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Investigations on the Formation of Defect Bands in Semi-Solid High Pressure Die Cast Aluminium-Silicon AlloysLaw, Madeleine January 2020 (has links)
High-pressure die casting of semi-solid aluminium-silicon alloys is used in the automotive industry to manufacture components, like housings, brackets, and bars. It is commonly known that during high-pressure die casting, defect bands may be created that follow the contour of the component surface. These bands consist mainly of a eutectic phase. This phenomenon is also observed in semi-solid metal slurry high-pressure die casting. These bands could lead to premature failure of the component in service. The origin of these bands is not fully understood and so this research focuses on investigating these bands and their origins further. A series of casting trials were conducted with varying plunger velocity. Subsequent investigation using optical and scanning electron microscopy showed that a change of the plunger velocity alters the number of bands present in the samples. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that a measurable difference in aluminium quantity across the band was noticed and it was postulated that aluminium migrates towards the component centre. Therefore, different mechanisms responsible for particle migrations found in literature were investigated and assessed quantitatively using experimental data and information from published literature. It was found that the Saffman lift force and the Mukai-Lin-Laplace effect were the mechanisms that were most likely to cause such a migration of aluminium. Further experimental investigation is recommended to identify which of the two mechanisms is ultimately responsible for the migration and to optimise the high-pressure die casting procedure to minimise defect band formation. / Produktion av högtrycksgjutning av halvfasta aluminium-kisellegeringar används i fordonsindustrin för att tillverka komponenter, som exempel till kåpor, konsoler och stag. Det är allmänt känt att defektband kan formas under högtrycksgjutning som följer konturen av komponentytan. Dessa band består huvudsakligen av eutektisk fas. Detta fenomen har också observerats vid högtrycksgjutning produktion av halvfast slurry. Potentiellt kan dessa band leda till en försämring av komponentens mekaniska egenskaper och resultera i ett förtida brott. Ursprunget av dessa band är inte helt kartlagda och det är därför viktigt att fokusera ytterligare på denna forskning och att undersöka dessa band och deras ursprung. En serie med gjutningsförsök genomfördes med varierande kolvhastighet. Efterföljande undersökning med optisk- och svepelektronmikroskopi visade att en förändring av kolvhastigheten förändrar antalet band som finns i proverna. Energidispersiv röntgenspektroskopi avslöjade en mätbar skillnad i aluminiumkvantitet över bandet, och det antogs att aluminium migrerar mot centrum av komponenten. Därför undersöktes och utvärderades olika mekanismer som ansvarar för partikelmigrationer som finns att finna i litteratur med hjälp av experimentella data och information från publicerad litteratur. Det visade sig att Saffman lyftkraft och Mukai-Lin-Laplace effekten var de mekanismer som mest troligen orsakade migration av aluminium. Ytterligare experimentella försök rekommenderas för att identifiera vilken av dessa två mekanismerna som i slutändan är ansvarig för migrationen. Detta för att optimera gjutningsprocessen och därmed minimera uppkomsten av defektband.
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[pt] Esta pesquisa procura esclarecer os princípios fundamentais que a Escola de Arquitetura e Design da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, vem trabalhando ao longo de sua trajetória, centrando-se nos conceitos de observação e ato de observação, entendidos estes como elementos fundamentais de um processo de transmissão de ferramentas disciplinares e, ao mesmo tempo, como elementos do processo formativo que esta escola propõe. A suposição que se formula nesta pesquisa é que subjacente a estes conceitos encontramos os componentes que permitem esclarecer as dimensões que conformam o ethos da escola, que se funda na relação estabelecida entre arquitetura e poesia, segundo a orientação artística por ela sustentada. Tratamos então de identificar aqueles elementos constitutivos do ethos que assim se evidencia, para então adentrarmos e elucidarmos o ethos que supomos subjacente, e que buscamos na produção discursiva da escola, na transmissão oral, nos textos fundamentais e especialmente no exercício de suas práticas, enfim naquilo que é próprio de seu processo formativo, e que possibilita revelar aqueles aspectos que para esta pesquisa permitem esclarecer um modo de relação entre a disciplina do design e o ethos que a anima. Relação essa, segundo se propõe aqui, fundada na práxis de um modo e ver a realidade, a observação, permeada por isso que chamamos aqui de um ethos subjacente, gerado nos efeitos que essa mesma práxis da observação suscita. Trata-se aqui portanto do tema da formação do Homem, digamos de uma ética humanista de formação, tema próprio da modernidade, que esta pesquisa propõe confrontar com uma perspectiva contemporânea, à luz de uma ética de formação de sujeitos. A questão que está em jogo aqui é a tentativa de elucidar em que medida este ethos, que supomos subjacente às práticas e aos discursos da escola, pode ser aproximado das considerações de Foucault a propósito do ethos grego formulado nos preceitos do cuidado de si, e em que medida este cuidado de si pode ser entendido como um elemento fundamental para a formulação do ethos que esta escola constrói. Esta busca de um modelo de formação próprio desenvolvido por essa escola se enraíza em uma genealogia de pistas filosóficas encontradas em seus fundamentos, tanto explícitos como não explicitados. Se esta escola se funda na busca de um olhar próprio (seu sentido de originalidade), desde o estabelecimento de uma linguagem para a formação de um olhar próprio do sujeito, como podemos conceber para ela um modo de formação que atenda às exigências acadêmicas contemporâneas para reencontrar o sentido de