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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rapport au temps, rapport au social : Perspectives sociocognitives dans l’étude de l’expérience du temps futur / Relation to time, relation to social : Sociocognitive perspectives in the study of future time experience

Guignard, Séverin 19 December 2014 (has links)
Le présent travail développe une approche sociocognitive de la Perspective Temporelle Future (PTF), tel que ce construit est mesuré par l’échelle ZTPI (Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser la normativité de ce construit et d’explorer les dimensions liées à l’expérience du temps psychologique futur. Une démarche de triangulation a été menée dans une double perspective : produire une analyse multi-niveaux de la normativité associée à la PTF et développer une réflexion théorico-méthodologique concernant la mesure de ce construit. Une première série d’études expérimentales mobilisant l’approche sociocognitive des normes sociales (Dubois, 2003) démontre une valorisation importante de la PTF dans des contextes évaluatifs. Une seconde série d’études utilisant une méthodologie mixte (paradigmes des juges et construits socio-représentationnels) analyse les dynamiques normatives de la PTF dans des situations socialement marquées (i.e. contexte de santé). Enfin, une recherche socio-représentationnelle par entretien étudie l’expérience du temps psychologique futur en tant que forme d’expérience sociale (Jodelet, 2006). En envisageant la PTF sous différentes perspectives sociocognitives, ces travaux apportent une contribution au domaine de recherche du rapport au temps (mesure de la PTF et fonctionnements idéologiques). D’autre part, ce travail pose les bases d’une approche sociocognitive de la PTF en tant que norme sociale. / The present work develops a sociocognitive approach of Future Time Perspective (FTP), as this construct is measured by the ZTPI scale (Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory, Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999). The aim of this thesis is the analysis of this construct’s normativity and the exploration of the dimensions related to future psychological time experience. A triangulation approach has been conducted in a double perspective: its aim is to produce a multi-level analysis of normativity associated to FTP as well as to develop a theoretical and methodological thought on this construct’s measurement. A first series of experimental studies using the sociocognitive approach to social norms (Dubois, 2003) reveals an important value of FTP in evaluative contexts. A second series of studies using mixt methodology (judge paradigms and socio-representational constructs) analyses FTP’s normative dynamics in socially relevant situations (i.e. health context). Finally, a socio-representational research with interviews focuses on future psychological time experience as a form of social experience (Jodelet, 2006). Considering FTP under several sociocognitive perspectives, this thesis contributes towards the research field on relation to time (FTP measurement and ideological logics). This work lays also the foundation of a sociocognitive approach of FTP as a social norm.

Parents as Partners in Kindergarten and Second Grade Literacy Instruction: A Qualitative Inquiry into Student-Authored Traveling Books

Little, Dorothy C. 01 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to study a sociocognitive “student/parent/peer authoring community” called Traveling Books (TBks) in kindergarten and second grade in a public elementary school setting. TBks are teacher-made vehicles for involving parents in peer-based literacy environments. The study was based on Epstein's theory that increasing overlap of students' spheres of influence, home, school, and community, creates a greater likelihood that children will learn what the parents want them to learn. The aim was to locate essential elements that triggered learning processes to occur and to discover research-based fundamentals still missing from TBks. This qualitative inquiry incorporated the framework of Dr. Elliot Eisner‘s Educational Criticism with five distinctive dimensions (intentional, structural, curricular, pedagogical, and evaluative) to guide the analysis of TBk procedures. A purposive sample of six Utah teachers from rural and inner city classrooms participated with 251 students in 12 groups for 2½ years. Data were gathered from interviews, classroom observations, surveys, and artifacts. My role was researcher and participant/observer. What I found was that motivation for authoring increased when parents (or parent figures) contributed simple family knowledge to the TBks. Most parents indicated that their child‘s “favorite” TBks were those that had required the most parent involvement. A few parents, however, described frustration with their role in facilitating TBks with their child. Seven vignettes described the complex and subtle qualities found in TBk sociocognitive environments and its effect on struggling, average, gifted, and behaviorally handicapped children, and longitudinal effects on former students. Despite increased commitments, most teachers reported a lighter workload overall using TBks to augment their existing literacy programs. A sense of urgency to proceed with internet development for TBk facilitation was expressed. Options were explored for developing internet assisted training for teachers and parents. Twelve essential elements were identified and a TBks instructional model was developed. A clearer understanding of the educational philosophy behind TBks resulted in the design of a prototype tool to engage parents in TBks through interactive home writing. This study raised important questions about characteristics of optimal support for facilitating TBks and about fundamentals still missing for broader implementation.


