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Understanding the Experiences of Black College Students in the Current EraIfe K Sinclair (11191341) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Mental health concerns of college students are important due to their developmental and life stages and adjustment challenges they must navigate in a new and difficult environment. Compared to students of other ethnicities, Black college students in the United States have historically reported poorer mental health outcomes with higher risk for depression and anxiety than their non-Black counterparts (McClain et al., 2016; Mushonga & Henneberger, 2019). The African American activism work done by Black college students has become increasingly visible and influential since the creation of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement and student protests aimed at improving university climates for minority students. Using Critical Race Theory (CRT) as a framework, this study investigated the roles of racial identity attitudes and sociopolitical attitudes on the relationships between race-related stress and mental health, and race-related stress and African American activism for Black college students in the U.S. The results indicated that increased race-related stress was associated with worsened mental health outcomes but increased engagement in activism, negative sociopolitical attitudes were related to poorer mental health, positive sociopolitical attitudes were related to decreased activism, and the six racial identity attitudes varied in their associations to mental health and activism based on racial centrality. The Internalization Multiculturalist Inclusive racial identity attitude was found to moderate the relationship between race-related stress and an indicator of mental health, and the Internalization Afrocentricity identity attitude strengthened the relationship between race-related stress and activism. The discussion addresses implications for future counseling psychology research and practice.</p>
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Rogue WaveBarron, Kyle L. 10 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring Classic Maya Sociopolitical Organization of Middle Level Settlements: A Ceramic Perspective of Say Kah, BelizeArgo, Lindsay J. 22 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Exploring the influence of sociopolitical context on environmental education field trip effectiveness for adolescent youth in the United StatesThorpe, Emily Grace 24 May 2022 (has links)
Environmental education (EE) programs strive to develop an environmentally literate citizenry capable of addressing the world's environmental problems. However, environmental concerns have become increasingly politically polarizing. As middle school-age youth are developing their own identities, they are likely becoming aware of the dominant political attitudes and environmental messages within their own communities. This thesis investigates the influence of sociopolitical context on student learning outcomes following participation in EE field trips and whether particular approaches produce more positive learning outcomes for students from different contexts. We used a quantitative approach employing pre-existing databases and geographic information systems to create measures of sociopolitical context for each school in our sample based on political partisanship and socioeconomic status. I have organized my research in three chapters: Chapter 1 presents a more comprehensive introduction to the field of EE and extended literature review regarding the question this research intends to address. Chapter 2 presents a quantitative study exploring the influence of sociopolitical context on student outcomes following participation in an EE field trip. Chapter 3 presents a reflection of my graduate learning experience and what I hope to achieve in the future. Results suggest that EE field experiences lead to less positive outcomes for students from wealthier Democratic contexts. While we also found some differences in program characteristics associated with outcomes for each sociopolitical subgroup, effect sizes were small and thus warrant further investigation. We discuss potential explanations for these trends and call for further research on the influence of sociopolitical context and socioeconomic status with relation to EE. / Master of Science / Environmental education (EE) programs strive to develop an environmentally literate future citizenry capable of addressing the world's most pressing environmental problems. However, these environmental concerns have becoming increasingly political polarized in recent decades. As adolescence is a critical period for identity development, middle school-age youth are likely aware of the political attitudes and environmental messages that dominate within their own communities. This thesis investigates the influence of sociopolitical context on student learning outcomes following participation in EE field trips and whether particular approaches to EE produce more positive learning outcomes for students from these different contexts. We used a quantitative approach employing pre-existing databases and geographic information systems to create measures of sociopolitical context for each school in our sample based on the political partisanship of a particular geographic area, as well as its interaction with socioeconomic status. Results suggest that EE field experiences lead to less positive outcomes for students from wealthier Democratic contexts; however, the authors call for further research on which approaches lead to better outcomes for students from different contexts.
