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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A sociolinguistic analysis of a multilingual community

Calteaux, Karen Vera 18 March 2014 (has links)
D.Phil. (African Languages) / This study attempts to fill a gap in the available research on language use in Black urban speech communities. Previous studies conducted in these communities, concentrated on specific language varieties. However, no attempt at describing the entire language situation in such a community had hitherto been made. A macro-level sociolinguistic description which would serve as an orientation for various detailed studies on the language varieties occurring in these communities, was therefore needed. The aim of the present study was to provide such a description. In order to achieve this, a sound theoretical framework had to be established. Phenomena such as language 'Contact, language variation and language use had to be researched and defined in order to apply to the particular situation under investigation. In .this sense, this study has succeeded in making a contribution to the theoretical debate regarding various sociolinguistic concepts, in that it has shown how these concepts apply to the South African situation. The study also investigated qualitative research methodology. The background to and implications of this methodology were discussed and analysed. A particular type of qualitative research, namely, interactive qualitative research was explored. Within this framework, a unique approach to two basic data collection techniques, namely, individual and focus group interviewing, was proposed. These techniques were used to gather the primary data for this study, and were discussed in detail. The primary data was gathered from residents of the township known as Tembisa. The secondary data was taken from studies done on individual language varieties in other Black urban speech communities. The primary data was analysed and a comprehensive qualitative description of the entire language situation in the speech community of Tembisa was given. The findings of the Tembisa study were compared with the secondary data, resulting in the identification of a number of distinct language varieties which occur in the township situations that were studied. These are: a number of Standard languages, Fanakalo (although seldom used), a Black urban vernacular, Afrikaans-based Tsotsitaal, Zulu-based Tsotsitaal, Soweto Zulu Slang, Soweto Iscamtho, Tembisa Iscamtho, English and Afrikaans. Sociolinguistic profiles of each of these language varieties were drawn up. These profiles provided clarity on the linguistic diversity in the Black urban speech communities studied and enabled the rendering of a graphic representation of the language situation in Tembisa. The above-mentioned varieties were typologised. Based on language type and language function, the study proposed a model which may be used as a framework for describing the language situation in multilingual Black urban speech communities. The study concludes with recommendations with regard to the need for linguistic analyses of the language varieties used in Black urban speech communities. The implications of the widespread use of these varieties, particularly for education, also deserve further investigation as a matter of urgency...

