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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Territorialidade e prote??o social : um estudo acerca dos avan?os e desafios na implanta??o do SUAS no meio rural

Kraemer, Luciane 28 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 451891.pdf: 2804426 bytes, checksum: 3e465c4d66b9a9276b5023ff0e96b707 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / This thesis presents as main theme the rural socio-territorial relations, in different aspects and periods, at the investigation of manifestations that cross the territory, trying to show the forms of inequality and the resistance strategies of the population in access to rights, goods and services produced socially, in the current stage of the capitalist system, with special interest to those existing in the field of non-contributory social protection, in the scope of Single System of Social Assistance (SUAS). From the resumption of the main changes that occurred during the transition period feudal-capitalist, sets up the opposition between city-field as the central explanatory thesis contradiction that precedes the social-capitalist economic formation. In the brazilian reality, the historical marks of inequality and resistance related to the origins of colonization, from the division of the territory into large properties, slavery and the power of rural oligarchies that define unequal conditions of life for the population of the country. Actually, at the present stage of the capitalist system, it s observed that the conditions and the life way of people reflects an inequal socio-territorial scenery to the rural population, that affects the securities provided in the scope of SUAS. With the advent of SUAS, from the guideline of territoriality, the deployment of services and recognition of the demands are occurring so closely linked to the population and its territories. With the research, through the construction of indicators, it was possible to identify the low coverage of SUAS in rural municipalities surveyed, specially in reference to living security, and unequal conditions between rural and urban areas, which materialize in land concentration, rural poverty and other forms of vulnerabilities that are expressed in the conditions of life at the field. Still, it identifies advances from the strategies of the population in accessing their rights of citizenship, expanded from the Single System of Social Assistance. / A presente tese apresenta como tem?tica central as rela??es socioterritoriais existentes no meio rural, em diferentes contextos e tempos hist?ricos, na investiga??o das manifesta??es que atravessam o territ?rio, buscando desocultar tanto as formas de desigualdade, quanto as estrat?gias de luta e de resist?ncia da popula??o no acesso aos direitos, bens e servi?os socialmente produzidos e reproduzidos, notadamente no campo da prote??o social n?o contributiva da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social e Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS). A partir da retomada das principais transforma??es que ocorreram durante o per?odo de transi??o feudal-capitalista, define-se a oposi??o cidade-campo, como categoria explicativa central da tese, contradi??o que precede a forma??o econ?mico social-capitalista. Na realidade brasileira, as marcas hist?ricas revelam formas de desigualdade e de resist?ncia relacionadas ?s origens da coloniza??o, a partir da divis?o do territ?rio em grandes propriedades, da escravid?o e do poder das oligarquias rurais que definem condi??es desiguais de vida ? popula??o do pa?s. Contemporaneamente, no atual est?gio do sistema capitalista, observa-se que as condi??es e o modo de vida da popula??o refletem um cen?rio de desigualdade socioterritorial para a popula??o rural, que tem impacto nas seguran?as afian?adas no ?mbito do SUAS. Com o advento do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, a partir da diretriz da territorialidade, a implanta??o dos servi?os e o reconhecimento das demandas passam a ocorrer, de forma intimamente vinculada ? popula??o e a seus territ?rios. Com a pesquisa e atrav?s da constru??o de indicadores, foi poss?vel a identifica??o da baixa cobertura do SUAS no meio rural dos munic?pios pesquisados, especialmente no que se refere a seguran?a de conv?vio, al?m de condi??es desiguais entre meio rural e urbano, que se materializam na concentra??o da terra, na pobreza rural e outras formas de vulnerabilidades que se expressam nas condi??es de vida do campo. Ainda assim, identificam-se avan?os, a partir das estrat?gias da popula??o no acesso aos seus direitos de cidadania, ampliados a partir do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social.

O trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social : o direito ? moradia em debate

