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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of Power and Velocity in the High Bar and Low Bar Back Squat across a Spectrum of Loads

Goodin, Jacob, Bazyler, Caleb D., Bernards, J. R., Mizuguchi, Satoshi, Walters, J., Stone, Michael H. 01 February 2017 (has links)
PURPOSE: To examine differences in mean power output between high bar (HBS) and low bar back squats (LBS). METHODS: Six trained males (25.0 ± 3.1 years, 1.78 ± 0.04 m, 87.6 ± 7.5 kg) with previous squatting experience (experience: 7.5 ± 4.1 years, HBS 1RM: 157.0 ± 15.3 kg, squat/bodyweight: 1.8 ± 0.18) completed the study using a crossover design. Subjects completed a 4-week familiarization phase with both conditions. Mean power data was collected over 2 sessions using dual uniplanar force plates and 4 linear position transducers sampling at 1,000 Hz. Subjects were randomly assigned to the HBS or LBS for 1 set of 3 repetitions at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90% of their most recent HBS training 1RM with 3 to 5 minutes’ rest between sets and 2-7 days between testing conditions. A 2x8 repeated measures analysis of variance was used to determine interactions and main effects for condition and load with post-hoc tests conducted for statistical main effects. RESULTS: Analysis revealed significant main effects for load (p < 0.01) but not for condition. CONCLUSIONS: According to this pilot data, athletes seeking to increase power production ability should choose a squatting style in which they feel most proficient and comfortable. Furthermore, either the HBS or LBS can be used as the primary squatting movement, or as a secondary movement to provide variation. However, based on previous research it is likely that sport specific biomechanical parameters will influence the squatting style selection for the majority of athletes who participate in sports that involve jumping, sprinting, and change of direction.

The Efficacy of Partial Squats on Measures of Strength and Explosiveness: An Exploratory Study

Bazyler, Caleb D., Sato, Kimitake, Wassinger, Craig A., Lamont, Hugh S., Stone, Michael H. 01 December 2013 (has links)
Abstract available in the 8th Annual Coaches and Sport Science College.

Comparison of Power and Velocity in the High Bar and Low Bar Back Squat across a Spectrum of Loads.

Goodin, Jacob R., Bazyler, Caleb D., Bernards, Jake R., Walters, Joseph, Miziguchi, Satoshi, Stone, Michael H. 31 May 2017 (has links)
Abstract available in the Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

Differences in sEMG Between Normal Squats and Accentuated Eccentric Loaded Squats in Competitive Collegiate Weightlifters

MacDonalds, Christopher, Sato, Kimitake, Carter, Christian, Lamont, Hugh, Sands, William, Stone, Michael H., Israetel, Michael, Gentles, Jeremy A, Cholewa, Jason, Garner, John, Ramsey, Michael, Hornsby, Guy 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the present work was to compare the effect of accentuated eccentric loaded (AEL) squats to normally loaded (NOR) squats on surface measured muscle activation (sEMG) in competitive weightlifters. Eight experienced, competitive weightlifters (six males, two females) completed both an AEL and NOR squat session (seven days apart), comprised of nine sets of squats, and was identical to their normal scheduled training. sEMG data from the vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and biceps femoris (BF) was collected (at 1000Hz) during the entirety of the concentric (CON) phases of the AEL and NOR sessions. RMANOVAs (set x session-type) were calculated and no statistical differences were found (p > 0.05) while promising statistical effect sizes (?2 partial 0.073 to 0.273) were observed.

Analýza pohybu dolních končetin při sportovním pohybu člověka - dřep. / Motion analysis of lower extremity during squatting.

Varga, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
Title: Motion analysis of lower extermity during squatting Aims: The aim of the thesis is to compare the squat without and with external load in a group of people who work under professional guidance and have experience with this movement, contrary to the people of the common population. Another objective will be the compasion this movement among men and women of the common population. In the theoretical part, the main objective is to describe the basic characteristic of the squat, describe the kinesiological and biomechanical findings and the risks of this movement on the locomotive apparatus. The experimental part will focus on the observation of the determined kinematic parameters of squats and their comparison in the mentioned set of persons. The results of the work should clarify the possible side effects of the squat. Methods: Kinematic analysis will be performed using Qualisys instrumentation. Infrared cameras accurately record and further perform a motion action through passive or active reflection markers. Data from the device will be processed in Microsoft Office Excel software and further evaluated statistically. Results: The results show that there are significant variations in the performance of the movement among groups of men actively engaged in squats under professional guidance and...

