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Risk construction at a public hearing: an application of socio-cultural theories into organizational riskTopal, Cagri Unknown Date
No description available.
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The impact of supervisory orders and structural interdicts in socio economic rights cases in South AfricaLawrence, Rosline January 2013 (has links)
<p>The sentiment of Justice Ackerman that courts have a particular responsibility and obligation to &ldquo / forge new tools&rdquo / and shape innovative remedies to achieve a goal, is profound and based on a constitution with a transformative nature. The injustice of apartheid brought about unequal resource distribution in South Africa and this is well documented. The need for innovative remedies to address these injustices has been in demand. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa has made available, sufficient remedies for the courts to deal with these concerns. However, the courts need to find a creative way of using and applying these remedies. One such remedy, being promoted by this paper is, structural interdicts with a supervisory jurisdiction. This remedy has a process of meaningful engagement attached to it, to ensure all parties reach practical solutions to ongoing socio-economic rights violations. The ancillary effect of these types of orders will promote future policies to take into consideration socio-economic rights needs of other people in the same position as the applicants. The ongoing supervision of the court will further ensure that government comply with its obligation within reasonable time, and to address ongoing concerns of socio-economic rights violation as and when they arise during the process of engagement.</p>
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Disambiguating Rebirth: A Socio-rhetorical Exploration of Rebirth Language in 1 PeterHammer, Keir 19 November 2013 (has links)
Rebirth language has traditionally been associated with the initiation rite of baptism and relegated to discussions within this limited framework. Analyses of 1 Peter—where rebirth language is particularly dominant—have focussed almost exclusively on a baptismal framework for understanding this language. However, a detailed reading of the letter does not reveal any association between rebirth and Christian rites of initiation. Whatever action, activity or idea triggered the use of this language, its role in the letter has never been adequately explored.
This study employs socio-rhetorical analysis to examine the role of rebirth language within the letter of 1 Peter and within its larger cultural and textual context. Rebirth language is employed in the key opening section of the letter and, within the framework of familial language, serves as a central distinctive of the letter’s recipient-focussed argument. As part of the familial metaphor, rebirth highlights the readers’ identity as children whose πατήρ (“father”) is God. A comprehensive analysis of all other extant (first century) texts employing rebirth language, reveals that, while 1 Peter’s use of such language shares some points of contact with other expressions of rebirth, the meaning of rebirth in 1 Peter is not directly tied to any related language. More likely, 1 Peter contains cultural allusions to the developing idea of rebirth that is also shared—in different ways—with other extant materials. No other source, however, contains the same usage and implied meaning of rebirth language as 1 Peter. Instead, 1 Peter’s author, building upon the powerful father-child analogy, intends to shape his readers’ self-perceptions using this language to provide a sense of identity without encouraging extensive alienation from the larger society. 1 Peter’s use of rebirth language builds upon and intensifies the cultural familial metaphor in order to help firmly establish the recipients’ Christian identity in the midst of their associations and interactions within their social context.
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Zhabdrung's legacy : state transformation, law and social values in contemporary BhutanWhitecross, Richard William January 2002 (has links)
Based on ethnographic research in Bhutan and among Bhutanese living in Nepal, this thesis examines the reach of law in everyday life in contemporary Bhutan. Drawing on inter-linked themes of social values drawn from Buddhist teachings and the importance of morality, power and legitimacy, I examine popular discourse of and about law. It contributes to current arguments in socio-legal studies and anthropology concerning the reach of law in contemporary societies and its significance in everyday life. Furthermore, my thesis represents the first ethnographic account of law and society in Bhutan. It makes a valuable contribution not only to our understanding of Bhutan, but also provides an ideal opportunity to examine everyday conceptions of law as the Bhutanese State promotes legal change that draw on non-indigenous models. The thesis considers the impact of the creation of a modem, independent judiciary and recent changes in legal education and the increasing amount of legislation and secondary regulations. However, the everyday construction of law, as well as the meanings and uses to which law are put, raises problems. Therefore, I turn to examine how ordinary people create and develop a sense of the law by focussing on the development of legal consciousness. To do this, I look less at the formal legal processes of the law than at the narratives about law from a number of Bhutanese. These narratives focus on the importance of community values and notions of morality and legitimacy, which simultaneously draw on a prevalent authoritative public discourse concerning social behaviour and individual re-interpretations and resistance within the broad framework of the discourse. I examine the interrelationship between these various features, which evoke, on an individual level, a sense of "legal consciousness" and I develop how this informs daily life. This interrelationship highlights the dynamism of the process and the fluidity of ideas and adaptability to changing needs and relationships of power. This approach allows for an examination of law situated within, rather than separate from, everyday life in order to analyse the fragmentary and often inconsistent use made by individuals of the legal orders and forums available to them.