Nalin, Nilene Maria 30 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 452191.pdf: 2125281 bytes, checksum: 92324d8988d5e0d91844a7da82695750 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-30 / The process of late urbanization/industrialization in Brazil can be explained by the dominance of money and its repercussion on workers. It has prevented workers from possessing pieces of urban land that should be theirs; it has also increased social-spatial exclusion. This thesis approaches the problems related to the denial of the Right to Inhabit and the dilemmas pertaining to the existent segregation in Brazilian cities. It also approaches the new Social Housing Policies (Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social - PHIS), which was established with the creation of the Ministry of Cities in 2003, and it similarly approaches urban policies due to its inseparability. These elements require the Social Service to understand this form of exclusion, furthering the responses given to it in the context of public policies. Thus, this thesis focus on the effectiveness of the role of the social assistant to the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) and, in parallel, to the analysis of the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) found in the south of Brazil and within the Housing Plan. We took a dialectical-critical approach considering the use of quantitative and qualitative data. The investigative process was made with the following research-problem: How is the role of the social assistant within Social Housing Policies defined in the three spheres of the government? Its overall goal is defined as follows: To analyze the role of the social assistant in the Social Housing Policies (PHIS) in the three spheres of the government regarding the construction of new conceptual and interventional parameters for the Social Service. The study used the following techniques for research: during collection of the data, questionnaires were sent to 79 social assistants in federal, state and municipal spheres; twenty-four of those have answered the instrument of research and seven Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social-PLHIS), including documental sources which contained Housing Policies. The data and the documents were later analyzed. The main conclusions for the study of Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) show that there is a quantitative deficit of 6.272.645 million properties and a qualitative deficit of 11.559.200 million properties in Brazil. On the other hand, there are 7.051.262 properties that have not been occupied yet, and from these, 6.220.000 properties are in full conditions to be occupied but are still from the government or pertaining to greater purchasing power sectors. As to the role of social assistants, they are linked to a perspective broader than politics, i.e. to the defense of the Right to Inhabit in the City. The effectiveness of the role of the Social Assistants in the Social Housing Local Plans (Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social PLHIS) has a social direction that is mostly linked to the perspective broader than politics, which is the Right to Inhabit in the City and which includes the Right to the City. Its role is seen in situations along with communities participating on political programs, with actions by public authorities, in special in the planning and development of actions of mobilization and organization of the community and with the management of politics, which tangentially influences the qualification of the inhabiting process of people in different ways. / O processo de urbaniza??o/industrializa??o tardia no Brasil est? marcado pelo dom?nio do capital e os seus rebatimentos na classe trabalhadora, ou seja, impediu que esta se apropriasse da parcela de solo urbano que lhe cabia por direito, acirrando a exclus?o socioespacial. A nega??o do direito de morar e os dilemas pertinentes ? segrega??o existentes nas cidades brasileiras s?o problematizados nesta tese, como tamb?m a nova configura??o da Pol?tica de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PHIS) instaurada a partir da cria??o do Minist?rio das Cidades em 2003 e, de forma an?loga, a pol?tica urbana, em raz?o de que s?o indissoci?veis. No seu conjunto, estes elementos convocam o Servi?o Social, como ?rea de conhecimento, a apreender esta forma de exclus?o, al?m das respostas dadas a ela, no ?mbito das pol?ticas p?blicas. Assim, a tese centra-se na efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS e, de modo paralelo, na an?lise dos Planos Locais de Habita??o de Interesse Social (PLHIS) da regi?o Sul e no PlanHab. O referencial adotado na presente pesquisa ? o dial?tico-cr?tico, contemplando a articula??o de dados quantitativos e qualitativos. O processo investigativo se configurou com o seguinte problema de pesquisa: Como se efetiva o trabalho do assistente social na pol?tica de habita??o de interesse social nas tr?s esferas de governo? No que tange ao objetivo geral, este est? definido conforme segue: Analisar o trabalho do assistente social na PHIS nas tr?s esferas de governo, com vistas ? constru??o de novos par?metros conceituais e interventivos para o Servi?o Social. O estudo lan?a m?o das seguintes t?cnicas de pesquisa: na coleta, foram enviados question?rios a 79 assistentes sociais das tr?s esferas de governo, ou seja, federal, estadual e municipal, sendo que vinte quatro responderam ao instrumento de pesquisa e de sete PLHIS, incluindo fontes documentais que cont?m a pol?tica de habita??o. Quanto ao tratamento e an?lise dos dados, foram utilizadas a an?lise documental e de conte?do. Como principais conclus?es do estudo, no que se refere aos PLHIS se pode apontar que h? um deficit quantitativo de 6.272.645 milh?es e qualitativo de 11.559.200 milh?es no Brasil. Por outro lado, h? 7.051.262 de im?veis n?o ocupados ou ociosos e desses, 6.220.000 em condi??es de serem ocupados, por?m pertencentes ao Estado ou a segmentos de maior poder aquisitivo. Quanto ? conforma??o do trabalho do assistente social, este est? vinculado a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna inclusa ? cidade. A efetiva??o do trabalho do assistente social na PHIS possui uma dire??o social que se vincula, majoritariamente, a uma perspectiva ampliada da pol?tica, ou seja, na defesa do direito ? moradia digna, o que inclui o direito ? cidade. Sua conforma??o se desmembra na atua??o junto com as comunidades inclusas em programas vinculados ? pol?tica, bem como nas a??es do poder p?blico, especialmente no planejamento e no desenvolvimento das a??es de Mobiliza??o e Organiza??o Comunit?ria e, tamb?m, na gest?o da pol?tica que, apesar de tangencial, influencia, de m?ltiplas formas, na qualifica??o do processo de morar dos sujeitos.

O pacto pela gest?o e a saude na fronteira : condi??es e rela??es de trabalho do assistente social em debate

Silva, Maria Geusina da 10 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 451964.pdf: 1639549 bytes, checksum: f1f9658ef0fa94ec53715564bdc9f22d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-10 / This study proposes to examine the effects of the implementation of the pact by management in labor relations and conditions of social workers in health in the border region of Foz do Igua?u and Ciudad del Est Brazil and Paraguay, as these phenomena affect or impact the illness professional and professional responses. The research design includes an intense revisiting the databases of different research projects of diversified research centers affiliated to CNPq, in its various lines of concentration, also incorporates field work to rescue some data and information management specifically Shaft trabalho.Parte is indicative that the implementation of the pact by management in twin city boundary line to not focus on labor management plastered the possibilities of change, innovation and repoliticisation SUS, showing adoption of the precepts of the reform of state formulated in 90.Compreende decade that the Pact for Health to enable a new bias reorganization of federal pacts, through decentralization, management and with it the allocation of financial resources associated with the proposed relaxation of the rule on behalf of flexible accumulation requires large amounts of changes in labor relations initially and subsequently in terms of achieving this. The indicative of this proposal rests on the centrality of labor management in SUS as the only possible and viable path to realization of the principles and values of the Brazilian health reform. / Este estudo prop?e examinar os efeitos da implanta??o do pacto pela gest?o nas condi??es e rela??es de trabalho dos assistentes sociais trabalhadores na ?rea de sa?de na regi?o da fronteira de Foz do Igua?u Brasil e Ciudad Del Est Paraguai e, como esses fen?menos interferem ou impactam no adoecimento e respostas profissionais destes. O desenho da pesquisa inclui uma intensa revisita??o aos bancos de dados de distintos projetos de pesquisas de diversificados n?cleos de pesquisa filiados ao CNPq, nas suas mais variadas linhas de concentra??o, incorpora tamb?m trabalho de campo para resgatar alguns dados e informa??es especificamente do eixo gest?o de trabalho. Parte-se do indicativo que a implementa??o do pacto pela gest?o nas cidades-g?meas de linha de fronteira ao n?o privilegiar a gest?o do trabalho engessou as possibilidades de mudan?as, inova??o e repolitiza??o do SUS, evidenciando ado??o dos preceitos da reforma de Estado formuladas ainda na d?cada de 90.Compreende-se que o Pacto pela Sa?de ao possibilitar um novo vi?s de reorganiza??o dos pactos federativos,pela via da descentraliza??o, da gest?o e junto com ela a aloca??o dos recursos financeiro, associadas as propostas de flexibiliza??o do Estado em nome da acumula??o flex?vel imp?e mudan?as de grande monta inicialmente nas rela??es de trabalho e posteriormente nas condi??es de realiza??o deste. Os indicativos desta proposta repousam na centralidade da gest?o do trabalho no SUS como ?nico, poss?vel e vi?vel caminho para efetiva??o dos princ?pios e valores da reforma sanit?ria brasileira.

