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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagoške implikacije razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja / Pedagogical implications of social competencydevelopment of children and young people withoutparental care

Jelić Marija 18 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj rada je da se utvrde potrebe dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja za<br />primenom modela programa učenja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina u funkciji razvijanja njihove socijalne<br />kompetentnosti i boljeg socijalnog funkcionisanja. Ovako definisan op&scaron;ti cilj<br />operacionalizovan je kroz određene teorijske i empirijske celine rada.<br />U prvom poglavlju teorijskog dela izložen je koncept socijalne kompetentnosti kroz<br />opis razvoja ovog koncepta i prikaz integrativnog modela socijalne kompetentnosti koji<br />pretpostavlja sagledavanje socijalne kompetentnosti na vi&scaron;e nivoa. Rukovođeni ovim<br />modelom, detaljnije smo prikazali determinante i korelate socijalne kompetentnosti koji se<br />odnose, sa jedne strane, na različite pokazatelje socijalnog funkcionisanja, a sa druge, na<br />socijalne ve&scaron;tine. Po&scaron;to je model programa razvijanja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina potrebno prilagoditi<br />ciljnoj grupi korisnika, ali i kontekstu obuke, posebna teorijska celina odnosila se na bliži opis<br />i definisanje pojma deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja. Polazeći od ekolo&scaron;kog pristupa, u<br />ovom poglavlju prikazana su teorijska i empirijska saznanja o uzrocima i faktorima<br />porodičnih odnosa koji utiču na razvoj i socijalno funkcionisanje dece i mladih, kao i oblici<br />socijalne za&scaron;tite dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja. U poslednjem teorijskom poglavlju,<br />opisane su karakteristike institucionalne za&scaron;tite, odnosno kontekst u kojem žive i dalje se<br />razvijaju deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja. Dat je prikaz dosada&scaron;njih istraživanja o<br />socijalnim odnosima i funkcionisanju dece i mladih u institucijama. Na ovaj način, kroz tri<br />teorijska poglavlja, polazaći od integrativnog modela socijalne kompetentnosti sagledani su<br />različiti pokazatelji socijalne kompetentnosti, njihove determinante i korelati, te diskutovani<br />protektivni i rizični faktori razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti dece i mladih bez roditeljskog<br />staranja u institucionalnom kontekstu.<br />U empirijskom delu rada prvo je sagledana socijalna kompetentnost dece i mladih bez<br />roditeljskog staranja preko pokazatelja njihovog socijalnog funkcionisanja, a zatim sa aspekta<br />razvijenosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina. Na oba nivoa analize, posebno su sagledane razlike u odnosu<br />na intelektualni i porodični status dece. Za procenu različitih pokazatelja socijalnog<br />funkcionisanja dece i mladih kori&scaron;ćene su: Skala oblika problematičnog pona&scaron;anja (Gresham,<br />Elliott,1990), Skala snage i te&scaron;koće (Goodman, 1997) i Upitnik načina re&scaron;avanja konflikata<br />(Rahim, 1983a). Za ispitivanje razvijenosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina dece i mladih primenjene su Ček<br />lista socijalnih ve&scaron;tina (Goldstein et al., 1998) i Skala socijalnih ve&scaron;tina (Gresham &amp;<br />Elliott,1990). Ukupan uzorak činilo je 416 dece i mladih uzrasta od 12 do 18 godina, od toga<br />v<br />210 bez roditeljskog staranja i 206 sa roditeljskim staranjem. Poduzorci u komparativnoj<br />grupi dece i mladih sa roditeljskim staranjem bili su ujednačeni sa poduzorcima dece i mladih<br />bez roditeljskog staranja u odnosu na intelektualni status, pol, uzrast, sredinu i &scaron;kolski uspeh.<br />Rezultati prve faze istraživanja su pokazali da deca i mladi bez roditeljskog staranja<br />imaju slabije razvijene socijalne ve&scaron;tine i lo&scaron;ije socijalno funkcioni&scaron;u od dece i mladih sa<br />roditeljskim staranjem. Potvrđeno je da roditeljsko staranje ima značajniji uticaj na socijalnu<br />kompetentnost dece i mladih nego intelektualni status. Druga faza istraživanja se odnosila na<br />utvrđivanje povezanosti pokazatelja socijalnog funkcionisanja i razvijenosti ispitivanih<br />socijalnih ve&scaron;tina u cilju koncipiranja modela programa razvijanja socijalne kompetentnosti<br />dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja. Pored toga, ispitana je i povezanost institucionalnih<br />varijabli, kao i karakteristike dece i mladih sa pokazateljima njihove socijalne kompetentnosti.<br />Nalazi o visokoj povezanosti socijalnih ve&scaron;tina sa pokazateljima socijalnog funkcionisanja,<br />kao i visoka povezanost određenih varijabli institucionalne za&scaron;tite i karakteristika dece i<br />mladih bez roditeljskog staranja sa njihovim socijalnim kompetencijama, potvdili su teorijski<br />koncept iz područja socijalne kompetentnosti.<br />U delu pedago&scaron;kih implikacija dat je model programa učenja socijalnih ve&scaron;tina koje<br />mogu doprineti razvijanju socijalne kompetentnosti i efikasnijem socijalnom funkcionisanju<br />dece i mladih bez roditeljskog staranja, kao i preporuke vezane za institucionalni kontekst<br />obuke. Takođe, ponuđeni model programa pruža mogućnost daljih istraživanja u ovoj oblasti<br />vezanih za evaluaciju efekata ovako koncipiranog programa i njegove realizacije u uslovima<br />institucionalne za&scaron;tite, kao i pitanja same kompetentnosti i edukacije kadra za primenu<br />programa.