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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Janovský, Viktor January 2013 (has links)
This Master's Thesis focuses on the elaboration of a business plan, the specific goal is to create a business plan intended to establish a restaurant in Kolin, whose vision is to provide services in the field of traditional Czech cuisine. Another goal of this work is to assess the viability of such a project. The work is divided into two main parts. The first - the theoretical part describes the structure of a business plan including specificity of small and medium-sized companies. The second - the practical part applies the theoretical part to the real establishment of restaurant. Great attention is paid to the financial plan and the related verification whether such an enterprise could prosper in the long term.

Barreiras de adoção de internet banda larga em pequenas empresas / The internet adoption barriers: broad band in small companies

Sá, Leonardo Felipe Japur de 06 February 2007 (has links)
A crescente influência que a internet tem trazido à população e às organizações do início do século XXI é, certamente, um dos fatos marcantes desta época. Por sua versatilidade e custo relativamente baixo, a internet tem se destacado como meio de comunicação nas mais diversas formas, desde um simples e-mail à transmissão de imagem e som em tempo real. Todo este desenvolvimento não seria possível (pelo menos da forma que se conhece atualmente) se a tecnologia de transmissão de dados via internet não tivesse se desenvolvido a ponto de permitir velocidades adequadas para estas aplicações. Ou seja, evidencia-se a importância da internet em banda larga. No mercado de pequenas empresas (porém, não apenas neste mercado), constata-se que ainda há uma parcela significativa de usuários de internet discada que não aderiram à banda larga. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar os motivos que provocam esta resistência (as chamadas barreiras de adoção). Para tanto, foi feita uma revisão da literatura sobre qualidade em serviço (seguindo a linha de pesquisa de Parasuraman, Zeithaml e Berry) e modelos de aceitação de tecnologia (seguindo a linha de pesquisa de Davis e Venkatesh) com seus respectivos desdobramentos. Baseado nesta literatura, este estudo foi composto de três partes: i) pesquisa qualitativa com um fornecedor de banda larga, ii) pesquisa qualitativa com usuários de internet discada e iii) pesquisa quantitativa com usuários e não usuários de internet. A pesquisa qualitativa com fornecedor foi focada no modelo de lacunas de qualidade (PARASURAMAN et al., 1985 e ZEITHAML et al., 1988). Nesta etapa, foram identificados dois tipos de lacuna: controladas e não controladas. Enquanto as lacunas não controladas são consideradas pouco significativas como barreiras de adoção (podendo, no entanto, estimular o cancelamento do serviço), as lacunas controladas são barreiras bem conhecidas: preço e forma de precificação (fixo versus variável). Como as decisões do fornecedor buscam geração de valor, estas barreiras são mantidas em um nível controlado, procurando-se um equilíbrio entre volume e preço. A pesquisa qualitativa com usuário de internet discada foi focada na UTAUT (VENKATESH et al., 2003). Teve o objetivo de avaliar qualitativamente as percepções de usuários de internet discada sobre o serviço de internet banda larga, à luz das dimensões de expectativa de desempenho, expectativa de esforço, condições facilitadoras e influência social. Neta etapa, identificou-se claramente uma barreira na percepção de valor (custo/benefício) por parte dos potenciais clientes. A pesquisa quantitativa também foi focada na UTAUT, mas com algumas adaptações ao contexto. Foram identificados como fatores relevantes para diferenciar os usuários dos não usuários de banda larga: intenção de comportamento, viabilidade (construto análogo às ?condições facilitadoras? da UTAUT original) e influência social. O resultado esperado (análogo à ?expectativa de desempenho?) não foi significativo na diferenciação dos dois públicos, contrariando uma forte hipótese da UTAUT. Por fim, o fator de facilidade esperada (análogo à ?expectativa de esforço?) também apareceu como não significativo; porém, sob alguns critérios, este fator apresentou sinais de que pode diferenciar os dois públicos. / The growing influence that internet has brought to population and to organizations since the beginning of 21st. century is, certainly, one of the outstanding factors of this time. For its versatility and relatively low cost, internet has been detached as communication means in many different ways, from a simple e-mail to the transmission of image and sound on real time. All this development would not be possible (at least as it is known nowadays) if data transmission technology through internet had not have been developed enough to allow adequate speed for these applications. Thus, it is shown the importance of broadband internet. In small business market (though not only in this market), one can still find significant part of dial-up internet users that have not adopted broadband. This work has the objective of identifying the reasons that lead to this resistance (the so called adoption barriers). For such, a literature review was done about quality service (following the research line of Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry) and technology acceptance models (following the research line of Davis and Venkatesh), with its respective deployments. Based on this literature, this study was composed by three parts: i) qualitative research with a broadband provider, ii) qualitative research with dial-up internet users and iii) quantitative research with broadband users and not users. The qualitative research with provider was focused on the quality gaps model (PARASURAMAN et al., 1985 and ZEITHAML et al., 1988). At this stage, two kinds of gaps were identified: controlled and uncontrolled. While the uncontrolled gaps are considered to be lowly significant as an adoption barrier (however, possibly stimulating the canceling of the service), the controlled gaps are well known barriers: price and pricing model (fix versus variable). Since the providers decisions aim value generation, these barriers are kept at a controlled level, seeking for a balance between volume and price. The qualitative research with dial-up internet users was focused on UTAUT (VENKATESH et al., 2003). It had the objective of evaluating qualitatively the dial-up internet users? perceptions about broadband internet, under the point of view of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions and social influence. At this stage, it was clearly identified a barrier of value perception (cost/benefit) by the potential clients. The quantitative research was also focused on UTAUT, but with some adaptations to its context. It was identified as relevant factor for differentiating broadband users and not users: behavior intention, viability (construct analog to the facilitating conditions) and social influence. The expected performance was not significant in differentiating the two publics, against one of UTAUT strongest hypothesis. At last, the factor expected facility (analog to effort expectancy) also appeared as not significant; though, under some criteria, this factor presented signs that it may differentiate the two publics.