CONCEICAO SANTOS FERNANDES 18 February 2022 (has links)
[pt] A teoria da mente (ToM) é definida como a habilidade de inferir estados mentais internos de outras pessoas. Há consenso na literatura de que ToM é um marcador sociocognitivo do Transtorno do Espectro autista-TEA. A testagem é realizada, em grande parte, a partir de um paradigma denominado falsa crença. Contudo, verifica-se a necessidade de instrumentos de avaliação mais apurados, que compreendam: a complexidade do constructo, a relação com outros domínios cognitivos como funções executivas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e verificar evidências de validade de um novo instrumento que avalie os diferentes domínios de ToM para auxílio de diagnóstico em crianças com TEA. Este estudo foi registrado no Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Pontifícia Universidade Católica-PUC-Rio. O projeto foi dividido em quatro estudos, que englobavam desde uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as tarefas de ToM utilizadas em avaliações de crianças com diagnóstico de TEA, até mostrar evidências de validade do instrumento de nominado Bateria de avaliação em Teoria da Mente-BToM. Os resultados mostraram que BToM possui evidências de validade de conteúdo e de constructo, bem como de precisão. Além disso, identifica tarefas de Estados Mentais e Verbalizações, como possíveis marcadores sociocognitivos no diagnóstico de fenótipos mais leves do TEA. / [en] Theory of Mind (ToM) is defined as the ability to infer other s internal mental states. There is a consensus in the literature that ToM is a sociocognitive marker of Autism Spectrum Disorder-ASD. Performance is assessed in majority from false belief paradigm. However, there is a need for more accurate assessment tools, which include: complexity of the construct, interface with other cognitive domains as executive functions. The purpose of this work was to develop and verify validity’s evidences of a new instrument who evaluates differents ToM domains for diagnostic support in children with ASD. This study was registered in the Research Ethics Committee of Pontifical Catholical University of Rio de Janeiro-PUC-Rio. The project was divided into five studies, ranging from a literature review of ToM tasks used in assessments of ASD children, to show validity evidences of the instrument nominated Battery of Theory of Mind-BToM. The results showed BToM has evidence of content and construct validity as well as accuracy. In addition, it identifies Mental States and Verbalizations tasks as possible sociocognitive markers on diagnoses of lighter ASD phenotypes.


BRUNO DE ANDRADE RODRIGUES 09 December 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo, destinado ao ensino de Português como Segunda Língua para Estrangeiros (PL2E), visa à descrição e à sistematização dos usos dos verbos ser e estar articulados a sintagma nominal, sintagma adjetival e sintagma preposicional com base no corpus que compreende 7 episódios da primeira temporada do programa Os Normais, exibida pela Rede Globo de Televisão, no ano de 2001. A análise, orientada por pressupostos funcionalistas, procura evidenciar as condições semântico-sintáticas e sociocognitivas (contextuais) que determinam a seleção entre ser e estar, assumindo como pressuposto básico o caráter significativo e multifuncional dessas formas. Assim, mostramos que os referidos verbos tomam parte na construção do significado das orações em que figuram e que desempenham funções discursivas. Nossa análise permite-nos concluir que são três as ordens de fatores nas quais se baseia a seleção entre ser e estar: a estruturação semântico-sintática da oração; o conjunto de pressupostos que constituem os contextos socicognitivos dos interlocutores; e as funções discursivas a que servem esses verbos. / [en] This study, to be used in the teaching of Portuguese as a Second Language for Foreigners (PSLF), aims at the description and systematization of the uses of the verbs ser and estar connected to a nominal syntagm, to an adjectival syntagm and to a prepositional syntagm. The corpus include 7 episodes of the first season of the sitcom Os Normais, exhibited by the Rede Globo TV Network, in 2001. The analysis, carried out based on funcionalist principles, sought to show the semantic-syntatic and sociocognitive conditions (contextual) that determine the selection between ser and estar, adopting as assumption the meaningful and multifunctional nature from these forms. Therefore, we show that the above-mentioned verbs take part in the construction of the meaning of clauses wherein they occur and that they perform discourse functions. Our analysis enable us to conclude that there are three the types of factors in which the choise between ser and estar is based: the semantic-syntatic structure of the clause; the set of assumptions that constitute the sociocognitve contexts of the speakers; and the discursive functions that these verbs serve.

Analyse des relations entre les pratiques professionnelles réfléchies et le bien-être pédagogique des enseignants du secondaire

