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When sex becomes racist : A quantitative study about the sexualization of People of Color among the Swedish youthGandal, Christine January 2024 (has links)
The topics of racism and sexism have long been discussed but not as much when it comes to the interplay between them. People of Color (PoC) are in a situation where they have to endure both sexism and racism in their daily life. This study argues that the interplay between sexism and racism is more nuanced than previously thought and that the sexualization of PoC is a sort of oppression in itself. The normalization of sexualizing PoC is maintained through the systematic spreading of sexual stereotypes of different ethnicities in society and different media, with a specific focus on pornography, to be able to justify certain inappropriate behaviors towards PoC. Sweden is considered one of the most progressive and equal countries in the world, and therefore unlikely to sexualize PoC to a high extent. By exploring the experiences of the Swedish youth there was a possibility to discover the reality and see if even a country that is considered equal has a tendency to sexualize PoC. Through a dataset obtained by distributing a survey among the Swedish youth, it was possible to measure the level of sexualization for different ethnicities in Sweden. Measuring the sexualization was done through measuring stereotypes and people's perception of PoC in a sexual sense. The survey was answered by 217 people and was divided into 5 ethnicities; White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Black and Latinx. This study shows that among the Swedish youth, PoC are more sexualized than their White peers. There are beliefs of the sexual stereotypes of different ethnicities to be true and also shows that pornography has a significant part in upholding these stereotypes.
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Influencia de la animación japonesa sobre la sexualización y la identificación de estereotipos utilizada en el diseño de personajes en la ilustración / Influence of Japanese animation on sexualization and identification of stereotypes used in character design in illustrationSolis Rivera, Ana Paula 08 May 2020 (has links)
En esta investigación se evaluaron la influencia que genera la animación japonesa, puesto que ha logrado expandirse y es reconocido a lo largo del mundo. En la actualidad, causa impacto por sus historias profundas, un enfoque diferente a la realidad y la influencia que genera en las personas. Por lo cual se planteó analizar la influencia de la animación japonesa sobre la sexualización y estereotipos utilizados en el diseño de personajes en la ilustración. De esta manera, se realizó una investigación de análisis. En primer lugar, la opinión y entrevistas a expertos en los temas de ilustración, animación y cultura japonesa y luego un análisis documental en donde se evidencia imágenes fuera de contexto y enfocados en otro tipo de públicos a pesar del género en el que se visualiza. Asimismo, se pudo concluir que las escenas de los animes y mangas sueles ser desarrolladas para generar ganancias y publicidad. / This paper evaluated the influence of Japanese animation, as it has managed to expand and is recognized throughout the world. Today, it has an impact because of its deep stories, a different approach to reality and the influence it generates on people. For this reason, it was proposed to analyze the influence of Japanese animation on sexualization and stereotypes used in character design in illustration. In this way, an analytical research was carried out. First, the opinion and interviews to experts in the subjects of illustration, animation and Japanese culture and then a documentary analysis where it is evident that the images are out of context and focused on other types of audiences despite the genre in which they are displayed. Likewise, it was concluded that the scenes of the animations and manga’s are usually developed to generate profits and publicity. / Trabajo de investigación
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La mirada masculina de los “ninis” sobre la representación de la mujer en los videoclips de Kevin Roldán / From a male gaze of the "ninis" the representation of women in Kevin Roldan's music videosQuijano Escobedo, Ximena Milagros 14 September 2021 (has links)
Los videoclips musicales tienen como fin promocionar las canciones del artista mediante contenido audiovisual y crear interés con su audiencia. El presente trabajo busca exponer cinco cortometrajes musicales en los que se registra la representación de la mujer en los videoclips de reggaeton. Por ello, la investigación pretende describir a partir de un proceso de observación cómo es la representación de la mujer según la percepción masculina de los “ninis” sobre los videoclips de Kevin Roldan. Este género musical se ha convertido en un tema de controversia debido a que expone a la mujer como un objeto sexual en los videos musicales y muestra claramente una gran cantidad de calificativos femeninos que enganchan de manera emocional a la audiencia con las protagonistas en este videoclip. El trabajo tiene un enfoque cualitativo, en el cual se aplicará la técnica de análisis de contenido a cinco videoclips del cantante de colombiano Kevin Roldan en los últimos dos años. Para esta investigación, se realizará una entrevista a ocho participantes de género masculinos llamados “ninis” con el propósito de esta recopilación de datos se va a desglosar los criterios de los entrevistados. / The purpose of music video clips is to promote the artist's songs