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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Forum shopping: modo lícito de escolha de jurisdição? / Forum shopping: lawful mode of choice of jurisdiction?

Solano de Camargo 09 September 2015 (has links)
A doutrina internacional costuma conceituar o \"forum shopping\" como a escolha da jurisdição mais favorável ao demandante, nas hipóteses em que haja competências internacionais concorrentes. Toda uma série de fenômenos trazidos com a globalização (sejam eles políticos, sociais ou econômicos) repercute concretamente no direito internacional privado, ampliando as possibilidades de litígios em escala mundial, e trazendo consigo diversas inquietações. O exercício dessa mesma opção em jurisdições estrangeiras, ao longo do tempo, tem levado a doutrina e a jurisprudência internacional a qualificar o forum shopping quer como um abuso do direito processual quer como um direito potestativo legítimo do demandante. A proposta deste trabalho é a análise do fenômeno no âmbito do direito internacional privado, com enfoque nos efeitos de ordem material e processual que refletem nos conflitos instaurados no Brasil e no estrangeiro, analisando-se casos de repercussão internacional. / The international doctrine usually conceptualizes forum shopping as the choice of jurisdiction more favorable to the plaintiff, in the hypothesis where there is international concurrent jurisdictions. A whole series of phenomena brought with the globalization (whether political, social or economic) reverberate concretely in the private international law, expanding the possibilities of disputes in a worldwide scale, bringing with itself several concerns. The exercise of such option in foreign jurisdictions, through out the time, has led the international doctrine and jurisprudence to qualify the forum shopping either as an abuse of procedural right either as a legitimate potestative right of the plaintiff. The purpose of this work is the analysis of the phenomenon in the context of private international law, focusing on the effects of substantive and procedural order that reflect in the conflicts filed in Brazil and in abroad, analyzing the cases of international repercussions.

Proposta de um modelo de precificação do valor do metro quadrado para locação em shopping centers / A proposal of a square meter pricing model for rent in shopping malls

José Carlos de Souza Filho 14 December 2005 (has links)
Todo o varejista, ao se estabelecer em um determinado ponto comercial, procura atingir suas metas de crescimento e desenvolvimento do negócio. Para tanto, ele irá verificar, nas diferentes possibilidades do estabelecimento, aquela que se ajustar, mais adequadamente, às suas aspirações e objetivos. Por outro lado, os pontos de venda disponíveis podem ser próprios ou locados, dependendo da disponibilidade de propriedade de cada varejista, bem como da disponibilidade de espaços a serem locados para o exercício da atividade. Nem sempre a propriedade de um ponto é o melhor caminho para o estabelecimento, por conta da adequação ao negócio, acesso, condições de tráfego, dentre outros. No processo de escolha de um ponto por meio de locação, os problemas elencados acima são os mesmos. Mas, nesse caso, o varejista pode selecionar o ponto mais adequado em função das características do negócio e das condições objetivas do local. Entre as possibilidades de escolha do ponto, dependendo do tipo de negócio, os shopping centers podem se configurar como uma solução conveniente para o varejista. E nos shopping centers, atualmente, desenvolvem-se diversas atividades comerciais e de prestação de serviços, que foram se consolidando como sendo ajustadas às necessidades do mercado consumidor e por extensão ao varejo que tenciona atendê-los. Os shopping centers caracterizam-se por cederem espaços às atividades de distribuição de bens e serviços aos consumidores finais, mediante a locação de espaços físicos onde o varejista desenvolverá seu negócio. Esses espaços são cedidos de forma onerosa aos varejistas, que arcam com o chamado custo de ocupação . Esse trabalho visa analisar os modelos existentes de precificação de ativos físicos, como o aluguel do metro quadrado do espaço em shopping centers, verificar, empiricamente de que forma estes valores são determinados, bem como desenvolver um modelo de precificação do valor de locação aplicável às condições do mercado brasileiro. Deve-se destacar que este trabalho pretende trazer uma contribuição à sistematização da bibliografia sobre o assunto precificação de espaços locados para o varejo e dar contribuições teóricas para o referencial de processos de escolha de pontos de venda no varejo, com base em modelos de precificação. / All shop owners, when choosing a location in a commercial site, seek to achieve their targeted growth and the development of their businesses. In doing this, they will choose among the many different location possibilities, selecting the one that they believe will most closely achieve their goals and objectives. On the other hand, the selection of a site location may depend on less than ideal circumstances. The businessman may already be the owner of a retail site, he may not have the financial resources to purchase additional retail sites, or retail sites may not be available in commercial developments. Site ownership is not always the best way to choose the location because of the adequacy of business, accessibility, and traffic conditions, among others. In the selection of a site by location, these types of problems are similar. In this case, however, the retailer can select the more suitable site in relation to the characteristics of the business and the objective conditions of the site. Depending on the type of business, shopping malls can provide a convenient solution to the retailer in site selection. Nowadays shopping malls have developed several commercial and service activities to meet the needs of both the consumers and, by extension, the retailers who intend to serve them. Mall developers locate shopping malls in locations which are conducive to the activities of distribution of goods and services to the final consumers, by means of location of physical spaces where the retailer can develop his business. These spaces are offered to prospective tenants for a payment that covers the cost of occupation. This paper intends to analyze the existing models of pricing for these kinds of physical assets, including the cost per square foot in shopping malls, verify empirically the ways these values are settled, and develop a pricing model to fix this value applicable to Brazilian market conditions. It is important to emphasize that this research project intends to make a contribution to the literature dealing with the issue of retail space location and offer some theoretical contributions to the reference process of choosing a retail site, based upon pricing models.

