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Vybrané metody predikce vývoje mezinárodních finančních trhů na základě historických dat / The finer Points of International Financial Market Analysis based on historical DataRakovčík, Jakub January 2009 (has links)
First chapter describes International Financial Markets. Second chapter describes market fundamental analysis. Third chapter describes market technical analysis and efficient market hypothesis testing. Fourth chapter discusses market psychological analysis. Fifth chapter encompasses other theoretical background to be used in application. Sixth chapter deals with application of fundamental and technical analysis on a tennis betting market having found parallels between the sports betting markets and financial markets.
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American Football : A Markovian Approach / Amerikansk fotboll med MarkovkedjorLarsson, Joakim, Sjökvist, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis in applied mathematics & industrial economics is an attempt to model drives in American football using Markov chains. The transition matrix is obtained through logit regression analysis on historical data from the NFL. Different outcomes of drives are modelled as separate absorbing states in the Markov chain. Absorption probabilities are calculated representing the probabilities of each outcome. Results are tested against a Markov chain with the transition matrix based on frequency analysis. Three scoring rules unanimously declare the regression based model to be superior. The application of the model pertains to live sports betting. With the insight provided by the Markovian model, a bettor should be able to make statistically informed betting decisions. The prospect of creating a start-up based on the Markovian betting model is discussed. / Denna kandidatuppsats i tillämpad matematik & industriell ekonomi är ett försök till att modellera drives i amerikansk fotboll med hjälp av Markovkedjor. Övergångsmatrisen fås genom logit-regressionsanalys av historisk data från NFL. Olika utfall av drives modelleras som separata absorberande tillstånd i Markovkedjan. Absorptionssannolikheter beräknas, vilka representerar sannolikheterna för de olika utfallen. Resultaten testas mot en Markovkedja där övergångsmatrisen fås genom frekvensanalys. Tre olika poängregler föredrar enhälligt den regressionsbaserade modellen. Modellens tillämpning berör sportbetting. Med hjälp av Markovmodellen bör en spelare kunna ta statistiskt underbyggda beslut i deras betting. Möjligheterna att skapa ett företag baserat på Markovmodellen diskuteras.
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Marketing of the gambling industry / Marketing hazardniho průmysluRožek, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis is studying the current global as well as Czech gambling industry with the focus on internet gambling activities. The work begins with the description of various gambling activities. The focus is taken on the internet gambling activities with description of the specifics and the current European as well as US legal frame. Next part is dedicated to the psychology of gambling together with the pathological gambling addiction. In next part the thesis studies the current situation on the Czech market - history, main official legal providers as well as main grey market providers. Second part of the work is the case study of the launch of the internet lottery games by Fortuna Entertainment Group. This case study is based on a desk research of previous successful best practices in the internet gambling industry from all around the world.
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Le jeu et le pari en droit / Gaming and betting in lawNahas, Imad 07 January 2014 (has links)
Les jeux de hasard furent connus et pratiqués par l’homme depuis les premières civilisations. Mais dès l’Antiquité gréco-romaine, ces jeux se sont attirés les foudres des moralistes, ecclésiastiques, et législateurs, chacun pour ses propres motifs. Des lois sévères furent édictées par les législateurs de l’Antiquité, qui furent par la suite reprises par les canonistes et les juristes de l’Ancien droit, ainsi que par les rédacteurs du Code civil, et ce, dans le but d’éradiquer, ou du moins de cantonner cette pratique ludique. Mais le désir humain de pratiquer ces jeux de hasard fut plus fort que ces lois, et la pratique y a survécu. Au cours du XXe siècle, et alors que certains États de par le monde ont choisi la prohibition absolue, d’autres, comme la France, ont opté pour une autorisation contrôlée sous l’égide de l’État. Ainsi fut créé le triptyque prohibition-exception-monopole, sous lequel le jeu se développa considérablement. Et quand le développement technologique a permis d’offrir les jeux de hasard à travers l’internet, le secteur des jeux d’argent a atteint en France, et de par le monde, des limites jamais connues auparavant au cours de l’histoire. Mais ce développement exceptionnel a amené avec lui des défis nouveaux, notamment au plan financier et sécuritaire, mais aussi au plan européen où le modèle français monopolistique fut critiqué. Pour faire face à ces défis, de nouvelles lois furent promulguées au cours des récentes années. Mais toutes furent en deçà de l’ampleur des défis. La tâche est entamée, mais le gros du travail reste à accomplir. / Games of chance were known and practiced by man since the earliest civilizations. But all the way since the greco-roman antiquity, these games have attracted the ire of moralists, clergymen and legislators, each for their own motives. Strict laws were enacted by the Antiquity legislators, laws that were later upheld by canonists and jurists of the Old law, as well as the civil Code editors, in order to eliminate, or at least confine this recreational practice. But the human desire to enjoy these games of chance was stronger than these laws, and the practice survived. Over the course of the 20th century, and while certain States around the world chose absolute prohibition, others, like France, opted for a controlled authorization under the auspices of the State. Thus was created the prohibition-monopoly-exception triptych, under which gambling grew considerably. And when the technological development allowed games of chance to be provided through the internet, the gambling industry reached in France and around the world, limits never known before in the course of the human history. But this exceptional development has brought new challenges along, mainly in the finance and security areas, but also at the European legal level where the French monopoly model was criticized. To take up these challenges, new laws were enacted in recent years. But all fell short of the challenges scale. The task was initiated, but most of the work remains to be done.
