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Apprentissage inter-organisationnel au sein des réseaux interindividuels : le cas de la conversion de viticulteurs à l'agriculture biologique / Inter-organizational learning through inter-individual networks : the case of organic conversion by wine producersMontes Lihn, Jaime Andres 03 December 2014 (has links)
Depuis une perspective théorique au croisement de la sociologie économique et de la sociologie de la connaissance, cette thèse a pour objectif d’examiner les mécanismes sociaux à l’œuvre au moment de la conversion vers l’agriculture biologique. Sur la base de l’étude empirique et de l’analyse d'un réseau complet qui révèle les interdépendances entre plus de 60 viticulteurs certifiés ou en cours de certification à l'agriculture biologique en Côte de Beaune, sont analysés les processus d’apprentissage collectifs sur lesquels s’appuie cette transition. Cette thèse montre l’existence de deux processus-Type d’apprentissage qui se définissent en fonction des frontières des groupes de référence (ou niches sociales) ; elle analyse le rôle des pionniers du milieu étudié comme pivot de l’action collective dans ces deux processus d’apprentissage, et explore enfin les régularités qui structurent les échanges au sein du milieu. Ces régularités permettent de constater que les viticulteurs intègrent dans leur raisonnement des aspects identitaires qui différencient les viticulteurs bio « de la première heure » des novices, au-Delà d'aspects économiques liés à une tendance à la « coopétition ». / This PhD dissertation combines the approaches of economic sociology and sociology of knowledge in order to analyze the social mechanisms underlying the conversion into organic farming. Based on an empirical study and analysis of a complete social network describing the interdependencies among over 60 wine producers certified in organic farming or in the process of getting the official certification in French Côte de Beaune, this research analyzes the collective learning process on which this transition relies. The thesis proves the existence of two types of learning process, which are defined by the social borders of reference groups (or social niches); it analyzes the key role of pioneers of the social milieu in both learning processes and studies the regularities structuring social exchanges. These regularities allow us to confirm that wine producers take into account in their reasoning both the identity aspect related to their conversion to organic farming and their economic position, in a trend towards “coopetition”.
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Redes de co-autoria científica no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da UFRGSLima, Maycke Young January 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação realizou-se o estudo das redes de colaboração científica formadas a partir de um grupo de pesquisadores ligados ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGGeo/UFRGS), com base na abordagem teórico-metodológica conhecida como análise de redes sociais (ARS), dialogando com alguns conceitos oriundos da Teoria da Prática de Pierre Bourdieu, focando a identificação, caracterização e evolução estrutural das redes de co-autoria científica. A análise de redes sociais nesse contexto pode contribuir significativamente enquanto geradora de subsídios para a gestão de ciência e tecnologia na área, ressaltando o importante papel dos pesquisadores vinculados ao PPGGeo/UFRGS na ampliação da capacidade de produção e comunicação do conhecimento científico na área e/ou na região sul. Além disso, esta pesquisa em particular contribui para o campo da Sociologia com a exploração da perspectiva teórico-metodológica da ARS no contexto da análise das redes de colaboração científica. Buscou-se responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: quais são os elementos que influenciam a evolução estrutural das redes sociais de co-autoria científica entre os pesquisadores vinculados ao PPGGeo/UFRGS no período de 1998-2006? Para respondê-la, foram construídas três redes de co-autoria com base nos dados oriundos dos Cadernos de Indicadores da CAPES referentes aos intervalos de 1998-2000, 2001-2003 e 2004-2006. Foram utilizados os softwares NVIVO e UCINET. Assumiu-se que o grupo dos docentes fosse dominante nas redes de co-autoria e foram considerados como atributos os números de vínculos dos docentes às linhas, projetos e grupos de pesquisa. Como hipótese, colocou-se que quanto maior fosse o número de vínculos a diferentes grupos de pesquisa, mais privilegiada seria a posição do ator na rede e essa posição tenderia a ser mantida ao longo dos anos. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram a estrutura das redes, comparando-as com foco em sua conectividade e centralidade. A rede de 1998-2000 contou com 524 atores e 11.296 laços; a rede de 2001-2003 apresentou 576 atores e 14.674 laços, enquanto a rede de 2004-2006 apresentou 741 atores e 14.188 laços. Verificou-se que o conjunto dos atores centrais/dominantes nas redes é formado majoritariamente pelos docentes e, em geral, esse conjunto tende a se manter em destaque ao longo dos anos; verificou-se também que há uma reincidência de parcerias na produção do conhecimento científico nas três redes, culminando em uma reprodução social da estrutura da rede de co-autoria. A hipótese do estudo foi refutada, indicando que embora exista uma correlação positiva e significante entre os três atributos e as medidas de centralidade, que representam a estrutura da rede, o grau de correlação entre o atributo "grupos de pesquisa" e as medidas de centralidade não obteve destaque em relação à correlação entre os atributos "linhas de pesquisa", "projetos de pesquisa" e as medidas de centralidade em nenhum dos períodos analisados. Concluiu-se que todos os atributos analisados (grupos, linhas e projetos de pesquisa) influenciam na evolução estrutural das redes sociais de co-autoria científica do PPGGeo/UFRGS no período de 1998 a 2006, mas as linhas e projetos possuem maior influência do que os grupos de pesquisa. / In this dissertation it was studied the scientific collaboration networks formed from a group of researchers linked to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGGeo/UFRGS), based on a theoretical and methodological approach known as social network analysis (SNA), considering some concepts from the Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice, and focusing on the identification, characterization and the structural evolution of scientific co-authorship networks. The analysis of social networks in this context can contribute significantly as a generator of data for the science and technology management in the area, emphasizing the important role of the researchers related to PPGGeo/UFRGS in the expansion of production and communication of the scientific knowledge capacity in the area and/or in the southern region. Furthermore, this research in particular contributes to the field of Sociology with the exploration of the theoretical and methodological perspective of SNA in the analysis of scientific collaboration networks. It was sought to answer the following research question: what are the factors that influence the structural development of the social networks of scientific co-authorship among researchers linked to the PPGGeo/UFRGS in the period from 1998-2006? To answer it, we built three coauthorship networks based on data from the CAPES' Cadernos de Indicadores related to the intervals 1998-2000, 2001-2003 and 2004-2006. It was used the software NVIVO and UCINET. It was assumed that the group of professors was dominant in the co-authorship networks and the attributes considered in the research were the numbers of links of the professors to the research lines, projects and groups. As hypothesis, it was said that the greater the number of links to different research groups, the more privileged would be the actor's position in the network and this position tended to be maintained over the years. The results characterized the structure of the networks, comparing them, focusing on their connectivity and centrality. The network of 1998-2000 had 524 actors and 11.296 links; the network of 2001-2003 had 576 actors and 14.674 links, while the network of 2004-2006 had 741 actors and 14.188 links. It was found that the central/dominant group of actors in the networks is formed mainly by professors and, in general, this group tends to remain in the central/dominant positions over the years; it was also found that there are partnerships recurrences in the scientific knowledge production in the three networks, culminating in a social reproduction of the co-authorship network structure. The hypothesis of the study was rejected, indicating that although there is a positive and significant correlation between the three attributes and the measures of centrality, which represent the structure of the network, the degree of correlation between the attribute "research groups" and the measures of centrality received less emphasis in relation to the correlation between the attributes "research lines", "research projects" and the measures of centrality in all the periods analyzed. It was concluded that all the examined attributes (research groups, projects and lines) influence on the structural development of the social networks of scientific co-authorship of the PPGGeo/UFRGS in the period from 1998 to 2006, but the research lines and projects have more influence than the research groups.