Dynamiques sociolinguistiques de la globalisation : l’exemple de l’Office du Tourisme de Marseille / Sociolinguistic dynamics of globalisation : the case of the Tourist Office of Marseille

Wilson, Adam 08 December 2016 (has links)
Marseille se transforme. Depuis vingt ans, la cité phocéenne investit dans des secteurs emblématiques de la globalisation afin d’agrandir ses perspectives et renouveler son image. Parmi les transformations que cette initiative a entraînées, l’accroissement de l’industrie touristique constitue un exemple phare. Caractérisée depuis toujours comme une ville d’accueil de populations en mouvement, comment Marseille réagit-elle à ces nouvelles mobilités de la globalisation ? Quelles sont les traces laissées sur le tissu sociolinguistique de la ville ? La recherche proposée ici vise à aborder cette question en étudiant les rapports entre dynamiques sociales et usages langagiers sur un terrain central au milieu touristique marseillais : l’Office de Tourisme et des Congrès. En s’appuyant sur une analyse des interactions entre les touristes internationaux et les conseillers touristiques, cette thèse propose un regard critique sur le déploiement de ressources langagières dans ce contexte. En analysant comment les participants choisissent la langue des échanges, il est montré comment une « dynamique sociolinguistique d’efficience » et une « dynamique sociolinguistique de marchandisation » sous-tendent ces négociations et donnent lieu à la valorisation d’un répertoire très restreint de ressources. Il est montré comment les pratiques langagières deviennent une partie intégrante du contexte touristique et comment elles constituent une manifestation des inégalités liées aux processus de globalisation. / Marseille is changing. For the past twenty years, the city has been investing in various “globalised” sectors, aiming to improve its prospects and rejuvenate its image. Among the transformations that this initiative has led to, the growth of the tourism industry is a notable example. Throughout its history, Marseille has gained a reputation for being a port of call for different migrant populations. How is the city reacting to the arrival of a new form of globalised mobility? What traces does this tourist mobility leave on its sociolinguistic fabric? This thesis aims to address these questions by exploring the links between social dynamics and language use in a setting central to Marseille’s tourist sector: the Marseille Tourist Office and Convention Bureau. Through interactional analyses of encounters between international tourists and tourist advisers, this research proposes a critical look at how language resources are deployed in this context. Special focus is given to analysing how participants select the language of interaction and it is shown how a “sociolinguistic dynamic of efficiency” and a “sociolinguistic dynamic of commodification” underpin these negotiations. These dynamics will be shown to favour, and therefore add value to, a repertoire made up of very few linguistic resources. It will be shown how the language practices in this situation become a part of the touristic context and how they may be considered as a manifestation of the inequality linked to globalisation processes.