</p> / <p>The aim of the work is finding out the needs of children and young people<br />without parental care and the implication of a modular programme for learning social skills<br />with the function of development of their social competency and better social functioning.<br />Defined in this way, the general aim has become operative through certain theoretical and<br />empirical parts of the work.<br />The first chapter of the theoretical part deals with the concept of social competency<br />through the description of development of this concept and the view of Integrative model of<br />social competency which includes the insight of social competency in several levels. Guided<br />by this model, we presented the determinants and the correlates of social competency relating<br />to different signposts of social functioning on one side, and social skills on the other. Since<br />the model of development programme of social skills needs to be adjusted to the target group<br />of users, and also to the context of the training, a specific theoretical part related to the closer<br />description and definition of the term children and young people without parental care.<br />Starting from the ecological point ,this chapter shows the theoretical and empirical knowledge<br />of the causes and the factors of family relations which have impact on developement and<br />social functioning of children and young people without parental care. The last theoretical<br />chapter deals with the institutional protection, that is the context where children and young<br />people without parental care continue to live and develop .There has been given a review of<br />the recent research on social relations and functioning of children and young people in<br />institutions. In this way, through the three theoretical chapters, starting from the Integrative<br />model of social competency, different indicators of social competency have been considered,<br />their determinants and correlates, and there have been discussed the protective and risky<br />factors of social competency development with children and young people without parental<br />care in the institutional context.<br />In the empirical part of the work first social competency of children and young people<br />without parental care has been reviewed through the indicators of their social functioning and<br />then from the aspect of their social skills. Both levels of the analyses consider the differences<br />relating the intellectual and family status of children. For the evaluation of different indicators<br />of social functioning of children and young people we used: Scale of forms of problematic<br />behaviour (Gresham, Elliott,1990, Scale of strength and difficulty, (Goodman, 1997) and the<br />Questionnaire for ways of solving problems (Rahim, 1983). For the research of social skills of<br />vii<br />children and young people we have applied Check list of social skills (Goldstein &amp; Glick<br />1987) and Scale of social skills (Gresham &amp; Elliott,1990). The total sample consisted of 416<br />children and young people of the age 12 to 18 years, out of which 210 without parental care<br />and 206 with parental care. The subsamples in the comparative group of children and young<br />people with parental care were identical to the subsamples of children and young people<br />without parental care, considering the intellectual status, sex, age and school achievement.<br />The results of the first phase of research showed that children and young people<br />without parental care have less developed social skills and weaker social functioning than<br />children and young people with parental care. It has been confirmed that parental care has a<br />more significant impact on social competency of children and young people than intellectual<br />status. The second phase of research related to stating the connections between the indicators<br />of social functioning and development of the studied social skills with the aim of making a<br />concept for a model programme of social competency development of children and young<br />people without parental care. It has also been studied the connection among institutional<br />variables, as well as the characteristics of children and young people with indicators of their<br />social competency. The evidences of strong connections of social skills with indicators of<br />social functioning, as well as strong connection of certain variables of institutional care and<br />characteristics of children and young people without parental care with their social<br />competency, have confirmed the theoretical concept from the area of social competency.<br />In the part dealing with the pedagogical implications there has been given a model of a<br />programme for learning social skills which can contribute to the development of social<br />competency and a more efficient social functioning of children and young people without<br />parental care, as well as the references connected to the institutional context of the training.<br />The presented model of the programme also offers a possibility of further research in this<br />area, connected to the evaluation of effects of a programme concepted in such a way and its<br />realisation in the conditions of institutional protection, as well as the issues of the very<br />competency and education of people for implementing the programme.</p>

