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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių stereotipinių vertinimų ypatumai kitataučių atžvilgiu / PECULIARITIES OF ADOLESCENTS’ STEREOTYPICAL EVALUATION TO FOREIGN-BORNS

Tarailienė, Rita 03 September 2010 (has links)
Kiekvienas žmogus save tapatina su tam tikra grupe (socialine, etnine, konfesine). Sava grupė suvokiama priešpriešinant ją kitai, svetimai grupei. Suvokimą supaprastina bendražmogiškas pasaulio pažinimo būdas: suvokiami objektai kategorizuojami ir kiekvienai kategorijai priskiriami tam tikri stereotipiniai įsitikinimai. Sava etninė grupė suvokiama lyginant savo tautą su kitų tautų apibendrintais vaizdiniais – etniniais stereotipais. Priklausymas tam tikrai grupei ypač svarbus paauglystės laikotarpiu, kas įtakoja savęs ir kitų vertinimą. Lietuvai tapus ES nare ir atsivėrus sienoms vis dažniau susiduriama su kitų tautų atstovais, kyla įvairių incidentų dėl stereotipinių kitataučių bei pačių lietuvių vertinimo. Tyrimo objektas. Paauglių stereotipinių vertinimų ypatumai kitataučių atžvilgiu. Tyrimo tikslas. Atskleisti paauglių stereotipinio vertinimo ypatumus kitataučių atžvilgiu. Tyrimo metodika. Norint išsiaiškinti paauglių stereotipinio vertinimo ypatumus kitataučių atžvilgiu, buvo atliktas kiekybinis tyrimas, kuris vyko keturiose Panevėžio rajono vidurinėse mokyklose. Iš viso dalyvavo 250 paauglių, besimokančių 6-oje ir 12-oje klasėse. Tyrimo tikslui pasiekti bei hipotezei patvirtinti / paneigti naudojama anketinė apklausa, literatūros šaltinių analizė. Etniniai stereotipai mokslinėje literatūroje dažnai apibrėžiami kaip neadekvatūs realybei, perdėti apibendrinimai apie tam tikrų grupių narių elgesį ir kitus bruožus. ... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Each person identifies himself with a group (social, ethnic, confessional). Own group is realised by contraposition of the othe group, the forin one. The perception of universal knowledge of the world easier way: perceived objects are categorized and each category includes a number of stereotypical beliefs. Due to their ethnic group is perceived in relation to their own people to other people's aggregated images - ethnic stereotypes. Belonging to a certain group is particularly important during adolescence, which affects self and other assessments. Because of Lithuania joined the EU and the opening of borders is increasingly the case with other nations, there were some incidents on the stereotype of an international character Lithuanian own assessment. Investigation object. Teen stereotypical characteristics of assessments in respect of an international character. Objectives. To reveal the characteristics of adolescent stereotyped assessment in respect of an international character. Ivestigation methods. In order to clarify the assessment of adolescent stereotyped features of an international character, there was a quantitative survey, which took place in four secondary schools in the district of Panevezys. A total of 250 adolescents studying in the 6th and 12th grades participated in survey. The study purpose and hypothesis approve / deny use of a questionnaire survey, literature analysis. Ethnic stereotypes in the scientific literature are often defined as... [to full text]

Självförtroende och självkänsla : Hur pedagoger stärker elevernas självförtroende och självkänsla / Self-confidence and self-esteem : The educators' way to increase students self-confidence and self-esteem

