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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The financial crisis : reforming the South African risk management environment / Ja'nel Tobias Esterhuysen

Esterhuysen, Ja'nel Tobias January 2010 (has links)
The global financial crisis that commenced in June 2007 has been described as the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in considerable international distress with almost all major banks experiencing capital shortages and some defaulting outright. Among the principal causes was an explosive increase - by a factor of ten in some cases - in credit defaults precipitated by lax lending standards which prevailed for several years. The crisis caused several major institutions to fail (and be subsequently acquired under duress): many of these were subject to takeovers by their relevant sovereigns, including - amongst others - Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and American International Group and AIG. The financial crisis is believed to be directly responsible for the bleak forecasts (2009 and beyond) faced by the global economy. The measure of global volatility, the VIX, trebled in the third quarter of 2008, interest rate spreads between government fixed income securities and interbank rates widened to unprecedented levels, global inflation threatened an already fragile, volatile marketplace, corporate and retail loan default rates rose and downgrades of large financial institutions (such as US Monoline bond insurers)and manycorporates were experienced by major rating agencies during the first quarter of 2009. The aim of this thesis was to discuss and critically evaluate how the financial crisis has impacted banking risks and also the effect it had on international banks. This has been accomplished through the modification of existing risk measurement techniques and, in some cases, through the development of new techniques, when older risk models proved to be inadequate. A principal secondary aim of the thesis was the testing of these methodologies - in real-world contexts - to ascertain their reliability and robustness concomitant with the adaptation of these methodologies in the light of the new empirical evidence. Important other secondary objectives were the development of novel approaches w0here the research results required it and and the introduction of practical ways to use the results of the thesis in a post-crisis bank risk management environment. Some of the bank asset portfolios that were investigated in the thesis were generated bysimulated data to replicate specific characteristics during the crisis, while the other portfolios comprised entirelyof empirical data. The first objective, of the thesis, was to determine the effect of stressed economic conditions on b.erational risk loss distributions. The depth and duration of the credit crisis have highlighted a number of problems in modern finance. Banks have been accused of excessive risk taking, rating agencies of severe conflicts of interest, central banks of neglecting the inflation of asset price bubbles and national supervisors of laxregulatorycontrols. Credit and market losses have been considerable. Operational losses have also surged as surviving corporates merge or acquire less fortunate ones without the requisite controls. As more jobs get made redundant it is believed that employees revert to internal fraud as their sources of income have dried up drasticallyand stealing from the institution seems to b.tional losses have been affected has been presented and a comparison has been made between operational loss characteristics pre and during the crisis. Some of the main findings were that operational losses have shown little change in frequency, but shown a significant increase in severity, meaning that their financial impact has been more severe during the crisis. It is safe to saythat the financial crisis most definitelyin.creased operational risk in banks much more severe losses. The second objective was to focus on the effect of the stressed economic conditions on the applicability and effectiveness of the credit risk measurement methodologies and the minimum capital requirements, pre.scribed to banks in Basel II. The robustness of the Basel II accord in protecting banks during volatile eco.nomic periods has been challenged in the ongoing financial crisis. Advanced approaches to measuring and managing credit risk in particular have drawn criticism for being too complexand irrelevant. Despite accusa.tions that the accord was largelyresponsible for the crisis, this studyexplored which of Basel II's credit risk approaches were more successful in measuring the bank?s credit risk and calculating the required minimum capital charge for the bank. It was found that, in general, compliance with Basel II actuallyprotected banks during the crisis with the simpler approaches enjoying greater success than more advanced ones, in protect.ing banks against credit risk. The third objective was to appraise the effect of stressed economic conditions on the systemic risk within the South African Banking sector. The financial crisis resulted in increases in credit-, market-and opera.tional risk, but it mayalso have precipitated a surge in systemic risk. Measuring systemic risk as the price of insurance against distressed losses in the South African banking sector, this studyillustrated that the finan.cial crisis has in fact resulted in an increase in systemic risk. Using probabilities of default and asset return correlations as systemic risk indicators, it was established that the financial crisis has indeed increased sys.temic risk in South Africa. The impact was, however, less severe than that experienced in other large interna.tional banks. The fourth and final objective of this studywas to focus on liquiditycreation in South African banks under stressed economic conditions. The financial crisis placed severe pressure on global bank liquidity. Many banks were unable to create sufficient liquidityand had to receive government support or face default. This studyillustrated the impact of the financial crisis on liquiditycreation within South African banks using a model previouslyapplied to US banks. Four measures of liquiditycreation are discussed and applied to data spanning 2004 ? 2009. Although created liquiditydecreased steeplyfrom 2007, liquidity levels in 2009re.main about 45% higher than those of 2004. The four large South African banks created about 80% of the total market liquidity, and a possible reason for this is that these banks have verylarge retail divisions, which have assisted them in creating much more liquiditythan the smaller banks which have much smaller retail divisions. In conclusion, and as illustrated through the findings of this study, the financial crisis did impact the major banking risks on various levels and it is therefore safe to saythat the financial crisis has reformed the interna.tional risk management environment and will also do so in the years to come. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Economics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The financial crisis : reforming the South African risk management environment / Ja'nel Tobias Esterhuysen