Hodnotový systém žáků mladšího školního věku na základě čtenářských preferencí / Primary school pupils and their system of values according to their reading preferences

Veselá, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the value system of primary school pupils and its connection to reading preferences. The terms "value" and "system of values" are being defined from the perspective of several social sciences. Apart from that, the stages of pupils' morality development are being described, as well as the acquisition of reading skills and the importance of reading during leisure time activities. The practical part evaluates the outcomes of survey examining the relation between the pupils' system of values and their reading preferences.

Relationen mellan dagens ledare och generation Y

Karlsson, Olivia, Petersson, Annie January 2017 (has links)
The study shows that today's leaders find that generation Y is more adaptable and in need of more feedback unlike previous generations. We have also come to the conclusion that today's leaders need decentralized approaches to generation Y. The majority of leaders suggest that generation Y questions, advances and demands leadership, which also has a positive impact on the organization in the long run. Today's leaders find it challenging to handle all the different individuals and generations present in the labor market today. For example, there are differences in how much freedom employees want, the degree of maturity among employees varies and leaders have a fear that generation Y will leave the workplace if they fail to meet their needs. We can thus see a pattern of how today's leaders adapt coaching, leadership, communication, and also skills development across different individuals rather than generations. / Studien visar att dagens ledare upplever att generation Y är mer förändringsbenägna samt i behov av mer feedback till skillnad från tidigare generationer. Vi har även kommit fram till att dagens ledare behöver ha ett decentraliserat förhållningssätt gentemot generation Y. Majoriteten av ledarna antyder att generation Y ifrågasätter, går snabbt framåt samt ställer krav på ledarna vilket också har en positiv inverkan på organisationen på lång sikt. Dagens ledare upplever att det är en utmaning i att hantera alla olika individer och generationer som finns på arbetsmarknaden idag. Det framgår exempelvis skillnader i hur stor frihet medarbetarna vill ha, att graden av mognad bland medarbetare varierar och att ledarna har en rädsla för att generation Y ska lämna arbetsplatsen om de inte lyckas möta deras behov. Vi kan alltså se ett mönster i hur dagens ledare anpassar coaching, ledarskapet, kommunikationen och även kompetensutveckling utefter olika individer snarare än utefter generationer.

