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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pionjärer och entreprenörskap : En studie om innebandyns etablering och expansion i Västerbotten / Pioneers and entrepreneurship : A study of floorball establishment and expansion in Västerbotten

Jakobsson, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Floorball is a Swedish sport that was introduced in the late 1960s and grew immensely during the 1970s and the 1980s. In the beginning it was mostly played at leisure centres by adolescents but was soon to become one of the biggest sports in Sweden. This study aims to distinguish how the sport was established, how it expanded and how it was treated by the surroundings in the Swedish county of Västerbotten. The study also examines what role the non-profit leadership had when floorball was established in Västerbotten. The source material for this study is three interviews with former floorball pioneers and statistics of the license development during the period of 1986–1996.The result shows that floorball initially had a hard time establishing itself because of the negative responses from other already established sports. The municipality and the media were, however, more positive which helped the sport to develop and expand. The manufacturing of new equipment evolved quickly which helped to formalize the sport. Individual actors played a vital role in the establishment phase and were the backbone of the sport, both as players, leaders, organizers, and educators. The establishment of the district association Västerbottens Innebandyförbund was also a vital affair as the sport became more organized and formal in the county.

Mokytojų dvikalbystė kaip socialinis reiškinys / Teachers bilingualizm as a social phenomenon

Lesinienė, Flora 24 September 2008 (has links)
Atsižvelgiant į šiuolaikines problemas ir poreikius integruotis multikultūrinėje visuomenėje, Lietuvoje kilo susidomėjimas kalbų mokymo bei mokymosi, dvikalbystės ugdymo, dvikalbių programų kūrimo bei dvikalbių pedagogų rengimo klausimais. Daugiausia tai siejama su tautinių mažumų atstovų integracija į Lietuvos visuomenę. Tyrimu siekta nustatyti, kaip dvikalbystės formavimosi procesas vystėsi vyresnio amžiaus tautinių mažumų mokyklų įvairių tautybių mokytojų (kaip individų) tarpe; kaip socialinė-komunikacinė aplinka įtakojo pedagogų dvikalbystės vystymąsi; nustatyti kitakalbės ir daugiakultūrės aplinkos, kuri supa mokytojus, privalumus ir trūkumus. / Novelti of the thesis: A number of the theses on bilingualism were issued within recent years. However, nobody had been researching the item on bilingualism of the teachers (as individuals). The results of the investigation: After having analyzed the data of the investigation, the presumption that prior to starting their work in the multilingual environment, the teachers already have a certain lingual base in the family and in the aducational institution, may be drawn. The main reasons of complexity of work with the other-language-speaking pupils are related with lack of skills and knowledge of the same teachers. The teacher has the possibility to develop his/her native and other language skills while working in the multilingual environment, while dealing with the methodical material or while staying in his own social environment. As the society`s demands change, so today the teacher has not only to lay efforts, seeking to satisfy the pupils` and parents` expectations, but should also be able to adapt himself/herself to the developing multilingual environment.

Seeking a Respec(table) Environment: A Phenomenological Inquiry into Pre-Service Teachers’ Lived Experience of Anaphylaxis

Shipley, Jordan January 2015 (has links)
This phenomenological inquiry delved into the lived experience of what it is like to have anaphylaxis, a severe and potentially fatal allergy, for those in the teacher education context. Hence, an understanding of the phenomenon of living with a severe allergy as well as the impact it has on the professional development of teachers emerged. Three pre-service teachers with first-hand experience of anaphylaxis participated in a series of in-depth interviews over the course of five months. Guided by the hermeneutic approach to phenomenological research outlined by Max van Manen as well as the philosophical writings of Bernd Jager on the social experiences of eating, several essential themes surfaced. The lived experience of anaphylaxis can thus be understood through two actions: ‘The Inhale’ which is associated with perceived barriers of anaphylaxis and ‘The Exhale’ which is a sense of relief one experiences when one is managing an anaphylactic allergy. The three most significant contexts where these actions notably hindered or empowered pre-service teachers were: ‘The Habi(table) Environment’, the concept of safe spaces for those with anaphylactic allergies, ‘The Confron(table) Environment’, represented by spaces beyond a safe environment where there is a need to confront the allergy, and ‘The Respec(table) Environment’ which is an inter-subjective space between those with allergies and those without who are able to negotiate their needs with one another, allowing for the creation of respectable community. These themes, comprised of two actions and three contexts, thus serve to offer a sense of what it is like to live with and manage anaphylaxis. They also sensitize educators toward developing thoughtful, pedagogical responses to the increasing rates of anaphylaxis in the classroom.