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Interação social em rede e nas redes : contributos para uma educação em redeKoehler, Cristiane January 2016 (has links)
Diante da abundância de informações e de compartilhamentos em sites de redes sociais e da proliferação de convites para o uso desses sites na Educação, esta tese propõe a pesquisa das estruturas relacionais que emergem das interações sociais em grupos no site de rede social Facebook. O objetivo geral é compreender como as interações sociais em rede e nas redes podem contribuir para uma Educação em Rede a partir da análise dos padrões de interação social em grupos no site Facebook. Analisamos dois casos distintos de redes sociais organizadas como parte de processos pedagógicos. Os recursos curtir, comentar e curtir comentários são os tipos de interação social em rede que deram origem aos grafos analisados. As temáticas das postagens e os tipos de suportes tecnológicos são identificados na análise dos padrões de interação social em rede e nas redes, nas quais destacamos a participação, o engajamento e o sentimento de pertencimento dos atores. A Análise de Redes Sociais é o método utilizado para compreender as dinâmicas das interações. O Modelo de Análise da Comunicação Assíncrona é adotado na análise de conteúdo das postagens e dos comentários dessas postagens com vistas a destacar as temáticas compartilhadas e discutidas. Nas redes sociais em foco, as pessoas se organizam e interagem, prioritariamente, com o professor ou com os atores sociais que assumem as funções de professor. Considerando que os recursos tecnológicos disponíveis permitem fluxo de informações de diferentes fontes, o que observamos é que o professor é a pessoa fundamental para articular as aprendizagens nas redes sociais. A configuração da sala de aula analógica se transfere para os comportamentos e às expectativas do que deve acontecer na sala de aula em redes sociais. Essa dinâmica fornece subsídios para propor orientações à formação de professores e diretrizes para a realização de Educação em Rede. A difusão das informações e a circulação de atores-ponte na rede contribuem para que haja presença social. A presença social é uma peça fundamental para a presença cognitiva. O uso de sites de redes sociais na educação tem valor pedagógico desde que haja presença social endereçada ao ensino. É necessário que um ator ou alguns atores ajam de modo a garantir relações de ensino e aprendizagem. / Faced with the abundance of information and shares on social networking sites and invitations proliferation to the use of these sites in education, this thesis proposes the research of relational structures that emerge from social interactions in groups on the Facebook social networking site. The overall goal is to understand how social interactions network and the networks can contribute to an Education Network based on the analysis of patterns of social interaction in groups on Facebook site. We analyzed two different cases of social networks organized as part of pedagogical processes. Resources Like, Comment and Like Comments are the types of social interaction network that gave rise to the analyzed graphs. The thematic of posts and the types of technological support are identified in the analysis of patterns of social interaction in the network and the networks in which we highlight the participation, engagement and sense of belonging of the actors. The Social Network Analysis is the method used to understand the dynamics of interactions. The Asynchronous Communications Analysis Model is adopted in the content analysis of posts and comments of these posts with a view to highlight the shared and discussed themes. In social networks in focus, people are organized and interact primarily with the teacher or with the social actors who assume the teacher functions. Whereas the available technological resources enable flow of information from different sources, which we observe is that the teacher is the key person to articulate learning in social networks. The configuration of the analog classroom is transferred to the behaviors and expectations of what should happen in the classroom in social networks. This dynamic provides subsidies to propose guidelines for teacher training and guidelines for conducting Education Network. The dissemination of information and the circulation of actors bridge on the network contribute to social presence there. Social presence is a key part of cognitive presence. The use of social networking sites in education has educational value as long as there is social presence addressed to education. It is necessary for an actor or some actors to act in order to ensure teaching and learning relations. / Frente a la abundancia de información y acciones en las redes sociales y la proliferación de las invitaciones a la utilización de estos sitios en la educación, esta tesis propone la investigación de las estructuras relacionales que surgen de las interacciones sociales en grupos en la red social Facebook. El objetivo general es entender cómo las interacciones de la red social y las redes puede contribuir a una red de educación basado en el análisis de los patrones de interacción social en grupos en Facebook. Se analizaron dos casos diferentes de redes sociales organizados en el marco de los procesos pedagógicos. Recursos Me gusta, Comentar y Me Gusta el Comentario son los tipos de red de interacción social que dieron origen a los gráficos analizados. La temática de los puestos y los tipos de apoyo tecnológico son identificados en el análisis de los patrones de interacción social en la red y las redes en las que podemos destacar la participación, el compromiso y el sentido de pertenencia de los actores. El análisis de redes sociales es el método utilizado para entender la dinámica de las interacciones. El Modelo de Análisis de Comunicaciones asíncronas se adopta en el análisis del contenido de los mensajes y los comentarios de estos mensajes con el fin de poner de relieve los temas compartidos y discutidos. En las redes sociales en el enfoque, las personas se organizan e interactúan principalmente con el profesor o con los actores sociales que asumen las funciones de los maestros. Considerando que los recursos tecnológicos disponibles permiten el flujo de información de diferentes fuentes, que observamos es que el maestro es la persona clave para articular el aprendizaje en las redes sociales. La configuración del clase analógica se transfiere a los comportamientos y expectativas de lo que debería ocurrir en el aula en las redes sociales. Esta dinámica proporciona subsidios a proponer directrices para la formación del profesorado y directrices para la realización de la Red de Educación. La difusión de la información y la circulación de los actores puente en la red contribuyen a la presencia social allí. La presencia social es una parte clave de la presencia cognitiva. El uso de las redes sociales en la educación tiene un valor educativo, siempre y cuando no hay presencia social dirigida a la educación. Es necesario que un actor o algunos actores para actuar con el fin de garantizar las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje.
