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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participação, aprendizagem social e o desenvolvimento de regiões rurais / Participation, Social Learning and the Development of Rural Areas.

Beduschi Filho, Luiz Carlos 31 August 2006 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa foi analisar se a participação de atores sociais em espaços coletivos de deliberação contribui efetivamente para melhorar a governança local em espaços rurais. Com base em duas experiências recentes de promoção do desenvolvimento regional nos Estados brasileiros de Minas Gerais e Ceará, discute-se como a interação entre diferentes atores influencia a alteração de comportamentos e a estruturação de ações coletivas que resultam em projetos territoriais voltados ao desenvolvimento. O que se destaca nessas experiências é o rompimento com a reprodução monótona, no âmbito dos vários conselhos gestores espalhados pelo Brasil, de padrões setoriais, pouco diversificados e com forte ênfase municipal da participação social. A principal conclusão do estudo é que a estruturação de espaços coletivos de deliberação e intercâmbio públicos encerram grande potencial de fortalecer a governança local e contribuir para o desenvolvimento de regiões rurais. / The purpose of this research was to analyze if the participation of social actors in collective spaces of public deliberation contributes effectively to improve the local governance in rural areas. On the basis of two recent experiences of planning for the regional development in the Brazilian States of Minas Gerais and Ceará, are argued how the interaction between different actors influences the alteration of behaviors and facilitates the sprouting of collective actions that result in territorial projects to the development. What it is distinguished in these experiences is the disruption with the monotonous reproduction, in the scope of the some participatory forums spread by Brazil, of sectorial standards, little diversified and with strong municipal emphasis of the social participation. The main conclusion of the study is that collective spaces of public deliberation and interchange disclose great potential to fortify the territorial governance and to contribute for the development of rural regions.

Para além da participação: aprendizagem social na gestão de recursos hídricos / Beyond Participation: social learning in integrated watershed management.

Cunha, Fernando Monteiro da 20 March 2009 (has links)
A gestão dos recursos hídricos passou por profundas transformações ao longo dos últimos vinte anos. A crescente complexidade e interdependência dos problemas associados a demanda e oferta por água em quantidade e qualidade adequadas levou ao aumento de conflitos entre os atores sociais. A resposta institucional foi uma maior flexibilização das normas que regulam o uso dos recursos hídricos. Estas reformas promoveram especificamente a participação de um maior número de atores sociais nas questões relacionadas à água, garantindo-lhes também maior poder no planejamento, gestão e implementação de políticas públicas. O expoente desta tendência é a União Européia através da promulgação da Diretiva Européia para a Água. Entretanto, maior participação é o primeiro passo para uma gestão mais solidária e sustentável da água. Mais do que participação, é a capacidade de aprender com o outro que amplia a possibilidade de soluções sustentáveis. Nesta pesquisa analisamos os fatores e condições que transformam os espaços de participação em processos de aprendizagem social, onde atores sociais modificam suas percepções e práticas sobre a água promovendo uma gestão mais sustentável. Como exemplo, foram analisados dois estudos de caso - um na Bélgica e outro no Reino Unido - onde foi promovida a implementação da Diretiva Européia para a Água. Estes estudos de caso revelam que práticas de gestão participativa não evoluem necessariamente para processos de aprendizagem social sendo que liderança, facilitação profissional e a forma como se estabelecem as relações entre Estado e Sociedade exercem um papel importante na promoção dessas mudanças. / Water management has undergone profound changes over the past twenty years. The increasing complexity and interdependence of problems associated with water supply and demand has led to increasing conflicts between social actors involved with water management. The institutional response was a further reform of the rules governing the use of water resources. These reforms promoted participation of a greater number of social actors while guaranteeing them greater stakes in planning, management and implementation of public policies. The spearhead of this trend is the European Union through the enactment of the Water Framework Directive. However, increased participation is the first step towards a more cohesive and sustainable water management system. More than participation, it is the ability to learn together that allows for sustainable solutions. This research analyses the factors and conditions that allows public engagement to go beyond participation and create social learning processes, in which social actors exchange their perceptions and transform their practices, leading to sustainable watershed co-management. Two case studies are analysed, one in Belgium and another in the UK.