Dobrica, Viorica 04 May 2016 (has links)
Le travail enseignant a connu au fil des années une évolution continue qui s’est traduite par une complexification de la tâche et des changements dans les pratiques professionnelles avec des possibles conséquences sur le bien-être pédagogique des enseignants. C’est dans ce sens que cette recherche s’intéresse à l’exploration des relations entre les pratiques professionnelles réfléchies des enseignants oeuvrant dans une école secondaire et leur bien-être pédagogique. Pour ce faire, nous avons réalisé une recherche de type exploratoire, à dominance qualitative, auprès de onze enseignantes et de deux enseignants d’écoles secondaire de la grande région de Montréal. Afin de documenter leurs niveaux de réflexions au cours de leurs relations avec les élèves et les collègues et les relations entre ces réflexions et les dimensions du bien-être pédagogique chez les enseignants interviewés, nous avons opté pour une approche sociocognitive. Pour la cueillette des données, nous avons fait appel à deux techniques : la technique Q et la technique de l’incident critique. Pour explorer ces liens, nous avons commencé par nous pencher sur le modèle des niveaux de changement de Korthagen et Vasalos (2005), qui ont mis en évidence les interactions entre les réflexions spécifiques concernant six niveaux de réflexions : environnement professionnel, comportements centrés sur l’apprentissage scolaire, compétences de gestion de classe, croyances, identité professionnelles et mission auprès des élèves. Nous avons ensuite exploré le concept de bien-être pédagogique des enseignants. D’après l’ensemble des résultats de notre recherche, le bien-être pédagogique des enseignants des écoles secondaires s’avère à la fois un processus dynamique, dont l’évolution est influencée par ce qui se passe dans le milieu de travail, particulièrement dans la classe, et par les qualités essentielles de l’enseignant, et un construit reposant sur des dimensions spécifiques; trois dimensions ont été retenues pour cette étude : l’autoefficacité, l’engagement et la satisfaction au travail. Les relations pédagogiques avec les élèves constitueraient la principale source de bien-être pédagogique des enseignants. Le fait de croire en l’efficacité de leurs compétences de gestion de classe et de constater que les élèves sont contents d’être dans leur classe et engagés dans leur apprentissage stimulerait l’engagement et la satisfaction au travail des enseignants. Les réflexions sur les caractéristiques et sur le vécu des élèves, y compris sur leur bien-être en classe, et les compétences professionnelles seraient les aspects des interactions avec les élèves qui interagiraient le plus avec le bien-être pédagogique des enseignants. Pour ce qui est des interactions entre les relations de travail avec leurs collègues, elles auraient un impact positif sur le bien-être pédagogique, notamment par l’entremise de réflexions collectives sur les situations ordinaires des pratiques professionnelles. Enfin, malgré certaines limites méthodologiques et conceptuelles, cette étude met en évidence l’existence de liens empiriques entre les pratiques réfléchies et le bien-être pédagogique des enseignantes et enseignants oeuvrant dans une école secondaire. Elle dégage également des pistes de recherches futures sur les influences réciproques entre les pratiques pédagogiques et le bien-être pédagogique, et propose des idées de recherches prospectives. / This research explores the relations between the well-designed professional practices of high school teachers and their educational well-being. To do this, we conducted an exploratory research, with a qualitative dominance, among eleven female and two male high school teachers from the Greater Montreal Area. We adopted a sociocognitive approach to document their levels of reflection throughout their relations with their students and colleagues and their relations with dimensions of educational well-being among high school teachers. We used two data collection techniques: the Q technique and critical incident technique. To explore these links, we started by examining the change level model of Korthagen and Vasalos (2005), which highlighted the interactions between the specific reflections of six levels of reflection: work environment, schooling-centered behaviors, class management skills, professional beliefs and identify and mission with students. We then explored the concept of the educational well-being of teachers. According to the overall results of our research, the educational well-being of high school teachers is both a dynamic process whose evolution is influenced by what is going on in the work environment, especially in the classroom, and by the teacher’s essential qualities, and a construct based on specific dimensions; three dimensions were used in this study: self-efficacy, commitment and job satisfaction. Educational relations with students seem to be the main source of educational well-being for teachers. Believing in the efficiency of their class management skills and noticing that students are happy to be in their class and are involved in their learning apparently stimulates the commitment and job satisfaction of teachers. Reflections on the characteristics and background of students, including their well-being in the classroom, and professional skills seem to be the aspects of interactions with students that affect the educational well-being of teachers the most. As for interactions between work relations with their colleagues, they seem to have a positive impact on educational well-being, namely through collective reflections on the ordinary situations of professional practices. Lastly, despite certain methodological and conceptual limitations, this study highlights the existence of empirical links between well-designed practices and the educational well-being of high school teachers. It also identifies directions for future research on the reciprocal influences between educational practices and educational well-being, and proposes foresight research ideas.