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Responsabilidade social corporativa e fundações empresariais no Brasil: estratégias de legitimação política das empresas / CSR and Brazilian Corporate Foundations: political legitimization strategies by the firmsBittar-Godinho, Juliana de Souza 26 April 2019 (has links)
A Responsabilidade Social Corporativa (RSC) pode ser vista como resultado de forças institucionais e políticas que influenciam a adoção de certas práticas pelas empresas na busca por legitimidade. Tais práticas incluem a colaboração com o Estado a partir de políticas já existentes, além de esforços da empresa para criar novas políticas. Empresas também colaboram com o Estado na sua capacidade administrativa e física para resolver problemas sociais. Isso pode ser feito por filantropia ou participação em programas governamentais ou pelo desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras por parte da empresa (Zhao, 2012). O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar como as empresas brasileiras utilizam a RSC em suas estratégias de legitimidade política e qual o papel desempenhado pelas fundações corporativas (FCs) nesse processo. Realizou-se uma análise qualitativa de conteúdo sobre as interações entre empresa-Estado a partir de 104 relatórios de sustentabilidade, no período entre 2015-2017, de empresas listadas na B3 (Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão), em junho de 2017 A análise qualitativa foi realizada para identificar as interações empresa-Estado nos relatórios e para classificá-las em tipos de estratégias de legitimidade via RSC. Por análises de regressão, buscou-se evidenciar as diferenças na adoção de estratégias de legitimação política via RSC entre empresas que possuem fundação e aquelas que não possuem. Foram definidas as seguintes hipóteses: H1 - Empresas que possuem fundações corporativas exercem mais a RSC que cria novos arranjos políticos do que as empresas que não possuem fundações corporativas; H2 - Empresas que possuem fundações corporativas exercem mais a RSC que cria novas capacidades para que o estado responda a questões socioambientais do que as empresas que não possuem fundações corporativas; H3 - Empresas que possuem fundações colaboram de forma mais intensiva com organizações sem fins lucrativos do que aquelas que não possuem fundações. Os dados gerais (empresas com e sem FCs) mostram uma média maior de atividades de legitimidade política via RSC, classificadas como Estratégia: \"Políticas existem, empresas usufruem\", indicando uma dependência das atividades de RSC às leis de incentivo e em conformidade com regulamentações em áreas como meio ambiente. Em relação às FCs, análises de regressão mostraram influência significativa das FCs nas estratégias de \"Mudar arranjos políticos existentes\" e \"Fornecer inovação para a capacidade operacional e decisória do Estado\". Foram encontradas atividades na área de formulação de políticas públicas setoriais, de educação, além da participação das fundações na gestão pública, fornecendo novas soluções para problemas sociais em parceria com o Estado. / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the result of institutional and political forces that influence the adoption of certain practices by companies in their search for legitimacy. Such practices include collaboration with the state by existing policies, as well as company\'s efforts to create new policies. Companies also collaborate with the state in its administrative and physical capacity to solve social problems. Philanthropy or participation in government programs or the development of innovative solutions by the company can be a mean to do that. (Zhao, 2012). The objective of this research is to analyze how Brazilian companies use CSR in their political legitimacy strategies and what is the role played by corporate foundations (CF\'s) in this process. A qualitative content analysis on firm-State interactions was carried out with 104 sustainability reports, from the period between 2015-2017, of companies listed in B3 (Brazilian stock market) in June 2017. The qualitative analysis was performed to identify the firm-State interactions in the reports and to classify them into types of legitimacy strategies via CSR. Regression analyzes showed the differences in the adoption of political legitimation strategies via CSR between companies that have foundations and those that do not have. The following hypotheses have been defined: H1 - Companies with Corporate Foundations engage in more CSR activities that creates new political arrangements (\"Policy exploration\" strategy) than companies that do not have CF\'s; H2 - Companies that have Corporate Foundations engage in more CSR activities that creates new capacities for the state to respond to socio-environmental issues (\" Capacity exploration\" strategy) than companies that do not have CF\'s; H3 - Companies with Corporate Foundations collaborate more intensively with non-profit organizations than those without CF\'s. The general data (companies with and without CF\'s) show a greater average of activities of political legitimacy via CSR activities classified as \"Policy Exploitation\" strategy, indicating a dependence of CSR activities on incentive laws and in compliance with regulations in areas such as the environment. Regarding to the CF\'s, regression analyzes showed a significant influence of the CF\'s in \"Policy exploration\" and \" Capacity exploration\" strategies. There were found activities in the area of sectoral public policies formulation, education. In addition to those indirect activities on the State, the reports showed the foundations\' involvement in public management, providing new solutions to social problems in partnership with the State.