Karlsson, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this essay is to explore how teachers and leisure educators can strengthen and increase students’ self-confidence in different ways in their line of work. I chose this inquest for personal reasons and also because it will be of great aid for me since this is what I intend my future profession to be. For this inquest I have chosen to do five qualitative interviews and two unstructured observations. The inquest was also based on relevant literature connected to its purpose. The results show that self-confidence is linked to something the individuals accomplish and that self-esteem is the way they see themselves, an inner feeling. Self-confidence is something that grows by achieved performances and developing your own knowledge while the self-esteem is strengthened by confirmation through other individuals and faith in one’s self. As the individual evolves so does the self-image he or she may have of themselves. Self-esteem and self-confidence will vary depending on the response the individual gets from others. Family and friends are the key factors that determine whether self-esteem and self-confidences goes up or down. The results also show that the teacher, schoolmates and the school environment have a great impact on self-confidence and self-esteem. The subjects I interviewed press on the importance of a safe environment consisting of good friends and peers who accept faults and imperfections in one and other. The students ought to be able to feel encouraged, supported and guided in order to evolve their self-confidence and self-esteem. The answers during the interviews show that public speaking was used to empower the students’ self-confidence and self-esteem and create a secure place for the students to grow.   Key words: ability, self-confidence, self-esteem, evolvement / Sammanfattning Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur lärare och fritidspedagoger kan arbeta för att stärka eller förstärka elevers självförtroende och självkänsla. Valet av undersökningen ligger i det personliga intresset samt att få en inblick i hur min framtida yrkesroll kan utvecklas. Metoden jag använt mig av för detta är fem stycken kvalitativa intervjuer samt två ostrukturerade observationer. Undersökningen har även belysts utifrån relevant litteratur kopplat till mitt syfte. Det resultat som framkommit visar att självförtroende är kopplat till något individen gör, medan självkänsla är individens syn på sig själv, en inre känsla. Självförtroendet växer genom överkomna prestationer och kunskapsutveckling, självkänslan stärks istället genom andras bekräftande och genom den egna tilltron på sig själv. Under tiden individen utvecklas förändras även självbilden, där både självförtroende och självkänsla skiftar upp och ner beroende på gensvar utifrån. Här är den inre kretsens, vänner och familj, uppfattning om individen den avgörande faktorn för i vilket håll självförtroende och självkänsla tar vägen. Resultatet visar även att läraren, klassen och skolmiljön är en viktig del i stärkandet av självförtroende och självkänsla. De intervjuade förespråkar en trygg klass eller grupp där eleverna ska känna sig säkra och veta att det är tillåtet att göra fel och att våga göra fel. Eleverna ska även få uppleva stöd, uppmuntring, peppning och handledning för att utveckla sitt självförtroende och sin självkänsla. De intervjuade använde sig av muntligt framträdande för att uppnå känslan av trygghet och på så vis stärka elevernas självförtroende och självkänsla. Nyckelord: förmåga, självförtroende, självkänsla, utveckling

The psychology of the closet : divestment practices, self-esteem and body image

Crecelius, Kayla Marie 04 May 2013 (has links)
The primary purpose of this research was to examine the theory of divestment, or the act of discarding clothes that no longer fit the current body, by investigating the relationships between divestment practices and psychological factors (body image and self-esteem). The secondary purpose was to examine divestment practices among different demographic groups (age and gender). A combination of previously created measures was used to measure divestment practices (Bye & McKinney, 2007), self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1965), and body image (Cash & Pruzinsky, 1990). Demographic characteristics were determined using basic questions regarding those traits. The results of the study indicated that the strongest predictors of divestment were being younger (β=.129, p=.004), subjective weight (β=.171, p=.002), and body areas satisfaction (β=-173., p=.015). Gender (β=.081, p=.062), though not significant in the current model, was approaching significance, with females being more predictive of divestment than males. / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

An exploration of the construct validity of self-compassion

Jones, Claire Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Self-compassion is receiving increasing interest from psychologists and researchers due to its potential role in wellbeing and mental health however, self-compassion as a unique construct has not been validated. This research utilised pilot studies in order to develop an operational definition of self-compassion, separate from other similar constructs. A multi-trait multi- method approach to construct validation was utilised to assess self-compassion‟s discriminant and convergent validity in relation to the constructs of self-esteem and compassion for others in a community sample of 307. Self-compassion was then evaluated for its role in mental health and wellbeing when assessed against the two comparison constructs. Results demonstrated discriminant validity to both comparison constructs but convergent validity only in regards to self-esteem, providing partial support for the construct validity of self- compassion. As hypothesised support was found for self-compassion as a unique predictor in regards to wellbeing, but its role could not be determined for mental health. The results are discussed in terms self-compassion‟s functional relationships with comparison constructs and therapeutic utility. Recommendations for the direction of future research are discussed.

A study of self-esteem of Black males in inner city housing in Metro Atlanta

Ohuoba, Christian C. 01 May 1993 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to identify the common characteristics that are present in the development of self—esteem among black males and to better understand the factors associated with their self-esteem. To attend to this objective the following variables were considered: self-esteem, family structure, peer group association, and personal areas of their lives. Consequently the following hypotheses were tested: 1.There is no statistical significant difference between children who live in public housing and children in non-public housing with reference to their self-esteem. 2. There is no statistical significant difference between children in non-public housing with reference to their peer group relationship. 3. There is no statistical significant difference between children who live in public housing and children in non-public housing with reference to their family support. The results of the t-Test analysis indicated that there is no statistical significant difference between the children living in public housing and the children living in non-public housing for all the three hypotheses tested. Contrary to the previous findings which indicated low self-esteem among Black males in public housing, the result of this study indicated higher levels of self-esteem among Black males living in public housing. The reason for this may be attributed to the interventive program sponsored by Clark Atlanta School of Social Work which provides innovative exercises, workshops, group discussions, games, and fields trips to the Black males that participates in this study.

