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Proteiny v těhotenství - molekulárně biologická a biochemická analýza / Pregnancy proteins - molecular biological and biochemical analysisMuravská, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish methods for selected PAPP-A (Pregnancy- Associated Plasma Protein A) gene polymorphisms analysis and to study genetic background of PAPP-A and biochemical background of PAPP-A and PlGF (Placental Growth Factor) in relation to risk pregnancy. Secondly, the aim was to establish method for two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of amniotic fluid. Methods for analysis of ten PAPP-A gene polymorphisms were established. These polymorphisms, PAPP-A and PlGF levels were studied in together 165 women in third trimester pregnancies complicated with threatening preterm labor (n=98), preeclampsia (n=35), IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) (n=34) and ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) (n=15). 114 healthy pregnant women served as controls. The method for 2D electrophoresis of amniotic fluid was established. Preeclamptic patients had significantly higher frequency of TT genotype of Cys327Cys (C/T) PAPP-A gene polymorphism compared to controls. Patients with ICP had increased serum levels of PAPP-A compared to controls, in patients with threatening preterm labor PAPP-A levels were rather decreased. PlGF levels did not differ from control group in patients with ICP and threatening preterm labor. Positive correlation was found between PAPP-A and PlGF in group of...
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Associação entre polimorfismos nos genes SLC2A1, SLC2A2, HNF1A, TGFB1 e DCP1A e nefropatia em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 / Association between polymorphisms in the genes SLC2A1, SLC2A2, HNF1A, TGFB1 e DCPA1 and nephropathy in type 1 diabetes patientsTatiana Marques Ferreira da Rocha 11 March 2013 (has links)
A nefropatia diabética (ND) decorre da hiperglicemia crônica, de fatores de risco como a hipertensão arterial e a dislipidemia e de uma susceptibilidade genética já evidenciada em inúmeros estudos clínicos. Uma das características histológicas da ND é o acúmulo de proteínas de matriz extracelular no mesângio, para o qual contribuem várias vias bioquímicas. O GLUT-1, codificado pelo gene SLC2A1, é o principal transportador de glucose da célula mesangial e sua expressão está aumentada no glomérulo de animais diabéticos, o que constitui uma alça de feedback positivo pela qual a glicose extracelular aumentada estimula ainda mais sua própria captação, piorando a lesão mesangial. O GLUT-2, codificado pelo gene SLC2A2, é expresso nas células tubulares e nos podócitos e sua expressão também está aumentada na ND. A expressão deste transportador de glicose é regulada pelo fator de transcrição HNF-1. Participa, ainda, da lesão renal induzida pela hiperglicemia o fator de crescimento transformante - (TGF-), que exerce vários efeitos deletérios, tais como diminuir a atividade de metaloproteinases de matriz e promover fibrose renal. Esse fator de crescimento determina a ativação transcricional de genes-alvo, mas necessita de outros ativadores e co-ativadores da transcrição, tais como a proteína SMIF, codificada pelo gene DCP1A. Tendo em vista a participação das proteínas mencionadas acima na patogênese da ND, o presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a associação de polimorfismos de um único nucleotídeo (SNPs) nos genes SLC2A1, SLC2A2, HNF1A, TGFB1 e DCP1A com a doença renal em portadores de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1). Um total de 449 pacientes (56,4% do sexo feminino, idade média de 36,0±11,0 anos) com mais de 10 anos de doença foram incluídos e classificados de acordo com o estágio de ND: (1) Ausência de ND: excreção urinária de albumina (EUA) normal (< 30 mg/24h ou < 20 g/min) e creatinina plasmática < 1,7 mg/dL sem tratamento anti-hipertensivo; (2) ND incipiente: microalbuminúria (EUA de 30 299 mg/24h ou 20 199 g/min) e creatinina plasmática < 1,7 mg/dL sem tratamento anti-hipertensivo e (3) ND Franca: macroalbuminúria (EUA > 300 mg/24h ou > 200 g/min) ou proteinúria ou tratamento para reposição renal. Também foram avaliadas as associações dos SNPs com o ritmo de filtração glomerular estimado (RFGe). Os SNPs foram genotipados pela metodologia de reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real, com o uso de sondas fluorescentes. As associações dos SNPs com a ND foram avaliadas por análise de regressão logística e os odds ratios (OR) e respectivos intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95% foram calculados após ajuste para possíveis confundidores, que foram incluídos como co-variáveis no modelo de regressão. Valores de P < 0.05 (bicaudal) foram considerados estatisticamente significantes. As seguintes associações foram observadas: (1) gene SLC2A1: genótipos CT+TT do SNP rs841848 conferiram risco para a ND incipiente na população global (OR 1,88; CI95% 1,06-3,34; P= 0,03) e nos pacientes do sexo masculino (OR 2,67; CI95% 1,13-6,35; P=0,0247) e para a ND franca (OR 2,70; CI95% 1,18-6,31; e P= 0,0197) apenas nos pacientes do sexo masculino; genótipos GA+AA do SNP rs1385129 conferiram risco para a ND franca na população do sexo masculino (OR 3,09; CI95% 1,34-7,25; P=0,0085); genótipos AT + TT do SNP rs3820589, conferiram proteção contra a ND incipiente na população global (OR 0,36; CI95% 0,16-0,78; P=0,0132) e na população do sexo feminino (OR 0,14; CI95% 0,02-0,52; P=0,0122). (2) gene SLC2A2: genótipos GA+GG do SNP rs5396 conferiram proteção contra ND franca nos pacientes do sexo masculino (OR 0,29; CI95% 0,12-0,69; P=0,0052); os genótipos AG+GG do SNP rs6800180 conferiram proteção contra a ND franca nos pacientes do sexo masculino (OR 0,16; CI95% 0,14-0,90; P=0,0324). (3) gene HNF1A: genótipos AC + CC do SNP rs1169288 conferiram risco para ND franca na população global (OR 2,23; CI95% 1,16-4,38; P=0,0175); genótipos CG+GG do SNP rs1169289 conferiram risco para ND franca na população global (OR 3,43; CI95% 1,61-7,73; P=0,002); (4) Gene TGFB1: genótipos CT + TT do SNP 1800468 conferiram risco para ND incipiente na população total (OR 2,99; CI95% 1,26-7,02; P 0,0116) e o alelo polimórfico T do SNP rs1800469 conferiu risco para um menor RFGe (p=0,0271). (5) gene DCP1A: o alelo polimórfico A do SNP rs11925433 também se associou com um menor RFGe (p=0,0075). Em conclusão, SNPs em genes que codificam as proteínas envolvidas na patogênese da ND GLUT-1, GLUT-2, HNF-1, TGF- e SMIF conferem susceptibilidade para essa complicação crônica nos portadores de DM1 avaliados no presente estudo / Diabetic nephropathy (DN) results from chronic hyperglycemia, risk factors such as hypertension and dyslipidemia as well as from genetic susceptibility, already demonstrated in numerous clinical studies. A histological feature of DN is the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins in the mesangium after activation of multiple biochemical pathways. GLUT-1, encoded by gene SLC2A1, is the major glucose transporter in mesangial cell and its expression is increased in the glomeruli of diabetic animals, comprising a positive feedback loop whereby high extracellular glucose stimulates its own uptake and worsening mesangial injury. GLUT-2, encoded by SLC2A2 gene, is expressed in podocytes and tubular cells and its expression is also increased in DN. The expression of this glucose transporter is regulated by the transcription factor HNF-1. Transforming growth factor - (TGF-) also participates in renal injury induced by hyperglycemia, exerting several deleterious effects, such as to decrease the activity of matrix metalloproteinases and to promote renal fibrosis. This growth factor determines the transcriptional activation of target genes, but needs other activators and co-activators, such as the protein named SMIF, encoded by the gene DCP1A. Given the involvement of the aforementioned proteins in the pathogenesis of DN, the present study aimed to evaluate the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the genes SLC2A1, SLC2A2, HNF1A, TGFB1 e DCP1A with renal disease in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). A total of 449 patients (56.4% female, mean age 36.0±11.0 years) with disease duration > 10 years were included and grouped according to DN stages: (1) absence of DN: normal urinary albumin excretion (UAE) (< 30 mg/24h or < 20 g/min) and plasmatic creatinine < 1.7 mg/dL without antihypertensive treatment; (2) incipient DN: microalbuminuria (UAE 30 299 mg/24h or 20 199 g/min) and plasmatic creatinine < 1.7 mg/dL without antihypertensive treatment and (3) overt DN: macroalbuminúria (UAE > 300 mg/24h or > 200 g/min) or proteinuria or renal replacement therapy. Associations of SNPs with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were also evaluated. All SNPs were genotyped by real time polymerase chain reaction using fluorescent-labelled probes. Associations of the SNPs with DN were assessed by logistic regression analyses and odds ratios (OR) were calculated after adjustments for possible confounders included as covariables in the