Breaking the glass ceiling : How to increase diversity in boards of directors in small and medium-sized enterprises in Denmark

Hansen, Casper Mose, Manasseh, Clementina Chifuel January 2021 (has links)
Breaking the glass ceiling of boards of directors has been a hot topic globally for over a decade without any significant results. With an increase in demand for sustainable companies, the current composition of most of the boards of directors is contradictory, where homogeneous boards of directors are more a rule than an exception. Contradicting the fact that diverse teams are proven to make better, long-termed, and more sustainable decisions. Small and medium-sized enterprises are often neglected in the debate to increase diversity in boards of directors, even though they hold most of all boards of directors’ positions. Investigating the small and medium-sized enterprises this paper aims to explore how to break the glass ceiling of the boards of directors in Denmark. Similar to Norway where quotas with boardrooms have been introduced in 2008, this study also wants to reexamine the general attitude towards hard legislation or find alternatives in form of other legislation in Denmark. Therefore, it is essential to understand the dynamics and habits of the boards of directors. This study has through semi-structured interviews investigated the culture of boards of directors to find the barriers of the boardrooms and how to break them down. A recruitment company has tried to offer a new way of recruiting for boards of directors through open positions. Here has the researchers conducted qualitative research to investigate their impact on gender and age in boards of directors, to see if the open positions can exhilarate the implementation of diversity in the board rooms. The results of the study show that there is a need to educate small and medium-sized enterprises on the benefits of diverse boards of directors. The boards of directors are primarily recruited through networks of its members, making it difficult to increase diversity. The reason for recruiting through networks is primarily due to a lack of understanding of both the function of boards of directors and a wish to keep the information of the company close to themselves. The overall attitude towards legislation is mixed with a small overweight against quotas. Mainly from an individual point of view is quotas are seen as an undesirable means for increasing diversity in boards of directors. The recruitment company has been proven cable of recruiting younger candidates. However, not significantly change the percentages of female representations where only a slight increase of women in some positions is seen.

Alternatyviosios vertybinių popierių rinkos Lietuvoje veiklos prielaidų vertinimas / Evaluation of practice assumptions of alternative market in Lithuania