Private technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and national development : The South African reality

Akoojee, Salim 01 December 2008 (has links)
This thesis examines the extent to which the private Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector in South Africa is responsive to national development. National development is understood as associated with a range of socio-economic imperatives which include challenges of poverty, unemployment, inequality, the ravages of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and its associated impacts. In addition to these, the educational component of national development is to ensure access, redress and equity, which are necessary to undo the impacts of an apartheid-related skills regime. Skills development is considered a crucial means to respond to these challenges. Without skills for formal and informal labour markets, as well as productive self-employment, South Africa’s capacity to respond to the new globalised era is likely to be considerably stunted and will negatively affect its developmental trajectory. The methodology used in this study included a mix of quantitative and qualitative strategies to obtain the size, shape and nature of provision. The quantitative component, undertaken in the course of 2002, was supplemented by randomly chosen qualitative case studies. Together, they provided the basis for unravelling a sector distinct in nature, form and content. Developing a comprehensive typology provides important insight into responsiveness of a sector characterised by wide-ranging provision forms. The typology of provider type based on profitability and form, i.e. ‘for-profit’, ‘non-profit’ and ‘in-house’ providers, was replaced with a multi-dimensional model. Learner type, as a primary typological category, includes the ‘pre-employed’, ‘unemployed’, the employed ‘self-funded employee’ and the ‘corporate client’. Provider types responding to these learner types are distinguished on the basis of location, delivery patterns and programming. The various provider forms include ‘multi-providers’, ‘specialist providers’, ‘consultants’, ‘in-house’ and ‘non-profit’ providers. Provider purposes include those responding to employment, either formal labour market or self-employment, and self-development, including leisure-related skilling and lifelong learning. Learner types and training purpose determine the manner, form and characteristics of provision. This understanding of a widely divergent and heterogeneous sector provides the context for assessing its contribution to national development in South Africa. The notions of responsiveness and receptiveness are used as conceptual devices to assess the role of the sector. Responsiveness describes specific labour market purpose, while receptiveness refers to the social development and educational imperatives of access, redress and equity. The sheer size of the sector suggests an important demand-led element of provision and represents an important measure of receptiveness to national development prerogatives. The conservative estimate of 706 884 learners, located at 4178 sites for 864 providers that pre-registered with the Department of Education in 2001, provide the basis for serious consideration of the sector. The sector adequately responds to the immediate short-term needs of employers. Programmes offered for corporate providers respond more deliberately to their immediate short-term skill requirements and which has made it possible for them to outsource a considerable proportion of their training. In addition, there is no other education and training form flexible enough to provide for the training needs of employees, and sometimes the customers of corporate concerns, as in product upgrading and support, at times and locations suitable to their requirements. Private providers did not necessarily have more linkages with the formal labour market than do public providers and are not necessarily able to secure more effectively employment opportunities for their pre- and unemployed learners With respect to receptiveness, the sector comprises learner patterns consistent with national demographics. The sector is associated with an older, employed learner type, typically enrolled in shorter-term courses. This demonstrates the sector’s accessibility. In comparison with their public counterparts, costs were not prohibitive and programme structure allowed adequate flexibility to enable learners to weave in and out of the system. Variable admission requirements also allowed learners to slot into appropriate levels. The absence of data makes comparative judgements of throughput, and quality, with public institutions difficult to make. The current need to regulate all providers equally may not be the most efficient way of dealing with the sector. In light of the national development prerogative to protect those most vulnerable from the risk of market failure, there is need to grant support to those providers most responsive to this group - in this instance, those ‘full time’ providers responding to the pre- and unemployed learner set. The market adequately regulates providers responding to the employed and corporate client groups.

