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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Metcha suki ya nen” : A sociolinguistic attitude survey concerning the Kansai dialect

Södergren, Susanne January 2014 (has links)

Langue française et urbanité au Maroc : l’exemple de Rabat / French language and politeness in Morocco : the example of Rabat

Mzioud, Hajar 10 February 2015 (has links)
Le statut de la ville de Rabat comme étant le grand centre politique et administratif du pays suscite un intérêt linguistique particulier. Ville à la fois moderne et ancienne, cela implique une hétérogénéité et un conflit inavoué entre ses habitants. Cette thèse tend alors à mettre l’accent sur les différences de langage dans les rues de Rabat ainsi que la présence du français dans ses rues à travers les enseignes, les noms des rues et même le parler des locuteurs. Ainsi, nous avons choisi de prendre deux grands quartiers de la capitale, l’un populaire et l’autre résidentiel, qui dévoilent une dualité criante, et nous avons fait une comparaison entre le parler des locuteurs y appartenant via l’enregistrement des interactions effectives dans des lieux publics.Nous avons remarqué la présence du français et d’un langage plus soutenu dans le quartier résidentiel, vu le statut socio-économique de ses habitants. Par contre, le quartier populaire est plus archaïque côté infrastructures et langage utilisé. La problématique de cette thèse se veut d’étudier, dans un premier volet, la présence du français dans la capitale politique du Maroc, à travers ses rues et ses quartiers, en s’intéressant notamment aux enseignes, au marquage de l’espace et aux noms de rues, et dans un deuxième volet, les interactions langagières effectives dans la ville de Rabat en enregistrant les échanges verbaux dans des lieux publics. Cela nous a permis de déterminer la place qu’occupe le français dans le parler des locuteurs. L’analyse de faits de langue s’est également intéressée aux changements morphologiques que subissent les mots français empruntés et si bien adaptés par les locuteurs au point même de ne plus pouvoir les détecter. / The status of Rabat as the country’s biggest political and administrative center arouses a particular linguistic interest. Rabat is both a modern and ancient city, this implies heterogeneity and an unseen conflict between his inhabitants. This thesis tends to focus on the differences in language in the streets of Rabat and the presence of the French language in the streets through signs, street names and the way people speak. Thus, we have opted for two large areas in the capital : one popular and the other one residential, which reveal a flagrant duality. We have made a comparison between the ways people belonging to this areas speak by means of recording real interactions in public places.We have noticed the use of the French and of a more formal language in the residential area given the socioeconomic status of its residents. On the other side of the coin, the popular area is more archaic as far as infrastructures and language are concerned.The objective of this thesis is to study, in a first step, the presence of the French language in Morocco’s political capital, through its streets and neighbourhoods, paying a particular attention to signs, space marking and street names. And as a second step, the real language interactions in the city of Rabat, by recording verbal exchanges in public places. This allowed us to determine the place held by the French language in the way people speak. The analysis of facts of language has also interested itself in the morphological changes that the borrowed French words have undergone to the point of not being able to detect them

La migration britannique en Bretagne intérieure : une étude sociolinguistique critique des idéologies, des assignations et des stratégies interactionnelles / The British migration in central Brittany (France) : a critical sociolinguistic study of ideologies, categorisations and interactions