uma formação de sujeitos? E, desde esta perspectiva, o que seria então a observação? Porque supomos que o ato de observação propicia a transmissão do ethos desta escola? / [en] This research will try to clarify the fundamental principles that the School of Architecture and Design of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile, has worked throughout its development, focusing on the concepts of observation and observation, understood as fundamental elements of A process of transmission of disciplinary tools and at the same time, as elements of the formative process that this school proposes. The assumption that emerges from this research is that these concepts underlie the components that allow us to clarify the dimensions that make up the ethos of the school, which we assume is based on the relation architecture - poetry, artistic orientation that this school supports. We will then try to identify those constituent elements of the ethos that are evidenced, in order to delve in and elucidate the underlying ethos, which we can assume present in the discursive elements that this school unfolds, being oral transmission, fundamental texts and especially The exercise of its practices, that which as part of its training process, will reveal or make it possible to reveal those aspects that for this research allow to clarify a way of relating between design discipline and the ethos that animates it, which is assumed here, founded In the praxis of a way of seeing reality, the observation and that is now faced with another look, which in the words of this research we call as an underlying ethos, generated from the same sense that the exercise of the praxis of Observation provokes. We then deal with the formation of Men, let us say of a humanist ethic of forming men, a subject characteristic of modernity, but, apparently of this research, it becomes necessary to proceed with another vision, to put it in question with another perspective Contemporary, let us say, in the light of an ethics to form subjects. The question at stake here is to elucidate the extent to which this supposedly underlying ethos corresponds to a look that approximates Foucault s proposal for the Greek ethos, since the e (ad) generates a clear Approach to the Greek way that Foucault points out as care of itself and this as a fundamental element for the conformation of the ethos that this school builds. This search for a model of own formation that this school develops, finds roots in a heap of philosophical foundations, for that reason, it is believed then, that one must attend to these foundations, both explicit and not explicit. If this school is founded on the search for its own look (its sense of originality), that is, from the establishment of a language for the formation of a look of the subject, how can we conceive a way of training that attends to the Contemporary needs to rediscover the meaning of a formation of subjects? And in this perspective, what then is the observation? And why do we suppose there is an act of observation that allows such transmission of the ethos of this school? / [es] Esta investigación tratará de clarificar los principios fundamentales que la escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, ha trabajado a lo largo de su desarrollo, centrándose en los conceptos de observación y acto de observación entendidos estos como elementos fundamentales de un proceso de transmisión de herramientas disciplinares y a la vez, como elementos del proceso formativo que esta escuela propone. El supuesto que se desprende de esta investigación es que en estos conceptos subyacen los componentes que permiten esclarecer las dimensiones que conforman el ethos de la escuela, lo que suponemos tiene su fundamento en la relación arquitectura – poesía, orientación artística que esta escuela sostiene. Trataremos entonces de identificar aquellos elementos constituyentes del ethos que se evidencia, para desde allí adentrarnos y dilucidar el ethos que suponemos subyacente, que lo podemos suponer presente en los elementos discursivos que esta escuela despliega, siendo la transmisión oral, los textos fundamentales y en especial el ejercicio de sus prácticas, aquello que como propio de su proceso formativo, revelará o hará posible revelar aquellos aspectos que para esta investigación permitan clarificar un modo de relación entre disciplina del diseño y el ethos que la anima, la que se supone aquí, fundada en la praxis de un modo de ver “la realidad”, la observación y que queda ahora enfrentada a otra mirada, la que al decir de esta investigación llamamos como un ethos subyacente, generado desde ese mismo sentido que el ejercicio de la praxis de la observación provoca. Tratamos entonces el tema de la formación de Hombres, digamos de una ética humanista de formar hombres, tema propio de la modernidad, pero, que al parecer de esta investigación, se hace necesario discurrir con otra visión, ello para ponerla en cuestión con otra perspectiva contemporánea, digamos, a la luz de una ética para formar sujetos. La cuestión aquí en juego es dilucidar en qué medida este ethos supuesto como subyacente, corresponde a una mirada que se aproxima a la propuesta de Foucault a propósito del ethos griego, ello, por cuanto la e(ad) genera en su devenir, una clara aproximación al modo griego que Foucault señala como cuidado de si y este como un elemento fundamental para la conformación del ethos que esta escuela construye. Esta búsqueda de un modelo de formación propio que esta escuela desarrolla, encuentra raíces en un cumulo de fundamentaciones filosóficas, por ello, se cree entonces, que se debe atender a esos fundamentos, tanto explícitos como no explicitados. Si esta escuela se funda en la búsqueda de una propia mirada (su sentido de originalidad), es decir, desde el establecimiento de un lenguaje para la formación de una mirada propia del sujeto, ¿Cómo podemos concebir un modo de formación que atienda à las necesidades contemporáneas para reencontrar el sentido de una formación de sujetos? Y en esta perspectiva, ¿Qué es entonces la observación? y ¿Por qué suponemos existe un acto de observación que permite tal transmisión de del ethos de esta escuela?