Esterhuysen, Ja'nel Tobias January 2010 (has links)
The global financial crisis that commenced in June 2007 has been described as the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It resulted in considerable international distress with almost all major banks experiencing capital shortages and some defaulting outright. Among the principal causes was an explosive increase - by a factor of ten in some cases - in credit defaults precipitated by lax lending standards which prevailed for several years. The crisis caused several major institutions to fail (and be subsequently acquired under duress): many of these were subject to takeovers by their relevant sovereigns, including - amongst others - Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and American International Group and AIG. The financial crisis is believed to be directly responsible for the bleak forecasts (2009 and beyond) faced by the global economy. The measure of global volatility, the VIX, trebled in the third quarter of 2008, interest rate spreads between government fixed income securities and interbank rates widened to unprecedented levels, global inflation threatened an already fragile, volatile marketplace, corporate and retail loan default rates rose and downgrades of large financial institutions (such as US Monoline bond insurers)and manycorporates were experienced by major rating agencies during the first quarter of 2009. The aim of this thesis was to discuss and critically evaluate how the financial crisis has impacted banking risks and also the effect it had on international banks. This has been accomplished through the modification of existing risk measurement techniques and, in some cases, through the development of new techniques, when older risk models proved to be inadequate. A principal secondary aim of the thesis was the testing of these methodologies - in real-world contexts - to ascertain their reliability and robustness concomitant with the adaptation of these methodologies in the light of the new empirical evidence. Important other secondary objectives were the development of novel approaches w0here the research results required it and and the introduction of practical ways to use the results of the thesis in a post-crisis bank risk management environment. Some of the bank asset portfolios that were investigated in the thesis were generated bysimulated data to replicate specific characteristics during the crisis, while the other portfolios comprised entirelyof empirical data. The first objective, of the thesis, was to determine the effect of stressed economic conditions on b.erational risk loss distributions. The depth and duration of the credit crisis have highlighted a number of problems in modern finance. Banks have been accused of excessive risk taking, rating agencies of severe conflicts of interest, central banks of neglecting the inflation of asset price bubbles and national supervisors of laxregulatorycontrols. Credit and market losses have been considerable. Operational losses have also surged as surviving corporates merge or acquire less fortunate ones without the requisite controls. As more jobs get made redundant it is believed that employees revert to internal fraud as their sources of income have dried up drasticallyand stealing from the institution seems to b.tional losses have been affected has been presented and a comparison has been made between operational loss characteristics pre and during the crisis. Some of the main findings were that operational losses have shown little change in frequency, but shown a significant increase in severity, meaning that their financial impact has been more severe during the crisis. It is safe to saythat the financial crisis most definitelyin.creased operational risk in banks much more severe losses. The second objective was to focus on the effect of the stressed economic conditions on the applicability and effectiveness of the credit risk measurement methodologies and the minimum capital requirements, pre.scribed to banks in Basel II. The robustness of the Basel II accord in protecting banks during volatile eco.nomic periods has been challenged in the ongoing financial crisis. Advanced approaches to measuring and managing credit risk in particular have drawn criticism for being too complexand irrelevant. Despite accusa.tions that the accord was largelyresponsible for the crisis, this studyexplored which of Basel II's credit risk approaches were more successful in measuring the bank?s credit risk and calculating the required minimum capital charge for the bank. It was found that, in general, compliance with Basel II actuallyprotected banks during the crisis with the simpler approaches enjoying greater success than more advanced ones, in protect.ing banks against credit risk. The third objective was to appraise the effect of stressed economic conditions on the systemic risk within the South African Banking sector. The financial crisis resulted in increases in credit-, market-and opera.tional risk, but it mayalso have precipitated a surge in systemic risk. Measuring systemic risk as the price of insurance against distressed losses in the South African banking sector, this studyillustrated that the finan.cial crisis has in fact resulted in an increase in systemic risk. Using probabilities of default and asset return correlations as systemic risk indicators, it was established that the financial crisis has indeed increased sys.temic risk in South Africa. The impact was, however, less severe than that experienced in other large interna.tional banks. The fourth and final objective of this studywas to focus on liquiditycreation in South African banks under stressed economic conditions. The financial crisis placed severe pressure on global bank liquidity. Many banks were unable to create sufficient liquidityand had to receive government support or face default. This studyillustrated the impact of the financial crisis on liquiditycreation within South African banks using a model previouslyapplied to US banks. Four measures of liquiditycreation are discussed and applied to data spanning 2004 ? 2009. Although created liquiditydecreased steeplyfrom 2007, liquidity levels in 2009re.main about 45% higher than those of 2004. The four large South African banks created about 80% of the total market liquidity, and a possible reason for this is that these banks have verylarge retail divisions, which have assisted them in creating much more liquiditythan the smaller banks which have much smaller retail divisions. In conclusion, and as illustrated through the findings of this study, the financial crisis did impact the major banking risks on various levels and it is therefore safe to saythat the financial crisis has reformed the interna.tional risk management environment and will also do so in the years to come. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Economics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Strategieë vir opvoeders van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne insluitende onderwys, ontwikkel deur ʼn aksienavorsingsproses (Afrikaans)

