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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Invloed van die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling op die ontstaan, ontwikkeling en ontbinding van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee

Rankwana, Edward Martin 06 1900 (has links)
The study was undertaken to determine the influence of the policy of separate development on the establishment, development and disestablishment of the Geluksdal Management Committee. The policy of separate development as implemented by the previous National Party Government led to the establishment of the Geluksdal Management Committee. Acts adopted by Parliament provided the statutory environment for the establishment of the Geluksdal township and the development of the Geluksdal Management Committee. The adoption of the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act 209 of 1993) and the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 (Act 200 of 1993) led to the disestablishment of the Geluksdal Management Committee. In terms of the Local Government Transition Act, 1993 (Act 209 of 1993) the Transitional Local Council of Brakpan, that includes the Geluksdal Management Committee, was promulgated. / Die studie is onderneem om die invloed van die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling op die ontstaan, ontwikkeling en ontbinding van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee te bepaal. Die beleid van afsonderlike ontwikkeling soos toegepas deur die destydse Nasionale Party Regering het gelei tot die ontstaan van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee. Parlementere wetgewing het die statutere omgewing verleen waarbinne die dorp Geluksdal gestig en die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee ontwikkel het. Die aanvaarding van die Oorgangswet op Plaaslike Regering, 1993 (Wet 209 van 1993) en die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1993 (Wet 200 van 1993) het gelei tot die ontbinding van die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee. In terme van eersgenoemde Wet is die Oorgangsraad van Brakpan wat die Geluksdal Bestuurskomitee insluit, gepromulgeer. / Public Administration and Management / M.A. (Pulic Administration)

Die geskiedenis van grondbesit in Distrik Ses tot 1984 met spesiale verwysing na die invloed van die Groepsgebiedewet na 1966