Sistema ?nico n?o significa sistema igual : a contradit?ria participa??o das organiza??es da sociedade civil na pol?tica de assist?ncia social

Reis, Patr?cia Lane Ara?jo 18 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 454062.pdf: 1864220 bytes, checksum: 71f0ce675e14671a6df2ace9d1e7d310 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / The central theme of this dissertation is to analyze the configuration of the Civil Society Organizations in the city of Porto Alegre, after the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System, with a view of their participation as a political actor in the effectiveness of social assistance rights. For a further development it was necessary to discuss the category Civil Society and the appropriation of this concept considering the classic and modern conceptions, culminating in the Gramscian analysis, which is the conceptual option of this research. We discuss the trajectory of the Social Assistance Policy in Brazil and the historical role of the Civil Society Organizations in the execution of the social assistance services. After that, we consider the trajectory of the Social Assistance in the city of Porto Alegre and its interface with the collective of organizations that deals with the public policy in the city, highlighting the impact of these organizations in the execution of the services, programs, projects and benefits. This study was based on a qualitative exploratory research, anchored in critical dialectical method. The study had as research subjects‟ twelve leaders of Civil Society Organizations and four coordinators of reference center for social assistance, approached through semi - structured interviews. The analysis was the textual discursive, based on the study of Moraes (2003). The results indicates a predominance of the execution of the Civil Society Organizations in the implementation of social Assistance services in the city, as well as a weakening in the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System taking into consideration the infrastructure, human resources and popular participation in the construction of the policy. About the relationship between reference center for social assistance and Civil Society Organizations, the research shows a tension in the territories and a search for a more dialogic and horizontal relationship between the actors. The results also highlights the dumping of the user in the implementation process as well as the need to strengthen social control spaces, in particular the regional commission on social assistance and city council social assistance. We conclude that there is a process outsourcing Civil Society Organizations intensified after the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System in the municipality of Porto Alegre, the construction of spaces of contention for hegemony and a new corporate design that radically democratize public space being required for a real possibility of overcoming this condition by the Civil Society Organizations. / O tema central do presente estudo ? analisar a configura??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil no munic?pio de Porto Alegre, ap?s a implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, com vistas a sua participa??o como ator pol?tico na efetiva??o dos direitos socioassistenciais, sendo necess?ria a discuss?o da categoria Sociedade Civil e a apropria??o deste conceito ? luz das concep??es cl?ssicas e modernas, culminando na an?lise Gramsciana, op??o conceitual da pesquisa. Discute-se a trajet?ria da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social no Brasil e o papel hist?rico das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil na execu??o dos servi?os socioassistenciais. Ap?s, aborda-se a trajet?ria da Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio de Porto Alegre e sua interface com o coletivo de entidades que atuam na pol?tica p?blica na cidade, destacando o impacto destes entes na execu??o dos servi?os, programas, projetos e benef?cios. Este estudo se constituiu numa pesquisa qualitativa de car?ter explorat?rio, ancorada no m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico. A pesquisa tem como sujeitos doze dirigentes de Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil e quatro coordena??es dos Centros Regionais de Assist?ncia Social, abordados atrav?s de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A an?lise ? a textual discursiva, baseada no estudo de Moraes (2003). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma predomin?ncia de execu??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil nos servi?os socioassistenciais no munic?pio, bem como uma fragiliza??o na implementa??o do sistema nos quesitos estrutura f?sica, recursos humanos e participa??o popular na constru??o comum da pol?tica. No que tange ? rela??o Centros Regionais de Assist?ncia Social e Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil, a pesquisa assinala uma tens?o nos territ?rios e a busca de uma rela??o mais dial?gica e horizontal entre os atores. Destaca-se, tamb?m, o alijamento do usu?rio no processo de implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, assim como a necessidade de fortalecer os espa?os de controle social, em especial a Comiss?o Regional de Assist?ncia Social e o Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social. Conclui-se que existe um processo de terceiriza??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil intensificado ap?s a implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio de Porto Alegre, sendo necess?ria a constru??o de espa?os de disputa de hegemonia e de um novo projeto societ?rio, que democratize de forma radical o espa?o p?blico, para uma real possibilidade de supera??o desta condi??o por parte das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil.

Travestis e pris?es : a experi?ncia social e a materialidade do sexo e do g?nero sob o lusco-fusco do c?rcere