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Redes de co-autoria científica no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da UFRGSLima, Maycke Young January 2009 (has links)
Nesta dissertação realizou-se o estudo das redes de colaboração científica formadas a partir de um grupo de pesquisadores ligados ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGGeo/UFRGS), com base na abordagem teórico-metodológica conhecida como análise de redes sociais (ARS), dialogando com alguns conceitos oriundos da Teoria da Prática de Pierre Bourdieu, focando a identificação, caracterização e evolução estrutural das redes de co-autoria científica. A análise de redes sociais nesse contexto pode contribuir significativamente enquanto geradora de subsídios para a gestão de ciência e tecnologia na área, ressaltando o importante papel dos pesquisadores vinculados ao PPGGeo/UFRGS na ampliação da capacidade de produção e comunicação do conhecimento científico na área e/ou na região sul. Além disso, esta pesquisa em particular contribui para o campo da Sociologia com a exploração da perspectiva teórico-metodológica da ARS no contexto da análise das redes de colaboração científica. Buscou-se responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: quais são os elementos que influenciam a evolução estrutural das redes sociais de co-autoria científica entre os pesquisadores vinculados ao PPGGeo/UFRGS no período de 1998-2006? Para respondê-la, foram construídas três redes de co-autoria com base nos dados oriundos dos Cadernos de Indicadores da CAPES referentes aos intervalos de 1998-2000, 2001-2003 e 2004-2006. Foram utilizados os softwares NVIVO e UCINET. Assumiu-se que o grupo dos docentes fosse dominante nas redes de co-autoria e foram considerados como atributos os números de vínculos dos docentes às linhas, projetos e grupos de pesquisa. Como hipótese, colocou-se que quanto maior fosse o número de vínculos a diferentes grupos de pesquisa, mais privilegiada seria a posição do ator na rede e essa posição tenderia a ser mantida ao longo dos anos. Os resultados obtidos caracterizaram a estrutura das redes, comparando-as com foco em sua conectividade e centralidade. A rede de 1998-2000 contou com 524 atores e 11.296 laços; a rede de 2001-2003 apresentou 576 atores e 14.674 laços, enquanto a rede de 2004-2006 apresentou 741 atores e 14.188 laços. Verificou-se que o conjunto dos atores centrais/dominantes nas redes é formado majoritariamente pelos docentes e, em geral, esse conjunto tende a se manter em destaque ao longo dos anos; verificou-se também que há uma reincidência de parcerias na produção do conhecimento científico nas três redes, culminando em uma reprodução social da estrutura da rede de co-autoria. A hipótese do estudo foi refutada, indicando que embora exista uma correlação positiva e significante entre os três atributos e as medidas de centralidade, que representam a estrutura da rede, o grau de correlação entre o atributo "grupos de pesquisa" e as medidas de centralidade não obteve destaque em relação à correlação entre os atributos "linhas de pesquisa", "projetos de pesquisa" e as medidas de centralidade em nenhum dos períodos analisados. Concluiu-se que todos os atributos analisados (grupos, linhas e projetos de pesquisa) influenciam na evolução estrutural das redes sociais de co-autoria científica do PPGGeo/UFRGS no período de 1998 a 2006, mas as linhas e projetos possuem maior influência do que os grupos de pesquisa. / In this dissertation it was studied the scientific collaboration networks formed from a group of researchers linked to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (PPGGeo/UFRGS), based on a theoretical and methodological approach known as social network analysis (SNA), considering some concepts from the Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice, and focusing on the identification, characterization and the structural evolution of scientific co-authorship networks. The analysis of social networks in this context can contribute significantly as a generator of data for the science and technology management in the area, emphasizing the important role of the researchers related to PPGGeo/UFRGS in the expansion of production and communication of the scientific knowledge capacity in the area and/or in the southern region. Furthermore, this research in particular contributes to the field of Sociology with the exploration of the theoretical and methodological perspective of SNA in the analysis of scientific collaboration networks. It was sought to answer the following research question: what are the factors that influence the structural development of the social networks of scientific co-authorship among researchers linked to the PPGGeo/UFRGS in the period from 1998-2006? To answer it, we built three coauthorship