Individens relation till Facebook : kopplat till kön, självkänsla och extraversion

Lasic, Ena, Löf, Ellinor January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i engagemanget till Facebook beroende på graden av extraversion, självkänsla, ålder och kön. Självkänsla handlar om hur man uppskattar sitt eget värde och kompetens. Extroverta individer trivs i sociala sammanhang och söker konstant efter bekräftelse, vilket är deras drivande kraft. Facebook är den mest populära sociala median tillgänglig idag. En hypotes för studien var att kvinnor hade större engagemang till Facebook än män. Deltagarna var 150 studenter varav 56 män. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med en enkät som bestod av fyra delar för att mäta Facebookengagemang, hur aktiv man är i andras aktiviteter på Facebook, självkänsla och extraversion. Resultatet visade att det fanns ett negativt samband mellan Facebookengagemang och självkänsla. Kvinnor hade ett större engagemang till Facebook än män. Ett bredare urval hade varit till studiens fördel. Flera hypoteser bekräftades av undersökningen. Framtida forskning kan fokusera på sociala jämförelser på Facebook.

Self-perception of Smile Aesthetics and Self-esteem

Scarborough, Larry 03 June 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Self-perception of smile aesthetics has been suggested as the most common reason for seeking orthodontic treatment. A recent study concluded that an improvement of dental attractiveness at the end of orthodontic treatment had positive effects on self-esteem. The purpose of this study was to determine if a relationship exists between one’s self-perceived smile aesthetics and their self-esteem. Methods: A survey was conducted where each subject completed an evaluation of their smile aesthetics and a Rosenberg Self-esteem Test (RST). A smiling photograph of each subject was evaluated by dental professionals for dental aesthetics and straightness. Results: Female students rated their teeth straighter than males (mean = 78.5, p value < .0001). Self-esteem varied by race (p = 0.0017). African Americans had the highest self-esteem. There was a significant relationship between a subject’s satisfaction with their smile and their self-esteem (r = .30, p < .0001), but not with their self rating of their smile straightness (r = 0.11, p = 0.0528). Conclusions: Subjects with straight teeth perceived their smile as more aesthetic. Subjects that perceived themselves as having a more aesthetic smile had a higher self-esteem. Subjects that had orthodontic treatment in the past perceived their teeth were straighter and their smile was more aesthetic. There was no relationship between previous orthodontic therapy and self-esteem. Perception of smile aesthetics may be a more important aspect and a better predictor of self-esteem than a subject’s actual smile aesthetics.

Models of Forgiveness and Adult Romantic Attachment in Ended Relationships: Forgiveness Over Time

Cooke, Kathryn Louise 01 January 2006 (has links)
This study examined models of self and other as they relate to attachment, forgiveness, emotional and cognitive reactions to a breakup, relationship variables, and positive and negative feelings toward the self and former partner after a romantic relationship is ended. This study also tested how these variables change over time. Data were collected over a period of five weeks from 130 undergraduates who had experienced a breakup within the two weeks prior to beginning the study. Data were analyzed with a series of univariate and multivariate analyses of variance. Results found that there were differences in how participants reacted to the relationship breakup based on attachment style. There were some changes over time in the variables for all the attachment styles, and there was only one interaction between time and attachment style. Results are discussed in terms of previous research findings. Limitations of the current study are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented.