TEREZINHA MARIA BARROSO SANTOS 31 March 2006 (has links)
[pt] No campo da Psicologia e da Didática de Línguas, pesquisas sobre aquisição e aprendizagem do discurso argumentativo entre crianças em fase de letramento têm conduzido à avaliação dessa competência discursiva, orientada por parâmetros definidores do modelo adulto de argumentar. Em decorrência, os estudos na área tendem a avaliar o texto argumentativo do escritor aprendiz na perspectiva da deficiência e inadequação e, sob a justificativa da complexidade cognitiva, o ensino da argumentação tem sido postergado para as séries finais do ensino fundamental (14- 15 anos). A hipótese implícita a tal decisão é a de que o ensino dos gêneros do discurso deva obedecer a uma gradativa sucessão, de modo que os gêneros da narração e descrição devam preceder ao ensino sistemático da argumentação. O primeiro objetivo relevante da pesquisa é o de determinar até que ponto alunos de 8-11 anos têm representado para si o esquema textual argumentativo, quando solicitados a produzir um texto de opinião em contexto escolar. O segundo é identificar como o esquema textual acionado é textualizado no modelo escrito de língua, considerando-se (1) o nível de desenvolvimento cognitivo da criança para lidar com a dimensão dialógica do discurso escrito; (2) as influências do modelo conversacional de mudança de turno na escrita do aprendiz; e (3) a ausência de ensino formalizado dos gêneros da argumentação no currículo escolar nas primeiras séries. Para atender a este propósito, o presente trabalho baseou- se na hipótese sociocognitiva de linguagem e na abordagem socionteracionista discursiva. A pesquisa analisa um corpus longitudinal, composto de 145 textos de opinião, produzidos pelos mesmos alunos entre a 2a. série e o início da 5a. série de uma escola pública, a partir da proposição de cinco diferentes tarefas. A análise orienta- se por dois enfoques: o primeiro foca a maneira como o escritor aprendiz constrói seu texto de opinião, no tocante à sua configuração textual, através de articulação e coordenação de seqüências textuais; o segundo incide sobre a natureza dos argumentos selecionados pelo aprendiz, no tocante à atitude epistemológica e evidencialidade. A pesquisa confirma que no que respeita à construção do discurso argumentativo e à capacidade de expressar opinião, a maioria das crianças é capaz de categorizar eventos comunicativos de linguagem em uso, mesmo que esse esquema não se adeque ao modelo prototípico de argumentação do adulto ou à expectativa da escola. Ao mesmo tempo, a pesquisa demonstrou que um simples dispositivo de conteúdo polêmico não determina, de antemão, o esquema textual a ser acionado pela criança para emoldurar sua argumentação; traços de natureza contextual e sociocognitiva são também utilizados para determinar a dimensão pragmática, discursiva e argumentativa do texto de opinião. Com base no exposto, defendemos que o ensino progressivo e sistemático da argumentação deve iniciar desde cedo nas práticas escolares de linguagem. / [en] In the field of Psychology and Didactics of Language many researches on the acquisition and learning process of argumentative discourse among elementary school students have led us to approach this discursive competence based on the parameters of adult mode of writing arguments. As a result, studies on the subject matter tend to conceive the children`s essays in terms of inadequacy and lack of proficiency; and as consequence of its complex cognitive demands the teaching of argument has been belated to the end of elementary school curriculum (14-15years old). The implicit hypothesis behind this procedure is that there is a graduation-succession for the learning of discursive genres in a way that narrative and descriptive genres should precede systematic teaching of argumentation. The prime goal of the present research is to determine to what extent 8-11 year-old pupils have represented for themselves the argumentative schema when they are asked to write an opinion essay as a school task. The second one is to identify how this textual schema is carried out by the learning children and textualized into written mode of language, considering (1) children`s cognitive development level to deal with the dialogic dimensions of written discourse; (2) the turn-take conversation influences on their writing, and (3) children`s lack of formal learning of argumentative genres in school curriculum. For this purpose we took as our basis on the sociocognitive hypothesis of language acquisition and on socionteracionist approach of language. The research analyses a longitudinal corpus composed of 145 essays produced by the same elementary school students from 2nd grade up to the beginning of 5th in a public school. The students were asked to write five different opinion essays. The analysis is split into two main focuses: the first one highlights the way the learning children build their written opinion in terms of textual configuration through both articulation and coordination of textual sequences; the second focus highlights the nature of arguments chosen by the learning children in terms of epistemological attitude and evidenciality. The research confirms that in the genre of argument and expressions of opinion, most of the children displays a particular knowledge to categorize communicative events of language in use, although the cognitive model triggered to convince and persuade the addressee could not necessarily suit the adult prototype schema and school expectations. At the same time, it also shows that a simple argumentative disposal does not determine beforehand the textual schema triggered by the children to frame their argumentation; contextual and sociocognitve features also determine the pragmatic, discursive and argumentative dimension of the text. Due to the features shown in the present research, and as far as pedagogy and didactic of language is concerned we defend that systematical and progressive teaching of argumentation should begin as early as possible in school context.

Déterminants sociocognitifs des comportements de recherche d'emploi chez les diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur : comparaison France-Cameroun / Sociocognitive determinants of job seeking behaviors of higher education graduates