through audiovisual content and to create interest with his audience.the present work seeks to expose five musical short films in which the representation of women in reggaeton video clips is recorded. Therefore, the research aims to describe from an observation process how the representation of women according to the male perception of the "ninis" on the video clips of Kevin Roldan. This musical genre has become a topic of controversy because it exposes women as sexual objects in music videos and clearly shows a large number of female qualifiers that emotionally engage the audience with the protagonists in this video clip. The work has a qualitative approach, in which the technique of content analysis will be applied to five video clips of the Colombian singer Kevin Roldan in the last two years. For this research, interviews will be conducted with eight male participants called "ninis" for the purpose of this data collection will be broken down the criteria of the interviewees. / Trabajo de investigación
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El erotismo y la sexualización del cuerpo femenino en el cine peruano / Eroticism and the sexualization of the female body in Peruvian cinemaChalán Anzualdo, Yamile Solange 30 July 2021 (has links)
La cinematografía peruana ha tenido a lo largo de los años varias representaciones y construcciones de personajes que de alguna forma u otra influyen y crean una imagen distorsionada de la realidad figurando entre ellas los personajes femeninos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es realizar un análisis en base a la representación y sexualización de la imagen de la mujer en las películas peruanas de índole erótico. Debido a esto se ha tomado como unidades de estudio las películas peruanas Mañana te cuento (2005) y Django: Sangre de mi sangre (2018). Este objetivo tendrá como desarrollo principal la realización de un análisis de las dimensiones de los personajes, las acciones que desarrollan y el contexto al que están inmersos. Esta investigación se desarrollará en base a la estrategia cualitativa. A partir de esto, se eligió como paradigma el interpretativo y diseño de investigación el estudio de casos. Por tal motivo, al ser las unidades de investigación largometrajes, es que la técnica a emplear es un análisis de contenido la cual se va a basar en el instrumento de recolección de datos a través de una guía de análisis de contenido de estas dos películas peruanas: Mañana te cuento (2005) y Django: Sangre de mi sangre (2018). El escrutinio incluye una evaluación en base a la teoría de construcción de personajes, el género cinematográfico, la construcción del ideal de mujer y una mirada a la sociedad peruana actual. / Peruvian cinematography has had, over the years, various representations and constructions of characters that in some way or another influence and create a distorted image of reality, including female characters. The main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis based on the representation and sexualization of the image of women in Peruvian erotic films. Due to this, the Peruvian films Tomorrow I tell you (2005) and Django: Blood of my blood (2018) have been taken as study units. This objective will have as its main development the realization of an analysis of the dimensions of the characters, the actions they develop and the context in which they are immersed. This research will be developed based on the qualitative strategy. Based on this, the interpretative and the case study research design was chosen as the paradigm. For this reason, as the research units are feature films, the technique to be used is a content analysis which will be based on the data collection instrument through a content analysis guide for these two Peruvian films. : Tomorrow I'll tell you (2005) and Django: Blood of my blood (2018). The scrutiny includes an evaluation based on the theory of character construction, the cinematographic genre, the construction of the ideal of women and a look at current Peruvian society. / Trabajo de investigación
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Rozdíly v percepci ženských postav v různých mediálních zpracováních ságy o Zaklínači / Differences in the perception of female characters in various media versions of The WitcherŠtosová, Tereza January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the perception of female characters in various media adaptations of The Witcher from the perspective of audiences that show signs of fan affiliation. The research focuses on the two most recent adaptations, i.e. the third game The Witcher: Wild Hunt and the serie The Witcher on the Netflix platform. The research took the form of in-depth interviews with a total of nine participants and focused on the role, characteristics, relationships and motivations of female characters in order to find out how respondents perceive these areas in adaptations. The first part of the diploma thesis deals with the theoretical basis related to popular culture, audiences, game and film studies and gender in media. It also presents the world of The Witcher, the selected characters and the critique of adaptations. The next section of the thesis deals with the research methodology. The grounded theory was used as a method of work and multiple levels of coding and categorization were conducted. These categories are then presented in the empirical part of the thesis together with a demonstration of the respondents' statements followed by data interpretation and discussion. The main findings include that female characters play an important role in both adaptations from the audience's...
