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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rikiavimo algoritmų analizė / Analysis of Sorting Algorithms

Orvidaitė, Ingrida 02 August 2011 (has links)
Baigiamojo bakalauro darbo tema yra Rikiavimo algoritmų analizė, taigi, jame analizuojami šeši labiausiai naudojami rikiavimo algoritmai, po du iš trijų pagrindinių grupių - išrinkimo, įterpimo ir sukeitimo. Išrinkimo grupėje - Išrinkimo ir Dvigubo išrinkimo algoritmai, įterpimo grupėje - Įterpimo ir Šelo algoritmai, sukeitimo grupėje - Burbulo ir Gnomo algoritmai. Jie lyginami pagal palyginimų ir sukeitim kiekius ir pagal rikiavimo laiką mikrosekundėmis. Kad analizuoti būtų lengviau, naudojant C++ Builder programą buvo sukurtos trys nedidelės apimties programos: pirmoji - duomenų generavimui, antroji - atskirų algoritmų tyrimui ir trečioji - pagrindinė, rikiavimų parametrams tirti. Duomenys generuojami sveikųjų skaičių, slankaus kablelio skaičių ir raidyno pavidalu. Duomenys generuojami pagal reikšmių kiekį ir intervalą, iš kurio mes norime gauti reikšmes. Atskirų algoritmų tyrimo programa išrašo duomenų eilutes po kiekvieno sukeitimo, taigi, mes galime stebėti atskirų algoritmų darbą ir matyti, kuo jie skiriasi. Ir pagrindinė programa rikiuoja duomenis skirtingais algoritmais ir gražina tik palyginimų ir sukeitimų kiekius ir rikiavimo laiką. Pagal šiuos rezultatus buvo sudarytos lentelės ir diagramos algoritmų palyginimui. / The theme of Bachelor Final Work is Analysis of Sorting Algorithms, so I analyse six mostly used algorithms, by two of them from three main groups – selection, insertion, and exchange. In selection group – Selection Sort and Double Selection Sort, in insertion group – Insertion Sort and Shell Sort, in exchange group – Bubble Sort and Gnome Sort. I made comparison of them by the amount of compares, swaps and sorting time in mikroseconds. For making my analysis easier, using C++ Builder program, I made three small programs: one for data generation, the other for the examination of separate algoritms, and the main program which returns sorting parameters. The data are generating in Int type (Integer number), Float type (Floating-point number) and Char type (alphabet). The data are generating by the number of values, for the numbers generating we can appoint the range and so we can make files with different levels of data such like almost sorted row or, on the contrary, very scattered. The program for separate algorythms examination sorts data and after every swap writes the row of values in text box, so we can follow the work of separates algorithms and we can see how different they are. And the main program sorts values by data type and returns just amount of compares, swaps and sorting time. By these results I made tables and diagrams for algoritms comparisons.

Economias de aglomeração e heterogeneidade de trabalhador e firma na determinação de salários no Brasil / Agglomeration Economies and Heterogeneity of Worker and Firm in the Wage Determination from Brazil