Manto Jonte, Justine Juliette 19 March 2014 (has links)
Quels sont les mécanismes motivationnels et cognitifs qui soutiennent les stratégies de recherche d'emploi mises en œuvre par les diplômés du supérieur ? Telle est la question qui fonde les analyses effectuées dans cette thèse. Les développements y relatifs s'articulent sur trois niveaux imbriqués. Le premier examine la relation entre les dimensions mises en évidence par la théorie sociale cognitive de la carrière (TSCC) (Lent, Hackett et Brown, 1994), et la performance en recherche d'emploi. Le second a pour objectif d'introduire les stratégies d'autorégulation (STARE) en vue d'analyser dans quelle mesure elles peuvent médiatiser la relation entre le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle (SEP), l'objectif professionnel (OPRO), le projet professionnel (PPRO), les difficultés perçues (DIFF) et la performance. Enfin, ces deux premiers niveaux d'analyse se justifient par le besoin d'appréhender les mécanismes motivationnels et cognitifs auxquels se greffent les facteurs contextuels et sous-tendent les dynamiques de recherche d'emploi. La configuration actuelle du marché du travail rend de plus en plus saillante une évidence : le processus d'insertion professionnel n'est pas linéaire et, même à parcours de formation égal, les diplômés ne sont pas égaux face aux difficultés marquant l'accès à l'emploi. En s'appuyant sur un échantillon de 50 curriculum vitae (CV) de demandeurs d'emploi (étude 1), deux échantillons de 410 salariés (étude 2) et 384 sans emploi (étude 3), tous diplômés du supérieur, cette recherche conduite au Cameroun et en France montre d'une part que les variables d'intention ou les attentes de résultats et le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle sont de bons prédicteurs de performance, conformément à la littérature internationale sur la TSCC. D'autre part, l'examen des liens entre les dimensions suscitées et la performance en recherche d'emploi, par le biais de médiations simples, multiples et modérées, montre que les stratégies d'autorégulation introduites dans le modèle TSCC constituent un médiateur significatif de l'effet de l'ensemble des variables sur la réussite des salariés, de l'objectif professionnel et du projet professionnel sur le devenir des sans emploi, et du sentiment d'efficacité personnelle uniquement lorsqu'on procède à une analyse différenciée selon le sexe. En conclusion, les résultats suggèrent que contrairement aux logiques et parcours de recherche d'emploi traditionnels établis, la configuration actuelle du marché du travail impulserait de nouvelles formes d'organisation et d'ajustement chez les acteurs qui y évoluent. / What are the motivational and cognitive mechanisms that support job search strategies implemented by the graduates? This question is the base of the analyses carried out in this thesis work. The related developments are based on three nested levels. The first one examines the relationship between dimensions highlighted by the social cognitive theory of career (TSCC) (Lent, Brown and Hackett, 1994), and performance in job search. The second objective introduce self-regulation strategies (STARE) in order to analyze to what extent they can mediate the relationship between self-efficacy (SEP), career objective (OPRO), professional project (PPRO), perceived difficulties (DIFF) and performance. Finally, the first two levels of analysis are justified by the need to understand the motivational and cognitive mechanisms associated to contextual factors and underly dynamics of job search. The current labour market setup increases the relevance of obviousness: professional insertion process is not linear and even with same training courses, graduates are not equals face to difficulties regarding employment access. Based on a sample of 50 curricula vitae (CV) of job seekers (Study 1), two samples of 410 employees (study 2) and 384 job seekers (study 3), all of them graduates, the research carried out both in Cameroon and France shows on one side that the variables of intent or outcome expectations and self-efficacy are good predictors of performance, in accordance with the international literature on the TSCC. On the other side, relationship analysis between these dimensions and performance aroused in job search through simple, multiple and moderate mediations, shows that self-regulation strategies introduced in the TSCC model constitute a significant mediator of the effect of all variables on the employees success, the professional goal and the professional project on the future of job seekers, and of self-efficacy solely when performing an analysis differentiated by gender. To end with, the results suggest that contrary to established logic and traditional path of job search, the current configuration of the labor market would boost new forms of organization and adjustment among actors who evolve in this sector.

Parâmetros sociocognitivos de construção de instrumento de representação temática da informação de áreas técnicocientíficas / Socio-cognitives parameters for construction of tool for thematic representation of information techno-scientific areas

