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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Selbstorganisation von Migranten im deutschen Vereinssport : eine soziologische Annäherung / Migrant self-organization in the German club sport system : a sociological approach

Stahl, Silvester January 2011 (has links)
Diese von der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Potsdam angenommene Dissertation thematisiert die Selbstorganisation von Migranten in eigenen Sportvereinen und auf anderen Ebenen des Vereinssports. Sie beruht auf den Ergebnissen eines vom Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft geförderten Forschungsprojekts der Universität Potsdam. Mit mehreren hundert Migrantensportvereinen in ganz Deutschland stellt der Sport einen der wichtigsten Gesellschaftsbereiche für die Selbstorganisation von Zuwanderern dar. Doch obwohl sich Migranten in der Bundesrepublik schon seit den 1960er Jahren in eigenen Sportvereinen zusammenschließen, ist das Thema zuvor noch nicht umfassend untersucht worden. Um diese Forschungslücke zu schließen, stellt die Arbeit Basisinformationen über verschiedene Organisationsformen, typische Entstehungszusammenhänge, spezifische Problemfelder sowie wiederkehrende Konfliktmuster bereit und präsentiert darauf aufbauende Annahmen über die Wirkungen der sportbezogenen Selbstorganisation auf das Verhältnis von Einheimischen und Zuwanderern im Sport, auf die allgemeinen interethnischen Beziehungen und auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Integrationsprozess. Daran anknüpfend werden mögliche Konsequenzen aufgezeigt, die die verschiedenen Akteure des Sportsystems aus den dargestellten Forschungsbefunden ziehen können. Die Arbeit basiert auf den Befunden einer in den Jahren 2006 bis 2009 durchgeführten empirischen Untersuchung, in der verschiedene qualitative Methoden eingesetzt wurden, um das Forschungsfeld explorativ, ergebnisoffen und in einer möglichst weiten Perspektive zu beleuchten. In erster Linie bestand diese Feldstudie in einer Interviewreihe, für die 25 Vertreter von Migrantensportvereinen sowie 15 Feldexperten aus verschiedenen Berufsgruppen und Organisationen in Leitfaden-Interviews befragt wurden. Ergänzt wurde die Interviewstudie durch eine Zeitungsanalyse, für die sieben Tages- und Wochenzeitungen nach Artikeln zum Thema durchsucht wurden, sowie gezielte Feldbeobachtungen, etwa beim Besuch von Fußballspielen, bei Versammlungen und Festen sowie in Vereinsheimen. Darüber hinaus wurde eine umfangreiche Internetrecherche durchgeführt, bei der vor allem die Webseiten von über 65 Migrantensportvereinen in Augenschein genommen wurden. In allen Untersuchungsteilen war das Vorgehen des Verfassers stark an der Grounded-Theory-Methode orientiert. Die so gewonnenen Forschungsergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass eigenständige Migrantensportvereine, die als vorherrschende Form der sportbezogenen Selbstorganisation von Zuwanderern im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stehen, aus komplexen gesellschaftlichen Inklusions-, Schließungs- sowie Segmentationsprozessen resultieren und interindividuell unterschiedliche Beteiligungsmotive ihrer Mitglieder aufnehmen. Sie stellen typischerweise multifunktionale Hybridorganisationen dar und erbringen für die beteiligten Migranten und deren lokale Gemeinschaften spezifische Integrations-, Repräsentations- und Solidarleistungen, durch die sie sich signifikant von deutschen Sportvereinen und Migrantenorganisationen in anderen Sektoren abheben. Zugleich unterscheiden sich die Migrantensportvereine untereinander hinsichtlich Vereinstätigkeit, Selbstverständnis und Konfliktbeteiligung sehr stark. Ihre Rückwirkung auf den Vereinssport als organisationales Feld, auf die interethnischen Beziehungen in anderen Gesellschaftsbereichen und auf den gesamtgesellschaftlichen Integrationsprozess ist den präsentierten Forschungsergebnissen zufolge gleichfalls sehr ambivalent. Einerseits erbringen Migrantenvereine nicht nur die gleichen gemeinnützigen Leistungen im Bereich der sozialen Integration wie andere Sportvereine auch, sondern entfalten darüber hinaus, indem sie die Integrationsfähigkeit ihrer Mitglieder erhöhen und Personen in den organisierten Sport einbeziehen, die sonst gar keinem Sportverein beitreten würden, spezifische Integrationswirkungen, die andere Sportvereine nicht aufweisen. Andererseits erhöht die