L'enseignement du français à l'université marocaine : le cas de la filière "économie et gestion" / The French language teaching at the Moroccan University : the case of the sector "Economy and management"

Ghoummid, Imad 05 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des besoins langagiers des étudiants économistes en matière de langue de spécialité et en rapport avec la filière Economie et gestion. J’essaierai de voir si la matière de langue et de communication (LC), enseignée dans la filière Economie et gestion répond aux besoins des étudiants en matière de langue de spécialité économique. Ce cours de langue n’est que l’ensemble des pratiques de classe et des outils didactiques employés par les enseignants. Cette thèse tend à voir également si le cours en question, donné aux étudiants économistes, est en adéquationavec la filière économique. Cette étude cible les étudiants en première année (S1 et S2), aux niveaux A1 et A2 du CECRL. En d’autres termes, cette thèse tend à répondre à une seule question, dite question de recherche : « Les pratiques de classe de langue et de communication dans la filière Economie et gestion et les outils didactiques employés par les enseignants de cette matière répondent-ils aux besoins en technolecte ou en langue de spécialité, des étudiants économistes en première année de licence (S1 et S2), aux niveaux A1 et A2 du CECRL et les aident-ils ainsi à mieux comprendre les cours de spécialité et à accéder aux savoirs universitaires ? ». Cette recherche se situe au carrefour de la sociolinguistique et de la didactique des langues. Cette intersection a abouti donc à une nouvelle approche, dite approche sociodidactique. Cette thèse se divise en quatre parties. La première partie intitulée « contextualisation » situe la recherche dans son environnement géographique, sociolinguistique et éducatif. La deuxième partie intitulée « Classe de langue dans la filière des sciences économiques » porte sur les pratiques de classe de LC. On y trouvera également les définitions de toutes les notions mobilisées, telles que pratiques de classe, observation participante… Je me pencherai également sur la notion de besoin langagier et recenserai les situations de communication qui se produisent dansle cours de LC et les situations de communication dans l’amphithéâtre (matières économiques) pour voir si les deux blocs sont en adéquation ou en inadéquation. Dans la troisième partie intitulée « Technolecte et besoins langagiers des étudiants économistes », je définirai la notion de technolecte et celle de langue de spécialité. Je présenterai par la suite le technolecte des études économiques. J’essayerai également de relever ce technolecte dans les documents relatifs à la spécialité économique (polycopiés des cours, ouvrages de spécialité et journaux économiques). Ensuite, je tenterai de chercher le même technolecte dans la méthode Cap Université. Et ce, pourvoir si cette méthode inclut dans son contenu ou exclut de celui-ci le technolecte des études économiques. Je me pencherai aussi sur l’analyse des besoins langagiers desétudiants. Et ce, à l’aide de deux méthodes d’enquête de terrain, à savoir le questionnaire et l’entretien semi-directif. Dans la quatrième et la dernière partie intitulée « Résultats et perspectives », l’accent sera mis sur les résultats de la recherchemenée sur le terrain et sur les perspectives qu’elles ouvrent / This thesis concerns the study of the linguistic needs of the student’s economists in touch with the sector Economy and management. I shall try to see if the subject of language and communication (LC), taught in the sector Economy andmanagement meets the needs of students in specialized discourse. This language course is only all the practices of class and the didactic tools employed by the teachers. This thesis tends to see also if the subject in question, given to the students economists, is in adequacy with the economic sector or not. This study targets the students in first year (S1 and S2), at the levels A1 and A2 of the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). In other words, this thesis tends to answer a single question: «The practices of class of language and communication in the sector Economy and management and the didactic tools employed by the teachers of this subject meet the needs in specialist language of students economists in first year of Bachelor's degree (S1 and S2), at the levels A1 and A2 of the CEFRL and do they so help them to understand better the courses of speciality and to reach the university knowledge? ". This research is situated in the crossroads of the sociolinguistics and the language pedagogy. This thesis divides in four parts. The first part entitled “Context” places the research in its geographical, sociolinguistic and educational environment. The secondpart entitled "Language class in the sector of the economic studies" concerns the practices of class of LC. We shall also find there the definitions of all the concepts used here, such as practices of class, participating observation …I shall also talk about the notion of linguistic needs and shall count the situations of communication which occur in the course of LC and the situations of communication in the economic subjects to see if both blocks are in adequacy or in inadequacy. In the third part entitled "Technolect and linguistic needs of the students economists ", I shall define the notion of technolect and specialized discourse. I shall present afterward the technolect of the economic studies. I will also try to find this technolect in documents to the economic speciality). Then, I will try to look for the same technolect in the method Cap Université. And it, to see if this method includes in its contents or excludes from this one the technolect of the economic studies. I will also bend over the analysis of the linguistic needs of the students. In the fourth and the last part entitled " Results and perspectives ", the accent will be put on the results of the research led on the ground and on the perspectives which they open

