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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marriages and funerals : Some aspects of Karembola political symbolism (South Madagascar)

Middleton, K. January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

An Undefined Race: The Growth Debate between China and India / An Undefined Race: The Growth Debate between China and India

Pazderka, Julie January 2014 (has links)
In an effort to define which country will succeed in being the first of the two, I have given much attention to the East India Trade Company (EIC) and its influence on both India and China and the impact it has had on the social, political and economic change in both countries. While both countries have started off the same in the first half of the 20th century, their economic difference began with Xiaopings' rule in the late 70's of the 20th century. He is the one responsible for the opening of China, allowing it to have a steady takeoff and accelerate post-Cold War. India on the other hand has been in fear of foreign exploitation due to the EIC, making their development substantially slower. Religious and regional issues are a reason for India to not have enough focus on their human capital and their multi-party government, resulting in an inability to focus on the necessary reformation of the 'red tapes'. Another domestic policy missing in India, but strong in China is human capital, which is a private matter in India, while China has highly invested in it since The Great Leap Forward. Understanding the governance and economic policies of both countries provides an insight to both countries and supports my reasoning as to why I believe that China will - despite its' slowdown, be ahead of the race.

Funding Matters : Archaeology and the Political Economy of the Past in the EU

Niklasson, Elisabeth January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to show how Europe is constructed at the intersection between archaeology, money and politics within EU cultural actions. Ever since the 1970s, the European Community has invested money and prestige in the idea of a common cultural heritage for Europe. Alongside symbolic attributes such as the flag and anthem, archaeological sites have been used as rhetorical fuel to create a sense of European belonging, much like in national identity building. As a result, archaeologists and heritage professionals have benefitted from EU funding for restoration of sites, training schools and cooperation projects since 1976. In order to address this mutual engagement, the research in this thesis explores the ways that EU grant systems in culture have fostered specific approaches to Europeanness, and how supported projects have responded to notions about a common heritage. By considering EU officials, expert reviewers, consultants and archaeologists as co-creators of the frameworks they participate in, this study raises the idea of financial ties as a place of interaction. The study takes an ethnographic approach and uses discourse analysis and tools from Actor-Network Theory. The material consists of observations made during an internship at the European Commission, 41 interviews with different actors, as well as policy documents, budgets and collected information about 160 supported projects with archaeological themes. This research demonstrates how the expectations linked to archaeology have turned it into both a problem and a promise in the search for a 'usable past' for the EU. On the one hand, archaeology has functioned as an anchor, mooring the notion of a common heritage to something solid. On the other, because of its strong commitment to nationhood, what archaeology claims for its own has often undermined the very idea of a shared European inheritance. Projects benefitting from EU support have taken advantage of the expectations placed upon archaeology to help create a European identity, using buzzwords and 'application poetry' in their proposals. Many projects continuously used EU goals and symbols in their outputs. Sometimes a European past and present was connected by rhetorically tying archaeological periods (such as the Middle Ages and Roman Era) and phenomena (rock art or landscapes) to the EU political project. This link was more manifest in public settings than in academic ones. Taken together, the considerations brought up in this study show that funding matters. The EU strategy of vagueness, in which instructions and evaluation criteria foremost decide the frames but not the content of the projects, has inspired applicants to 'think Europe without thinking.' Once an application is written and submitted, a chain of translations by different actors works to depoliticise the act of constructing Europe. The EU, just as other funding bodies, has become entangled in the political ecology of archaeology. An entanglement which is unavoidable, but which needs to be critically addressed. Funding sources matter for the way we understand both the past and the meaning of archaeology in the present. / Denna avhandling undersöker hur Europa skapas i gränslandet mellan arkeologi, pengar och politik inom den Europeiska Unionens kulturpolitiska finansieringsprogram. Vid sidan av symboliska attribut såsom flagga och nationalsång har företrädare för den Europeiska Gemenskapen och EU engagerat sig i idén om ett gemensamt europeiskt kulturarv, på ett metaforiskt såväl som ett materiellt plan. Politisk legitimitet har sökts med hänvisning till en mångtusenårig samhörighet. I samband med detta engagemang har arkeologer och kulturarvsarbetare sedan 1970-talet erhållit finansiellt stöd för restaureringsprojekt på platser av europeisk betydelse och transnationella samarbetsprojekt som kan skapa europeiskt mervärde. Studien undersöker banden mellan EU och arkeologi genom att lyfta finansiering som en plats för interaktion och meningsskapande. En etnografisk metod har tillämpats, där empirin består av fältobservationer från en praktikantperiod på Europeiska kommissionen, 41 intervjuer med olika aktörer, samt policydokument och arkeologiska texter. En databas med 160 arkeologiska projekt har även skapats. Diskursanalys och nätverksteoretiska begrepp såsom översättningar och svarta lådan har använts för att lokalisera och begreppsliggöra iakttagelser och meningsfulla skärningspunkter i materialet. Studien visar hur EU-tjänstemän, expertgranskare, konsulter och arkeologer alla deltar i utformandet av arkeologiska problemställningar och byggandet av professionella nätverk. EUs mjuka strategier, inom vilka instruktioner och utvärderingskriterier främst bestämmer ramarna men inte innehållet i de finansierade projekten, har inspirerat sökande att tänka Europa utan att tänka. När en ansökan skrivs och lämnas in startar en kedja av översättningar som leder till att olika aktörer avpolitiserar skapandet av Europa i samtiden. I resultaten framkom att arkeologiska projekt, genom att använda EUs målformuleringar i sina projektansökningar, ofta har utnyttjat EUs förväntningar på arkeologi om att skapa en europeisk identitet. I flera projekt knöts en europeisk samhörighet i det förflutna samman med dagens EUropa. Dessutom fortsatte många projekt att använda EUs mål och symboler i sina outputs. Här var EU-kopplingen tydligare i publika sammanhang än i akademiska. Sammantaget visar studien att val av finansieringskälla spelar stor roll. EUs finansieringsprogram har blivit en del av arkeologins politiska ekologi, en sammanflätning som är oundviklig men viktig att kritiskt uppmärksamma. Dessa band påverkar både vår syn på det förflutna och samhällets syn på arkeologi idag.