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Défier la sexualisation du regard. Analyse des démarches contestataires des FEMEN et du post-porn / Defying the sexualization of the gaze. An analysis of the dissenting approaches of FEMEN and post-porn movementsAulombard, Noémie 13 September 2019 (has links)
La présente thèse vise à étudier deux différentes modalités de contestation de l'imaginaire dominant, à travers l'analyse des actions directes du mouvement FEMEN et des performances issues de la démarche post-porn. Ces deux démarches contestataires mettent en exergue et questionnent, chacune à leur manière, la sexualisation des corps, inhérente à certains schèmes de l'imaginaire dominant : les FEMEN la refusent ; la démarche post-porn propose d'autres façons de sexualiser les corps. Une comparaison approfondie de modes d'action des FEMEN et des acteur-ice-s de la scène post-porn implique de s'intéresser à deux façons différentes de retravailler les imaginaires sexuels dominants et de re-signifier les corps féminins, trans et/ou non hétérosexuels. A partir de la sexualisation des corps, je montre comment le regard sur les corps est verrouillé, structuré par un imaginaire traversé par les rapports de pouvoir : il y a des façons hégémoniques de raconter les corps des dominant.e.s et des dominé.e.s. En essaimant dans le monde social, les scripts corporels, ces fictions forgées par les logiques de domination, structurent le regard sur les corps, les pratiques corporelles et les interactions sociales. Mais ce verrouillage du regard contient en lui-même les conditions de son déverrouillage. Ce sont des modalités de ce déverrouillage qui seront interrogées, à travers les actions des FEMEN et des activistes post-porn. Proposer des narrations alternatives de corps déverrouille-t-il le regard sur les corps ? Quel rapport ces démarches contestataires entretiennent-elles aux fictions hégémoniques ? / This thesis aims to study two different approaches which dissent from the dominant imaginary, through the analysis of the FEMEN movement’s direct actions and performances derived from the post-porn approach. Both dissenting approaches highlight and question, each in their own way, the sexualization of bodies, which is inherent to certain schema of the dominant imaginary: the FEMEN movement refuses it, while the post-porn approach offers other ways of sexualizing the body. An in-depth comparison of FEMEN's modes of action with those of the actors and actresses of the post-porn scene entails engagement with two different ways of re-working the notion of dominant sexual imaginaries, and also the re-signification of trans and/or non-heterosexual female bodies. Starting from the sexualization of bodies, I show how the way we look at bodies is locked in, structured by an imaginary shaped by power relationships: there are hegemonic ways to narrate the bodies of the dominant and the dominated. By disseminating themselves into the social world, corporal scripts – these fictions created through logics of domination – shape the way we look at bodies, corporal practices and social interactions. However, this locking in of the gaze contains in itself the conditions of its own unlocking. These modes of unlocking will be questioned through the prism of actions by FEMEN and post-porn activists. Does suggesting alternative body narrations unlock the gaze brought to bear on the body? What relation do these dissenting approaches have with hegemonic fictions?
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Sex säljer! Sexualisering av kvinnan inom digital marknadskommunikation : En studie med modebranschens fast fashion-segment i fokus / Sex sells! Sexualization of women in digital marketing communication : A study with the fashion industry’s fast fashion segment as focusWidjestam, Jenny, Skoglund, Amanda, Enevoldson, Rebecka January 2022 (has links)
Sedan långt tillbaka i tiden har sexualisering använts inom marknadsföring som ett strategiskt verktyg för att öka och bibehålla konsumenters uppmärksamhet. Numera har digitaliseringen av marknadskommunikation lett till att konkurrensen om konsumenters uppmärksamhet är hårdare än någonsin. Kvinnor sexualiseras i högre grad än män och denna sexualisering har både ökat och tagit sig an nya former. Samtidigt som sexualiseringen av kvinnan förekommer befinner sig världen i fjärde vågens feminism vilket sätter press på marknadsföringskulturen. Att sexualiseringen av kvinnan inom marknadskommunikation kan samexistera med en alltmer utsträckt feministisk rörelse utgör ett mysterium vilket väckte vårt intresse att utföra denna studie. Tidigare forskning har haft ett starkt fokus på sexuella symboler som enskilda enheter vilket gör att ett forskningsgap dessutom existerar kring hur dessa symboler samverkar för att formge sexuella budskap. Studiens syfte är att förklara hur sexualiseringen av kvinnor tar form i fotografier publicerade som digital marknadskommunikation på sociala medier, hos modeföretag av typen fast fashion. Frågeställningarna