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A study of an interracial neighbourhood in the south of Johannesburg, South Africa.Mc Nally, Melissa Louise 01 June 2010 (has links)
The study of contact and desegregation in post apartheid South Africa has not received adequate attention
(Durrheim & Dixon, 2005b). Mondeor, a previously White populated suburb in the South of Johannesburg
has been identified as being a racially diverse neighbourhood . By focusing on this suburb, the current study
investigated whether or not residents interacted or mixed with members from other race groups and whether
or not increased contact with members of different race groups in a residential neighbourhood would
promote positive intergroup attitudes. Zones were identified for the purpose of this study whereby each
Zone was predominantly comprised of a specific race group. Quantitative data was collected by means of
distributing an intergroup attitude and contact questionnaire to the residents according to the zones in
which they resided. A sample of N=197 respondents was obtained. The results indicated that there was
generally no significant difference in contact for the Zones (racially exclusive zones and racially mixed
zones), however, significant differences existed in levels of contact for the various race groups. In addition
to this it was found that significant differences in contact existed for the various education levels of the
respondents. As expected, a significant negative relationship (r = -0.16) was found to exist between contact
and affective prejudice. In addition to these results, significant relationships were found to exist between
affective prejudice and the following variables: Intergroup anxiety (r=0.37), and social distance (r=0.27).
In conclusion, it was found that residents were not mixing as much as what was envisaged for a racially
mixed neighbourhood. In addition to this, contact in and of itself was not found to be a predictive measure
for affective prejudice. Thus, this finding lends support to Allport’s contact hypothesis making it clear that it
is imperative to examine the nature of the contact as this may be pertinent in the promotion of the reduction
of affective prejudice in intergroup contact situations.
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Employee Loyalty and the Factors Affecting It : A qualitative study comparing people with different working experience on their view of employee loyaltyWiklund, Frida, Jansson, Sandra January 2019 (has links)
Having high employee loyalty is something which most organisation strive to obtain. Not only because of the morals of it, but also because of the fact that high levels of employee loyalty have been proven in many studies to increase operational performance. However, the literature on the concept provides many different definitions on it, and also suggest many different factors that affect how loyal an employee feels towards their organisations. The studies conducted previously on the topic has mainly been quantitative studies researching the connection between levels of loyalty and performance, and at specific companies or industries. As soon to be newly graduated students, the authors of this study also found the lack of comparison between people with different working experience interesting. Due to these reasons, the purpose of this study was to dig deeper into the concept of employee loyalty, how it is defined and which factors that affect the level of loyalty an employee feels towards an organisation. The sub-purposes of this study involve comparing one group of people with 1-3 years of working experience to another group with more than 15 years of working experience. The research question that was developed to be answered in this thesis is as follows: How does the view upon employee loyalty and the factors affecting it differ between people whom have been working for more than 15 years versus 1-3 years? In order to answer the research questions and fulfil the purpose, a comparative qualitative study was conducted through semi-structured interviews. In line with some previous studies, the Social Identity theory and the Social Exchange theory were used in order to explain the factors affecting employee loyalty. The first focuses upon the level of identification the respondents feel towards different components of the organisation, while the other focuses on factors of exchange between the organisation and its employees. These theories, and theories connected to what employee loyalty is, was used in order to develop a conceptual model which served as a foundation for the data collection, empirical findings, and the analysis. The empirical findings of this thesis showed that while some definitions of employee loyalty and the factors which are affecting it are similar between the groups, there were also some differences. Employee loyalty was defined by most as someone whom has a behaviour and attitude which is positive, does what is expected from them and whom represents the company in a good manner. The difference between the groups regarding employee loyalty were that the group with more experience seem to have higher demand to classify someone as a loyal employee than the group with less experience has. Moreover, the most evident difference of what affects employee loyalty was that the factor competence development was by far most important for the groups with less experience, while a responsive organisation was what the group with more experience found important in order to keep employees loyal. Conclusions drawn from this study is that “softer” factors like the relationship’s employees have between each other, the organisational culture, and sense of opportunity for personal growth seem to be far more important for employees than physical benefits. Furthermore, there seem to be some differences regarding employee loyalty between groups with different levels of working experience which is why this thesis recommends organisations to be responsive to its employees’ needs and adapt their management to all employees.
