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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamentální analýza vybrané akcie / Fundamental Analysis of Selected Stock

Kubiš, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master`s thesis is to perform fundamental analysis and determine the intrinsic value of Pfizer Inc share. There are three main parts of fundamental analysis - global, industry and company analysis, which includes a financial analysis. Using the chosen methods the value of shares is determined. The calculated intrinsic value is then compared to the market price and the investment recommendation is proposed.

Reologické vlastnosti asfaltových pojiv / Rheological properties of asphalt binders

Pěnčík, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The Diploma thesis is focused on rheological properties of bituminous binders and mixtures. Above all, it describes the changes of these properties of samples of bituminous binders and mixtures. Those were brought by the process of laboratory aging, since it simulates the changes occurring in the in the real-life conditions. The theoretical part depicts the field of rheology and methods utilized for simulating the ageing of binders and mixtures. The practical part describes the process of preparation of samples and its testing. Firstly, the ageing of bituminous mixture by the means of BSA method (Braunschweiger Alterung) took place, which was followed by preparing the solids for testing the modulus of stiffness and main testing. The rest of the mixture was used for extracting the binder. Tests with the binder were focused on the usage of dynamic shear rheometer (complex shear modulus, dynamic viscosity). The last part of the work is dedicated to the comparison of the outcomes of testing.

Porovnání různých způsobů stanovení výchozí ceny pro ocenění rodinných domů nákladovým způsobem / Comparison of Various Methods of Determining the Default Price during the Assessment of Family Houses Using the Cost Method

Háva, Karla January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a comparison of different methods of determining the default price for family house by using cost valuation method. Here are compared the default rates found in specific houses by itemized budget, calculating according to technical and economic indicator and obtained under the Ministry of Finance to implement certain provisions of Act No. 151/1997 Coll. Using charts and graphs shows the results for valuation individual houses and their variances. The aim is determine the price shares of construction and equipment of the itemized budget of houses created for this work and compare them to share price valuation in the annex to the Decree Ministry of Finance, perhaps to make an attention to differences or shortcomings in price share valuation announcement.


Hlavinková, Vítězslava Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the problems associated with determining the amount of wear (finding the remaining technical values) that are being addressed. It deals with an overview of the different methods used. The basic premise of the thesis is a comprehensive overview of the calculation procedure and the methods used. This area of wear does not except the price regulation precisely defined procedure, nor are they addressed the circumstances in which that would be the method to be used. Various possible methods or inaccuracies may result in questioning the expert opinions as at trial. In conclusion of this dissertation is shown how the calculation procedure should wear for what purpose should be used and it is also proposed several alternatives.

Návrh podnikového finančního plánu / Draft of a Corporate Financial Plan

Hetmánková, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to create a draft of a Corporate Financial Plan for a chosen company. It describes the procedure of analysis making, which precedes the financial plan, it explains necessary calculations which are vital for the plan creation and evaluation of both possible variants from the financial point of view.

Styrelseegenskapers påverkan på efterlevnaden av IFRS 2 : En studie om efterlevnad av upplysningskrav och kvantiteten av noter i årsredovisningar / The effect of corporate governance characteristics on compliance with IFRS 2 : A study on compliance with the disclosure requirements and the quantity of notes in annual reports