Diana Lúcia Gonzaga da Silva 07 April 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é identificar a contribuição dos efeitos de aglomeração e do sorting espacial, associado às heterogeneidades não observadas dos trabalhadores e firmas, para a determinação dos salários individuais e dos salários locais nos arranjos populacionais do Brasil. Os dados do mercado de trabalho (RAIS-MTE) mostram que existe um diferencial espacial de salários, o qual pode ser explicado pelas distintas composições produtivas e de trabalhadores entre os locais e pelos diferenciais de custo de vida. A disponibilidade crescente de micro dados longitudinais permitiu a inclusão das habilidades não observadas individuais na equação de salários. Os estudos da Economia do Trabalho mostram que as habilidades são responsáveis por uma grande parcela dos diferenciais de salários. No entanto, os estudos nacionais ainda encontram um diferencial significativo, mesmo após o controle dos componentes individuais e do custo de vida, sugerindo a existência de efeitos específicos associados à localização das firmas e dos trabalhadores. A Economia Urbana considera as economias de aglomeração como um determinante salarial relevante nos mercados de trabalhos densos, particularmente a partir dos trabalhos de Glaeser e Maré (1994; 2001). Por sua vez, a maior produtividade das áreas densas pode ser atribuída à concentração de trabalhadores e firmas mais produtivos, o que ficou conhecido nessa literatura como sorting. Os estudos da Economia Urbana controlam somente o sorting dos atributos individuais não observados. Este trabalho contribui com a literatura ao considerar o sorting espacial dos atributos não observados das firmas e dos trabalhadores na determinação dos salários e dos efeitos de aglomeração. O estudo utiliza um modelo de decomposição salarial para lidar com múltiplos efeitos fixos no painel pareado de trabalhadores e firmas. Os efeitos puros da aglomeração (densidade) sobre os salários locais serão estimados em um modelo de dois estágios. O primeiro estágio estima uma equação salarial incluindo as características observadas dos trabalhadores e do emprego e os efeitos de localização, com um painel de micro dados da RAIS (2002-2014). O segundo estágio realiza a decomposição dos efeitos de localização em componentes associados às características locais dos arranjos e aos atributos não observados das firmas e dos trabalhadores. A estratégia de identificação propõe o controle dos efeitos fixos dos trabalhadores e firmas e o uso de variável instrumental para identificar os efeitos da aglomeração. Ademais, os dados de satélite sobre a luminosidade noturna são usados para estimar a proporção da área total dos arranjos habitada, a qual é utilizada para calcular a densidade. Os resultados mostraram que os efeitos do trabalhador foram mais relevantes do que os efeitos da firma para explicar a variação dos salários individuais e locais. O modelo principal, que utiliza o instrumento Bartik e a área iluminada, encontrou um efeito da densidade sobre os salários locais de 4,9%, o qual é superior ao lower bound da literatura prévia (3%). Os resultados sugerem que ignorar as limitações indicadas neste estudo pode levar a uma subestimação nas estimativas dos efeitos da densidade / The goal of this study is to identify the contribution of agglomeration effects and spatial sorting for the determination of individual and local wages in Brazilian urban agglomerations. Administrative records from the Ministry of Labor (RAIS-MTE) show a spatial differential in wages, which can be explained by the different productive structures and compositions of workers across cities, and by differentials in cost-of-living. The longitudinal microdata allowed the inclusion of unobserved individual skills in the wage equation. Studies in Labor Economics show that skills are responsible for a large portion of the wage differential. However, the available studies on Brazil still find a significant differential, even after controlling for the individual components and the cost of living. This suggests the existence of specific effects associated with the location of firms and workers. The literature on Urban Economics considers the economies of agglomeration as a relevant wage determinant in dense labor markets. The higher productivity of dense areas can be attributed to the concentration of more productive workers and firms more productive, which became known in this literature as sorting. Studies in Urban Economics only control the sorting of unobserved individual attributes. This dissertation contributes to the literature by considering the spatial sorting of unobserved attributes of firms and of workers in the determination of wages and of the effects of agglomeration. The study uses a wage decomposition model to deal with multiple fixed effects in a matched panel of workers and firms. The pure effects of agglomeration (density) on local wages are estimated in a two-stage model. The first stage estimates a wage equation including the observed characteristics of workers and firms and the effects of location, with a microdata panel of RAIS (2002-2014). The second stage decomposes the location effects into components associated to local characteristics and to unobserved attributes of firms and workers. The identification strategy involves controlling for fixed effects of workers and firms, and using an instrumental variable to identifying the effects of agglomeration. Satellite data on illumination are used to estimate the proportion of the overall area occupied with population and firms in each local labour markets. The results indicate that the worker effects are more relevant to explain wage variation than the firm\'s effects. The model of preference indicates a density effect on wages of 4.9%, much higher than the literature lower bound (3%). This suggests that ignoring the variables included in this study can lead to an underestimation of the effects of agglomeration

Bulk ore sorter: um estudo de caso na mina de Phu Kham. / Bulk ore sorter Phu Klam mine case study.