vi ämnar besvara är följande: Hur ser symbolik för sex ut i bilder publicerade på instagram, utifrån innehåll med kvinnliga modeller? På vilka sätt används symboler för sex för att forma sexuella budskap i dessa bilder? Vilka sexuella budskap är det som utformas i dessa bilder? Vi studerar hur sexuella symboler används och kombineras för att identifiera vilka sexuella budskap som förekommer inom digital marknadskommunikation idag. Som grund till studien ligger ett teoretiskt ramverk som använts för att utveckla en analysmodell för sexualisering av kvinnor i bilder. Studien är fokuserad på tre fall vilka utgörs av modeföretag av typen fast fashion. Datainsamling av bilder har gjorts från respektive företags instagramkonto och bilderna har sedan analyserats genom semiotisk bildanalys utifrån den analysmodell vi själva tagit fram. Resultatet visar på fyra olika sexuella budskap som förekommer inom digital marknadskommunikation och hur symboler för sex används för att formge dessa. Resultatet påvisar att en isolerad symbol inte gör en bild sexuell, utan att de måste kombineras för att de sexuella budskapen ska uppstå. De sexuella budskap som identifierats är känslan att vara på plats med modellen, utrymme för fantasi, sexuell makt och sexigt utseende. Studiens resultat bekräftar tidigare forskning kring vilka symboler för sex som förekommer inom marknadskommunikation. Resultatet utvecklar även tidigare forskning och bidrar med ny teoribildning genom att identifiera hur dessa symboler används för att skapa sexuella budskap och vilka budskap som förekommer. Resultatet tyder också på är att sexualiseringen inom marknadskommunikation idag sker på ett subtilt sätt. Studien är begränsad till segmentet fast fashion, vidare forskning föreslås därför undersöka sexuell symbolik i andra segment av modebranschen. Studien är också begränsad till samtiden, vidare forskning föreslås som jämför sexuella budskap idag med hur dem formgetts historiskt. / Sexualized messages have since long ago been used as a strategic tool to create and maintain the attention of consumers. The digitalization of marketing communication has led to an especially increased competition for consumers' attention. Women are being sexualized more than men and this sexualization has both increased and taken on new forms. While this sexualization of women are carried through, the world is experiencing a fourth wave of feminism which is putting pressure on the marketing culture. That these two phenomena can coexist creates a mystery which awakened our interest to execute this study. Previous research has had a strong focus on solely symbols for sex, which means that there also exists a research gap how these symbols are being used to create sexual messages.The purpose of this study is to explain how the sexualization of women takes form in photographs published as digital marketing communication on social media, by fast fashion companies. The questions we intend to answer are: based on content with female models, what symbols for sex are used in pictures published on Instagram? In which ways are symbols for sex being used to create sexual messages in these pictures? What sexual messages are being created? The thesis is written in Swedish. We study how symbols for sex are being used and combined to identify what kind of sexual messages that exist in digital marketing communication today. A theoretical framework lays ground for the study and an analysis model for sexualization of women in pictures has been developed based on this framework. The study is focused on three cases in the form of fast fashion companies. Data collection was carried out through the collection of pictures from the company’s instagram accounts, and the data were analyzed through a semiotic picture analysis with help of the analysis model. The result of the study identifies four different sexual messages that exists in digital marketing communication and shows how symbols for sex are being used to create these. The results also shows that a symbol alone does not make a picture sexual, but that they need to be combined for sexual messages to be created. The sexual messages which were identified are the following: the feeling to be beside the model, room for sexual fantasies, sexual power and sexy appearances. The result of the study confirms previous research on what symbols for sex that are being used in marketing communication. Our results also expand previous research and contributes with new theories. This through the identification of how symbols for sex are being used to create sexual messages and what these messages are. The results also indicate that the sexualization of women nowadays is carried out in a discrete way. This study is limited to the fast fashion segment. Future research could examine if the sexualization of women takes different forms in other segments. This study is also limited to current day. Future research could therefore compare contemporary sexualization of women with historical such.