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Stress socio-écologiques lors de la gestation et effets maternels hormonaux chez le suricate (Suricata suricatta) du KalahariBarrette, Marie-France January 2012 (has links)
Les stress socio-écologiques peuvent compromettre la reproduction des femelles et affecter le développement de leur progéniture. Par exemple, le stress gestationnel peut avoir de profonds effets sur la morphologie, le comportement, la physiologie et ultimement la valeur adaptative des jeunes. De tels effets maternels jouent un rôle particulièrement important chez les mammifères ayant un lien intime et prolongé avec leur progéniture. Les femelles se reproduisant avec l'aide coopérative d'un groupe doivent composer avec les tensions entre femelles reproductrices, qui mènent à la reproduction dans des contextes socio-écologiques plus ou moins stressants. Dans ce contexte, la thèse vise à identifier des indicateurs du stress gestationnel chez le suricate femelle (Suricata suricatta) en milieu naturel et investiguer les effets du stress maternel sur l'axe du stress de la progéniture. Le suricate est un mammifère grégaire coopératif chez qui le partage inégal de la reproduction entraîne une forte compétition entre les femelles, dont certaines se reproduisent hors des périodes de bonnes conditions alimentaires. Avant ce travail, le stress prénatal n'avait été étudié qu'en milieu contrôlé, entre autres faute d'une méthodologie adéquate permettant son estimation non invasive durant la reproduction de populations sauvages. Le suricate du Kalahari offrait alors une excellente opportunité d'étudier le lien entre le biais de la reproduction, les conditions socio-écologiques, le stress gestationnel et le phénotype hormonal de la progéniture. En effet, la disponibilité de données d'histoire de vie, de condition corporelle, de comportements sociaux et d'échantillons fécaux permettait l'étude longitudinale d'hormone de stress lors de la reproduction et les premiers moments de vie pour plus de 800 individus sauvages marqués depuis 1997. Le premier chapitre évalue l'effet de l'entreposage de longue durée d'échantillons fécaux sur les concentrations mesurées en hormones de stress (métabolites de glucocorticoïdes, fGC) et de reproduction (métabolites d'estrogènes, fE). Les résultats recommandent la lyophilisation précoce plutôt que l'entreposage d'échantillons frais à -20°C. De plus, l'étude souligne l'importance d'évaluer l'effet d'entreposage pour les différentes hormones étudiées et de contrôler pour le temps d'entreposage. Le deuxième chapitre étudie le lien entre le taux de reproduction, la dominance sociale et les fGC. Les changements en fGC au cours de la reproduction sont influencés par le chevauchement de reproductions, non par la dominance. L'étude remet ainsi en cause le rôle des GCs dans la suppression de la reproduction chez les subordonnées. Le troisième chapitre étudie les stress socio-écologiques avant et pendant la gestation et identifie la compétition entre femelles et le chevauchement de reproduction lors de mauvaises conditions alimentaires comme facteurs entraînant une augmentation en fGC. Le quatrième chapitre évalue l'effet du stress gestationnel sur l'axe du stress de la progéniture avant le sevrage. Les résultats mettent en évidence l'effet maternel du chevauchement des reproductions en période de stress alimentaire, entraînant une augmentation en fGC de la progéniture, et l'effet, dépendant du sexe de la progéniture, de la compétition entre les femelles sur les fGC de la progéniture après la naissance, entraînant une diminution en fGC chez les fils, non chez les filles. L'étude démontre ainsi l'utilité du suivi longitudinal des fGC pour l'étude des stratégies d'histoire de vie et des effets maternels hormonaux. Les effets du stress alimentaire sur les GCs maternels lors du développement prénatal suggèrent un conflit entre les stratégies permettant de maximiser le succès reproducteur maternel et les effets néfastes sur la santé future des jeunes. Finalement, les effets maternels observés suggèrent un potentiel d'action des GCs gestationnels sur la croissance et le phénotype comportemental de la progéniture. Par exemple, l'effet maternel du stress social dépendant du sexe de la progéniture pourrait aussi modifier leur potentiel physiologique à gérer les stress associés aux stratégies comportementales de coopération et reproduction.
