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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Worker Displacement by Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Impact of Boundary-Spanning Employees

Ekezie, Uchenna P. 05 1900 (has links)
Limited literature examines the impact of the displacement of boundary-spanning employees artificial intelligence (AI). Scholars and practitioners appear focused on tangible benefits of AI adoption, and do not seem concerned by any less tangible and possibly untoward implications of worker (particularly boundary-spanning worker) displacement. My dissertation addresses this gap in the literature. In Essay 1, a qualitative study is performed to anchor the research on the appropriate ethnographic setting, the firms where this displacement phenomenon is taking place, by utilizing the Straussian grounded theory approach. The outcome of iterative coding of the first order data collected from the interviews and content analysis is a conceptual framework which amongst other findings shows how the unique competences of boundary-spanning employees and those of AI are best suited for different spectra of interorganizational collaborative activities. In Essays 2 and 3, I investigate major themes that emerged from Essay 1 utilizing quantitative and qualitative research methods in both studies. Initially I test research models using structural equation modelling on practitioner survey data, after which I probe further via focused interviews to better understand the survey results. The two papers allow us to put forth several theoretical and managerial contributions, specifically emphasizing the positive essential role of boundary-spanning employees on supply chain agility and innovation, even as AI displaces workers. These contributions provide insight into the optimal balance of human and artificial intelligence for today's highly dynamic marketplace.

Goal attainment, social exchange and power relations : a search for guiding principles for organizing strategy

Sin, Ricky W. C. (Ricky Wai-Chuen) January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Married Individuals' Retirement Planning Experiences: An Exploratory Study

Fenster, Emily Ann Slominski 26 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Social Exchange in Intercollegiate Athletics: An Exploration of Exchange Ideologies in the Coach-Student-Athlete Dyad

Czekanski, William Andrew 20 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Trust Development: Testing a New Model in Undergraduate Roommate Relationships

Whitmore, Corrie Baird 12 March 2009 (has links)
Interpersonal trust reflects a vital component of all social relationships. Trust has been linked to a wide variety of individual and group outcomes in the literature, including personal satisfaction and motivation, willingness to take risks, and organizational success (Dirks & Ferrin, 2001; Pratt & Dirks, 2007; Simpson, 2007). In this dissertation I tested a new conceptual model evaluating the roles of attachment, propensity to trust, perceived similarity of trustee to self, and social exchange processes in trust development with randomly assigned, same-sex undergraduate roommates. Two hundred and fourteen first-year students (60% female, 85% Caucasian, mean age = 18) at a large south-eastern university completed self-report measures once per week during the first five weeks of the fall semester. Perceived similarity measured the second week of classes and social exchange measured three weeks later combined to provide the best prediction of participants' final trust scores. Attachment and propensity to trust, more distal predictors, did not have a significant relationship with trust. This study demonstrated that trust is strongly related to perceived similarity, as well as social exchange. A prime contribution of this study is the longitudinal, empirical test of a model of trust development in a new and meaningful relationship. Future work may build on this research design and these findings by focusing on early measurement of constructs, measuring dyads rather than individuals, and incorporating behavioral measures of trust. / Ph. D.

The Influence of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) on Marital Relationships

Winston, Brianne L. 27 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) on marital relationships. MCI refers to age-related decline in memory and other cognitive processes that do not necessarily interfere with daily activities or the maintenance of social relationships with others (Petersen et al., 1999). Using social exchange theory as the theoretical framework to guide this qualitative study, aspects of the marital relationship explored from the nonimpaired spouses’ perspective were couple interaction, intimacy, and the division of household labor. In-depth interviews were conducted with five husbands and five wives (M age = 76.6 yrs., S.D. = 6.64). Open-ended interview questions that focus on issues specific to the marital relationship included: (a) range of activities participated in as a couple, (b) ways of showing care or affection toward one another, and (e) management of everyday life. In addition to participating in the semi-structured interviews, the spouses completed three standardized scales (e.g., Revised Memory & Behavior Problems Checklist, Zarit Burden Interview, Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale). Their responses to these measures provided information about the memory and behavioral changes of the elder as it related to the outcomes for and responses of the spouse. Spouses noted both change and stability within their marriages. They expressed “mixed emotions” concerning the influence of MCI on both them as individuals and on their relationship. Husbands’ responses focused on the negative relationship outcomes (e.g., frustration, stress) associated with caring for a spouse with memory loss; however, wives reported higher levels of burden and depression on the standardized measures than did the husbands. Gender differences were found regarding how husbands and wives view their roles in context to the caregiving situation, as well as how they adapt and cope. Longitudinal research is needed to examine the changes in the dynamics of these late-life marital relationships over time. / Master of Science