Laubscher, C. J. (Constant Johannes) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: District Six originated in the eighteen fifties on neighbouring wine farms close to Cape Town's city centre. The first inhabitants were Europeans, but were later joined by free slaves. By 1849 the total number of inhabitants was 2943 and as a municipal area became known as the sixth district of Cape Town. Over the years District Six developed an own unique cosmopolitan character and despite a stigma as a backward residential area District Six developed as a multiracial community with its own vibrant spirit. By 1966 there were 3700 properties of which 56% were owned by Whites, 26% by Coloureds and 18% by Indians. In the same year the area had 21 schools and 17 places of worship. One of the main causes of physical deterioration was overpopulation. The occupancy figure by the 1850's was approximately 2,5 persons per habitable room. Overcrowding led to subletting of even the smallest rooms and resulted in gross exploitation of tenants, horrific crime and moral decay, all of which contributed to the slum status of the area. In 1962 the City of Cape Town devised a pilot plan for the rehabilitation of the area, but this plan was never implemented. Years of neglect of municipal services worsened the degredation of many historic buildings as well as decent living conditions for its residents. In 1962 the Group Areas Board recommended that District Six be declared a Coloured Group Area. The N.P. government rejected this recommendation and on 11 February 1966 through Proclamation 43, declared 94 hectares of the traditional District Six as an area for White occupation. Between 1965 and 1975 the government froze all property transactions in District Six to enable them to plan the redevelopment of the area. The state made financial offers to property owners, but only 10% accepted these. The majority declined these and blamed this on inflexible property valuations of the state. By 1980 the state had spent R25 million on the acquisition of properties in District Six. Government demolition of structures took place between 1968 and 1982 and resulted in the flattenning of most buildings except for a few churches. Expropriated Coloured and Indian residents were removed to the newly created residential areas on the Cape Flats. Although some previous residents of District Six were happy with their accommodation most objected to the high bond repayments on their new homes, higher transport cost to work and the breakdown of existing communities. The biggest opposition to the declaration of District Six as an area for White occupation came from local groups, namely: The Friends of District Six and the District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers Association (RRR). Opposition political parties and the press used the physical and mental suffering of the residents to challenge the government. The redevelopment of District Six was characterised by continous changes to proposed plans. In 1964 the government appointed the Niemand Committee to investigate the replanning and redevelopment of District Six. In 1970 a master plan for redevelopment was recommended . In 1974 the first properties were sold to white people by the government. In 1975 the neighbouring Walmer Estate was declared a Coloured Group Area and three years later District Six was renamed as Zonnebloem. In 1979 parts of the neighbouring Woodstock and Salt River were declared Coloured Group Areas. In 1982 the Presidents Council recommended that part of District Six be returned to the Coloured community, but the government rejected this and in October 1982 year the first whites settled in District Six. The following year a part of District Six was declared Coloured area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Distrik Ses het in die vyftigerjare van die negentiende eeu op aanliggende wynplase van Kaapstad ontstaan. Aanvanklik het Blankes van verskillende nasionaliteite daar gevestig en later het vrygestelde slawe die inwonertal laat toeneem. Teen 1849 was die inwonertal ongeveer 2943 en in 1867 het die gebied bekend geword as die sesde distrik van Kaapstad . Distrik Ses het n eiesoortige en unieke kosmopolitiese karakter ontwikkel. Ten spyte van n stigma van agterlikheid het die gebied n borrelende en veelrassige gemeenskap gehad. In 1966 was daar ongeveer 3700 eiendomme in Distrik Ses waarvan 56% aan Blankes, 26% aan Kleurlinge en 18% aan Indiers behoort het. Teen 1966 was daar 21 skole en sewentien plekke van godsdienstige aanbidding in die gebied. Oorbevolking was een van die grootste oorsake van verval in die gebied. In die vyftigerjare was die besettingsyfer van geboue ongeveer 2,5 persone per bewoonbare vertrek. Die gevolg was onderverhuring, gruwelike uitbuiting van huurders, misdaad en sedelike verval wat aan die gebied n slumstatus besorg het. Jarelange verwaarlosing van munisipale dienste het tot vervaI van gebouestrukture en Iewenstoestande gelei. Die stadsraad se loodsplan vir opruiming in 1962 is nooit geimplementeer nie. Die Groepsgebiederaad het in 1962 aanbeveel dat die gebied as n Kleurling-groepsgebied verklaar moes word. Ten spyte van die aanbeveling is 94 hektaar van die tradisionele Distrik Ses op 11 Februarie 1966 volgens Proklamasie 43 van 1966 as n Blanke Groepsgebied verklaar. Die regering het vanaf 1965 tot 1975 aile eiendomstransaksies in Distrik Ses gevries om sodoende die herontwikkeling van die gebied te beplan. Ongeveer 10% van die eienaars het die staat se aanbod vir hul eiendom aanvaar. Die meeste het egter beswaar gemaak teen die staat se onbuigsame skattings. Teen 1980 het die staat R25 miljoen bestee aan die verkryging Slopingswerk in Distrik Ses het tussen 1968 en 1982 plaasgevind. Byna aIle geboue is gesloop en slegs enkele kerke is behou. Inwoners is na verskeie woonbuurte op die Kaapse Vlakte verskuif Alhoewel sommige vorige inwoners van Distrik Ses tevrede was met hulle nuwe woonplekke was die meeste ontevrede oor die hoe verbandkoste van nuwe wonings, hoer reiskoste en die verbrokkeling van gemeenskappe. Die grootste opposisie teen die Blankverklaring van Distrik Ses was The Friends of District Six en die District Six Residents', Rent and Ratepayers' Association (RRR). Opposisiepolitieke partye en die pers het die regering se rassebeleid aangeval deur te konsentreer op die ontberinge van die inwoners. Die herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses is gekenmerk deur voortdurende verandering. In 1964 is die Niemand-komitee aangestel om die herbeplanning en herontwikkeling van Distrik Ses te ondersoek. In 1970 is n meesterplan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses aanbeveel. In Julie 1974 het die regering die eerste eiendom in Distrik Ses aan Blankes verkoop. In 1975 is die aangrensende Walmer Estate tot Kleurlinggroepsgebied verklaar. Distrik Ses is in 1978 herdoop en R9 rniljoen is bewillig vir die rehabilitasieskema. In 1979 is dele van die aangrensende Woodstock en Soutrivier tot Kleurlinggroepsgebiede verklaar. In 1980 is ri gewysigde plan vir die ontwikkeling van Distrik Ses voorgele. In 1981 het die regering die Presidentsraad se aanbeveling dat n gedeelte van Distrik Ses aan die Kleurlinggemeenskap teruggegee moes word, verwerp. In Oktober 1982 het die eerste blankes in Distrik Ses gevestig. In 1983 is n gedeelte van Distrik Ses as Kleurlinggebied verklaar.

Segregated housing and contested identities: the case of the King William's Town coloured community, 1895 - 1946

