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From ethnically-based to multiple belongings : South Korean citizenship legislative reforms, 1997-2007Rhee, Young Ju January 2014 (has links)
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Re-thinking South Korean Postcolonial Multiculturalism in the Fine Art Textbook for Fifth- and Sixth- GradersNam, Young Lim 26 December 2014 (has links)
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Analyse des productions écrites des militaires coréens apprenant le français / Analysis of written productions of Korean military learning FrenchCha, Sung-bok 04 September 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objectif d’interpréter les erreurs de productions écrites chez les apprenants militaires coréens lors de leur apprentissage du français. Actuellement, au sein de d’École Militaire Académique en Corée du Sud, l’enseignement de la grammaire française occupe encore la place la plus importante, même si une certaine approche communicative dans la didactique des langues étrangères commence à faire sont apparition. Dans l’approche communicative, deux compétences (orale et écrite) sont prioritaires lors de l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères. Mais du fait de certaines difficultés liées à la distance entre la France et la Corée du Sud et à l’organisation actuelle de l’enseignement à l’École Militaire Académique, notre recherche n’a pu porter que sur l’analyse des erreurs à l’écrit ainsi qu’à leur remédiation.Notre travail s’articule en trois parties. La première repose sur la présentation de la situation atuelle de l’enseignement / apprentissage du français à l’École Militaire Académique de l’Armée de Terre. Une enquête menée auprès des élèves officiers nous permet d’aborder leur motivation et leur attitude face à l’apprentissage du français et d’observer comment leur est actuellement enseignée le français dans cette école. La deuxième partie est consacrée à la théorie et à la méthodologie fondée sur les recherches de la langue de l’apprenant. Nous nous proposons de retracer l’itinéraire des recherches comparatives en commençant par l’analyse contrastive jusqu’à l’étude de l’interlangue. La troisième partie porte sur l’analyse des données de façon détaillée pour élucider les difficultés linguistiques intraphrastiques et textuelles rencontrées dans la production écrite par les apprenants militaires coréens en situation d’apprentissage du français au niveau intermédiaire.Cette analyse nous permet de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage du français chez les apprenants militaires et de réfléchir aux améliorations qu’il convienrait d’apporter à l’enseignement du français dans l’École Militaire Académique. / The objective of our research is to interpret the types of errors made in written documents by Korean junior officers studying French. In the South Korean Military Academy for the Army French grammar is the most important part of the syllabus, though now more importance is given to communicative aspects of language training than previously. In communication the two competences (written and spoken) are both priorities in foreign language training. The organization of language training in the South Korean Military Academy for the Army and the distance between France and South Korea means our research has concentrated on the analysis of errors in written communication and ways to improve these.This work is in three parts. The first examines the current situation with language teaching at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army. This allowed us to follow the motivation and attitude of students learning French and to find out how it is taught in this school. The second part concentrates on the theory and methodology based on language research for learners of the language, using comparative research and starting with comparative analysis of the study between languages. The third part analyses in detail the linguistic difficulties in written French (both text and structure) encountered by intermediate level students at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army.This detailed analysis allows us to better understand the learning process for French language by these students at the South Korean Military Academy for the Army and to propose areas for improvement in the teaching of French.
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Sermon forms as a dimension of communication in the current worship context in the South Korean ChurchesHwang, Jong-Seog 06 June 2005 (has links)
The main question this dissertation addresses is which sermon forms are the most befitting for effective and communicative preaching within the context of the Korean church. The background to this question being the fact that most of the Korean sermons are structured according to the traditional method, namely a three-point sermon structure. It seems that no real analysis has been made of the hearers, as well as the different styles of worship being encountered in the Korean church. This leads to the fact that sermons (sermon forms) are structured in such a manner that the hearers are unable to follow either the sermon’s content or the sermon’s movements. This results in the preacher experiencing a lack of communication during his/her preaching/sermons. Before climbing on the pulpit all preachers should pay attention to creative sermon forms and styles, in order to be conducive to effective communication. This study deals with four main focus areas. Firstly, it is necessary to study different sermon forms and also to undertake a comparative analysis of the historical development of sermon forms in the South Korean Churches (SKC) and in US churches. In South Korea the sermon form has a more traditional feature, which is still present up till today in the local SKCs. Secondly, the preacher should be able to construct as well as use two different approaches in order to promote the most effective and communicative sermon: (1) induction, deduction and interduction, (2) analysis of the hearers within their present context. Thirdly, in this thesis five sermon forms have been discussed: (1) topical form, (2) textual sermon form, (3) expository sermon form, (4) narrative sermon form, (5) homily sermon form. Having discussed these forms, the aim was then to find a more useful and suitable sermon form. The choice was eventually made in favour of the multi-sermon form: multi-topical, multi-textual, multi-expository, multi-narrative and multi-homily sermon form. Fourthly, the preacher must be acquainted with the characteristics of the current worship patterns of the hearers attending the service: (1) dawn worship, (2) Wednesday evening worship, (3) Friday evening worship, (4) Sunday morning worship, (5) Sunday evening worship. / Thesis (PhD (Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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Специфика организационной структуры южнокорейских чеболей (на примере корпорации «Самсунг») : магистерская диссертация / The specificity of the organizational structure of South Korea chebols (on the example of "Samsung" corporation)Лабутина, Н. А., Labutina, N. A. January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is focused on transnational family corporations – South Korean chebols, their authentic features, organizational structure and corporate governance. The main subject of the work is "Samsung Group" on which author illustrates special aspects of the pyramidal structure of ownership with mutual ownership of shares within the group, as a way to maintain control over the conglomerate by members of the same family. The advantages and disadvantages of the organizational structure of South Korean business conglomerates are revealed. / Обращаясь к теме транснациональных семейных корпораций, автор анализирует их характерные черты организационной структуры и корпоративного управления на примере южнокорейских конгломератов – чеболей. Особенности организационной структуры чеболей раскрываются на примере одного из них - «Самсунг Груп». Автор анализирует пирамидальную структуру собственности с взаимным владением акций внутри группы, как способ сохранения контроля над конгломератом членами одной семьи. Раскрываются достоинства и недостатки организационной структуры южнокорейских бизнес-конгломератов.
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Imaginaires coloniaux, mépris et migration : femmes japonaises et coréennes entre adaptation, contraintes et résignation / Colonial imaginary, contempt and migration : japanese and Korean women between adaptation, constraints and resignationBahuaud, Rozenn 15 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la constructions des carrières migratoires de femmes issues de la Corée du Nord, de la Corée du Sud et du Japon. L’enjeu est de comprendre la construction objective et subjective de ces parcours à partir d’héritages historiques et culturels des sociétés d'origine, de politiques migratoires, de bifurcations biographiques, d’expériences sociales et de travail au sein d’« espaces totalitaires ». Dans la première partie, la thèse se penche sur les migrations internationales de femmes ainsi que sur la démarche méthodologique mise en place pour collecter des données comparatives auprès de femmes en souffrance au cœur de terrains « minés » et pour les analyser. La deuxième partie s’efforce de reconstituer les carrières objectives des migrantes en se concentrant sur les contextes de départ, la construction des projets migratoires et les contextes d’arrivée. Les migrantes se heurteront à la réitération des grammaires du mépris et de l’injustice – au sens de L. Roulleau-Berger – , aux violences et aux dominations influencées par les imaginaires coloniaux ou nationaux de la population hôte. Les corps « faibles » de ces femmes, au regard des imaginaires individuels et collectifs des sociétés d’accueil, deviennent des corps sensuels, sexuels, résistants etc. et devront se construire socialement au sein « d’espaces totalitaires » érigés au regard de ces imaginaires. La troisième partie analyse la construction des carrières subjectives des femmes issue de la péninsule coréenne et du Japon. Entre les obligations hypertrophiées de s’adapter imposées aux migrantes par le biais de techniques de mortifications – au sens de Goffman – les rôles infligés et les stratégies d’adaptation, elles tentent de survivre à leurs imaginaires migratoires déçus en déployant des tactiques qui se définissent par le refus de toute participation personnelle, l’assimilation du rôle imposé par la société d’accueil ou l’émancipation. / This thesis focuses on the construction of migratory careers of women from North Korea, South Korea and Japan. The challenge is to understand the objective and subjective structure of these routes from historical and cultural heritage of the societies of origin, from migration policies, from biographical bifurcations and from social and work experiences in “totalitarian spaces”. In the first part, the thesis focuses on international migration of women as well as the methodology established to collect comparative data from suffering women in "mined" fieldwork and to analyze them. The second part tries to reconstruct the objective careers of migrants focusing on starting contexts, on the construction of migration projects and on the arrival contexts. The migrants will face the reiteration of grammar of contempt and injustice - in the sense of L. Roulleau-Berger – and the violence and dominations influenced by colonial or national imaginary of the host population. The “weak” bodies of these women, under individual and collective imaginary of host societies, become sensual bodies, sexual bodies, resistant bodies etc. and will build socially in "totalitarian spaces" erected in view of these imaginary. The third section analyzes the construction of the subjective Career of Women of the Korean Peninsula and Japan. Between the bloated obligations to adapt (imposed on migrants through process of mortifications - in the sense of Goffman –), the imposed roles and the adaptive strategies, they try to survive their disappointed migration imaginary by deploying tactics that define by the refusal of any personal participation, assimilation of the role imposed by the host society or emancipation.