Reprezentace úspěchu v českých televizních seriálech po roce 1989 / Representation of the succes in czech television serials after 1989

Freislebenová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Diploma theses "Medial representations of success in Czech series after 1989" is researching, how is through six Czech television series presented the success. Medial images are an important source of knowledge of our current society. Success itself is a phenomenon we are facing daily in our lives. A large part of this experience is made through the media. The purpose of this work is to identify, which key phenomena of society distinguished values has been viewed in selected series (Konec velkých prázdnin, Život na zámku, Ranč U Zelené sedmi, Reportérka, Semestr and Terapie). Through the observations we are able to describe which images were mostly displayed, which at least and with who it has been connected. Thanks to this, we can review whether these medial representations of success are indulgent with their own evaluation of this concept. The recognizability of these phenomena and its interpretation is considered as a parameter of an individual personalities and their observation is being the typical subject of stereotyping. The conclusion of the thesis shows what is the development of representation of success in the Czech series and which picture of the current society has been created by these interpretations.

Lietuvos gyventojų socialinių pokyčių raiška kartografinėmis anamorfozėmis / Expression of social changes of residents of lithuania by cartographic anamorphosis

Kauneckaitė, Lina 08 September 2009 (has links)
Be tradicinių kartografinio vaizdavimo metodų sukurtų euklidinės geometrijos pagrindu yra kartografinių modelių, kurių sudarymo principas – ne euklidinė metrika. Tokie modeliai yra kartoidai, minčių žemėlapiai, kartografinės anamorfozės. Kartografinės anamorfozės – tai išvestiniai tradicinių žemėlapių grafinis vaizdas, kuriame reiškinio kartografinio vaizdo deformacija priklauso nuo nagrinėjamo reiškinio reikšmių, pamatinio žemėlapio bei pasirinkto algoritmo tipo. Anamorfozės būna dviejų būdų: reguliaraus ir laisvo tinklo. Šio baigiamojo magistro darbo tiklas susipažinti su kartografinių anamorfozių sudarymo teorinėmis nuostatomis ir remiantis jomis sudaryti nereguliaraus tinklo Lietuvos gyventojų tarptautinės emigracijos kartografinę anamorfozę. Kartografinės anamorfozės labiausiai tinka socialiniams-ekonominiams reiškiniams vaizduoti, nes anamorfozės, kartografinės raiškos požiūriu geriau perteikia statistinę informaciją, ir pagerina komunikacinę kokybę. Kartografinių anamorfozių didžiausias trūkumas – paprastų algoritmų joms sudaryti trukūmas. Tačiau nepaisant to, šis kartografinio vaizdavimo metodas yra vienas iš perspektyvių kartografijos plėtros sryčių, todėl labai svarbu, kad Lietuvoje būtų pradėtas tirti šis kartografinio vaizdavimo būdas. / Besides the traditional methods of the cartographical representation, created by the laws of Euclidean geometry, there are images, which have in their basis principles of non-Euclidean metric: cartoids, "mental" maps and cartographical anamorphosises. Cartographical anamorphoses - the graphic representations, derivatives of traditional maps, which scale is transformed, depending on the value of the characteristic of the phenomena on an initial map also on algorithm. Anamorphosise can be classified into: regular and irregular grid. The purpose of this master degree work is to get more information about creation of cartographical anamorphosises and going by that to make irregular grid anamorphosis of international emigration in Lithuania. Cartographical anamorphosises are the best to use for socio-economical analysis, because it show better statistic information and it have better quality of communication. The biggest disadvantage of cartographical anamorphoses is the defect of simple algorithms to create them. In spite of that, this cartographical method of visualization is one of most promising field of cartography that is why is very important to start analyses this cartographical method of visualization in Lithuania.

