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Strategická obchodní politika v obranném a bezpečnostním průmyslu / Strategic Trade Policy in Defence and Security IndustryNeumannová, Pavla January 2016 (has links)
The master thesis is devoted to a nontraditional, however, in the todays world to a very current topic, arms industry and its support. The thesis connects the theoretical concept of the strategic trade policy (defined by P. Krugman or J. Brander) to its practical interpretation and application in the defence and security industry. The first chapter explains the strategic trade policy using the Brander Spencer analysis. The topic of the second chapter is strategic industries and this chapter answers the question whether the defence and security industry is a strategic industry or not. The third chapter analyses the possibilities of the support of DSI and compares approaches of different EU member states. The last chapter is devoted to the solution of this problem. The main contribution of this thesis is a new interpretation of the strategic trade policy, analysis of the importance of the defence and security industry and its support and suggestion of practical measures for Czech companies and for the Czech Ministry of Defence.
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"Simpsonovská aféra" a "annus horribilis" Příspěvek k proměnám obrazu britské královské rodiny na veřejnosti ve dvacátém století / The "Simpson Affair" and the "Annus horribilis" Contribution to the Changes of the Picture of the British Royal Family in the General Public in the 20th CenturyKrausová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis the author analyses the changes in the view of the British Royal Family in general public during the 20th century. Given the extensiveness of the topic, the author focuses on two crisis situations - so called "Simpson Affair" - the abdication of King Edward VIII in 1936 and his relationship with divorced American Wallis Simpson, and so called "Annus Horribilis" - the divorce of the successor to the throne prince Charles and princess Diana Spencer. The author analyses changes in perception of the role of British Royal Family in life of British nation and its role within British general public. Author works with unpublished sources (mainly from the archive materials gathered from the sources of the Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the National Archives in London - Kew, with published sources and extensive specialized literature mostly from British provenience. Keywords Great Britain, Monarchy, Royal Family, Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, Elizabeth II, Prince Charles, Diana Spencer, General Public
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RESOURCE PARTITIONING BETWEEN TWO SYMPATRIC AUSTRALIAN SKINKS, EGERNIA MULTISCUTATA AND EGERNIA WHITII STEPHEN BELLAMY Thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy AUGUST 2006 SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES FLINDERS UNIVERSITY, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA ________________________________________Bellamy, Stephen, steve.bellamy@flinders.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
When species compete for resources, in a stable homogeneous environment, there are two possible outcomes. The first is that one species will out-compete the other and exclude it from the environment. This is known as the competitive exclusion principle. The second is that both species will manage to coexist. Coexistence can only occur if the species niches are differentiated such that interspecific competition is minimised, or eliminated. This outcome is known as resource partitioning.
Two closely related Australian skink species of the Egernia genus, Egernia multiscutata and Egernia whitii, are abundant and sympatric on Wedge Island in South Australias Spencer Gulf. The species are morphologically very similar and appear to have very similar life histories and habitat requirements. Ostensibly, they would compete for limiting resources in this environment.
This thesis is the first investigation into resource partitioning in this previously unstudied model organism. I report the results of multi-faceted investigations into the coexistence of the skinks, E. multiscutata and E. whitii on Wedge Island and the evidence for, and mechanisms of, any facultative resource partitioning between them.
Study methods involved a transect survey of most of Wedge Island to determine the species distributions and any evidence for resource partitioning; a morphological comparison to investigate any potential competitive advantages of either species; a habitat choice experiment to establish retreat-site preferences in the absence of interspecific interference; and, a series of staged dyadic encounter experiments to investigate interspecific competitive interactions.
Resource partitioning was evidenced by differential distributions of the species among substrates containing the elements required for permanent refuge shelters. This partitioning was not mediated by avoidance of particular substrates but by the presence of the opponent species, combined with attraction to suitable substrates. Asymmetries in some morphological characters were found to confer a potential competitive advantage to E. multiscutata in agonistic encounters with E. whitii. Both species were found to have the same refuge site preferences when interference competition was experimentally removed. This result was not concordant with observed resource partitioning in the field and suggests that the habitat choices of both species are modified by the presence of the opponent species. Analyses of staged dyadic encounter experiments showed that E. multiscutata was more likely to gain greater access to a contested habitat resource and more likely to exclude E. whitii from the resource than vice-versa. Nevertheless, the outcome of competitive interactions was not completely deterministic and there was some tolerance of co-habitation. E. multiscutatas competitive advantage was attributable largely to its greater mass and head dimensions relative to snout to vent length. However, differential behavioural responses to the threat of larger opponent size also played an important part in resource partitioning between the species.
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The Gathering Storm: The Role of White Nationalism in U.S. PoliticsDonley, Genie A. 13 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Britain and the atomic bomb: MAUD to Nagasaki.Gorman, Claire L. January 2009 (has links)
There is a brief introduction explaining the themes in the literature available to date and how this thesis aims to add to available material.
In chapter one I give an account of early British research into nuclear science, including collaboration between British universities and the effect the MAUD Report had on accelerating the United States atomic programme. I introduce the main British scientists here .