networks based on data from the CAPES' Cadernos de Indicadores related to the intervals 1998-2000, 2001-2003 and 2004-2006. It was used the software NVIVO and UCINET. It was assumed that the group of professors was dominant in the co-authorship networks and the attributes considered in the research were the numbers of links of the professors to the research lines, projects and groups. As hypothesis, it was said that the greater the number of links to different research groups, the more privileged would be the actor's position in the network and this position tended to be maintained over the years. The results characterized the structure of the networks, comparing them, focusing on their connectivity and centrality. The network of 1998-2000 had 524 actors and 11.296 links; the network of 2001-2003 had 576 actors and 14.674 links, while the network of 2004-2006 had 741 actors and 14.188 links. It was found that the central/dominant group of actors in the networks is formed mainly by professors and, in general, this group tends to remain in the central/dominant positions over the years; it was also found that there are partnerships recurrences in the scientific knowledge production in the three networks, culminating in a social reproduction of the co-authorship network structure. The hypothesis of the study was rejected, indicating that although there is a positive and significant correlation between the three attributes and the measures of centrality, which represent the structure of the network, the degree of correlation between the attribute "research groups" and the measures of centrality received less emphasis in relation to the correlation between the attributes "research lines", "research projects" and the measures of centrality in all the periods analyzed. It was concluded that all the examined attributes (research groups, projects and lines) influence on the structural development of the social networks of scientific co-authorship of the PPGGeo/UFRGS in the period from 1998 to 2006, but the research lines and projects have more influence than the research groups.
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Ex-post assessment of impacts of research on innovations for organic farming : issues, methods, tools and instruments / Evaluation ex-post des impacts de la recherche sur les innovations pour l’agriculture biologique : enjeux, méthodes, outils et instrumentsQuiedeville, Sylvain 08 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’évaluer, de développer et de tester différentes méthodes qualitatives et manières d’évaluer ex-post les impacts et la contribution de la recherche sur les processus d’innovations et la société, par rapport à la transition à l’agriculture biologique.Nous avons réalisé deux cas d’études traitant de la transition à l’agriculture biologique. Le premier est le cas camarguais (en France) englobant un ensemble d’innovations techniques. Le second concerne le développement du produit biologique Ecostop pour protéger les abeilles contre la maladie de la varroatose en Bulgarie.Nous évaluons le potentiel d’une approche globale basée sur l’analyse participative du chemin de l’impact (PIPA) mais adaptée et complémentée par de nombreuses autres méthodes (premier article, partie 4), ainsi que le potentiel de l’analyse du réseau social (SNA) (deuxième article, partie 5) et de la théorie de l’acteur réseau (ANT) (troisième article, partie 6) pour l’évaluation ex-post des impacts et de la contribution de la recherche. Nous étudions les impacts de la recherche en Camargue et la manière dont ils ont été générés. Le cas Bulgare est seulement utilisé pour évaluer le potentiel d’ANT (avec le cas camarguais).L’approche basée sur PIPA permet d’évaluer avec succès les impacts et la contribution de la recherche. Nous avons pu mettre en évidence que la recherche a contribué au changement en Camargue à travers le développement d’interactions de co-apprentissage avec les producteurs bien que cela ne se soit pas avéré crucial pour le succès de l’innovation dans son ensemble. Les politiques agricoles, facteurs économiques, tests conduits indépendamment par les agriculteurs, et le cadre institutionnel, ont été les facteurs les plus importants et ayant eu le plus d’effets. En ce qui concerne SNA, il est apparu utile pour valider les dires des parties prenantes sur les relations entre acteurs ainsi que leurs implications sur la transition à l’agriculture biologique. Par exemple, le rôle grandissant joué par l’INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) au sein du réseau d’acteurs a été confirmé de même que sa contribution à la transition vers l’agriculture biologique. Quant à l’approche ANT, elle permet de mettre en avant les relations interpersonnelles d’acteurs et leurs effets sur le développement de l’innovation. Nous