Potgieter-Groot, Lucia Christina 09 October 2010 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie navorsing is deur aksienavorsing ondersoek ingestel na strategieë wat vir opvoeders bruikbaar is in die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes binne die opset van insluitende onderwys. Leerders in Suid-Afrikaanse skole en klaskamers openbaar ʼn wye verskeidenheid emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes, en hierdie behoeftes word as een van die vernaamste knelpunte deur alle belanghebbendes in die land se onderwys uitgesonder. Anders as in die verlede word daar nou van opvoeders verwag om die primêre hulpverleners te wees van leerders met behoeftes in die konteks van die insluitende klaskamer. In die lig hiervan benodig opvoeders bemagtiging om die leerders te hanteer deur ’n verskeidenheid strategieë te kan gebruik. Die navorsing het deur verskeie fases verloop waar die aanvanklike behoeftes van die opvoeders bepaal is, asook die stand van sake voor die intervensie. Op grond hiervan is ʼn implementeringsprogram saamgestel wat gefokus het op die ontwikkeling van strategieë vir opvoeders van die twee skole, die toepassing daarvan in hul klasse/skool en die effek wat dit op die klasse/skool gehad het. Die implementering is op verskeie sistemiese vlakke gemoniteer – deur die opvoeders in hul eie klasse, maar ook deur eksterne waarnemers en die navorser. Gedurende die fases is die intervensie voortdurend aangepas namate nuwe behoeftes bekend geraak het. Die deelnemers het ook insette gelewer ten opsigte van strategieë en hoe dit aangepas kon word. Nuwe gemeenskaplike kennis van strategieë het tydens die intervensie ontstaan. Na afloop van die program het opvoeders die strategieë vir die hantering van leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes kwantitatief beoordeel, op grond van die bruikbaarheid daarvan in die skool- en klasopset. Uit my bevindinge het dit geblyk dat opvoeders bemagtiging benodig om met leerders met emosionele en gedragsbehoeftes te werk. Die indiensopleidings-program waaraan 47 opvoeders van twee skole deelgeneem het, het daartoe bygedra dat die opvoeders se ingesteldheid teenoor leerders verander het. Na die opleiding was hulle bekend met meer strategieë om leerdergedrag te hanteer en het ‘n gevoel van sukses beleef in die klas, wat bygedra het tot ‘n positiewe belewenis van die klassituasie. Van die strategieë wat as die bruikbaarste beoordeel is, het gehandel oor klaskamerpraktyke en strategieë om taakgerigtheid te bevorder. Ander strategieë het aspekte rondom skoolbestuur en ondersteuning aan ouers ingesluit. Enkele opvoeders het ook meer gevorderde strategieë, soos kognitiewe en gedragstegnieke gebruik. Opvoeders het positiewe reaksie aangemeld van leerders waar die strategieë toegepas is. Hierdie studie is deur ‘n proses van aksienavorsing uitgevoer en kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe navorsingsmetodes is gebruik. Die resultate is van toepassing binne hierdie bepaalde konteks. Volgens die navorser kan hierdie opleidingsprogram aangepas word om aan die behoefte vir indiensopleiding vir opvoeders te voorsien. Opleiding kan moontlik fokus op ʼn kleiner aantal strategieë wat deeglik ingeoefen en vasgelê kan word. Dit is verkieslik dat al die personeel van ‘n skool, insluitend die skoolbestuurspan, aan die opleiding moet deelneem om dit ‘n skoolontwikkelingsprojek te maak. Deur twee skole op verskillende vlakke van implementering saam op te lei, kan opvoeders mekaar stimuleer en kan die toepassing van idees bevorder word. ENGLISH: Learners who exhibit emotional and behavioural needs (e.g. ADHD and depression conduct disorder) seem to present a major challenge for educators in the inclusive mainstream class and educators feel that they are not adequately prepared and trained for these challenges. Action research was chosen as research method. The purpose of this research was to useful strategies which educators could implement in supporting and managing these learners, in the inclusive classroom environment. Learners with emotional and behavioural needs exhibit a wide variety of behaviours at school. In the inclusive education environment educators are expected to be the primary supporters of learners with needs. Although this expectation exists, up till now educators have received little or no training on how to support learners with needs. The research process conducted in this study followed different phases. Firstly, a needs analysis was conducted to determine the current state of affairs, the needs of educators, and strategies currently in use. Information that became evident through the needs analysis and literature research prescribed the format and aspects to be included in the initial intervention programme. During the execution of this programme, current strategies were adapted and new ones developed. Needs that came to the fore during the implementation were recognised and incorporated. The implementation was monitored on different levels, for example by teachers who implemented the strategies in their classrooms and provided feedback, by the researcher, and also by external observers. The focus was not only on the strategies, but also on processes. Changes that were observed in the different systems were assessed. During the final step of the implementation phase, educators, based on their practical experience, were required to rate the usefulness of all the different strategies that were either part of the initial presentation or were generated during the course of implementation. The qualitative as well as quantitative findings indicated that the educators became more capable of supporting these learners and implemented a wide variety of strategies. Classroom management strategies and strategies to support task behaviour were found to be the most helpful. Educators also gained more than merely knowledge. Changes in the relationship between educators and these learners were noticeable and they became aware of feelings of personal achievement and competency. Changes also occurred at other systemic levels, such as in the learners, the school, the community and even in the broader education system. This study was undertaken on a small group of educators in a particular context. Whilst the findings cannot be generalised, it is suggested that this programme may also be beneficial for educators to support learners with emotional and behavioural needs in other environments. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Psychology / unrestricted

Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese model

De Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk. Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan 'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich, descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Skofwerk van getroude vroue as sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud : 'n ekologiese model

De Waard, Ilonka 06 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / Text in Afrikaans / Key terms in English and Afrikaans / Verskeie tekortkomings is in die bestaande konseptuele model en kwantitatiewe navorsingsliteratuur oor skofwerk geidentifiseer. Ontevredenheid met die oorvereenvoudigde oorsaak-gevolg-verklarings vir getroude vroue se skofwerkervaring het in die studie gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk. Hierdie nuwe konseptuele model weerspieel 'n altematiewe benadering waar erkenning gegee word aan die bestaan van meervoudige realiteite wat mense in konsensus deur taal konstrueer. Die oogmerk met die ekologiese model is om, met inagneming van vroueskofwerkers se wyer konteks, patrone te ondersoek van hoe die verskillende beskrywings van getroude vroue se ervaring van skofwerk bymekaar pas. Daarmee kan 'n meer sistemiese begrip verkry word wat die kompleksiteit van menslike interaksie respekteer. Die ekologiese model van vroueskofwerk is ontwikkel as 'n hulpmiddel vir die waamemer om ryk, beskrywende ekologiese verhale te kan konstrueer van hoe getroude vroue se belewing van skofwerk tot sistemiese ontwrigting of behoud kan lei. / Several shortcomings have been identified in the existing conceptual model and quantitative research literature regarding shiftwork. Dissatisfaction with the oversimplified cause-effect-explanations for married women's shiftwork experience has led to the development of an ecological model of women shiftwork in this study. This new conceptual model reflects an alternative approach where recognition is given to the existence of multiple realities which are consensually created by people through language. The aim with the ecological model, by taking into account the broader context of women shiftworkers, is to search for patterns of how the different descriptions of women's experience of shiftwork fit together. This offers a more systemic view that respects the complexity of human interaction. The ecological model for women shiftwork is developed as an aid to the observer to construct rich, descriptive ecological stories about how married women's experience of shiftwork can lead to systemic disruption or conservation. / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde se siening van inklusiewe onderwys-implementering en skoolontwikkeling (Afrikaans)