In chapter two I focus on diplomacy between Britain and the United States in the period up to the Quebec Agreement. The two countries had their own atomic programmes at this stage and I discuss the lead up to the amalgamation of both programmes in August 1943.
Chapter three examines the British raids on German heavy water facilities and the efforts to stop Germany acquiring the means to make an atomic bomb before the Allies. Co-operation between the British and U.S teams at Los Alamos is discussed, along with the crucial role played by Britain in assisting the American scientists.
The British nuclear spies are featured in chapter four, focusing on Alan Nunn May and Klaus Fuchs. Their actions are discussed along with their arrests and trials. Effects of their cases on British atomic diplomacy with the Americans are highlighted.
The final section sums up the legacies of Britain¿s nuclear programme and its effect on British Cold War politics with America and the U.S.S.R. The fusion, or hydrogen, bomb is mentioned briefly and an overall assessment of the achievements of the British scientists is included.
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Os estudos experimentais de Herbert Spencer Jennings com protozoários (1908-1912): aspectos evolutivos e genéticosStefano, Waldir 18 May 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-05-18 / The present thesis deals with Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868 1947) contributions
to genetics and evolution between 1908 and 1912. During this period, this American
biologist developed a series of experiments with Paramecium, and attempted to test the
action of selection on those organisms.
The aim of this thesis is to analyse Jennings experimental results, trying to elucidate
whether his conclusions were well grounded according to the patterns of scientific rationality
of his time or not, taking in account the contributions of his colleagues on the subject.
Besides that, it will try to situate Jennings contributions in the history of genetics and
evolution trying to find out if some labels applied to him or his contributions such as pioneer
of biological investigation ; the one who changed the directions of biology ; or who
published and presented works clear and coherent , were fair.
This thesis contains an introduction and five chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the
hereditary and evolutionary precedents as well as Jennings general outlook concerning the
subject. Chapter 2 presents some information related to the experimental material employed
by Jennings in his experiments. Chapter 3 discusses some results related to heredity and
evolution obtained by Jennings in his experiments with Paramecium developed from 1908
to 1910. Chapter 4 discusses the results got by Jennings in his experiments developed from
1911 to 1912, in which he tried to elucidate some features of evolution and heredity in such
organism. Chapter 5 presents some final remarks on the subject.
This study led to the conclusion that Jennings conclusions (such as that natural
selection does not act on pure lines, and that conjugation does not rejuvenate those
organisms) were well grounded. However, he cannot be regarded as a pioneer of biological
investigation , since several other authors dedicated themselves to it before his time. The
scope of this thesis does not allow us to answer whether Jennings contributions changed
the directions of biology. But certainly his works were clear and coherent and his
contributions enriched the history of genetics and evolution / Esta tese trata das contribuições de Herbert Spencer Jennings (1868 1947) para a
genética e evolução de 1908 a 1912. Durante este período o biólogo norte-americano
desenvolveu uma série de experimentos com Paramecium, inclusive procurando testar
experimentalmente a ação dos processos de seleção.
O objetivo desta tese é analisar os resultados dos experimentos de Jennings,
procurando elucidar se suas conclusões estavam bem fundamentadas de acordo com os
padrões de racionalidade científica da época ou não, levando em conta as contribuições de
seus colegas sobre o assunto, na época. Além disso, procurará situar as contribuições de
Jennings na história da genética e evolução, procurando detectar se alguns rótulos que lhe
são aplicados ou às suas contribuições, tais como pioneiro da investigação biológica ;
aquele que mudou os rumos da biologia ; ou aquele que publicou ou apresentou trabalhos
claros e coerentes são justos.
Esta tese contém uma introdução e cinco capítulos. O Capítulo 1 trata dos
precedentes evolutivos e genéticos e do panorama geral da situação da época em que
Jennings apresentou suas contribuições relacionadas ao assunto. O Capítulo 2 traz
algumas informações sobre o material experimental utilizado por Jennings. O Capítulo 3
discute alguns resultados relacionados à hereditariedade e evolução obtidos por Jennings
em seus experimentos com Paramecium que foram desenvolvidos de 1908 a 1910. O
Capítulo 4 discute os resultados dos experimentos desenvolvidos por Jennings com
Paramecium, de 1911 a 1912, nos quais ele procurou elucidar aspectos relacionados à
evolução e hereditariedade nesses organismos. O Capítulo 5 apresenta algumas
considerações finais sobre o assunto.
