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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Kommunikationsmethode Marte Meo als neuronale Entwicklungsstimulation für Vorschulkinder mit speziellen Bedürfnissen in der vertiefenden Diskussion mit ExpertInnen / The communication method Marte Meo as neural stimulation of the development for preschool children with special needs in discussion with experts

Hampel, Isabelle 10 April 2014 (has links)
Prof. Dr. med. J.M. FEGERT, ärztlicher Direktor an der Universität Ulm Kinder- Jugendpsychiatrie/ Psychotherapie, referierte auf dem Kongress am 18.04.2013 in Rheine zum Thema: „Auswirkungen traumatischer Erfahrungen – Folgen aus kinder- u. jugendpsychiatrischer und neurobiologischer Sicht“. Auf der einen Seite wurde deutlich, dass neurobiologische Erkenntnisse immer mehr pädagogische Relevanz besitzen, da Befunde belegen, dass das menschliche Gehirn wesentlich durch die Erfahrungen strukturiert wird, die ein Individuum während seiner Hirnentwicklung durchlebt. Auf der anderen Seite fügte Prof. Dr. med. FEGERT an, dass die Disziplin der Neurowissenschaften ebenso kritisch diskutiert werden kann. Das Gebiet der Kindheitsforschung setzt sich aus verschiedenen Fachrichtungen zusammen. Die Entwicklungspsychologie beschäftigt sich u.a. mit der frühen Eltern-Kind-Interaktion- respektive Kommunikation. Mehrere Autoren verweisen auf das präventive Potential konstruktiver Eltern-Kind-Dialoge. Hierbei stellt eine feinfühlige Interaktion bzw. Kommunikation zwischen den primären Bezugspersonen und dem Säugling ein bedeutsames Fundament für die kindliche Entwicklung im Allgemeinen sowie insbesondere für die Ausbildung sozial-emotionaler Fähigkeiten dar. Videogestützte Interventionen betonen vor allem die Bedeutung der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion für die kindliche Entwicklung im sozial-emotionalen Bereich. Zahlreiche Erkenntnisse des „kompetenten Säuglings“ konnten mithilfe von Videodokumentation gewonnen werden. Von der Holländerin Maria AARTS entwickelt, findet diese Methode heutzutage Verwendung als Videocoaching für Professionelle oder als Videoberatung für verschiedene Adressatengruppen. Die vorliegende Arbeit möchte die Bedeutung der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion für die sozial-emotionale Entwicklung unter Einbezug neurobiologischer Erkenntnisse aufzeigen und in einem weiteren Schritt präventive Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten für das Vorschulkind mit einem speziellen Bedürfnis mittels der videobasierten Kommunikationsmethode „Marte Meo“ darlegen. Inwieweit besitzen die frühen Interaktionen zwischen dem Elternteil und dem Kind unter Einbezug der neurobiologischen Erkenntnisse und in Verbindung mit der Marte Meo Methode einen Beitrag für die Ausbildung sozial-emotionaler Fähigkeiten sowie für die Entwicklung des kindlichen Gehirns? Die Ausarbeitung setzt sich zum Ziel, über den Weg der Rezeption von den Erkenntnissen der Neurowissenschaften zu profitieren, um einen gemeinsamen Dialog entstehen zu lassen. Dafür wird vor allem nach Analogien innerhalb der Disziplin der Erziehungswissenschaft, respektive der Entwicklungspsychologie sowie Kleinkindforschung, und der Fachrichtung der Neurowissenschaften gesucht. Grundlegend ist dabei mittels der Kommunikationsmethode „Marte Meo“ den Fokus auf sozial-emotionale Handlungskompetenzen innerhalb der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion zu setzen. Demnach soll der Heranwachsende kein „neuronengesteuerter Bioautomat“ sein, dessen Gehirn nach einem festgeschriebenen biologischen Programm arbeitet. Ferner wird „Das Kind mit einem speziellen Bedürfnis“ im darauffolgenden Kapitel beschrieben. Die Bedeutung einer konstruktiven Eltern-Kind-Interaktion erfährt in diesem Absatz eine Betrachtung. Des Weiteren unterstützen Einzelergebnisse neurowissenschaftlicher Forschungen sowie Modelle über Prozesse des Lernens oder der Emotionsentstehung, die Vorgehensweise dieser Ausarbeitung. Im Vordergrund steht des Weiteren die Bedeutung der primären Bezugspersonen für die Ausbildung sozial-emotionaler Fähigkeiten. Im darauffolgenden Absatz werden schließlich ausgewählte „Marte Meo“ Elemente in Verbindung mit den neurobiologischen Erkenntnissen und der sozial-emotionalen Entwicklung eines Kindes in Zusammenhang gebracht. Aus diesem können Implikationen für das pädagogische Arbeitsfeld gewonnen werden. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine Betrachtung von vier Experteninterviews zur Gewinnung von Kontextwissen. Abschließend werden die gewonnen Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst sowie kritisch unter Einbezug der Experteninterviews diskutiert.