Andersson Aronsson, Viola, Barsoum, Emad January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Upplysningar är ett ämne som ofta förekommer i den internationella redovisningsdebatten eftersom det utgör en nyckelfaktor för att förstå företagens finansiella rapporter. Det har även funnits ett intresse att förklara efterlevnadsnivån, där en stor del av forskningen undersökt företagsspecifika egenskapers påverkan på efterlevnaden. Under de senaste åren har forskning även intresserat sig för att undersöka huruvida bolagsstyrningsspecifika egenskaper kan påverka upplysningsgraden. Den internationella normgivaren IASB utvärderar även om redovisningsstandarderna kan vara en bidragande faktor till det omtalade informationsöverflöde som påstås finnas i årsrapporter, och om fler principer istället bör införas. Det kan dock finnas skäl till att först utvärdera efterlevnadsnivån för de minimikrav som ställs på företagen avseende upplysningar innan principer införs som skapar större frihet för företagen att lämna upplysning. Syfte Inom ramen för denna studie är syftet att åskådliggöra efterlevnadsnivån och kvantiteten av noter om aktierelaterade ersättningar över tid, och därmed skapa insikt för vilken information som förmedlas i de finansiella rapporterna och vilka upplysningskrav som har bristfällig efterlevnad. Studien ämnar även till att klargöra huruvida styrelseegenskaper och kvantiteten av noter kan påverka efterlevnaden av IFRS 2 för att belysa hur styrelsens sammansättning kan inverka på redovisningen och upprättandet av företagens årsredovisningar. Metod Fyra hypoteser har formulerats för att besvara studiens syfte. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ metod där text i årsredovisningar har kvantifierats och kodats i enlighet med metoden innehållsanalys. En dikotomisk poängsättning har använts i konstruktionen av studiens upplysningsindex. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar har mätts i antal ord.     Resultat Efterlevnadsnivån för svenska börsnoterade företag låg på omkring 70 procent, med en minimal ökning om 1 procentenhet mellan de undersökta åren. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar visade inte heller på någon större förändring mellan åren och merparten av företagen låg mellan intervallet 501 till 1 500 ord i årsrapporterna. Regressionsanalysen ledde till att ingen av studiens hypoteser kunde accepteras då ingen variabel uppvisade statistisk signifikans. Slutsats Studien påvisar bristfällig efterlevnad av IFRS 2. Vidare kunde inga signifikanta samband konstateras mellan efterlevnaden och de bolagsstyrningsspecifika egenskaperna, vilket skiljer sig från internationella studier. Kvantiteten av upplysningar om aktierelaterade ersättningar har varit relativt stabil mellan åren, dock har det totala antalet sidor i årsredovisningarna ökat med 16,9 procent vilket kan indikera på ett informationsöverflöde. / Background Disclosures are a topic that is often found in the international accounting debate because they are a key factor in understanding the financial reports of companies. There has also been an interest in explaining compliance levels, where a large part of the research has investigated the impact of firm specific characteristics on compliance. In recent years, research has also been interested in examining whether corporate governance characteristics can affect the degree of disclosure. The international standards regulator IASB are now at a stage where they evaluate whether accounting standards can be a contributing factor to the discussed information overflow in annual reports and whether more principles should be introduced instead. However, there may be grounds for evaluating the level of compliance for the minimum requirements before introducing principles that create greater freedom for companies to provide information or not. Purpose In the context of this study, the purpose is to illustrate the level of compliance and the quantity of notes on share-based payments over time, thereby creating an insight into what information is communicated in the financial reports and which disclosure requirements have inadequate compliance. The study also intends to clarify whether corporate governance characteristics and quantity of notes can affect compliance with IFRS 2 to illustrate how the composition of the Board of Directors can influence the accounting and preparation of the company’s annual reports. Method Four hypotheses have been formulated to answer the purpose of the study. The study applies a quantitative method where text in annual reports has been quantified and coded according to the method of content analysis. A dichotomous score has been used when constructing the study´s disclosure index. The quantity of information on share-based payments has been measured in number of words. Result The compliance level for Swedish listed companies was around 70 percent, with a minimal increase of 1 percent between the years surveyed. Nor did the amount of information on share-based payments show any significant change between the years and the majority of the companies ranged between 501 and 1 500 words in their annual reports. The regression analysis showed that none of the study´s hypotheses could be accepted as no variable showed statistical significance. Conclusions The study demonstrates a poor compliance with IFRS 2. Furthermore, no significant relationship between compliance level and corporate governance characteristics was found, which differs from international studies. The amount of information on share-based payments has been relatively stable over the years, however the total number of pages in the annual reports has increased by 16,9 percent, which may indicate an information overflow.