Alexandre Cardoso da Silveira Reple 22 September 2017 (has links)
O cenário atual das commodities minerais tem obrigado as empresas de mineração a otimizar suas operações e buscar soluções inovadoras para manter a lucratividade desejada de suas minas, controlar os riscos envolvidos e garantir a sobrevivência do negócio. Neste contexto, com a menor disponibilidade de minérios de alto teor, os depósitos minerais remanescentes exigem a lavra e o beneficiamento de grande quantidade de massa por tonelada de metal produzido. Apesar de apresentarem um teor médio decrescente, estes depósitos frequentemente contêm regiões com minério de teor mais elevado incorporados às porções de baixo teor ou mesmo na massa estéril. Por melhor que seja o conhecimento das reservas, a lavra seletiva dessa massa de teor mais elevado é praticamente inviável operacionalmente. A forma mais eficiente de aproveitar estas reservas é por meio do processo de pré-concentração de minério por ore sorting (seleção/classificação de minério). O objetivo deste processo é remover, quanto antes possível, o material com teor não econômico. A consequência imediata é uma potencial redução dos custos de processamento e do consumo de água e energia para a mesma massa de metal produzido. Existem várias tecnologias aplicáveis em pré-concentração; este estudo é focado especificamente na apresentação e discussão dos impactos causados no empreendimento mineiro de Phu Kham (PanAust), a partir da instalação e utilização do equipamento de pré-concentração, bulk ore sorter. Este equipamento faz uso de um sensor de ressonância magnética, e tem por objetivo a separação de grandes volumes de estéril direto no transportador de correias totalmente carregado (in-pit ou correia de alimentação da usina), baseando-se nos teores medidos ou inferidos a partir de seu sensor. A pré-concentração com bulk ore sorter é fundamentalmente utilizada para aumentar a produtividade baseada na capacidade fixa da usina e atenuar os prejuízos causados pelas incertezas nas definições de teores da mina. Isto é, a partir da maior precisão no controle do teor, pode-se reduzir a diluição e a perda de minério oriundas da operacionalização e explotação das reservas minerais, controlar o teor de corte e o teor médio na alimentação da usina ou ainda separar os diversos tipos de minérios para serem tratados em diferentes rotas no processo de beneficiamento. Este trabalho estuda a viabilidade técnica e econômica da aplicação do bulk ore sorter na mina de Phu Kham, no Laos. Inicialmente a tecnologia de sorting é apresentada, juntamente com os sensores disponíveis e o sistema diversor. Os resultados econômicos foram avaliados a partir dos dados de produção da mina no ano de 2014. Sem a possibilidade da realização de estudos de amostragem, a variabilidade do minério foi estimada a partir da variância de dispersão, uma ferramenta geoestatística. A estimativa do desempenho da separação inclui os erros associados a leitura do sensor e do sistema diversor. Avaliações econômicas foram realizadas para diferentes cenários e demonstraram que o bulk ore sorter tem o potencial de aumentar a produção metálica e o lucro. Este sistema de pré-concentração permite a que apenas o material com valor agregado alimente a planta de beneficiamento. / The current scenario of mineral commodities has forced the mining companies to optimize their operations and look for innovative solutions to maintain the desired profitability of their mines, control the risks involved and ensure the survival of the business. In this context, with the depletion of high grade deposits, the remaining lower grade deposits require the mining and processing of larger volumes of material per tonne of product. These low grade deposits often contain a large proportion of barren gangue. The aim of pre-concentration is to remove this barren material at as coarse a particle size and as early in the process as possible. This has the potential to reduce processing costs, energy and water consumption and possibly ore transport requirements. There are several technologies that may be applicable for pre-concentration; this work looks specifically at bulk ore sorting. This involves the separation of a large volume of barren gangue from a fully loaded conveyor belt (in-pit or plant feed belt) based on the grade as measured or inferred from a sensor measurement. Bulk ore sorting may be used to increase the production rate through fixed plant capacity, or reduce the required size of downstream processing equipment. Uneconomic or marginal reserves may be upgraded making them economic to treat and improving the resource utilisation. Bulk ore sorting could also be used to reduce dilution and ore loss in mining operations by improving grade control, or to separate ore types to treat via different process routes. Thus, bulk ore sorting has the potential to improve the profitability and reduce the environmental impact of mining operations and may be applied in different ways. This study investigates three examples of how bulk ore sorting may be employed and the associated economic benefits. The technical and economic viability of bulk ore sorting is evaluated for a copper deposit in Laos. Bulk ore sorting technology is described briefly along with discussion of appropriate sensor and diversion systems for the copper deposit considered. The economic implications were evaluated using the actual mined material and costs from 2014 as the base-case. In the absence of sampling data, ore grade variability was estimated using geo-statistical tools based on mine grade control data. A process model of the sorter was developed considering the accuracy of the sensor measurement and errors associated with material diversion. This was used to simulate the separation performance. Economic evaluations were conducted for a number of different scenarios and demonstrated that bulk ore sorting has the potential to increase the amount of metal in product and annual profit for the operation considered. This is because it is cheaper to sort and reject below cut-off grade material contained in the plant feed than to treat this material through the processing plant. The sorter acts as a gatekeeper - only above cut-off grade material (value-adding) reports to the processing plant.