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‘Traitors, Snitches, Collaborators’ : Analysing In-Group Criticism Towards Peace Organisations in Intractable ConflictHamidi Abd Abad, Marthe Hiev January 2019 (has links)
Identity serves two functions: it orders our environment, and it gives us a sense of certainty. The role played by identity in the intractability of conflict has recently sparked a new line of research. Drawing on insights from social psychological research, I argue that intractable conflict circumstances bolster social identities and create rigid group norms, which affect the vulnerability of peace movement organizations that operate in this context. I hypothesize that peace organizations that disregard prominent group beliefs regarding the conflict, are more likely to be severely criticized at the collective level. For the empirical analysis, I turn to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a typical case of on-going intractable conflict. I compare the results of a qualitative content analysis of expressions of in-group criticism towards local Israeli peace organisations in local media reporting, within the framework of group beliefs (2005-2018). The results indicate an overall trend of in-group criticism towards peace organisations in Israel, based on which suggestions for advances to the theory are made.
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A Mirror on the World : Roman Architecture in Tergeste in the First and Second Centuries AD and the Reproduction of Social Order and Identity / En spegel på världen : Romersk arkitektur i Tergeste i första och andra århundradet e.Kr. och reproduktion av social ordning och identitetMontaguti, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
This thesis will investigate how Roman monumental architecture in Tergeste dating to the first and second centuries AD reflected and reaffirmed the social order of the city, and how it was used in the creation and maintenance of identities. The material used will be two select structures, the basilica and theater, located in the eastern and north-eastern sections of Tergeste, respectively. By using theories of social architecture, agency, identity, and compounding them with the ideology of Roman urbanism, focus will be placed on how movement within a structure and the occupation of its different locales influenced the adoption of particular roles and self-conceptions. A number of statues and dedicatory inscriptions associated with the architectural structures will serve to further corroborate these points, and to add information about whether a specific type of identity was favored above others in the city. The results will provide a first overview of how architecture responded to the social reality in Roman Tergeste, in the hope to encourage further research in this direction.
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The Process of Post-Merger Organizational Identification : An analysis of mergers and acquisitionsAbdi Mohamed, Aukar, Pantaléon, Song January 2019 (has links)
Today, mergers and acquisitions often grab headlines due to the large sums of money involved, and the number of stakeholders affected by it. Still, the increase in merger and acquisition activities, the capital involved, and the pervasiveness of these activities stand in sharp contrast to their high rates of failures. Scholars have attributed the failure of mergers and acquisitions to management failure when it comes to dealing with human aspects during the integration phase. The purpose of this paper was to examine how individual’s identities change overtime in a merger. More specifically, it examines the process of post-merger organizational identification in merger contexts through the lens of social identity theory. From this purpose, we formulated the following research question and two sub-questions: • How can post-merger identification be managed and integrated in an organization? o How can organizational identities transit from a pre-merger state to a post-merger state successfully? o What is the outcome of the post-merger identification process? The method used in this study was qualitative with an interpretive approach, which allowed us to gain a deeper understanding regarding the purpose and to answer our research question. Primary data came from purposive sampling, where 14 semi-structured interviews with individuals with various managerial positions in post-merger integrations were conducted to gain an understanding of how they tackled the integration process. The secondary data used resulted from previous research, literature, articles and other internet sources. The interviews were qualitatively analyzed through a thematic coding procedure. The backbone of our theory consists of perspectives on mergers and acquisitions from the lens of social identity theory. Particularly, it was used to understand the post-merger organizational identification process. The theoretical components were used to understand group formations and intra- and intergroup relationships, the effects mergers have on individuals, and what the effects of the outcomes of post-merger identification have on group and organizational identity. Our findings disclose that organizational identities are exclusive by nature and that they remain in this state unless managerial actions are taken which triggers commitment from groups to change. These actions must combine communication efforts with managerial interventions which promote intergroup cooperation, prototypical norms and values. Depending on the actions and the goal of the merger, the nature of the post-merger identity is a combination of two identities which forms an overarching one, or an assimilation of one identity into another. The contributions from this study come in two forms: theoretical and managerial. The theoretical contributions come through our findings showing how organizational identity emerge, change and how they are formed. The managerial contributions provide recommendations on how practitioners should facilitate the process, the vital role the manager has in the process and approaches they could take based on our findings.
