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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grandeurs et mesures à l'école élémentaire / Quantity and measurement in primary school

Passelaigue Theys, Dominique 09 December 2011 (has links)
Depuis 2002, dans un nouveau domaine des mathématiques intitulé « grandeurs et mesure », les auteurs des textes officiels proposent d'aborder les grandeurs au travers d'activités de comparaison directe, indirecte, en utilisant des étalons arbitraires avant d'introduire les unités conventionnelles et en puisant dans le réservoir d'activités que sont les sciences expérimentales.Ces injonctions ont été à l'origine de ce travail.Une analyse épistémologique des concepts nous a permis de montrer que la distinction« grandeur/mesure », présentée comme naturelle, est pertinente pour ce niveau d'enseignement.Nous avons cherché l'origine de la proposition des prescriptions officielles en étudiant les textes duprimaire de sciences et de mathématiques depuis 1923. Nous avons constaté un tournant décisif dans les programmes : à la suite de la réforme des mathématiques modernes, l'étude des grandeurs avant la mesure apparaît en sciences comme en mathématiques, s'appuyant sur les travaux des psychologues de l'époque. Cette étude dans les deux disciplines ne sera plus demandée jusqu'en 2002.Dans notre travail, nous avons mis en évidence une mauvaise maîtrise des concepts de « grandeur »et « mesure » ainsi qu'une conception erronée de « grandeur » chez les professeurs d'école. Certains d'entre eux sont par ailleurs réticents à adopter la démarche décrite dans les textes pour l'ensemble des grandeurs.Nous avons étudié l'impact des activités de comparaison avec l'utilisation d'étalons arbitraires sur la construction du concept de masse et sur le sens de la mesure, à l'aide de la mise en œuvre deux ingénieries comparatives en CE1. Nos résultats montrent que le niveau de conceptualisation des élèves, tel qu'il est évalué à l'aide de nos critères, est supérieur tant pour le sens de la grandeur que pour celui de la mesure, chez les élèves ayant vécu une séquence introduisant la masse à partir d'activités de comparaisons détachées du nombre. / Since 2002, in a new domain of the mathematics entitled " quantity and measurement ", the authors ofthe curriculum suggest approaching the quantity through activities of direct, indirect comparison, byusing arbitrary standards measurement before introducing the conventional units and by drawing fromthe reservoir of activities that are the experimental sciences.These orders were at the origin of this work.An epistemological analysis of the concepts allowed us to show that the distinction "quantity/measurement", presented as natural, is relevant for this level of teaching.We looked for the origin of the curriculum's proposition by studying the texts of the primary schoolin sciences and mathematics since 1923. We noticed a decisive bend in the programs: following thereform of the modern mathematics, the study of quantity before measurement appears in sciences asin mathematics, leaning on the works of the contemporary psychologists. This study in both disciplineswill not be any more asked until 2002.In our work, we brought to light a bad control of the concepts of "quantity and "measurement " as wellas a misconception of "quantity" at the primary school teachers. Some of them are besides reluctantto adopt the approach described in curricula for all the quantities.We studied the impact of the comparison's activities with the use of arbitrary standards on theconstruction of the concept of mass and on the sense of moderation, by means of the implementationtwo comparative engineerings in 2nd year of primary school. Our results show that the level of pupil'sconceptualization, such as it is estimated by means of our criteria, is upper so much for the sense ofthe quantity than for that of the measure, at the pupils having lived a sequence introducing the massfrom comparison's activities out of the number.

Fysisk aktivitet och upplevd fatigue hos kvinnor med bröstcancer / Physical activity and perceived fatigue in women with breast cancer