Social exchange: an assessment of its role in successful volunteer/salaried staff partnerships

Asche, Jane A. January 1987 (has links)
Managers of nonprofit voluntary associations are seeking volunteers to work with salaried staff in the delivery of human services as government agencies reduce or eliminate support for programs. Competition among organizations to attract and retain talented volunteers is increasingly a problem. One of the ways organizations are increasing the effectiveness of their programs is to recruit management volunteers to work at all levels of program development and delivery. The specific purpose of this study was to analyze factors affecting the motivation of individuals to accept and remain in a management-level, volunteer job similar to that being performed by a salaried manager. This was done by conducting ten in-depth case studies of pairs of salaried and volunteer managers working together as a management team at the top administrative level of a national nonprofit human service organization. Data collection for the study was done through the ethnographic interview process. A structured method for carrying out analytic induction was used to perform the data analysis. One major cultural theme and patterns of related minor themes emerged from the dimensions of similarity and contrast across the ten cases and the three different management sites at which data were collected. Key motivational factors identified in each of the case studies corroborate the importance of certain theoretical variables identified in Blau's theory of social exchange for attracting and retaining volunteers to management-level jobs. However, these theories did not fully explain the interaction of certain variables to create a pattern of high satisfaction for both partners in certain cases. Other factors that contributed to the level of expressed satisfaction in the partnerships were related to certain aspects of the management style of the salaried manager, self-esteem of the volunteer manager, organizational climate of the management site and the cultural traditions of volunteerism within each of the three geographic regions in which the sites were located. These factors that created satisfaction with the salaried and volunteer managers are important because of the relationship indicated in the research literature between motivation, job satisfaction and organizational productivity. / Ed. D.

Studenters integritet i Big Data-eran : En kvalitativ studie om oro över personlig data och digital integritet / Students Integrity in the Big Data era : A qualitative study on concerns about personal data and digital integrity

Gamboa, Sabina, Chauca, Kenny January 2021 (has links)
I den nuvarande Big data-eran där stora mängder information samlas och bearbetas för att användas i kommersiellt syfte har den digitala integritetens betydelse ökat. Oro kring hur information samlas in och används har blivit mer aktuellt de senaste åren. Facebook-Cambridge Analytica-skandalen är ett exempel på hur information har använts utan användares samtycke med allvarliga konsekvenser. Detta har ökat den oro många känner kring sin personliga integritet. I Europa har General Data Protection Regulation haft en viktig roll i att skydda användares digitala integritet. Tidigare studier visar att oro kring den digitala integriteten har ökat bland vissa grupper i Sverige. En av dessa grupper är universitetsstudenter som är fokus för denna undersökning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka oron för den digitala integriteten som finns i samhället utifrån studenters perspektiv. Den metod som har använts är semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Undersökningens resultat visar att studenter känner trygghet när de använder informationsteknologi. Resultatet tyder på att de faktorer som påverkar studenters oro, eller brist på den, för sin digitala integritet är kopplat till tillit och kontext. Resultatet visar att orsaken till detta är tillit till GDPR, tillit till att företag kommer att följa de lagar som finns, tron att viss personlig information inte anses ha högt värde samt tillit till den egna förmågan att kunna skydda sig själva. Resultatet visar också att studenter är villiga att ge tillgång till personlig informationen om de anser att det är nödvändigt eller gynnar dem på något sätt. / In the current Big data era, where large amounts of information is collected and processed for commercial use, the importance of digital integrity has become more evident. The Facebook-Cambdrige analytica scandal is an example on how information has been used without consent. This has increased the concerns about users personal information. In Europe the General Data Protection Regulation has been an important part of protecting users digital integrity.  Previous studies show that concerns about digital integrity have increased among certain groups in Sweden. One of these groups are university graduates which are the focus of this study. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the concern for digital integrity that exists in society from the students perspective. The method that has been used in this study has been individual semi-structured interviews.  The results of the study shows that students feel secure when they use information technology. The results suggest that the factors that affect students' concerns, or lack thereof, of their digital integrity are linked to trust and context. The results shows that the reason for this is trust in GDPR, trust that companies will follow the law, belief that some personal information isn't of a high value and belief in their own ability to protect themself. The results of the study also shows that the informants were willing to let websites get access to certain personal information when they trusted the website and when they found it beneficial to them.