Proposta de diretrizes para capacitação em liderança transformacional para os docentes do ensino superior / Proposal of guidelines for training in transformational leadership for higher education teachers

Pelliciari, Marcos Roberto de Mendonça 03 July 2018 (has links)
A liderança pode ser entendida como um conjunto de metacompetências de um indivíduo que agrega seguidores rumo a um objetivo. Dos estilos de liderança, alguns são mais pesquisados nos dias de hoje, como: Liderança Transformacional, Liderança Transacional e a Laissez-faire. No contexto deste trabalho, a teoria da liderança transformacional, que apresentou resultados além das expectativas em centenas de artigos, com alto fator de impacto, foi utilizada pelo pesquisador (docente das disciplinas) com o intuito de analisar se existe uma relação entre o estilo de liderança transformacional e a superação das expectativas para com os estudantes em sala de aula no que tange ao desempenho, indo além da tradicional transferência de conteúdo das mesmas. A motivação do estudo aparece no momento em que essa área de pesquisa tem sido raramente explorada tendo o professor do ensino superior como líder, podendo assim apoiar a agenda do Fórum Econômico Mundial de 2015, que apontou como terceira prioridade, o fomento de líderes em todas as áreas. Por meio do método de pesquisa-ação, com abordagem qualitativa, e apoio de metodologias ativas de aprendizagem, como o Problem Based Learning (PBL), e dos instrumentos de categorização ILS (Índice de Estilos de Aprendizagem) e o Classificador de Temperamentos de Keirsey (KTS), o pesquisador trabalhou utilizando-se estritamente da liderança transformacional, com o apoio das metacompetências de liderança, em oito disciplinas, quatro do curso de Administração e quatro do curso de Engenharia de Produção em duas faculdades na cidade de Fortaleza/CE, abrangendo 253 estudantes no total. Os indicadores apontaram que a liderança do docente impactou de forma muito positiva os grupos, com resultados além das expectativas quanto ao aprendizado, assim como desempenho, tanto pelos estudantes quanto pelo professor. Tais resultados formalizam o conteúdo de pesquisa desta tese de doutorado, que é apresentar diretrizes para capacitação em liderança transformacional aos docentes do ensino superior, em forma de um modelo. Para tal, o pesquisador utilizou o Método Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD), e provou o modelo entrevistando 3 (três) líderes expoentes em suas áreas, obtendo uma análise favorável do mesmo. / Leadership can be defined as a set of meta-competencies of an individual that aggregates followers towards a goal. Of the leadership styles, some are more researched these days, such as: Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership and Laissez-faire. In the context of this work, the transformational leadership theory, which presented results beyond expectations in hundreds of articles with high impact factor, was used by the researcher (teacher of the disciplines) in order to analyze if there is a relationship between leadership style transformational learning and exceeding expectations for learners in the classroom in terms of performance, going beyond the traditional content transference in the classroom. The motivation of the study appears at a time when this area of research has rarely been explored with the higher education teacher as the leader, thus supporting the agenda of the World Economic Forum of 2015, which pointed out with third priority, the promotion of leaders in all the areas. Through the qualitative approach of the research-action research, and support of active learning methodologies, such as the Problem Based Learning (PBL) teaching method and the Learning Styles Index (ILS) and the Keirsey Temperament Classifier (KTS) , the researcher worked using strictly the transformational leadership, with the support of the meta-competencies of leadership, in eight disciplines, four of the Management course and four of the Production Engineering course in two colleges in the city of Fortaleza/CE, covering 253 apprentices in total. The indicators indicated that the leadership had a very positive impact on the groups, with results beyond expectations regarding learning, as well as performance, both by the apprentices and by the teacher. These results formalize the research proposal of this doctoral thesis, which is to propose guidelines for transformational leadership training for higher education teachers, modeling the profile used by the researcher. To do this, the researcher used the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) Method, and proved the model by interviewing 3 (three) leading exponents in their areas, obtaining a positive qualitative validation of the model.