Violence Against the Elite : A Comparative Analysis of two Terminal Classic Mass Graves in Cancuén / Våld mot eliten : En komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Cancuén

Wallbing Kenney, Nayelli January 2023 (has links)
In this essay a comparative analysis will be conducted on two mass graves from the terminal classics in the Maya lowlands. This will be done by analysing interpretations of the Cancuén site in Guatemala. Cancuén was a major trading port city in the terminal classics’ southern lowlands. It flourished until its decline in the late 700’s CE. Around the year 800 CE a violent event led to the death of close to 50 elite individuals including the king of Cancuén. Two mass graves have been discovered in the hydraulic system of the city. Individuals in both mass graves represent a variety of ages and genders. A comparative analysis of osteological similarities and differences in the two graves will be based on osteological reports. Previously published work regarding interpretations of the mass graves will be used in an analysis of possible motives behind massacre. Trauma evident in the mass graves as well as their surrounding context suggests that a termination ritual took place after the massacre that the victims were subjected to. / I denna uppsats utförs en komparativ analys av två massgravar från senklassiska perioden i Mayarikets Cancuén, Guatemala. Cancuén var en hamnstad med stort inflytande i låglandet under den senklassiska epoken. Stadens tillväxt av influens och ekonomi skedde under det sena 700–talet e.vt. En våldsam händelse ca 800 e.vt ledde till döden av 50 individer av Cancuéns elit samt stadens egna kung. Två massgravar har påträffats i stadens hydraulsystem. Båda massgravar visar på en variation demografi för både sex och kön. En komparativ analys av osteologiska likheter och skillnader i massgravarna har baserats på osteologiska rapporter. Tidigare publikationer används i en analys av potentiella motivationer bakom massakern. Skeletal trauma i massgravarna samt dess omkringliggande kontext indikerar att en terminations ritual tagit palts efter massakern.