Digitala banktjänster och kundernas förtroende : En empirisk kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan digitala banktjänster och bankkunders förtroende

Abdirahman, Leensaa, Kombarova, Lalitta January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund och problemformulering: Skiftet till digitala banktjänster innebär ett annat arbetssätt att bibehålla förtroendet hos sina kunder då servicen blir mindre personlig. Förtroende och service är en viktig del hos kunderna samtidigt som det ställs nya krav gällande bekvämlighet och automatiserade självtjänster. Mot denna bakgrund är möjliga problem som kan uppstå en bristande säkerhet samt riskerna kring integriteten.   Syftet: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan kundernas förtroende och bankernas digitala banktjänster. Utöver detta vill forskarna få en förståelse för bankkunders förtroende för sin digitala bank.   Metod: Undersökningen bygger på kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning som sedan används för att genomföra en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys.  Teoretisk referensram: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk och Digitala Tillitsmodellen.  Empiri: Empirin har fyra olika fokusområden: kontrollfrågor, förtroende, digitala banktjänster samt risk och säkerhet. Dessa sammanställs och testas i en korrelationsanalys och regressionsanalys för att undersöka samband och testa hypoteser.   Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det föreligger ett positivt samband mellan digitala banktjänsters användbarhet och förtroende för digitala banktjänster samt att upplevd integritetsrisk har ett negativt samband med förtroendet. Trots att det kan finnas ett samband mellan digitala banktjänsternas användarvänlighet och förtroende finns inte tillräckligt med stöd för att bevisa detta. / Background and problem formulation: The shift to digital banking services means a different way of working to maintain the trust of its customers, this as the service has become less personal. Trust and service are valued highly for the customers, while new demands are being made regarding convenience and automated self-service. Against this background, possible problems that may arise are a lack of security and the risks surrounding integrity.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether there is a relationship between customers' trust and the banks' digital banking services. In addition to this, the researchers want to gain an understanding of bank customers' trust in their digital bank.  Method: The survey is based on a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire which is then used to carry out a correlation and regression analysis.  Framework: Technology Acceptance Model, Social Exchange Theory, Perceived Risk and Digital Trust Model.  Empiricism: The empiricism has four different focus areas: control questions, trust, digital banking services and lastly risk as well as security. These are compiled and tested in a correlation and regression analysis to examine relationships by testing hypotheses.  Conclusions: The findings show that there is a positive relationship between the usability of digital banking services and trust in digital banking services, and that perceived integrity risk has a negative relationship with trust. Although there may be a link between the ease of use of digital banking services and trust, there is not enough support to prove this.