Modisha, Geoffrey 21 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number: 0104318V - MA research report - School of Social Sciences - Faculty of Humanities / The corporate middle class, or managers, occupies a contradictory class location in capitalist relations of production. While they do not own the means of production, this class stratum is not exploited like the working class. This class position, however, is bound to be different for a black manager whose advancement in the workplace may be due to government attempts to economically empower black people to redress the injustices imposed by the racially dominated social structure of the past. Through a Weberian understanding of social stratification as based on class, social status and power, this research aims to unearth how members of the African corporate middle class understand their position and roles in South African workplaces and communities. It also goes deeper to scrutinise the impact of this structural position on their agency. It is shown that their contradictory class location is exacerbated by their race. African managers constantly negotiate their positions and roles in their workplaces and communities. Indeed, while their managerial position affords them spaces that they could not have occupied during the apartheid era, their racial character lessens their ability to manoeuvre within these spaces. This can be identified both in workplaces and communities. It is shown that their middle-class status cannot be consolidated because of their perceived lower social status and less power to influence decision making in their organisations. Furthermore, it is shown that, although not all of the interviewees moved to middle-class areas, there is an indication of alienation in previously white-only residential areas. This is further exacerbated by expectations from their former communities and members of their extended families. As a result of high levels of unemployment in African communities, members of this group are actively contributing to uplift members of their extended families.

<em>ROI -</em>  <em>Effekten av kompetensutveckling inom IT-området </em> : <em> </em>

Kraft, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Det är idag få större investeringar som företag gör utan att göra någon form av investeringskalkylering. Därför är det ett problem att det idag inte finns något enkelt sätt att kalkylera på en investering i kompetensutveckling inom IT-området. Studien undersöker därför:</p><ul><li>Om det på ett trovärdigt sätt är möjligt att mäta ROI (Return on Investment) på en sådan investering?</li><li>Hur en sådan mätning genomförs?</li><li>Är det i så fall möjligt standardisera sättet att mäta?</li></ul><p>Förutom ROI beräknas återbetalningstiden (Pay-Back) för respektive grupp: IT-användare, IT-tekniker samt systemutvecklare.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Studien har genomförts som en kvantitativ studie (webbenkätundersökning). ROI har beräknats och övriga svar verbalt diskuterats. Data har även presenterats i diagramform.</p><p><strong>Resultat & slutsats:</strong> ROI är möjligt att beräkna för denna typ av investeringar och för tidsperioden ett år beräknats ROI baserat på medelvärdet till 87 % för IT-användare, 67 % för systemutvecklare och 41 % för IT-tekniker. Detta motsvarar en genomsnittlig återbetalningstid på 0,53 år för IT-användare, 0,60 år för systemutvecklare och 0,71 år för IT-tekniker. Spridningen i ROI och återbetalningstid för olika grupperna beror på skillnader i enkätsvar samt skillnad i investeringsstorlek. Om ROI beräknas på medianen istället för medelvärdet blir ROI lägre. Det finns osäkerhetsfaktorer som inte går att ta hänsyn till i denna typ av generella beräkningar.</p><p><strong>Förslag till fortsatt forskning:</strong> Upprepning av studien samt en jämförande studie där datainsamling sker på annat sätt skulle vara intressant. Denna studie har endast samlat in data på ett sätt.</p><p><strong>Uppsatsens bidrag:</strong> Uppsatsen bör vara intressant för organisationer som arbetar med kompetensutveckling samt enskilda individer.</p> / <p><strong>Aim:</strong> There are currently few investments that firms do without making any investment calculation. Det därför är ett problem att det idag inte finns något enkelt sätt att kalkylera på en investering i <em>kompetensutveckling inom IT-området</em> . It’s therefore a problem that there is no simple way to calculate on an investment in <em>skills development in the IT field.</em> Studien undersöker därför: The study is examining if:</p><ul><li>There is a credible way to measure ROI (Return on Investment) on such an investment?</li><li>How is it done? </li><li>Is it possible to standardize the way to measure?</li></ul><p>In addition to ROI estimated Pay-Back are calculated for each group: IT-users, IT-professionals and system developers.</p><p><strong>Method:</strong> The study was conducted as a quantitative study (web survey). ROI was calculated, and other verbal responses discussed. Data are also presented in graph form.</p><p><strong>Result & Conclusions: </strong>ROI is possible to calculate for this type of investment and for the time period of one year ROI is calculated to 87% of IT users, 67% for system designers and 41% of IT professionals. The Pay-Back time is calculated to 0,53 years for IT users, 0,60 years for system designers and 0,71 years for IT professionals. The difference of ROI and Pay-Back for different groups is due to differences in survey responses and the difference in investment size. If ROI is calculated on the median instead of average ROI is lower. There are uncertainties that can not be taken into account in this type of general computing.</p><p><strong>Suggestions for future research: </strong>Repetition of the study together with a comparative study with data collection by other means. Denna studie har endast samlat in data på ett sätt.</p><p><strong>Contribution of the thesis: </strong>The essay should be interesting for organizations working on skills development.</p>