Usage et représentations de l'Arabe de Juba au Nord Soudan / Use and representations of Juba Arabic in North Sudan

Nasir, Hugo 09 December 2009 (has links)
Le but de la thèse est de retracer le développement et l’évolution de l’arabe de Juba au Nord Soudan, et son expansion, grâce à l’accroissement de son usage dans la vie quotidienne, comme instrument de communication dans tous les domaines sans exception. On y décrit la situation sociolinguistique de l’arabe de Juba, dans les années récentes, et le rôle d’une nouvelle génération dans le processus de son développement spectaculaire. L’étude est descriptive, analytique, et diachronique; elle donne une image historique des débuts de son existence, à partir du Sud en direction du Nord. Il s’agit d’observer, de près, son progrès dans la société, malgré sa complexité linguistique, face à une soixantaine de langues maternelles [langues vernaculaires], dans une société multi-ethnique, multi-culturelle et géographiquement étendue; l’élargissement de son utilisation dans les occasions officielles, rassemblements populaires, etc. Il s’agit aussi d’analyser le développement de sa structure grammaticale, à partir des données récoltées du corpus. L'objectif est aussi de montrer l’évolution linguistique de l’Arabe de Juba, en particulier son usage moderne et son rapprochement de l’arabe de Khartoum (Dialecte du nord Soudan), son usage quotidien à la radio et à la télévision qui jouent un rôle incontournable. Il s’agit enfin de montrer que l’arabe de Juba a fait un grand pas dans les domaines suivants: la poésie populaire, le théâtre, la chanson, la publicité, les blagues, les programmes télévisés, le discours politique, etc. La thèse dresse le tableau de la situation actuelle de ce phénomène linguistique considérable qu’est l’extension de l’usage de l’arabe de Juba au Nord Soudan, tout en étudiant les représentations dont il est l’objet, chez les locuteurs natifs ou non. Cette étude des nouveaux visages de l’arabe de Juba n’oublie pas de s’appuyer sur l’état ancien de cette langue et sur les travaux qui lui ont été consacrés. Par ailleurs, la thèse comprend la transcription et la traduction d’un vaste corpus recueilli sur place. / The aim of the thesis, "Use and representations of Juba Arabic in North Sudan" is to relate the development and evolution of Juba Arabic in North Sudan, and its expansion by its increasing use in everyday life as an instrument of communication in all fields without exception. The thesis describes the sociolinguistic situation of Juba Arabic, in recent years, and the role of a new generation in the process of its dramatic growth. The study is descriptive, analytical, and diachronic, giving a historical account of the beginnings of its existence, from the South up to the North. It is a close observation of its progress in society, in spite of its linguistic complexity, confronted with sixty vernacular languages in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural society spreading out on a wide geographical space, the expansion of its use in formal occasions, public gatherings, etc. It analyzes the development of grammatical structure, based on collected data. The objective is also to show the evolution of Juba Arabic and its modern use and how it is getting closer to the Arabic of Khartoum [dialect of northern Sudan], as well as its daily use on radio and television which play a key role. It is also to show that Juba Arabic has taken a big step forward in the fields of folk poetry, drama, song, commercials, jokes, television programs, political speech, etc. This thesis thus draws an image of contemporary use and representations of Juba Arabic in Sudan, studying the significant linguistic phenomenon of its extension in North Sudan, as well as of how native and non native speakers look at it. It addresses the new faces of Juba Arabic, without losing to take into account the ancient state of the language and the work that had been carried out by previous scholars. Furthermore, an extensive corpus collected locally is given both in transcription and translation.

El Seny I La Rauxa: Identity, Ideologies, and Communicative Practices of Honduran Youth in Catalonia

Vujasinović, Ellen Elizabeth, Vujasinović, Ellen Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
Catalonia, struggling with a national identity, minority language rights, and an independence movement serves as the backdrop for this dissertation which focuses on the communicative practices of fifteen Honduran youth immigrants living in a segregated neighborhood on the periphery of a Catalan city. Ethnographic fieldwork in a Catalonian neighborhood and high school dominated by Latin American immigrants reveal a number of factors which influence the languaging of Honduran diasporic youths. The participants in this study negotiate multi-layered, often hybrid, transnational identities which influence their linguistic choices both in and out of school. Data collection via in-depth interviews and participant observations identify investment in Catalan language for academic and employment purposes and the maintenance of Honduran Spanish and/or variations for social "currency." Furthermore, this dissertation examines the implications of the Honduran youths' communicative practices for educational and pedagogical purposes as well as for language policy and planning in Catalonia, Spain.