Employee Retention Management genom det psykologiska kontraktet : En komparativ studie om vad lärare i fristående och kommunala skolor värderar högst i sin anställning / Employee Retention Management through the psychological contract : A comparative study about what teachers in private and public schools value in their employment

Dahlborg, Josefine, Pettersson, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det är av stor vikt för organisationer att arbeta med employee retention management för att maximera sina chanser att behålla sin personal. Att förlora medarbetare leder till höga kostnader för bland annat nyrekrytering och upplärning. Dessutom uppstår en kompetensförlust. Idag råder en stor lärarbrist i Sverige vilken förväntas öka ytterligare de kommande åren. Det är alltså inte enbart kostsamt för skolor att förlora sina lärare; det är också riskfyllt då det riskeras att den kompetens som krävs inte finns att tillgå på arbetsmarknaden.Syfte: Studien avser att förklara vilken faktor i psykologiska kontraktet som anses vara viktigast när lärare väljer att kvarvara i sin anställning samt i vilken ordning de undersökta faktorerna föredras av de medverkande lärarna. Därtill ämnas att studera vilka skillnader och/eller likheter som finns i vad lärare på kommunala respektive fristående skolor värderar.Teoretisk referensram: Denna studie utgår från teorier om employee retention management och studiens huvudteori är det psykologiska kontraktet som har sin grund i social exchange-teorin. De faktorer i det psykologiska kontraktet som studeras är möjligheter till karriärutveckling, stöd från och kommunikation med chefer, lön och finansiella belöningar, möjligheter till lärande och utbildning, social atmosfär och relation till kollegor, balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt arbetsinnehåll.Metod: Studien är genomförd med kvantitativ metod bestående av enkätundersökning. Därtill används en komparativ design för att söka finna eventuella likheter och/eller skillnader mellan vad lärare på fristående och kommunala skolor värderar i sin anställning.Slutsats: Social atmosfär och relation till kollegor är den faktor i det psykologiska kontraktet som av de svarande lärarna anses vara den viktigaste till att de väljer att kvarvara i sin anställning – både vad gäller rangordning av faktorernas medelvärden och vid val av den allra viktigaste faktorn samt för lärare i både fristående och kommunala skolor. På samma sätt är möjligheter till karriärutveckling den faktorn som anses minst viktig i alla dessa avseenden, vilket skulle kunna förklaras av det faktum att läraryrket inte är karriärfokuserat. Den största skillnaden som återfinns i studien är att faktorn stöd från och kommunikation med chefer värderas högre av lärarna på de fristående skolorna än lärarna på de kommunala skolorna. / Background: It is of great importance for organizations to focus on employee retention management in order to maximize their chances to retain their employees. Losing employees results in high costs for recruitment and training etcetera. In addition, there will be a loss of competence. Today there is a shortage of teachers in Sweden which is expected to grow larger in the coming years. Not only is the loss of employees expensive; it is also critical because of the risk of not being able to find the right competence on the labormarket.Purpose: Present study aims to examine which factor in the psychological contract teachers consider being the most important when choosing to stay in their present employment and in which order the examined factors are preferred by the participating teachers. Moreover, the purpose of this study is also to investigate whether there are similarities and/or differences between what teachers in public and private schools value.Theory: This study originates from theories about employee retention management and the main theory is the psychological contract which in turn originates from the social exchange theory. The studied factors in the psychological contract are career opportunities, support from and communication with supervisors, salary and financial rewards, training and development opportunities, social atmosphere and relationship with co-workers, worklife balance, and job content. Method: This study was conducted through a quantitative method using a questionnaire. In addition, a comparative design was used in order to find which similarities and/or differences that exist between what teachers in private and public schools value in their employment.Conclusion: Social atmosphere and relationship with co-workers is the factor in the psychological contract that the teachers in this study consider to be the most important when they choose to remain in their employment – both when ranking the factors’ means and when choosing the single most important factor and also for teachers in both public and private schools. Similarly, the factor career opportunities is the least important factor in all these regards, which could be explained by the fact that the teaching profession is not career focused. The greatest difference between the two sectors is found in the factor support from and communication with supervisors where the teachers in the private schools find this factor more important than the teachers in the public schools do.

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