Etrillard, Aude 04 December 2015 (has links)
En Région Bretagne, les Britanniques forment la plus importante population étrangère comptant au recensement 2010 près de 14 000 personnes. Depuis la fin des années 1980, cette population qui s’installe prioritairement dans les milieux ruraux de la Bretagne intérieure est une illustration exemplaire des nouvelles « mobilités privilégiées », ou lifestyle migration, en provenance des pays du « Nord ». Ces vagues migratoires peuvent ainsi amener à une reconfiguration du tissu économique et socioculturel de ces zones faisant face à un déficit migratoire. La recherche proposée ici s’attache à étudier l’accueil et la socialisation de ces migrant!e!s par l’analyse des pratiques interactionnelles et discursives, et à interroger les problématiques sociolangagières auxquelles les migrant!e!s anglophones et les autochtones sontconfronté!e!s. Se basant sur un travail de terrain combinant observations, entretiens semi-directifs et forums de discussions, ces analyses critiques s’articulent à la prise en compte des conditions sociologiques, politiques et économiques de cette migration. Les catégories d’assignations identitaires, les idéologies langagières et les stratégies interactionnelles mobilisées par les migrants britanniques et les autochtones semblent alors faire apparaître des logiques paradoxales du capitalisme contemporain : d’un côté la hiérarchisation des mobilités et les stratégies de mise en marché du territoire montrent les privilèges des populations britanniques; de l’autre la responsabilisation des migrant!e!s face à leurs choix de migrer et la flexibilisation des parcours de vie peut mener à leur précarisation économique et à un certain isolement social. / In Brittany (France), the British account for the largest foreign population, with an estimated 14 000 individuals according to the 2010 census. Since the end of the 1980s, this population relocates primarily in rural areas of central Brittany and illustrates the new “privileged mobilities”, or “lifestyle migration”, coming from the « North ». In these areas facing an important migration deficit, the British migration may have an impact on the local economic and sociocultural environment. This research aims at studying the reception and the socialization of these migrants through the analysis of interactional and discursive practices, and at questioning the sociolinguistics issues these Anglophones migrants and the autochthonpopulation are confronted with. Based on a fieldwork combining observations, semi-directed interviews and a collection of discussion forum threads, these critical analyses are articulated to the sociological, political and economic background of the migration. The identities and social categories, the linguistic ideologies and the interactional strategies that the migrants and the autochthons mobilise thus seem to expose some paradoxical logics of contemporary capitalism: on the one hand the hierarchisation of mobilities and the marketing of the territory reveal the privileges of the British population; on the other hand the responsabilisation of the migrants with respect to their migratory process and the flexibilisation of the course of life can lead to socioeconomic insecurity and social isolation

Rhotiques et rhoticité en Écosse : une étude sociophonétique de l'anglais écossais standard / Rhotics and rhoticity in Scotland : a sociophonetic study of Standard Scottish English

Jauriberry, Thomas 24 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse en sociophonétique anglaise combine les approches de la sociolinguistique variationniste et de la phonétique expérimentale pour étudier les rhotiques et la rhoticité en Écosse en anglais écossais standard. Grâce aux analyses auditives de 147 locuteurs écossais et aux analyses acoustiques fines de locuteurs de Dundee et de Kinross, l'extrême variabilité de /r/ a été confirmée dans cette variété d'anglais, y compris pour des locuteurs de la classe moyenne en style de discours contrôlé. Les rôles respectifs des facteurs linguistiques et extralinguistiques ont également été évalués. L'origine géographique et l'environnement phonologique notamment sont des facteurs déterminants pour la réalisation phonétique de /r/, et dans une moindre mesure les facteurs de l'âge et du genre des locuteurs. Ces résultats confirment que la variation est structurée et que le changement phonétique est en cours, avec une réduction progressive des rhotiques en anglais écossais. / This thesis in English sociophonetics combines the approaches of variationist sociolinguistics and experimental phonetics to study rhotics and rhoticity in Standard Scottish English. With auditory analysis of 14 7 Scottish speakers and fine acoustic analyses of speakers of Dundee and Kinross,the extreme variability of /r/ was confirmed in this variety of English, including for middle-class speakers in controlled speech. The respective roles of linguistic and non-linguistic factors were also evaluated. The geographical origin and phonological environment in particular are decisive factors for the phonetic realization of /r/ and to a lesser extent the factors of the age and gender of the speakers. These results confirm that the variation is structured and that sound change is underway, with a graduai reduction of Scottish English rhotics.