Aprendizagem social e resolução de conflitos em ambientes democráticos e autocráticos: um estudo com pré-escolares / Social learning and conflict resolution in democratic and authoritarian preschools

Sampaio, Patricia da Silva 16 December 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa dedicou-se ao tema da aprendizagem social por meio de uma abordagem psicológica cultural deste fenômeno, agregando ainda contribuições ao tema advindas da Psicologia Moral. Buscou-se identificar diferenças nas representações de crianças pré-escolares quanto às estratégias que utilizam para resolver conflitos interpessoais, em função das diferentes relações por elas vivenciadas em um ambiente mais democrático e cooperativo e em outro com maior orientação autocrática e coercitiva. Assim, foram entrevistadas 27 crianças, com 4 a 5 anos de idade, provenientes de duas creches públicas que apresentavam as características citadas. As professoras responsáveis pelos grupos de crianças pesquisados também participaram respondendo a um questionário acerca de seus valores, representações e atitudes relacionados a sua mediação em situações de conflitos interpessoais vivenciados por seus alunos. O conjunto de relatos foi analisado de forma fundamentalmente qualitativa, tendo por base a técnica de análise de conteúdo e, no caso das crianças, como categorias, a agressão, a submissão e a assertividade, além de outras categorias ambivalentes. Os resultados obtidos indicaram relação entre o ambiente democrático e habilidades mais sofisticadas e apropriadas socialmente de resolução de conflitos reportadas pelas crianças e, inversamente, uma relação entre o ambiente autocrático e habilidades menos desenvolvidas de resolução de conflitos indicadas pelas crianças / The present work was dedicated to the investigation of the theme social learning by means of a cultural psychological approach of the phenomenon, allied to contributions from Moral Psychology. We attempted to identify differences in preschool children\'s representations with respect to the strategies that they utilize to resolve interpersonal conflicts, as a function of the different relations they experience in a more democratic and cooperative environment compared to a more authoritarian and coercive ambient. To attend this purpose, 27 children aged between 4 and 5 years and attending two public day care centers with the abovementioned characteristics were interviewed. The teachers that were in charge of the investigated groups also participated in the study by answering a questionnaire about their values, representations, and attitudes regarding their mediation of the events of interpersonal conflicts experienced by their pupils. The collected data was basically analyzed from a qualitative approach, on the basis of content analysis and, in the case of the children, on the basis of categories such as aggression, submission, and assertiveness, besides other ambivalent categories. The obtained results indicated that there is a relationship between a more democratic environment and more sophisticated and adequate social skills for the resolution of conflicts, as reported by the children. Conversely, an authoritarian ambient resulted in less developed social skills in terms of conflict resolution, as indicated by children\'s reports

Participar para crescer: o controle social no saneamento e o processo de aprendizagem social / Participate to grow: social control in sanitation and the process of social learning

Caruso, Carla Fernandes de Moura 18 April 2017 (has links)
A temática medular do presente trabalho versa sobre a aprendizagem social e a participação na gestão do saneamento básico. Mais especificamente, o foco da pesquisa está no âmbito das questões relativas aos métodos utilizados para provocar o engajamento dos atores e os mecanismos de controle social atualmente empregados na gestão do saneamento básico nos municípios de Iperó e Mairinque, no estado de São Paulo. A metodologia de pesquisa aplicada nesta tese é o estudo de caso, devido às vivências no projeto Metodologias para fortalecimento do controle social na gestão em saneamento, desenvolvido com recursos do Programa de Pesquisa em Saúde e Saneamento da Fundação Nacional da Saúde (FUNASA), em convênio com o Instituto de Energia e Ambiente da Universidade de São Paulo (IEE/USP). O objetivo principal é identificar os principais saberes proporcionados pela aplicação dos instrumentos participativos utilizados nos processos de instalação do controle social na discussão da gestão do saneamento básico nesses municípios. Para tanto, busca-se examinar a complexidade das relações entre meio ambiente e sociedade de risco globalizada, o cenário do saneamento no Brasil e na região das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Sorocaba e Médio Tietê, a gestão do saneamento nos municípios de Iperó e Mairinque e os conceitos de aprendizagem social neste âmbito. De acordo com os diálogos entre os atores do poder público e a sociedade civil, fica evidente a importância da participação e do controle social nos processos de gestão do saneamento básico. Em particular, o Município de Mairinque demonstra engajamento para convergir aos dispostos da Lei 11.455/2007 do controle social no saneamento, no sentido da construção e do aperfeiçoamento dos mecanismos que possibilitam o envolvimento da população junto aos processos de gestão do saneamento básico. / The core theme of this paper is the social learning process and participation in basic sanitation management. More specifically, the focus of the research is on the issues related to the methods used to provoke stakeholders engagement and the mechanisms of social control currently employed in the management of basic sanitation in the municipalities of Iperó and Mairinque, in the state of São Paulo. The research methodology applied in this thesis is the case study, due to experiences in the project \"Methodologies for strengthening social control in sanitation management\", developed with resources from the Health and Sanitation Research Program of the National Health Foundation (FUNASA), in partnership with the Institute of Energy and Environment of the University of São Paulo (IEE / USP). The main objective is to identify the major knowledge provided by the application of the participatory instruments used in the processes of installation of social control in the discussion of the management of basic sanitation in these municipalities. In order to do so, we seek to examine the complexity of the relationship between the environment and globalized risk society, the scenario of sanitation in Brazil and the region of the Sorocaba and Meio Tietê river basins, the management of sanitation in the municipalities of Iperó and Mairinque and the concepts of social learning in this field. According to the dialogues between the actors of public power and civil society, the importance of participation and social control in the processes of management of basic sanitation is evident. In particular, the Municipality of Mairinque demonstrates its commitment to converge to those, established by Law 11455/2007 of social control in sanitation, in the sense of building and perfecting the mechanisms that enable the population to be involved in basic sanitation management processes.