Bezuidenhout, Herman Stephanus 01 March 2010 (has links)
Education White Paper No.6 (2001) – Special Education: Special Needs Education. Building an Inclusive Education and Training System creates the expectation that more South African schools will need to follow an inclusive approach to address, effectively, the varying educational needs of all learners. A number of South African private schools implemented inclusive programs before the publication of this white paper. This research focuses on the perceptions of four South African private school principals with regards to the implementation of these programs and the consequential development of their schools. This qualitative research generated data about the selected private schools through a semi-structured interview, a document analysis, and a literature review. The processed data displayed the principals’ perceptions about the South African private schools’ nature; location; the expertise of the various stakeholders; the schools’ criteria and considerations for administering an inclusive program; the effects of the inclusive programs on the schools’ development; the influence of an inclusive approach on the development of staff, infrastructure and administration within these schools; and the nature of the systemic changes within these private schools. The literature review confirms that inclusive education is a diffuse term and that the American IDEA legislation, as the most progressive policy in this regard, ensures comprehensive inclusive mainstream schools for all learners, irrespective of their educational needs, in the least restrictive environment in their respective communities. The interview data was transcribed, labelled according to specific markers and thematically interpreted in five groups. The data analysis showed that the location of the private school, the expertise of the stakeholders at the school and the motivation for the program’s existence all play a definitive role in the extent; nature; marketing; assessment; policy formulation; accreditation; infrastructural developments; cost; policies; procedures; decision making; leadership style; in service training and staff allocation linked to the inclusive program. There are still misconceptions and questions about inclusive education within and outside the private school milieu. The growing cost and increased workload linked to this approach impede its widespread development and make other schools hesitant to implement it in the same manner as the private schools used in this research sample. AFRIKAANS : Onderwys Witskrif Nr.6 (2001) –Spesiale Onderwys: Die vestiging van ’n inklusiewe Onderwys en Opleidingstelsel se verwagting is dat meer Suid-Afrikaanse skole ’n inklusiewe benadering sal volg om al die onderwysbehoeftes van alle Suid-Afrikaanse leerders effektief aan te spreek. ’n Aantal Suid- Afrikaanse privaatskole het voor hierdie publikasiedatum verskillende inklusiewe programme geïmplementeer. Dié navorsing werp lig op die sienings van vier Suid-Afrikaanse privaatskool-hoofde aangaande die implementering van dié programme én die skoolontwikkeling wat daaruit voortvloei. Die kwalitatiewe het data oor die geselekteerde privaatskole deur ’n semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud, ’n dokument-analise en literatuurstudie ingesamel en verwerk. Die data het die skoolhoofde se persepsies aangaande die Suid-Afrikaanse inklusiewe privaatskole se aard; ligging; die kundigheid van hulle belanghebbendes; die skole se kriteria en oorwegings om die inklusiewe program te bedryf; die effekte van die inklusiewe program op skool- ontwikkelings; die invloed van die inklusiewe benadering op die personeel-, infrastruktuur- en administratiewe ontwikkelings in dié skole; én die aard van die sistemiese veranderings in die privaatskole opgelewer. Die literatuurstudie het bevestig dat inklusiewe onderwys ‘n diffuse term is en dat die Amerikaanse IDEA-wetgewing, as die progressiefste beleid in hierdie verband, verseker dat ‘n volwaardige inklusiewe hoofstroomskool alle leerders, ongeag hulle onderwysbehoefte, in die minsbeperkte leeromgewing in hulle gemeenskap akkommodeer. Die onderhouddata is getranskribeer, volgens merkers geëtiketteer en tematies geïnterpreteer in vyf groeperings. Die data-analise toon dat die ligging van die privaatskool, die kundigheid van belanghebbendes by die skool en die motivering vir die program ‘n besliste rol speel in die omvang; aard; bemarking; assessering; beleidformulering; akkreditering; infrastruktuurontwikkelings; koste; beleide; prosedures; besluite; leierskapstyl; indiensopleiding en personeeltoewysing van die inklusiewe praktyke. Daar is steeds wanopvattings oor inklusiewe onderwys binne en buite die privaatskoolbedryf, en die verhoogde werkslas en groeiende koste hieraan verbonde rem die wydverspreide ontwikkeling en maak nuwe skole huiwerig om dieselfde stap te neem as die gevestigde skole. Copyright / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

'n Sistemiese konstruksie van die gesinsdinamika van die laerskoolkind wat dwelmmiddels gebruik (Afrikaans)

Aucamp, Ella Josina 28 May 2008 (has links)
The use of drugs by children are increasing in all communities and children who are using drugs for the first time are getting younger. This contributes to the fact that the use of drugs by primary school children in the pre-adolescent developing phase is increasing. During this developmental phase, the family of the child in which he/she grows up, plays an important role in the socialization of the child. Early exposure of the child to dysfunctional patterns within the family may contribute to the possible experimentation with drugs as a way for the child to compensate for the loss of emotional security. Due to the increasing reports of the pre-adolescent who uses drugs, the researcher was motivated to explore the factors that probably maintain this phenomenon. A research question to guide this research was formulated as follow: To what extent can the family's dynamics and functioning contribute to the experimentation and upkeep of drug abuse by the child in the primary school? A qualitative research design was used in order to explore the research question. Findings showed that the quality of the family system and the way in which the family functions, may contribute to the drug use of the child who is in the pre-adolescent developmental phase. / Dissertation (MSD (Research))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

The effect of systemic functional linguistics-based self-intervention programme on the ESL grammar proficiency of Grade 8 learners