Bučytė, Jurgita 18 August 2008 (has links)
Alternatyvioji vertybinių popierių rinka yra aktualus ekonominių – finansinių studijų objektas, ypač besivystančių finansų rinkų kontekste. Šio baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra atlikus teorinę AVPR analizę bei atsižvelgus į jau veikiančių jų patirtį, įvertinti AVPR Lietuvoje veiklos prielaidas, jas įtakojančių aplinkos veiksnių ir potencialių šioje rinkoje kotiruotis įmonių atžvilgiais. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje atskleidžiami AVPR teoriniai aspektai, antrojoje – atliekamas AVPR veiklos prielaidų vertinimas Lietuvoje bei pristatoma jų tyrimo metodologija. Paskutinė darbo dalis skirta metodologiškai pagrįstam Lietuvos įmonių struktūros projektui pateikti ir kitiems sėkmės veiksniams, t.y. kaip AVPR - First North Lietuvoje veiklos prielaidoms, įvertinti. Taip pat suformuluojamos išvados ir rekomendacijos. Apibendrinant rezultatus galima teigti, jog įmonių veiklos rūšys, siekiant optimaliai diversifikuotos AVPR pagal du nagrinėtus scenarijus yra: transportas, maisto ir gėrimų pramonė, informacijos ir ryšių technologijos bendrovės, kelionių organizavimas ir agentavimas. Pagrindinės AVPR šalyje sėkmingos veiklos prielaidos yra perspektyvių įmonių pritraukimas, diversifikuota AVPR įmonių struktūra, investuotojų pritraukimas, tinkamas reguliavimas, sertifikuotų patarėjų vaidmuo. / Alternative market is a relevant subject of economic and financial research., especially in the context of emerging financial markets. The objective of the final paper is to evaluate practice assumptions of alternative market, in respect of environmental influences and enterprises that may be potencial for quoting in the market. In the first part of the paper the theoretical aspects are revealed, and in the second the evaluation of practice assumptions, including good case practices, of alternative market as well as the methodology of research are provided. In the last part the project of Lithuanian enterprises‘ structure in First North is presented and good practices assumptions need to be evaluated. Summing up the results of the research the diversified enterprises‘ structure in respect of the number and variety of sectors according to two scenarios included industrial transportation, food and beverages, information technologies, travel agencies may be constructed. Then recommendations are provided.

Kľúčové faktory úspešnosti stratégie tržných výklenkov v ČR / Key Factors of Successful Niche Market Strategy in Czech Republic

Pavlíková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the niche market strategy as one of the marketing strategies used mainly among small and medium-sized companies. The aim of the thesis is to analyze successful Czech firms that indicate the occurrence of characteristics of the studied direction, and to determine the key factors that influenced their success. In the research, primary data obtained through on-line questionnaires and interviews with company representatives as well as secondary data downloaded from the Internet were used.

Role ICT při zajištění udržitelného rozvoje / The role of ICT in delivering sustainable development

Müller, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the issue of ensuring sustainable development through ICT, especially focusing on the subsequent use of the theoretical knowledge in the implementation of Green ICT practices in small and medium-sized companies in the Czech Republic (SME). This work aims to achieve five specific side objectives, which are: Theoretical anchoring the Green ICT in relation to SME, the analysis of the potential impact of ICT on environmental sustainability, analysis of the available methodologies and ways of implementation of Green ICT and principles of sustainability, rating of Green ICT steps from different perspectives in order to select appropriate steps for the implementation and subsequent determination of methodical progress with implementing the most Green ICT steps into practice. Reaching these milestones is subsequently indicated achieve the main objective of the paper, which is a specification of a methodological framework for the selection and evaluation of appropriate Green ICT steps and a procedure for its subsequent implementation in practice. The primary tool for achieving the objectives of this paper is analysis of available and adequate current information resources focusing on the Green ICT and sustainable development, which is complemented by the author's expert reviews of Green ICT steps. This paper is possible to divide into two parts. The first part is contents of thoroughly analysis of information sources and based on them is subsequently implemented theoretical grasp of Green ICT. The second part is then specified own benefit of the paper through analysis and evaluation of Green ICT steps, accompanied by their methodology implementation.

Design Thinking für Industrienahe Dienstleister: Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten

Sellhorn-Timm, Lily M. 26 April 2019 (has links)
Die Förderung von Innovation und Kreativität, und die gezielte Entwicklung innovativer Dienstleistungen stellt insbesondere kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) vor Herausforderungen, da sie oft über begrenzte Ressourcen (Kapital, Personal, Zeit) und unstrukturierte Innovationsprozesse verfügen (Disselkamp, 2015). Dies gilt gleichermaßen für den spezifischen Fall von industrienahen Dienstleistern (IND), bei denen es sich in erster Linie um KMU in einer Business-to-Business (B2B)-Umgebung handelt. Ein prominenter Ansatz für Innovationsentwicklung ist Design Thinking (DT), ein explorativer, lösungsoffener Prozess, der die Benutzerperspektive zur Entwicklung innovativer Produkte auf der Grundlage heterogener Teams und Kreativität einnimmt (Brenner, Uebernickel, & Abrell, 2016; Brown, 2008; Johansson-Sköldberg, Woodilla, & Çetinkaya, 2013). Bislang gibt es wenige Beispiele, wie DT durch IND in der Praxis eingesetzt werden kann (Joyce, 2017). Eine mögliche Erklärung hierfür ist, dass der DT-Ansatz in erster Linie für Produktinnovation entwickelt wurde (Disselkamp, 2015; Matthing, Sandén, & Edvardsson, 2004). Insbesondere die Prototyp-Entwicklung, als eine Phase im DT-Prozess, zeigt deutlich, dass der DT-Ansatz und seine kohärenten Methoden auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von IND erst noch angepasst werden muss. Dieser Beitrag weist das bisher nicht ausgeschöpfte Potential von DT für IND auf, und dient somit als Handlungsempfehlung für die Wissenschaft.