Uma aplicação empírica da abordagem dos atributos no processo de escolha de um shopping center por parte dos lojistas / An empirical approach of attributers theory in site store owners selection process by in shopping malls

José Carlos de Souza Filho 26 June 2001 (has links)
Muito se tem estudado a respeito dos aspectos econômicos e mercadológicos dos Shopping Centers, focando-se essencialmente na relação destes empreendimentos com os consumidores finais. Este trabalho pretendeu abordar esta questão sob a ótica do lojista que se instala em um shopping center. E não exatamente um lojista qualquer, mas o pequeno lojista, ou o lojista satélite, como são chamados estes comerciantes nos empreendimentos. Através da hipótese de que por menor que seja o empreendimento comercial, sempre existirão critérios objetivos de escolha de ponto, procurou-se aqui sistematizar esses critérios, através de uma abordagem teórica que pudesse dar sustentação conceitual ao processo de escolha. Dentre as conclusões do trabalho, verificou-se que apesar de nem sempre aparente, o lojista tem uma clara percepção das características do ponto, embora às vezes tenha que optar por aquele ponto onde sua restrição de orçamento assim o permita. / Many researchers have studied economic and merchandising issues regarding shopping centers, focusing essentially on the relationship between the entrepreneurs and the consumers. This work is intended to provide a different approach, focusing on the relationship from the shopper-owner viewpoint, with an emphasis on small businesses. Based upon the hypothesis that even in the smallest commercial business, everyone should develop some technical criteria to assist in choosing their sites, the author tried to organize these methods, using a theoretical approach in order to support the site study process. Among the conclusions, it was verified that even when the owner cannot use the concepts to choose a site in a shopping center (e.g., because of a restricted budget), he/she has a clear idea about the quality and characteristics of the site locations.

A necessidade de conveniência no varejo: um estudo sobre o comportamento de consumo nos formatos de shopping center e varejo eletrônico / The need for retail convenience: a study of the consumer behavior in shopping center and electronic retail formats

Cláudia Pereira Bahia Lima 25 March 2009 (has links)
Enquanto faz suas compras, o consumidor despende tempo e esforço para a realização de várias tarefas como o deslocamento até a loja, a busca por informação sobre o produto desejado, a localização do produto dentro da loja até sua efetiva posse, após a finalização da transação no caixa. É a conveniência o atributo que minimiza os gastos de tempo e esforço do consumidor durante todas as etapas do processo de compra. Sua importância é crescente, na medida em que os recursos não-monetários de tempo e energia se tornam escassos e, conseqüentemente, mais valorizados na sociedade contemporânea. Neste contexto, objetivouse neste trabalho, o estudo da conveniência como necessidade do consumidor moderno, com a finalidade de determinar se ela varia em distintos formatos de varejo. Sendo assim, esta necessidade é estudada no shopping center, um formato de varejo tradicional composto por lojas, e no varejo eletrônico, um formato sem lojas, de expansão recente. A comparação entre os formatos de varejo se deu pela determinação das dimensões do constructo necessidade de conveniência em cada um deles, bem como pela identificação dos tipos mais importantes de conveniência na composição do constructo em cada formato. A pesquisa teve caráter exploratório, quantitativo, sendo realizada por meio de um levantamento, aplicado em meio eletrônico. Os resultados mostraram que a necessidade de conveniência na amostra estudada varia entre formatos, indicando não se tratar de uma necessidade intrínseca do consumidor. A conveniência constitui, portanto, uma necessidade dinâmica, que se modifica de acordo com o contexto de compra. Foram identificadas, para o shopping center, quatro dimensões da necessidade de conveniência: acesso, busca, transação e posse. No varejo eletrônico, porém, esta necessidade se desdobra em apenas três tipos, com as conveniências de acesso e busca formando uma única dimensão. Além disso, na composição da necessidade de conveniência total dos consumidores, identificou-se relevância predominante de um tipo de conveniência distinto em cada formato de varejo. No shopping center, observou-se a predominância da conveniência de transação, enquanto no varejo eletrônico, o tipo mais relevante foi a conveniência de acesso e busca. Estes resultados indicam que os esforços para a criação de um composto de conveniência no varejo devem levar em conta as especificidades de cada formato. / Consumers spend time and effort to complete several tasks while shopping. These tasks include the trip to the store, the search for information on the desired product as well as locating the product they wish to purchase and completing the checkout process. Convenience is the attribute which minimizes the time and effort spent by the consumer in the buying processes stages. Its importance is growing as the non-monetary resources of time and energy become scarce and consequently more valued in contemporary society. This study has aimed to investigate convenience as a modern consumers need which has been analyzed in two different retail formats. The first one was the shopping center, a traditional format composed by stores and the second was electronic retailing, a non-store format of recent growth. The dimensionality of the need for convenience construct was assessed and the dimensions were compared across formats in terms of their composition and relevance for the overall construct. To accomplish the proposed goals, a quantitative research of exploratory nature has been undertaken by the administration of an online survey. It was found that the need for convenience varies according to the retail format for the sample studied. This result indicates that the need for convenience is not an enduring consumer need but a dynamic necessity that changes between different shopping contexts. Four dimensions have been identified for the shopping center, which are access, search, transaction and possession. However, for electronic retailing only three dimensions were obtained since the access and search conveniences have formed a single dimension. In addition, the relevance of each dimension in the overall construct composition was examined. It was found the predominance of one convenience type for each format, namely the transaction convenience for the shopping center and the access and search convenience for electronic retailing. These results indicate that the efforts toward the creation of a retailers convenience offer should take into consideration the particularities of each retail format.