soulignons en particulier l’importance des leaders d’opinion au cours des phases d’implémentation et de diffusion ; et montrons également l’importance de problématiser les questions devant être traitées afin d’améliorer le succès des programmes de recherche. / This thesis intends to evaluate, develop and test different qualitative methods and ways of ex-post assessing the impacts and contribution of the research on innovation processes and the society, in relation to the transition to organic agriculture.We have conducted two case studies focusing on the transition to organic farming. First is the Camargue case (in France) that encompasses a broad range of technical innovations. Second is on the development of the organic product Ecostop to protect bees against the varroatosis disease in Bulgaria.We evaluate the potential of a broad approach based on the Participatory Impact Pathway Analysis (PIPA) and adapted & complemented by several other methods (first article, part 4), as well as the potential of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) (second paper, part 5) and of the Actor Network Theory (ANT) (third paper, part 6), in evaluating ex-post the impacts and contribution of the research. We study the impacts of the research in the Camargue and how they were generated. The Bulgarian case is only used to evaluate the potential of ANT (together with the Camargue case).The approach based on PIPA allows assessing successfully the impacts and contribution of the research. We could show that the research contributed to change in the Camargue by developing co-learning interactions with farmers although this was not critical to the success of the innovation as a whole. The agricultural policies, economic factors, the testing conducted independently by farmers, and the institutional framework, were the most important and influential factors. With respect to SNA, it was of interest to validate stakeholders’ views on actors’ relationships and their implications on the transition to organic farming. For example, the growing role played by INRA (National Research Agronomic Institute) within the actor network was confirmed as well as its contribution to the transition. As to ANT, it allows highlighting interpersonal actors’ relationships and their effects on the innovation development. We particularly underline the importance of opinion leaders in the phases of implementation and diffusion; and also show the importance of problematizing the issues to be tackled in order to increase the success of research programs.
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Análise da rede de relacionamentos em sistemas locais de inovação : a experiência de Santa Rita do Sapucaí MGCosta Júnior, Hélio Lemes 27 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-27 / This work focuses on the development and support of clusters of firms in a local productive arrangement, analyzing the relevance of innovation, the innovation system that companies form, along with educational institutions and support agencies, analyze business interactions between the firms and their interactions with the education institutions and support agencies, from the point of view of skilled labor employment, relations among the components of the system for training, knowledge acquisition and research and development. Beginning with the case study of the Valley of Electronics, technological pole located in Santa Rita do Sapucaí, a small town in Minas Gerais - Brazil, it was possible to conclude that, even with little commercial trade among the actors of the local productive arrangement, there is information exchange between educational institutions and businesses and there are subjective aspects that justify the continued development and maintenance of the pole for almost four decades. / A pesquisa enfoca o desenvolvimento e a sustentação de aglomerações de empresas em um arranjo produtivo local, através da análise da relevância da inovação, do sistema de inovação que as empresas formam, junto às instituições de ensino e de apoio institucional, analisa as interações comerciais entre as empresas e as interações delas para com as instituições de ensino e apoio, sob o ponto de vista do emprego da mão de obra especializada, das relações entre os componentes do sistema para o treinamento, a aquisição de conhecimento e para a pesquisa e desenvolvimento. A partir do estudo do caso do Vale da Eletrônica, polo tecnológico do município de Santa Rita do Sapucaí, no interior de Minas Gerais Brasil, é possível depreender que, mesmo não havendo intercâmbio comercial entre os atores do arranjo produtivo local, há troca de informações entre as instituições de ensino e as empresas e há aspectos subjetivos, que justificam o contínuo desenvolvimento e sustentação do polo, por quase quatro décadas.