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Vozes femininas de Moçambique / Female voices from MozambiquePereira, Ianá de Souza 19 October 2012 (has links)
Pela análise comparativa dos romances Ventos do apocalipse (1999) e Niketche: uma história de poligamia (2004), da moçambicana Paulina Chiziane, esta dissertação discute as representações e o papel social da mulher em romances que se pautam na intensa força das relações sociais que informam a maneira de agir de homens e de mulheres em Moçambique. Mostramos como as mulheres especialmente as moçambicanas , antes personagens majoritariamente representadas por uma construção estético-literária masculina, alcançam na escrita feminina de Paulina uma representação da mulher sobre a mulher. Assim, procuramos consolidar um pensamento crítico em torno da hipótese de investigação pela qual se efetiva no espaço literário a desconstrução da subalternidade instituída para as mulheres e enraizada na ordem capitalista patriarcal. / Through a comparative analysis of the novels Ventos do apocalipse [Winds of the Apocalypse] (1999) and Niketche: uma história de poligamia [Niketche: A Story of Polygamy] (2004), by Mozambican writer Paulina Chiziane, the present dissertation discusses the representations and the social role of women in novels based on the intense strength of the social relations that guide the behavior of men and women in Mozambique. We shall show how women especially those from Mozambique characters who used to be mainly represented by a male aesthetic-literary construction, acquire, in Paulinas female writing, a womans representation of women. Thus, we attempt to consolidate a critical thinking to support the investigation hypothesis according to which the subalternity instituted for women and rooted in the patriarchic capitalist order is deconstructed in the literary space.
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Quando a discriminação não fala mais alto : os efeitos da ameaça à identidade social nas reações do consumidor após a falha de serviçoGlasenapp, Thiago dos Santos January 2018 (has links)
Baseado na Teoria da Identidade Social, este trabalho investigou os efeitos da ameaça à identidade social (AIS) nas reações do consumidor. Estudos da psicologia e sociologia mostram que o contexto social de um indivíduo implicará em mudanças em aspectos psicológicos e comportamentos individuais. Este trabalho abordou o tipo de estratégia de enfrentamento utilizada por indivíduos com identidades sociais vinculadas a estereótipos negativos, como resposta a situações de falha de serviço; o efeito da identificação do indivíduo para com o grupo social como moderador; o papel das emoções como mecanismo explicativo deste efeito; a relação entre as estratégias de enfrentamento e a intenção de reclamação do consumidor e por fim o papel do tipo de falha neste contexto. Através de dois estudos experimentais feitos com pessoas de baixa renda, os resultados desta pesquisa indicam que em situação de AIS, estratégia de enfrentamento emocional (i.e. distanciamento) será menos utilizada, levando à maior intenção de reclamação do consumidor após a falha de serviço. Este efeito é maior, quanto maior for a identificação do indivíduo com o grupo. Adicionalmente, foi explorado o papel das emoções como mecanismo explicativo e do tipo de falha (interpessoal vs de resultado) nesta relação. 9Continua) Identificou-se que o efeito da AIS na estratégia de enfrentamento emocional será maior quando a falha de serviço for do tipo interpessoal (vs falha de resultado). Baseado nisto, esta dissertação contribui para a literatura de marketing, de identidade social e de falha de serviços ao evidenciar que indivíduos que sofrem de ameaça optam menos por estratégias emocionais e possuem, por consequência, maior intenção de reclamação; que este efeito ocorre devido ao maior sentimento de raiva sentido pelo indivíduo e quando o mesmo se identificar com o grupo social estigmatizado e a falha for interpessoal (i.e. de tratamento). / Based on the theory of Social Identity, this dissertation aims to understand the effects of the Social Identity Threats (SIT) on the consumer’s Coping Strategies, after a service failure. Studies in psychology and sociology show that one’s social context will imply in changes on psychological aspects and individual behavior. This dissertation investigates what kind of coping strategies will be used by individuals with social identities linked to negative stereotypes, in response to situations of service failure with high levels identity threat; the effect of one’s identification with the social group as a moderator; how emotions can explain the effect of SIT in the coping strategies; the relation between the coping strategies used by consumers and theirs’s complaint intention and at last, the role of the kind of failure in this context. To achieve this purpose, two experimental studies were done with low-income population. The results of this work indicate that situations with higher levels of SIT (vs situations with lower levels of SIT) will cause the individual to use less emotional coping (i.e. distancing), after a service failure. This effect will be moderated by one’s identification with the stereotyped social group and will result on a greater complaint intention. Additionally the role of the emotions in the explaining was approached. Furthermore, results also show that the effects of SIT on the increase of the emotional coping will be higher when the type of failure is related to an interpersonal deviation (vs an outcome failure). Based on that, this dissertation contributes to the marketing, service failure and servicescape literature by showing that: individuals who suffers from SIT will cope to service failures more emotionally; this effect will be more powerful when individual’s have a higher identification with the negative stereotyped group and will result on a greater complaint intention; this will happen because of a higher feeling of the angry emotion and will occur more when the type of failure is related to and interpersonal deviation (vs an outcome failure).