Hansson, Anna, Marsnäs, Nicole January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Cancerfallen i Sverige fortsätter att öka. Bröstcancer är den vanligaste  bland kvinnor, ungefär var tredje kvinna drabbas. Biverkningarna av cancerbehandlingar är många, en av de vanligaste är fatigue som försämrar livskvaliteten hos de drabbade. Fysisk aktivitet har visat sig fungera som en icke-farmakologisk behandling för att minska fatigue.   Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitetsnivå och upplevd fatigue samt sambandet mellan tid sedan diagnos och upplevd fatigue hos kvinnor med bröstcancer.   Metod: Tvärsnittsstudien har en kvantitativ design där mängden fysisk aktivitet och fatigue undersöktes med webbenkäter. Fysisk aktivitet undersöktes med The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) och fatigue med Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F).   Resultat: Resultatet av denna enkätstudie visade att 80% av respondenterna (n=70, medianålder 58 år) hade hög eller måttlig fysisk aktivitetsnivå, med ett medianvärde på 1 905 MET-minuter (metabol ekvivalent) per vecka. De hade även måttlig till svår fatigue, medianvärdet var 35 av 52 (n=70). Sambandet mellan fysisk aktivitet och fatigue var lågt, r=0,08, p=0,57. Mellan sjukdomsduration och upplevd fatigue var sambandet också lågt, r=0,08, p=0,49.   Slutsats: Kvinnor med bröstcancer i denna studie har måttlig till hög aktivitetsnivå som överstiger den generella fysiska aktivitetsnivån hos Sveriges befolkning. Respondenterna upplever viss grad av fatigue som inte påverkades av sjukdomsduration. Någon signifikant korrelation kunde inte påvisas. Ytterligare forskning krävs för att fastställa hur relationen mellan sjukdomsduration och fatigue ser ut. / Abstract Background: The cases of cancer in Sweden continues to increase. Breast cancer is the most common form of female cancer. Cancer treatments side-affects are many, a common one is fatigue. Physical activity has shown to work as a nonpharmacological treatment to decrease fatigue. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the association between the level of physical activity and self-perceived fatigue, also to investigate the association between time since diagnosis and self-perceived fatigue in women with breast cancer. Method: This cross-sectional study has a quantitative design where physical activity and fatigue is examined with a web based questionaire. Physical activity was measured with The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF) and fatigue with Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F). Results: The results of this study showed that 80% of the respondents (n=70, median age 58 years) had high or moderate physical activity level, a median of 1 905 MET-minutes(metabolic equivalent)/week. The respondents (n=70) experienced a moderate to high fatigue, median value 35 of 52. The correlation between physical activity and fatigue was low, r=0,08, p=0,57 as well as between time since diagnosis and fatigue, r=0,08, p=0,49. Conclusion: Women with breast cancer in this study have shown to have a physical activity level that is higher than the average population of Sweden. They experienced fatigue, which was not affected of time since diagnosis.  No significant correlation was shown in any of the questions at issue. Further research is necessary to determine how fatigue is affected by time since diagnosis.

The Increasing Conversion to Islam Since 9/11: A Study of White American Muslim Converts in Northwest Ohio

Esseissah, Khaled M. 21 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Participation des immigrants à la formation liée à un emploi au Canada

