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Social Capital According to Gender : Social and political trust within gender divided groups in Babati, TanzaniaSäterskog, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
The theory of social capital has been well discussed within the field of Political Science. This paper aims to study how social capital is gender related within gender divided groups in Babati, Tanzania. The study maps out the distribution of social and political trust within these groups. The material consists of 50 interviews with men and women that participate in informal, voluntary groups in Babati. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used to analyze the trust distribution between men and women. The data that is analyzed through the theory of Robert Putnam and trough) Gidengil and O’Neill’s criticism of Putnam, claiming that social capital is imbued in gender patterns, inequalities and hierarchies. The result shows small variety between men and women’s social and political trust, with the exemption of women possessing stronger trust towards court judges than men do. Gender patterns can be found in the motivations for trust and distrust among the respondents, which suggests that, the assumptions of Gidengil and O’Neill are valid.
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The social trust and leadership roles : revitalising duty bearer accountability in the protection of social and economic rights in Malawi and UgandaNkhata, Mwiza Jo January 2005 (has links)
"The relevance of social and economic rights to societal welfare and well-being need not be overemphasised. The quality of life enjoyed by the citizenry is directly related to the level of enjoyment of social and economic rights in any particular country. However, the enjoyment of social and economic rights is, in turn, largely predicated on the manner in which national resources are managed and directed towards obligations raised by social and economic rights. It is axiomatic, therefore, to devise a framework that ensures that managers of public resources operate within an environment where their actions in relation to the management of national resources are governed by transparency and accountability. In the light of the above, this study explores the relationship that exist between the social trust concept and leadership roles, particularly in as far as duty bearer accountability for social and economic rights is concerned. The study argues that social trust based devices can be used to enhance duty bearer accountability in relation to social and economic rights and that such increased duty bearer accountability will automatically serve to better the welfare of the citizenry. The viability of recognising and enforcing social trust based accountability mechanisms is highlighted by exploring its relevance to Malawi and Uganda. The crux of the study is that public functionaries must always be amenable to censure by the citizenry if diligence is to be infused in the performance of their duties and the social trust concept offers adept mechansisms for achieving this." -- Abstract.
This study consists of five chapters. Chapter one provides the context and foundation of the study. Chapter two is devoted to explaining the nature and scope of the social trust concept and how it can validly, if at all, be extended into the public law realm. Chapter two also expounds on some basic concepts employed in the study. Chapter three is aimed at providing and understanding of leadership roles and explaining their relevance to social economic rights. Briefly put, chapter three explores the interface between social economic rights and social trust based leadership roles. Chapter four discusses the benefits of revitalising a social trust based conception of leadership roles particularly by highlighting why Malawi and Uganda need social trust based leadership roles. The chapter also outlines how the benefits of a revitalised duty bearer accountability can be realised. Chapter five will present the study's conclusions and recommendations." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Ben Twinomugisha at the Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Uganda / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Vztak s rodičmi ako faktor utvárania dovery: Analýza medzigeneračného prenosu generalizovanej dovery na prípade Husákových deti / Parent-child relationship as a factor in the genesis of trust: Analysis of the intergenerational transmission of generalized trust on the case Husak's childrenFedorková, Marta January 2013 (has links)
Bibliografický záznam FEDORKOVÁ, Marta. Parent-child relationship as a factor in the genesis of trust: An analysis of intergenerational transmission of generalized trust on the case of Husák's children. Praha, 2013. 78 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut sociologických studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce Mgr. Jiří Remr, Ph.D., MBA Abstract This thesis extends the developing research on the sources of generalized trust by analyzing how the character of the parent-child relationship influences its formation and transfer - an aspect of trust genesis not previously addressed in the Czech context. Using data from a unique survey Distinctions and Values 2008, we explore the heterogeneity in the parental influence on trust on the case of Czech 30- year-olds and their parents. We first delimit the concept of generalized trust, presenting its most relevant current conceptualizations as well as a review of the current state of knowledge on its origins and transmission. Using Bengston's model of intergenerational transmission of values as our framework, we then in the second part of the paper look into the degree of similarity between parents and their offspring in terms of their willingness to trust others, and use logistic ordinal regression to examine how it is influenced by a...
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Har etnisk bakgrund någon betydelse för tilliten bland svenska gymnasieelever? : - En jämförelse av gymnasieelever med etnisk svensk bakgrund OCH gymnasielever med invandrarbakgrundKarimi, Hossin January 2019 (has links)
Social capital has been studied on the basis of comparative studies on whether ethnic bakground has significance for social capital. The study is conducted on the basis of a qualitative content analysis as a method with the application of theory consumption studay or hypothesis studay. The study is categorized into three dimensions as social interaction, association, involvement and municipal actors with several indicators. Socialt capital includes two primary theories by, Robert Putnam and Bo Rothsteins. Result shows that ethnicity is important for social capital because there are factors that positively affect an individual´s confidence. The study also shows that ethnicity has less significance for social capital because the individual´s high confidence depends on the efficiency of the actors who positively influence social capital.