Este estudo mostrou que as conclusões de Jennings (tais como que a seleção
natural não age dentro de uma linhagem pura ou que a conjugação não produz
rejuvenescimento) estavam bem fundamentadas. Entretanto, ele não pode ser considerado
um pioneiro das investigações biológicas uma vez que vários autores a ela se dedicaram
antes de sua época. Os limites desta tese não permitem responder se as contribuições de
Jennings mudaram os rumos da biologia. Mas, certamente, seus trabalhos eram claros e
coerentes e suas contribuições enriqueceram a história da genética e evolução
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Bortom skyltfönstret den levande döden : En undersökning av relationen mellan Karin Boyes Astarte och T.S. Eliots The Waste LandGibe, John January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen utforskar relationen mellan Karin Boyes Astarte och T.S. Eliots The Waste Land, särskilt med avseende på modernistisk tematik och med avstamp i tidigare forskning som kommenterat relationen mellan verken, främst Gunilla Domellöfs och Caroline Hauxs. Analysen omfattar den senares upptäckt att ”Det öde landskap som skrivs fram hos Eliot existerar dolt och outsagt i Astarte.” Verken jämförs med avseende på: Skildringen av den moderna staden; Krig, trauma, våld och utvecklingsskepticism; Den ofruktbara masskulturen; (Naturens, Guds och Kärlekens död); Verkens mytkomplex; Psykoanalytiska perspektiv på gemenskap, behov och begär. Uppsatsen innehåller även en sammanställning av likheter mellan episoderna som utspelar sig mellan Viola och Hill i Astarte och mellan maskinskriverskan och kontoristen i The Waste Land. Undersökningen bekräftar betydande beröringspunkter mellan verken vad gäller såväl tematik som de positioner författarna intar – det gäller utvecklingsskepticismen, masskulturen (där Astarte i högre utsträckning intresserar sig för handel och konsumtion), samt fruktbarhetsförlusten med avseende på Naturen, Gud och Kärleken. Myter har en betydelsefull roll i båda verken. I Astarte är Gudinnan/belätet Astarte i och för sig närvarande, men hon fyller inte sina ursprungliga funktioner. Undersökningen identifierar nya tolkningsmöjligheter gällande Astartes potentiella roll, kopplade till våld och skydd. På ett övergripande plan finns en korsställning mellan verken, där det som utgör The Waste Lands förgrund tenderar att blottas genom sprickor i ”Astartesamhällets” fasad, genom Boyes didaktiska exposéer, samt vid kritisk läsning. Den sammanlagda effekten av dessa aspekter är att Eliots ödeland – den levande döden – är mer av en tydlig referenspunkt än något dolt och outsagt i Astarte.
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Teorie společenské smlouvy a klasická sociologie: studie z epistemologie. / On the Method's Disappearance: Analysis between philosophies of social contract and classical sociologies. A Study in EpistemologyMaršálek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The Method and its Disappearance: Analysis between philosophies of social contract and classical sociologies. A Study in Epistemology Jan Maršálek Université de Franche-Comté/Charles University in Prague Supervisors: prof. Frédéric Brahami, prof. Miloslav Petrusek (†), dr. Jan Balon. Résumé: In a doubly disloyal continuity with regard to the French epistemological tradition, largely preoccupied with the formation of scientific concepts, the present work addresses the phenomenon of disappearance of 'analytical' method. Nevertheless, the present work does not constitute an historical investigation: its very goal is to show (within the works of T. Hobbes, J.-J. Rousseau, H. Spencer and E. Durkheim) the variation of the epistemological status of the analysis, and thus to set up the concept of an 'epistemological event'. Examining the disappearance of the analysis requires its identification in the theoretical work whereby its leverage remains unacknowledged. Thus, having the status of a method in the philosophies of the social contract of Hobbes and Rousseau, the analysis 'continues' to structure, in a tacit way, the work of Spencer and Durkheim, both of them founders of scientific sociology. Is it possible to claim that, in the 19th century, the analysis manifests itself in the sociology's common recourse to...
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The midlife crisis, gender, and social science in the United States, 1970-2000Schmidt, Susanne Antje January 2018 (has links)
This thesis provides the first rigorous history of the concept of midlife crisis. It highlights the close connections between understandings of the life course and social change. It reverses accounts of popularization by showing how an idea moved from the public sphere into academia. Above all, it uncovers the feminist origins of the concept and places this in a historically little-studied tradition of writing about middle age that rejected the gendered "double standard of aging." Constructions of middle age and life-planning were not always oppressive, but often used for feminist purposes. The idea of midlife crisis became popular in the United States with journalist Gail Sheehy's Passages (1976), a critique of Erik Erikson's male-centered model of ego development and psychoanalytic constructions of gender and identity more generally. Drawing on mid-century notions of middle life as the time of a woman's entry into the public sphere, Sheehy's midlife crisis defined the onset of middle age, for men and women, as the end of traditional gender roles. As dual-earner families replaced the male breadwinner model, Passages circulated widely, read by women and men of different generations, including social scientists. Three psychoanalytic experts-Daniel Levinson, George Vaillant, and Roger Gould-rebutted Sheehy by putting forward a male-only concept of midlife as the end of a man's family obligations; they banned women from reimagining their lives. Though this became the dominant meaning of midlife crisis, it was not universally accepted. Feminist scholars, most famously the psychologist and ethicist Carol Gilligan, drew on women's experiences to challenge the midlife crisis, turning it into a sign of emotional instability, immaturity, and egotism. Resonating with widespread understandings of mental health and social responsibility, and confirmed by large-scale surveys in the late 1990s, this relegated the midlife crisis to a chauvinist cliché. It has remained a contested concept for negotiating the balances between work and life, production and reproduction into the present day.
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