Ferreira, Guilherme Gomes 10 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 454061.pdf: 1961990 bytes, checksum: 2b6172d47aacd5fbe88007ea73aa9023 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-10 / The presente text discusses about the social experiences of the travestis in prison, having as background the Central Prison of Porto Alegre. This analysis used the fundamentals of the dialectical materialism and feminist grounds (especially the intersectional one), queer theory and critical criminology, toward a marxist queer perspective. Studying the social experiences of the travesti population in prison implies to recognize the presence of denied rights and non-responded needs, since it is known that the gender identities, which are different from the ones recognized as consistent with a sex/gender binary system, are historically repressed and scrutinized by the ideological apparatuses of the Estate, especially the ones attached to the criminal justice system. It was used, ass a qualitative nature methodology, the bibliographic and document research used to accomplish the theoretical study of the theme, the non-structured interviews through oral history technique applied to subjects and participant observation using a field diary. The interviews were performed with a focal group of twelve prisoner travestis and two male partners of theirs; individual interviews with one prisoner homosexual man, three travestis who have experienced prison and four prison employees, totalizing 22 investigation subjects. The oral history appears as technique in the non-structured interviews and focal group through a script of guided topics. As for the participant observation, the script developed embodied the field diary. The interpretation of the data was attained by discursive textual analysis. It was possible to consider that the arrest of the travestis give the prison distinct patterns of control over bodies, not experienced so far, which the prison experience become an instrument for deepening of the violence suffered in daily life. It occurs due to the criminal justice selective system consider as social markers race/ethnicity and social class, or in other words, determinations that put them previously socially vulnerable. The creation of a specific room, thus, is a way of confronting collectively organized by the travestis according to their interests for more institutional protection. On the other hand, this same kind of protection also oppresses the travestis in the most perverse ways, such as the non-access to education and work inside the prison system; their relationships with other prisoners and the institutional transphobia; the determined behavior patterns; the poor access to health; the family abandonment; the criminal control. / O presente texto versa sobre as experi?ncias sociais de travestis com o c?rcere, tendo como cen?rio o Pres?dio Central de Porto Alegre (PCPA). A an?lise presente se utilizou dos fundamentos do materialista-hist?rico e dial?tico e dos fundamentos feministas (especialmente do feminismo intersecional), da teoria queer e da criminologia cr?tica, em dire??o a uma perspectiva queer marxista. Estudar as experi?ncias sociais da popula??o de travestis na pris?o implica reconhecer a presen?a de direitos negados e de necessidades n?o respondidas, pois ? sabido que as identidades de g?nero diferentes das reconhecidas como coerentes de acordo com um sistema bin?rio de sexo/g?nero s?o historicamente reprimidas e perscrutadas pelos aparelhos ideol?gicos do Estado, especialmente os ligados ao sistema penal. Como metodologia de natureza qualitativa, se utilizou de pesquisa bibliogr?fica e documental para realiza??o do estudo te?rico sobre o tema, de entrevistas n?o estruturadas atrav?s da t?cnica de hist?ria oral com os sujeitos e observa??o participante com recurso ao di?rio de campo. Foram entrevistadas em grupo focal doze travestis presas e dois homens companheiros de travestis; individualmente foram entrevistados um homem homossexual preso, tr?s travestis que j? passaram pela experi?ncia social da pris?o e quatro t?cnicos, totalizando 22 sujeitos da pesquisa. A hist?ria oral aparece como t?cnica nas entrevistas individuais n?o estruturadas e grupo focal atrav?s de um roteiro de t?picos guia. J? para a observa??o participante, foi elaborado um roteiro que consubstanciou em di?rio de campo. A interpreta??o dos dados foi realizada por meio da an?lise textual discursiva. Foi poss?vel considerar que a captura das travestis pela pris?o lhes confere padr?es distintos de controle sobre os corpos, at? ent?o n?o experimentados, nos quais a experi?ncia prisional se torna instrumento de aprofundamento da viol?ncia sofrida no cotidiano. Isso acontece porque suas pr?prias sele??es ao sistema penal consideram marcadores sociais de ra?a/etnia e classe social, quer dizer, determina??es que j? as colocam anteriormente vulner?veis socialmente. A cria??o de uma ala espec?fica, assim, ? um modo de enfrentamento organizado coletivamente por elas de acordo com os seus interesses de maior prote??o institucional. Por outro lado, esse mesmo modo de funcionamento que protege tamb?m oprime de formas mais perversas as travestis atrav?s do n?o acesso ? educa??o e ao trabalho dentro do c?rcere; na rela??o com os outros presos e na transfobia institucional; nos modelos de comportamento ditados; no acesso prec?rio ? sa?de; no abandono familiar; no aumento de controle penal.

Para al?m das condicionalidades : desafios para o programa bolsa fam?lia no munic?pio de Esteio/RS