Partners påverkan på revisionskvalité: En andelsfråga? : En studie om hur partnerandelen i de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige influerar organisationen och på så vis påverkar revisionskvalitén / Partners impact on audit quality: a share question?  : A study about how the partner share in the four biggest audit firms in Sweden influence the organization thus effects the audit quality

Cronholm, Jacob, Didriksson, Elin January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Utvecklingen av revisorsprofessionen kan härledas ända till 1895. En utveckling som grundas i professionalitet men som på senare år blivit allt mer kommersialiserad. Revisionsbyråernas ägare benämns som partners och likt andra organisationstyper har ägarna en stor påverkan på organisationen. Partners skiljer sig dock från många andra ägare i stora företag med sin aktiva närvaro i det dagliga arbetet. Positionen som partner innebär bl.a. makt, status och finansiella fördelar. Incitamenten med partnerskapet bör variera beroende på partnerandel, vilket kan tänkas leda till en dominans av antingen professionell eller kommersiell logik. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om partnerandelen påverkar revisionskvalitén inom de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige. Metod: För att undersöka studiens syfte har en hypotes skapats utifrån agentteorin samt kommersiell och professionell logik. Studien utförs med hjälp av en tvärsnittsdesign och en deduktiv ansats. Studien har utförts på ett urval som består av de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige och deras klienter på Stockholmsbörsens tre största listor för år 2012 och 2018. Slutsatser: Studien kan från analys och diskussion komma till en slutsats att partnerandelen har en påverkan på revisionskvalitén. Med studien kan det utläsas att auktoriserade revisorer per partner har en positiv relation till revisionskvalitén / Background: The development of the auditor profession originates from 1895. However, the development that is based on professionalism has in recent years become increasingly commercialized. The audit firm’s owners are called partners and like other types of organizations, the owners have a big impact on the organization. However, partners differ from other owners with their presence in the daily business. The position as a partner comes with power, status and financial advantages, which may lead to a dominance of either professional or commercial logic. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore whether the partner share affects the quality of auditing within the four biggest audit firms in Sweden. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a hypothesis has been formulated with agency theory and commercial and professional logics. This study uses a crosssectional design with a deductive approach. The selection of data includes the four biggest audit firms in Sweden and their clients on the three biggest lists in the Swedish stock market during 2012 and 2018. Conclusions: The study can conclude from analysis and discussion that the partner share has an impact on audit quality. The study shows that authorized auditors per partner have a positive relationship to audit quality

Dividend policy and share price volatility: evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Wehncke, Francois Cornelius 10 1900 (has links)
For many financial analysts the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility remains inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility for JSE-listed firms in South Africa differs from previous, similar research done on different markets. The research study answered the research question and determined what the relationship is between dividend policy and share price volatility for a representative sample of JSE-listed firms. In addition, it met the objective of finding and evaluating the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility for a selection of JSElisted firms, under various economic conditions. The research study spanned a 12- year period with more than 1 065 observations noted. Quantitative, secondary data was collected and descriptive statistics were used during the analysis phase. Two standard multiple regression models were used to regress dividend policy and share price volatility, with the first regression model only providing a crude test between the variables. The second regression model accounted for factors that affect both variables and was included to provide a more accurate test estimation. The relationship between the dividend payout ratio and share price volatility and the relationship between dividend yield and share price volatility were evaluated and reported on, under various different economic conditions (pre, during and post the 2008 financial crisis). The study concluded that there is a negative correlation between a firm’s dividend policy and share price volatility. It further found that a firm’s dividend payout ratio, and not the dividend yield ratio, remains the single biggest contributor in explaining the variance in share price volatility throughout the different economic phases presented by pre, during and post the 2008 global financial crisis. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Financial Management)

The effect of shared dynamic understanding on willingness to contribute information: design and analysis of a mega-collaborative interface

Newlon, Christine Mae 06 May 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Collaborative helping via social networking conversation threads can pose serious challenges in emergency situations. Interfaces that support complex group interaction and sense-making can help. This research applies human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), and collaboration engineering in developing an interactive design, the Mega-Collaboration Tool (MCT). The goal is to reduce the cognitive load of a group’s growing mental model, thus increasing the general public’s ability to organize spontaneous collaborative helping. The specific aims of this research include understanding the dynamics of mental model negotiation and determining whether MCT can assist the group’s sense-making ability without increasing net cognitive load. The proposed HCI theory is that interfaces supporting collaborative cognition motivate contribution and reduce information bias, thus increasing the information shared. These research questions are addressed: 1. Does MCT support better collaborative cognition? 2. Does increasing the size of the shared data repository increase the amount of information shared? 3. Does this happen because group members experience 1) a greater sense of strategic commitment to the knowledge structure, 2) increased intrinsic motivation to contribute, and 3) reduced resistance to sharing information? These questions were affirmed to varying degrees, giving insight into the collaborative process. Greater content did not motive group members directly; instead, half of their motivation came from awareness of their contribution’s relevance. Greater content and organization improved this awareness, and also encouraged sharing through increased enthusiasm and reduced bias. Increased commitment was a result of this process, rather than a cause. Also, MCT increased collaborative cognition but was significantly hampered by Internet performance. This challenge indicates MCT’s system components should be redesigned to allow asynchronous interaction. These results should contribute to the development of MCT, other collaboration engineering applications, and HCI and information science theory.