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[pt] A tese que se apresenta com o título Ecologia e tecnocracia: a ressignificação do kérigma cristão à luz do diálogo com Hans Jonas é, sobretudo, um trabalho de teologia pastoral que se inspirou na Encíclica Laudato Si do Papa Francisco, que lança uma grave preocupação cósmica e humana. Humana-cósmica porque coloca o grave problema ecológico que a humanidade enfrenta diante das catástrofes naturais e talvez diante de um fim do planeta. Pastoral porque se a Igreja prega novos céus e nova terra, então, fica impossível este anúncio diante do possível fracasso do cosmos destruído pelo sistema econômico, sustentado por uma filosofia que pretende tirar do depósito ilimitado da natureza toda sua riqueza. Como pregar um final feliz em que Deus seja tudo em todo, diante da iminencia da catástrofe final? Esta pergunta decisiva foi colocada em outra perspectiva por Hans Jonas, quem procurou oferecer uma resposta ética e teológica a partir da responsabilidade e da teopatia. A obra de Hans Jonas, que, aliás, contesta a gnose, atravessará esta tese para permitir concluir que uma escatologia cristã sem uma responsabilidade que salve o cosmos, assumindo a dor de Deus é impossível, mesmo dentro de uma visão cristã a partir de Cristo morto na cruz e ressuscitado. Essa responsabilidade é um chamado que toca à humanidade toda, a todas as religiões e aos sistemas econômicos. Isso vai permitir um diálogo frutuoso com o pensamento, com as teologias e especialmente com os pobres, principais vítimas do problema ecológico. Esse diálogo deve levar a uma mística que contemple, na alteridade, o problema de maneira antropocósmica. É um novo falar de Deus. / [en] The thesis presented with the title Ecology and technocracy: the resignification of Christian kerigma in the light of dialogue with Hans Jonas is above all a work of pastoral theology inspired by Pope Francis Encyclical Laudato Si, which casts grave concern. human and cosmic. Cosmic-human because it poses the serious ecological problem facing humanity in the face of natural disasters and perhaps an end to the planet. Pastoral because if the Church preaches new heavens and a new earth, then this announcement becomes impossible in the face of the possible failure of the cosmos destroyed by the economic system, supported by a philosophy that seeks to take from its unlimited deposit all its richness. How can we preach a happy ending in which God is all in all in the face of the imminent catastrophe? This decisive question was put in another perspective by Hans Jonas, who aimed to provide an ethical and theological answer from responsibility and theopathy. Hans Jonas s work, which incidentally contests gnosis, will cross this thesis to allow us to conclude that a Christian eschatology without a responsibility that saves the cosmos, assuming the pain of God is impossible, even within a Christian vision from Christ dead in Christ, cross and risen. This responsibility is a call that touches all humanity, all religions, and economic systems. This will allow fruitful dialogue with thought, theologies and especially the poor, who are the main victims of the ecological problem. This dialogue must lead to a mystique that contemplates the problem in anthropocosmic way in otherness. It is a new talk of God.