Passuni, Paola 03 1900 (has links)
L’essor continu de l’économie canadienne repose grandement sur l’immigration. Toutefois, le Canada a encore du chemin à faire pour assurer l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants sur le marché du travail. Notre recherche porte sur un moyen souvent considéré comme essentiel pour accomplir cette intégration : la formation liée à l’emploi. L’expression « formation liée à l’emploi » fait référence aux activités d’apprentissage en lien avec un emploi et parrainées par l’employeur. Nous avons deux objectifs. Le premier est de déterminer si les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance ont les mêmes chances de participer à des activités de formation liée à l’emploi. Le deuxième est d’examiner l’effet du sexe et de la durée depuis l’immigration sur la probabilité qu’un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre analyse est de type quantitatif et utilise les données de l’Enquête sur l’éducation et la formation des adultes de l’année 2003, menée par Statistiques Canada. Concernant le premier objectif, il ressort de nos analyses que les travailleurs immigrants sont moins susceptibles que les Canadiens de naissance de participer à la formation liée à l’emploi. Même si d'autres études ont remarqué un écart semblable entre ces deux groupes, notre recherche a la particularité de contrôler l'impact de six variables qui, selon la littérature, affectent le niveau de participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Cette particularité réduit la probabilité que la différence observée entre les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance puisse être le résultat d'un facteur autre que le statut d'immigrant. Quant au deuxième objectif, notre étude montre que la durée depuis l'immigration augmente les chances qu'un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Néanmoins, la question concernant l'impact du sexe de l’immigrant demeure ouverte. En effet, à l’encontre de nos attentes, nous n’avons pas observé d’effet statistiquement significatif du sexe sur la relation entre le statut d’immigrant et la participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre recherche permet d'attirer le regard sur un possible facteur modérateur qui mérite plus de réflexion de la part des chercheurs. / Abstract The continuous growth of the Canadian economy depends considerably on immigration. However, Canada has still work to do in order to ensure that new immigrants successfully integrate its labour market. Our research focuses on a means that is often considered critical to ensure this integration: job-related training. In this study, the expression “job-related training” refers to employer-sponsored learning activities related to a specific job. We have two goals. The first is to determine whether immigrants and Canadian-born persons have similar opportunities to participate to job-related training activities. The second is to examine the effect of gender and time since immigration on an immigrant’s likelihood to participate to job-related-training. Our quantitative empirical analysis relies on data from Statistics Canada’s 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey. Our study enables us to reach our first objective. Indeed, it reveals that immigrant workers are less likely than Canadian-born persons to participate in job-related training activities. Although other studies have reported a similar gap between these two groups, our study is special in that it controls the effect of six variables, which, according to the literature, influence participation to job-related training. This characteristic reduces the likelihood that the observed gap between immigrants and Canadian-born persons be the result of a factor other than immigration status. Our empirical study also allows us to reach our second objective, though only partially. Our study shows that time since immigration is positively related to the likelihood that an immigrant participates to job-related training. However, it leaves unanswered the question regarding the impact of the immigrant’s gender. Against our expectations, we do not observe that gender has a statistically significant effect on the relationship between immigration status and the level of job-related training. Our study brings nonetheless attention to a possible moderating factor that deserves further attention from researchers.Abstract The continuous growth of the Canadian economy depends considerably on immigration. However, Canada has still work to do in order to ensure that new immigrants successfully integrate its labour market. Our research focuses on a means that is often considered critical to ensure this integration: job-related training. In this study, the expression “job-related training” refers to employer-sponsored learning activities related to a specific job. We have two goals. The first is to determine whether immigrants and Canadian-born persons have similar opportunities to participate to job-related training activities. The second is to examine the effect of gender and time since immigration on an immigrant’s likelihood to participate to job-related-training. Our quantitative empirical analysis relies on data from Statistics Canada’s 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey. Our study enables us to reach our first objective. Indeed, it reveals that immigrant workers are less likely than Canadian-born persons to participate in job-related training activities. Although other studies have reported a similar gap between these two groups, our study is special in that it controls the effect of six variables, which, according to the literature, influence participation to job-related training. This characteristic reduces the likelihood that the observed gap between immigrants and Canadian-born persons be the result of a factor other than immigration status. Our empirical study also allows us to reach our second objective, though only partially. Our study shows that time since immigration is positively related to the likelihood that an immigrant participates to job-related training. However, it leaves unanswered the question regarding the impact of the immigrant’s gender. Against our expectations, we do not observe that gender has a statistically significant effect on the relationship between immigration status and the level of job-related training. Our study brings nonetheless attention to a possible moderating factor that deserves further attention from researchers.

Representações discursivas do imigrante no Brasil a partir de 1945 / Discursive representations of the immigrant in Brazil from 1945

