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Sincronismo cardiolocomotor : interação entre parâmetros locomotores, neuromusculares e fisiológicos e sua repercussão sobre a bioenergética da corrida de longa distânciaCarvalho, Alberito Rodrigo de January 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O sincronismo cardiolocomotor (SCL) ocorre quando as frequências desses dois sistemas assumem um ritmo oscilatório comum e tem sido observado em atividades cíclicas. Porém, pouco se sabe sobre sua repercussão no desempenho esportivo. Dentre os possíveis efeitos do SCL destaca-se o aperfeiçoamento da função cardíaca e a consequente otimização da perfusão sanguínea nos músculos ativos, com redução no dispêndio energético do músculo cardíaco. Tais efeitos podem impactar positivamente a economia de corrida. Objetivo: Analisar as interações entre parâmetros locomotores, neuromusculares e fisiológicos, especialmente o SCL, e a repercussão dessas interações na bioenergética da corrida de longa distância. Métodos: Corredores de longa distância realizaram testes de corrida em esteira rolante, com duração entre três e cinco minutos cada, em diferentes velocidades. Sinais de eletrocardiografia (ECG) e eletromiografia de superfície (EMG) dos músculos vasto lateral e gastrocnêmio medial foram registrados para determinar o SCL por meio da Coerência Wavelet que retornou o Coeficiente de Coerência Wavelet (CCW) variando de 0 (ausência de coerência) até 1 (coerência perfeita), bem como as frequências de sincronização (Freq Sincro). Nós consideramos o SCL como manifesto quando o CCW > 0,8. Os parâmetros espaço-temporais da corrida foram obtidos por cinemetria e os parâmetros energéticos (custo de transporte) e hemodinâmicos (pulso de oxigênio) por análise de gases metabólicos Na análise estatística usou-se os Modelos Lineares Mistos Generalizados (GLMMs), com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Em todos os testes, observamos poucos eventos considerados como SCL, em média menos de 1% dos dados analisados, embora tenhamos observado de forma sistemática um componente de frequência (Fsincro) nos sinais centrado na frequência de passo, algo entre 160 a 170 passos min-1, que pode ser indicativo do arrastamento da frequência cardíaca pela frequência locomotora. As diferenças estatísticas encontradas nas variáveis hemodinâmicas e metabólicas não parecem ser consequência da SCL. Conclusão: Visto que o SCL não foi identificado nos nossos achados, a repercussão deste nas variáveis mecânicas, hemodinâmicas e metabólicas, incluindo a economia de corrida, são apenas especulativas. / Introduction: Cardiolocomotor synchronization (CLS) occurs when the frequencies of these two systems assume a common oscillatory rhythm and has been observed in cyclic activities such, but little is known about its repercussion in sports performance. Among the possible effects of CLS are the improvement of cardiac function and the consequent optimization of blood perfusion in the muscles involved in the activity, with reduction of the energy expenditure of the cardiac muscle. Such effects may positively impact the running economy. Aims: To analyze the interactions between locomotor, neuromuscular and physiological parameters, especially cardiolocomotor synchrony, and the repercussion of these interactions on bioenergetics of long distance running. Methods: Long distance runners performed treadmill running tests, lasting between three and five minutes each, at different speeds. Electrocardiography (ECG) and surface electromyography (SEMG) of the vastus lateralis and medial gastrocnemius muscles signals were recorded to determine the CLS by Wavelet Coherence that returned the Wavelet Coherence Coefficient (WCC) ranging from 0 (no coherence) to 1 (perfect coherence), as well as the synchronization frequencies (Freq Synchro). We considered CLS as manifested when WCC > 0.8. The running spatiotemporal parameters were obtained by cinematic and the energetic (cost of transport) and hemodynamic (oxygen pulse) parameters by metabolic gases analysis. Statistical analysis was performed using Generalized Mixed Linear Models (GLMMs), with a significance level of 5%. Results: In all tests, we observed rarely events considered as CLS, on average less than 1% of the data analyzed, although we systematically observed a component of frequency (Freq Synchro) in the signals centered on the step frequency, something between 160 and 170 steps min-1, which may be indicative of the entrainment of the heart rate by the locomotor frequency. The statistical differences found in hemodynamic variables and metabolic variables do not seem to be a consequence of CLS. Conclusion: Since CLS was not identified in our findings, its repercussion on mechanical, hemodynamic and metabolic variables, including running economy, is just speculation.