Vliv reklamy na děti / Advertising and action at children

Vohralíková, Barbora January 2009 (has links)
My thesis attends tp issue of advertising and action at children. For this time being, when advertising is looking for new ways how to address the potential customers, when the sale of the products is one of the main power at current society and when the pressure is gworing so, that causes the genesis of social-pathologic effects, it is necessary to know as much as we can about different forms of advertising actions, used technologies and potential impacts. My thesis is divided into two main parts - theoretical and applied. Theoretical part describes the meaning of the advertising, look about the history of advertising, mention basic principles of communication in advertising and offer one of the aspect of its purpose at current society of presperity. Also my attention has been paid to current trends in advertising psychology. The thesis deals with effects of perception, attention, memory and forgetting on advertising effectiveness. Applied section is trying to find by using quantitative research the response to basic question (what is the effect of advertising on children), how this effect is changing according to the age group. The results of the marketing research are analyzed in this section as well.

“¿Qué se dice de la moda sostenible para los protagonistas?”. Un análisis de la percepción de los actores de la moda sostenible local sobre su representación en los medios digitales peruanos. / "What about sustainable fashion for the protagonists?" The perception of local sustainable fashion actors on how it is talked about in the Peruvian digital media.

Ramírez Gonzales, Andrea 09 October 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación está enfocada en entender la percepción de los personajes más recurrentes dentro de la atmósfera local de la moda sostenible (diseñadores, entidades y creadores de contenido) con respecto a la producción de contenidos sobre este tema en los medios digitales peruanos desde el inicio del 2020. Para esto, se consideraron los conceptos de la moda como un fenómeno social dentro de un grupo específico en el que interactúa el emisor y el receptor, la adaptación del periodismo de modas hacia el mundo digital, qué dificultades periodismo de modas enfrenta de acuerdo al espacio geográfico en el que se desarrolla y la producción de información sobre moda sostenible en las plataformas virtuales. La metodología para realizar este análisis es cualitativa. / This research is focused on understanding the perception of the most recurrent characters in the local atmosphere of sustainable fashion (designers, entities and content creators) regarding the production of content on this subject in peruvian digital media from the beginning of 2020. For this, the concepts of fashion were considered as a social phenomenon within a specific group in which the sender and the receiver interact, the adaptation of fashion journalism to the digital world, what difficulties fashion journalism faces from according to the geographic space in which it is developed and the production of information on sustainable fashion on virtual platforms. The methodology to carry out this analysis is qualitative. / Trabajo de investigación

Médecine personnalisée et bioéthique : enjeux éthiques dans l'échange et le partage des données génétiques / Personalized medicine and bioethics : ethical issues in the exchange and sharing of genetic data