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Questa tesi ha come scopo quello di investigare la relazione tra etnicità, modalità di commissione del crimine e struttura relazionale di differenti reti etniche coinvolte nella tratta per sfruttamento sessuale. E’ realizzata un’analisi di due reti criminali dell’Africa occidentale e di due dei Balcani mediante l’applicazione di due metodi: la crime script analysis e l’analisi di rete. I risultati ottenuti sono stati uniti per capire come le relazioni tra gli individui sono distribuite all’interno della cornice criminale. Da ultimo, i casi studio sono stati comparati per verificare se esiste una relazione tra etnicità e tratta per sfruttamento sessuale, anche indipendentemente dall’ambito di sfruttamento. I risultati mostrano che l’etnicità ha un impatto sulla tratta per sfruttamento sessuale. In particolare, influenza il modus operandi e le caratteristiche socio-biografiche degli attori che operano nelle reti impegnate nello stesso ambito di sfruttamento. Se sono considerati differenti ambiti di sfruttamento, messi in atto sia dallo stesso che da differenti gruppi etnici, l’etnicità non sembra influenzare né le modalità di commissione del crimine né le caratteristiche dei soggetti. Infatti, anche l’ambito di sfruttamento indoor/outdoor sembra essere rilevante. Al contrario, la struttura relazionale e la relazione tra questa e le modalità di commissione del crimine non sembrano essere influenzate dall’etnicità. / This thesis aims at investigating the relationship among ethnicity, modalities of crime commission and relational structure of different ethnic networks involved in sex trafficking. A case study analysis of two West African and two Balkan networks is carried out by the adoption of two methods: crime script analysis and social network analysis. A merger of the results obtained in these analyses is performed in order to understand how relationships among individuals are distributed within the criminal framework. Finally, the case studies are compared to verify whether a relationship exists between ethnicity and sex trafficking, also apart from the field of exploitation. The results show that ethnicity has an impact on sex trafficking. In particular, it influences modi operandi and the socio-biographical characteristics of the members of the networks operating in the same field of exploitation. If different fields of exploitation are considered, both carried out by same or different ethnic groups, ethnicity appears to affect neither the modalities of crime commission nor the features of the people. Indeed, also the outdoor/indoor exploitation context seems to be relevant. Conversely, the relational structure and the relation between the latter and the modalities of crime commission do not seem to be affected by ethnicity.
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Le capital social un déterminant des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées. Le thermalisme dans les Landes. / Social capital a determinant of local inter-organizational cooperations.Thermalism in Les Landes.Ramon Dupuy, Sybille 19 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une analyse croisée des coopérations inter-organisationnelles territorialisées (CIOT) et du capital social, entendu comme l'ensemble de ressources accessibles aux organisations généré par leurs relations professionnelles. Pour cela, nous développons une méthode rapprochant une caractérisation des réseaux sociaux professionnels par classification des acteurs et relations, avec les formes de coopérations révélées par une analyse qualitative. Cette méthode est appliquée au thermalisme dans les Landes, secteur captif d'une ressource locale, l'eau minérale naturelle, et caractérisé par la proximité de nombreux acteurs publics et privés qui s'interrogent sur leurs coopérations en vue de s'adapter aux mutations de leur environnement. Nos résultats mettent à jour les liens entre le capital social collectif détenu par l'ensemble des organisations publiques et privées du thermalisme dans Les Landes et deux types de CIOT. D'une part, notre analyse indique qu'un capital social collectif faible entrave la gouvernance territoriale mixte (publique-privée). D'autre part, nos résultats suggèrent que les difficultés de la coopétition entre acteurs privés concurrents proches géographiquement ne s'expliquent pas uniquement par leur capital social collectif, mais par d'autres facteurs, en particulier humains. / This thesis provides a cross analysis of local inter-organizational cooperations (LIOC) and social capital, understood as accessible resources through professional relationships. For this purpose, we develop an analysis method that reconciles the characterization of professional social networks by the classification of actors and relations, with forms of cooperation revealed by a qualitative analysis.This method is applied to thermalism in Les Landes. This sector is strongly entrenched in the local mineral water resource and is characterized by the proximity of numerous public and private actors who question their cooperations in order to adapt to their evolving environment.The results indicate links between social capital owned by all private and public actors of thermalism in Les Landes and two kinds of LIOC. First, our analysis show that weak collective social capital hinders mixed (public-private) local governance. Second, our results suggest that difficulties of coopetition between geographically close private competitors may not only due to collective social capital, but they could be explained by other factors, particularly human factors.