Oliveira, Greissi Gomes 18 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:16:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5000.pdf: 2828821 bytes, checksum: 085b98bac2f728cd163a1abb8d9d9385 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-18 / Information retrieval systems for information retrieval can occur through the search by author name, title of the work, by text words and through the theme or subject of a work. For accuracy in information search by subject, it becomes essential to use structured languages, called indexing languages, which are instruments with a view to enabling represent the contents of the collection. Thus, the theme of our research is to identify construction parameters of an instrument subject representation for information retrieval by subject in units of scientific and technical information (USTI). In this study, the units of scientific and technical information correspond to the libraries of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo. Our research problem is characterized by the absence of social cognitive parameters for the construction of an instrument of representation of thematic information of technical and scientific areas. Identify proposed construction parameters of an instrument of thematic representation of information on the technical and scientific literature in the area of Knowledge Representation and Organization in the context of social cognitive librarian and user and the prospect of the units of scientific and technical information feds. Our overall objective was to present parameters for the construction of social cognitive instrument thematic representation of information techno-scientific areas. The specific objectives were: 1. identify the interdisciplinary Science, Technology and Society, Information Science, with emphasis on the Organization of Knowledge and Cognitive Science, to establish a collaborative dialogue in building a tool for thematic representation of information 2. present on the documentary languages, viewed as representation language for subject areas of technical and scientific information retrieval systems; 3. identify methods of construction of alphabetical indexing languages, given the technical and scientific literature in the area of Knowledge Representation and Organization in Information Science, 4. describe the context of social cognitive librarian and user units of scientific and technical information feds 5. the views of librarians and users of information units on federal technical-scientific parameters in the collaborative construction of an instrument subject representation in Science, Technology and Education, from the application of verbal protocol viewed as a qualitative methodology with sociocognitive approach. Our research is justified by the need for an indexing language for representation and retrieval of information in units of scientific and technical information to enable the correct representation of information by librarians in indexing activity and access to information for users seeking quality and specificity in recovery the information. As methodology we conducted bibliographic research on thematic Science, Technology, Society, Information Science, Cognitive Science, Knowledge Organization, Documentary Languages, Intelligence Units, Thesaurus, Federal Institute of Education. Subsequently, we apply the Protocol Verbal Group (PVG), knowing opinions of librarians and users on indicators for the construction of the instrument. The results were analyzed from grants acquired by literature accompanied by statements of participants and enabled PVG Eleven parameters indicate the collaborative construction of an instrument subject representation: 1. characterization of the user profile (target) that will make use of language learners and teachers of upper-level courses and medium 2. terms must serve the needs of representation and retrieval of information (guarantees and literary usage) 3. terms must originate in natural language and specialty (fair usage and literary) 4. terms should represent the vocabulary usage of the organization (organizational guarantee) 5. language must have both generic and specific terms; 6. language should promote control of synonyms; 7. language must identify the homonymous accordance with the use of qualifiers 8. establishment of logical-semantic relationships between terms of orders hierarchical, associative and equivalency; 9. inclusion of terms of scope notes when needed; 10. assignment of terms must be contemplating the balance between comprehensiveness and specificity achieved by the information retrieval system; 11. identification / building information retrieval system (catalog) that includes also factors such as being available online, offering reservation services online and renewal; allow viewing of information such as: cover, table of contents, introduction and full text materials contained in the collection of USTI; possess and to enable a feature suggestion terms, the timing of the search, both to fix the search expression as for the storage of subjects / search terms. This feature is important in terms of collection, aimed at updating process of language also from the user's perspective; provide and ensure accessibility of the language so that the librarian can realize the representation of information with it and from it, and allow available the accessibility of the language so that the user can perform a search by subject, for recovering useful information with it and from it. We believe that the diversity of the public pointed verbal protocols with respect to factors such as age, level of education (knowledge) and different areas of expertise, which makes us think and recommend to the IFSP USTI the construction and use of an indexing language with vocabulary arising from natural language and specialty (as in a thesaurus) but with the logical structure semantics between terms / headers from a list of subject headings, covering scope also notes that become necessary. / A recuperação da informação em sistemas de recuperação da informação pode dar-se através da busca por nome do autor, por título da obra, por palavras do texto e através do tema ou assunto de uma obra. Para a precisão na busca da informação por assunto, torna-se fundamental o uso de linguagens estruturadas, denominadas linguagens documentárias, que são instrumentos com vistas a permitir representar os conteúdos do acervo de uma unidade de informação. Dessa forma, o tema de nossa pesquisa é a identificação de parâmetros de construção de um instrumento de representação temática para recuperação de informação por assunto em unidades de informação técnico-científicas (UITC). Nesta pesquisa, as unidades de informação técnico-científicas correspondem às bibliotecas do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo. Nosso problema de pesquisa caracteriza-se pela ausência de parâmetros sociocognitivos para a construção de instrumento de representação temática da informação de áreas técnico-científicas. Propusemos identificar parâmetros de construção de um instrumento de representação temática da informação, diante das literaturas técnica e científica na área de Organização e Representação do Conhecimento, no contexto sociocognitivo do bibliotecário e do usuário e pela perspectiva das unidades de informação técnico-científicas federais. Nosso objetivo geral foi apresentar parâmetros sociocognitivos para a construção de instrumento de representação temática da informação de áreas técnico-científicas. Os objetivos específicos foram: 1. identificar a interdisciplinaridade entre a Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade, Ciência da Informação, com destaque para a Organização do Conhecimento e Ciência Cognitiva, visando estabelecer um diálogo colaborativo na construção de um instrumento de representação temática da informação; 2. apresentar sobre as linguagens documentárias, vistas como linguagem de representação por assunto de áreas técnico-científicas e de sistemas de recuperação da informação; 3. identificar os métodos de construção de linguagens documentárias alfabéticas, diante das literaturas técnica e científica na área de Organização e Representação do Conhecimento em Ciência da Informação; 4. descrever o contexto sociocognitivo do bibliotecário e do usuário de unidades de informação técnico-científicas federais; 5. conhecer as opiniões de bibliotecários e usuários de unidades de informação técnico-científicas federais sobre parâmetros colaborativos na construção de um instrumento de representação temática em Ciência, Tecnologia e Educação, a partir da aplicação do protocolo verbal visto como uma metodologia qualitativa com abordagem sociocognitiva. Nossa pesquisa justificou-se pela necessidade de uma linguagem documentária para representação e recuperação da informação em unidades de informação técnico-científicas que permitam a correta representação da informação por bibliotecários na atividade de indexação e o acesso a informação por usuários que buscam especificidade e qualidade na recuperação da informação. Como metodologia realizamos pesquisa bibliográfica sobre temáticas Ciência, Tecnologia, Sociedade, Ciência da Informação, Ciência Cognitiva, Organização do Conhecimento, Linguagens Documentárias, Unidades de Informação, Tesauros, Instituto Federal de Educação. Posteriormente, aplicamos o Protocolo Verbal em Grupo (PVG), conhecendo opiniões de bibliotecários e usuários acerca dos indicadores para a construção do instrumento. Os resultados foram analisados a partir dos subsídios adquiridos pela literatura acompanhados das declarações dos participantes do PVG e possibilitaram indicar onze parâmetros colaborativos na construção de um instrumento de representação temática: 1. caracterização do perfil do usuário (público alvo) que fará uso da linguagem: discentes e docentes de cursos de nível superior e médio; 2. termos devem atender as necessidades de representação e recuperação da informação (garantias literária e de uso); 3. termos devem ter origem na linguagem natural e de especialidade (garantias de uso e literária); 4. termos devem representar o vocabulário de uso da organização (garantia organizacional); 5. a linguagem deve possuir tanto termos genéricos quanto específicos; 6. a linguagem deve promover o controle de sinônimos; 7. a linguagem deve identificar a homonímia com o uso de termos qualificadores; 8. estabelecimento de relações lógicosemânticas entre os termos de ordens hierárquica, equivalência e associativa; 9. inclusão de notas de escopo dos termos, quando necessário; 10. atribuição de termos deve ser contemplar o equilíbrio entre a exaustividade e a especificidade alcançada pelo sistema de recuperação da informação; 11. identificação/construção de sistema de recuperação da informação (catálogo) que contemple, também, fatores, tais como: estar disponíveis online; oferecer os serviços de reservas e renovação online; permitir a visualização de informações como: capa, sumário, introdução e texto completo de materiais constantes do acervo das UITCs; possuir e ativar um recurso para sugestão de termos, na momento de realização da busca, tanto para correção da expressão de busca quanto para o armazenamento dos assuntos/termos procurados. Tal recurso é importante na coleta de termos, visando o processo de atualização da linguagem a partir também da perspectiva do usuário; disponibilizar e permitir a acessibilidade da linguagem para que o bibliotecário possa realizar a representação da informação com ela e a partir dela; disponibilizar e permitir a acessibilidade da linguagem para que o usuário possa realizar a busca por assunto, para a recuperação de informações úteis, com ela e a partir dela. Consideramos que a diversidade de públicos apontada nos protocolos verbais diz respeito a fatores como idade, níveis de escolaridade (conhecimento) e áreas de especialidades distintas, o que nos faz refletir e recomendar às UITCs do IFSP a construção e uso de uma linguagem documentária com vocabulários advindos da linguagem natural e de especialidade (como ocorre em um tesauro), porém com a estrutura lógico-semântica entre os termos/cabeçalhos de uma lista de cabeçalhos de assunto, contemplando também as notas de escopo que se fizerem necessárias