Learners' experience of the integration of theory and practice in a wholesale and retail generalist (NQF Level 2) learnership.

de Mink, Karen Joy. January 2007 (has links)
<p>&nbsp / </p> <p>&nbsp / </p> <p>&nbsp / </p> <p align="left">Skills development is essential for every country to keep abreast with, at least one aspect of globalisation, namely, changes regarding production in the modern world. The way in which each country implements its skills development programme will depend on the unique history and circumstances of that country. Germany and Japan are amongst those countries that opted for a high skills strategy, whilst the United Kingdom opted for a low skills strategy. Kraak (2005) argues that South Africa would benefit by implementing a &lsquo / multi-pronged&rsquo / skills strategy because many of its citizens are unskilled or have very low skills. This approach would cater for lowskills, intermediate-skills and continue to develop high skills. South Africa&rsquo / s inputs-based education and training system has been replaced by a controversial outcomes-based approach. Many authors view an outcomes-based programme as lacking theory or content (Kraak, 1998 / Young, 2004 / Brown &amp / Keep, 2000 / Boreham, 2002), as reductive and mechanistic (Bates &amp / Dutson, 1995, in Boreham, 2002) and mainly work-based and assessment-driven (Boreham, 2002). These criticisms question the quality of outcomes-based programmes. New laws promulgated by the South African government have introduced learnerships that form part of this new Skills Development strategy. This study reviewed the general policy on skills development and explored the experiences of learners who completed a Wholesale and Retail Learnership in the context of the structured college-based learning, the practical work-based learning as well as the integration of theory and practice, in South Africa. A qualitative approach was selected to enhance the researcher&rsquo / s understanding of the personal perspectives and experiences of learners who completed the learnership. The case study approach was used with a focus on analysing the subjective opinions of this group of learners. The research methods employed to clarify the understanding of how these learners experienced the learnership were semi-structured interviews, observations and analysis of documents. <font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">The research shows that South Africa&rsquo / s multi-level National Qualifications </font></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Framework provides for academic as well as vocational training and promotes a &lsquo / multi-pronged&rsquo / skills strategy. The findings suggest that the learners on this learnership experienced the theoretical learning in the college and the practical learning on the job as an integrated whole. The study concludes that the structured college-based learning enabled the learners on this learnership to implement what they learnt at college in the workplace.</font></font></p>