Social-Emotional Predictors of Postsecondary Enrollment for Students with Disabilities

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine which social-emotional skills may predict postsecondary enrollment for students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are less likely to enroll in any form of postsecondary education and in turn experience poorer post-education outcomes than their general education peers. Using data from the second National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS2), a classification tree analysis was conducted on teacher-rated social-emotional behaviors in an attempt to determine which social-emotional skills were the strongest predictors of postsecondary enrollment. Items assessing social-emotional skills were selected from the second wave of teacher surveys based on their alignment with the broad taxonomy of social-emotional skills created by Caldarella and Merrell. The results of the classification tree analysis showed that one of the selected social-emotional items, teacher rated ability to follow directions, was the most significant predictor of postsecondary enrollment for students with disabilities. In general, the results suggest that compliance and, to a lesser extent, peer-relations skills, in addition to family income, predict postsecondary enrollment for students with high-incidence disabilities. This finding suggests that social-emotional skills play an important role in postsecondary enrollment for SWD, providing support for the use of social-emotional skills interventions in improving postsecondary enrollment rates and potentially post-educational outcomes for SWD. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Educational Psychology 2011

O papel da família no desenvolvimento humano : o cuidado da primeira infância e a formação de habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais

Macana, Esmeralda Correa January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese se compõe de três ensaios que conjuntamente pretendem explorar o papel da família no desenvolvimento humano, destacando especialmente sua função de cuidado na primeira infância e sua influência na formação das habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais. A hipótese geral parte da premissa que a família é o espaço social com maior influência no desenvolvimento infantil e que determina inclusive os efeitos que outros espaços de educação e cuidado como a creche podem ter nos resultados das crianças. A família representa uma rede de cuidados e afetos, mas também pode constituir um lugar de privações para o bem-estar humano. As características das famílias tanto estruturais como de dinâmicas internas definem os fatores de proteção e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil. Nesse sentido, no primeiro ensaio realiza-se uma discussão teórica a partir de abordagens da psicologia e da neurociência sobre como as experiências na família e nos períodos sensíveis da infância determinam resultados das crianças, definindo, por exemplo, o desenvolvimento do cérebro e da personalidade. Nessa linha, apresentam-se as práticas parentais positivas e os estilos parentais participativos como referências para ambientes adequados e de estímulo. O ensaio também analisa o conceito de resiliência e que permite identificar fatores que explicam por que algumas crianças que ainda expostas a ambientes adversos podem atingir boas competências e desempenho. De igual forma, o ensaio discute sobre as habilidades cognitivas e não cognitivas e o papel central das emoções no desenvolvimento humano. No segundo ensaio, avalia-se o desenvolvimento infantil do Chile contemplando diferentes dimensões das crianças, como a cognitiva, socioemocional e motricidade. Considera-se também, ao mesmo tempo, a influência de fatores familiares sobre o nível de desenvolvimento atingido pelas crianças. Para esse objetivo aplica-se o modelo “Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes – MIMIC” que faz parte dos Modelos de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Neste artigo, também se operacionaliza parte da concepção da Abordagem das Capacitações fundamentada por Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum ao considerar as oportunidades das crianças atingirem seu