Nell, Karin 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / English proficiency is regarded important for economic empowerment in South Africa, since English is the official business language of the country. South Africa is, however, a multilingual country, with 11 official languages. The majority of South African learners do not speak English as first language, but study English as an additional language in school. This leads to English Second Language (ESL) classroom complexities such as multilingualism, negative attitudes to ESL, and various levels of linguistic proficiency, which affect the teaching of the prescribed curriculum. Many learners arrive in secondary school (Grade 8) with underdeveloped English proficiency, which means that a lot of time in ESL classrooms is spent on re-teaching English language concepts, especially grammar concepts. This causes stress for both ESL teachers and learners. This study tested the effectiveness of a self-help ESL grammar intervention programme in order to establish whether existing gaps in grammar knowledge could be closed via self-study outside of the classroom. More specifically, the study asked the question whether learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech could be enhanced via a self-help intervention programme, which was based on the principles of Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG). SFG is not traditionally used as an instructional framework in ESL classrooms in the South African context. The rationale for assessing the efficiency of an SFG self-help intervention programme was that there is currently a dire need for alternative approaches to teaching ESL grammar, which would assist struggling learners to raise their proficiency levels quickly, and which would allow teachers to continue with the prescribed curriculum. The intervention programme was tested in a controlled quasi-experimental study, which included an experimental group and a control group, and which compared performance in the mid-year examination and year-end examination to performance in a baseline assessment. The results of the study showed that the self-intervention programme was effective in enhancing ESL learners’ knowledge of Parts of Speech, and also had a positive effect on other aspects of grammar knowledge and on writing. Based on these findings, it is recommended that self-regulation and self-instruction be considered for inclusion in ESL syllabi in the South African context, as it can play a positive role in enhancing ESL learners’ linguistic proficiency. / Engelse taalvaardigheid word as belangrik beskou vir ekonomiese bemagtiging in Suid–Afrika, aangesien Engels die offisiële besigheidstaal van die land is. Suid-Afrika het egter elf erkende offisiële landstale en is dus ‘n meertalige land. Die oorgrote meerderheid Suid-Afrikaanse leerders se eerste taal is nie Engels nie, en hierdie leerders neem Engels as tweede taal (ook genoem eerste addisionnele taal) in ‘n formele omgewing op skool. Dit veroorsaak verskeie uitdagings in Engelse tweedetaalklasse, onder andere meertalige leerders, ‘n negatiewe houding teenoor Engels, en oneweredige ontwikkelingsvlakke in Engels. ‘n Groot aantal leerders begin hul sekondêre skoolloopbaan met onderontwikkelde vaardighede in Engels, met name in grammatika. Dit beïnvloed die onderrig van die voorgeskrewe Engelse tweedetaal kurrikulum, veral in Graad 8. Onderwysers is dikwels genoodsaak om baie tyd aan die heronderrig van grammatikale konsepte te spandeer, alvorens die voorgeskrewe Graad 8 kurrikulum hervat kan word. Dit plaas spanning op sowel onderwysers as leerders. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effektiwiteit van ‘n self-onderrig intervensieprogram te toets – meer spesifiek om te toets of kennisgapings in “Parts of Speech (POS)” oorbrug kan word met ‘n self-onderrig program wat gebaseer is op Sistemiese Funksionele Linguistiek (SFL). SFL word nie tradisioneel in die Suid-Afrikaanse leerprogram gebruik nie, en die rasionaal vir die toetsing van ‘n SFL program was dat daar tans ‘n geweldige vraag is na alternatiewe benaderings tot die onderrig van Engels, wat leerders sal ondersteun om hulle vaardigheidsvlakke snel te verbeter, sodat onderwysers kan voorgaan met die voorgeskrewe kurrikulum. Die SFL intervensieprogram in hierdie studie is deur middel van ‘n gekontroleerde kwasi-eksperimentele metode getoets, wat ‘n eksperimentele groep en ‘n kontrolegroep ingesluit het. Die twee groepe se kennis van woordsoorte is in die middeljaar, asook die eindjaareksamen gemeet, en vergelyk met die resultate van ‘n basislyntoets wat aan die begin van die jaar afgeneem is. Die resultate het bevestig dat die SFL intervensieprogram ‘n positiewe effek gehad het op kennis van woordsoorte. Verdere positiewe effekte was merkbaar in ander aspekte van Engelse grammatika en in skryfvaardigheid. Na aanleiding van hierdie bevindinge is die aanbeveling van hierdie studie dat selfonderrig and self-regulasie oorweeg moet word as belangrike komponente van die Engels tweedetaal sillabus in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, aangesien dit ‘n positiewe rol kan speel in die verbetering van Engels tweedetaal leerders se taalvaardigheid. / Ubugcisa kulwimi lwesiNgesi bubaluleke kakhulu ekuxhobiseni ezoqoqosho eMzantsi Afrika kuba silulwimi lwezoshishino olusemthethweni kweli lizwe. Naxa kunjalo uMzantsi Afrika lilizwe elineelwimi ezininzi, apho ezili-11 zamiliselwa njengeelwimi ezisemthethweni. Uninzi lwabafundi baseMzantsi Afrika alusithethi njengolwimi lokuqala isiNgesi, koko lusifunda njengolwimi olongeziweyo esikolweni. Oku kukhokelela kwiingxaki ezininzi kwiklasi efundisa isiNgesi njengoLwimi lwesiBini, ezifana nokusetyenziswa kweelwimi ezininzi kwakunye namanqanaba awohlukileyo olwazi nobugcisa bokusebenzisa ulwimi, nto ezo zichaphazela ukufundiswa kwekharityhulam esekiweyo. Abafundi abaninzi bafika kwisikolo sasesekondari (iBanga lesi-8) bengenalwazi nabugcisa baneleyo besiNgesi, ngenxa yoko, kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini kuchithwa ixesha elininzi kuphindaphindwa ukufundiswa kwesigama sesiNgesi, ngakumbi isigama segrama. Esi sifundo sophando siye sahlola ukusebenza kwenkqubo yongenelelo kufundiso lwegrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini apho umfundi azinceda ngokwakhe, ukuze kufunyaniswe ukuba zingavaleka na ezi zikhewu zikhoyo zokuswela ulwazi lwegrama ngokuzifundela ngaphandle kweklasi. Olu phando lujolise ngakumbi kumbuzo wokuba, ingaba ulwazi lwabafundi ngeziGaba zeNtetho lungaphuculwa na ngokusebenzisa le nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda esekelwe kwimithetho-siseko yeSystemic Functional Grammar (iSFG). ISFG ayisetyenziswa ngokwesithethe njengesakhelo sokufundisa kwiklasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini eMzantsi Afrika. Esona sizathu sokuvavanya ukusebenza kwale nkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda yeSFG, kukuba kukho intswelo enkulu yeendlela ezizezinye zokufundisa igrama yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini, nto leyo inokunceda abafundi abatsala nzima baphucule amaqondo abo obugcisa, kananjalo incede ootitshala bakwazi ukuqhubela phambili nekharityhulam emiselweyo. Le nkqubo yongenelelo yavavanywa kuphando oluphantsi kolawulo olwaziwa ngokuba sisifundo sophando olungagqibelelanga (quasi experimental study), olwaquka iqela lolingelo kunye neqela elisetyenziswa njengomgangatho wentelekiso (control group). Olu phando lwathelekisa indlela abaqhuba ngayo abafundi kwiimviwo zombindi wonyaka nezokuphela konyaka, ithelekiswa kunye nenkqubo yabafundi kuvavanyo olusisiseko. Iziphumo zophando zabonisa ukuba inkqubo yongenelelo yokuzinceda ibe nempumelelo ekuphuliseni ulwazi lwabafundi lweziGaba zeNtetho kwaye ibe nefuthe elakhayo nakweminye imiba yolwazi lwegrama nesakhono sokubhala. Ngokwezi ziphumo kucetyiswa ukuba kuqwalaselwe ukuzilawula nokuzifundisa kwabafundi njengenxalenye yesilabhasi yesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini ngokwemeko yaseMzantsi Afrika njengoko oku kuya kuba nefuthe elakhayo ekuphuhliseni ubugcisa babafundi bolwimi lwesiNgesi uLwimi lwesiBini. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Phil. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)