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Sprida, Styra, Främja : Identifiering och analys av potentiella komplikationer för nedbrytning av social tillit i det svenska samhället / Disseminate, Steer, Promote : Identification and analysis of potential complications for the decomposition of social trust in the Swedish societyHolmberg, Elsa, Lehrman, Cecilia January 2023 (has links)
Social tillit är en central faktor i ett välfungerande samhälle och skapar förutsättningar för ekonomisktillväxt och sänkta transaktionskostnader. Att förstå vilka komponenter som kan bidra till nedbrytning avsocial tillit har därför stor betydelse för att kunna påverka samhällsutvecklingen. Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera och analysera drivkrafter och mekanismer som kan bryta ned social tillit i Sverige. En del forskare, däribland Robert Putnam, pekar på att etnisk mångfald på kort sikt kan bryta ned tillit. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte består studien av tre steg. Först identifieras tre komplikationer samt teser som utgör grunden för vår analysmodell. Dessa är modern informationsteknologi kan sprida misstro, identitet och polariserande drivkrafter kan styra individer att inte lita på andra samt begränsad rationalitet kan främja nedbrytningen av social tillit. Därefter genomfördes en omfattande litteraturstudie. Arbetet avslutades med en kvalitativ studie med sju semistrukturerade intervjuer där forskare och professorer fick granska den analysmodell som identifierats i studiens första steg. Komplikationerna analyseras med utgångspunkt i spelteorins förtroendespel. Även ett köns- ochgenusperspektiv inkluderas i analysen för att ta hänsyn till jämställdhetens centrala roll för ett fungerande högtillitssamhälle. Uppsatsen är explorativ och undersöker komplikationer som inte tidigare forskats kring. Därför önskade vi få kunskapsbidrag från professorer och forskare från olika discipliner för att skapa en helhetsbild av komplikationernas relevans för nedbrytningen av social tillit. Studien pekar på ett fortsatt högt och stabilt tillitsläge i Sverige och utöver komplikationerna visar studien att ekonomisk ojämlikhet och brist på gemenskap kan bidra till nerbrytning av social tillit. Denna hypotesgenererande uppsats ger upphov till tre hypoteser för fortsatt forskning. Att identitet och polariserande drivkrafter direkt kan förklara nedbrytning av social tillit genom att styra individer att inte lita på andra. Att modern informationsteknologi och begränsad rationalitet indirekt kan förklara nedbrytning av social tillit genom att sprida misstro respektive främja nedbrytningen. Att Putnams tes endast ger en förenklad bild av verkligheten och att etnisk mångfald inte ärdet största hotet för nedbrytning av social tillit. / Social trust is a key factor in a prosperous society and creates prerequisites for economic growth and reduced transaction costs. It is of significant value to understand which components contribute to the decomposition of social trust in order to impact social development. The purpose of this essay is toidentify and analyze forces and mechanisms that could decompose social trust in Sweden. Some researchers, including Robert Putnam, indicate that ethnic diversity could decompose trust in the short run. To answer the purpose of this study, the study consists of three stages. Three complications as well as theses were first chosen to create our analytical model. These are, that modern information technology could disseminate mistrust, that identity and polarizing forces could steer individuals not to trust others and that bounded rationality could promote the decomposition of social trust. After this stage, an extensive literature study was conducted. Lastly, a qualitative study with seven semi-structured interviews took place where professors and researchers were asked to review the analytical model that was conducted in the first stage of the study. The complications are analyzed from a game theoretic- and gender perspective. The study is explorative and examines complications that have not previously been examined or researched. As of this, we wish to gather knowledge from professors and researchers from different disciplines to create a holistic view of the complication's relevance on the decomposition of social trust. The study indicates a continuously high and stable state of trust in Sweden and, beyond the complications, the study shows that economic inequality and lack of community can contribute to the decomposition of social trust. This hypothesis generating essay originates three hypotheses for further research. That identity and polarizing forces could directly explain the decomposition of social trust by disseminating individuals not to trust others. That modern information technology and bounded rationality could indirectly explain the decomposition of social trust by steering mistrust respectively promoting the decomposition. That Putnam ́s thesis gives a simplified view of reality, and that ethnic diversity is not themost significant threat for the decomposition of social trust.