regressive model. P values <0.05 (two-tails) were considered significant. The following associations were observed: (1) SLC2A1: genotypes CT+TT from rs841848 conferred risk to incipient DN in the overall population (OR 1.88; 95%IC 1.06-3.34; P= 0.03) and in the male patients (OR 2.67; CI95% 1.13-6.35; P=0.0247) and to overt DN (OR 2.70; CI95% 1.18-6.31; e P= 0.0197) only in the male patients; genotypes GA+AA from rs1385129 conferred risk to overt DN in the male population (OR 3.09; CI95% 1.34-7.25; P=0.0085); genotypes AT + TT from rs3820589 conferred protection against incipient DN in the overall population (OR 0.36; CI95% 0.16-0.78; P=0.0132) and in the female population (OR 0.14; CI95% 0.02-0.52; P=0.0122). (2) SLC2A2: genotypes GA+GG from rs5396 conferred protection against overt DN in the male patients (OR 0.29; CI95% 0.12-0.69; P=0.0052); genotypes AG+GG from rs6800180 conferred protection against overt DN in the male patients (OR 0.16; CI95% 0.14-0.90; P=0.0324). (3) HNF1A: genotypes AC + CC from rs1169288 conferred risk to overt DN in the overall population (OR 2.23; CI95% 1.16-4.38; P=0.0175); genotypes CG+GG from rs1169289 conferred risk to overt DN in the overall population (OR 3.43; CI95% 1.61-7.73; P=0.002); (4) TGFB1: genotypes CT + TT from 1800468 conferred risk to incipient DN in the overall population (OR 2.99; CI95% 1.26-7.02; P=0.0116) and the polymorphic allele T from SNP rs1800469 conferred risk to a lower eGFR (p=0.0271). (5) DCP1A: the polymorphic allele A from SNP rs11925433 was also associated with a lower eGFR (p=0.0075). In conclusion, SNPs in the genes encoding proteins GLUT-1, GLUT-2, HNF-1, TGF- e SMIF, all involved in the pathogenesis of DN, conferred susceptibility to this chronic complication in the T1DM patients evaluated in the present study
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Receptor scavenger BI: efeito de polimorfismos e atorvastatina na expressão gênica em indivíduos hipercolesterolêmicos / Scavenger receptor class BI: polymorphisms and atorvastatin effects on gene expression in hypercholesterolemic individualsÁlvaro Danilo Cerda Maureira 20 May 2009 (has links)
O receptor scavenger classe B tipo I (SR-BI) media a captação seletiva do colesterol da lipoproteina de alta densidade (HDL) e participa no effluxo do colesterol livre para aceptores lipoprotéicos. A HDL tem um importante rol aterogênico associado com sua participação no transporte reverso do colesterol. Polimorfismos no gene que codifica para o SR-BI (SCARB1) foram relacionados com alterações do perfil lipídico sérico e outros fatores de risco associados com doença cardiovascular. As estatinas são inibidores da síntese do colesterol utilizados no tratamento da dislipidemia. Vários polimorfismos em genes envolvidos no metabolismo intermediario de lipideos foram relacionados com diferenças na resposta a hipolipemiantes. Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito de polimorfismos do SCARB1 sobre o perfil lipídico sérico, expressão gênica e a resposta a estatinas, foram selecionados 185 indivíduos normolipidêmicos (NL) e 147 pacientes hipercolesterolêmicos (HC). Os pacientes HC foram tratados com atorvastatina (10 mg/dia/4 semanas). DNA e RNA foram extraídos de amostras de sangue periférico. Os polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNP) G4A, In5C>T e Ex8C>T foram detectados por PCR-RFLP. A expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em células mononucleares de sangue periférico (CMSP) foi analisada por PCR em tempo real usando o gene da Ubiquitina c (UBC) como referência endógena. Nos indivíduos HC, as freqüências dos alelos raros G4A (12%), In5C>T (7%) e Ex8C>T (40%), no grupo HC, foram similares às encontradas no grupo NL (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, e Ex8T: 35%, p>0,05). O alelo SCARB1 4A (genótipos GA + AA) foi associado com valores diminuídos de apoAI no grupo NL. O alelo In5T foi associado com maior concentração LDL-C sérico (p=0,029), em NL, e com apoB e razão apoB/apoAI elevadas (p>0,05) no grupo HC. O SNP SCARB1 Ex8C>T não foi relacionado com o perfil lipídico sérico basal, embora os portadores do genótipo Ex8CC foram associados com resposta reduzida ao tratamento com atorvastatina mostrando menor variação de colesterol total, LDL-C, apoB e razão apoB/apoAI. O SNP Ex8C>T foi associado com maior probabilidade (OR=3,1; 95% IC: 1,00-9,5; p=0,044) de ter uma resposta à atorvastatina diminuída. Os SNPs SCARB1 In5C>T e Ex8C>T estão em desequilíbrio de ligação. O haplótipo G1C5C8/G1T5C8 foi associado com concentrações basais elevadas de