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[pt] Este trabalho apresenta a relação entre esperança e responsabilidade. Relação que aparece como força dinamizadora atuando nos processos de libertação, criando espaços de transformação no meio ambiente e na história, já que o ser humano se encontra subjugado por processos econômicos e mercadológicos de desenvolvimento que, ao invés de gerarem vida, acabam produzindo um sistema de opressão e morte. A pesquisa segue uma metodologia bibliográfica em três partes, primeiro abordando a problemática do mundo atual e suas consequências para o futuro do planeta e da humanidade. Disserta sobre como a existência humana e toda a criação é colocada em perigo pelo descaso do próprio ser humano, esquecido de ser ele também parte da criação. Trata da relação entre o ser humano e a natureza, apontando o descaso ao priorizar a técnica e a produção, promovendo um olhar a natureza de forma utilitarista. Na segunda parte, são relacionadas a responsabilidade e a esperança, mostrando sua importância para a transformação da realidade, revelando ser a esperança responsável e força motriz na construção de um mundo novo, do Reino de Deus, projeto divino de salvação. Na terceira parte, apresenta-se como essa esperança é gerada, como pode ser caminho de discernimento para uma verdadeira transformação da realidade, gerando um mundo mais justo, solidário e humano, com a possibilidade de produzir um olhar crítico e construtivo para a realidade, despertando o desejo de criar um mundo novo, tocado pela esperança e marcado pela responsabilidade, mundo do Reino de Deus instaurado por Jesus de Nazaré. / [en] This paper aims to present the relationship between hope and responsibility. A relationship that appears to originate a driving force that can act in the liberation processes, creating spaces of transformation in our environment and history, since the human being is overwhelmed by economic and market development processes that, instead of generating life, produce a system of oppression and death. Our research follows a bibliographic method in three parts. First, we will deal with the problems of the present world and the consequences for the future of the planet and humanity. We will talk about how human existence and all creation is endangered by the neglect of the human being, forgetting that he is also part of creation. We will deal with the relationship between human beings and nature, pointing out neglect while prioritizing technique and production, given the utilitarian perception of nature. In the second part we will relate responsibility and hope showing its importance for the transformation of reality. We will present hope, the driving force in the construction of a new world, the Kingdom of God, divine project of salvation. In the third part, we will talk about how hope is generated and can be a way of discernment for a true transformation of reality, generating a more just, supportive and humane world, enabling a critical and constructive look at reality and awakening the desire to create a new world touched by hope and responsibility, a world of the Kingdom of God established by Jesus of Nazareth.
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[pt] O tema da Senhora Pobreza, abraçado por São Francisco, e o tema da
Sobriedade Feliz, indicado na encíclica do Papa Francisco, Laudato Si , são
estudados na espiritualidade franciscana, com origens na história medieval, na
Regra Franciscana e um conjunto de documentos papais, junto da Laudato Si . Esses
temas são importantes não só para o bem da Igreja, mas também para o mundo
contemporâneo e para as gerações futuras. O objetivo principal é destacar o
importante legado deixado por São Francisco, a sua compreensão da pobreza
evangélica e apreciar sua relevância. Deste estudo, destacam-se os seguintes
pontos: a pobreza evangélica se reflete na questão da aquisição de bens e na pastoral
desenvolvida em diferentes lugares do mundo onde a presença franciscana é vista
em ação; a relação entre a pobreza evangélica vivida por São Francisco e os
ensinamentos do Papa Francisco. A metodologia implementada incluiu uma seleção
de obras pertinentes ao tema, a análise desses textos, a comparação dos principais
pontos relativos à espiritualidade e à pastoral, a constatação de eventuais
continuidades e a compreensão de como a espiritualidade franciscana reacende e
pode ajudar na busca por valores ou pode ser sustentada com o papado de Francisco.
Os vários documentos e mensagens publicados pelo papa refletem a sua direção
para uma Igreja pobre e preocupada com os mais necessitados, seguindo o projeto
que vem de Jesus Cristo. Este projeto encontra-se no documento Laudato Si, e fala
das preocupações socioambientais e da resposta do ser humano que pode alcançar
vivendo uma vida de sobriedade feliz. A tese também contribui para apresentar uma
melhor compreensão da Senhora Pobreza. A pobreza evangélica, seguida por São
Francisco de Assis, é analisada e se baseia em diversos textos do Antigo e do Novo
Testamento. A pesquisa inclui comentários de vários franciscanos que propiciam
uma melhor compreensão sobre o tema e permitem entender o legado da pobreza,
servindo como tecitura entre as ideias de São Francisco e do Papa Francisco.