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An exploration of community neuropsychological rehabilitation following acquired brain injury : psychosocial outcomes and narratives of identityCook, Rohan January 2017 (has links)
Introduction: High intensity holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation is the most evidenced-based intervention for post-acute ABI rehabilitation. However, the majority of the current evidence has examined inpatient or residential treatment contexts. Little is known about the efficacy of community neuropsychological rehabilitation interventions or the clinical validity of both high and low intensity forms of rehabilitation in a community rehabilitation setting. The systematic review synthesises the existing evidence for community-based holistic neuropsychological rehabilitation and its psycho-social outcomes. Changes in self and group identity have been suggested to underpin evidence-based neuropsychological rehabilitation. However, little is known about how these processes of identity change following ABI and throughout the rehabilitation process. The empirical study explores key turning points in the self-narratives of individuals with ABI in order to better understand the clinical and contextual factors which influence their rehabilitation. Methods: A search was conducted of Embase, Embase classic, Medline and PsycInfo. Studies were assessed for risk of bias and outcomes were synthesised following the PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews. A ‘holistic-content’ narrative methodology was then employed to explore the post-acute adjustment and rehabilitation narratives of 11 individuals following ABI. Three-dimensional analysis of interaction, continuity and situation was used to examine individuals’ personal reflections of identity changes across their illness experience; and cross-case comparisons identified common transformational themes. Results: 15 studies were included in the review. Two distinct levels of intervention intensity were identified: high intensity interventions delivered multiple days per week, and low intensity interventions delivered only once a week. A synthesis of nine studies examining high intensity neuropsychological rehabilitation found evidence that these interventions can improve psychological wellbeing and enhance community integration following ABI when delivered on an outpatient basis. A synthesis of six low intensity interventions found limited evidence that they can lead to improved psycho-social outcomes when structure to target specific difficulties, and evidence that they can effectively support the achievement of individual patient goals. Following the analysis of ABI survivor narratives, themes of ‘Rehabilitation focus and psychological distress’, ‘Reclaiming efficacy in valued life domains’, and ‘Social comparisons: inclusion and exclusion’ were identified; each representing a continuum of personal and social understanding along which people moved during their rehabilitation. Conclusions: The systematic review suggested that high intensity forms of outpatient neuropsychological rehabilitation are effective at improving psycho-social outcomes. Low intensity forms of outpatient neuropsychological rehabilitation appear to offer a less favourable alternative to supporting psycho-social adjustment in the community at present. Findings from the empirical paper suggest that illness identity may be co-constructed in the context of early treatment experiences, and appears to influence post-acute rehabilitation focus; and that pre-injury values and self-identity guided participant approaches to re-establishing self-efficacy. These processes were supported by clinical, social and group interactions.