triglicérides e VLDL-C em NL e diminuídas de HDL-C e apoAI em HC. Os haplótipos G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e C5C8/C5C8 tiveram variação diminuída da apoB quando comparados com os outros haplótipos, G1C5C8/A1C5C8 e o diplótipo C5C8/C5C8 também apresentou uma variação reduzida da razão apoB/apoAI. Os SNPs G4A e In5C>T estão associados com diminuição da expressão gênica do SCARB1 em NL. O tratamento com atorvastatina não modifica a expressão de RNAm do SCARB1 em CMSP nos HC. Esses resultados são sugestivos de que os polimorfismos no SCARB1 estão associados com valores basais do perfil lipídico sérico e de expressão de RNAm do SCARB1, assim como de resposta à atorvastatina. / The scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) mediates the selective uptake of the high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and it participates in the free cholesterol efflux to lipoprotein acceptors. HDL has an important antiatherogenic role associated with important activity in the cholesterol reverse transport. Polymorphisms in the SR-BI gene (SCARB1) have been related to variations on plasma lipoprotein profile and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Statins are potent inhibitors of cholesterol synthesis prescribed for treatment of the dislipidemia. Several polymorphisms in genes involved in intermediary metabolism of lipids have been related to differences in response to lowering-cholesterol drugs. In order to evaluate the effect of SCARB1 polymorphisms on serum lipids, gene expression and lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin, 185 normolipidemic (NL) and 147 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals were selected. HC individuals were treated with atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks). DNA and RNA were extracted from peripheric blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). SCARB1 mRNA expression was analyzed by real time PCR using ubiquitin c gene (UBC) as endogenous reference. The frequencies of the rare alleles in HC group (G4A: 12%; In5C>T: 7%, and ExC>T: 39%) were similar to those found in NL individuals (4A: 15%, In5T: 7%, and Ex8T: 35%, p>0.05). The SCARB1 4A allele (GA+AA genotypes) was associated with lower apoAI concentration in NL. The In5T allele was associated with higher serum LDL-C (p=0,029) in NL individuals, and with higher apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio (p>0,05) in HC group. SCARB1 Ex8C>T SNP was not related to serum lipids profile, however Ex8CC genotype carriers had lower variation of total cholesterol, LDL-C, apoB and apoB/apoAI ratio in response to atorvastatin. SCARB1 Ex8C>T was associated with higher chance to have a lower atorvastatin response (OR=3.1, 95% CI: 1.00-9.5; p=0.044). SCARB1 In5C>T and ExC>T were in linkage disequilibrium. G1C5C8/G1T5C8 SCARB1 haplotype was associated with higher level of triglycerides and VLDL-C in NL and lower HDL-C and apoAI levels in HC individuals. G1C5C8/A1C5C8 haplotype and C5C8/C5C8 diplotype had lower variations on apoB than the other haplotypes, and G1C5C8/A1C5C8 had also lower variation on apoB/apoAI ratio. G4A and In5C>T SNPs are associated with lower SCARB1 mRNA expression in PBMC of NL individuals. Atorvastatin therapy did not modify the expression level of the SCARB1 transcript in HC. Our results suggest that SCARB1 polymorphisms are associated with basal serum lipids profile, mRNA SCARB1 expression and atorvastatin response.
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Genetic background of HDL-cholesterol and atherosclerosis:linkage and case-control studies in the Northern Finnish populationKangas-Kontio, T. (Tiia) 01 November 2011 (has links)
Coronary heart disease (CHD), a manifestation of atherosclerosis, is the leading single cause of death in Finland. CHD is affected by numerous genetic and environmental factors, their combined effects and interactions between them. Low HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and the most common dyslipidemia associated with early onset CHD, but the mechanisms regulating HDL-C levels and protecting from atherosclerosis are still not completely understood. Adiponectin is a hormone that is secreted by adipose tissue and has several anti-atherosclerotic effects. There is multiple evidence suggesting that adiponectin could protect against CHD via positive effects on HDL metabolism. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent angiogenic growth factor that has a potentially conflicting role in atherosclerosis; it may have protecting or predisposing effects.