Finding Better Sorting Networks

Al-Haj Baddar, Sherenaz Waleed 15 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Cophylogenetic relationships between Anicetus parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and their scale insect hosts (Hemiptera: Coccidae)

Deng, Jun, Yu, Fang, Li, Hai-Bin, Gebiola, Marco, Desdevises, Yves, Wu, San-An, Zhang, Yan-Zhou January 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND:Numerous studies have investigated cospeciation between parasites and their hosts, but there have been few studies concerning parasitoids and insect hosts. The high diversity and host specialization observed in Anicetus species suggest that speciation and adaptive radiation might take place with species diversification in scale insect hosts. Here we examined the evolutionary history of the association between Anicetus species and their scale insect hosts via distance-based and tree-based methods.RESULTS:A total of 94 Anicetus individuals (nine parasitoid species) and 113 scale insect individuals (seven host species) from 14 provinces in China were collected in the present study. DNA sequence data from a mitochondrial gene (COI) and a nuclear ribosomal gene (28S D2 region) were used to reconstruct the phylogenies of Anicetus species and their hosts. The distance-based analysis showed a significant fit between Anicetus species and their hosts, but tree-based analyses suggested that this significant signal could be observed only when the cost of host-switching was high, indicating the presence of parasite sorting on related host species.CONCLUSIONS:This study, based on extensive rearing of parasitoids and species identification, provides strong evidence for a prevalence of sorting events and high host specificity in the genus Anicetus, offering insights into the diversification process of Anicetus species parasitizing scale insects.

Microfluidic cell separation based on cell stiffness

Wang, Gonghao 07 January 2016 (has links)
Cell biophysical properties are a new class of biomarkers that can characterize cells into subgroups that indicate differences in phenotypes that may correlate with disease and cell state. Microfluidic biophysical cell sorters are platforms that utilize these newly developed biomarkers to expand biomedical capabilities for improvements in cell state detection and characterization. Cell biophysical properties are important indicators for cell state and function because they point to differences in cell structures, such as cytoskeletal arrangement and nuclear content. In particular, some diseases, such as cancer and malaria, can cause significant changes in cell biophysical properties. Therefore, cell biophysical properties have the potential to be used for disease diagnostics. Microfluidic systems which can interrogate these biophysical properties and exploit changes in biophysical properties to separate cells into subpopulations will provide important biomedical capabilities. In this combined theoretical and experimental investigation, we explore a new type of cell sorter which utilizes differences in biophysical properties of cells. These biophysical properties that can be utilized to sort cells include size, elasticity and viscosity. We invented a microfluidic system for continuous, label-free cell separation that utilizes variations in cell biophysical properties. A microfluidic channel is decorated by periodic diagonal ridges that are designed to compress flowing cells in rapid succession. The physical compression, in combination with hydrodynamic secondary flows induced by the ridged microfluidic channel, translates each cell perpendicular to the channel axis in proportion to its biophysical properties. Through careful experimental and computational studies, we found that the cell trajectories in the microfluidic cell sorter correlated to these biophysical properties. Furthermore, we examine the effect of channel design parameters under various experimental conditions to derive cell separation models that can be used to qualitatively predict cell sorting outcome. A variety of biophysical measurement tools, including atomic force microscopy and high-speed optical microscopy are used to directly characterize the heterogeneous population of cells before and after separation. Taken together, we describe the physical principles that our microfluidic approach can be effectively used to separate a variety of cell types. The major contribution is the creation and characterization of a novel microfluidic cell- sorting platform that utilizes cell biophysical properties to enrich cells into phenotypic subtypes. This innovative approach opens new ways for conducting rapid and low-cost cell analysis and disease diagnostics through biophysical markers.

Red Show, Blue Show: A Content Analysis of Liberals’ and Conservatives’ Respective Television Favorites

Rogers, Nicholas 06 January 2017 (has links)
Ideological partisans in the United States are increasingly “sorting” themselves along cultural lines, from the cable news stations they watch to the chain restaurants they prefer. How do partisans seem to “know” how to sort themselves along ideological lines in cultural realms that offer no obvious political cues? To investigate this question, I look to the realm of narrative television, where conservatives and liberals have certain unique favorite programs despite the programs lacking any overt political content. I employ a quantitative content analysis to demonstrate that the substance of these polarizing shows relate to the social traits of curiosity, conformity, relativism, dogmatism, tribalism, vigilance, and chastity, which have previously been demonstrated to correspond to political ideology.