desenvolvimento de acordo às condições impostas por suas famílias, seja por suas características estruturais ou socioeconômicas como a renda ou por dinâmicas interna da família associadas ao grau de sensibilidade, práticas de envolvimento parental e exercício de práticas de disciplina. Por fim, no terceiro ensaio avaliam-se os efeitos da creche no desenvolvimento cognitivo e socioemocional das crianças chilenas de 4 a 5 anos, condicionado às características da família, como o status socioeconômico, o grau de sensibilidade materna e as práticas de envolvimento parental. Os resultados mostram que a maior exposição à creche tem maiores benefícios nas habilidades cognitivas de crianças de baixo status socioeconômico do que nas crianças de famílias de maior status. No entanto, há evidências de efeitos negativos da creche sobre os resultados das crianças quando o grau de sensibilidade e envolvimento parental é baixo. Desta forma, este ensaio contribui ao entendimento da importância do engajamento parental para que programas de cuidado à infância como a creche tenham maior sucesso e possam cooperar no desenvolvimento infantil. / This thesis consists of three essays that together aim to explore the role of family in human development, focusing on its care function during the early childhood and its influence on the formation of cognitive and socio-emotional skills. The general hypothesis consists that family is the social space with most influence on child development and it even could determine the effects that other social spaces like the daycare may have on child outcomes. Family is a network of care and affection, but it can also be a place of deprivation for human well-being. The structural characteristics of family as well as internal dynamics define protective and risk factors on child development. In the first essay, a theoretical discussion is done from the approach of psychology and neuroscience, and it explains how experiences in families during sensitive periods in childhood determine child outcomes, defining, for example, brain development and personality. In that sense, positive parenting practices and authoritative parenting style are indicated as references of suitable environments that encourage child development. The essay examines the concept of resilience and through this is possible to identify factors to explain why some children exposed to adverse environments can achieve good performance and skills. Also, the essay discusses about cognitive and non-cognitive skills and the central role of emotions in human development. In the second essay is evaluated the child development in Chile. This analysis includes different dimensions of children, such as cognitive, social-emotional and motor skills and considering at the same time, the influence of family factors on the level of development achieved by the children. For this objective, it is applied the model "Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes - MIMIC" which is part of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In this paper also is used the Capability Approach founded by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum considering the real opportunities of children to achievement their development according the conditions imposed by their families, either by their structural or socioeconomic characteristics such as income or by family internal dynamics associated with the degree of sensitivity, parenting practices and practices of discipline. Finally, the third essay evaluates the effects of daycare on cognitive and socio-emotional development of Chilean children of 4-5 years conditioning to family characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, degree of maternal sensitivity and parental involvement practices. The results showed that more exposure to daycare has more benefits in cognitive skills of children of low socioeconomic status than in children from families of higher status. However, there are evidences of negative effects of daycare on children's outcomes when the degree of sensitivity and parental involvement is low. Thus, this paper contributes understanding the importance of parental involvement for that child care programs like daycare have greater success and these can cooperate in the child development.