The objective of this thesis was to study the genetic background of HDL-C regulation and atherosclerosis. Three studies were executed using extended families with CHD or case-control setting, with samples collected from Northern Finland. In the first study, seven chromosomal regions showing suggestive evidence of linkage were identified for HDL-C regulation, using genome-wide linkage approach. In the second study, we found a strong correlation between HDL-C and adiponectin, but failed to show evidence of a shared genetic background. However, a genetic correlation between adiponectin and low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol was revealed. We also studied the genetic regulation of adiponectin, and for the first time its most active form, high-molecular weight adiponectin, and found suggestive evidence of linkage to three chromosomal regions. In the third study, it was discovered that the studied VEGF gene polymorphisms did not have a major effect on atherosclerosis quantified as carotid intima-media thickness or the risk of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
This thesis presents potential regions for the genetic regulation of HDL-C and adiponectin and gives new information about their relationship and the effect of VEGF polymorphisms in atherosclerosis. The strong correlation between adiponectin and HDL-C was further strengthened, but we failed to show a shared genetic background between them. / Tiivistelmä
Sepelvaltimotauti, eräs valtimonkovettumataudin ilmentymä, on yleisin yksittäinen kuolinsyy maassamme. Taudin syntyyn vaikuttavat lukuisat geneettiset ja ympäristötekijät sekä niiden väliset yhteis- ja vuorovaikutukset. Pieni HDL-kolesterolipitoisuus on valtimonkovettumataudin itsenäinen riskitekijä ja yleisin kolesterolipoikkeavuus, joka liittyy varhain ilmenevään sepelvaltimotautiin. HDL-kolesterolin vaihtelun syitä ja tämän "hyvän kolesterolin" sepelvaltimotaudilta suojaavia vaikutusmekanismeja ei kuitenkaan pystytä täysin selittämään. Adiponektiini on rasvakudoksen tuottama hormoni, jonka sepelvaltimotaudilta suojaavan ominaisuuden on ehdotettu johtuvan siitä, että se vaikuttaisi HDL-kolesterolin aineenvaihduntaan. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) on verisuonten sisäseinämissä vaikuttava kasvutekijä, jolla saattaa olla joko sepelvaltimotaudilta suojaavia tai sille altistavia vaikutuksia.
Väitöskirjatyön tavoitteena oli tutkia HDL-kolesterolin ja valtimonkovettumataudin geneettistä taustaa. Kolmessa osatyössä tutkittiin suuria pohjoissuomalaisia sepelvaltimotautisukuja; lisäksi käytettiin väestö- ja potilasaineistoja. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa löydettiin koko genomin kytkentäkartoitusmenetelmällä seitsemän kromosomialuetta, jotka saattavat vaikuttaa HDL-kolesterolin säätelyyn. Toisessa tutkimuksessa selvitettiin adiponektiinin, ja ensimmäistä kertaa myös sen aktiivisimman muodon, HMW-adiponektiinin geneettistä taustaa. Kytkentäanalyysissä saatiin viitteitä kolmesta adiponektiineja mahdollisesti säätelevästä kromosomialueesta. Havaittiin myös, että HDL-kolesterolin ja adiponektiinin pitoisuudet korreloivat vahvasti keskenään, mutta yhteistä geneettistä säätelytekijää ei pystytty osoittamaan. LDL-kolesterolin ja adiponektiinin välillä kuitenkin havaittiin geneettinen korrelaatio. Kolmannessa tutkimuksessa todettiin, ettei tutkituilla VEGF-geenin nukleotidimuutoksilla todennäköisesti ole merkittävää syy-yhteyttä valtimonkovettumatautiin kaulavaltimoiden sisäseinämän paksuudella tai sydäninfarktiriskillä mitattuna.
Tämä tutkimus tuo uutta tietoa HDL-kolesterolin ja adiponektiinin geneettisestä säätelystä ja niiden suhteesta sekä VEGF-geenin nukleotidimuutosten osuudesta valtimonkovettumataudissa. Tutkimus vahvistaa edelleen HDL-kolesterolin ja adiponektiinin yhteyden, muttei pysty osoittamaan niille yhteistä geneettistä tekijää.