Análise técnica de alternativas de pré-concentração para o minério de zinco silicatado de Vazante/MG. / Technical analysis of pre-concentration alternatives for the silicate zinc ore from Vazante/MG.

José Neto, Dimas 24 January 2019 (has links)
A pré-concentração consiste no descarte prévio de uma fração da ganga liberada, ou parcialmente liberada, com pouco ou nenhum conteúdo de interesse, antes da alimentação da usina. Tal prática pode levar a uma série de benefícios nas operações subsequentes, como redução do consumo de energia por tonelada de metal produzido, nos casos em que o material rejeitado apresentar WI (work Index) elevado; diminuição do desgaste abrasivo, quando a ganga rejeitada exibir AI (Abrasion Index) alto; além de aumento de recuperação na flotação e eliminação de flutuações no teor da alimentação. Neste sentido, a pré-concentração diminui custos operacionais e aumenta a rentabilidade da usina. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a aplicabilidade de pré-concentração para o minério de zinco silicatado de Vazante/MG. Em uma primeira etapa foram executados estudos de liberação da ganga no produto de britagem, explorando as propriedades luminescentes do minério. Para isto, imagens de contraste de cores luminescentes foram obtidas e tratadas no Image J. Obteve-se um valor de liberação da ganga da ordem de 85%. Em um segundo momento, foi investigado o desempenho de técnicas de separação densitária e seleção por sensores (ou ore sorting) como alternativas para a pré-concentração do minério de zinco e remoção de ganga carbonática, para isto, foram utilizados ensaios de afunda/flutua em líquidos densos, que simularam uma operação em meio denso, estratificação em jigue e ensaios em sorter com sensor de transmissão de Raios-X de energia dupla (DE- XRT). O melhor resultado foi obtido através do ensaio de afunda/flutua com densidade de separação de 2,95 g/cm³, no qual foi alcançado um descarte de 30% da massa de alimentação como produto flutuado, numa fração -25 +1,18 mm, removendo 60% dos carbonatos (CaO e MgO) e perdendo apenas 2% de zinco. Os ensaios do sorter também apresentaram resultados positivos, com aproximadamente 93% de recuperação metalúrgica de zinco e um descarte de aproximadamente 30% da massa, mas com uma perda de zinco considerável (aproximadamente 5% em teor). Para a jigagem, os resultados indicaram teor de zinco muito elevado no rejeito (aproximadamente 6%). Entretanto, uma jigagem adicional, realizada com uma segunda amostra numa granulometria menor (-12,7 +1,18 mm), proporcionou menores níveis de zinco perdido para o rejeito, apenas 3,6% em teor. Os impactos da pré-concentração na moagem e flotação também foram avaliados. Para isto foram executados ensaios de work index (WI), abrasion index (AI) e flotação com material tal qual (sem passar por pré-concentração) e com o material pré-concentrado de forma a se ter um comparativo. Como não houve variação de WI e nem de AI entre as amostras tal qual e pré-concentrada, a pré-concentração previamente à moagem, não irá impactar no consumo energético e tampouco no desgaste abrasivo, isto se for adotada a estratégia de manter a mesma vazão mássica de alimentação do circuito de moagem para ambas as alternativas. Em linhas gerais, a flotação após a pré-concentração aumentou a produção de concentrado de zinco com uma qualidade superior em termos de recuperação deste metal. Outro impacto positivo observado foi a redução da quantidade de rejeito fino de flotação e, consequentemente, o volume a ser estocado em barragem. / Preconcentration consists of the prior disposal of a fraction of the liberated or partially liberated gangue with low or no content of interest material before plant feed. Such practice can lead to a number of benefits in subsequent operations, such as reducing energy consumption per ton of metal produced, in cases where the rejected material presents a high WI (work index); decreased abrasive wear when the rejected presents high Abrasion Index (AI); increased recovery in flotation and elimination of fluctuations in feed content. Therefore, preconcentration reduces operating costs and increases the profitability of the plant. This work had the objective of evaluating the preconcentration applicability for a silicate zinc ore from Vazante/MG. In the first stage, grind release tests were performed on the crushing product, exploring the luminescent properties of the ore. For this, luminescent color contrast images were obtained and treated in Image J. A gangue release value of the order of 85% was obtained. Second, the performance of densification separation and sensor sorting (or ore sorting) techniques were investigated as alternatives for preconcentration of zinc ore and removal of carbonate gangue, for this, sink/float tests in dense liquids were used to simulate a dense medium operation, as well jig stratification and sorter tests with dual energy X-ray transmission sensor (DE-XRT). The best result was obtained by the sink/float test with separation density of 2.95 g / cm³, in which a 30% discard of the feed mass as a flotation product was achieved, in a fraction -25 +1.18 mm, removing 60% of the carbonates (CaO and MgO) and losing only 2% of zinc. The sorter tests also showed positive results, with approximately 93% metallurgical recovery and a discard of approximately 30% of the mass, but with a considerable loss of zinc. For jigging, the results indicated very high zinc content in the tailings (approximately 6%). However, additional jigging, performed with a second sample at a smaller particle size (-12.7 +1.18 mm), resulted in lower levels of zinc lost to the tailings, only 3.6% in content. The impacts of preconcentration on milling and flotation were also evaluated. For this, work index (WI), abrasion index (AI) and flotation tests were carried out with the material without preconcentration and with the preconcentrated material in order to compare. As there was no variation of WI and AI between the samples, the preconcentration prior to milling will not impact on energy consumption or on abrasive wear, if the strategy of maintaining the same mass flow rate of the milling circuit for both alternatives is adopted. In general terms, flotation followed by a preconcentration strategy can increase zinc production without requiring expansion of the plant\'s capacity. Another positive impact was the reduction of the amount of fine flotation tailings.