Aprendizagem social e formação humana no trabalho cooperativo de catadores(as) em São Paulo / Social learning and human development in the cooperative work of collectors in São Paulo

Couto, Gabriela Albanás 11 May 2012 (has links)
Estima-se que cerca de 800 mil pessoas vivam da atividade de catação de materiais recicláveis no Brasil. Apenas na cidade de São Paulo existem oficialmente 63 cooperativas de catadores organizados, além de diversos outros grupos e associações. São pessoas que encontraram nos materiais recicláveis uma alternativa para sua manutenção e, mais do que isso, uma nova maneira de se organizar política e coletivamente. Por reconhecer a relevância social e pedagógica de processos de formação entre grupos de pessoas pouco escolarizadas e em situação de maior vulnerabilidade social, procuramos conhecer os espaços de aprendizagem social que se configuram no interior de uma cooperativa de catadores de materiais recicláveis, a Coopere-Centro, localizada na região central da cidade de São Paulo. O objetivo principal da pesquisa foi identificar quais conhecimentos estão presentes no trabalho dos catadores e, por outro lado, quais são suas demandas formativas. De natureza qualitativa, com abordagem etnográfica, a pesquisa empregou técnica de observação participante, com a pesquisadora convivendo e trabalhando com os catadores em suas diferentes funções dentro da cooperativa ao longo de sete meses de coleta de dados. Foram também realizadas três entrevistas semiestruturadas com coordenadores da cooperativa. Identificamos uma série de práticas de letramento, bem como uma atividade profissional complexa, repleta de significados e de valor social e pedagógico no cotidiano dos catadores organizados. Essa complexidade foi categorizada em quatro diferentes dimensões: técnica, coletiva, ambiental e política. Verificou-se que o trabalho na cooperativa de reciclagem, além de gerar renda, traz reflexos positivos na subjetividade dos catadores, em sua autoestima e autoimagem, e os ajuda a construir caminhos de luta por reconhecimento, dignidade e inclusão social. Deste modo, percebemos que trabalhar em uma cooperativa desenvolvendo atividades ligadas à reciclagem se configura em um importante processo educativo para estes sujeitos, porém, gera também demandas formativas que precisam ser atendidas em sua especificidade. / It is estimated that about 800,000 people are involved in the activity of collecting recyclable materials in Brazil. In the city of São Paulo alone, there are officially 63 organized recycling cooperatives, as well as several other groups and associations. These are people who have turned recyclable materials into an alternative for their livelihoods and, at the same time, a new way of organizing themselves politically and collectively. Recognizing the social and pedagogical importance of the formative processes among groups of people with little education and under a vulnerable social condition, this study sought to understand the social learning that occurs within a cooperative of recyclable material collectors, Coopere-Centro, located in downtown São Paulo. The main objective of the study was to identify both the knowledge present in the daily activities of the collectors work and their formative demands. This qualitative research takes an ethnographic approach and its main technique used was participant observation. The seven-month work with the collectors on a daily basis allowed the researcher to produce a field research diary. Also, three semi-structured interviews with the cooperative coordinators were conducted. The research identified not only a number of literacy practices in the everyday life at Coopere but also a complex activity among the organized collectors, characterized by a range of meanings and social/educational values. This complexity was categorized into four different dimensions: technical, collective, environmental and political. It was found that working with the recycling cooperative has brought to its members apart from income generation , a positive impact on their subjectivity, self-esteem and selfimage, helping them to struggle for recognition, dignity and social inclusion. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the activities related to recycling, at a cooperative, configure an important educational process for those people. However, this activity also generates specific formative demands, which need to be fulfilled.