Concluindo, este estudo deduz que há uma continuidade entre a pobreza da Igreja
evangélica, abraçada por São Francisco de Assis – a Senhora Pobreza –, e a Laudato
Si na conversão de valores para uma vida de sobriedade feliz. O estudo
aprofundado confirma que os temas considerados são importantes hoje em relação
ao evangelho, especialmente para os jovens, em termos de busca de uma vida
melhor, que em essência seria uma vida com sobriedade feliz / [en] The theme of Lady Poverty, embraced by Saint Francis, and the theme of Happy Sobriety, indicated in Pope Francis encyclical, Laudato Si, are studied through the Franciscan spirituality, with origins in medieval history, the Franciscan Rule, and a set of papal documents, alongside Laudato Si. These themes are important not only for the good of the Church but also for the contemporary world and for future generations. The primary objective is to highlight the important legacy left by Saint Francis, his understanding of evangelical poverty and to appreciate its relevance. From this study, the following points are relevant for consideration: evangelical poverty is reflected in the matter of acquiring goods and in the pastoral care developed in different places around the world where the Franciscan presence is seen at work; the relationship between evangelical poverty experienced by Saint Francis and the teachings of Pope. The methodology implemented included a selection of works relevant to the topic, the analyzation of these texts, the comparison of the main points regarding spirituality and pastoral care, the noting of any continuities and the understanding of how Franciscan spirituality rekindles and can help in the search for values or can be sustained with the papacy of Pope Francis. During his pontificate, Pope Francis released several documents and messages that reflect his direction of a poor Church that is concerned about those in most need. It follows the project that comes from Jesus Christ. This project is found in the document Laudato Si, and speaks of socio-environmental concerns, and the response of human beings living a life of happy sobriety. Moreover, the thesis also contributes to presenting a better understanding of Lady Poverty. In addition, evangelical poverty, followed by St. Francis of Assisi, is analyzed, and is based on several texts from the Old Testament and the New Testament. The thesis includes commentaries from several Franciscans that help us understand the developed legacy of poverty and serves as a legacy of continuity between the idea of Saint Francis and Pope Francis and texts from Pope Francis that serve as pathways for young people. In conclusion, this study deduces that there is a continuity between evangelical church poverty, embraced by Saint Francis of Assisi – Lady Poverty –and Laudato Si and the conversion of values with a life of happy sobriety. The indepth study confirms that the themes considered are important today in relation to the gospel, particularly for young people, in terms of searching for a better life, which in an essence would be a life with happy sobriety.
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Traceable Characterization of Complex-Shaped Nanoparticles using Small-Angle X-Ray ScatteringDeumer, Jérôme Emin 10 January 2025 (has links)
Die Charakterisierung von Nanopartikeln (NP) ist in vielen Bereichen des Lebens von großer Bedeutung. Um die Eigenschaften von NP zu bestimmen, stehen der Wissenschaft heute diverse Messmethoden zur Verfügung. Besonders geeignet für die Messung von NP ist die Röntgenkleinwinkelstreuung (SAXS), da sie Partikelensembles zerstörungsfrei und mit minimaler Probenpräparation in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung charakterisieren kann. SAXS liefert statistisch relevante Informationen, wie Größenverteilung und Anzahlkonzentration. In Kombination mit Synchrotronstrahlung können SAXS-Experimente in einem breiten Energiebereich mit hoher Brillanz und bekannter, auf SI-Einheiten (Internationales Einheitensystem) rückgeführter Strahlungsleistung durchgeführt werden, was eine rückführbare und zuverlässige Messung ermöglicht. Trotz der Vorteile von SAXS fehlten bislang praktische Auswertemethoden für die Charakterisierung der zunehmenden Vielfalt von Partikelformen. Die Verwendung analytischer Formfaktoren zur Berechnung der Streukurve eines komplex geformten Partikels ist schwierig, da sie die Berechnung der Fourier-Transformation der Elektronendichteverteilung des Partikels erforderlich macht. Zudem erschwert die isotrope Orientierung von NP in Suspension die Berechnung und erhöht den Rechenaufwand. Mit dieser Dissertation wird daher ein numerischer Ansatz vorgestellt, der es ermöglicht, NP beliebiger Form mit SAXS zu charakterisieren. Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der Berechnung der Debye-Gleichung und verwendet numerische Approximationen, um den Rechenaufwand zu minimieren. Durch die Kombination mit statistischen Auswertemethoden wie Markov Chain Monte Carlo können darüber hinaus Unsicherheitsbudgets umfassend abgeschätzt werden. / The characterization of nanoparticles (NPs) is of great importance in many areas of life. To determine the properties of NPs, various measurement methods are available to science today. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is particularly suitable for measuring NPs, as it can characterize particle ensembles non-destructively and with minimal sample preparation in their natural environment. SAXS provides statistically relevant information such as size distribution and number concentration. In combination with synchrotron radiation, SAXS experiments can be performed in a wide energy range with high brilliance and known radiation power traceable to SI (International System of Units) units, which enables traceable and reliable measurements. However, despite the advantages of SAXS, there is a lack of practical evaluation methods for characterizing the increasing variety of particle shapes. The use of analytical form factors to calculate the scattering curve of a single particle is difficult as it requires the calculation of the Fourier transform of the electron density distribution of the particle. In addition, the isotropic orientation of NPs in suspension complicates the calculation and increases the computational effort. This dissertation therefore presents a numerical approach that enables NPs of arbitrary shape to be characterized using SAXS. This approach is based on the calculation of the Debye equation and uses numerical approximations to minimize the computational effort. By combining it with statistical evaluation methods such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo, uncertainty budgets can be comprehensively estimated.
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[pt] Esta tese tem como tema central a questão da tecnocracia e sua relação com
a crise socioambiental. Mais precisamente, tem por objetivo a busca por caminhos
de superação do domínio da lógica técnica, a partir do diálogo entre a proposta
teológica de Jacques Ellul (1912-1994), nomeadamente, Éthique de la non-puissance (a Ética do não-poder), e as contribuições do papa Francisco na carta
encíclica Laudato Si’: sobre o cuidado da casa comum (24 de maio de 2015) e na
exortação apostólica Laudate Deum: sobre a crise climática (4 de outubro de 2023).