Stimulating Innovation in New Service Development : User-Involvement in Small and Medium-Sized Web-Based Platform Service Companies

Sada, Abubakar, Wadeisa, Darein January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we present a review of the current practices of user involvement. Different methods and tools have proliferated for user-involvement, however, to comprehend the explicit features of a small and medium-sized web-based platform service companies, we contrast our findings with previous experiences and research of user involvement in big companies. In the basis of the aforementioned, we identify methods and contexts that may be appropriate in the context of small and medium-sized web-based platform service companies. Mainly, we reviewed the research field of: user-involvement and new service development.   The central purpose of this study is to determine how do small and medium-sized web-based platform service companies utilize the process of the user involvement across the stages of new service development. Building on previous researches, we suggested that there are different methods to consider under the service development stage (i.e. ideation, development and testing). These methods are grouped under the following terms user-involvement ecosystem, user-involvement interactions, user-involvement platform and user-involvement personnel. The aforementioned methods are suggested to help web-based platform service companies utilize user involvement across the new service development stages. This study is of qualitative nature with a deductive approach. We conducted eight semi-structured interviews in order to get insights from high-level managers responsible of the user-involvement process. All the small and medium-sized companies operated in the service sector and provided a web-based platform. The theoretical framework was utilized in order to analyze the empirical data gathered. We used thematic analysis for our deductive study approach, to interpret the gathered material in order to conclude the results and answer the research question.   Our results revealed that in the ideation and development stages the following is vital: involving lead-users or those who are tech-savvy and tolerant to ambiguity, educating users to familiarize them with the company’s system, moderate rules and structure, mixing focus groups, encouraging user-to-user communication, small number of participants, multi-media approach and online tools, and encouraging idea hunting culture among company’s staff. However, in testing the following is recommended: involving average-users or those who are open-minded and tolerant to risk and innovation, unifying goals and common view by tangibilizing the service, setting rules and regulations for testing the service, having permanent interactions with users, and large number of participants. Finally, it is important to ensure a close relationship, transparency, motivation, face-to-face interactions, and to have an entrepreneurial leader to oversee the whole process across all the former three stages of NSD. To improve on this study, we would recommend the investigation on the user perspective to gain insights on their views of the process of user-involvement across the NSD, as they are directly involved in the development of a new service. Hence, a more extensive research on the user-involvement in web-based platform service companies on both, internal and external facets instantaneously would be of great significance.

Internationalization of professional service firms: the case of a Brazilian engineering consultancy company