Marknadens reaktion vid avslutade aktieåterköpsprogram / The Market’s Reaction to CompletedShare Repurchase Programs

Loeper, Baltzar, Ricardo, Camarena January 2023 (has links)
This paper investigates the long-run market effects of open market share repurchase programs, specifically focusing on the influence of firm size (market capitalization) and market-to-book ratio on long-run abnormal returns. The study utilizes data from financial databases, including Nasdaq Stockholm and Eikon, as well as information from initiation announcements and other publicly available documents provided by firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2022. The findings of the study reveal that the completion of open market repurchase programs does not exhibit a significant impact on the long-term abnormal return of Swedish firms. Additionally, the study indicates that firm size and market-to-book ratio do not exert a substantial influence on the long-run abnormal return. Previous studies on the subject all show a positive abnormal return associated with the announcement of open market share repurchase program. However, this study diverges from previous research by focusing on the impact after the completion date. Consequently, it can be concluded that there is no significant effect on the long-run abnormal return following the completion of an open market share repurchase program, as the market has already incorporated the impact during the announcement phase, thereby reflecting it in the stock price at the completion date. / I början av 2000-talet blev det lagligt för svenska börsnoterade bolag att köpa tillbaka sina egna aktier. Lagändringen medförde en ny möjlighet för företag att föra tillbaka överskottslikviditet tillaktieägarna. Flertalet svenska och internationella studier har dokumenterat marknadens reaktion vid annonserandet av ett aktieåterköpsprogram, denna studie är först med att undersökamarknadsreaktionen efter avslutade aktieåterköpsprogram. I uppsatsen undersöks sambandet mellan avslutade aktieåterköpsprogram och avvikelseavkastning på lång sikt genom Buy-and-hold-abnormal-return (BHAR). Uppsatsen fokuserar på företag noterade på Nasdaq Stockholm, vilka genomfört minst ett aktieåterköpsprogram under perioden 2015–2022. Studien syftar till att undersöka marknadsreaktionen efter avslutade återköpsprogram på den svenska marknaden. Därtill är syftet att undersöka hur market-to-book kvoten (M/B) och börsvärdet (BV) påverkar avvikelseavkastningen efter avslutat aktieåterköpsprogram på 3, 6 och 12 månaders sikt.Studien har samlat in information och data över återköpen genom Nasdaq, Eikon Refinitiv samt företagens finansiella rapporter och pressmeddelanden. Studiens resultat dokumenterar att det inte finns några signifikanta samband mellan avslutade aktieåterköpsprogram och företags BHAR på3,6 och 12 månaders sikt. Vidare kunde inga statistiskt signifikanta samband säkerställas mellanföretagens M/B kvot respektive börsvärde och BHAR.I slutsatsen diskuteras skillnaden mellan tidigare studiers resultat och resultaten från denna uppsats.Tidigare studier dokumenterar en signifikant positiv avvikelseavkastning, något som skiljer sig från resultaten i denna uppsats. En möjlig förklaring till skillnaden i resultaten är att de tidigare studierna utgår från dagen då aktieåterköpsprogram annonseras. Den marginella avvikelseavkastning i denna studie kan förklaras genom att marknadens reaktion främst sker vid annonseringen av aktieåterköpsprogrammet, och att reaktionen redan prisats in vid tidpunkten för avslutat aktieåterköpsprogram. Resultatet är i linje med tidigare studier på ämnet som visar att den positiva avvikelseavkastning kan kopplas till signalteorin. Studiens resultat kan användas som underlag för att bygga ytterligare kunskap om aktieåterköpsprogram på den svenska marknaden.

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