Foi adotado o método de revisão bibliográfica. Das obras sociológicas de Jacques
Ellul explicitou-se o problema da técnica moderna: uma crítica profunda e assertiva
da Sociedade Técnica. Crítica essa que ganhou correspondência com as
observações do papa Francisco, quando colocada em diálogo com as duas obras
antes referidas. Esta articulação teve por objetivo provar a atualidade e pertinência
do tema. Depois de atestar a necessidade e urgência de se buscar soluções para os
graves problemas oriundos da tecnocracia, foi apresentada a Ética do não-poder de
Jacques Ellul como resposta teológica que impulsiona à práxis através do
testemunho de Jesus Cristo. Quando a proposta elluliana e as contribuições do papa
Francisco foram colocadas em diálogo, duas perguntas puderam ser respondidas:
há uma proposta de non-puissance na Laudato Si’ e na Laudate Deum? Existe um
diálogo possível entre a proposta de Ellul e as propostas contidas na Laudato Si e
na Laudate Deum? Ambas as perguntas foram respondidas positivamente.
Enquanto Jacques Ellul tem como fonte suprema o testemunho de Jesus Cristo na
sua opção pelo não-poder, o papa Francisco faz brotar da espiritualidade cristã a
sobriedade e a lucidez. Propostas que se complementam e concorrem
conjuntamente para libertar o ser humano e a Criação. / [en] This thesis has as its central theme the issue of technocracy and its relationship with the socio-environmental crisis. More precisely, its objective is to search for ways to overcome the domain of technical logic, based on the dialogue between the theological proposal of Jacques Ellul (1912- 1994), namely, Éthique de la non-puissance (the Ethics of non-power), and the contributions of Pope Francis in the encyclical letter Laudato Si : on care for our common home (24 May 2015) and in the apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum: on the climate crisis (4 October 2023). The bibliographic review method was adopted. The sociological works of Jacques Ellul made clear the problem of modern technique: a profound and assertive critique of the Technical Society. This criticism corresponded with the observations of Pope Francis, when placed in dialogue with the two works mentioned above. This articulation aimed to prove the topicality and relevance of the topic. After attesting the need and urgency of seeking solutions to the serious problems arising from technocracy, Jacques Ellul s Ethics of Non-Power was presented as a theological response that encourages praxis through the testimony of Jesus Christ. When the Ellulian proposal and the contributions of Pope Francis were put into dialogue, two questions could be answered: is there a proposal of nonpower in Laudato Si and Laudate Deum? Is there a possible dialogue between Ellul s proposal and the proposals contained in Laudato Si and Laudate Deum? Both questions were answered positively. While Jacques Ellul has as his supreme source the testimony of Jesus Christ in his option for non-power, Pope Francis brings sobriety and lucidity from Christian spirituality. Proposals that complement each other and work together to free human beings and Creation.
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GaPN-on-Si(100) and buried interfaces / in situ spectroscopy during MOVPE growthSupplie, Oliver 04 August 2016 (has links)
Effiziente und erneuerbare Wasserstofferzeugung ist eine der entscheidenden Herausforderungen für eine von fossilen Brennstoffen unabhängige Gesellschaft. Tandem-Absorber-Strukturen, die auf verdünnt Stickstoff-haltigem GaPN/Si(100) basieren, sind vielversprechend für die Wasserstoffproduktion mittels direkter solarer Wasserspaltung. Ihre Herstellung mittels metallorganischer Gasphasenepitaxie (MOVPE) ist anspruchsvoll, insbesondere bezüglich gezielter Präparation der Grenzflächen. Wegen der geringen Gitterfehlanpassung eignen sich pseudomorphe GaP/Si(100) Strukturen als Quasisubstrate für weitere Integration anderer III-V Halbleiter. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die atomare Ordnung von Si(100) und GaP(N)/Si(100) Oberflächen, sowie der vergrabenen GaP/Si(100) Heterogrenzfläche in situ mit Reflexions-Anisotropie-Spektroskopie (RAS) untersucht. RAS Ergebnisse werden dabei mit Ergebnissen komplementärer Methoden der Oberflächenanalytik im Ultrahochvakuum (UHV) verglichen, beispielsweise mit niederenergetischer Elektronenbeugung (LEED) und Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS). Die Präparation nahezu eindomäniger, dimerisierter Si(100) Oberflächen gelingt erfolgreich in MOVPE Atmosphäre mit Hintergrundverunreinigungen von (Ga, P) und kann in situ mit RAS kontrolliert werden. Die Untergitterorientierung des GaP Films kann dabei über (i) die Dimerorientierung des Si Substrats, (ii) das (Ga,P) chemische Potential während der Nukleation und (iii) über Modifikation der Si-Oberfläche mit As gesteuert werden. Aus der Korrelation zeitaufgelöster RAS- und XPS-Messungen sowie Dichtefunktionaltheorie-Rechnungen kann unter typischen Prozessbedingungen auf die kinetisch limitierte Bildung einer Si-P Grenzfläche geschlossen werden. Im Anschluss an eine nur wenige Atomlagen dicke GaP Nukleationsschicht können Antiphasen-Unordnungs-freie GaPN/Si(100) Oberflächen präpariert werden. Diese rekonstruieren analog zu GaP/Si(100) Oberflächen, wenn überschüssiger N vermieden wird. / Renewable and efficient generation of hydrogen is one of the key challenges towards a society being independent from fossil fuels. Tandem absorber structures based on dilute nitride GaPN/Si(100) are promising candidates regarding hydrogen evolution by direct solar water splitting. Their production by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) is challenging, particularly regarding specific preparation of the interfaces. Due to the small lattice mismatch, GaP/Si(100) structures are suitable as quasisubstrates for further integration of III-V semiconductors. In the present work, the atomic order of Si(100) and GaP(N)/Si(100) surfaces, as well as of the buried GaP/Si(100) heterointerface is studied in situ with reflection anisotropy spectroscopy (RAS). RAS results are benchmarked to results from complementary surface science techniques in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), such as low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Preparation of almost single-domain dimerized Si(100) surfaces succeeds in MOVPE ambient containing (Ga, P) background residuals and can be controlled in situ with RAS. The sublattice orientation of the GaP films can thereby be selected (i) via the dimer orientation on the Si substrate, (ii) via the (Ga,P) chemical potential during nucleation, or (iii) via modification of the Si surface with As. Correlating time-resolved RAS and XPS measurements as well as density functional theory calculations, for typical process conditions it can be concluded on a kinetically limited formation of a Si-P interface. Subsequent to a GaP nucleation layer, which is only few atomic layers thick, GaPN/Si(100) surfaces free of antiphase disorder can be prepared. These reconstruct in analogy to GaP/Si(100) surfaces if excess N is avoided.
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Hyperdoping Si with deep-level impurities by ion implantation and sub-second annealingLiu, Fang 11 October 2018 (has links)
Intermediate band (IB) materials have attracted considerable research interest since they can dramatically enhance the near infrared light absorption and lead to applications in the fields of so-called intermediate band solar cells or infrared photodetectors. Hyperdoping Si with deep level impurities is one of the most effective approaches to form an IB inside Si.
In this thesis, titanium (Ti) or chalcogen doped Si with concentrations far exceeding the Mott transition limits (~ 5×10^19 cm-3 for Ti) are fabricated by ion implantation followed by pulsed laser annealing (PLA) or flash lamp annealing (FLA). The structural and electrical properties of the implanted layer are investigated by channeling Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (cRBS) and Hall measurements.
For Si supersaturated with Ti, it is shown that Ti-implanted Si after liquid phase epitaxy shows cellular breakdown at high doping concentrations during the rapid solidification, preventing Ti incorporation into Si matrix. However, the out-diffusion and the cellular breakdown can be effectively suppressed by solid phase epitaxy during FLA, leading to a much higher Ti incorporation. In addition, the formed microstructure of cellular breakdown also complicates the interpretation of the electrical properties. After FLA, the samples remain insulating even with the highest Ti implantation fluence, whereas the sheet resistance decreases with increasing Ti concentration after PLA. According to the results from conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM), the decrease of the sheet resistance after PLA is attributed to the percolation of Ti-rich cellular walls, but not to the insulator-to-metal transition due to Ti-doping.