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Análise Psicossocial do Preconceito contra Povos Indígenas de Goiás: Contato, Sentimentos Intergrupais e Identidade SocialOliveira, Thiago Morais 22 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:21:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Thiago Morais Oliveira.pdf: 1754658 bytes, checksum: 7acbf59346993b04af6b98136163222f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-10-22 / This study investigated in a sample of 823 public high school students the influence of
two intergroup feelings collective guilt and shame , the levels of identification of
non-indigenous to the brazilian nation and the role of contact between indigenous and
non-indigenous in the existence of prejudice against indigenous. The collective guilt
focuses on the effect of harmful acts, that is, the person feels he/she is responsible for
what happened. On the other hand the collective shame implies protection of self-image
and therefore the individual perpetrator of harmful acts tend to avoid the damaging
event. The results indicate that the prejudice of non-indigenous against indigenous is
high and there is a positive correlation between non-contact situation with prejudice. On
the other hand, there is a negative correlation between guilt and prejudice and between
identity and prejudice. Finally there were higher prejudice, guilt and shame in noncontact
situation. These results are discussed emphasizing both the social relevance of
this work and its implications for relations between indigenous and non-indigenous
people in Brazil. / Este estudo investigou, em uma amostra de 823 estudantes do ensino médio de escolas
públicas, a influência de dois sentimentos intergrupais culpa e vergonha coletivas ,
os níveis de identificação dos não indígenas com a nação brasileira e o papel do contato
entre indígenas e não indígenas na existência do preconceito contra indígenas. A culpa
coletiva tem seu foco na consequência dos atos danosos, ou seja, a pessoa sente que é
responsável pelo ocorrido. Por outro lado a vergonha coletiva implica em proteção da
autoimagem e por isso o indivíduo perpetrador dos atos prejudiciais tende a evitar o
evento danoso. Os resultados indicam que o preconceito de não indígenas contra os
indígenas é alto e que existe uma correlação positiva entre a situação sem contato com o
preconceito. Por outro lado, existe uma correlação negativa entre a culpa e o
preconceito e entre a identidade e o preconceito. Por fim, o preconceito, a culpa e a
vergonha foram mais elevadas na situação sem contato. Esses resultados são discutidos
ressaltando tanto a relevância social deste trabalho como suas implicações para as
relações entre indígenas e não indígenas no Brasil.
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PATRIMÔNIO HISTÓRICO E CULTURAL DE PLANALTINA (DF): MEMÓRIA E IDENTIDADE SOCIAL. / and cultural heritage of Planaltina (DF): memory and social identity.Oliveira, Ederson Gomes de 28 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:21:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
EDERSON GOMES DE OLIVEIRA.pdf: 2740850 bytes, checksum: 6b5c2ecf61b040d9ea3977cac7e64ba4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-28 / This research has as its main aim to analyze the relation between the people that live in
Planaltina and the historical and cultural patrimony in the squares of São Sebastião e
Salviano Monteiro as memory and social identity. They are part of this patrimony: the
Igreja São Sebastião , the Casarão de Dona Negrinha , the artistic and historia cal museum,
the Casarão Azul , the Casa do Idoso , the Casa das Artes , the Hotel O Casarão and the
Franciscano Irmã Maria Assunta school. To the execution of this proposal were made
interviews and questionary appliances. The interviews went through discussions about the
object of the research, the Planaltina dwellers opinions in relation to the cultural and
historical patrimony located in the squares. From the obtained results, it was found that the
population recognizes this patrimony as its memory and social identity, and that during the
decades the conservation policies weren t enough to the protection of this patrimony, and that
there is a shock between the people from Associação dos Amigos do Centro Histórico and
the government of the Distrito Federal in an attempt to preservation of this patrimony and that
this shock it is important to the city and to the history of Planaltina . / Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal analisar a relação dos moradores de Planaltina com
o patrimônio histórico e cultural existente nas Praças São Sebastião e Salviano Monteiro
como memória e identidade social. Fazem parte desse patrimônio a Igreja São Sebastião, o
Casarão de Dona Negrinha, o Museu Histórico e Artístico, o Casarão Azul, a Casa do Idoso, a
Casa das Artes, o Hotel O Casarão e o Colégio Franciscano Irmã Maria Assunta. Para a
execução deste propósito foram realizadas entrevistas e a aplicação de questionários. As
entrevistas aprofundaram as discussões sobre o objeto de pesquisa, enquanto o questionário
foi importante para colher as informações sobre o posicionamento dos moradores de
Planaltina em relação ao patrimônio histórico e cultural situados nas Praças. Dos resultados
obtidos, foi constatado que a população reconhece esse patrimônio como parte da sua
memória e identidade social, que durante décadas as políticas de conservação não foram
suficientes para a proteção desse patrimônio, que existe um embate político travado pela
Associação dos Amigos do Centro Histórico e pelo governo do Distrito Federal na tentativa
de preservação desse patrimônio e que esse embate é importante para a cidade e para a
história de Planaltina.
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