Selbstorganisation von Migranten in eigenen Sportvereinen soziale Distanzen und Spannungen zwischen Einheimischen und Zuwanderern, zumal Migrantensportvereine vor allem an den manchmal gewaltvollen Konflikten im Amateurfußball überproportional häufig beteiligt sind. Darüber hinaus stellt ein relativ kleiner Teil der Migrantensportvereine wegen Organisationsdefiziten eine ernste Belastung für die Tätigkeit der Sportverbände dar. Pauschalisierende Negativbewertungen der Vereine werden vom Verfasser jedoch als ungerechtfertigt und nicht sachangemessen zurückgewiesen. / This Ph.D. dissertation submitted to the Department of Economics and Social Sciences at the Universität Potsdam focuses on the self-organization of migrants in sport clubs and on other various levels of the club sport system. It is based on the findings of a research project by the Universität Potsdam, which was funded by the German Federal Institute for Sport Science (Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft). Sport represents a major societal area for the self-organization of migrants, with several hundred migrant sport clubs established throughout Germany. However, the topic has not yet been scientifically investigated, although migrants in the Federal Republic have been members of autonomous sport clubs since the 1960s. In order to fill this research gap, this dissertation provides basic information about different forms of organization, typical founding circumstances, specific problems and frequent conflict patterns, and presents assumptions on the effects sport related self-organization has on interethnic relations in sport and society and the general integration process. An outline of the potential consequences which different actors within the sport system could draw from these findings then follows. The text is based on the results of an empirical study conducted from 2006 to 2009, in which a variety of qualitative methods has been employed in order to explore the field of investigation as openly and widely as possible. This field study consisted primarily of a set of interviews, in which 25 executives of migrant sport clubs and 15 experts from different professions and organizations were surveyed in questionnaire guided interviews. In addition, a newspaper analysis was implemented; seven daily and weekly papers were searched for articles pertaining to the topic, and systematic field observations were conducted at soccer matches, meetings and parties, as well as in club houses. In addition, extensive internet research was undertaken by examining the home pages of more than 65 migrant sport clubs. The investigation was strongly oriented on the grounded theory method. The findings of these investigations indicate that autonomous migrant sport clubs, which are the main focus of the book as the dominant form of sport related migrant self-organization, result from complex social processes of inclusion, exclusion and segmentation and take on diverse individual motives for participation. They typically serve as multifunctional hybrid organizations, which fulfill different functions of integration, representation and solidarity for the migrants involved and their local communities, thereby significantly differing from German sport clubs and other migrant organizations respectively. At the same time, migrant sport clubs vary strongly in terms of club activity, self-concept and conflict involvement. Their influence on the club sport system as their organizational field, on interethnic relations in other sectors of society, and on the general integration process is also very ambivalent according to the presented findings. Migrant sport clubs not only accomplish the same merits of social integration as other sport clubs but also promote integration in specific ways by improving their members’ ability for integration and involving persons in organized sport that otherwise would not join a sport club. However, the self-organization of migrants in sport clubs also increases social distances and tensions between migrants and natives, especially since migrant sports clubs are often involved in the sometimes violent conflicts of amateur soccer. In addition, a relatively small number of migrant sport clubs severely affects the activities of sport associations because of deficits in organization. Generalized criticism towards these clubs is nevertheless rejected by the author as unjust and inadequate.