Urban open space : user perceptions of the Avis dam environment

Harper, Sally Anne 16 January 2012 (has links)
From its infancy, environmental psychology [which concerns itself with the coinfluencing interface between people and places] has required attention to actual context, and attention to social relevance. There has always been an emphasis on research into real problems within a context of meaningful theory, and on results which have potential not only for individuals, but also for policy-makers and those who execute that policy. This environmental psychology study is about the potential role of green open space in contributing towards quality of life in the city generally. It is also about a specific, wellloved urban open space in Namibia's capital city, Windhoek, the Avis dam environment, which is often the contentious target of proposed commercial development. At the moment, the Windhoek Municipality has no well-structured urban open space policy, and possibly also no full understanding of the meanings of the Avis dam for its users. This study hopes to make contributions to both these areas of policy-making. As the applicability of research findings to the development of public policies and community interventions depends very much on the suitability of the methodology and theories chosen (Stokols, 19911), this study begins with a discussion of systemic and ecosystemic thinking [Chapter Two]. They were chosen as the guiding metatheory for this study, not only because of their recognition of the inescapable connectedness between person and environment, but because of their personal appeal too. Chapter Three examines theories and models which are compatible with systems thinking, and which help understand the potentially positive psycho-social and socio-economic roles of urban open space generally, and how the extent of that potential in a specific open space may be appreciated and described. The implications of systemic/ecosystemic metatheory for the study's methodology and research design are discussed in Chapter Four, and the data collection methods, which comprised observation and interviewing, in Chapter Five. Ecosystemic thinkers do not believe that facts can be "found" [they are not there objectively, but co-emerge subjectively from people's individual and collective experience in a place], so Chapter Six deals with a co-emergent interpretation of the data gathered. Based on that interpretation, recommendations for urban open space policy generally, and the Avis dam environment specifically, are made in Chapter Seven. AFRIKAANS : Omgewingssielkunde (wat gemoeid is met die mede-beinvloedings tussen mense en plekke) het van sy vroegste jeug aandag benodig ten opsigte van werklike verband asook maatskaplike toepaslikheid. Daar was nog altyd klem op navorsing ten opsigte van daadwerklike probleme binne die verband van ‘n betekenisvolle teorie asook op die uitslae wat potensiaal het vir die individualis sowel as die beleidsbepalers en beleidsuitvoerders. Hierdie omgewingssielkundestudie gaan oor hoe groen oop spasies moontlik kan bydra tot kwaliteit van lewensgehalte in die stad oor die algemeen. Dit gaan ook oor ‘n besondere, geliefde stedelike oop ruimte in Namibia se hoofstad, Windhoek, nl. die Avisdamomgewing, wat voortdurend ‘n teiken is vir bedryfsontwikkeling. Tans beskik die Munisipaliteit van Windhoek nie oor ‘n welsaamgestelde beleid oor oop ruimtes nie en moontlik ontbreek ook by hulle die nodige begrip van die betekenis van die dam vir sy verbruikers. Hierdie studie be-oog om ‘n bydrae in die beleidsbepalings van altwee leemtes te lewer. Die toepaslikheid van navorsingsbevindings in die ontwikkeling van openbare beleid en gemeenskapsbemiddeling hang baie van die gepastheid van die metodologie en teorië (Stokols, 1991)2 af. Hierdie studie begin met ‘n bespreking oor sistemiese en ekosistemiese denke (Hoofstuk Twee). Hulle is as die leidende metateorieë gekies, nie alleen vir hul erkenning van die onontkombare verband tussen persone en hul omgewing nie, maar ook vir hulle persoonlike aantrekkingskrag. In Hoofstuk Drie word teorië en voorbeelde bestudeer wat verenigbaar is met sistemiese denke en wat help om die potensiële positiewe psigo-sosiale en sosio-ekonomiese rolle van stedelike oop ruimtes oor die algemeen te verstaan, asook hoe om die omvang van die potensiaal van ‘n spesifieke oop ruimte te kan waardeer en te kan beskryf. In Hoofstuk Vier word die implikasies van die sistemiese/eko-sistemiese metateorie vir hierdie studie se metodologie en navorsingsplan bespreek. Die dataversamelingsmetodes wat uit waarneming en onderhoude bestaan, word in Hoofstuk Vyf hanteer. Ekosistemiese denkers glo nie dat feite “gevind” word nie (dit is nie objektiewelik daar nie maar ontstaan subjektiewelik deur persone se individuele en gesamentlike ondervindinge van ‘n plek), dus word die vertolking van die saamgestelde data in Hoofstuk Ses bespreek. In die lig van dié vertolking word aanbevelings 2 Stokols, D. (1991). Conceptual strategies of environmental psychology. In D. Stokols& I. Altman (Eds), Handbook of environmental psychology, Vol. 1 (pp. 41-70). New York: John Wiley. vir stedelike oopruimtebeleid in die algemeen asook spesifiek vir die Avisdam omgewing in Hoofstuk Sewe hanteer. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1998. / Psychology / unrestricted