La localisation des sociétés / The location of companies

Tap, Jean-Brice 08 September 2015 (has links)
Le XXIe siècle s’est traduit pour les opérateurs économiques par un fort mouvement d’internationalisation qui les a aspirés dans une compétition sans frontières et les a conduit à s’implanter sur le globe au gré de leurs intérêts. Dans ce cadre, quelle attitude le droit adopte-t-il face à la problématique de la localisation des sociétés ? La localisation des sociétés est traditionnellement appréhendée comme une question de droit. En somme, le droit fixe les règles permettant d’inscrire les sociétés dans l’espace. Or, le droit parait abandonner une large place à la volonté, à telle enseigne que l’on puisse considérer que la localisation des sociétés s’affirme ainsi comme un élément disponible soumis à l’influence de la volonté. Face à cela, le droit s’intéresse aux décisions sociales qui affecteront la localisation des sociétés. Les règles qui gouvernent l’adoption des décisions affectant la localisation traduisent fidèlement les enjeux de pouvoir au sein des sociétés. La localisation des sociétés est aujourd’hui, pour le droit, la source d’un défi majeur en ce sens qu’elle est le terrain d’objectifs poursuivis par l’ordre juridique. Il n’hésite donc pas à remettre en cause des localisations choisies ou encore à paralyser certains effets attendus d'une localisation par ailleurs maintenue. Le droit s’autorise ainsi non seulement à tracer une frontière entre le licite et l’illicite mais encore à sanctionner les choix qui, bien que licites, auraient des conséquences inacceptables pour l’ordre juridique. La quête d’un équilibre entre la place de la volonté et le respect de l’impérativité irrigue alors l’action du droit sur la localisation des sociétés / The 21st century has seen economic actors taken into a great movement of internationalization drawing them into a border-free competition that led firms to relocate all over the world according to their own interest. Nowadays, every company, and not only multinational corporations, has to consider the opportunity of spreading abroad. Against this background, how does the law cover the issue of companies’ location?The location of companies has traditionally been considered as an issue of law, with a view to mark out the uncertain. The law lays down the rules to situate companies within space, but gives in to free will when it comes to the actual decisions. One could therefore state that private actors enjoy freedom in locating companies, so much so that the strategy of location could be considered as a mere possibility left to free will. Nevertheless, the law still has a say in the social decisions that affect the location of companies.The location of companies has become a major concern within the law today, as it is a ground for legal practitioners to actively achieve changes. Thus, the law does not hesitate to question a location or to paralyse some of its effects. Even though the law remains quite liberal concerning the location of companies, it does exert a form of control over such decisions. This control is twofold: not only does it draw the line between lawful and unlawful; it also frames possible legal actions against unlawful decisions. What is ultimately at stake is the search for balance between free will and necessary regulation.

Analýza prodejních postupů nezávislých kosmetických poradkyň ve vybrané společnosti / Analysis of sales practices of Independent Beauty Consultants in a selected company

Hrubá, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
Master thesis deals with analysis of sales practices of Independent Beauty Consultants in a selected company. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the sales practices of Independent Beauty Consultants at Mary Kay company and to propose optimization recommendations. The thesis is divided into free parts: theoretical, methodological and practical. The theoretical part is based on literature and describes the qualities of a professional salesperson and an effective process of personal selling. The methodological part defines the target group and explains the application of the chosen methods such as: personal interview, questionnaire survey and mystery shopping. The practical part focuses on Independent Beauty Consultants and analyzes their sales practices. Optimization recommendations are proposed on the basis of the findings of research.