Design av CSCW-system för att stimulera till ökad social interaktion och samarbete inom lantbruket : Från passiva läsare till aktiva bidragare av innehåll i användarportaler / Design of a CSCW-system to influence increasingsocial interaction and collaboration with agriculture : From passive to active contributors of content in farming communities

Seitzberg, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Farming is considered as an important area for a sustainable society, and the need for proper information and knowledge exchange among farmers through various forms of social learning processes has been addressed. Beside learning from each other face to face and sharing personal experiences of farming practices, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the form of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW) systems provides another possibility to share and exchange information and knowledge with other farmers. This work demonstrates the necessary functions needed for a future CSCW system for farmers, as a tool for social interaction and communication in agriculture, through which social learning is fostered. The purpose is to stimulate social learning among farmers so they will develop from passive readers to active contributors of information content in the proposed CSCW system, which in the long run may have a positive impact on the overall purpose of farming – increasing harvests. The main aim of this work is to stimulate social learning in agriculture, where farmers’ social online learning processes is stimulated via a CSCW system that has been developed and designed as a high-fi prototype, providing various functions that make it possible to communicate among farmers and other stakeholders. In order to o stimulate so-called reading farmers into actively contributing farmers in the proposed CSCW-system this work also provides some identified lessons learned. These lessons learned provide both design guidelines as well as suggested behavioral changes of farmers and farming organisations in order to foster the use of CSW systems a social interaction and social learning tools in farming practices. Keywords; Agriculture, social learning, communication, CSCL, CSCW, ICT, contribute to content.

Ethical Leadership on the Horizontal Scene : A Case Study on Middle Managers in the Tech Industry

Bennegren, Josephine, Tropp, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Due to an increased importance for organisations to act according to ethical leadership, we identified the need to extend the perspective of how ethical leadership practices are developed, enhanced and spread among leaders horizontally. Since previous literature has focused on ethical leadership from a top management perspective, it is of interest to examine how ethical leadership is discussed and practised among middle managers as they encounter ethical dilemmas to a greater extent. By conducting a qualitative content analysis of interviews and documents, we declare a case study on middle managers in a tech company. Suggesting social learning as a proper lens to investigate our issue, we found that middle managers learn ethical conduct prominently via identification and knowledge sharing including feedback and reflection. By identifying important elements of ethical leadership, we could further interpret what practices were spread and reinforced among mid-level managers. These were the ability to be transparent, authentic, available and to value diversity, inclusion, and risk-taking for the sake of employees. However, it was evident that the horizontal learning of ethical conduct occurs in a reactive manner, triggered by events in a complex web of social learning. Therefore, in order for ethical leadership to regularly be learnt between the middle managers, a formal structure and the ethical culture can reinforce the way in which ethical leadership practices are spread horizontally.

Social learning and social behaviour in two mixed-species communities of tufted capuchins (Sapajus sp.) and common squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus)

Messer, Emily Jane Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
Primates are known for being highly social species, living in groups of various compositions with different social structures. The study of social or observational learning has largely focussed on investigating non-human primates' abilities to imitate, with a more recent shift towards examining the social context of social learning. This shift has presented opportunities to investigate how the social context of different species affects the diffusion of socially learnt behaviours. In this thesis, I set out to monitor the spread of different experimentally seeded and naturally occurring socially learned behaviours in brown (tufted) capuchin monkeys (Sapajus sp.) and common squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus).These species were selected as they form mixed species groups in the wild, and display marked differences in their social tolerances, thus presenting the opportunity to investigate conspecific and heterospecific social learning in related but differently bonded social groups. My results show evidence of social learning from conspecifics in capuchin and squirrel monkeys, attesting to that already documented in capuchin monkeys and indicating for the first time, that common squirrel monkeys can learn socially. Additionally, I demonstrate that capuchin monkeys are influenced by squirrel monkeys when foraging for food in mixed species groups. Furthermore, although squirrel monkeys are not as socially tolerant as capuchin monkeys, individuals who were better connected within the foraging test area learned experimentally-seeded techniques of models faster and more faithfully. When performing socially contagious anointing behaviours, regardless of tufted capuchin monkeys being influenced by the amount of resources provided for them to anoint with, they still performed more socially anointing than has been previously documented in other captive species, corroborating the levels of social anointing demonstrated in semi-free ranging groups. Further support was found for anointing demonstrating a social bonding and medicinal function in tufted capuchin monkeys.