An investigative study on the affect and concerns of mathematics student teachers with special reference to social-context based learning packages / Nazir Ahmed Hassan

Hassan, Nazir Ahmed January 2013 (has links)
This investigative study was undertaken against the background of the recent calls for back to basics by the Schooling 2025 initiative, as well as to address the 2000 and 2009 Review Committees’ reports on the training and development of teachers and on the variable quality of learning support materials. The act of systemic transformation has led to two curriculum revisions taking place within the South African education sector and has inevitably culminated in the identification of shortcomings in teacher development and learning materials. This study has positioned itself to address these shortcomings at pre-service level through the preparation of Mathematics student teachers as prospective Mathematics teachers. In addressing the issue of inadequate training, the focus of the study was not only on cognition, but also on how affect could influence the learning of Mathematics so as to ensure a more encompassing approach in understanding how student teachers learn and do Mathematics. Integrated research on affect and cognition could lead to optimal performance in the teaching and learning of Mathematics and researchers in mathematics education need to acknowledge the role and impact of the affective domain and integrate it into studies of cognition. If learners are going to become competent learners of Mathematics, their affective responses to Mathematics are going to be much more intense than if they are merely expected to achieve satisfactory levels of performance in low-order mathematical skills. In the studies on mathematics cognition, the focus of mathematical competencies is on abilities and capabilities while, in the affective domain, competencies in mathematics are more than the abilities to perform observable tasks. Rather, the focus of the affective competencies lies in the direction, the degree and the levels of intensities of affect constructs (or their variables) that will define mathematical competencies within the affective domain. Evidentiary (qualitative) data from this study supported the contention that affect does influence the learning of mathematics since there were distinct patterns in the overall expressions of participants towards this aspect of the research. The acknowledgment of the concerns of student teachers during field practicum could possibly help in ameliorating these concerns through the identification of what student teachers were mostly concerned about when teaching Mathematics and how, by addressing these concerns, could help improve their teaching skills and abilities. Based on the quantitative evidence, the three subscales of self, task and impact used in the Student Concerns Questionnaire (SCQ) were modified on the basis of factor analysis to a two-factor model (concerns about self-benefit and concerns about learner-benefit). Some of the statistical results were integrated with the narrative data to provide substantive support for the expressions of student teachers. No classical trends, as noted in the concerns theory, could be detected in this study. It was statistically inferred that a majority of Mathematics student teachers who participated in this study were moderately concerned about most of the concerns statements noted in each of the items on the SCQ. In addressing the variable quality of the learning material the study focused on the development and the use of social context learning packages. The utilisation of these learning packages (in an intervention strategy) was aimed at strengthening social context knowledge and education, and explored its role in the translation (if any) of student teacher concerns within a hierarchical spectrum. The evidence on how student teachers perceived the use of these learning packages was recorded during the interviews. Analyses of the verbal data revealed that the participating student teachers agreed with the use of social context learning packages as part of their Mathematics lessons. In sum, the need to prepare effective Mathematics teachers and raise the academic calibre of prospective Mathematics teachers was fundamental to the overall design of this study. It is trusted that curriculum planners and designers will consider the recommendations of this study to address the so-called inadequacies within the education system of South Africa. / Thesis (PhD (Mathematics Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

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