Circling Concepts : A Critical Archaeological Analysis of the Notion of Stone Circles as Sami Offering Sites

Spangen, Marte January 2016 (has links)
The thesis discusses a category of cultural heritage that has been labelled "Sami circular offering sites", aiming to establish some basic facts about their origin, distribution and use, as well as their cultural and socio-political context and influence. The stone enclosures in question have been interpreted as Sami offering sites since the mid-19th century, but a discourse analysis of the research history indicates that this may have been based on a scholarly hypothesis rather than ethnographic or archaeological evidence. Furthermore it is questioned if all the structures that are currently included in this category are in fact remains of the same cultural practice. This is investigated through surveys of 81 suggested circular offering sites in Norway, two excavations and analyses of the find material. The large stone enclosures in counties Finnmark and Troms that were first categorised in this way prove to have quite consistent builds and measurements and a find material mainly dating between the 13th and 17th centuries. These structures are here labelled type 1. In contrast, constructions that have later been added to the category, particularly in other areas, have other and less consistent characteristics and seem to include remains of a range of different activities. They are here divided into two generic types 2 and 3. The thesis further discusses alternative interpretations for the type 1 structures, concluding that their materiality, construction, location, topography and finds are consistent with archaeological, historical and ethnographic evidence for wolf traps. Their distribution indicates a regional Sami cultural practice related to inland winter habitation and travel routes, while also apparently coinciding with the Russian/Karelian taxation area in northern Norway in the Middle Ages. Thus the builds may have been inspired by the fur trade or other activities of the latter groups. It is uncertain when exactly the installations fell into disuse, as datings are calibrated to AD 1450-1650. The abandonment could be related to the decline of Novgorod as a fur trade centre, Russian loss of taxation rights in northern Norway, increased Swedish impact in the inland areas and Norwegian activity along the coasts, which all led to changes in administration, taxation, trade patterns and demand for furs. The contemporary decimation of the wild reindeer population, increased reindeer herding and introduction of new weapons like crossbows, guns and foothold traps, may all have made permanent trapping installations less useful. The sites may, however, have gone out of use at different times. Certain finds of marrow split bones, very recent coins and other objects suggest a later reconceptualisation of some structures as offering sites, whether as a local explanation or inspired by the later scholarly definition. Throughout the thesis, the construction and distribution of the archaeological category and the preference for the ritual or religious interpretation are discussed as results of specific socio-political contexts, where stereotypical notions about Sami identity and culture have had a strong impact. The thesis explores how academic and other narratives influence each other within certain discourses of power and indigenous "rights and rites", and the continuous mutual impact on individual actions and emotions through networks of people, power and things. The present reinterpretation challenges existing academic and local narratives. It is based on the materiality of the structures, but the offering site explanation is not positively refuted. Yet, as part of an authorised heritage discourse, the present statement is more likely to impact future categorisation and practices than other narratives within other discourses, expressing a persistent and inherent power inequality. This may be ethically problematic in the context of an indigenous minority, but it may also be argued that the role of the archaeologist expert is precisely to expose the insisting materiality of the past and the power/knowledge networks that promote specific narratives about it.

Mal-estar na cultura: das articulações discursivas à emergência dos sintomas sociais