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"Duas Tribos:" Contradictions of Political and Social (Des)esperança in the Discography of Legião UrbanaOlsen, Cai Elisabeth 01 April 2018 (has links)
Brazil's 1964-1985 military regime served as one of the principle catalysts for the leftist counterculture movement, Tropicália, which gave way to a new class of músicas engajadas. Later, during the period of redemocratization that followed the dictatorship, musicians extended the morphed the art into new forms, particularly through the use of rock-and-roll. The sociopolitical musical criticism that was formerly cloaked under the censorship stylistically transformed itself into an open, blunt, and much louder movement. Standing at the head of this new period of músicas engajadas was Renato Russo, frontman and lyricist of the Brock band Legião Urbana. At the height of political turmoil following the abertura, Russo confessed in a 1989 interview, "Até bem pouco tempo atrás, a gente realmente acreditava que poderia mudar alguma coisa. Depois, percebemos que não ia dar mais para mudar, mas continuamos acreditando" (Assad 207). This contradictory sentiment of both hope and despair in regards to the future of Brazil is present in a number of the lyricist's works. An analysis of Russo's músicas engajadas reveals a pattern of oppositions in Russo's relationship with the political and social state of Brazil, all of which can be categorized under the topic of hope versus disillusionment: an imagined utopian Brazil versus a perceived, present dystopia; progress versus stagnancy; and ironic criticism versus sincere aspirations for the future of Brazil. These contradictions are in part due to Russo's conflict as both an insider and outsider of the Brazilian experience, being raised physically close to the source of political unrest, but otherwise considered an outlier in terms of education, social circle, sexual orientation, and musical taste. This work analyzes the duality of hope and disillusionment in Legião Urbana's oeuvre in order to explore Russo's path in both criticizing and identifying the continuous missteps within the Brazilian state, and inspiring a new generation to correct the errors plaguing Brazil since colonial times.
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The Sociopolitical Development of Community and Labor Organizers of Color: A Qualitative StudyGuessous, Omar 20 December 2004 (has links)
This study applies qualitative methodology to the study of sociopolitical development (SPD) among community and labor organizers of color. Participant data (open-ended applications) were obtained from a long-standing training institution, span 18 years (n=200), and equally represent Black, Latino/a, and Asian individuals. This study sought to reveal important dimensions of SPD and to identify contributing life experiences. Three SPD themes emerged: (1) social analysis, (2) commitment, and (3) empowerment. An organizer thus exhibits multidimensional insight into social injustice, commitment to taking action, and genuine belief in his/her individual and collective abilities. Four experiential domains contributed to participants’ SPD: (a) family, (b) social identity, (c) social injustice and (d) sociopolitical work. Each theme and domain is described in a multidimensional way. The relationships between life experiences and SPD themes are furthermore examined, and located within existing psychological research. Finally, implications of these findings for practitioners are discussed.
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A luta social pela terra: narrativas dos trabalhadores rurais do Projeto de Assentamento Nova AmazôniaSouza, Robison Sá de 11 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-11 / This work deals with the narratives of settlers in New Settlement Project Amazon in Boa Vista - RR, checking, especially the life trajectories of rural workers established settlement project in New Amazonia, extending forwards to understand the real needs of this project while nesting population nucleus and agropastoral production center in Boa Vista, their social , economic, political and ideological relationship between the base and leaders that are there . The research is developed from the perceived need who have practices focused on contributing to the implementation of actions that enable improving the settlement project in Roraima New Amazonia. There is therefore expectations in research to understand how workers act on rural land tenure , as well as the actions of developing public spheres can be achieved by them for improving the yield and quality of life encouraged these families while rural workers . It is proposed to investigate through the narratives of these rural workers the intricacies that promote or hinder the social, economic and political settlement of this project . / Este trabalho trata das narrativas dos trabalhadores rurais no Projeto de Assentamento Nova Amazônia no município de Boa Vista RR, verificando, sobretudo, as trajetórias de vida dos trabalhadores rurais fixados no projeto de assentamento Nova Amazônia, estendendo encaminhamentos para entender às reais necessidades desse projeto de assentamento enquanto núcleo populacional e centro de produção agropastoril no município de Boa Vista, seu estrato social, econômico, político-ideológicos nas relação entre base e dirigentes que ali se encontram. A pesquisa desenvolve-se a partir da percepção da necessidade que se tem em contribuir com práticas voltadas a aplicação de ações que possibilitem melhoramento ao projeto de assentamento Nova Amazônia em Roraima. Há, portanto, expectativas na pesquisa em compreender como os trabalhadores rurais atuam sobre usufruto da terra, bem como as ações de desenvolvimento das esferas públicas possam ser alcançadas por estes para melhoramento na produção e na qualidade de vida instadas nessas famílias enquanto trabalhadores rurais. Propõe-se averiguar através das narrativas desses trabalhadores rurais os meandros que promovem ou dificultam o desenvolvimento social, econômico e político desse projeto de assentamento.