Coping with interpersonal sport stress in female adolescent soccer players: the role of perceived social support, cognitive appraisal, and trait social anxiety

Cayley, Clare 05 1900 (has links)
Stress in sport is complex and can lead to a number of undesirable consequences such as burnout, performance difficulties, interpersonal problems, and injury. Lazarus’s (1991, 1999) Cognitive-Motivational-Relational model holds that stress is best understood as a transactional relationship between a person and their environment. Stress is a process which is influenced by appraisals and coping. Appraisals are influenced by personal factors as well as environmental demands and the availability of external resources. Coping involves constantly changing cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage the perceived external and internal demands of a stressful situation (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984). The present study examined how appraisal processes mediated (or were possibly moderated by) the effects of social anxiety and perceptions of teammate social support on how high school female soccer players thought they would cope with a hypothetical interpersonal stressor. The study also examined simple relationships among variables. The participants were 181 female high school soccer players from Greater Vancouver. The athletes first completed two questionnaires designed to measure social anxiety (Interaction Anxiousness Scale; Leary, 1983a) and perceived social support from teammates (modified Social Provisions Scale; Weiss, 1974). After reading the scenario, the athletes indicated their appraisal of threat and challenge (Stress Appraisal Measure; Peacock & Wong, 1990) and how they thought they would cope (Coping Functions Questionnaire; Kowalski & Crocker, 2001). . The initial findings indicated that challenge appraisals were moderately correlated with both emotion-focused (r = .41) and problem-focused coping (r = .51), whereas threat had a weak association with avoidance coping (r = .19). Using mediation analysis, the results indicated that challenge fully mediated the relationship between social support and emotion-focused coping, and partially mediated the relationship between social support and problem-focused coping. Threat appraisals mediated the relationship between social anxiety and avoidance coping. Contrary to hypotheses, there was no evidence that social anxiety or threat were related to emotion-focused coping. There was also no support that person variables (social anxiety, social support) moderated the effects of appraisal on coping. The findings suggest that challenge appraisals and social support were key predictors of coping with interpersonal stress in this population.

Innebörden av en värdeskapande tredje part : Åskådarkonsumtion i dataspelsbranschen

Rheborg, Victor, Ekman, Elias January 2013 (has links)
Förändrade konsumtionsmönster som går företagen förbi kan i längden visa sig ödesdigert och det är därför viktigt att identifiera dessa förändringar och analysera vad de innebär för de inblandade. I dataspelsbranschen har ett nytt konsumtionsmönster växt fram där människor i allt större utsträckning intar en åskådarroll istället för att själva delta i spelandet. Elektronisk sport eller e-sport som det har kommit att kallas lockar miljontals tittare världen över och har börjat få en betydande roll inom dataspelsbranschen. Evenemangen som ordnas följs på plats, via direktsänd TV eller via streamingtjänster från datorn. Åskådarna blir här en värdeskapande tredje part som är distanserad från det traditionella värdeskapande utbytet mellan företag och kund. Genom att besöka ett av dessa e-sportevenemang samlades kvalitativ data in för att studera tredje parts värdeskapande och vad det innebär för de inblandade aktörerna. Resultatet av undersökningen visade att kunden, eller användaren, av dataspelet intar en företagslik roll gentemot åskådaren. Detta belyste samtidigt vikten av att klargöra vems värdeskapande som står i fokus, hur det avgränsas samt vems perspektiv man utgår ifrån vid appliceringen av Grönroos och Voimas (2013) definition av värde som kundens skapande av bruksvärde.

Har kvinnorna en sportslig chans? : den svenska idrottsrörelsen och kvinnorna under 1900-talet / Do women have a sporting chance? : organized sport and women in Sweden in the 20th century

Olofsson, Eva January 1989 (has links)
This study examines the conditions of womens´s participation in organized sport. The Swedish Sport Confederation and the two associations with the largest number of female members, the Swedish Gymnastics Federation and the Swedish Football Association, have been studied. Gymnastics is a traditional sport for women and is mainly a fitness sport. Soccer is a competitive sport and a new sport for women. The discussions and decisions of the sports associations regarding women and sport have been analyzed through studies of official documents, minutes and debates. An interview study with female leaders in gymnastics and soccer completes the analysis of the documents. Women represent just over a third of the members of the sports movement. Women participate in fewer sports than men. They only dominate in non-competitive and in aesthetic sports. According to this study there is no female sport or womens´sport - apart from gymnastics - only male sport with female participants. The attitude of the sports movement is that women and men are different but the form and rules of competitive sport are based on equality. The social gender system and thus mens´control over womens´ participation in sport is obvious in the sport movement. Three female counterstrategies have been identified: in the beginning of the 20th century female gymnastics coaches developed a form of gymnastics for women based on the ideology of peculiarity; in the 1970s women claimed equality with men for their breakthrough into soccer; in the 1980s women try to combine the ideologies of equality and peculiarity through male sport behaviour and the accentuation of traditional femininity. Womens´subordinate position in the sports movement is reflected in the lower valuation of womens´sport performances. Sport is an essential part of male character building. The motives of health have always been emphasized for women. The official ideology has in recent years passed on to a general accentuation of the aspects of health, which has facilitated womens´participation in sport. This is contradicted by the development of top-level sport and its manifestations in the form of for example drug-taking. / digitalisering@umu