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Human β<sub>1</sub>-adrenergic receptor:biosynthesis, processing and the carboxyl-terminal polymorphismHakalahti, A. (Anna) 20 September 2011 (has links)
The β1-adrenergic receptor (β1AR) belongs to the large family of G protein-coupled receptors. It is activated by epinephrine and norepinephrine and thus has a central role in mediating the effects of the sympathetic nervous system. β1AR is the predominant adrenergic receptor in the heart, where it mediates positive inotropy and chronotropy. Thus, it is the most important target receptor for β-adrenergic antagonists, which are widely used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, β1AR is also expressed in the brain, where it has a crucial role in regulating memory formation and synaptic plasticity. Human β1AR (hβ1AR) has two polymorphisms, one at each terminus. The carboxyl-terminal (C-terminal) Arg389Gly8.56 polymorphism has previously been shown to have functional significance.
Despite the clinical importance of hβ1AR, its biosynthetic profile and post-translational processing have not been well characterized to date. The aims of the present study were to shed light on these events, focusing on the limited proteolysis of hβ1AR and the impact of β-adrenergic ligands on receptor processing. In addition, the C-terminal polymorphism and its associations with certain parameters were investigated in a population consisting of survivors of acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
By using a heterologous expression system, hβ1AR biosynthesis was revealed to be efficient and rapid. The N-terminus of the mature receptor was modified with O-glycans and one N-glycan, but despite these modifications it was subject to cleavage at the cell surface that resulted in two C-terminal fragments. The cleavage was mediated by a metalloproteinase, and importantly, it also occurred in vivo. Moreover, receptor activation enhanced the cleavage, which suggests that it represents a novel regulatory mechanism of hβ1AR. Interestingly, those ligands that enhanced the cleavage stabilized intracellular hβ1AR precursors, possibly via a pharmacological chaperone activity. Thus, the present study demonstrates that β-adrenergic ligands can have different regulatory effects on distinct hβ1AR forms.
Among the AMI survivors, the Arg3898.56 homozygotes had significantly increased left ventricular mass indexes, when compared to the Gly3898.56 carriers, which suggests an association between Arg3898.56 and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). When euglycemic and diabetic patients were analyzed separately, the association existed among the euglycemic patients but was not present in diabetic patients. Diabetes is one of several risk factors that have previously been shown to influence the progression of LVH. Here, diabetes was shown to have a stronger effect on the development of LVH, when compared with the Arg3898.56 variant of hβ1AR. / Tiivistelmä
β1-adrenerginen reseptori (β1AR) kuuluu laajaan G-proteiineihin kytkettyjen reseptorien perheeseen. β1AR on tärkeässä asemassa sympaattisen hermoston toiminnassa. Sydämessä β1AR on vallitseva adrenerginen reseptori, ja sydänlihaksen supistusvireys sekä -taajuus voimistuvat β1AR:n aktivaation kautta. Siten se edustaa sydän- ja verisuonisairauksissa käytettävien β-salpaajien tärkeintä kohdereseptoria. β1AR:n luontaisia agonisteja ovat lisämunuaisytimestä ja hermopäätteistä vapautuvat adrenaliini ja noradrenaliini. Sydänlihaksen lisäksi β1AR:a ilmennetään myös aivoissa, jossa reseptorilla on keskeinen asema muistin ja synaptisen muovautuvuuden kannalta. Ihmisen β1AR (hβ1AR) sisältää kaksi polymorfismia, joista toinen (Arg389Gly8.56) sijaitsee reseptorin karboksyyli- (C-) terminaalissa solulimassa. Tällä polymorfismilla on havaittu olevan toiminnallista merkitystä.
Vaikka hβ1AR:n kliininen merkitys on huomattava, sen biosynteesistä ja translaationjälkeisestä muokkauksesta ei ole tähän mennessä ollut juurikaan tutkimustietoa. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tavoite oli kuvata näitä tapahtumia ja erityisesti keskittyä hβ1AR:n solunulkoisen amino- (N-) terminaalin rajoitettuun proteolyysiin. Lisäksi haluttiin tutkia, onko β-adrenergisillä ligandeilla vaikutusta reseptorin prosessointiin. Tutkimuksen kliinisessä osiossa kartoitettiin C-terminaalisen polymorfian yhteyttä valikoituihin muuttujiin aineistossa, joka koostui akuutin sydäninfarktin (AMI) sairastaneista potilaista.