Edson Flávio Barbosa e Silva 15 December 2006 (has links)
Ao longo do tempo e da história, o homem vive os seus dilema e conflitos. A condição humana não tem cura. A apartação entre sujeito e objeto, entre o ser e a natureza, estabeleceu para a espécie humana modos muito singulares de sobrevivência, distinto dos demais seres, os seres da natureza. O que este projeto intenta é ressaltar alguns aspectos do conflito em que se engendra esse ser da linguagem, as tensões frente ao outro, os ideais que concorrem para uma de nossas práticas mais apaixonante: a política. Aqui a política tem as medidas simbólicas e imaginárias, é mais uma invenção que toma forma a partir do vazio do real, como a peça do oleiro, e se lança nas mais variadas captações dos ideais, esses que de um modo e de outro, dão versos às ideologias, chamem-nas de metáforas, metonímias, argumentos, retóricas etc.; a política é fundamentalmente uma prática do verbum. E em sendo verbal, a política está inscrita e escrita nos discursos, nos sintomas e na história. Ei-la num trinômio que é um autêntico nó borromeu, que de certo modo foi o meu esforço ao lançar-me na aventura que no plano diverso dos discursos e da topologia: história e a-história, a saber, num deslizamento a dizer de uma abordagem do real, a qual, intento algo da ordem de uma transição subjetiva. Para tal, este projeto discorre em três partes: as narrativas históricas, digo: os significantes da história; as articulações discursivas e os sintomas sociais. Aqui o sintoma tem a função de fornecer conteúdos para a história, a partir das injunções discursivas tal a elaboração de Lacan. A metodologia que sigo se assenta numa proposição teórica que aborde os objetos reais em sua imisção, e repetição, nos objetos da história, pretendendo, quiçá, uma composição narrativa que serpenteie o real, como numa poética, que enuncie um molejo, um requebro das palavras em função que dizer o real é fazê-lo não pela busca de sentido, mas pela errância que concerne essa gramática, errância que é a da subjetividade a partir do inconsciente, e que é do fato de que os objetos nesse enredo não são os da realidade, são os da quebra de sentido, a saber, são os das inserções do significante e são também os assintóticos, os intangíveis, quer seja, os que denotam o impossível, via a que nos aponta a psicanálise. Que aponta para uma dimensão do mal-estar na cultura e na civilização, digo: a civilização como mal-estar, a que se recobre, portanto, não apenas a sintaxe, mas a semântica do sintoma, isso que faz discurso e que é da lógica da diferença, no que articula o laço social, problematizado aqui na querelas ideológicas de nosso tempo e nas promessas de gozo seja na economia psíquica seja na economia política-social / Humankind faces its dilemmas and conflictis over the years and history. The human being condition does not seem to have any cure. Since the self and object, as well as the being and the nature tore apart, the human being established many particular ways of survival, differently from the rest of the natural beings. This paper comes to highlight some aspects of conflicts which embody this being in language; all tensions face to others, all ideals that contribute to one of the most passionate human practices: politics. Herein, politics undesrtands the symbolic and imaginary measurement, that is one more invention which takes a format from an emptiness of real, such as the piece of the potter, and goes through a variety of acquirements of the ideal, the same ideal that, sooner or later, creates ideologies, once called from metaphors or metonymies up to reasoning, and rhetorical arguments. The politics is a pratice of verbum, effectively. Upon being verbal, politics is both subscribed and underlined onto the discourse, onto the symptoms, and onto history. This paper comes to understand language as a trinonym part from the discourse itself, and apart from topology: history and a-history coming to meaning an approach of real within a subjective transition. In order to mention the project, this paper intends to separate the rationale into three parts: the historical narratives, in others words, the historical significants; the discoursive constellations; and the social symptoms. It is also to mention that the symptom has its function as a vehicle of historical contents; starting from the discoursive injunctions, according to Lacans theoretical resources. The methodology used in this paper concerns to a rationale that considers the real object and its immiscion, its repetition over historical objects. This paper also intends to compose a narrative that embodies the reality, just like the Poetic does. It also comes to highlight the meaning of words and their disorder int the utterance, coming to understand that real is not what it means, but what it does not mean through errors by the sense of grammar correctness. Such errors come from both subjectiveness and inconscienceness; from the fact that the object does not have its origin in reality, but from its non-meaningful significant, as well as the assintotics, e.g., the ones that denote the impossible, by the understanding of psychoanalysis. All those aspects above mentioned come to show the dimension of indisposition in culture and civilization, in other words, the civilization in indisposition that disguises, not only the syntax, but the semantics of the symptom which comes the discourse true, and therefore, it promises a well-fare for both psycho economy and political-social economy

Mal-estar na cultura: das articulações discursivas à emergência dos sintomas sociais