O papel da família no desenvolvimento humano : o cuidado da primeira infância e a formação de habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais

Macana, Esmeralda Correa January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese se compõe de três ensaios que conjuntamente pretendem explorar o papel da família no desenvolvimento humano, destacando especialmente sua função de cuidado na primeira infância e sua influência na formação das habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais. A hipótese geral parte da premissa que a família é o espaço social com maior influência no desenvolvimento infantil e que determina inclusive os efeitos que outros espaços de educação e cuidado como a creche podem ter nos resultados das crianças. A família representa uma rede de cuidados e afetos, mas também pode constituir um lugar de privações para o bem-estar humano. As características das famílias tanto estruturais como de dinâmicas internas definem os fatores de proteção e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil. Nesse sentido, no primeiro ensaio realiza-se uma discussão teórica a partir de abordagens da psicologia e da neurociência sobre como as experiências na família e nos períodos sensíveis da infância determinam resultados das crianças, definindo, por exemplo, o desenvolvimento do cérebro e da personalidade. Nessa linha, apresentam-se as práticas parentais positivas e os estilos parentais participativos como referências para ambientes adequados e de estímulo. O ensaio também analisa o conceito de resiliência e que permite identificar fatores que explicam por que algumas crianças que ainda expostas a ambientes adversos podem atingir boas competências e desempenho. De igual forma, o ensaio discute sobre as habilidades cognitivas e não cognitivas e o papel central das emoções no desenvolvimento humano. No segundo ensaio, avalia-se o desenvolvimento infantil do Chile contemplando diferentes dimensões das crianças, como a cognitiva, socioemocional e motricidade. Considera-se também, ao mesmo tempo, a influência de fatores familiares sobre o nível de desenvolvimento atingido pelas crianças. Para esse objetivo aplica-se o modelo “Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes – MIMIC” que faz parte dos Modelos de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Neste artigo, também se operacionaliza parte da concepção da Abordagem das Capacitações fundamentada por Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum ao considerar as oportunidades das crianças atingirem seu desenvolvimento de acordo às condições impostas por suas famílias, seja por suas características estruturais ou socioeconômicas como a renda ou por dinâmicas interna da família associadas ao grau de sensibilidade, práticas de envolvimento parental e exercício de práticas de disciplina. Por fim, no terceiro ensaio avaliam-se os efeitos da creche no desenvolvimento cognitivo e socioemocional das crianças chilenas de 4 a 5 anos, condicionado às características da família, como o status socioeconômico, o grau de sensibilidade materna e as práticas de envolvimento parental. Os resultados mostram que a maior exposição à creche tem maiores benefícios nas habilidades cognitivas de crianças de baixo status socioeconômico do que nas crianças de famílias de maior status. No entanto, há evidências de efeitos negativos da creche sobre os resultados das crianças quando o grau de sensibilidade e envolvimento parental é baixo. Desta forma, este ensaio contribui ao entendimento da importância do engajamento parental para que programas de cuidado à infância como a creche tenham maior sucesso e possam cooperar no desenvolvimento infantil. / This thesis consists of three essays that together aim to explore the role of family in human development, focusing on its care function during the early childhood and its influence on the formation of cognitive and socio-emotional skills. The general hypothesis consists that family is the social space with most influence on child development and it even could determine the effects that other social spaces like the daycare may have on child outcomes. Family is a network of care and affection, but it can also be a place of deprivation for human well-being. The structural characteristics of family as well as internal dynamics define protective and risk factors on child development. In the first essay, a theoretical discussion is done from the approach of psychology and neuroscience, and it explains how experiences in families during sensitive periods in childhood determine child outcomes, defining, for example, brain development and personality. In that sense, positive parenting practices and authoritative parenting style are indicated as references of suitable environments that encourage child development. The essay examines the concept of resilience and through this is possible to identify factors to explain why some children exposed to adverse environments can achieve good performance and skills. Also, the essay discusses about cognitive and non-cognitive skills and the central role of emotions in human development. In the second essay is evaluated the child development in Chile. This analysis includes different dimensions of children, such as cognitive, social-emotional and motor skills and considering at the same time, the influence of family factors on the level of development achieved by the children. For this objective, it is applied the model "Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes - MIMIC" which is part of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In this paper also is used the Capability Approach founded by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum considering the real opportunities of children to achievement their development according the conditions imposed by their families, either by their structural or socioeconomic characteristics such as income or by family internal dynamics associated with the degree of sensitivity, parenting practices and practices of discipline. Finally, the third essay evaluates the effects of daycare on cognitive and socio-emotional development of Chilean children of 4-5 years conditioning to family characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, degree of maternal sensitivity and parental involvement practices. The results showed that more exposure to daycare has more benefits in cognitive skills of children of low socioeconomic status than in children from families of higher status. However, there are evidences of negative effects of daycare on children's outcomes when the degree of sensitivity and parental involvement is low. Thus, this paper contributes understanding the importance of parental involvement for that child care programs like daycare have greater success and these can cooperate in the child development.

O papel da família no desenvolvimento humano : o cuidado da primeira infância e a formação de habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais

Macana, Esmeralda Correa January 2014 (has links)
Esta tese se compõe de três ensaios que conjuntamente pretendem explorar o papel da família no desenvolvimento humano, destacando especialmente sua função de cuidado na primeira infância e sua influência na formação das habilidades cognitivas e socioemocionais. A hipótese geral parte da premissa que a família é o espaço social com maior influência no desenvolvimento infantil e que determina inclusive os efeitos que outros espaços de educação e cuidado como a creche podem ter nos resultados das crianças. A família representa uma rede de cuidados e afetos, mas também pode constituir um lugar de privações para o bem-estar humano. As características das famílias tanto estruturais como de dinâmicas internas definem os fatores de proteção e os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil. Nesse sentido, no primeiro ensaio realiza-se uma discussão teórica a partir de abordagens da psicologia e da neurociência sobre como as experiências na família e nos períodos sensíveis da infância determinam resultados das crianças, definindo, por exemplo, o desenvolvimento do cérebro e da personalidade. Nessa linha, apresentam-se as práticas parentais positivas e os estilos parentais participativos como referências para ambientes adequados e de estímulo. O ensaio também analisa o conceito de resiliência e que permite identificar fatores que explicam por que algumas crianças que ainda expostas a ambientes adversos podem atingir boas competências e desempenho. De igual forma, o ensaio discute sobre as habilidades cognitivas e não cognitivas e o papel central das emoções no desenvolvimento humano. No segundo ensaio, avalia-se o desenvolvimento infantil do Chile contemplando diferentes dimensões das crianças, como a cognitiva, socioemocional e motricidade. Considera-se também, ao mesmo tempo, a influência de fatores familiares sobre o nível de desenvolvimento atingido pelas crianças. Para esse objetivo aplica-se o modelo “Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes – MIMIC” que faz parte dos Modelos de Equações Estruturais (SEM). Neste artigo, também se operacionaliza parte da concepção da Abordagem das Capacitações fundamentada por Amartya Sen e Martha Nussbaum ao considerar as oportunidades das crianças atingirem seu desenvolvimento de acordo às condições impostas por suas famílias, seja por suas características estruturais ou socioeconômicas como a renda ou por dinâmicas interna da família associadas ao grau de sensibilidade, práticas de envolvimento parental e exercício de práticas de disciplina. Por fim, no terceiro ensaio avaliam-se os efeitos da creche no desenvolvimento cognitivo e socioemocional das crianças chilenas de 4 a 5 anos, condicionado às características da família, como o status socioeconômico, o grau de sensibilidade materna e as práticas de envolvimento parental. Os resultados mostram que a maior exposição à creche tem maiores benefícios nas habilidades cognitivas de crianças de baixo status socioeconômico do que nas crianças de famílias de maior status. No entanto, há evidências de efeitos negativos da creche sobre os resultados das crianças quando o grau de sensibilidade e envolvimento parental é baixo. Desta forma, este ensaio contribui ao entendimento da importância do engajamento parental para que programas de cuidado à infância como a creche tenham maior sucesso e possam cooperar no desenvolvimento infantil. / This thesis consists of three essays that together aim to explore the role of family in human development, focusing on its care function during the early childhood and its influence on the formation of cognitive and socio-emotional skills. The general hypothesis consists that family is the social space with most influence on child development and it even could determine the effects that other social spaces like the daycare may have on child outcomes. Family is a network of care and affection, but it can also be a place of deprivation for human well-being. The structural characteristics of family as well as internal dynamics define protective and risk factors on child development. In the first essay, a theoretical discussion is done from the approach of psychology and neuroscience, and it explains how experiences in families during sensitive periods in childhood determine child outcomes, defining, for example, brain development and personality. In that sense, positive parenting practices and authoritative parenting style are indicated as references of suitable environments that encourage child development. The essay examines the concept of resilience and through this is possible to identify factors to explain why some children exposed to adverse environments can achieve good performance and skills. Also, the essay discusses about cognitive and non-cognitive skills and the central role of emotions in human development. In the second essay is evaluated the child development in Chile. This analysis includes different dimensions of children, such as cognitive, social-emotional and motor skills and considering at the same time, the influence of family factors on the level of development achieved by the children. For this objective, it is applied the model "Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes - MIMIC" which is part of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). In this paper also is used the Capability Approach founded by Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum considering the real opportunities of children to achievement their development according the conditions imposed by their families, either by their structural or socioeconomic characteristics such as income or by family internal dynamics associated with the degree of sensitivity, parenting practices and practices of discipline. Finally, the third essay evaluates the effects of daycare on cognitive and socio-emotional development of Chilean children of 4-5 years conditioning to family characteristics, such as socioeconomic status, degree of maternal sensitivity and parental involvement practices. The results showed that more exposure to daycare has more benefits in cognitive skills of children of low socioeconomic status than in children from families of higher status. However, there are evidences of negative effects of daycare on children's outcomes when the degree of sensitivity and parental involvement is low. Thus, this paper contributes understanding the importance of parental involvement for that child care programs like daycare have greater success and these can cooperate in the child development.

An Extended Validation and Analysis of the Early Childhood Educators' Knowledge of Self-Regulation Skills Questionnaire: A Two Phase Study