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Den solidariska krisen? : En kvantitativ medieringsstudie om könsskillnader inom personligt ansvar under coronakrisenErlandsson, Felicia, Heinerud, Cajsa January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the following is to study whether there are gender differences in the sense of personal responsibility during the coronavirus pandemic. By using quantitative data from Ipsos,various quantitative methods were used to study whether these potential differences can be explained by factors such as level of concern, risk perception, social trust, institutional trust, and political ideology. All analyses have been conducted while considering control variables such as age, education, and income to ensure transparent results. The findings from the survey have been analyzed using Yvonne Hirdman's theories, focusing on the "gender contract." The theoretical framework assumes that there are differences between men and women in their behavior during crises, since previous research has indicated such assumptions. The results of this study indicate that there in fact are gender differences in personal responsibility during the Covid-19 pandemic,which shows that worry, risk perception and ideology could be a part of the explanation of these differences.
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General Social Trust And Political Trust Within Social And Political Groups: A Case StudyCraig, Weylan 01 January 2006 (has links)
People in society with high levels of generalized social trust and political trust are more likely to engage in civic activism and participation. Therefore, people involved in social and political groups will likely have higher levels of generalized social and political trust than the general public. What lacks in this realm of scholarship is a solid comparison of trust among people involved in social and political groups. This case-study analysis of generalized social trust and political trust among social and political groups shows the trust that is not only generated within each group, but also which types of groups are more effective at developing citizens that participate in society. Using a researcher-designed survey instrument, two social groups and two political groups have been evaluated and compared to demonstrate members' propensity to trust others in society and those in political office at all levels of government. Sample size is 115 respondents. Among other demographic data analyzed and compared to a larger population data set in the World Values Survey, six hypotheses have been tested. Typical analysis shows demographic data or group membership as the independent variable with trust values acting as the dependent variable. Graphic and cross-tabular data show that social groups recorded higher levels of political trust than political groups. This is probably due to the ideological leanings of the political groups. Political groups showed higher levels of generalized social trust than social groups. Political group members probably feel that their actions are benefiting the greater good. Additionally, participation variables showed that not only are political group members more interested in politics than social group members, but they also have higher levels of registering to vote and to participate in the voting process. They are probably seeking to make significant change in the political system through their actions. The research conducted does not seek to provide a comprehensive analysis of trust among members of social and political groups. However, it is intended to promote the analysis of trust among people in society that have a predisposition to trust as they have shown through the act of participating in a social or political group. As foci for the development of trust, analysis of social and political groups provides a shortcut for scholars interested in the development and proliferation of trust in society. This research provides analysis of four case-study groups at one point in time. Further research using larger sample sizes and time-series analysis could advance trust analysis among social and political groups.
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Trust Computational Models for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Recommendation Based Trustworthiness Evaluation using Multidimensional Metrics to Secure Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.Shabut, Antesar R.M. January 2015 (has links)
Distributed systems like e-commerce and e-market places, peer-to-peer networks, social networks, and mobile ad hoc networks require cooperation among the participating entities to guarantee the formation and sustained existence of network services. The reliability of interactions among anonymous entities is a significant issue in such environments. The distributed entities establish connections to interact with others, which may include selfish and misbehaving entities and result in bad experiences. Therefore, trustworthiness evaluation using trust management techniques has become a significant issue in securing these environments to allow entities decide on the reliability and trustworthiness of other entities, besides it helps coping with defection problems and stimulating entities to cooperate. Recent models on evaluating trustworthiness in distributed systems have heavily focused on assessing trustworthiness of entities and isolate misbehaviours based on single trust metrics. Less effort has been put on the investigation of the subjective nature and differences in the way trustworthiness is perceived to produce a composite multidimensional trust metrics to overcome the limitation of considering single trust metric. In the light of this context, this thesis concerns the evaluation of entities’ trustworthiness by the design and investigation of trust metrics that are computed using multiple properties of trust and considering environment.