Teixeira, Renato de Oliveira 20 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 455912.pdf: 2774099 bytes, checksum: e4b9db48c63f0192a0d24a7d7f467c07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / This dissertation has as its theme the Bolsa Fam?lia?s Program (BFP) in the municipality of Esteio/RS, and the relationship between public policies of social welfare, education and health derived from conditionalities and the challenges towards the construction of intersectionality. It is proposed to systematize the results of a research conducted in 2013, which had the overall objective of verifying whether the conditionalities of BFP potentiate the intersectionality between public policies of social welfare, education and health from the experiences brought by beneficiary families and by workers and managers involved the actions of the program in the municipality of Esteio/RS. With a critical dialectic perspective, this qualitative study, with contributions of quantitative data provides references related to this topic, the historical background of the PBF and its relationship with the social question, the prospect of targeting, conditionalities and intersectionality. Had as research subjects: four women's legal guardian of the beneficiary families of BFP, three workers and three managers of policies involved the PBF. Among the key findings are the sociodemographic characteristics of families benefiting from the program based on the systematization of the analysis of quantitative data from CAD?NICO and PBF. In their qualitative part, we used the content analysis technique, which allowed the emergence of perceptions, experiences and opinions of the three segments addressed. Among the families and their relationship with the program, the data indicates the bureaucracy in access , the waiting time for the benefit, the demand for oversight of the program, and the conditionalities as an affirming element of the division of labor based on gender , their perceptions of conditionalities of the program, crossed by precariousness as a manifestation of structural violence, among the segment of workers, the concern with dependence on money, generating autonomy and emancipation in the program, a look of accountability arises from families as responsible for their conditions of poverty , the yearning for further actions and the need to define the services provided. Also the experience of the precariousness of the lack of human resources and infrastructure. On the positive side, there is the bond with the families and the possibility of prevention of diseases related to nutritional status. Between managers: understand that the PBF contributes in income generation and responsibility of families. Compliance with the counterparts, one finds the concept of BFP as a program in motion and perceive advances, as on the school frequency. Regarding health, there is the understanding that greater accountability of family health teams for family support and intensification of actions is required. On the positive side, emerges the idea that the BFP seeks a transformative perspective and overcome welfarism. Such analysis of these results indicate the need for further development and qualification of the relationship between public policies related to BFP , in the context of managing and implementing the program as well as related to the families benefiting from the program. / A presente disserta??o tem como tema o Programa Bolsa Fam?lia (PBF) no munic?pio de Esteio/RS, a rela??o entre as pol?ticas p?blicas de Assist?ncia Social, Educa??o e Sa?de a partir das condicionalidades e os desafios que se colocam ? constru??o da intersetorialidade. Prop?e-se a sistematizar os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada no ano de 2013, que teve por objetivo geral verificar se as condicionalidades do PBF potencializam a intersetorialidade entre as pol?ticas p?blicas de Assist?ncia Social, Educa??o e Sa?de a partir das experi?ncias trazidas por fam?lias benefici?rias e por trabalhadores e gestores implicados ?s a??es do programa no munic?pio de Esteio/RS. Numa perspectiva cr?tico-dial?tica, o estudo de car?ter qualitativo, com aportes de dados quantitativos, traz referenciais relativos ao tema, os antecedentes hist?ricos do PBF e a sua rela??o com a quest?o social, a perspectiva da focaliza??o, as condicionalidades e a intersetorialidade. Teve como sujeitos da pesquisa quatro mulheres respons?veis legais das fam?lias benefici?rias do PBF, tr?s trabalhadoras e tr?s gestoras das pol?ticas implicadas ao PBF. Dentre os principais resultados: uma caracteriza??o sociodemogr?fica das fam?lias benefici?rias do programa, sistematizando a an?lise dos dados quantitativos, a partir do CAD?NICO e PBF. Em sua parte qualitativa, utilizou-se a t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do, que propiciou a emers?o de percep??es, viv?ncias e opini?es dos tr?s segmentos abordados. Dentre as fam?lias e sua rela??o com o programa, apontam-se a burocracia no acesso, o tempo de espera pelo benef?cio, a demanda por fiscaliza??o do programa, as condicionalidades como elemento afirmador da divis?o do trabalho baseado no g?nero e as suas percep??es quanto ?s condicionalidades do programa, atravessada por precariedades, numa manifesta??o da viol?ncia estrutural. Dentre o segmento dos trabalhadores, surge a preocupa??o com a depend?ncia em rela??o ao benef?cio, com a gera??o de autonomia e emancipa??o em rela??o ao programa, um olhar de responsabiliza??o das fam?lias benefici?rias pela condi??o de pobreza, o anseio pela amplia??o das a??es, a necessidade de qualificar os servi?os prestados e, ainda, a viv?ncia das precariedades da falta de recursos humanos e infraestrutura. Como aspectos positivos, h? o v?nculo com as fam?lias e a possibilidade de preven??o de doen?as ligadas ? condi??o nutricional. Dentre as gestoras, h? o entendimento de que o PBF contribui para a renda e para a responsabiliza??o das fam?lias. Quanto ao cumprimento das contrapartidas, constata-se a concep??o do PBF como um programa em movimento e percebem avan?os, como na quest?o da infrequ?ncia escolar. No que tange ? Sa?de, h? o entendimento de que ? necess?ria maior responsabiliza??o das equipes de Sa?de da fam?lia para o acompanhamento familiar e a intensifica??o de a??es. Como aspecto positivo, emerge a ideia de que o PBF busca uma perspectiva transformadora e supera??o do assistencialismo. Tais resultados da an?lise indicam, como desafios, a necessidade de aprofundamento e qualifica??o da rela??o entre as pol?ticas p?blicas ligadas ao PBF em ?mbito de gest?o e execu??o do programa, bem como destas com as fam?lias benefici?rias do programa.

A constitucionaliza??o da alimenta??o : um direito a ser implementado adequadamente no Brasil

Jacques, In?s Terezinha Oliveira 16 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 456338.pdf: 3457109 bytes, checksum: 179dbc5c6ba3a0c4d317bccbfdbed727 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-16 / This study discusses the constitutionalisationof food in Brazil, through the enactment of constitutional amendment 64, in February 5, 2010, and aims to analyze the power insertion in article 6 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution in guaranteeing the right to proper nutrition and healthy. Given thiscontext, formulated, for this work, the following problem: how the insertion in article 6 of the Federal Constitution of feed is reverberating the right to adequate food of Brazilians? As the goal, exploratory study was conducted, guided by qualitative research and analysis that guides is based on dialectical method-critical enabling clarification of the social phenomenon, from analysis of the history of the subject and of the factors of society. So, the first step of the research corresponded to a literary research developed from a survey of Capes portal of dissertations and theses related to the topic, as well as for scientific articles, books and official documents of Federal Government websites of Brazil. The second leg was held at the 4th National Conference on food security held in Salvador-Bahia through interviews with technical representatives of the 54 State and 54 CONSEA s visitors of the event. The analysis took place in the perspective of the reading of the involvement, knowledge and information they had on food security and the actions of the CONSEA s; food safety policies and Nutricionale of the right to adequate food in Brazil. The results indicate that there is a need for information on how to be a proper nutrition and the meaning of the term food security. It was observed that society doesn't know public policies that deal with this subject, but that the Federal Constitution is known and recognized by all as Supreme Law of the country. In this context, the author of this research proposes to recast the insertion of the power supply in its article 6, for "proper nutrition" because as Legal framework should dictate that the power should be adequate, for being a supreme legal standard, has the power to edit important changes, in this case, significant changes in the nutritional profile of the population, which today is evidenced by serious health problems due to the increase of non-communicable chronic diseases. / O presente estudo aborda a constitucionaliza??o da alimenta??o no Brasil, atrav?s da promulga??o da Emenda Constitucional n?64, em 5 de fevereiro de 2010, e tem como objetivo analisar a inser??o da alimenta??o no artigo 6? da Constitui??o Federal Brasileira na garantia do direito ? alimenta??o adequada e saud?vel.Diante deste contexto, formulou-se, para este trabalho, o seguinte problema: como a inser??o no artigo 6? da Constitui??o Federal da alimenta??o est? repercutindo o direito a uma alimenta??o adequada dos brasileiros? Conforme o objetivo, foi realizado estudo explorat?rio, norteado pela pesquisa qualitativa e a an?lise que a orienta ? fundamentada no m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico que possibilita esclarecimentos do fen?meno social, a partir de an?lises da hist?ria dos sujeitos e dos fatores da sociedade. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas, a primeira correspondeu a uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica atrav?s de uma revis?o liter?riadesenvolvida a partir de um levantamento no portal da Capes de disserta??es e teses relacionadas ao tema, como tamb?m por artigos cient?ficos, livros e documentos oficiais de sites do Governo Federal do Brasil. A segunda etapa foi realizada na IV Confer?ncia Nacional de Seguran?a Alimentar ocorrida em Salvador-Bahia atrav?s de t?cnica de entrevistas com 54Conselheiros representantes do CONSEA s Estaduais e 54Ouvintesdo evento. A an?lise ocorreu na perspectiva da leitura do envolvimento, conhecimento e informa??es que os mesmos tinham sobre Seguran?a Alimentar e as a??es dos CONSEA s; das pol?ticas de Seguran?a Alimentar e Nutricional do direito ? alimenta??o adequada no Brasil. Os resultadosapontam que h? a necessidade de informa??es sobre como deve ser uma alimenta??o adequada e o significado do termo Seguran?a Alimentar. Observou-se que a sociedade n?o conhece as pol?ticas p?blicas que tratam desta tem?tica, mas que a Constitui??o Federal ? conhecida e reconhecida por todos como lei suprema do Pa?s. Neste contexto, a autora desta pesquisa prop?e a reformula??o da inser??o da alimenta??o no seu artigo 6?, para alimenta??o adequada, pois como Marco Legal deve ditar que a alimenta??o deva ser adequada, por ser uma norma jur?dica suprema, tem o poder de editar mudan?as importantes, neste caso, mudan?as significativas no perfil nutricional da popula??o, que hoje ? evidenciado por problemas graves de sa?de decorrentes ao aumento de doen?as cr?nicasn?o transmiss?veis como a obesidade, o diabetes entre outras.