De la cladistique à la linguistique : une étude appliquée aux dialectes italo-romans méridionaux et salentins / From cladistics to linguistics : a study applied to Southern Italo-Romance and Salentinian dialects

Corvaglia-Gaillard, Antonella 24 September 2009 (has links)
Au travers des dialectes italo-romans méridionaux et salentins, cette thèse met la cladistique au service de la dialectologie, la cladistique étant une méthode de classification principalement liée à l'étude phylogénétique et typologique des espèces vivantes. L'essentiel de la recherche porte sur l'étude des différents diasystèmes dialectaux qui se dégagent de l'analyse cladistique appliquée au domaine Italo-Roman Méridional. Après une première étude d'ordre sociolinguistique qui décrit le niveau de diglossie et le degré d'utilisation du dialecte dans l'espace salentin, cette thèse parcourt l'histoire des dialectes IRM et l'histoire de la dialectologie Italo-Romane, depuis les premiers essais de classification dialectale. Deux corpus différents ont été utilisés: dans un premier temps, un corpus obtenu à partir du dépouillement de l'ALI, et qui a servi à l'analyse du domaine IRM en général. L’espace dialectal pris en considération comprend la Campanie, la Basilicate, les Pouilles, le Salento, la Sardaigne, la Sicile et la Calabre. Dans chacune de ces régions nous avons sélectionné 3 points selon le principe d’équidistance. Les mots témoins relevés sont au nombre de 20. Le deuxième corpus, obtenu suite à un questionnaire réalisé dans la région du Salento par l'auteur même, se compose de 35 variables et six points d’enquête. Celui-ci a été construit en tenant compte de certains critères sociologiques que la méthode cladistique nous a permis d'intégrer dans notre analyse. Les résultats obtenus n'ont pas le but de bouleverser les classifications pré-existantes, mais de donner une vision plus structurante des aires dialectales étudiées en mettant en avant la diversité de leur structure interne. / Through the Southern Italo-Romance and Salentinian dialects this thesis aims at using cladistics to the service of dialectology. One must understand the cladistics as a means of classification mainly linked to the phylogenetic and typological study of animal and plant species. Most of the research focuses on the study of various dialectal diasystems that emerge from the cladistic analysis applied to the Southern Italo-Romance field. From a sociolinguistic point of view after a first study which describes the level of diglossia and the degree of use of the dialect in the Salentinian area, this thesis travels through the history of the Southern Italo-Romance dialects as well as the history of the Romance Italian dialectology since the first attempts to classify the dialects. Two different corpuses have been used. The first one was obtained after the studying of the ILA and it helped the analysis of the Southern Italo-Romance field as a whole. The dialectal area taken into account include Campania, Basilicata, Apulia, Salento, Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria. In each of these regions we have chosen three points according to an equidistant structure. We have selected 20 witness words. As for the second corpus, it was achieved through a questionnaire the author herself made in the Salento area and it is composed of 35 variables and six geographical points. The latter has been created on the basis of some sociologic criteria that the cladistic method had us to include into the analysis. The results we obtained don't imply to question the previous classifications but it allows a more formative vision of the dialectal fields studied by underlining the diversity of its own structure.

Od dialektu k jazyku: fala / From dialect to language: Fala

Hampacherová, Jitka January 2015 (has links)
Fala is a language which is spoken by nearly six thousand people in towns: Valverde del Fresno, Eljas and San Martín de Trevejo, in the Spanish region of Extremadura. The author translates the self-contained body of information about fala in a way that it is possible to describe the sociolinguistic situation in the area of the research. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the introduction of already familiar data, apart from general information the characteristic signs of the fala language are described, there is also the historic overview focusing on the facts that have influenced the development of the language, and further basic propositions about its origin are mentioned. The second part is drawn as the author's sociolinguistic research, in which the local language representation is the main subject and its results are presented in the following work in five defined parts. The aim of this thesis is to find out and describe the attitude of the speakers towards their language representation; additionally opinions of the inhabitants regarding the current status, use and possible teaching of fala are presented. The last part evaluates the role of fala in the process of the creation of one's identity. The work tries to assess the current sociolinguistic situation, discusses the future of...