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Současná česká sexuologie a homosexualita / Contemporary Czech Sexology and HomosexualityMašková, Johana January 2012 (has links)
7 ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on a textual analysis of articles in the field of sexology, which were published in the Czech Republic after 1989. It will examine through both quantitative and qualitative methods, how authors of sexological articles defined the term homosexuality and worked with it, as well as explore their varying approaches to the topic depending on context. The thesis will ask whether the sexological discourse about homosexuality has changed after the fall of the communist regime, and if it has, in what ways. Keywords: AIDS/HIV, biologization, coming out, discourse, essentialization, gay, gender, heteronormativity, homosexuality, lesbian, medicalization, registered partnership, sexualization, sexology, stereotype, stigmatization, taboo, victimization
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More Than Just A Pretty Face: The Women of the SOE and the OSS During World War IIKeith, Kelly M. 17 April 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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De Jocaste à Lolita : Œdipe et l'hypersexualisation des jeunes filles au cinémaWillis, Louis-Paul 11 1900 (has links)
Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de cette thèse a été dépouillée de ses documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale de la thèse a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal / La présente thèse étudie l’hypersexualisation des jeunes filles en tant que phénomène culturel contemporain. En mettant à profit une approche conceptuelle psychanalytique et féministe, la thèse tente de comprendre le rôle joué par le regard, le désir et le fantasme dans ce phénomène. S’éloignant volontairement des discours critiques existant sur le sujet, l’objectif est de voir comment le cinéma peut mener son spectateur à confronter les dimensions plus radicales (incestueuse, pédophile et œdipienne) de l’image d’une jeune fille hypersexualisée.
Le parcours argumentaire se divise en trois parties. La première partie effectue un inventaire sommaire des études portant sur l’hypersexualisation des jeunes filles. Tout en constatant l’actuelle pornographisation du paysage médiatique contemporain, le lecteur est amené à prendre connaissance de la nature alarmiste et foncièrement iconophobe de ces discours critiques, qui accordent peu d’attention à la dimension fantasmatique du phénomène. Une rétrospective des réflexions féministes sur le regard et le désir vient ensuite orienter le parcours vers les enjeux liés à la représentation médiatique de la féminité, ainsi que son lien avec le regard et le désir cinématographiques.
La deuxième partie s’attarde aux discours féministes portant sur la représentation de la Femme en tant que signe. Constatant les limites de la traditionnelle dichotomie ange/putain, un modèle permettant de penser la féminité médiatique en termes archétypaux est proposé. Après avoir démontré l’opérativité analytique de ce modèle à travers la lecture du film 3 Women (Altman 1977), une analyse approfondie du film The
Virgin Suicides (Coppola 1999) permet d’isoler une mise en image des envers problématiques de la féminité fantasmée.
La troisième partie de la thèse introduit le paradigme lacanien contemporain propre aux études cinématographiques, afin de mener le lecteur à considérer sous un autre jour les questions du regard, du désir et du fantasme. La jeune fille hypersexualisée est alors abordée comme une version contemporaine et inversée du fantasme originaire œdipien. Par les analyses des films American Beauty (Mendes 1999) et Exotica (Egoyan 1994), le cinéma se révèle comme un discours culturel possédant la capacité de mener son spectateur vers une traversée du fantasme de la jeune fille hypersexualisée. / This thesis studies the sexualization of young girls as a contemporary cultural phenomenon. Through a feminist and psychoanalytical approach, the thesis attempts to isolate the functioning of the gaze, desire and fantasy within this phenomenon. Through a voluntary dissociation from existing critical discourses dealing with this topic, the main objective is to understand how cinema can bring its spectator to confront the radical dimensions (incestuous, pedophiliac and Œdipal) associated with the image of a sexualized girlhood.
The thesis is divided into three parts. Part one begins with a brief inventory of existing literature on the sexualization of girlhood. While ascertaining the pornographication of contemporary mediascapes, the reader is brought to grasp the alarmist and iconophobic nature of existing critical discourses dealing with this phenomenon. Indeed, it is shown how they pay very little attention to the fantasmatic nature of the sexualized young girl. A feminist retrospective on the topics of desire and the gaze then orients the discussion towards issues related to media representations of femininity.
Part two begins by focusing on feminist studies of Woman as sign. Following the highlighting of the conceptual limits associated with the typical angel/whore dichotomy, an archetypal model aimed at rethinking media representations of femininity is proposed. After demonstrating the analytical operability of this model through the study of Robert Altman’s 3 Women (1977), an extensive analysis of Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides
(1999) allows the exploration of cinema’s ability to represent the problematical undersides of the fantasy of femininity.
Part three focuses on contemporary Lacanian film studies in order to bring the reader to consider a more radical approach to questions pertaining to the gaze, desire and fantasy. The sexualized young girl is then studied as a contemporary, inverted version of the primal Œdipal fantasy. Through the analyses of Sam Mendes’ American Beauty (1999) and Atom Egoyan’s Exotica (1994), the cinema is revealed as a cultural discourse that holds the ability to bring its viewer to traverse the fantasy of sexualized girlhood.
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