O corpo como mercadoria: explora??o sexual de adolescentes e vulnerabilidade social das fam?lias

Pedersen, Jaina Raqueli 27 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 456859.pdf: 1330821 bytes, checksum: 59704e4ef7a7f5004570fa7c301103fa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / The theme and delimitation of this study comprises the sexual exploitation of adolescents in the municipalities of San Borja and Itaqui/ RS and its relationship with the social vulnerability of families assisted at the Specialized Protection and Assistance to Families and Individuals (PAEFI). The relevance of this research lies in the fact of giving visibility to the particularities of sexual exploration as a theme that needs further debate and appropriation by professionals who work in social policies and in the adolescent?s system for the guarantee of the rights of children and adolescents. The objective is to identify the relationship of sexual exploitation of adolescents with social vulnerability of families and how the PAEFI contributes to confront this phenomenon in order to provide insight to enhance public policies to address this form of violence. In this sense, the study seeks to answer the following problem: What are the dimensions of social vulnerability that adolescents in sexual exploitation are exposed and how these vulnerabilities are recognized and addressed by professionals linked to PAEFI? This is a qualitative research constructed from the critical dialectical framework. Regarding the procedures and techniques we used semi-structured interviews with application forms containing open and closed questions at seven ( 07 ) professionals who work at CREAS in the municipalities of San Borja and Itaqui, as well as for ( 01 ) female teenager, over 14 years of age served by PAEFI. Documentary analysis of professional documents related to the care and monitoring provided to fourteen ( 14 ) adolescent victims of sexual exploitation was also carried out. The free observation also composed the procedures and techniques, making himself present during the conduct of all research. Among the results, it is emphasized that prostitution was the most prevalent form of sexual exploitation attended by PAEFI; and the totality of cases were comprised by female victims. The main situations of social vulnerability present in the everyday life of families refer to illiteracy and low educational level of their parents, unemployment and precarious insertion in the labor market, low pay, poor housing conditions, weakening and breaking of family ties, history of sexual abuse, drug addiction, involvement of adolescents with older men in exchange for money and access to goods and services. One can also notice that the PAEFI lacks investment in human and material infrastructure. Among the challenges presented to the qualification of social policies in regard to combating sexual exploitation of children and adolescents highlights the need for training and qualification of the PAEFI as well as those working in different public services and policies that make the safety net for children and adolescents; incorporation of different forms of sexual exploitation (child prostitution, sex tourism, child pornography, trafficking for sexual exploitation) in the documents and reports used by professionals of PAEFI to characterize the demands of care related to this type of sexual violence; conducting an interagency and intersectoral work that focuses on social vulnerability and social needs that give rise to the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. Based on the results and problematizations developed, this study confirms the thesis that social vulnerability situations experienced by families contribute to the production and reproduction of the relations of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. These situations have several determinations, highlighting gender inequality and class, consumption as a means of social inclusion, the different manifestations of poverty, precariousness in the labor, family breakdown in the face of the reproduction of social and political relations that insufficiently seek answers to the demands and social needs of families. Such determinations do not occur in isolation. On the contrary, they are mutually related reaching a particular way the families of adolescents exposed to sexual exploitation. In other words, they constitute themselves as expressions of the conflict between capital and labor. / O tema e a delimita??o deste estudo compreendem a explora??o sexual de adolescentes nos munic?pios de S?o Borja e Itaqui/RS e sua rela??o com a vulnerabilidade social das fam?lias atendidas no Servi?o de Prote??o e Atendimento Especializado a Fam?lias e Indiv?duos (PAEFI). A relev?ncia dessa investiga??o reside no fato de dar visibilidade as particularidades da explora??o sexual enquanto tem?tica que carece de maior apropria??o e debate pelos (as) profissionais que atuam nas pol?ticas sociais e no sistema de garantia de direitos da crian?a e do adolescente. O objetivo da pesquisa ? identificar a rela??o da explora??o sexual de adolescentes com a vulnerabilidade social das fam?lias e de que forma o PAEFI contribui para o enfrentamento deste fen?meno, a fim de oferecer subs?dios para potencializar as pol?ticas p?blicas de enfrentamento a esta forma de viol?ncia. Nesse sentido, o estudo busca respostas para o seguinte problema: Quais as dimens?es de vulnerabilidade social que os (as) adolescentes em situa??o de explora??o sexual est?o expostos e como essas vulnerabilidades s?o reconhecidas e enfrentadas pelos profissionais vinculados ao PAEFI? Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, constru?da a partir do referencial dial?tico cr?tico. Em rela??o aos procedimentos e t?cnicas utilizou-se de entrevistas semiestruturadas com aplica??o de formul?rios contendo quest?es abertas e fechadas para sete (07) profissionais que trabalham junto ao CREAS dos munic?pios de S?o Borja e Itaqui, bem como para uma (01) adolescente, maior de 14 anos de idade atendida pelo PAEFI. Tamb?m foi realizada an?lise documental de documentos profissionais, elaborados a partir do atendimento e acompanhamento prestados a quatorze (14) adolescentes v?timas de explora??o sexual. A observa??o livre tamb?m comp?s os procedimentos e t?cnicas, fazendo-se presente durante a realiza??o de toda a pesquisa. Dentre os resultados, destaca-se que a prostitui??o foi a modalidade de explora??o sexual mais atendida pelo PAEFI; a totalidade das v?timas compreende o sexo feminino; as principais situa??es de vulnerabilidade social presentes no cotidiano das fam?lias referem-se ao analfabetismo e baixa escolaridade dos pais, desemprego e inser??o prec?ria no mercado de trabalho, baixa remunera??o, prec?rias condi??es de moradia, fragiliza??o e rompimento de v?nculos familiares, hist?rico de abuso sexual, drogadi??o, envolvimento de adolescentes com homens mais velhos em troca de dinheiro e acesso a bens e servi?os. Pode-se perceber tamb?m que o PAEFI carece de investimentos na infraestrutura material e humana. Dentre os desafios apresentados para a qualifica??o das pol?ticas sociais no que se refere ao enfrentamento da explora??o sexual de crian?as e adolescentes destaca-se a necessidade de capacita??o e qualifica??o dos profissionais do PAEFI, bem como daqueles que trabalham em diferentes servi?os e pol?ticas p?blicas que comp?em a rede de prote??o ?s crian?as e adolescentes; incorpora??o das diferentes modalidades de explora??o sexual (prostitui??o infantil, turismo sexual, pornografia infantil, tr?fico para fins de explora??o sexual) nos documentos e relat?rios utilizados pelos profissionais do PAEFI para caracterizar as demandas de atendimento no que se refere a esse tipo de viol?ncia sexual; a realiza??o de um trabalho interinstitucional e intersetorial que tenha como foco as situa??es sociais de vulnerabilidade e as necessidades sociais que d?o margem para a explora??o sexual de crian?as e adolescentes. Com base nos resultados e problematiza??es desenvolvidas, confirma-se a tese de que as situa??es de vulnerabilidade social vivenciadas pelas fam?lias contribuem para a produ??o e reprodu??o das rela??es de explora??o sexual de crian?as e adolescentes. Estas situa??es possuem diversas determina??es, destacando-se a desigualdade de g?nero e de classe, consumo como forma de inser??o social, as diferentes formas de manifesta??o da pobreza, a precariza??o no mundo do trabalho a desagrega??o familiar em face da reprodu??o das rela??es sociais e pol?ticas sociais que de forma insuficiente buscam dar respostas ?s demandas e necessidades sociais das fam?lias. Tais determina??es n?o se manifestam de forma isolada, pelo contr?rio, estabelecem m?tua rela??o entre si, ao passo que atingem de forma particular as fam?lias das adolescentes em situa??o de explora??o sexual. Em outras palavras, constituem-se como express?es do conflito entre capital e trabalho.