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Favourable Opportunities in Sports Betting - A Statistical Approach to Football Goals in the Premier League / Gynnsamma möjligheter inom betting - statistisk modellering av fotbollsmål i Premier LeagueLindau, Fredrik, Carle, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
The premise of this report is to delve into sports betting and whether favourable opportunities can be found, more specifically focusing on over and under odds for number of goals scored in football games of the Premier League. Using historical data from football matches several models are developed, the characteristics of goals warranting the use of probability based Poisson and Negative Binomial models, as well as Bayesian Poisson regression for goal predictions. Once these models were developed odds was found and compared to bookmakers, the results indicated that all models, to varying degrees, find favourable opportunities and profitable betting strategies can be identified. This suggests that bookmakers do not always price betting products according to their true probabilities likely due to book balancing and informational asymmetries. Furthermore it indicates that there is a presence of inefficiencies in the sports betting market. / Den här rapporten kommer djupdyka i betting och huruvida gynnsamma möjligheter kan hittas. Mer specifikt kommer ett fokus ligga på över/under odds för antalet mål i fotbollsmatcher i engelska Premier League. Genom att använda historisk data från fotbollsmatcher utvecklas flera olika statistiska modeller för att förutspå antalet mål i fotbollsmatcher. Skattning av Poisson och Negativ Binomial fördelningar samt utvecklandet av en Bayesiansk Poisson regressionsmodell motiveras av egenskaperna hos antalet mål i fotbollsmatcher. Med dessa modeller, beräknas odds för flera framtida matcher inom Premier League och dessa jämfördes med odds som ges av bettingbolag. Resultaten indikerar att alla modeller kan, i olika stor utsträckning, hitta gynnsamma möjligheter och lönsamma betting strategier kan identifieras. Detta tyder på att bettingbolag inte alltid sätter sina odds enbart baserat på den faktiska sannolikheten, vilket troligtvis beror på att bolagen balanserar sina böcker samt informationsasymmetrier. Dessutom indikerar resultatet på att det finns faktorer på bettingmarknaden som gör marknaden ineffektiv.
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Essays in Economics of Sports / Eseje o ekonomii sportuLahvička, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation consists of five articles about economics of sports. The first three articles investigate various types of outcome uncertainty and how they relate to match attendance demand, while the remaining two articles test the efficiency of sports betting markets. The first article presents a new method of calculating match importance. Unlike the previous approaches in the literature, it does not require ex-post information and can be used for any type of season outcome. The second article shows that the additional playoff stage in the Czech ice hockey "Extraliga" lowers the probability of the strongest team becoming a champion and thus increases seasonal uncertainty. The third article demonstrates that the inconsistent findings in the literature about the link between match uncertainty and attendance could be explained by wrongly specified regressions, proposes a new approach to analyzing the effect of match uncertainty and shows that attendance demand is maximized if teams of the same quality play against each other. The fourth article examines the favorite-longshot bias in the context of betting on tennis matches. It shows that the favorite-longshot bias pattern is consistent with bookmakers protecting themselves against both better informed insiders and the general public exploiting new information. The fifth article investigates the supposedly profitable strategy of betting on soccer draws using the Fibonacci sequence. The strategy is tested both in a simulated market and on a real data set and found to lose money.
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