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F?sica estat?stica aplicada a sistemas sociais atrav?s do estudo de redes complexasDuarte, Gerdivane Ferreira 21 February 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In this work a study of social networks based on analysis of family names is
presented. A basic approach to the mathematical formalism of graphs is developed
and then main theoretical models for complex networks are presented aiming to
support the analysis of surnames networks models. These, in turn, are worked so
as to be drawn leading quantities, such as aggregation coefficient, minimum average
path length and connectivity distribution. Based on these quantities, it can
be stated that surnames networks are an example of complex network, showing
important features such as preferential attachment and small-world character / Neste trabalho ? apresentado um estudo das redes sociais baseado na an?lise
dos nomes de fam?lias. Faz-se uma abordagem b?sica do formalismo matem?tico
dos grafos e em seguida apresenta-se os principais modelos te?ricos para as Redes
Complexas com o objetivo de fundamentar a an?lise das redes dos sobrenomes.
Estas, por sua vez, s?o trabalhadas de modo a serem extra?das as principais grandezas,
tais como coe ciente de agrega??o, menor caminho m?dio e distribui??o de
conectividades. Com base nestas grandezas, pode-se a rmar que as redes de sobrenomes
s?o um exemplo de rede complexa, exibindo caracter?sticas importantes
como liga??o preferencial e o car?ter de mundo pequeno.
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Réseaux dynamiques de terrain : caractérisation et propriétés de diffusion en milieu hospitalier / Real Dynamic Networks : Characterisation and Diffusion Properties in Hospital ContextsMartinet, Lucie 18 September 2015 (has links)
Durant cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux outils permettant d'extraire les propriétés structurelles et temporelles de réseaux dynamiques ainsi que les caractéristiques de certains scénarios de diffusion pouvant s'opérer sur ces réseaux. Nous avons travaillé sur un jeu de données spécifiques, issu du projet MOSAR, qui comporte entre autre le réseau de proximité des personnes au cours du temps durant 6 mois à l'hôpital de Berk-sur-mer. Ce réseau est particulier dans le sens où il est constitué de trois dimensions: temporelle, structurelle par la répartition des personnes en services et fonctionnelle car chaque personne appartient à une catégorie socio-professionnelle. Pour chacune des dimensions, nous avons utilisé des outils existants en physique statistique ainsi qu'en théorie des graphes pour extraire des informations permettant de décrire certaines propriétés du réseau. Cela nous a permis de souligner le caractère très structuré de la répartition des contacts qui suit la répartition en services et mis en évidence les accointances entre certaines catégories professionnelles. Concernant la partie temporelle, nous avons mis en avant l'évolution périodique circadienne et hebdomadaire ainsi que les différences fondamentales entre l'évolution des interactions des patients et celle des personnels. Nous avons aussi présenté des outils permettant de comparer l'activité entre deux périodes données et de quantifier la similarité de ces périodes. Nous avons ensuite utilisé la technique de simulation pour extraire des propriétés de diffusion de ce réseau afin de donner quelques indices pour établir une politique de prévention. / In this thesis, we focus on tools whose aim is to extract structural and temporal properties of dynamic networks as well as diffusion characteristics which can occur on these networks. We work on specific data, from the European MOSAR project, including the network of individuals proximity from time to time during 6 months at the Brek-sur-Mer Hospital. The studied network is notable because of its three dimensions constitution : the structural one induced by the distribution of individuals into distinct services, the functional dimension due to the partition of individual into groups of socio-professional categories and the temporal dimension.For each dimension, we used tools well known from the areas of statistical physics as well as graphs theory in order to extract information which enable to describe the network properties. These methods underline the specific structure of the contacts distribution which follows the individuals distribution into services. We also highlight strong links within specific socio-professional categories. Regarding the temporal part, we extract circadian and weekly patterns and quantify the similarities of these activities. We also notice distinct behaviour within patients and staff evolution. In addition, we present tools to compare the network activity within two given periods. To finish, we use simulations techniques to extract diffusion properties of the network to find some clues in order to establish a prevention policy.
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