Varför just nu? : En kvalitativ studie av ett hälsoprojekt

Johansson, Marcus, Öjhage, Patrik, Amnell, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Vårt syfte med denna studie har varit att beskriva de individuella och organisatoriskaomständigheter som skapade förutsättningar för genomförandet av hälsoprojektet. Vi hardärmed sökt svar på vilka möjligheter informanterna upplevde fanns för att tillämpa sig av denya kunskaper som förvärvats under projektet. Studien genomfördes inom Norrköpingskommun och populationen utgjordes av sex enhetschefer. För att nå den förståelse och detdjup vi eftersökt valde vi att använda oss av kvalitativ metod. Datainsamling genomfördes iform av semi- strukturerade intervjuer, dessa analyserades sedan och ställdes mot de teoriersom vi utifrån litteratur och tidigare forskning valt ut som mest lämpade för denna studie.Resultatet visar på att informanterna var motiverade till att genomföra hälsoprojektet men attden rådande situationen ledde till att utfallet av projektet inte blev som förväntat. Deupplever att de fick med sig nya kunskaper som de kan tillämpa i sitt arbete men upplevelseni stort var den att hälsoprojektet låg fel i tiden.

ROI -  Effekten av kompetensutveckling inom IT-området :

Kraft, Jakob January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Det är idag få större investeringar som företag gör utan att göra någon form av investeringskalkylering. Därför är det ett problem att det idag inte finns något enkelt sätt att kalkylera på en investering i kompetensutveckling inom IT-området. Studien undersöker därför: Om det på ett trovärdigt sätt är möjligt att mäta ROI (Return on Investment) på en sådan investering? Hur en sådan mätning genomförs? Är det i så fall möjligt standardisera sättet att mäta? Förutom ROI beräknas återbetalningstiden (Pay-Back) för respektive grupp: IT-användare, IT-tekniker samt systemutvecklare. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en kvantitativ studie (webbenkätundersökning). ROI har beräknats och övriga svar verbalt diskuterats. Data har även presenterats i diagramform. Resultat &amp; slutsats: ROI är möjligt att beräkna för denna typ av investeringar och för tidsperioden ett år beräknats ROI baserat på medelvärdet till 87 % för IT-användare, 67 % för systemutvecklare och 41 % för IT-tekniker. Detta motsvarar en genomsnittlig återbetalningstid på 0,53 år för IT-användare, 0,60 år för systemutvecklare och 0,71 år för IT-tekniker. Spridningen i ROI och återbetalningstid för olika grupperna beror på skillnader i enkätsvar samt skillnad i investeringsstorlek. Om ROI beräknas på medianen istället för medelvärdet blir ROI lägre. Det finns osäkerhetsfaktorer som inte går att ta hänsyn till i denna typ av generella beräkningar. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Upprepning av studien samt en jämförande studie där datainsamling sker på annat sätt skulle vara intressant. Denna studie har endast samlat in data på ett sätt. Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen bör vara intressant för organisationer som arbetar med kompetensutveckling samt enskilda individer. / Aim: There are currently few investments that firms do without making any investment calculation. Det därför är ett problem att det idag inte finns något enkelt sätt att kalkylera på en investering i kompetensutveckling inom IT-området . It’s therefore a problem that there is no simple way to calculate on an investment in skills development in the IT field. Studien undersöker därför: The study is examining if: There is a credible way to measure ROI (Return on Investment) on such an investment? How is it done? Is it possible to standardize the way to measure? In addition to ROI estimated Pay-Back are calculated for each group: IT-users, IT-professionals and system developers. Method: The study was conducted as a quantitative study (web survey). ROI was calculated, and other verbal responses discussed. Data are also presented in graph form. Result &amp; Conclusions: ROI is possible to calculate for this type of investment and for the time period of one year ROI is calculated to 87% of IT users, 67% for system designers and 41% of IT professionals. The Pay-Back time is calculated to 0,53 years for IT users, 0,60 years for system designers and 0,71 years for IT professionals. The difference of ROI and Pay-Back for different groups is due to differences in survey responses and the difference in investment size. If ROI is calculated on the median instead of average ROI is lower. There are uncertainties that can not be taken into account in this type of general computing. Suggestions for future research: Repetition of the study together with a comparative study with data collection by other means. Denna studie har endast samlat in data på ett sätt. Contribution of the thesis: The essay should be interesting for organizations working on skills development.

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