Bueno, Alexandre Marcelo 09 December 2011 (has links)
A imigração no Brasil pós-1945 se caracterizou, em um primeiro momento, pela retomada dos grupos imigrantes mais tradicionais (europeus e japoneses). Os europeus, em geral, vieram para o trabalho na agricultura e/ou na indústria na condição de refugiados ou de deslocados de guerra. Com a volta desses imigrantes, a sociedade nacional e o Estado brasileiro retomaram as discussões a respeito do melhor tipo de imigrante para o país. Nesse contexto, constrói-se uma série de representações do imigrante desejável e indesejável. Em um momento posterior, nos anos 1950-1960, o fluxo imigratório prosseguiu com a entrada de imigrantes latino-americanos e asiáticos (coreanos e chineses), que tinham uma qualificação menor do que a desejada pela sociedade nacional e pelo Estado brasileiro. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é o de analisar as representações positivas e negativas do imigrante construídas pela sociedade e pelo Estado brasileiros depois de 1945. Veremos também como a sociedade e Estado brasileiros constroem suas próprias imagens (ser brasileiro) a partir da presença dos imigrantes. Nosso último objetivo será o de examinar possíveis formas de preconceito e de intolerância contra o imigrante no Brasil. O material de nossa análise é constituído por três discursos distintos (jurídico, científico e jornalístico). O primeiro discurso se refere a leis que tratam dos temas da nacionalidade brasileira, do estrangeiro no país e do refugiado. O segundo discurso analisado é o científico, com artigos que tratam da seleção de imigrantes e/ou da interação deles com a sociedade e o Estado brasileiros. O terceiro discurso selecionado é o jornalístico, com reportagens sobre a contribuição dos imigrantes ao país ou de sua interação, bem ou mal sucedida, com brasileiros. Para as análises, utilizamos a semiótica de linha francesa. Dentre as diversas orientações teóricas que a semiótica possui nos dias atuais, selecionamos a semiótica tensiva para explicar a formação dos valores dos discursos que tratam da imigração; a sociossemiótica para entendermos as formas de interação entre imigrantes, sociedade nacional e Estado brasileiro; e a semiótica das paixões para compreendermos como as emoções e os sentimentos são mobilizados na construção das representações do imigrante, da sociedade nacional e do Estado brasileiro. / Immigration in Brazil post-1945 was characterized at first by the resumption of more traditional immigrant groups, such as Europeans and Japanese. The Europeans, in general, came to work in agriculture and / or industry as refugees or as displaced persons. With the return of these immigrants, the national society and the Brazilian state reinitiated the discussions regarding the best kind of immigrant to the country. In this context, it has been built a series of representations of desirable and undesirable immigrants. At a later time, in the years 1950-1960, the immigration flow continued with the entry of immigrants from Latin American and Asian (Korean and Chinese), who had lower qualification than that desired by the national society and the Brazilian state. The goal of our work is to analyze the positive and negative representations of the immigrant built by Brazilian society and by the state after 1945. We will also aim to investigate how the Brazilian State and Society constructed their own images (be a Brazilian) in the view of the presence of immigrants. Our final goal will be to examine possible forms of prejudice and of intolerance against immigrants in Brazil. The material of our analysis consists of three different discourses (legal, scientific and journalistic). The first type refers to the laws that deal with themes of Brazilian nationality, of the foreign in our country and of the refugee. The second one is considered the scientific discourse, with articles dealing with the selection of immigrants and / or their interaction with the Brazilian Society and State. Last, the third one is selected journalistic discourse, reporting on the contribution of immigrants to the country or their interaction, successful or unsuccessful, with Brazilians. For analysis, we use the semiotics of the French line. Among the various theoretical orientations that semiotics have today, we selected tensile semiotics to explain the formation of the values of speeches dealing with immigration, the socio-semiotic to understand the forms of interaction between immigrants and the Brazilian national society, and the semiotics of passion to understand how emotions and feelings are mobilized in the construction of representations of the immigrant, the national society and the Brazilian State.

Representações discursivas do imigrante no Brasil a partir de 1945 / Discursive representations of the immigrant in Brazil from 1945