Linguistic regulation and interactional reality : a sociolinguistic study of call centre service transactions

Hultgren, Anna Kristina January 2008 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to the study of workplace talk, language and gender, and the sociolinguistics of globalization by exploring the phenomenon of ‘linguistic regulation’ in call centres. ‘Linguistic regulation’ refers to the practice, now widespread in the globalized service economy, of codifying and enforcing rules for employees’ use of language in service interactions with customers. Drawing on authentic service interactions from call centres in the UK and Denmark, and interviews and communication material from both those countries as well as Hong Kong and the Philippines, this study shows that linguistic regulation exerts a significant influence on the language used by call centre agents, and suggests that this has implications for all three areas of inquiry. In relation to the study of workplace talk, the findings raise questions about the degree of local management and individual speaker agency that has often been asserted in previous work. In the area of language and gender studies, the finding that female speakers in both countries show a higher degree of compliance with linguistic regulation than male ones is related to ongoing debates about the local variability of gender. It is argued that the field may benefit from supplementing the currently favoured locally-based methods with one which seeks to link linguistic behaviour with supra-local systems of inequality. Finally, in relation to the sociolinguistics of globalization, this thesis documents the existence of a distinct, globally prescribed, call centre style which is culturally marked as North-American. In practice, this style is locally inflected, with British agents exhibiting greater conformity to the prescriptions than their Danish counterparts. It is argued that this may be because the prescribed style conflicts with the Danish cultural preference for ‘getting to the point’. These findings highlight the importance of considering language in the context of a global system. The thesis concludes by considering what the research it is based on may contribute, not only to academic debates in sociolinguistics and the sociology of work, but also to professional discussions within the call centre industry.

Perceptions of, and attitudes towards, varieties of English in the Cape Peninsula, with particular reference to the ʾcoloured communityʾ

Wood, Tahir Muhammed January 1988 (has links)
This study set out to analyse the concept of the ʾcoloured communityʾ and to describe the linguistic phenomena associated with it. It was found that the community was characterized by division and an overt rejection of 'coloured' identity. A satisfactory definition of the community could only be arrived at by exploring social psychological and anthropological concepts, particularly that of the social network, and a covert identification was postulated. This in turn was used to explain the linguistic phenomena which were found to be associated with the community. The latter included a vernacular dialect consisting of non-standard Afrikaans blended with English, as well as a stratification of particular items in the English spoken by community members . This stratification was analysed in terms of the social distribution of the items, enabling comparisons to be made with the English spoken by ʾwhitesʾ. A fieldwork study was embarked on with the intention of discovering the nature of the perceptions of, and attitudes towards, the idiolects of certain speakers. These idiolects were considered to be typical and representative of the forms of English normally encountered in the Cape Peninsula, and were described in terms of the co-occurrences of linguistic items which they contained. Tape recordings of the speech of this group of speakers were presented in a series of controlled experiments to subjects from various class and community backgrounds who were required to respond by completing questionnaires. It was found that those lects which contained items and co-occurrences of items peculiar to 'coloured' speakers were associated with lower status than those containing items and co-occurrences of items peculiar to 'white' speakers. Attitudes towards speakers were found to be more complex and depended upon the styles and paralanguage behaviours of the speakers, as well as accent, and also the psychological dispositions of the subjects who participated

The Perception of Creaky Voice: Does Speaker Gender Affect our Judgments?

Lee, Kaitlyn E. 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study focuses on the phonetics of creaky voice saliency and the perceptual sociolinguistic indexes that are evoked during creaky voice use. This study consists of two experiments: the first a listener judgment based Likert scale, the second an AXB study. The first experiment used modal and creaky voice statement-of-fact tokens to determine whether the speaker is or isn’t x characteristic (intelligent, feminine, educated, masculine, hesitant, and confident). This study found that both male and female speakers were found to be less intelligent, less educated, less feminine, more masculine, less confident, and more hesitant when using creaky voice phonation as compared to the modal register. Participants also rated male and female speakers as statistically different. During the second experiment the participants listened to continuums that went from modal register to extreme creaky voice (based on F0 levels). Participants performed an AXB task to determine ability at distinguishing levels of creaky voice along the continuum. This study found that participants were less able to correctly detect the level of creaky voice in the female speaker for the lower half of the continuum when compared to the male speaker.

A comparison of the language use in sports writing : soccer and golf news

Ng, Kok Man Jeffrey 01 January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

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