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Fraction-an investigation on principles of functional design and its expressive potentialSCHNEIDER, KARIN January 2013 (has links)
`FRACTION, an investigation on principles of functional design and its expressive potential´ is dealing with the interaction between the body, the worn garment and the closer space around it, in the context of the three being individual functional systems. Based on my findings, I am questioning the existing paradigms for a functional expression with the aim of generating an outlook for a possible development of what can be considered a functional visual. How much function can an expression contain and how much expression can still be considered functional?Revisiting the historic context of functional design, not garment construction, profound thoughts on aesthetics and function as well as the current status of the branch, this article is aiming for a more holistic view on functional creation and fashion design. Based on this theoretical background ten outfits got developed. All of them serve as a conceptual proposal of what the findings could mean in reality. / Program: Konstnärligt masterprogram i mode- och textildesign med inriktning mot modedesign eller textildesign
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Efeitos de diferentes protocolos de hidratação e de reposição de carboidrato no desempenho de jogadores de futebol (OU) Efeitos de diferentes estratégias de reposição de líquidos e de carboidrato no desempenho de jogadores de futebol / Effects of different strategies of fluid and carbohydrate suplementation on soccer player\' s performanceGuerra, Isabela Pereira de Lucena Rodrigues 05 August 2004 (has links)
Com o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho de jogadores mediante diferentes condições de hidratação durante uma partida de futebol, foram estudados 20 atletas que faziam parte do time de futebol da Organização Militar do Exército Brasileiro. Eles foram divididos aleatoriamente, segundo suas funções táticas, em três grupos, de acordo com í a condição de hidratação, Para que todos os jogadores fossem submetidos às mesmas condições, foram realizadas 3 partidas de futebol com os grupos: grupo CHO (hidratados (150 ml), em intervalos de 15 minutos, com bebida contendo carboidrato (6 %) e sais minerais); grupo Placebo (hidratados (150 ml), em intérvalos de 15 minutos, \'com solução placebo); e grupo Controle (sem\\ingestão de líquidos durante o jogo). Verificou-se: densidade da urina, peso corporal, hematócrito, hemoglobina (antes e após cada partida), Durante o jogo, foram acompanhados o comportamento da freqüência cardíaca, o tempo de corrida e o número de piques desses jogadores. A perda de peso corporal (grupo CHO: 1,72 kg; grupo Placebo: 1,63 kg e grupo Controle: 2,2-5 kg) e o grau de desidratação (grupo CHO: 2,31% grupo Placebo: 2,24% e grupo Controle: 3,14%) foram estatisticamente significante maiores no grupo controle. Em relação ao desempenho durante o jogo, observou-se uma queda entre o primeiro e o segundo tempo maior no grupo Controle (24,85%) em relação aos grupos CHO (11,31 %) e Placebo (11 ,85%).\' As demais variáveis não apresentaram diferença significativa estatisticamente. Como .conclusão geral, os resultados sugerem que os jogadores apresentaram um desempenho em campo melhor quando foi oferecida uma bebida com carboidrato durante o jogo. / The purpose of this study was evaluate players\' performance by different hydration conditions during a soccer game. 20 players of the Military Organization of the Brazilian Army who were part of soccer team\'s corporation were studied. They formed 2 teams and, by chance, according to their positional rules .were divided ,in three groups, depending on the hydration condition. All the. players were submitted to the same conditions, so 3 soccer games were accomplished with those groups: 1) group CHO (ingested (150 ml), , intervals of 15 minutes, a drink with carbohydrate (6%) and salts minerals); 2)group Placebo (ingested (150 ml), in intervals of 15 minutes, with placebo solution) and; 3) group control (they did not ingest any liquid during the game). It was verified: density of the urine, body weight, hematocrit, hemoglobin (before and after each game) and, during the game heart rate; time spent running and the number of sprints. The loss of body weight (group CHO: 1,72 kg; group PL: 1,63 kg and .control group : 2,25 kg) and the dehydration degree (group, CHO: 2,31 %; group PL: 2,24% and , control group: 3,14%) were larger statistically significant in control group. Related to performance during the games it ,was observed that the\' falling between the first and the second time was larger in the control group (24,85%) than in carbohydrate group (11,31 %) and placebo(11,85%). The other variables did . not present any significant statistically difference . As general conclusion our data suggest that players presented a better performance during the match when a drink with carbohydrate Was offered during the game
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Respostas fisiológicas e análise técnico-tática em atletas de brasilian jiu-jitsu submetidos à luta fragmentada e simulação de competição / Physiological responses and technical-tactical analysis in of Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes during fragmented fight and during simulated competitionLeonardo Vidal Andreato 28 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as respostas fisiológicas e realizar análise técnico-tática em atletas de Brazilian jiu-jitsu durante luta fragmenta e simulação de competição. Para isso, 10 atletas foram submetidos a avaliações em luta fragmentada (2 min, 5 min, 8 min e 10 min) e 10 atletas a avaliações em competição simulada (4 combates de 10 min). Foram realizadas coletas sanguíneas (para inferência da demanda energética, respostas hormonais, lesões celulares e equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico), aplicados