Based on the concept of probabilistic theory of trust management technique, this thesis models trust systems and designs cooperation techniques to evaluate trustworthiness in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). A recommendation based trust model with multi-parameters filtering algorithm, and multidimensional metric based on social and QoS trust model are proposed to secure MANETs. Effectiveness of each of these models in evaluating trustworthiness and discovering misbehaving nodes prior to interactions, as well as their influence on the network performance has been investigated. The results of investigating both the trustworthiness evaluation and the network performance are promising. / Ministry of Higher Education in Libya and the Libyan Cultural Attaché bureau in London
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The Social and Political Impact of Natural Disasters : Investigating Attitudes and Media Coverage in the Wake of DisastersAlbrecht, Frederike January 2017 (has links)
Natural disasters are social and political phenomena. Social structures create vulnerability to natural hazards and governments are often seen as responsible for the effects of disasters. Do social trust, political trust, and government satisfaction therefore generally change following natural disasters? How can media coverage explain change in political attitudes? Prior research suggests that these variables are prone to change, but previous studies often focus on single cases, whereas this dissertation adopts a broader approach, examining multiple disasters. It investigates the social and political impact of natural disasters by examining their effect on social and political attitudes and by exploring media coverage as a mechanism underlying political consequences. The results reveal that natural disasters may have a comparatively frequent, although small and temporary, effect on social trust. Substantial effects are less likely. Social trust was found to decrease significantly when disasters cause nine or more fatalities (Paper I). Political attitudes were expected to be prone to change after natural disasters, but Paper II illustrates that political trust and government satisfaction among citizens are generally hardly affected by these events. Finally, media framing and the political claims of actors explained the variation in political consequences after disasters of similar severity. Paper III also illustrates the importance of the political context of natural disasters, as their occurrence can be strategically exploited by actors to further criticism towards the government in politically tense situations. This dissertation contributes to existing disaster research by investigating more cases than disaster studies typically do. It also uses a systematic case selection process, and a quantitative approach with a, for disaster research, unique research design. Hence, it offers methodological nuance to existing studies. A broader analysis, factoring in the variation of disaster severity and the increased number of cases offers new answers and tests assumptions about underlying patterns. The main contribution of this thesis is that it examines how common political and social effects of disasters are. Furthermore, this dissertation contributes to existing disasters research by emphasizing contextual and explanatory factors, e.g., properties of disasters and the political context that affects the media coverage of natural disasters.
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Le droit québécois du travail et la mise en oeuvre du principe d'égalité dans les milieux de travail syndiquésLapierre, Jean Marcel 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche de recherche des principes et mesures permettant de mettre en œuvre efficacement le principe d’égalité en milieu de travail syndiqué au Québec.
Adoptant comme guide la sociologie des ordres juridiques complétée et accompagnée par le systémisme luhmannien, nous avons accompli une étude des ordres juridiques qui agissent en ce qui a trait aux aspects juridiques des relations du travail avant de procéder à l’évaluation de la politique publique relative à l’égalité.
L’étude est divisée en trois parties. La première est consacrée à une exploration du pluralisme juridique, à la sociologie des ordres juridiques et à la présentation des ordres juridiques du travail. La seconde adopte une perspective historique de l’action syndicale, du droit du travail et de la politique publique relative à l’égalité. La troisième comprend une démarche d’évaluation de cette politique publique et une démarche de construction normative relative aux principes et mesures permettant la mise en œuvre efficace du principe d’égalité.
Sur le plan de l’évaluation, nous recourons d’abord à une étude empirique et juridique d’un important dossier de plaintes à la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse : le dossier du gel d’échelon salarial dans la convention collective du personnel enseignant des commissions scolaires; nous accomplissons ensuite une revue de la littérature en ce qui a trait à la politique publique relative à l’égalité; nous accomplissons enfin une analyse de ce qu’offrent aux milieux syndiqués les deux principales voies de mise en œuvre de l’égalité, d’une part, le grief et l’arbitrage et d’autre part, la plainte à la Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse et, le cas échéant, le recours devant le Tribunal des droits de la personne.
Sur le plan de la construction normative, nous nous basons sur l’analyse sociologique, historique et évaluative accomplie pour concevoir les éléments de politique nécessaires pour atteindre l’objectif recherché. / This thesis follows on from research into the principles and measures that can be used to apply the principle of equality effectively in unionized workplaces in Québec.
Guided by the sociology of legal orders, completed and supported by Luhmann’s systems theory, we carried out a study of the legal orders governing the legal aspects of labour relations, and then assessed public policies concerning equality.
The study is divided into three sections. The first section explores legal pluralism and the sociology of legal orders, and presents the legal orders applicable to workplace issues. The second section considers the history of union action, labour law and public policies relating to equality, while the third assesses those public policies and takes a normative construction approach to the principles and measures that can be used to implement the principle of equality effectively.
With respect to assessment, we began with an empirical legal study of a major complaint submitted to Québec’s Human Rights Commission, namely the freeze on pay scales in the collective agreement of school board teachers. We then reviewed the literature dealing with public policies relating to equality, and analyzed the benefits for unionized workplaces offered by the two main methods of implementing equality, namely grievances and arbitration on the one hand, and complaints to the Human Rights Commission on the other (with, in the latter case, recourse to the Human Rights Tribunal where necessary).
With respect to normative construction, we used a sociological, historical and evaluative analysis as a basis for designing the policy elements required to achieve the goals.
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