hβ1AR:n biosynteesin havaittiin olevan tehokas ja nopea heterologisessa systeemissä. Kypsän reseptorin N-terminaalissa havaittiin useita O-kytkennäisiä ja yksi N-kytkennäinen glykaani. Glykosyloinnista huolimatta N-terminaali pilkkoutui solun pinnalla, mikä tuotti kaksi solukalvolla sijaitsevaa, C-terminaalista reseptoripalasta. Pilkkoutumista, joka havaittiin myös in vivo, katalysoi metalloproteinaasi. Reseptorin aktivaatio kiihdytti pilkkoutumista, joka siten todennäköisesti edustaa uudenlaista hβ1AR:n säätelymekanismia. Ligandit, jotka kiihdyttivät pilkkoutumista, toisaalta stabiloivat solunsisäisiä hβ1AR:n epäkypsiä muotoja toimien luultavasti ns. farmakologisina kaperoneina. Näin ollen väitöskirjatyö osoittaa, että β-adrenergisillä ligandeilla voi olla erilaisia säätelyvaikutuksia eri hβ1AR-muotoihin.
Kliinisessä tutkimuksessa Arg3898.56-homotsygooteilla potilailla havaittiin merkittävästi suurentunut vasemman kammion massaindeksi Gly3898.56-kantajiin verrattuina, mikä puoltaa Arg3898.56-polymorfismin ja vasemman kammion hypertrofian (LVH) välistä yhteyttä. Kun euglykeemisiä potilaita ja diabeetikkoja tutkittiin erikseen, yhteys ilmeni vain euglykeemisessä ryhmässä. Diabetes on riskitekijä, joka vaikuttaa LVH:n kehittymiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa diabeteksellä havaittiin olevan voimakkaampi vaikutus LVH:n kehittymiseen Arg3898.56 -polymorfismiin verrattuna.
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Proteiny v těhotenství - molekulárně biologická a biochemická analýza / Pregnancy proteins - molecular biological and biochemical analysisMuravská, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish methods for selected PAPP-A (Pregnancy- Associated Plasma Protein A) gene polymorphisms analysis and to study genetic background of PAPP-A and biochemical background of PAPP-A and PlGF (Placental Growth Factor) in relation to risk pregnancy. Secondly, the aim was to establish method for two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis of amniotic fluid. Methods for analysis of ten PAPP-A gene polymorphisms were established. These polymorphisms, PAPP-A and PlGF levels were studied in together 165 women in third trimester pregnancies complicated with threatening preterm labor (n=98), preeclampsia (n=35), IUGR (Intrauterine Growth Restriction) (n=34) and ICP (Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy) (n=15). 114 healthy pregnant women served as controls. The method for 2D electrophoresis of amniotic fluid was established. Preeclamptic patients had significantly higher frequency of TT genotype of Cys327Cys (C/T) PAPP-A gene polymorphism compared to controls. Patients with ICP had increased serum levels of PAPP-A compared to controls, in patients with threatening preterm labor PAPP-A levels were rather decreased. PlGF levels did not differ from control group in patients with ICP and threatening preterm labor. Positive correlation was found between PAPP-A and PlGF in group of...
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Glycosylation and dimerization of the human δ-opioid receptor polymorphic variantsLackman, J. (Jarkko) 04 December 2018 (has links)
Cellular signaling by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) governs a wide array of physiological functions throughout the body. The human δ-opioid receptor (hδOR) is a GPCR that modulates the sensation of pain and mood and has great potential for the treatment of pain and a variety of neurological disorders. A common single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the extracellular N-terminal tail of hδOR changes Phe to Cys at position 27. Using various biochemical and cell biological methods, the study demonstrates that several events during receptor biosynthesis and cell surface delivery are affected by the SNP. These events participate in the multifaceted regulation of the receptor and modulate receptor behavior at the cell surface.
Two distinct pathways were shown to scrutinize the quality of the synthesized hδOR in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and target some for degradation in N-glycan-dependent and -independent ways. The hδORCys27 that matures inefficiently required N-glycan-mediated interactions with the lectin-chaperone calnexin to be expressed in a fully functional form at the cell surface, whereas the N-glycan-independent pathway was sufficient for hδORPhe27. For both variants, the N-glycan-independent quality control, which is likely to operate as a back-up pathway, led to a more rapid export from the ER and receptors at the cell surface that were less stable.
Receptor dimerization emerged as an important regulatory step for receptor cell surface delivery. In co-transfected cells, interactions between the newly-synthesized variants led to the retention and subsequent ER-associated degradation of hδORPhe27. This dominant-negative attenuation of hδORPhe27 cell surface expression by hδORCys27 may have unpredictable consequences for opioid signaling in heterozygous individuals.
Finally, the study shows that N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)-type O-glycosylation catalyzed in the Golgi modulates hδOR expression at the cell surface by enhancing receptor stability and inhibiting constitutive downregulation. The modification of Ser residues in the receptor N-terminus by GalNAc-transferase 2 was affected by the SNP, which presents another distinction in the cellular processing of the two variants.