testes físicos e escalas de percepções de esforço e recuperação. Adicionalmente, os combates foram filmados para análise técnico-tática e determinação da estrutura temporal. Os principais resultados apontam que: (1) nas lutas fragmentas, os combates de maior duração geraram concentrações mais elevadas de lactato e glicose, assim como maior percepção subjetiva de esforço e diminuição da resistência de pegada em teste específico. No entanto, não houve alteração importante da estrutura temporal em nenhum tempo de luta; (2) na competição simulada, os últimos combates apresentaram menores concentrações de lactato, catecolaminas e insulina. Adicionalmente, ocorreram aumentos dos marcadores de lesões celulares nos últimos combates indicando possível dano muscular. A força máxima isométrica de preensão manual apresentou declínio, predominantemente, a partir do terceiro combate. Embora esses dados apontem para a instalação de fadiga, a estrutura temporal dos combates não foi alterada significativamente. As percepções de esforço e recuperação não se alteraram durante a competição simulada. Assim, conclui-se que tempos diferentes de combate resultam em respostas metabólicas diferentes, as quais não produzem alterações importantes de desempenho. No entanto, os combates sucessivos de uma competição geram diminuição gradual da atividade adrenérgica e glicolítica, as quais são acompanhadas de aumento gradual de indicadores de dano celular e diminuição gradual da força de preensão manual / The aim of this study was to analyze physiological responses and perform technicaltactical analysis in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes during fragmented fight and simulated competition. For that, 10 athletes were submitted to assessment in fragmented fight (2 min, 5 min, 8 min and 10 min) and 10 athletes in simulated competition (4 combats of 10 min). Blood samples were taken (to assess the energy demand, hormonal responses , cell damage and hidroelectrolyte balance) and physical tests and scales of perceptions of effort and recovery were applied. Additionally, the fights were recorded for technical-tactical analysis and to determine the time structure. The main results show that: (1) in the fragmented fight, the longer combats generated higher lactate and glucose concentrations, as well as greater rate of perceived exertion and decreased hand grip endurance in specific test. However, there was no significant change in the time structure in any time of fight, (2) in simulated competitions, the last fights had lower lactate, catecholamines and insulin concentrations. Additionally, increases in markers of cellular damage occurred in the last fights indicating possible muscle damage. The maximal isometric handgrip strength showed decrease predominantly from the third fight. Although these results point to the onset of fatigue, the time structure of the fights was not significantly altered. Effort and recovery perceptions did not change during the simulated competition. Thus, it is concluded that different times of combat result in different metabolic responses which do not produce significant changes in performance. However, successive combats from competition generate gradual decrease of adrenergic and glycolytic activity, which are accompanied by gradual increase of indicators of cellular damage and gradual decrease in handgrip strength
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Respostas fisiológicas e análise técnico-tática em atletas de brasilian jiu-jitsu submetidos à luta fragmentada e simulação de competição / Physiological responses and technical-tactical analysis in of Brazilian jiu-jitsu athletes during fragmented fight and during simulated competitionAndreato, Leonardo Vidal 28 February 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as respostas fisiológicas e realizar análise técnico-tática em atletas de Brazilian jiu-jitsu durante luta fragmenta e simulação de competição. Para isso, 10 atletas foram submetidos a avaliações em luta fragmentada (2 min, 5 min, 8 min e 10 min) e 10 atletas a avaliações em competição simulada (4 combates de 10 min). Foram realizadas coletas sanguíneas (para inferência da demanda energética, respostas hormonais, lesões celulares e equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico), aplicados testes físicos e escalas de percepções de esforço e recuperação. Adicionalmente, os combates foram filmados para análise técnico-tática e determinação da estrutura temporal. Os principais resultados apontam que: (1) nas lutas fragmentas, os combates de maior duração geraram concentrações mais elevadas de lactato e glicose, assim como maior percepção subjetiva de esforço e diminuição da resistência de pegada em teste específico. No entanto, não houve alteração importante da estrutura temporal em nenhum tempo de luta; (2) na competição simulada, os últimos combates apresentaram menores concentrações de lactato, catecolaminas e insulina. Adicionalmente, ocorreram aumentos dos marcadores de lesões celulares nos últimos combates indicando possível dano muscular. A força máxima isométrica de preensão manual apresentou declínio, predominantemente, a partir do terceiro combate. Embora esses dados apontem para a instalação de fadiga, a estrutura temporal dos combates não foi alterada significativamente. As percepções de esforço e recuperação não se alteraram durante a competição simulada. Assim, conclui-se que tempos diferentes de combate resultam em respostas metabólicas diferentes, as quais não produzem alterações importantes de desempenho. No entanto, os combates sucessivos de uma competição geram diminuição gradual da atividade adrenérgica e glicolítica, as quais são acompanhadas de aumento gradual de indicadores de dano celular e diminuição gradual da força de preensão manual / The aim of this study was to analyze physiological responses and perform technicaltactical analysis in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes during fragmented