The Knee Response during Squats with Heels Up and Down

Metelues, Francis Gabriel 01 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Social spatial borders delimiting difference in Berlin

Carr, Constance 12 February 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation forscht in der Philosophie und in der Theorie des Sozialraumes, und kommt zu einer theoretischen Betrachtung des Sozialraumes, die helfen kann, Sozialprozesse in Berlin zu erklären. Bezug nehmend auf Lefebvres, Theorien der Unterschiedlichkeit und der Vielfältigkeit wird spatialisiert. Im Gegenzug werden anhand von Theorien, der Unterschiedlichkeit und Vielfältigkeit, die auf transnationalem Urbanismus, und der feministischen Geographie basieren, die Grenzen der lefebvreschen Theorie des Sozialunterschiedes herausgestellt. Während die Theorien von Lefebvre schwerpunktmäßig auf Marx basieren, basieren die feministischen poststructural Theorien des Unterschiedes in der Darlegung auf endloser Flexibilität, Zerteilung und radikaler Vielfältigkeit. Es gibt folglich eine unüberwindbare Kluft zwei theoretischen Perspektiven. Um die Beschränkungen und die Möglichkeiten dieser Perspektiven zu veranschaulichen, werden zwei soziale Phänomene beschrieben Das erste ist die Entwickelung der Hausbesetzerszene in Berlin nach dem Mauerfall. Das zweite sind die Erfahrungen, der Newcomers in Berlin. Einige Grenzen der Hausbesetzer und der Newcomers werden durch die Anwendung der Theorien des produzierten Raumes von Lefebvre, der flexiblen Vielfältigkeit von Doreen Massey, der übernationalen feministischen Geographie von Geraldine Pratt, und der radikalen Flexibilität und Fragmentation von Zygmunt Bauman deutlich. Die Geographie der Hausbesetzerbewegungs- und die Geschichte der Newcomers decken nicht nur einen Mangel an Zentralität, sondern auch ein umfangreiches überterritoriales Netz auf. Sie zeigen auch, dass Unterschiedlichkeit sich im Raum materialisiert. Eine Brücke zwischen Lefebvre und poststruktureller Unterschiedlichkeit konnte durch das Überdenken der für Lefebvre notwendigen Zentralität des Sozialraumes, so wie des ökonomische Reduktionismus gefunden werden. Gleichzeitig, kann der Diskurs der Unterschiedlichkeit einen Nutzen aus einer tieferen Analyse der materiellen Form des Raumes. Diese Abhandlung ist folglich ein Zugang zum allgemeinen Überdenken der räumlichen Sozialtheorie. / This ideational dissertation delves into the philosophy and theory of social space, and arrives at a theoretical vision of social space which can help explain social processes in Berlin. Drawing on Lefebvre, theories of difference and multiplicity are spatialised. Conversely, drawing on theories of difference and multiplicity from transnational urbanism and feminist geography, the limits of Lefebvre’s theory of social difference are exposed. While the theories of Lefebvre are heavily based on Marx, the feminist poststructural theories of difference are based in the discourse on infinite flexibility, fragmentation, and radical multiplicity. There is thus a gaping cleft between the two theoretical perspectives. To illustrate the limitations and possibilities of these perspectives, two social phenomena are described. The first involves the post-Wall squatter scene in Berlin. The second involves experiences of newcomers in Berlin. By examining the theory of produced space from Lefebvre, the theories of coeval and flexible multiplicity from Doreen Massey, the theories transnational feminist geographies of Geraldine Pratt, and the imagery of flexible everything from Zygmunt Bauman, some theoretical borders of squatters and newcomers come into focus. The geographies of squatter movements and newcomers’ history reveal not only a profound lack of centrality, rather an extensive trans-territorial network. They also show that difference is deeply spatialised and material. A bridge between Lefebvre and poststructuralist difference might be found in the rethinking Lefebvre’s necessary centrality of social space, as the economic reductionism his Marxism requires. At the same time, the discourse on difference might benefit from a deeper analysis of the materiality of space. This dissertation is therefore an entry point into the general rethinking of social space.