The findings highlight the importance of the biosynthetic pathway in the regulation of GPCR behavior and pave way for strategies for treatments targeting GPCRs at this level. / Tiivistelmä
Solujenvälisellä viestinnällä on keskeinen tehtävä kehon kaikissa toiminnoissa. δ-opioidireseptori (δOR) on solusignalointiin erikoistuneen kalvoproteiiniperheen (G-proteiiniin kytketyt reseptorit) jäsen, joka ohjaa kivuntuntemusta ja mielialoja. Sitä pidetään mahdollisena lääkekehityksen kohteena paitsi kivunlievityksen, myös useiden neurologisten häiriöiden hoidossa. δOR ilmenee kahtena polymorfisena muotona sen solunulkoisessa osassa tapahtuneen aminohappomuutoksen vuoksi (Phe27Cys). Työssä tutkittiin reseptorin glykosylaatiota ja dimerisaatiota, jotka säätelevät sen prosessointia, käyttäytymistä ja toimintaa. Käyttäen useita biokemiallisia ja solubiologisia menetelmiä työssä osoitettiin polymorfian vaikuttavan useisiin prosessointivaiheisiin ja muokkaavan siten reseptorin viestintää.
Proteiinien laadunvalvontakoneiston havaittiin säätelevän reseptorin siirtymistä endoplasmakalvostolta solun pinnalle kahdella eri mekanismilla ohjaten osan reseptoreista hajotukseen. Toisin kuin Phe27-variantin, tehottomasti kypsyvän Cys27-variantin laadunvalvonta on riippuvainen reseptoriin liittyvistä N-glykaaneista ja näihin sitoutuvasta kaitsijaproteiinista, kalneksiinista. Reseptorivariantit, joista N-glykaanit puuttuvat, siirtyvät nopeammin solukalvolle, mutta ne ovat epästabiileja ja häviävät nopeasti solun pinnalta. Vaihtoehtoinen N-glykaaneista riippumaton laadunvalvontamekanismi sallii myös inaktiivisen Cys27-variantin pääsyn solun pinnalle.
Varianttien dimerisoitumisen osoitettiin säätelevän niiden kuljetusta soluissa. Cys27-variantin havaittiin sitoutuvan Phe27-varianttiin aikaisessa biosynteesivaiheessa ja ohjaavan osan siitä hajotukseen. Tällä voi olla suuri merkitys opioidiviestinnässä molempia alleeleja kantavilla henkilöillä. Työssä havaittiin myös GalNAc-transferaasi-2-entsyymin ohjaavan Golgin laitteessa tapahtuvaa reseptorin O-glykosylaatiota. Se glykosyloi reseptorin solunulkoisen osan seriinitähteitä (Ser6, Ser25, Ser29), stabiloiden siten solun pinnan reseptoreita ja tehostaen niiden viestintää. Lisäksi havaittiin eroja varianttien O-glykosylaatiossa, mikä voi osaltaan selittää varianttien ilmentymisessä todettuja eroja.
Tutkimus luo uutta tietoa biosynteesireitin merkityksestä G-proteiiniin kytkettyjen reseptorien säätelyssä sekä antaa pohjaa keinoille, joilla tätä voitaisiin hyödyntää farmakologisesti.
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The Visual Impairment/Cognitive Impairment Co-morbidity : Examining the Genotype-Structure-Function RelationshipMurphy, Caitlin 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Demography of Birch Populations across ScandinaviaSendrowski, Janek January 2022 (has links)
Boreal forests are particularly vulnerable to climate change, experiencing a much more drastic increase in temperatures and having a limited amount of more northern refugia. The trees making up these vast and important ecosystems already had to adapt previously to environmental pressures brought about by the repeated glaciations during past ice ages. Studying the patterns of adaption of these trees can thus provide valuable insights on how to mitigate future damage. This thesis presents and analyses population structure, demo- graphic history and the distribution of fitness effects (DFE) of the diploid Betula pendula and tetraploid B. pubescens across Scandinavia. Birches–being widespread in boreal forests as well as having great economical importance–constitute superb model species. The analyses of this work confirm the expectations on postglacial population expansion and diploid-tetraploid introgression. They furthermore ascertain the presence of two genetic clusters and a remarkably similar DFE for the species. This work also contributes with a transparent, reproducible and reusable pipeline which facilitates running similar analyses for related species.
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