Alexandre Marcelo Bueno 09 December 2011 (has links)
A imigração no Brasil pós-1945 se caracterizou, em um primeiro momento, pela retomada dos grupos imigrantes mais tradicionais (europeus e japoneses). Os europeus, em geral, vieram para o trabalho na agricultura e/ou na indústria na condição de refugiados ou de deslocados de guerra. Com a volta desses imigrantes, a sociedade nacional e o Estado brasileiro retomaram as discussões a respeito do melhor tipo de imigrante para o país. Nesse contexto, constrói-se uma série de representações do imigrante desejável e indesejável. Em um momento posterior, nos anos 1950-1960, o fluxo imigratório prosseguiu com a entrada de imigrantes latino-americanos e asiáticos (coreanos e chineses), que tinham uma qualificação menor do que a desejada pela sociedade nacional e pelo Estado brasileiro. O objetivo de nosso trabalho é o de analisar as representações positivas e negativas do imigrante construídas pela sociedade e pelo Estado brasileiros depois de 1945. Veremos também como a sociedade e Estado brasileiros constroem suas próprias imagens (ser brasileiro) a partir da presença dos imigrantes. Nosso último objetivo será o de examinar possíveis formas de preconceito e de intolerância contra o imigrante no Brasil. O material de nossa análise é constituído por três discursos distintos (jurídico, científico e jornalístico). O primeiro discurso se refere a leis que tratam dos temas da nacionalidade brasileira, do estrangeiro no país e do refugiado. O segundo discurso analisado é o científico, com artigos que tratam da seleção de imigrantes e/ou da interação deles com a sociedade e o Estado brasileiros. O terceiro discurso selecionado é o jornalístico, com reportagens sobre a contribuição dos imigrantes ao país ou de sua interação, bem ou mal sucedida, com brasileiros. Para as análises, utilizamos a semiótica de linha francesa. Dentre as diversas orientações teóricas que a semiótica possui nos dias atuais, selecionamos a semiótica tensiva para explicar a formação dos valores dos discursos que tratam da imigração; a sociossemiótica para entendermos as formas de interação entre imigrantes, sociedade nacional e Estado brasileiro; e a semiótica das paixões para compreendermos como as emoções e os sentimentos são mobilizados na construção das representações do imigrante, da sociedade nacional e do Estado brasileiro. / Immigration in Brazil post-1945 was characterized at first by the resumption of more traditional immigrant groups, such as Europeans and Japanese. The Europeans, in general, came to work in agriculture and / or industry as refugees or as displaced persons. With the return of these immigrants, the national society and the Brazilian state reinitiated the discussions regarding the best kind of immigrant to the country. In this context, it has been built a series of representations of desirable and undesirable immigrants. At a later time, in the years 1950-1960, the immigration flow continued with the entry of immigrants from Latin American and Asian (Korean and Chinese), who had lower qualification than that desired by the national society and the Brazilian state. The goal of our work is to analyze the positive and negative representations of the immigrant built by Brazilian society and by the state after 1945. We will also aim to investigate how the Brazilian State and Society constructed their own images (be a Brazilian) in the view of the presence of immigrants. Our final goal will be to examine possible forms of prejudice and of intolerance against immigrants in Brazil. The material of our analysis consists of three different discourses (legal, scientific and journalistic). The first type refers to the laws that deal with themes of Brazilian nationality, of the foreign in our country and of the refugee. The second one is considered the scientific discourse, with articles dealing with the selection of immigrants and / or their interaction with the Brazilian Society and State. Last, the third one is selected journalistic discourse, reporting on the contribution of immigrants to the country or their interaction, successful or unsuccessful, with Brazilians. For analysis, we use the semiotics of the French line. Among the various theoretical orientations that semiotics have today, we selected tensile semiotics to explain the formation of the values of speeches dealing with immigration, the socio-semiotic to understand the forms of interaction between immigrants and the Brazilian national society, and the semiotics of passion to understand how emotions and feelings are mobilized in the construction of representations of the immigrant, the national society and the Brazilian State.

Spatial and temporal effects of burning on plant community characteristics and composition in a fescue prairie