fight and simulated competition. For that, 10 athletes were submitted to assessment in fragmented fight (2 min, 5 min, 8 min and 10 min) and 10 athletes in simulated competition (4 combats of 10 min). Blood samples were taken (to assess the energy demand, hormonal responses , cell damage and hidroelectrolyte balance) and physical tests and scales of perceptions of effort and recovery were applied. Additionally, the fights were recorded for technical-tactical analysis and to determine the time structure. The main results show that: (1) in the fragmented fight, the longer combats generated higher lactate and glucose concentrations, as well as greater rate of perceived exertion and decreased hand grip endurance in specific test. However, there was no significant change in the time structure in any time of fight, (2) in simulated competitions, the last fights had lower lactate, catecholamines and insulin concentrations. Additionally, increases in markers of cellular damage occurred in the last fights indicating possible muscle damage. The maximal isometric handgrip strength showed decrease predominantly from the third fight. Although these results point to the onset of fatigue, the time structure of the fights was not significantly altered. Effort and recovery perceptions did not change during the simulated competition. Thus, it is concluded that different times of combat result in different metabolic responses which do not produce significant changes in performance. However, successive combats from competition generate gradual decrease of adrenergic and glycolytic activity, which are accompanied by gradual increase of indicators of cellular damage and gradual decrease in handgrip strength
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Competing Under Pressure : State Anxiety, Sports Performance and AssessmentLundqvist, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
<p>Elevated levels of anxiety are a common response to stressful competitive sports situations, are known to moderate athletic performance and are referred to as an unpleasant emotional state associated with perceptions of situational threat. The empirical studies in this dissertation considered primarily psychometric, methodological and conceptual issues of relevance for the study of anxiety and sports performance. In Study I, athletes were followed across a full competitive season to explore patterns of inter- and intra-individual variability of anxiety and self-confidence in relation to performance. The findings imply intra-individual anxiety and self-confidence variability to affect performance differently than the specific intensity level and are discussed in relation to more stable personality dispositions such as private self-consciousness. Study II evaluated the psychometric properties of the 27-item Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) and alternative versions of this scale. General support for a 17-item version (CSAI-2R) was found, but there are also psychometric limitations future research needs to resolve. Study III investigated assessment of intensity and directional ratings on single anxiety items with reference to the conceptualisation of anxiety symptoms as interpreted on a debilitative-facilitative continuum. The findings question the importance and rationale of assessing anxiety direction and revealed serious concerns with assessment procedures and statistical techniques applied in previous research. These concerns were also supported in Study IV, which explored athletes’ idiosyncratic experiences of debilitative and facilitative anxiety symptoms in terms of intensity and emotional valence. The findings are discussed and summarised in a model in order to increase conceptual clarity and provide implications for future research regarding anxiety and related emotional performance states.</p>
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Competing Under Pressure : State Anxiety, Sports Performance and AssessmentLundqvist, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
Elevated levels of anxiety are a common response to stressful competitive sports situations, are known to moderate athletic performance and are referred to as an unpleasant emotional state associated with perceptions of situational threat. The empirical studies in this dissertation considered primarily psychometric, methodological and conceptual issues of relevance for the study of anxiety and sports performance. In Study I, athletes were followed across a full competitive season to explore patterns of inter- and intra-individual variability of anxiety and self-confidence in relation to performance. The findings imply intra-individual anxiety and self-confidence variability to affect performance differently than the specific intensity level and are discussed in relation to more stable personality dispositions such as private self-consciousness. Study II evaluated the psychometric properties of the 27-item Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) and alternative versions of this scale. General support for a 17-item version (CSAI-2R) was found, but there are also psychometric limitations future research needs to resolve. Study III investigated assessment of intensity and directional ratings on single anxiety items with reference to the conceptualisation of anxiety symptoms as interpreted on a debilitative-facilitative continuum. The findings question the importance and rationale of assessing anxiety direction and revealed serious concerns with assessment procedures and statistical techniques applied in previous research. These concerns were also supported in Study IV, which explored athletes’ idiosyncratic experiences of debilitative and facilitative anxiety symptoms in terms of intensity and emotional valence. The findings are discussed and summarised in a model in order to increase conceptual clarity and provide implications for future research regarding anxiety and related emotional performance states.