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Rural Electrification - Sri Lanka: A Case study & Scenario AnalysisWijesinghe, Nadeera January 2014 (has links)
“Rural electrification” is a key element in the global energy development agenda. While being a developing country, Sri Lanka is enroot to achieve 100% of electrification at present. After the civil war ended in 2009 which lasted for more than 25 years, there has been much focus to fulfill the energy needs of the country. But the studies carried out to assess the impact of electrification are very much limited. This study focuses on meeting the gap of carrying out a scenario analysis of rural electrification and assessing the socio economic impact of electrification. The major focus has been given to see how energy system of a newly electrified village will vary over time. The research intends to identify how far the strategies used to implement a policy is realistic in the real world. Also the research extends to apply the proposed strategies to the energy model and analyze the behavior of the model. During the study a survey was carried out in a rural village in southern part of Sri Lanka and the data obtained were used to model the energy system of the village using a software called - LEAP (Long Range Energy Alternative Planning System). The energy system is simulated under different scenarios to analyze if certain strategies in the policy have been implemented in the village. Two scenarios were energy efficient lighting and energy efficient cooking stoves. A total energy balance has been carried out for the target sample with an analysis of global warming potential of the activities of the target family. The total energy consumption variation with the electrification and the percentage of energy consumed as electricity over time has been analyzed. Further the socio economic impacts of electrification have been studied. The impact of agricultural usage and economic productivity with electricity has been studied. The qualitative measures like attitude changes, modernization & technology adaptation were addressed to the extent possible.
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Die sensoriese ontwikkeling van vyf- tot sesjarige kinders in agtergeblewe gemeenskappe : Thusano-projek / G.M. LabuschagneLabuschagne, Gesina Maria January 2006 (has links)
Various research sources indicate that effective sensory functioning is critical to the optimal
development of a child. However, the influence of problems that are associated with poor
socio-economic circumstances, as well as the differences between the genders and groups
from different socio-economic backgrounds with regard to sensory functioning and motor
development, is not clear.
The aim of this study was to determine the possible significant relationship between problems
that are associated with poor socio-economic circumstances and the sensory development of
five to six year old children from these backgrounds. The study also attempted to compare
the sensory development of five to six year old children from poor socio-economic
backgrounds on the one side and those from good socio-economic backgrounds on the other.
Further aims of this study were to analyse the possible differences between motor and
sensory development of five to six year old boys and girls in poor socio-economic
circumstances, as well as to determine the possible significant relationship between the
general motor and sensory development of five to six year old children in poor socioeconomic
Fifty families were selected from three hundred families in the Thusano project by making
use of a stratified random sampling procedure. All the five to six year old children belonging
to these fifty families were selected for the purposes of this study as the QNST test can only
be used for analysis on children from the age of five years. The total group that were selected
from this poor socio-economic background consisted of twelve girls and eight boys (N= 20).
A control group was made up of children from better socio-economic backgrounds and
consisted of five girls and six boys between the ages of five and six years (N=11). The
children were all evaluated according to the "Peabody Developmental Motor Scales - 2"
(PDMS-2) to determine their motor development. The "Sensory Input Systems Screening
Test" and the "Quick Neurological Screening Test II" (QNST) were used to evaluate their
sensory development. The children with poor socio-economic circumstances were also
evaluated by means of a questionnaire to determine aspects related to the birth process,
medical history and education of the mother.