Experimental studies of behavioural flexibility and cultural transmission in chimpanzees and children

Harrison, Rachel Anne January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, I explore two subjects of importance to the study of cultural evolution and cumulative culture; behavioural flexibility in chimpanzees, and social transmission in human children. In Chapter 1, I give an overview of current literature on the cognitive requirements of cumulative culture, with a focus on behavioural flexibility as a capacity which facilitates cumulative culture. I also explore a current discussion in the field of cultural evolution; namely the debate between "standard" and cultural attraction-based approaches to the study of cultural evolution. Chapter 2 is an experimental investigation of the capacity of chimpanzees to respond flexibly to a changing foraging task. This study found that chimpanzees did alter their behaviour, but to a limited degree. In Chapter 3 I provide the same artificial foraging task to two further groups of chimpanzees, at a sanctuary in Zambia. This study again found that chimpanzees altered their behaviour in response to task constraints, but also found a significant difference in performance between the two groups tested. Chapter 4 explores one potential factor which may contribute to these group differences; social tolerance. Data on social tolerance from all three groups of chimpanzees is presented. In Chapter 5, I turn to another key factor in the study of culture and also address the cultural attraction approach, by conducting a transmission chain study of four- to eight-year-old human children, comparing the transmission of a symbolic and non-symbolic image. I found that neither image was reliably transmitted along transmission chains. Finally, in Chapter 6, I discuss the findings of the thesis, and suggest that future work considers multiple demographic groups, whether this means the inclusion of multiple groups of apes in studies of non-human primate cognition, or the consideration of how cultural behaviours might be transformed when transmitted by human children rather than adults.

Sistematização da experiência da cooperapas: uma cooperativa de produtores agroecológicos de parelheiros, São Paulo/SP / Systematization of experience CooperAPAs: a cooperative of agroecological producers Parelheiros, São Paulo/ SP

Coradello, Mara Adriana 16 February 2016 (has links)
A transição agroecológica, enquanto um processo de estímulo à adoção de práticas agrícolas sustentáveis implica na gradual construção do conhecimento agroecológico, por meio da troca de saberes, experiências e interpretação dos (as) agricultores (as) sobre os contextos em que vivem e produzem, configurando-se em um modo alternativo de produção, em contraponto ao modelo atual convencional. Novos caminhos que tragam a conservação da biodiversidade, a autorrealização individual e comunitária, e a autogestão política e econômica são prioritários e urgentes. A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo sistematizar a experiência de transição agroecológica da CooperAPAs, localizada em Parelheiros, zona sul do município de São Paulo, por meio da identificação de representações de agroecologia, relações saúde, ambiente e políticas públicas, bem como os principais interesses e dificuldades de agricultores e técnicos envolvidos em algum momento específico da trajetória de formação, implementação e/ou desenvolvimento da CooperAPAs. Foi utilizado o método de sistematização de experiências, tendo como instrumentos de pesquisa a análise documental, entrevistas e oficina de construção da linha do tempo. De modo geral, os participantes reconheciam impactos positivos e negativos de suas ações sobre a saúde e o ambiente. Dentre as necessidades identificadas, destacou-se maior sensibilização e empoderamento de todos os cooperados, para que possam contribuir mais ativamente no fortalecimento da cooperativa, a fim de garantir maior acesso às políticas públicas vigentes, ao mercado, e à comercialização, melhorando, consequentemente, condições socioambientais e econômicas destes agricultores. Para tal, recomenda-se a adoção, pela cooperativa, de estratégias socioeducativas participativas, como a Aprendizagem Social, que favoreçam o diálogo, a negociação de conflitos e a gestão compartilhada, como um novo caminho para a CooperAPAs. / The agroecological transition, as an incentive to process the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, implies the gradual construction of agroecological knowledge through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and interpretation of the farmers about the contexts in which they live and produce by setting up an alternate mode of production, in contrast to conventional current model. New ways to bring biodiversity conservation, self individual achievement and community, and the political and economic self-management, are priorities and urgent. This study aimed to systematise the agroecological transition experience of CooperAPAs, located in Parelheiros, south zone of São Paulo, through the identification of agroecology representations, healthy relationships, environment and public policy, and the main interests and difficulties of farmers and technicians involved in any specific time of training course, implementation and / or development of CooperAPAs. We used the method of systematization of experiences, having as research tools to document analysis, interviews and the timeline building workshop. In general, participants recognized both positive and negative impacts of their actions on health and the environment. Among the identified needs, there is increased awareness and empowerment of all members, so that they can contribute more actively in strengthening the cooperative in order to ensure greater access to existing public policies, market, and marketing, improving, consequently, social, environmental and economic conditions of these farmers. To this end, it recommends the adoption by the cooperative, participatory social and educational strategies such as social learning, to encourage dialogue, conflict negotiation and shared management, as a new way to CooperAPAs.

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