicate. The study makes use of two sources of naturally-occurring data, including four selected video excerpts and in-depth clinical session notes. Coding, categorising and theme identification are utilised in the analysis of the video excerpts and corresponding session notes. My role as music therapy intern in facilitating the vocal activities was key to this process, in terms of providing the individuals with opportunities for self-expression and social interaction. My role in facilitating the vocal activities contributed towards the development of a therapeutic relationship with myself and the group members, which in turn, created the capacity for the ability to socially interact with one another in the group, paralleled with certain stages of relating as theorised within Object Relations Theory. Through my engagement with the group members and because of the existing therapeutic relationship between us, a capacity was created for the individuals to interact and engage with others, enhanced by my role in providing, holding and containing the individuals in order for them to feel safe and confident to interact with others in the group. Copyright / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Music / unrestricted
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Editorial: SelbstdarstellungVollbrecht, Ralf, Dallmann, Christine 30 August 2018 (has links)
Aspekte der Selbstdarstellung im öffentlichen Raum werden angesichts der Bedeutungszunahme und Allgegenwart von Smartphones insbesondere im Kontext von Selfies diskutiert. Wie Menschen sich bzw. Aspekte ihrer Identität nach außen darstellen, ist jedoch auch in anderen Zeichensystem codiert. Insbesondere Kleidung und Mode spielen dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Die vorliegende Ausgabe von Medienwelten thematisiert zwei auffällige Phänomene im Kontext heutiger Selbstdarstellungspraxen im öffentlichen Raum.
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Making it personal in critical games to affect reflection and have a two-way dialogueDimitrova, Raya January 2018 (has links)
This thesis project explores the capacity of digital critical games when it comes to conveying socially relevant messages and making the player reflect on the real life outside of the game, with a specific interest in self-reflection. Starting with critical analyses of the vast field of existing online socially critical games, this research exploration continues with an empirical evaluation of selected few samples of such games by recruiting people to playtest them, followed by interviews. Identifying design qualities and openings based on the findings, a prototype is then implemented and iterated based on playtesting with more participants, again followed by interviews. The sought out novel aspects of online critical games, that are explored via the prototype, are: 1. Making the critical game experience personal by incorporating real life information from the player’s own life. Seeking in this way to ensure the flow outside of the magic circle and into the real life, this also aimed at supporting a stronger impact of the message conveyed by communicating it on the player’s “own ground”, i.e. in the terms of their own real life and personal feelings.2. Allowing a space for the player to express disagreeing with the message coming from the game and giving them the possibility to enrich it collectively by sharing through the game what their own view on the matter is. This was an attempt for exploration in the direction of supporting a two-way dialogue between the game designer and the player in the sense of giving the player a voice and a stronger agency both in the game and in the message conveyed.So these two: 1. self reflection via making it personal and 2. self expression via allowing space for a two-way dialogue, were the two main topics incorporated in the artifact that came out of this research. Consequently the contribution of this thesis are the reflections from trying to incorporate such critical game’s qualities and the analyses of it, along with all the other factors that came out from the earlier investigation and evaluation of similar games concerning what exactly makes people reflect on real life and think outside of the magic circle while playing a critical game.
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Medienwelten - Zeitschrift für Medienpädagogik30 August 2018 (has links)
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