Stoeklé, Henri-Corto 09 June 2017 (has links)
Du point de vue de la médecine et des sciences du vivant, la médecine personnalisée (MP) est trop souvent réduite à cette idée d'adapter un diagnostic, une prédisposition ou un traitement, en fonction des caractéristiques génétiques d'un individu. Cependant, du point de vue des sciences humaines et sociales, la MP peut être considérée comme un phénomène social complexe en raison d'une existence propre et d'une composition sui generis, de l'effet de contraintes qu'il exerce sur les individus, d'un grand nombre d'interactions et d'interférences entre un grand nombre d'unités, mues d'incertitudes, d'indéterminations, de hasard, d'ordre et de désordre. Selon nous, cet autre point de vue permet de mieux étudier la MP par un travail de recherche en bioéthique, mais avec un nouvel objectif, opposé mais complémentaire de celui du droit et de la philosophie morale, et une nouvelle méthode. En effet, l'objectif de la bioéthique devrait être un travail de recherche prospectif questionnant les normes établies faisant face à un phénomène social complexe émergeant, non l'inverse. Ceci permet de déterminer les bénéfices pour la société, et ses individus, à laisser le phénomène émerger en son sein, et d'étudier des solutions possibles et probables et non des certitudes, pour le présent et le futur. De cette façon, les bénéfices identifiés pourront se produire. Mais cet objectif nécessite une méthode permettant d'étudier le fonctionnement du phénomène dans son ensemble, à l'échelle de la société, sans le réduire à l'a priori de certains individus, en privilégiant ses interactions à ses éléments : il s'agit de la modélisation théorique systémique inductive qualitative. L'idée clé est d'être dans une logique de découverte, non de preuve. Cette nouvelle approche nous a tout d'abord permis de comprendre que la MP ne devrait plus être nommée «personnalisée », ni même « génomique » ou de « précision», mais «médecine des données» (MD) étant donné le caractère centrale de la « donnée » (data) pour son fonctionnement. En effet, les finalités du phénomène semblent être, à partir d'une masse importante de données (génétiques), déduire (Datamining) ou induire (Big Data) différentes informations valorisables au niveau du soin, de la recherche et de l'industrie. Le moyen pour ça semble être le développement d'un réseau d'échange ou de partage d'échantillons biologiques, de données génétiques et d'informations entre patients, cliniciens, chercheurs et industriels, grâce à des voies de communication dématérialisées, qui centralisent le stockage des échantillons biologiques et des données génétiques, et une partie du traitement et de l'analyse, au niveau de centres de soin et de recherche académiques (France), et/ou d'entreprises privées (États-Unis), avec ou sans l'intermédiaire du clinicien. Les enjeux éthiques majeurs semblent donc résider dans les moyens et les modalités d'accès, de stockage et d'usage des données génétiques, car delà découle pour une organisation globalement similaire du phénomène un fonctionnement radicalement (social/libéral) opposé qui questionne certaines normes morales et juridiques. Au final, notre méthode nous a permis d'apporter différents arguments en faveur du consentement éclairé exprès électronique (e-CE) dynamique comme solution et moyen permettant un développement de la MD plus optimal concernant l'accès, le stockage et l'usage des données génétiques que ce soit pour le partage (France) ou l'échange (États-Unis) des données génétiques. / In the context of medicine and life sciences, personalized medicine (PM) is all too often reduced to the idea of adapting a diagnosis, predisposition or treatment according to the genetic characteristics of an individual. However, in human and social sciences, PM may be considered as a complex social phenomenon, due to the proper existence and unique composition of the constraints it imposes on individuals, the large number of interactions and interferences between a large number of units, rich in uncertainties, indeterminations, chance, order and disorder. We feel that this alternative point of view makes it possible to study PM more effectively by bioethics research approaches, but with a new objective, contrasting but complementary to those of law and moral philosophy, and a new method. Indeed, the objective of bioethics should be prospective studies questioning established norms in the face of emerging complex social phenomena, rather than the other way round. This makes it possible to determine the benefits, to society and its individuals, of allowing the phenomenon to emerge fully, and to study possible and probable solutions, rather than certainties, for the present and the future. This may allow the identified benefits to occur. However, this objective requires a method for studying the functioning of the phenomenon as a whole, at the scale of society, without a priori restriction to certain individuals, thereby favoring its interactions over its elements. Qualitative inductive systemic theoretical modeling is just such an approach. The key idea here is a rationale of discovery, rather than of proof. This new approach allowed us to understand that PM should not be called "personalized", or even "genomic" or "precision" medicine, and that the term "data medicine" (DM) should be favored, given the key role of data in its functioning. Indeed, the goal of this phenomenon seems to be to use a large mass of data (genetics) to deduce (data mining) or induce (big data) different types of information useful for medical care, research and industry. The means of achieving this end seems to be the development of a network for exchanging or sharing biological samples, genetic data and information between patients, clinicians, researchers and industrial partners, through electronic communication, with the central storage of biological samples and genetic data, and with treatment and analysis carried out at academic care and research centers (France) or in private companies (United States), with or without the involvement of a clinician. The major ethical issues thus seem to relate to the means and mode of access to, and the storage and use of genetic data, which may lead to a radically opposed (social/liberal) organizations and functioning, calling into question certain moral and legal standards. Finally, our method provided several arguments in favor of the use of dynamic electronic informed consent (e-CE) as a solution optimizing the development of PM in terms of genetic data access, storage and use, for the sharing (France) or exchange (United States) of genetic data.

Celulitida jako sociální fenomén: Analýza českého tisku / Cellulite as a social phenomenon: Analysis of Czech print

Babková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Cellulite as a social phenomenon: Analysis of Czech Press" deals with the topic of origination and development of a conception of cellulite as an illness and defect to the beauty in Czech press and also deals with constructing of this phenomenon in present time. The aim of the study was to analyze and show how the conception of cellulite, thanks to which a normal physiological fact changed into a defect to the beauty and to an illness, was developed and medialized, by using a brief quantitative analysis of Czech press as a whole, a brief quantitative analysis of the research sample and consequently a qualitative analysis of this research sample. Hereafter the aim of the diploma thesis was also seeking of an answer to a question to what extent cellulite is an construct created by advertising industry and manufacturers of cosmetic devices and products, which is abusing and supporting normative imaginings of ideal female body and beauty.

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