Se-hyperdoped Si samples with different Se concentrations are fabricated by ion implantation followed by FLA. The study of the structural properties of the implanted layer reveals that most Se atoms are located at substitutional lattice sites. Temperature-dependent sheet resistance shows that the insulator-to-metal transition occurs at a Se peak concentration of around 6.3 × 10^20 cm-3, proving the formation of an IB in host semiconductors. The correlation between the structural and electrical properties under different annealing processes is also investigated. The results indicate that the degrees of crystalline lattice recovery of the implanted layers and the Se substitutional fraction depend on pulse duration and energy density of the flash. The sample annealed at short pulse durations (1.3 ms) shows better conductivity than long pulse durations (20 ms). The electrical properties of the hyperdoped layers can be well-correlated to the structural properties resulting from different annealing processes.:Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Shallow and Deep level impurities in semiconductors 1
1.2 Challenges for hyperdoping semiconductors with deep level Impurities 2
1.3 Solid vs. liquid phase epitaxy 5
1.4 Previous work 7
1.4.1 Transition metal in Si 7
1.4.2 Chalcogens in Si 10
1.5 The organization of this thesis 15
Chapter 2 Experimental methods 18
2.1 Ion implantation 18
2.1.1 Basic principle of ion implantation 18
2.1.2 Ion implantation equipment 19
2.1.3 Energy loss 20
2.2 Pulsed laser annealing (PLA) 23
2.3 Flash lamp annealing (FLA) 24
2.4 Rutherford backscattering and channeling spectrometry (RBS/C) 27
2.4.1 Basic principles 27
2.4.2 Analysis of the elements in the target 28
2.4.3 Channeling and RBS/C 29
2.4.4 Analysis of the impurity lattice location 31
2.5 Hall measurements 31
2.5.1 Sample preparation 32
2.5.2 Resistivity 32
2.5.3 Hall measurements 33
Chapter 3 Suppressing the cellular breakdown in silicon supersaturated with titanium 34
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Experimental 35
3.3 Results 36
3.4 Conclusions 42
Chapter 4 Titanium-implanted silicon: does the insulator-to-metal transition really happen? 44
4.1 Introduction 44
4.2 Experimental section 45
4.3 Results 47
4.3.1 Recrystallization of Ti-implanted Si 47
4.3.2 Lattice location of Ti impurities 48
4.3.3 Electrical conduction 50
4.3.4 Surface morphology 52
4.3.5 Spatially resolved conduction 53
4.4 Discussion 55
4.5 Conclusion 56
Chapter 5 Realizing the insulator-to-metal transition in Se hyperdoped Si via non-equilibrium material processing 57
5.1 Introduction 57
5.2 Experimental 59
5.3 Results 60
5.4 Conclusions 65
Chapter 6 Structural and electrical properties of Se-hyperdoped Si via ion implantation and flash lamp annealing 67
6.1 Introduction 67
6.2 Experimental 68
6.3 Results 69
6.4 Conclusions 76
Chapter 7 Summary and outlook 78
7.1 Summary 78
7.2 Outlook 81
References 83
Publications 89
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Development of oxidation resistant molybdenum-silicon-boron compositesMarshall, Peter 07 January 2016 (has links)
The development of molybdenum - silicon - boron (Mo-Si-B) composites having a combination of high temperature strength, creep, and oxidation residence has the potential to substantially increase the efficiency of gas turbines. The refractory nature of the αMo, Mo3Si (A15), and Mo5SiB2 (T2) phases results in good strength and creep resistance up to 1300°C. At this temperature, the formation of a borosilicate surface scale from the two intermetallic phases is able to provide oxidation resistance. However, realization of these advantages has been prevented by both a high brittle to ductile transition temperature and difficulty in forming the initial surface borosilicate to provide bulk oxidation resistance.
This dissertation addresses two factors pertaining to this material system: 1) improvements to powder processing techniques, and 2) development of compositions for oxidation resistance at 1300°C. The processing of Mo-Si-B composites is strongly tied to their mechanical properties by establishing the αMo matrix, limiting impurity content, and reducing silicon supersaturation. These microstructural aspects control the brittle to ductile transition temperature which has traditionally been too high for implementation of Mo-Si-B composites. The processing here built upon the previously developed powder processing with silicon and boron nitrides which allowed for a low oxygen content and sintering of fine starting powders. Adjustments were made to the firing cycle based upon dew point measurements made during the hydrogen de-oxidation stage. Under a relatively high gas flow rate, 90% of the total water generated occurred during a ramp of 2°C /min between 450 and 800°C followed by a hold of 30 minutes.
The oxidation resistance of Mo-Si-B composites was studied for a wide range of compositions. Silicon to boron atomic ratios were varied from 1 to 5 and iron, nickel, cobalt, yttria, and manganese were included as minor additions. In all these compositions, the αMo volume fraction was kept over 50% to ensure the potential toughness of the composite. For the oxidized surface glass, a silica fraction of 80 to 85% was found to be necessary for the borosilicate to have a sufficiently high viscosity and low oxygen permeability for oxidation resistance at 1300°C. For the Mo-Si-B bulk composition this corresponds to a Si/B atomic ration of 2 to 2.5. Higher viscosity compositions failed due to spallation of poorly attached, high silica scales. Lower viscosity compositions failed from continuous oxidation, either through open channels or repetitive MoO3 bubble growth and popping. Additionally, around 1% manganese was necessary for initial spreading of the borosilicate at 1300°C. In conjunction with flowing air to prevent MoO3 accumulation, oxidation weight loss rates below 0.05 mg/cm2-hr were measured. Finally, a theory is proposed here to describe the mechanisms responsible for the development of oxidation resistance. This theory involves three stages associated with: 1) generation of an initial surface borosilicate, 2) thickening of the borosilicate layer, and 3) slow parabolic oxidation controlled by the high silica surface scale.
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