With regard to aim 1, it is apparent from the results, which were obtained by using
'Statistica', that there are significant differences in the sensory development of children from
poor socio-economic circumstances and good socio-economic circumstances when the QNST
test was taken into account. The six tests showing the significant differences in the two
groups are the two tests for tactile input ('palm shape' and 'hand-cheek'), the tests for
auditory input ('sound'), the tests for pro-prioceptive input ('arm-leg extension') and the two
tests for vestibular input ('finger-nose' and 'one leg stand'). However, no significant
difference was found between the two groups with regard to the Pyfer test. When focussing
on aim 2, the results indicated significant relationships between certain problems that are
associated with poor socio-economic circumstances and the sensory development of children.
With regard to aim 3, it is apparent from the results of t-testing (p≤ 0.05) that the motor skills
of girls are better when compared to boys. Significant differences were found in favour of
the girls with regard to the gross-motor percentile, the gross-motor grading, the total quotient
and the total motor percentile where the girls did better than the boys. With regard to the
sensory development, a t-test showed that the girls performed significantly poorer than the
boys in the test for visual tracking, while the boys performed significantly poorer than the
girls in the tests for spatial orientation ('finger-nose') and bilateral integration ('repetitive
hand movements').
With regard to aim 4, correlation analysis indicated that there was a relationship between
sensory, general and fine motor development in the group as a whole, while a discriminant
analysis showed that visual perception contributed most to the overall motor developmental
levels of the group. No relationship was, however, found between the gross-motor and
sensory development of the group.
These results substantiate that the motor en sensory development of children living in poor
socio-economic conditions are hampered by their environment, and that they should receive
additional attention to try to prevent deficiencies in this regard. / Thesis (M.A. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.
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Apuntes para el estudio del ocio y las formas de sociabilidad de los estratos superiores en la Argentina contemporáneaIuliano, Rodolfo January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La presente tesis surge en el marco de mi proyecto de investigación doctoral sobre las prácticas, representaciones, estilos de vida de las capas medias y superiores en la sociedad argentina contemporánea, problemática que abordo empíricamente a partir de un trabajo etnográfico en un club de golf de la provincia de Buenos Aires. El desarrollo de las tareas de investigación, el abordaje de la bibliografía especializada y la experiencia del trabajo de campo me condujeron a la necesidad de elaborar una problematización analítica, un posible cuadro de análisis en torno a la dimensión de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores. Fue con este propósito que escribí la presente tesis de maestría. Tomando esto en cuenta, en este trabajo voy a sostener que existe una relación entre ocio y estratificación social, o más específicamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prácticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de producción y reproducción, así como también de reconversión y recomposición social y simbólica de las categorías sociales de los estratos superiores.
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Young people and illicit drug use : a health promotion model to differentiate abstinence or recreational drug use from misuseAllen, Deborah January 2004 (has links)
The thesis is a study of illicit drug use and attitudes to drugs education amongst young people from different socio-economic backgrounds. The thesis reviews the existing literature and finds that there may be a link between poverty and drug use that hasn't been fully explored and that there has been a lack of attention to young people's perspectives and views on drug use. The findings are reported of an empirical research project that consisted of quantitative and qualitative research with 206 young people in five different settings: at university, in a youth club, in schools, in a pupil referral unit, and service for young offenders. The data from these different sources are analysed and a conceptual model has been developed, setting out some factors that are indicative of problematic or non-problematic drug use. The model was circulated amongst a small group of professionals in relevant fields for comment. The thesis concludes that young people in university settings reported using illicit drugs recreationally and apparently without problems, while the 'vulnerable' young people reported using more drugs, at an earlier age, and more frequently, and for reasons to do with boredom, depression and anxiety. The author suggests that 'vulnerable' young people are disadvantaged by their circumstances at home, including social deprivation and parental separation, and their lack of engagement with education. It is argued that health promotion models need to recognise the importance of contextual and broader structural factors influencing drug use among young people, and that health promotion efforts need to play a role in tackling inequalities and reducing deprivation, as well as making health promotion messages relevant to their target audience.
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Ideology and urban planning : the case of Hong KongCuthbert, Alexander Rankine January 1988 (has links)
No description available.
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