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Weibo's Role in Shaping Public Opinion and Political Participation in China / Weibo's Role in Shaping Public Opinion and Political Participation in ChinaChen, Shajin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of microblogging in shaping public opinion and political participation in China with particular focus on the question of what sociopolitical implications and challenges that weibo phenomenon has brought to the Chinese society. I explore some of the prominent features of weibo for the role they plays in framing public sphere. Along with an in-depth study of two weibo cases, the results show that microblogging provide a unique platform for Chinese citizens to participate in civic engagement and to organize their collective opinions. The study also demonstrates that weibo has a significant impact on spurring social change. Further, weibo discourse encourages interaction between government and ordinary citizens, and it also changes traditional Chinese politics through enabling public political participation. However, the spread of rumors and network violence are some of the disadvantages inherent to the weibo phenomenon that should be of concern. More importantly, the analysis reveals that the initial reasons behind the weibo phenomenon were the long-term social conflicts and continuous information control by the state. Weibo certainly provides a remarkable platform for the freedom of speech but it should not be considered as a panacea for the social changes in China.
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Educação Financeira no ensino médio : desvelando as armadilhas do capital /Donati, Marcos Vinicius Meneguel January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: José Roberto Boettger Giardinetto / Resumo: Está pesquisa tem como tema a Educação Financeira no ensino médio, onde seu estudo baseia-se em resoluções de problemas cotidianos. A problemática que emerge essa pesquisa é vista na reflexão de que o capital se serve da não apropriação dos alunos de conceitos básicos de educação financeira, dessa forma, considera-se que diante das “armadilhas” que enganam o indivíduo a formação em educação financeira é primordial. É possível apontar a importância desse estudo devido a relação da temática com os temas político-sociais, que são conceitos e valores básicos à democracia e à cidadania, questões estas, importantes e urgentes para a sociedade. Em relação à educação financeira, constata-se a sua valia para o crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma sociedade, visto que esta necessita educar financeiramente os cidadãos, a fim de ensiná-los a controlar seus recursos, planejar seus gastos, respeitar seu orçamento, administrar seus bens e ainda torná-los críticos, conforme a abordagem da pedagogia histórico-crítica. Com isso, objetivou-se subsidiar a formação do indivíduo em educação financeira com a produção de material paradidático, através de sequências com situações problemas, contribuindo para que o indivíduo por meio da educação financeira pense por contradição as contradições. Essa pesquisa teve como fundamentação teórica a contribuição de diversos autores, como também, a consulta a documentos oficiais que contribuíram com a explanação sobre educação financeira, a compreensão do movi... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research has as its theme Financial Education in high school, where its study is based on daily problem solving. The problem that emerges from this research is seen in the reflection that capital uses the non-appropriation of basic concepts of financial education by students, so it is considered that in the face of the "traps" that deceive the individual, training in financial education is paramount. It is possible to point out the importance of this study due to the relationship of the subject with sociopolitical themes, which are basic concepts and values to democracy and citizenship, important and urgent issues for society. In relation to financial education, its value for the growth and development of a society can be seen, since it needs to educate citizens financially in order to teach them how to control their resources, plan their spending, respect their budget, manage their assets and even make them critical, according to the approach of historical-critical pedagogy. With this, the objective was to subsidize the formation of the individual in financial education with the production of paradidactic material, through sequences with problematic situations, contributing so that the individual through financial education thinks by contradiction the contradictions. This research had as theoretical basis the contribution of several authors, as well as the consultation of official documents that contributed with the explanation about financial education, the understandi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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