Victor, Stephanie Emilia January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is a case study of the dynamics of coloured housing in King William's Town between 1895 and 1946. The impact of spatial segregation on pre-apartheid coloured settlements in the Eastern Cape has largely been ignored up to the present. This needs to be rectified as the lack of in-depth enquiry can lead to misinterpretations that may influence contemporary politics and identity formation. Through research based on primary sources, it has become apparent that segregation in King William's Town was safeguarded and rationalized through the discourses of sanitation and civilization, and the practices of relocation and removal. The existing slum cond itions were used as a convenient excuse to implement municipal control. Segregation compounded the problem of poverty, inequitable access to housing and the provision of basic services. As a result, local coloured housing was increasingly characterised by a shortage of decent accommodation and basic services, decreasing home ownership and increasing municipal tenancy. In addition, through the implementation of the 1923 Natives (Urban Areas) Act and the 1934 Slums Act, high sanitation standards were set, but the Council itself provided inferior services. Ironically, conditions in the relocated municipal settlements were also not on par with the provisions stipulated in the Slums Act that were used to effect removal in the first place. The implementation of racially exclusive housing was, therefore, not driven by a single role player. It was pioneered by the local authorities, legalised by national government and supported by the coloured elite, when needed, in an attempt to access decent housing. This occurred mainly through the political manoeuvring of the coloured elite, and specifically the African Political (later People's) Organisation (APO), the Afrikaanse Nasionale Bond (AN B) and the locally constituted Coloured Welfare Association (CWA) in King William 's Town. These organisations attempted to procure access to housing within the narrow boundaries of a prescribed identity. Segregated housing therefore fostered and sustained coloured identity. It consolidated feelings of separateness and division and provided impetus for the construction of race and even racial tension. Coloured identity attempted to serve as a rallying point to overcome differences in religion, family and social networks and place of residence in order to procure access to housing. It was not, however, able to overcome the occasional division between settlements, caused by well-developed placeidentities, which still inform the contemporary housing milieu. The coloured elite initially did not question the legitimacy of coloured identity. Only in 1939, under threats of increased residential segregation, combined with the resulting opposition in coloured protest politics, was the legitimacy of coloured identity publicly contested . By 1943, with the creation of the Coloured Advisory Council (CAC), local coloured unity proved to be insufficient. A division within the ranks of the local coloured elite was evident. As a result, the expression of coloured identity still remains contested in contemporary King William's Town.

Learners' and educators' perceptions of cell-phone use in the teaching and learning of Physical Science in Moretele high schools of the Bojanala District in South Africa

Muyambi, Godfrey C. 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated learners’ and educators’ perceptions of cell-phone use in the learning of Physical Sciences. The theory underpinning the study was the adoption model based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of technology acceptance (TAM). A mixed-method approach was applied. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires, focus groups and interview schedules. The strategies used to analyse data were thematic analysis, cluster analysis and factor analysis. Data were coded and organized into descriptive themes, and differences between variables were noted. A mixed-gender sample of science learners aged 15 to 22 years and educators participated in the study. Both the qualitative and the quantitative data revealed that the learners and the educators had predominantly positive perceptions of the use of cell phones in the learning of Physical Sciences. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Towards sustainable municipalities : an evaluation of sustainability integration in Elundini Local Municipality strategy

Sokutu, Nonkuselo January 2014 (has links)
This research study evaluated and assessed the extent to which strategic management processes integrated economic, environmental and social sustainability elements in the fiveyear strategy (2012) of Elundini Local Municipality (ELM). The study focused on three areas of strategic management, that is, environmental analysis, strategic direction and strategy formulation. The study also looked at possible reasons for sustainability integration in ELM strategy or lack thereof and also recommended possible solutions. The literature reviewed revealed that there was adequate basis for municipalities to integrate sustainable development in their strategies even though sustainability was noted as an evolving, complex and changing phenomenon. Local Agenda 21 principles, national legislative & policy framework, regulations and other relevant guidelines were found to be adequate for municipalities to develop credible sustainability strategies. The objectives of the study were achieved by data collected through the review of existing literature; the review of ELM Five Year Strategy (2012-2017); and SIAT-based questionnaires that were filled in by ELM employees. The results of the study showed that economic and social sustainability activities were identified most in the ELM strategy compared to environmental sustainability. The study then mainly recommended the review of the current strategy in order to improve all areas of strategy formulation; introduction of Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (ESEs-SWOT) for internal analysis as an improvement of SWOT analysis; introduction of Sustainability Integration and Strategic Management Framework (SISMF) as an improvement to existing framework.

Creating sustainable teaching and learning environments in dysfunctional Secondary Schools in the Mutale Area of Vhembe District

Mbulaheni, Visi Muriel January 2015 (has links)
DEd (Curriculum Studies) / Department of Curriculum Studies / Poor learner academic performance is a major problem in South African public schools today. A considerable number of schools in the Vhembe District are dysfunctional. While the Department of Basic Education (DoBE) is attempting to intervene in these schools to address this problem, the interventions and turnaround strategies have not been sustainable. In schools where interventions and turn around strategies are being provided, such interventions have been short lived and were not sustainable. The aim of the study was to investigate the issues affecting teachers in dysfunctional secondary schools in order to develop a model for creating a sustainable teaching and learning environment. This study used both quantitative and qualitative research designs in which questionnaires, interview and observation schedules were used, for data collection processes. Purposive sampling procedure was used to select participants. Quantitative data was analysed using IBM Statistical package for Social Sciences Version 23 (IBM SPSS statistics), and Atlas.ti Version 6 programme for qualitative data. Results showed that conditions in the schools were not conducive to the promotion of quality teaching and learning. Teachers were demotivated resulting in poor performance in all school activities which contributed to rendering the schools dysfunctional. Some teachers even left the profession. A model was developed for the creation of a sustainable teaching and learning environment in dysfunctional secondary schools in the Mutale area.

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