Willis, Elizabeth 19 May 2015 (has links)
The Early Childhood Educators’ Knowledge of Self-Regulation Skills Questionnaire (ECESRQ) was devised to measure current teacher knowledge and implementation of pedagogical tools that enhance self-regulatory skills in the early childhood classroom. The purpose of the first phase of this study was to conduct test validation on the ECESRQ. The purpose of the second phase of this study was to (a) assess if teacher knowledge of self-regulation skills predicted teachers’ attitudes and beliefs in the classroom, and if (b) the results from the ECESRQ predicted knowledge of instruction of self-regulation skills. To address the first phase of the study an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the Likert Style items in the ECESRQ. Three factors were extracted and named as teacher attitudes and beliefs (factor 1), children’s behavior (factor 2), and child behavior (factor 3). Cronbach’s Alpha was reported as high for factor 1 (.718), moderate for factor 2 (.552) and factor 3 (.529), suggesting that the survey demonstrated high to moderate estimates of internal consistency. To address the two questions in the second phase of the study, linear regression and multiple regression analysis were conducted. It was found that teacher attitudes and beliefs (represented by the three factors found in phase one) did not significantly predict teacher knowledge where factor 1 was the dependent variable (R2=.003, F(1, 172)=.503, pR2=.010, F(1, 172)= 1.732, pR2=.007, F(1, 172)=1.221, p However, in the second equation, predicting knowledge of instruction, both variables (age and factor 2) were significant in predicting knowledge of instruction accounting for 7% of the variance in the model. Overall, the results suggest a discrepancy between teachers’ attitudes and beliefs and reported classroom management implementation. This indicates that teachers believe children are capable of internal control, yet implement external over internal control in the classroom. Possibilities for this phenomenon are discussed and implications for future research are presented in the discussion of this study.

NAS and Effects on Motor, Cognition, Social-Emotional Development in Infants

Boynewicz, Kara, Chroust, Alyson 01 January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Social-Emotional Learning Strategies in Special Education: An Action Research Project on the Implementation of the RULER Approach to Support Social-Emotional Goals of Tier-3 Intervention Students

Hayes, Sonya Gail 31 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

An Exploratory Case Study: Persistence and Retention of Students in an Alternative High School

Andrews, LaMetrica 01 January 2018 (has links)
Students with emotional behavioral disorders (EBD) are at greater risk for dropping out of high school than other students, and are likely to experience fewer employment options and more societal marginalization. Alternative schools have been viewed as a last chance and best option for educating many students with EBD who have not actually been diagnosed. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore persistence and retention in the alternative school setting for students who may or may not have been diagnosed with EBD. Students in this study will be referred to as EBD. Although they have not been formally diagnosed, all of the students suffered with symptoms of emotional and behavioral disorders. Interview and observational data were examined through the theoretical lens of the Bandura's theory of self-efficacy and Erikson's theory of psychosocial development. The research questions focused on the meaning of academic persistence for students in an alternative school, the institutional efforts to retain students, and the processes and consequences to improve student engagement and retention. Seven teachers and administrators from an alternative school in Georgia were interviewed, and analysis and interpretation of data from the interviews, observations, and field notes revealed five major themes: support, acknowledgment for incremental gains, struggle to focus, and we are family. These results indicated that some of the most challenging students can persist when they are provided with support (parental, academic, emotional, and community), and future longitudinal research is needed on students' post-high school functioning. The results also showed the need for systemic changes that include formal assessments and diagnoses because access to psychological services are not provided until students have been properly diagnosed.

Conflict resolution in peer cultures : – Children’s perspectives on negotiating and solving social situations with their peers

D'Souza, Katinka, Hevlund, Emma January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore children’s perspectives on conflict resolution within their peer groups. Children’s peer groups and cultures are a crucial setting for social and emotional development and can be reflective of broader peer cultures. This is an area of great importance within child studies and has been influenced by Corsaro’s ideas around children’s social worlds (Corsaro, 2009:321). More specifically, this study is built around the following research questions: 1) What do children perceive as positive ways to solve a conflict? 2) What do children perceive as negative ways to solve a conflict? 3) How do children perceive the role of adults in conflict resolution? Previous literature provides an insight into this topic that comes often through the adult lens (Jones, 2020: 479). This study aimed to include direct child participation in research, allowing agency and voice in the research made about them (Corsaro, 2009:321). To address the research questions, a qualitative study with twelve children in their second year of school, around the ages of seven and eight, was conducted. The children were given an opportunity to talk about their perspectives and viewpoints by engaging in discussions, by using arts-based methods and creating visual materials in the forms of mind-maps and lists as are common within Participation Visual Methods (PVM) research.The written data that was derived from the creative methods was analysed using thematic analysis, with the direct observations and visual drawings used to support our interpretations. The main themes that arose from this study can be explained using verbal, non-verbal and ambiguous strategies for resolving conflicts. Further subthemes such as displaying pro-social behaviours, apologising, compromising, and hostile expressions were identified through our data analysis. This study contributes to sociocultural research in child studies. This study grants insight into child-centred research about navigating conflicts as fundamental components of human relations.

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