Sport gave me something to wake up for : aboriginal adults with disabilities speak about sport

Elliott, Melanie Dawn 05 July 2007
The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to understand the experience of disability from the perspective of Aboriginal adults and the meaning they give to the importance of sport in their communities. The experiences of 3 Aboriginal adults with physical disabilities were captured using the phenomenological methods of one-on-one interviews, artifact collection, and field notes. The co-participants were provided the opportunity for collaboration at each research stage, from clarifying the purpose to finalizing and interpreting the emerging themes, in an effort to demonstrate sensitivity and respect for their Aboriginal culture, beliefs, and community. The conceptual framework utilized was the minority group model, which provided a framework for interpreting the sport experiences of the co-participants. The thematic analysis and interpretation of the findings facilitated by the co-participants revealed four themes: (a) we have to get out first, (b) not being a priority, (c) pride through accomplishments, and (d) the gift to grab others. We Have to Get Out First expressed the co-participants feelings that persons with disabilities were somewhat invisible in their rural Aboriginal communities as they did not venture far from their homes. The second theme, Not Being a Priority, recognized the lack of sport opportunities for people with disabilities. However, according to the third theme, Pride through Accomplishments, for these co-participants it was their involvement in their Aboriginal community and sport that gave them a sense of self-worth and dignity. The final theme, The Gift to Grab Others, empowered them to share the richness of their experiences with other Aboriginal people with disabilities. The results reflected the need to educate and build awareness of sport opportunities for Aboriginal people with disabilities. Furthermore, the co-participants expressed the need to encourage and support people with disabilities to get out of their homes and become active, visible members of society.

Processus de résolution de problèmes en sports collectifs

Massé, Jean-Claude 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Continuellement, les entraîneurs et les dirigeants des équipes sportives doivent affronter différents problèmes liés aux performances des équipes qu'ils dirigent. L'entraîneur, aujourd'hui considéré aussi comme un « manager », doit s'attarder à leur résolution. Dans le domaine managérial, différents processus de résolution de problèmes existent, mais pas en sports collectifs. La présente recherche, suite à une recension et une analyse des écrits sur différentes approches de résolution de problèmes, propose un processus de résolution de problèmes adapté au contexte des sports collectifs. Cette recherche théorique mènera donc à l'élaboration d'un processus facilitant la résolution de problèmes. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : sport, collectif, résolution, problème, processus, entraîneurs.

Sport gave me something to wake up for : aboriginal adults with disabilities speak about sport

Elliott, Melanie Dawn 05 July 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to understand the experience of disability from the perspective of Aboriginal adults and the meaning they give to the importance of sport in their communities. The experiences of 3 Aboriginal adults with physical disabilities were captured using the phenomenological methods of one-on-one interviews, artifact collection, and field notes. The co-participants were provided the opportunity for collaboration at each research stage, from clarifying the purpose to finalizing and interpreting the emerging themes, in an effort to demonstrate sensitivity and respect for their Aboriginal culture, beliefs, and community. The conceptual framework utilized was the minority group model, which provided a framework for interpreting the sport experiences of the co-participants. The thematic analysis and interpretation of the findings facilitated by the co-participants revealed four themes: (a) we have to get out first, (b) not being a priority, (c) pride through accomplishments, and (d) the gift to grab others. We Have to Get Out First expressed the co-participants feelings that persons with disabilities were somewhat invisible in their rural Aboriginal communities as they did not venture far from their homes. The second theme, Not Being a Priority, recognized the lack of sport opportunities for people with disabilities. However, according to the third theme, Pride through Accomplishments, for these co-participants it was their involvement in their Aboriginal community and sport that gave them a sense of self-worth and dignity. The final theme, The Gift to Grab Others, empowered them to share the richness of their experiences with other Aboriginal people with disabilities. The results reflected the need to educate and build awareness of sport opportunities for Aboriginal people with disabilities. Furthermore, the co-participants expressed the need to encourage and support people with disabilities to get out of their homes and become active, visible members of society.