Gross, Dale 06 June 2005
Conserving structural and compositional diversity in Fescue Prairie requires reintroducing natural disturbances according to their historic regime. Fire is an important natural process that may be a source of spatial heterogeneity in Fescue Prairies. The effects of burning in all months of the year except January and February were evaluated in a Fescue Prairie in central Saskatchewan for 6 years following burning on 2 sites that had not been previously burned and 2 sites that had been burned 5 years earlier. Except for burning in March, burning reduced cover of litter (P<0.01) and <i>Festuca hallii </i> (Vasey) Piper (P=0.01) while increasing bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 5 years. Cover of <i>Elymus lanceolatus </i>(Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould (P<0.01), graminoids (P=0.02), and species evenness (P=0.01) increased with burning frequency. Burning in late-summer reduced cover of graminoids (P=0.03), plants other than the dominant grasses (P=0.03), and total plant cover (P=0.02). Burning increased the spatial variance (s2) in litter cover (P<0.01) and bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 3 years. Aside from burning in early spring, burning reduced s2 in total standing crop (P=0.02) and <i>F. hallii</i> (P=0.01). Variability in the cover of <i>E. lanceolatus </i>(P<0.01) and graminoids (P=0.04) increased with burning frequency. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that pre-burn history had a dominant effect on plant community composition, explaining 13% of the variation (P<0.01). The cumulative effects of repeated burning, annual variability in weather, and exposure to temperature extremes may have caused a shift in the composition of the plant community. The first 4 ordination axes explained 22% of the variation in plant community composition after burning, indicating that many other environmental or site variables controlled community composition. A range of burning dates and frequencies should be reintroduced or maintained in Fescue Prairie to create a mosaic of plant communities in various stages of recovery after burning. A mosaic will increase the structural and compositional diversity in remnant Fescue Prairies.

Spatial and temporal effects of burning on plant community characteristics and composition in a fescue prairie

Gross, Dale 06 June 2005 (has links)
Conserving structural and compositional diversity in Fescue Prairie requires reintroducing natural disturbances according to their historic regime. Fire is an important natural process that may be a source of spatial heterogeneity in Fescue Prairies. The effects of burning in all months of the year except January and February were evaluated in a Fescue Prairie in central Saskatchewan for 6 years following burning on 2 sites that had not been previously burned and 2 sites that had been burned 5 years earlier. Except for burning in March, burning reduced cover of litter (P<0.01) and <i>Festuca hallii </i> (Vasey) Piper (P=0.01) while increasing bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 5 years. Cover of <i>Elymus lanceolatus </i>(Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Gould (P<0.01), graminoids (P=0.02), and species evenness (P=0.01) increased with burning frequency. Burning in late-summer reduced cover of graminoids (P=0.03), plants other than the dominant grasses (P=0.03), and total plant cover (P=0.02). Burning increased the spatial variance (s2) in litter cover (P<0.01) and bare soil (P<0.01) for 1 to 3 years. Aside from burning in early spring, burning reduced s2 in total standing crop (P=0.02) and <i>F. hallii</i> (P=0.01). Variability in the cover of <i>E. lanceolatus </i>(P<0.01) and graminoids (P=0.04) increased with burning frequency. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) indicated that pre-burn history had a dominant effect on plant community composition, explaining 13% of the variation (P<0.01). The cumulative effects of repeated burning, annual variability in weather, and exposure to temperature extremes may have caused a shift in the composition of the plant community. The first 4 ordination axes explained 22% of the variation in plant community composition after burning, indicating that many other environmental or site variables controlled community composition. A range of burning dates and frequencies should be reintroduced or maintained in Fescue Prairie to create a mosaic of plant communities in various stages of recovery after burning. A mosaic will increase the structural and compositional diversity in remnant Fescue Prairies.