MIRNA JULIANA SANTOS FONSECA 21 August 2019 (has links)
[pt] A pesquisa teve por objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da linguagem audiovisual na escola, buscando identificar conhecimentos e habilidades desenvolvidas pelos estudantes nesse processo. Para isso, foram feitas observações das atividades realizadas em uma oficina de vídeo ministrada para alunos do segundo segmento do ensino fundamental em uma escola pública municipal do Rio de Janeiro, durante o ano de 2017. Para o registro das observações, utilizou-se diário de campo e gravações em áudio das aulas. Além disso, foi construído e utilizado um protocolo com indicadores de atitudes, conhecimentos e habilidades adquiridos pelos participantes das oficinas, em relação a: trabalho em equipe e realização/cumprimento/resolução de tarefas conjuntas, capacidade de empatia, planejamento de atividades/tarefas para médio e longo prazos, capacidade de argumentação e de escuta do outro, organização de tarefas em diferentes etapas, e transcodificação de linguagens. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com o professor da oficina, outros professores da escola, a diretora e com os alunos participantes da oficina. Buscou-se, ainda, analisar a pedagogia audiovisual adotada pelo professor no processo de produção audiovisual investigado, identificando procedimentos e pressupostos teórico-metodológicos que a integram, à luz da literatura de referência sobre o tema. Nessa análise, a pesquisa tomou como referência duas vertentes teóricas que orientam processos pedagógicos de produção audiovisual na escola: teoria e prática de ensino de cinema e teoria e prática em mídia-educação. As perspectivas são compreendidas, aqui, como complementares para a produção audiovisual na escola, podendo ser acessadas pelos professores conforme seus objetivos. A pedagogia do professor parte da geração de ideias, escrita do roteiro, divisão de papéis e filmagens, sendo analisada como uma proposta mais próxima dos pressupostos da mídia-educação, ao tentar simular a criação de um filme. A análise de sua metodologia indica que o processo de escrita do roteiro propicia a criação coletiva e a expressão de ideias, atendendo, assim, aos objetivos do professor, porém, deixando de cumprir partes importantes para uma experiência com a produção de filmes na escola, como a análise e debates de filmes e a edição e apresentação do filme produzido pelo grupo. As habilidades sociocognitivas promovidas nessa oficina de vídeo foram: trabalho em equipe, empatia e capacidade de argumentação; as habilidades concernentes a planejamento e organização de tarefas e transcodificação de linguagens não foram verificadas nessa oficina, assim como habilidades relacionadas à produção audiovisual. Esses dados são relacionados à maior atenção à construção do roteiro, com pouco tempo dedicado às filmagens e visualização do material produzido. / [en] The aim of the research was to describe and analyze the teaching-learning process of the audiovisual language in the school, seeking to identify the knowledge and skills developed by the students in this process. For this, observations were made of the activities carried out in a video workshop given to students of the 2nd elementary school segment in a municipal public school in Rio de Janeiro, during the year 2017. In order to record the observations, field diary and audio recordings of classes. In addition, a protocol with indicators of attitudes, knowledge and skills acquired by workshop participants was constructed and used in relation to: teamwork and accomplishment/ fulfillment/ resolution of joint tasks, empathy capacity, activity/task planning for medium and long term, ability to argue and listen to the other, organization of tasks in different stages, and transcoding of languages. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with the workshop teacher, other school teachers, the principal, and the students participating in the workshop. It was also sought to analyze the audiovisual pedagogy adopted by the teacher in the process of audiovisual production investigated, identifying procedures and theoretical and methodological assumptions that integrate it, in light of the reference literature on the subject. In this analysis, the research took as reference two theoretical aspects that guide pedagogical processes of audiovisual production in school: theory and practice of teaching cinema and theory and practice in media education. The perspectives are understood here as complementary to the audiovisual production in the school, and can be accessed by teachers according to their objectives. The pedagogy of the teacher starts with the generation of ideas, script writing, division of roles and filming, and is analyzed as a proposal closer to the assumptions of media education when trying to simulate the creation of a film. The analysis of its methodology indicates that the writing process of the script proposing collective creation and the expression of ideas, thus meeting the objectives of the teacher, but let himself fulfill important parts for an experience with the production of films in school, such as the analysis and discussions of films and the edition and presentation of the film produced by the group. Sociocognitive skills promoted in this video workshop were: teamwork, empathy and ability of arguments. The skills concerning the planning and organization of tasks and transcoding of languages were not verified in this workshop, as well as skills related to audiovisual production. These data are related to the greatest attention to the construction of the script, with a little time dedicated to the filming and visualization of the material produced.