Effekten av 6 veckor unilaterala knäböj, med eller utan isokinetiskt motstånd, på power och sprinttid på is hos manliga ishockeyspelare / The effects of 6 weeks of unilateral squats, with or without isokinetic resistance, in power and sprint on ice amongst male ice-hockey players

Bergman, Lina, Algotsson, Marcus January 2014 (has links)
För att kunna prestera bra under fysiskt krävande ishockeymatcher krävs det att spelarna harhög maximal benstyrka och en hög explosiv förmåga. Bilaterala knäböj är en erkänd och välspridd övning för att förbättra power och muskelstyrka i benen. Unilaterala knäböj är än mersportspecifika för ishockeyn. Vid en isokinetisk rörelse är hastigheten förutbestämd ochdärmed konstant medan kraften kan förändras under rörelsen. De flesta isokinetiska systemhar varit designade för unilaterala isolerade övningar, men gällande isokinetiskaflerledsövningar så som knäböj tycks det inte finnas någon forskning om i nuläget.Studiens syfte var att undersöka effekten av sex veckors unilateral styrketräning (knäböj),antingen genom traditionell eller genom isokinetisk träning, på power i unilaterala ochbilaterala jump squats och 17.3 m sprinttid på is hos manliga juniorishockeyspelare.20 manliga ishockeyspelare på elitnivå, 18-19 år gamla, delades slumpmässigt in i två olikaträningsgrupper. Den ena gruppen (QG) utförde isokinetiska unilaterala knäböj i 1080Quantum med 110o vinkel i knäleden, medan den andra gruppen (SG) utförde traditionellaunilaterala knäböj i Smithmaskin med 110o vinkel i knäleden. Träningsperioden varade undersex veckor. Båda grupperna genomförde för- och eftertester bestående av sprinttest på is ochpeak power för unilaterala och bilaterala jump squats.QG visar en signifikant förbättring i peak power utfört på två ben (p=0,004). SG visar ensignifikant förbättring i unilaterala knäböj utfört på höger ben (p=0,018). QG hade en tendenstill signifikant förbättring i issprint (p=0,059).Isokinetiska unilaterala knäböj i Smithmaskin med en koncentrisk hastighet på 0,2meter/sekund och en excentrisk hastighet på maximalt 4,0 meter/sekund och en maximalkraftinsats är ett effektivt sätt att förbättra power på två ben och eventuellt också för attförbättra sprinthastigheten vid issprint för ishockeyspelare. Om isokinetiska unilaterala knäböjär en effektivare metod för att förbättra power jämfört med traditionella unilaterala knäböj iSmithmaskin med maximal hastighet är det svårt att dra slutsatser om från denna studiesresultat. / Ice-hockey are physically demanding. To be able to perform during a game it is required thatthe players have a high maximum leg strength and power. A bilateral squat is a valid and widespread exercise for improving muscle strength and power in the legs. Even more specific forice-hockey is the unilateral squat. During an isokinetic movement the velocity is pre-set andtherefore constant, while the force can be altered during the movement. Most isokineticsystems have been designed for unilateral training, but in terms of isokinetic multi-jointexercises, such as the squat, there seems to be no research until this day.The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of six weeks unilateral strength training(squat), either through traditional or isokinetic training, on power-output and 17.3 m sprinttime on ice among male junior ice-hockey players.20 elite male ice-hockey players, 18-19 years of age, was randomly divided in two differenttraining groups. One group (QG) did isokinetic unilateral squats in 1080 Quantum, with anangle of 110o degrees in the knee joint. The other group (SG) did traditional unilateral squatsin a Smith-machine, also with an angle of 110o degrees in the knee joint. The period oftraining was set to six weeks. Both groups participated in pre- and post-tests consisting ofsprint on ice and peak power in unilateral and bilateral jump squats.A significant improvement was seen with QG in peak power performed on both legs(p=0,004). SG had a significant improvement in unilateral squat performed on the right leg(p=0,018). A tendency to significant improvement was seen with QG in the ice-sprint(p=0,059).Isokinetic unilateral squat in a Smith-machine with a concentric velocity set to 0,2m/sec andan eccentric velocity set to 4,0m/sec with a maximum force is an effective exercise toimprove power-output on two legs, perhaps also to improve sprint ability on ice, among icehockeyplayers. It is difficult to draw conclusion about the results from this study whetherisokinetic unilateral squats is an effective method to improve the power compared totraditional unilateral squats in a Smith-machine with maximum speed.