Configura??es do trabalho do assistente social na aten??o prim?ria em sa?de (APS) no s?culo XXI : um estudo da produ??o te?rica do servi?o social brasileiro

Camargo, Marisa 28 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 457557.pdf: 1378173 bytes, checksum: 20bd6a652eada21f449683ab10608bab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-28 / The work of social workers in primary care of the Unified Health System (UHS) is the central theme of this Doctoral Thesis in Social Work, which main goal was to explain the job settings of the social worker in Primary Health Care (PHC) in theoretical yield of Social Service, in order to unravel the interface of professional ethical-political project and the care in the Unified Health System (UHS) in the twenty-first century style. To this end, we resorted to the literature search, the explanatory type, with a qualitative approach, theoretical and epistemological framework based on the critical dialectical method of inspiration and its theoretical and methodological categories historicity, totality, contradiction and mediation articulated to the themes of social work assistant, professional ethical-political project of Social Service, Primary Health Care (PHC), the Unified Health System (UHS) and the model of care in health, inspired by the theoretical framework of Social Work and Public Health and publications and measures of the Ministry of Health (MOH). The twenty publications of Social Service about the work of social workers in primary care of the Unified Health System (UHS) in the period from 2005 to 2012, located in the bibliographical sources for collecting survey data were subjected to content analysis with themed cut. The results at the end of the spiral work process research show that, according to the incipient theoretical yield of Social Service, the work of social workers in primary care of the Unified Health System (UHS) in the XXI century is configured as merges the interface between professional ethical-political project of social work, with different models of care conformed within the Unified Health System (UHS) and the polysemy of theoretical-conceptual and technical-operative approaches to primary health care (PHC), in tension between the recognition of determinants or health needs as a social right of state responsibility in view of the completeness and the commodification of health in the form of goods restricted to the dictates of neoliberal capitalist society project, hegemonic on the contemporary scene. / O trabalho do assistente social na aten??o prim?ria do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) ? o tema central desta Tese de Doutorado em Servi?o Social, que teve como objetivo geral explicitar as configura??es do trabalho do assistente social na Aten??o Prim?ria em Sa?de (APS) na produ??o te?rica do Servi?o Social, tendo em vista desvendar a interface do projeto ?tico-pol?tico profissional e o modelo de aten??o no Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) no s?culo XXI. Para tanto, recorreu-se ? realiza??o de uma pesquisa bibliogr?fica, do tipo explicativo, com abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada no m?todo dial?tico cr?tico e suas categorias te?rico-metodol?gicas historicidade, totalidade, contradi??o e media??o articuladas ?s categorias tem?ticas trabalho do assistente social, projeto ?tico-pol?tico profissional do Servi?o Social, Aten??o Prim?ria em Sa?de (APS), Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) e modelo de aten??o em sa?de, inspiradas no referencial te?rico do Servi?o Social e da Sa?de Coletiva e nas publica??es e medidas e medidas do Minist?rio da Sa?de (MS). As vinte publica??es do Servi?o Social sobre o trabalho do assistente social na aten??o prim?ria do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS), no per?odo de 2005 a 2012, localizadas nas fontes bibliogr?ficas de coleta de dados da pesquisa foram submetidas ? an?lise de conte?do com corte tem?tico. Os resultados encontrados ao final do processo de trabalho em espiral da pesquisa apontaram que, de acordo com a incipiente produ??o te?rica do Servi?o Social, o trabalho do assistente social na aten??o prim?ria do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) no s?culo XXI, se configura como mescla da interface entre o projeto ?tico-pol?tico profissional do Servi?o Social, com os distintos modelos de aten??o conformados no ?mbito do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) e a polissemia de abordagens te?rico-conceptual e t?cnico-operativa da Aten??o Prim?ria em Sa?de (APS), na tens?o entre o reconhecimento dos determinantes ou necessidades de sa?de enquanto direito social de responsabilidade do Estado na perspectiva da integralidade e a mercantiliza??o da sa?de sob a forma de mercadoria na perspectiva restrita aos ditames do projeto societ?rio capitalista neoliberal, hegem?nico na cena contempor?nea.