Variation and clitic placement among Galician neofalantes

Enríquez García, Ildara 15 August 2017 (has links)
This thesis examines variation in clitic placement among neofalantes—a speech community of urban, L2 speakers of Galician, in a bilingual region in Northwestern Spain (Dubert 2005; Freixeiro Mato 2014; O’Rourke & Ramallo 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015). Galician has a complex system of pronominal clitics that can be either proclitic or enclitic depending on a range of grammatical factors (e.g. finiteness, sentence type, triggering particles). Among neofalantes, clitic placement is variable, sometimes following the rules of traditional Galician, and sometimes not. Non-traditional clitic placement has been criticized as one of the most salient “errors” in neofalante speech, both by speakers and by linguists (Dubert 2005; González-González 2008). Due to language contact, the bilingual nature of the region and the genetic proximity of Galician and Spanish, most research has argued that non-traditional clitic use results from Spanish influence (e.g. Kabatek 1997; Dubert 2005). However, to date, no empirical research has targeted neofalante clitic usage to test this assertion. To probe possible contact effects, this thesis is based on accountable variationist analysis of pronominal clitics (N = 3,736) in the vernacular of 15 neofalantes. Overall results reveal that the vast majority of tokens follow traditional Galician grammar, suggesting that neofalantes are relatively good at mastering Galician clitic placement. However, variation is not evenly distributed. Where proclitic placement follows traditional grammar at a rate that approaches categoricity (98.6%, N = 2,036), nearly 40% of enclitic tokens conflict with traditional grammar (39.2%, N = 1,700). Logistic regression suggests that variation is largely isolated to those contexts where Galician and Spanish differ (e.g. finiteness (+/-), where finite verbs favour non-traditional placement), lending support to previous claims. However, social predictors are also relevant, with speakers who have Galician parents and who were born after the implementation of bilingual education favouring non-traditional placement as well. These results suggest that other sociolinguistic factors, such as the need to assert one’s Galician identity, can also impact clitic placement. / Graduate / 2018-07-31

Fonetiese variasie in die taal van die Rehoboth-basters

Van Schalkwyk, Dirk Jacobus 14 October 2015 (has links)
D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans) / Today linguists generally accept that languages change continuously and that variation characterizes language. lt appears from sociolinguistic research done since 1964 that there is a connection between linguistic and social or non-linguistic variables. Even an initial acquaintance with Rehoboth Afrikaans will indicate the general occurrence of variation; yet little research has been done in this area. The only noteworthy study in this field was carried out by J.H. Rademeyer in 1938. Variation, more specifically phonetic variation, is the object of study of this thesis ...

Language, identity and nationhood: language use and attitudes among Xhosa students at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Dyers, Charlyn January 2000 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD (Linguistics,Language and Communication) / This thesis is a study of patterns of language attitudes and use among Xhosa home language speakers at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa. Speakers of Xhosa, according to Statistics South Africa 2000, form the second largest speech community in South Africa (17.9% of the total population), second only to speakers of Zulu (22.9% of the total population). The University of the Western Cape, which is situated just outside Cape Town, was originally intended to serve only the Coloured (mixed-race) population of South Africa. Coloureds form the majority group in the population of the Western Cape, one of the nine provinces of South Africa. In 1982, the university took the bold step of defying the apartheid regime, by opening its doors to students of all races. Students from all over South Africa now attend the university, but Xhosa students, drawn mainly from the provinces of the Eastern and Western Cape, form the largest language group or speech community on the campus. The thesis presents a study of the patterns of language attitudes and use with which Xhosa students enter the university, as well as patterns of change in language attitudes and use revealed by a longitudinal study of a smaller group of Xhosa students. / South Africa

Response to multilingualism: Language support in a Western Cape primary school

Pluddemann, Peter R. January 1996 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / Multilingualism has always been a feature of South African Education. It is only in recent years that a particular form of linguistic diversity has become unmanageable for schools implementing the official English Afrikaans bilingual model associated with the previous regime. The subject of this study is a remedial language enrichment or support programme instituted as a response to multilingualism in the junior primary section in a parallel medium primary school in the Western Cape. / South Africa

Kinyarwaanda sexuality taboo words and their significance in Rwandan culture

Ngirabakunzi, Ndimurugero January 2004 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This study investigates Kinyarwaanda sexuality taboo words and their meaning in Rwandan culture to enable the youth to improve their communication and the values of Rwandan culture. It explores whether the use of Kinyarwaanda sexuality taboo words is a good way to communicate with one another or is a transgression of Rwandan culture. Its intent is to see the value that Rwandans assign to verbal taboos, particularly sexuality taboo words, to see how these taboos regulate Rwandans lives, to see the attitudes Rwandans hold towards them, and to find out the link there might be between sexuality taboo words, the information dissemination on HIV/AIDS and the spread of AIDS. / South Africa

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