Participation des immigrants à la formation liée à un emploi au Canada

Passuni, Paola 03 1900 (has links)
L’essor continu de l’économie canadienne repose grandement sur l’immigration. Toutefois, le Canada a encore du chemin à faire pour assurer l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants sur le marché du travail. Notre recherche porte sur un moyen souvent considéré comme essentiel pour accomplir cette intégration : la formation liée à l’emploi. L’expression « formation liée à l’emploi » fait référence aux activités d’apprentissage en lien avec un emploi et parrainées par l’employeur. Nous avons deux objectifs. Le premier est de déterminer si les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance ont les mêmes chances de participer à des activités de formation liée à l’emploi. Le deuxième est d’examiner l’effet du sexe et de la durée depuis l’immigration sur la probabilité qu’un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre analyse est de type quantitatif et utilise les données de l’Enquête sur l’éducation et la formation des adultes de l’année 2003, menée par Statistiques Canada. Concernant le premier objectif, il ressort de nos analyses que les travailleurs immigrants sont moins susceptibles que les Canadiens de naissance de participer à la formation liée à l’emploi. Même si d'autres études ont remarqué un écart semblable entre ces deux groupes, notre recherche a la particularité de contrôler l'impact de six variables qui, selon la littérature, affectent le niveau de participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Cette particularité réduit la probabilité que la différence observée entre les immigrants et les Canadiens de naissance puisse être le résultat d'un facteur autre que le statut d'immigrant. Quant au deuxième objectif, notre étude montre que la durée depuis l'immigration augmente les chances qu'un immigrant participe à la formation liée à l’emploi. Néanmoins, la question concernant l'impact du sexe de l’immigrant demeure ouverte. En effet, à l’encontre de nos attentes, nous n’avons pas observé d’effet statistiquement significatif du sexe sur la relation entre le statut d’immigrant et la participation à la formation liée à l’emploi. Notre recherche permet d'attirer le regard sur un possible facteur modérateur qui mérite plus de réflexion de la part des chercheurs. / Abstract The continuous growth of the Canadian economy depends considerably on immigration. However, Canada has still work to do in order to ensure that new immigrants successfully integrate its labour market. Our research focuses on a means that is often considered critical to ensure this integration: job-related training. In this study, the expression “job-related training” refers to employer-sponsored learning activities related to a specific job. We have two goals. The first is to determine whether immigrants and Canadian-born persons have similar opportunities to participate to job-related training activities. The second is to examine the effect of gender and time since immigration on an immigrant’s likelihood to participate to job-related-training. Our quantitative empirical analysis relies on data from Statistics Canada’s 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey. Our study enables us to reach our first objective. Indeed, it reveals that immigrant workers are less likely than Canadian-born persons to participate in job-related training activities. Although other studies have reported a similar gap between these two groups, our study is special in that it controls the effect of six variables, which, according to the literature, influence participation to job-related training. This characteristic reduces the likelihood that the observed gap between immigrants and Canadian-born persons be the result of a factor other than immigration status. Our empirical study also allows us to reach our second objective, though only partially. Our study shows that time since immigration is positively related to the likelihood that an immigrant participates to job-related training. However, it leaves unanswered the question regarding the impact of the immigrant’s gender. Against our expectations, we do not observe that gender has a statistically significant effect on the relationship between immigration status and the level of job-related training. Our study brings nonetheless attention to a possible moderating factor that deserves further attention from researchers.Abstract The continuous growth of the Canadian economy depends considerably on immigration. However, Canada has still work to do in order to ensure that new immigrants successfully integrate its labour market. Our research focuses on a means that is often considered critical to ensure this integration: job-related training. In this study, the expression “job-related training” refers to employer-sponsored learning activities related to a specific job. We have two goals. The first is to determine whether immigrants and Canadian-born persons have similar opportunities to participate to job-related training activities. The second is to examine the effect of gender and time since immigration on an immigrant’s likelihood to participate to job-related-training. Our quantitative empirical analysis relies on data from Statistics Canada’s 2003 Adult Education and Training Survey. Our study enables us to reach our first objective. Indeed, it reveals that immigrant workers are less likely than Canadian-born persons to participate in job-related training activities. Although other studies have reported a similar gap between these two groups, our study is special in that it controls the effect of six variables, which, according to the literature, influence participation to job-related training. This characteristic reduces the likelihood that the observed gap between immigrants and Canadian-born persons be the result of a factor other than immigration status. Our empirical study also allows us to reach our second objective, though only partially. Our study shows that time since immigration is positively related to the likelihood that an immigrant participates to job-related training. However, it leaves unanswered the question regarding the impact of the immigrant’s gender. Against our expectations, we do not observe that gender has a statistically significant effect on the relationship between immigration status and the level of job-related training. Our study brings nonetheless attention to a possible moderating factor that deserves further attention from researchers.

Bearing witness: should journalists testify at the International War Crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia?

Beattie, Sherri J. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.J.) - Carleton University, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 209-218). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

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