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Utilizing TAGteach to Enhance Proficiency in Dance MovementsQuinn, Mallory Joanne 01 January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate TAGteach as a training procedure to increase the fluency of three dance movements in a multiple baseline across behaviors design with 4 students of dance. Target behaviors included a pirouette/turn, kick, and a leap/jump, respective of the level of the class. A dance instructor was trained to implement the TAGteach procedure by the primary researcher. The targeted dance movements remained at a stable level during baseline and improved sequentially for each participant following the introduction of the TAGteach training. Implications for future research are discussed.
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Multiple-sprint sport exercise and carbohydrate-protein ingestion in humansHighton, Jamie M. January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis was to examine the potential for acute carbohydrate-protein (CHO-P) ingestion to enhance performance and recovery from exercise designed to simulate the demands of multiple-sprint sports (MSSs). Chapter 3 of the thesis explored the inter- and intra-day reliability and concurrent validity of non-motorised treadmill ergometry (NMT) for the assessment of short-distance sprint performance [i.e. 10-30 m). There were no significant mean differences between NMT variables recorded on the same day or between days. Ratio limits of agreement indicated that the best agreement was in 20 [1.02 */-=- 1.09) and 30 m [1.02 */* 1.07) sprint times, peak [1.00 */T 1.06) and mean (0.99 */+ 1.07) running speed and step length (0.99 */-=- 1.09) and frequency (1.01 */+ 1.06). The poorest agreement was observed for time to peak running speed (1.10 */* 1.47). Significant differences were observed between NMT and over-ground sprint times across all distances, with times being lower (faster) by approximately 25-30% over-ground. The correlations between NMT and over-ground variables were generally modest (r5 = 0.44 - 0.67), and optimal for time to cover 30 m on Day 2 (rs = 0.8). Chapter 4 sought to examine the efficacy of CHO-P ingestion during 4 h of recovery from the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST) when compared to CHO matched for energy (ISOEN) or CHO (ISOCHO) in a typical CHO beverage. There were significant increases over time in muscle soreness, and reductions in extensor and flexor peak torque (by approximately 9%, 9% and 8%, and 13 %, 13% and 11% at 60 deg-s-1) and jump performance (10%, 7% and 5%) with the ingestion of CHO-P, ISOEN and ISOCHO, respectively. Beverage type x time interactions were not significant for any of these variables, indicating that changes in each variable were similar for all groups. Decrements in sprint performance assessed on the NMT were typically small and not different between beverage types (<4%), although sprint times over 20 and 30 m remained elevated for 48 h post-exercise. Accordingly, Chapter 4 provided no clear evidence for a benefit of ingesting CHO-P in the hours after exercise to enhance recovery of muscle function and selected performance variables following MSS activity. Chapters 5 and 6 of the thesis aimed to examine the effect of CHO-P ingestion during simulated MSS exercise. In Chapter 5, it was observed that sprint times, HR and gut fullness increased over the course of the LIST, with no influence of consuming each of the different beverages. In contrast, there was a main effect of time (P < 0.001), and drink (P = 0.042) observed for RPE, which was lower (P < 0.001) during the LIST in the CHO-P condition (16.9 ± 1.4) than in either the ISOCHO (17.8 ± 1.1) or ISOEN (17.7 ± 1.3). However, time to exhaustion was not different (P = 0.29) between CHO-P (468.3 ± 268.5 s), ISOCHO (443.4 ± 286.3 s) and ISOEN (446.2 ± 282.08 s), although these times did equate to a non-significant mean improvement of 4% in the CHO-P trial. Chapter 6 demonstrated that during a modified version of the LIST with two self-regulated blocks of exercise intensity, participants had a higher average speed (8.1 ± 0.3 cf. 7.9 ± 0.5 knvlr1) during the final (self-regulated) 15 min block of the LIST in the CHO-P condition compared to CHO. Whilst the mechanisms for such an improvement are not certain, the attenuated rise in RPE observed in Chapter 5, and increased blood urea concentration observed in Chapter 6, with CHO-P ingestion may suggest altered central fatigue and/or increased protein oxidation enhances performance during MSSs.
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Monitoring individual training load and stress during practices and match-play in female collegiate soccer playersMarshall, Ian Richard. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MS) University of Montana, 2008. / Title from author supplied metadata. Contents viewed on May 19, 2010. Includes bibliographical references.
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