Tsu, Bruna Suzanne Aiello 07 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:20:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 180970.pdf: 542308 bytes, checksum: 93ebbbbebb4eb4c1d146f6bedde46447 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-07T00:00:00Z / Internationalization is an increasingly important subject for many companies and their managers. It is nearly impossible to remain unaware of globalization and its consequences; even if a company decides to remain in its original market, it must acknowledge the possibility of competition based abroad. Today, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as large ones, are engaging in international activities. Professional service companies, such as engineering consultants, are no exception. A few factors contribute to the interest in studying the engineering consultancy sector. First, there is its importance to society, especially in developing countries, which are often plagued by infrastructure deficiencies. Second, analogies can be made between this specific sector and other consulting businesses, such as those established by lawyers, accountants, and management experts. Finally, there is the fact that the most valuable asset of these companies is knowledge, which is increasingly important to most companies and tends to become a key performance driver. The purpose of the research undertaken here was to explore the internationalization process of Brazilian engineering consulting companies, identifying the main obstacles, constraints, and sources of competitive disadvantage faced by these companies in their internationalization processes. Efforts were also made to identify possible sources of competitive advantage that could compensate for these constraints. To achieve this goal, a case study, focusing on a company with a dozen international projects, was carried out. This allowed for interesting insights; it is hoped that the information obtained and the resulting managerial recommendations will contribute to future internationalization initiatives of small and medium-sized professional service companies. / A importância do tema da internacionalização é crescente, tanto para empresas quanto para seus administradores. É praticamente impossível permanecer alheio à globalização e às suas conseqüências; mesmo que uma empresa opte por permanecer em seu mercado local, pode ser necessário considerar os efeitos de concorrentes baseados no exterior. Hoje, além de grandes corporações, pequenas e medias empresas também tem se internacionalizado. Empresas prestadoras de serviços profissionais, como consultoria de engenharia, não são exceção, e alguns fatores contribuem para o interesse em estudar este setor específico. Em primeiro lugar, deve-se considerar a sua importância para a sociedade, especialmente os países em desenvolvimento, os quais frequentemente sofrem com a carência de investimentos em infra-estrutura. Além disso, existe também a possibilidade de estabelecer analogias entre este e outros serviços de consultoria, como os de advogados, contadores e administradores. Finalmente, contribui para o interesse o fato de que o ativo principal destas empresas é o conhecimento, o qual tem se tornado cada vez mais um aspecto chave para o desempenho e lucratividade das empresas. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar o processo de internacionalização de empresas brasileiras de consultoria de engenharia, identificando os maiores obstáculos, dificuldades e fontes de desvantagem enfrentados por estas empresas na sua internacionalização. Paralelamente, foram realizados esforços para identificar vantagens competitivas que pudessem compensar estas dificuldades. A fim de atingir este objetivo, foi realizado um estudo de caso, focado em uma companhia com uma dúzia de projetos internacionais. Este procedimento permitiu constatações interessantes; espera-se que as informações obtidas e as recomendações decorrentes possam contribuir para iniciativas futuras de internacionalização de pequenas e médias empresas de serviços profissionais.

O processo de formação da estratégia de manufatura em empresas brasileiras de médio e pequeno porte

Correa, Carlos Alberto 01 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:47:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3 71060100684.pdf.jpg: 18114 bytes, checksum: da9916e90180a19d448f0bd3e0457135 (MD5) 71060100684.pdf.txt: 567167 bytes, checksum: 5eded620ff13dc8108ff6de2a5141658 (MD5) 71060100684.pdf: 1683798 bytes, checksum: 2d38054b95b92adf172248b7ed660642 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-01T00:00:00Z / Esta pesquisa trata do processo de formação de estratégias de manufatura em empresas brasileiras pequenas e médias. Fazendo uso de extensa revisão bibliográfica, é desenvolvida uma ferramenta para o auxílio da tipificação e análise dos processos de formação de estratégias de manufatura, que utiliza duas principais dimensões: a direção predominante (top-down ou bottom-up) e a consideração ou não da existência de trade-offs entre critérios de desempenho no processo de formação das estratégias de manufatura. Esta ferramenta é então aplicada na análise em profundidade de quatro estudos de caso de empresas brasileiras de médio porte. Conclusões são tiradas e hipóteses formuladas sobre como as empresas brasileiras pequenas e médias formam suas estratégias de manufatura. Também com base nos achados dos estudos de caso e na revisão bibliográfica, são identificados 10 requisitos para um processo ideal de gestão da formação de estratégias de manufatura em empresas brasileiras pequenas e médias. Com base nestes requisitos, e como orientação à prática, é então desenvolvido e proposto um processo passo-a-passo para permitir que gestores das empresas brasileiras pequenas e médias possam de forma relativamente simples, gerenciar melhor seus processos de gestão da formação de suas estratégias de manufatura, beneficiando-se do estado da arte dos desenvolvimentos conceituais na área. / The research reported here deals with the process of manufacturing strategy formation in small and medium sized Brazilian companies. Making use of an extensive literature review, an analytical tool is developed to help classify and analyze the manufacturing strategy formation processes, which utilizes two main dimensions: the predominant direction (top down or bottom up) and the consideration (or not) of trade-offs between manufacturing performance criteria in the formation of manufacturing strategy. This analytical tool is then applied in the in-depth analyses of four case studies of Brazilian mid-sized manufacturers. Conclusions are drawn and hypotheses formulated as to how Brazilian small and medium sized companies form their manufacturing strategies. Also based on the case studies findings and on the literature review, 10 requisites are identified as desirable to be present in an ideal process of manufacturing strategy formation in small and mid-sized Brazilian companies. Based on these 10 requisites and with the objective of orienting practitioners, a step-by-step process is developed and presented so that Brazilian companies and their executives can better manage their manufacturing strategy formation process, and by doing so, benefit from the state of the art of the conceptual developments in the field.

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