Self-esteem in delinquent-prone adolescents in Gauteng

28 January 2009 (has links)
D.Ed. / Delinquent-prone behaviour amongst the adolescent school population has become a serious problem in South Africa. From the reports in the media, it would seem that many adolescents cannot conform to the demands of society and, consequently, become involved in acts, which may be punishable by law. These acts include illegal substance abuse, stealing, fighting, aggravated assault and bullying of both educators and learners. In this respect, it must be noted that, although society at large tends to highlight delinquent acts of adolescents, very little is discussed about adolescents’ self-esteem or the factors that may have influenced them to perform these acts. Therefore, in order to prevent delinquent behaviour from escalating in our society and perpetuating the vicious cycle, educational psychologists will have to devise ways to understand and identify self-esteem and its contribution to violent behaviour in adolescents, and to prevent these behaviours before they become too ingrained in youths at risk. Taking the above into account, the research problem focused on the nature of self-esteem in delinquent-prone adolescents and how it manifests in their behaviour. Furthermore, the question arose as to what intervention programme could be developed for educational psychologists to render assistance and support to delinquent-prone adolescents, in order to prevent or to change problematic behaviour. This research aimed at exploring and describing the nature of self-esteem in delinquent-prone adolescents, how the self-esteem manifests itself in their behaviour, and to examine the factors that influence the self-esteem of delinquent-prone adolescents. Based on the findings of the study, an intervention programme was developed for educational psychologists to render assistance and support to delinquent-prone adolescents in order to prevent or change problematic behaviour. The research was done through the use of qualitative research strategies, which included a literature review, delinquent-prone adolescents’ written life stories, their responses to an incomplete sentence questionnaire and interviews conducted with participants, and which included the delinquent-prone adolescents themselves, their parents/guardians and housemothers, their educators and principal, the social worker and other parents/guardians of delinquent-prone adolescents who were not selected for this study. For this study, a sample of twenty adolescents, who were between the ages of fourteen and eighteen years, was selected from two secondary schools for this study. The only criteria that were used in the selection of these secondary school adolescents were that they presented with delinquent-prone behaviour. This sample was selected by the social worker at the orphanage and the principal of one of the schools, because they knew these adolescents well. Five categories were identified through data analysis, namely the nature of the self-esteem, feelings, internalised thoughts, delinquent-prone behaviour and significant relationships. The findings indicated that these delinquent-prone adolescents do have low self-esteem. Their feelings and internalised thoughts revealed attitudes and experiences commonly linked with low self-esteem in relevant literature. This low self-esteem manifested itself in their delinquent-prone behaviour, which was categorised as disobedient, covert and overt behaviour. The significant relationships highlighted that, although their peers influenced them to some extent, it was the significant adults in their lives, namely their housemothers, parents/guardians, caregivers and educators who were mentioned mostly in their responses. These significant adults do not appear to have fulfilled their responsibilities adequately, either because they do not know how to or because they do not have sufficient time, or because they themselves are overwhelmed with problems surrounding these adolescents. The findings of this study may not be generalised to other delinquent-prone adolescents, due to the small sample size. However, the research-design chapter did provide an audit trail, which may enable other researchers to determine to what extent their situation is similar to that in this study. What was significant to note was that primary caregivers of these adolescents (housemothers and parents/guardians) and educators seem to be in an ideal position to improve the adolescents’ internal and external environment, in order to enhance their self-esteem. A school-based intervention programme, based on the findings, was developed for educational psychologists to render assistance and support to delinquent-prone adolescents, their primary caregivers (parents/guardians, housemothers or caregivers) and educators in order to prevent or change the adolescents’ delinquent-prone behaviour. The principal areas aimed at enhancing self-awareness, motivation and empowerment, communication, assertiveness, conflict resolution and anger management skills. Other important areas aimed at helping adolescents with grieving and improving emotional intelligence. There are not many (if any) school-based intervention programmes for primary caregivers, educators and delinquent-prone adolescents, to assist the latter to enhance their self-esteem. While the implementation of the suggested programme may be costly, schools need to take the initiative in finding practical solutions at little or no cost by using the voluntary services of social workers or psychologists completing their internships. Measures are needed urgently to curb delinquent-prone behaviour in adolescents. What also became clear, however, was that many delinquent-prone adolescents experience a lack of love, and rejection. It seems justified to argue that support for, and acceptance of, children, maintained constantly, would prevent unacceptable behaviour, at least in some instances. One should not have to hear any child say, “I am tired of looking for love”.

Associations Between Self-Esteem and the Forms and Functions of Aggression in a Community Sample of Youth

Halmos, Miklós Balázs 01 December 2012 (has links)
The purpose of the current study is to examine the association between self-esteem and the forms and functions of aggression. Research supports the existence of four aggressive subtypes (i.e., reactive overt, reactive relational, proactive overt, and proactive relational), and past research has found associations between aggression and self-esteem. However, past studies have not examined the relationships between all four subtypes of aggression and self-esteem together. 141 adolescents were recruited from the community with a mean age of 13.55. The sampled group was composed of 51% females and 52% Caucasians. Participants completed self-report questionnaires on self-esteem and aggression. The results provide support for an association between proactive aggression and self-esteem. Additionally, overt aggression was more associated with self-esteem than relational aggression. These findings will help fill the gap in literature on the forms and functions of aggression and will further define the relationship between aggression and self-esteem.

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