A regularização fundiária de ocupações e o Código Civil

Pereira, André Laubenstein 04 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:29:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Andre Laubenstein Pereira.pdf: 892799 bytes, checksum: 9670cf0723e57088da947ed61652b4a0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-04 / This work analyzes the applicability of the article 1.228, §§4º and 5º of the brazilian Civil Code to the regularization of irregular land habitations (squats and slums), based both on the Tridimensional Theory of Law and the Theory of Legal Principles. To materialize that objective, the study evaluates, at a first moment, the evolution of the right of property (ownership) and of the possession, as well as its social functions in the current legal system in Brazil. As source of research, works of Brazilian authors and foreign jurists were consulted. After that, the work analyzes the situation of the housing (homelessness) in the country, bringing some information about the lack of habitations and the squats and slums in some cities of Brazil. Some sources of the research were governmental agencies e non-governmental entities connected to habitation. Authors with works in the area of regularization of slums had been also consulted. Demonstrating the gravity of the problem and, in parallel, the insufficiency of financial conditions and the inefficiency of the governmental actions, this study aims to express that the State´s omission generates legal effects in the civil relations between the citizens involved in land´s irregular habitation (proprietors/owners and disseisors/squatters/possessors). Based upon this, the work justifies the applicability of the Brazilian Civil Code to conduct such effects in those legal relations, to avoid, not only a deficient State, but a defective legal system, capable to allow both acts of civil disobedience and perpetuation of innumerable injuries of rights. On this topic, the dissertation (master´s thesis) was based on the doctrine of the Constitutional Civil law. With the support on those premises, this thesis proposes a socially useful and innovative interpretation of the article 1.228, §§4º and 5º of the Brazilian Civil Code, which propagates a new form of eminent domain (condemnation or taking with the just compensation), with aptitude to supply an existing gap in the legal system. Such article is capable, in our point of view, to solve situations of old slums and squats (land´s irregular habitation), in which, on one hand, the owners are not capable to get back their possession, neither obtain any type of compensation for the loss of the land, and, on the other hand, the possessors also are unable to legalize their possession and housing / Este trabalho tem por objeto analisar a aplicabilidade do art. 1.228, §§4º e 5º do Código Civil à regularização de ocupações e favelas, baseando-se na visão tridimensional do Direito e na teoria dos princípios. Para tanto, avalia, num primeiro momento, de forma sintética, a evolução histórica do direito de propriedade e da posse, bem como suas respectivas funções sociais no atual cenário do ordenamento jurídico pátrio, tendo-se, como fonte de pesquisa, trabalhos de autores brasileiros e de juristas estrangeiros. Em seguida, analisa a situação da moradia no país, trazendo alguns dados e informações relativos à carência de habitações e à quantidade de ocupações irregulares em algumas metrópoles. Foram efetuadas pesquisas junto a órgãos públicos municipais e federais e junto a entidades não governamentais ligadas à habitação; da mesma forma, foram consultados autores com trabalhos na área de regularização fundiária e de favelas. Demonstrando a gravidade do problema e, paralelamente, a insuficiência de recursos públicos, vontade política e competência governamental, este estudo procura demonstrar que a omissão estatal gera, para os particulares envolvidos (proprietários e ocupantes/invasores), efeitos jurídicos nas suas relações civis. Com isso, procura-se justificar a aplicabilidade do Código Civil para reger tais efeitos naquelas relações jurídicas, sob pena de termos, além de um Estado omisso, um ordenamento jurídico falho, capaz de permitir atos de desobediência civil e a perpetuação de inúmeras lesões de direitos, não resolvidas há muitos anos. Neste tópico, a dissertação baseou-se na doutrina do Direito Civil Constitucional. Com fundamento nessas premissas, o trabalho apresenta uma interpretação socialmente útil e inovadora do art. 1.228, §§4º e 5º do Código Civil, que, ao veicular um novo instituto expropriatório, tem aptidão para suprir esta lacuna do ordenamento jurídico, solucionando casos de invasões consolidadas há muitos anos, nas quais, por um lado, os proprietários não conseguem obter a reintegração de posse ou qualquer tipo de indenização pela perda do imóvel invadido e, por outro lado, os invasores tampouco logram êxito em legitimar o uso que fazem da terra ocupada

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