Peer sociocognitive interaction according to symmetry and asymmetry of epistemic competence / Interacción sociocognitiva entre pares en situaciones simétricas y asimétricas de competencia epistémica / Interaction socio-cognitive entre paires dans des situations symétriques et asymétriques de compétence épistémique / Interação sociocognitiva entre pares em situações simétricas e assimétricas de competência epistêmica

Castellaro, Mariano, Roselli, Néstor 30 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The study aimed to analyze the peer sociocognitive interaction and its relationship with individual cognitive progress, in both symmetrical and asymmetrical situations of epistemic competence. Participants were 72 students of fifth and sixth grade (age, M = 11 years, 3 months, SD = 7 months), who solved logical items (pre / post test individual, intermediate dyadic condition). The results indicated: a) the distribution of arguments in the dyad is the main variable of the interactive process related to differences between symmetrical conditions and b) the volume and distribution of the arguments in dyads are significantly associated with individual cognitive advancement, independently of symmetrical/asymmetrical condition. The results are discussed from a socioconstructivist perspective. / El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la interacción sociocognitiva entre pares y su relación con el avance cognitivo individual, en situaciones de simetría y asimetría de competencia epistémica. Participaron 72 estudiantes de quinto y sexto grado (edad, M = 11 años, 3 meses; SD=7 meses), quienes resolvieron ítems lógicos (pre/post prueba individual, condición diádica intermedia). Los resultados indicaron: a) la distribución del aporte argumental en la díada es el principal diferenciador procesual entre las condiciones simétricas analizadas; b) el volumen y distribución de los argumentos de la díada se asocian significativamente con el avance cognitivo individual, independientemente de la condición de simetría/asimetría de competencia epistémica. Los resultados se discuten a la luz de los fundamentos socioconstructivistas del estudio. / L’objectif de l’étude était d’analyser l’interaction sociocognitive entre pairs et leur relation avec le progrès cognitif individuel, dans des situations de symétrie et d’asymétrie de la compétence épistémique. 72 élèves de cinquième et sixième année ont participé (M = 11 ans, 3 mois, DE = 7 mois), qui ont résolu des items logiques (test pré / post individuel, condition dyadique intermédiaire). Les résultats ont indiqué: a) la distribution de la contribution dans l’argumentation dans le couple est le principal différentiateur procédural entre les conditions symétriques analysées; b) le volume et la distribution des arguments de le couple sont significativement associés à l’avance cognitive individuelle, indépendamment de la condition de symétrie / asymétrie de la compétence épistémique. Les résultats sont discutés sous l’angle des fondements socioconstructivistes de l’étude. / O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a interação sociocognitiva entre pares e sua relação com o progresso cognitivo individual, em situações de simetria e assimetria de competência epistê- mica. Participaram 72 alunos do quinto e sexto ano (idade, M = 11 anos, 3 meses, DE = 7 meses), que resolveram itens lógicos (pré / pós-teste individual, condição diadêmica intermediária). Os resultados indicaram: a) a distribuição da argumentação na díade é o principal diferencial processual entre as condições simétricas analisadas; b) o volume e a distribuição dos argumentos da díade estão significativamente associados ao avanço cognitivo individual, independentemente da condição de simetria / assimetria de competência epistêmica. Os resultados são discutidos à luz dos fundamentos socioconstrutivistas do estudo.

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