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Family pictures : representations of the family in contemporary Korean cinemaAn, Ji-yoon January 2017 (has links)
The family has always been a central narrative theme in cinema. Korean cinema has been no exception, where the family has proved to be a popular subject since its earliest days. Yet Western scholarship on Korean cinema has given little attention to this dominant theme, preferring to concentrate on the film industry's recent revival and its blockbusters. Scholarship in Korea and in the Korean language, on the hand, has continuously discussed some of the major cinematic works on the family. However, such literature has tended to be in the form of articles discussing one or two particular works. A comprehensive study of the family in contemporary Korean cinema therefore remains absent both in Korean and in English. This thesis is an attempt to provide such a work, bringing together films on the family and writings on them in both Western and Korean scholarships, as well as filling the gaps where certain trends and patterns have gone undetected. How are the changes in the understanding of the family or in the roles of individual family members reworked, imagined, or desired in films? Taking this question as the starting point of the research, each chapter explores a separate theme: transformations in the structure of the family; faltering patriarchy and fatherhood; motherhood and the extremity of maternal love; and certain children's experiences of the family. The first chapter detects a general move away from the traditional patriarchal nuclear family and an interest in depicting alternative families, exploring shifting family forms in contemporary society and the public discourses surrounding them. The second chapter highlights the contradictory ways that the father has been illustrated in films during and after the IMF crisis. The third chapter explores a branch of recent thrillers that depicts mothers as dark and dangerous characters, offering an interesting cultural framing to the multiple perceptions of the mother figure in contemporary society. Finally, the last chapter aims to extend representations of the 'Korean family' to include films by/about those currently living outside of Korea, namely Korean emigrants and adoptees.
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Big Screen Empire: What Foreign Films Reveal About the Perceptions of U.S. Military Bases in Affected Host NationsWalker, John Richard 16 December 2022 (has links)
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”I heard that’s the thing here…” : En doxisk topikanalys av samtalet mellan sydkoreanska Lee Young Ji och danska Christopher på YouTube-showen My Alcohol Diary.Söderlund, Tova January 2024 (has links)
Sydkoreansk populärkultur konsumeras i dag i hela världen. Globaliseringen har lett till att internationella fans av sydkoreansk populärkultur blir fler och att internationella stjärnor får fler möjligheter att visa upp sig i Sydkorea. Eftersom interaktionerna mellan Sydkorea och omvärlden ökar bör vi undersöka hur sådana interkulturella möten fungerar. Med andra ord, vi måste studera hur människor interagerar via olika doxiska förutsättningar. En växande ”variety”-genre inom nya sydkoreanska ”ontact”-eran är underhållningsprogram på YouTube där koreanska underhållningspersonligheter eller artister intervjuar andra stjärnor samt ofta konsumerar alkohol. Inom ”ontact”-genren blev YouTube-showen My Alcohol Diary, ledd av Lee Young Ji, snabbt populär. Denna uppsats studerar ett avsnitt ur My Alcohol Diary där den danska sångaren Christopher är gäst. Uppsatsen undersöker med hjälp av en topikanalys hur Lees och Christophers doxiska förutsättningar ser ut och uttrycks. Uttolkningen av videon kompletteras av fyra kommenterande texter om avsnittet, vilka bidrar med ytterligare ett internationellt åskådarperspektiv. Detta görs med hjälp av Ruth Amossys förståelse av doxa och LuMing Maos idé "rhetorical way-making". Uppsatsen kommer fram till att Lee och Christopher inom tre funna topiska kategorier - språk, ålder och hierarki, och relationer - konverserar via olika personor som syftar att skapa sig en etoshöjande personlighet. Samtalet ger upphov till doxiska gränser dem emellan, vilket syns tydligast i topikkategorin relationer. I konversationen, och i de kommenterande texternas, skapas en asymmetrisk maktrelation mellan de två genom de roller de tilldelsas och tar. Problematiken av olikhet leder till att Lee och Christopher sätts i ett binärt system för att skilja dem från varandra även när de försöker förstå varandra. / South Korean popular culture has grown increasingly popular in the last few years. A rather unexplored genre within the newly defined south Korean genre “ontact” is the growing number of ”variety”-esque shows on YouTube. With the help of a doxic topoi analysis, this thesis explores the implications of the intercultural meeting between Lee Young Ji and Danish singer Christopher Lund Nissen on the show My Alcohol Diary. Four articles about the episode is also object of the study. This thesis uses Ruth Amossy's understanding of doxa and LuMing Mao's concept "rhetorical way-making". In the topic categories of language, age and hierarchy, and relationships, this thesis concludes that Christopher and Lee are made to represent their cultures even though their representation is hinged on the situation and their different backgrounds. The differences are played through personas which adds a layer of self-representation to the conversation. The relationship between the two is asymmetric in their cultural doxas.
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