The transformation of the regional shopping centre : an examination of six case studies in Vancouver B.C.

Bertelsen, Siri 05 1900 (has links)
Shopping centres have dominated retailing in North America since the 1950's. But today, many shopping centres are facing serious problems. The future, which once looked unlimited and bright, now seems problematic. It is this transformation on which this thesis will focus. This thesis examines the historical trends behind the regional shopping centre industry. It also deals with the significance of regional shopping centres in the larger body of academic work. Regional shopping centres can be seen as products of modern society's mass production and consumption system. Their design and geographic allocation in the urban landscape is a product of both architects' and urban planners' efforts to control and regulate the modern landscape. Being a product of modernism, regional shopping centres must now meet the challenge of surviving in the post-modern era. This thesis continues with examining the development of the regional shopping centre industry in Canada. The first part of this development (1960-1980) was characterized by growth then stability. However, in the 1990's, significant numbers of centres have experienced considerable turbulence. The number of tenants, the concentration and combination of different retail businesses, as well as the annual vacancy rate are all parameters used to illustrate this. The external and internal conditions that are affecting these contemporary changes are also described, along with the strategies that are being used by the owners of regional shopping centres to meet the changes. For example, the movement away from having only goods tenants, to centres with tenants that also provide services, such as health care and libraries. The downgrading of centres to community-oriented centres, and the increase of non-retail activities are other strategies currently being used to adapt to the new conditions. This thesis includes case studies of six different regional shopping centres in the Greater Vancouver Regional District. The six centres provide the study with valuable information about the industry's history and current condition in the general retail sector. Information was collected through shopping centre surveys, together with various retail studies and trade articles from magazines, newspapers and periodicals. The study was enhanced with interviews of private sector mall managers, owners and developers, as well as the retailers in and architects of various shopping centres. The study shows that the regional shopping centre industry, to a large extent, continues to use the same development and management strategies as in the past (1960's and 1970's). The use of a universal strategy has tended to produce similar results in a centre's tenant mix, geographical location and architectural design. The result is that regional shopping centres today suffer from being undifferentiated and too similar with other competitive regional shopping centres. They also struggle with the same problems in terms of new retail competition and changing consumer demand. Regional shopping centres are facing a variety of new challenges, including new retailing concepts, cross-border shopping and declining consumer spending. There are several strategies that are being used to deal with these changes. The main goal for regional shopping centres is to find a strategy that distinguishes each from the homogenous image that prevails today. The future of the regional shopping centre industry depends on its ability to adapt to changing consumer spending patterns in a number of ways. First, there is likely to be a return of regional shopping centres which cater to the local community. This will be achieved by changing the centre's tenant mix. The level and quality of service will also be adjusted to meet specific community requirements. Secondly, regional shopping centres will incorporate more non-retail facilities. Non-competitive tenants are being acquired to fill in space and give the centres a more diverse character. Finally, regional shopping centres will include leisure and recreational activities, including amusement and entertainment facilities. Ultimately, only those centres that are able to find a specific market niche will survive in the long term. This is in sharp contrast to the old practice of being everything for everyone. / Arts, Faculty of / Geography, Department of / Graduate

Mystery shopping / Mystery shopping

Vašíčková, Denisa January 2009 (has links)
The aim of the paper is to render the usage possibilities overview of the marketing survey method called Mystery shopping in testing the service quality provided to customers. The outputs of the survey should provide the information about organizational process' weaknesses and qualities used in contact with the customer. Based on these findings, the entity is enabled to accept such steps as to improve the quality of the services provided.

The Effect of Consumer Shopping Motivations on Online Auction Behaviors: An Investigation of Searching, Bidding, Purchasing, and Selling

Jeon, Sua 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes of the study were to: 1) identify the underlying dimensions of consumer shopping motivations and attitudes toward online auction behaviors; 2) examine the relationships between shopping motivations and online auction behaviors; and 3) examine the relationships between shopping attitudes and online auction behaviors. Students (N = 341) enrolled at the University of North Texas completed self-administered questionnaires measuring shopping motivations, attitudes, online auction behaviors, and demographic characteristics. Using multiple regression analyses to test the hypothesized relationships, shopping motivations and shopping attitudes were significantly related to online auction behaviors. Understanding the relationships is beneficial for companies that seek to retain customers and increase their sales through online auction.

Revitalization of the Church and Lugonia neighborhood shopping center in the city of Redlands

Lorson, Deanna Marie 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

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