Silva, Edson Flávio Barbosa e 15 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:08:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Edson Flavio.pdf: 1017575 bytes, checksum: fe3defd2ec0f680bfb9e4827341393da (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-15 / Humankind faces its dilemmas and conflictis over the years and history. The human being condition does not seem to have any cure. Since the self and object, as well as the being and the nature tore apart, the human being established many particular ways of survival, differently from the rest of the natural beings. This paper comes to highlight some aspects of conflicts which embody this being in language; all tensions face to others, all ideals that contribute to one of the most passionate human practices: politics. Herein, politics undesrtands the symbolic and imaginary measurement, that is one more invention which takes a format from an emptiness of real, such as the piece of the potter, and goes through a variety of acquirements of the ideal, the same ideal that, sooner or later, creates ideologies, once called from metaphors or metonymies up to reasoning, and rhetorical arguments. The politics is a pratice of verbum, effectively. Upon being verbal, politics is both subscribed and underlined onto the discourse, onto the symptoms, and onto history. This paper comes to understand language as a trinonym part from the discourse itself, and apart from topology: history and a-history coming to meaning an approach of real within a subjective transition. In order to mention the project, this paper intends to separate the rationale into three parts: the historical narratives, in others words, the historical significants; the discoursive constellations; and the social symptoms. It is also to mention that the symptom has its function as a vehicle of historical contents; starting from the discoursive injunctions, according to Lacan s theoretical resources. The methodology used in this paper concerns to a rationale that considers the real object and its immiscion, its repetition over historical objects. This paper also intends to compose a narrative that embodies the reality, just like the Poetic does. It also comes to highlight the meaning of words and their disorder int the utterance, coming to understand that real is not what it means, but what it does not mean through errors by the sense of grammar correctness. Such errors come from both subjectiveness and inconscienceness; from the fact that the object does not have its origin in reality, but from its non-meaningful significant, as well as the assintotics, e.g., the ones that denote the impossible, by the understanding of psychoanalysis. All those aspects above mentioned come to show the dimension of indisposition in culture and civilization, in other words, the civilization in indisposition that disguises, not only the syntax, but the semantics of the symptom which comes the discourse true, and therefore, it promises a well-fare for both psycho economy and political-social economy / Ao longo do tempo e da história, o homem vive os seus dilema e conflitos. A condição humana não tem cura. A apartação entre sujeito e objeto, entre o ser e a natureza, estabeleceu para a espécie humana modos muito singulares de sobrevivência, distinto dos demais seres, os seres da natureza. O que este projeto intenta é ressaltar alguns aspectos do conflito em que se engendra esse ser da linguagem, as tensões frente ao outro, os ideais que concorrem para uma de nossas práticas mais apaixonante: a política. Aqui a política tem as medidas simbólicas e imaginárias, é mais uma invenção que toma forma a partir do vazio do real, como a peça do oleiro, e se lança nas mais variadas captações dos ideais, esses que de um modo e de outro, dão versos às ideologias, chamem-nas de metáforas, metonímias, argumentos, retóricas etc.; a política é fundamentalmente uma prática do verbum. E em sendo verbal, a política está inscrita e escrita nos discursos, nos sintomas e na história. Ei-la num trinômio que é um autêntico nó borromeu, que de certo modo foi o meu esforço ao lançar-me na aventura que no plano diverso dos discursos e da topologia: história e a-história, a saber, num deslizamento a dizer de uma abordagem do real, a qual, intento algo da ordem de uma transição subjetiva. Para tal, este projeto discorre em três partes: as narrativas históricas, digo: os significantes da história; as articulações discursivas e os sintomas sociais. Aqui o sintoma tem a função de fornecer conteúdos para a história, a partir das injunções discursivas tal a elaboração de Lacan. A metodologia que sigo se assenta numa proposição teórica que aborde os objetos reais em sua imisção, e repetição, nos objetos da história, pretendendo, quiçá, uma composição narrativa que serpenteie o real, como numa poética, que enuncie um molejo, um requebro das palavras em função que dizer o real é fazê-lo não pela busca de sentido, mas pela errância que concerne essa gramática, errância que é a da subjetividade a partir do inconsciente, e que é do fato de que os objetos nesse enredo não são os da realidade, são os da quebra de sentido, a saber, são os das inserções do significante e são também os assintóticos, os intangíveis, quer seja, os que denotam o impossível, via a que nos aponta a psicanálise. Que aponta para uma dimensão do mal-estar na cultura e na civilização, digo: a civilização como mal-estar, a que se recobre, portanto, não apenas a sintaxe, mas a semântica do sintoma, isso que faz discurso e que é da lógica da diferença, no que articula o laço social, problematizado aqui na querelas ideológicas de nosso tempo e nas promessas de gozo seja na economia psíquica seja na economia política-social

The Management Of Feral Pig Socio-Ecological Systems In Far North Queensland, Australia

Shuster, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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