Barbröstade grabbar, med färgat hår och litervis med öl : En analys av Aftonbladets skildring av herr- och damfotboll i Herr-VM 2006 och Dam-VM 2007

Mårtensson, Henning January 2012 (has links)
I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt hur män och kvinnor framställs i bild och text i Aftonbladets rapportering från herrarnas fotbolls-VM i Tyskland 2006 och damernas fotbolls-VM i Kina 2007. Mitt syfte var att titta på hur konstrueringen av en nationell diskurs skiljer sig åt i texterna om dam- och herrfotboll, om det finns någon tydlig manlig och kvinnlig diskurs på bilderna, samt hur väl min undersökning stämmer in på beprövade genusteorier. För att kunna besvara mitt syfte använde jag mig av teorier om nationalism och genus. Som metodverktyg använde jag mig av kritisk diskursanalys samt semiotisk bildanalys. Det jag kom fram till i undersökningen var att den nationsuppbyggande processen var väldigt vanlig i de krönikor jag studerade från herr-VM 2006 men knappt närvarande i krönikorna från dam-VM 2007. Journalisterna väver; i krönikorna från herrarnas VM-slutspel, in läsarna i en föreställd nationell gemenskap. En gemenskap som reifieras genom betoningen av nationen som en kulturell gemenskap, med gemenskapsbildande traditioner, kulturella symboler, förenande metaforer samt en kategorisering av ett ”vi” i förhållande till ”dom andra”. I krönikorna och på de tillhörande bilderna från damernas VM-slutspel kan gemenskapen ses som mycket mer isolerad till spelarna och den närmaste kretsen kring damlandslaget. De manliga fotbollsspelarna var överlag oftare i rörelse och inbegripna i matchsituationer på bilderna, medan de kvinnliga fotbollsspelarna var mer passiva på bilderna. Det var också ett tydligare fokus på själva fansen i både texter och bilder från herrmästerskapet. Fans som tydligt beskrevs utifrån en manlig diskurs. Överlag stämmer många av mina genusteorier in på mitt material, och en hel del av innehållet går att skönja i krönikorna. Bland annat förekommer det marginaliseringar där damfotbollsspelare jämförs med herrfotbollsspelare i texterna och damfotbollen ifrågasätts tydligare när spelet inte är på topp.

Ger Guld Guld? : En studie om den ekonomiska utveckling i svenska idrottslags hemkommuner

Collén, Hampus, Sjögren, Nils January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka eventuella ekonomiska effekter skapade av idrottsliga resultat. Dessa effekter mäts genom att undersöka förändringar i skattebasen, mätt per kapita på kommunnivå som följd av att ett idrottslag från kommunen vunnit SM-guld, alternativt deltar i spel i högsta divisionen.  De sporter som undersöks är fotboll, ishockey bandy och speedway. Dessa fyra sporter är de största sett till publiksnitt och exponering i TV. Tillsammans utgör de högsta serierna i dessa sporter ett bra underlag och bra spridning av SM-guldvinnare, lag som deltar i högsta divisionen och kommuner i Sverige. Vi väljer att inte använda oss av kommunerna Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö och Gotland eller idrottslag från dessa. De tre första på grund av storleken och Gotland på grund av att kommunens invånare beskattas på ett annat sätt än Sveriges andra kommuner.  I regressionen används en kommunfixeffekt som tar hänsyn till skillnader mellan kommunerna och en tidsfixeffekt som tar hänsyn till makroeffekter som skiljer mellan åren. Vidare kontrolleras för en rad andra variabler som direkt kan påverka kommunens ekonomiska tillväxt. Vi finner inga signifikanta resultat som tyder på att idrottsliga framgångar kan agera katalysator för kommunal tillväxt eller stagnation. Resultaten tyder dock på att en kommun som har ett ishockeylag som deltar i högsta divisionen ökar skattebasen per kapita med cirka 1200 kr per år laget deltar. Deltagande i högsta divisionen för övriga sporter visar inga signifikanta resultat.

Rekrytering till arbete av studenter från Sport Management-programmet

Gustavsson, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur rekryteringen till arbete av studenter från Sport Management-programmet vid Högskolan Dalarna har gått till, samt vilka personliga egenskaper och meriter som har varit avgörande för att erhålla anställning inom den idrottsrelaterade organisationen. Undersökningen har genomförts i intervjuform med arbetstagare som tidigare har studerat Sport Management samt med deras arbetsgivare. Resultatet visar att idealbakgrunden för att erhålla anställning inom idrottsrelaterade organisationer är:- Tidigare aktiv idrottare/insatt i idrotten för att veta hur det praktiska fungerar- Akademisk utbildning, förslagsvis Sport Management- Arbetslivserfarenhet inom idrotten- Brett kontaktnät- Att visa framåtanda - Utåtriktade och ambitiösa personliga egenskaper

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