Microfluidic segregation of capsules

Haener, Edgar January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates the transport and sorting of capsules (elastic membranes enclosing a liquid core) using viscous flow in complex vessel geometries. Of particular interest is passive sorting by deformability using only the fluid-structure interaction between the capsule, the viscous fluid and the geometry of the vessel. Millimetric alginate-ovalbumin capsules in the regime of negligible fluid inertia are used in this work. In order to characterise the elastic properties of the capsules, a novel numerical finite element model of the compression of a thick-shelled capsule between parallel plates is implemented. The constitutive model of the capsule membranes was determined by comparison to experimental data: a Yeoh constitutive model with the ratio of constants $C_1 = 1$, $C_2 = 0$ and $C_3 = 10$ describes the capsules used. Three geometries are investigated in this work. (i) A T-Junction bifurcation. Capsule deformation in the T-Junction bifurcation is characterised by the maximal length of the capsule $L_{max}$ and depends on the ratio of viscous to elastic forces, the capillary number $Ca$. The maximal length, $L_{max}$, is especially sensitive at distinguishing soft capsules by their deformability. The sensitivity of $L_{max}$ to capsule compliance and the large deformations that can be achieved makes the T-junction a promising geometry in which to measure elastic properties of the capsules. The rate of relaxation of the capsules after the bifurcation is independent of their deformation. (ii) A half-cylinder obstacle in a channel followed by a sudden expansion. We show that the half-cylinder obstacle causes capsule trajectories to vary depending on deformability. Capsules with a factor of three difference in deformability can be separated. A practical feature of the system is its relative insensitivity to the initial lateral position of the capsules in the channel. However, while the results are reproducible across different capsules, the variations in final position amount to 10 \% at fixed parameters. As these experiments were conducted with the same capsule under identical flow conditions, this is likely to represent the best case scenario. (iii) We adapt the pinched flow fractionation (PFF) geometry to the sorting of capsules. We show that the standard PFF device cannot be used to sort capsules. However, a novel mode of operation, termed the ``T-Junction'' mode, shows great promise for the sorting of capsules. The PFF device in the T-Junction mode separates capsules with a factor of 1.5 difference in deformability. This is twice as sensitive as the half-cylinder device, although larger variability was observed in the PFF device.

Parallel data-processing on GPGPU / Parallel data-processing on GPGPU

Vansa, Radim January 2012 (has links)
Modern graphic cards are no longer limited to 3D image rendering. Frameworks such as OpenCL enable developers to harness the power of many-core architectures for general-purpose data-processing. This thesis is focused on elementary primitives often used in database management systems, particularly on sorting and set intersection. We present several approaches to these problems and evalute results of benchmarked implementations. Our conclusion is that both tasks can be successfully solved using graphic cards with significant speedup compared to the traditional applications computing solely on multicore CPU.

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