Controle social na aten??o b?sica do sistema ?nico de sa?de brasileiro

Abreu, Elisa de Andrade 14 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 462337.pdf: 1391905 bytes, checksum: bb82769f961a602c3bcf48ff8db6490c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-14 / The study analyses the concept of social control in public health primary care expressed in official documents, and its implications in the process of implementing Local Health Councils, which aim to consolidate social control and broaden human rights. Investigation is based on documents, and the research follows the quantiqualitative method and aims at analyzing the phenomenon from all its multiple dimensions and interrelations. This approach is used so the researcher can get an ample perspective, so the study used the qualitative method to get to know the Local Health Councils. Initially democracy and human rights in contemporary society are discussed. A brief retrospective of history is presented and the development of participative social processes is analyzed, pointing the challenges of radicalizing democracy and universalizing human rights. The dialectic of health social control in Brazil and the relationship between State and civil society point to proposals that go beyond institutional mechanisms of social participation in health politics, rethinking the control of society over the actions of the State. The problems of centralized public health primary care are problematized, taking into consideration the guidelines of decentralization and popular participation. The history of health politics in Brazil is briefly presented, and the present conjuncture is analyzed situating social changes that happened during the last two decades of the 20th century and the counter reformation of the State in the context of productive restructuration. The relation between the attention model and the management model is discussed based on history and on how they are expressed in different social projects. The study points to the conjuncture of privatizing public primary care and uses the city of Porto Alegre, located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, as an example. The specificities of social control in primary care that were institutionally materialized with the Local Health Councils are elucidated. Research data shows that there are two antagonistic concepts about social control in primary health care. Analyses point to a humanrights oriented concept and a management-oriented concept through premises that appeared during the study and affect social control in primary care. / O estudo analisa a concep??o expressa em documentos oficiais, tais como legisla??es e Relat?rios Finais de Confer?ncias Nacionais e Municipais de Sa?de, sobre controle social na Aten??o B?sica do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de e suas implica??es no processo de implementa??o dos Conselhos Locais de Sa?de com vistas ? consolida??o do controle social e amplia??o da cidadania. Trata-se de uma investiga??o com base na pesquisa documental, tendo como caracter?stica a fonte de coleta de dados restrita a documentos. Contudo, trata-se de uma pesquisa de car?ter quanti-qualitativo que visa analisar o fen?meno nas suas m?ltiplas dimens?es e inter-rela??es. Esta abordagem ? utilizada para que um pesquisador possa obter amplas perspectivas como resultado de diferentes abordagens. Para tanto se buscou complementar o estudo com dados quantitativos com vistas a conhecer a implementa??o dos Conselhos Locais de Sa?de. Trata-se de um estudo explorat?rio com vistas a conhecer o fen?meno estudado e uma aproxima??o com o objeto em an?lise. Inicialmente ? realizado um debate sobre democracia e cidadania no contexto da sociedade contempor?nea. A reflex?o se prop?e a um debate conceitual atrav?s de uma breve retrospectiva hist?rica e an?lise do desenvolvimento de processos sociais participativos apontando os desafios no que tange a radicaliza??o da democracia e universaliza??o da cidadania. A dial?tica do controle social em sa?de no Brasil e as rela??es entre Estado e sociedade civil apontam propostas para al?m dos mecanismos institucionais de participa??o social na pol?tica de sa?de buscando repensar o controle da sociedade sobre as a??es do Estado. Buscando refletir sobre o controle social na Aten??o B?sica problematiza-se sobre a centralidade da Aten??o B?sica no Sistema ?nico de Sa?de tendo como pressuposto as diretrizes da descentraliza??o e da participa??o popular. Realiza-se uma breve retrospectiva hist?rica da pol?tica de sa?de no Brasil e an?lise da conjuntura atual situando as transforma??es societ?rias ocorridas nas ?ltimas d?cadas do s?culo XX e contrarreforma do Estado no contexto da reestrutura??o produtiva. Realiza-se uma reflex?o sobre a rela??o do modelo de aten??o e modelo de gest?o em sa?de atrav?s do resgate hist?rico e de como se expressam no contexto da disputa entre projetos societ?rios distintos. O estudo aponta para conjuntura de privatiza??o da Aten??o B?sica e recorrendo, a t?tulo de exemplo, a realidade do munic?pio de Porto Alegre. Buscou-se ? luz dos resultados, elucidar a particularidade do controle social na Aten??o B?sica, materializado institucionalmente nos CLS. Os dados da pesquisa evidenciaram que existem duas concep??es antag?nicas em disputa acerca do Controle Social na Aten??o B?sica do SUS. As an?lises apontaram para uma concep??o cidad? em disputa com uma concep??o gerencialista atrav?s de premissas que foram evidenciadas no decorrer do estudo e que incidem no controle social na Aten??o B?sica.

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