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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cirkulär ekonomi : Företags motivation till en cirkulär affärsmodell / Circular economy : Firms motivation for a circular business model

Larsson, Mimmi, Saulo, Josefine January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världsekonomin har länge präglats av en linjär ekonomi, ett system som inte är hållbart och ett hot mot en framtida stabil ekonomi. Cirkulär ekonomi har lyfts fram som ett mer hållbart alternativ. Företagen är de som behöver vara drivande för att en omställning från linjär ekonomi till cirkulär ekonomi ska vara möjlig och en del företag har redan idag påbörjat detta arbete genom att implementera en cirkulär affärsmodell i sin verksamhet. En del tidigare forskning visar på ekonomiska fördelar för företag som arbetar med cirkulära affärsmodeller, en del visar på ekonomiska nackdelar. Denna studie vill bidra både teoretiskt och praktiskt genom att studera företags drivkrafter till att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell och därmed undersöka om det finns andra drivkrafter än ekonomisk lönsamhet.  Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som motiverat företag till att börja arbeta med cirkulär ekonomi. Genom att studera företagens syn på intäkter och kostnader i samband med att ställa om till en cirkulär ekonomi ämnar studien bidra med bättre förståelse för vilken påverkan ekonomisk lönsamhet har på företags beslut om hur verksamheten ska styras. Syftet är även att undersöka om det finns andra drivkrafter än ekonomisk lönsamhet som påverkar motivationen till att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell. Då studien ämnar bidra med förståelse för vilka drivkrafter företag har haft till att börja arbeta på detta sätt bör studien vara av intresse för de beslutsfattare som verkar för att företag ska styra sin verksamhet till en cirkulär ekonomi. Metod: För att svara på studiens frågeställning och uppfylla syftet har kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med företag som påbörjat sitt arbete med en cirkulär affärsmodell. De teorier som används i studien för att analysera den empiri som samlas in är aktieägarteorin, intressentteorin och självbestämmandeteorin. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet från de företag som deltagit i studien visar att möjlighet till positiv påverkan på intäkter och kostnader på kort sikt inte haft särskilt stor inverkan på beslutet att styra till en cirkulär affärsmodell. En del arbetar med cirkulär ekonomi trots att de i dagsläget ser negativ ekonomisk påverkan av det, att kortsiktigt öka vinsten tycks inte varit vad som motiverat till att styra mot en cirkulär affärsmodell. Det som snarare tycks motivera företagen är att en cirkulär affärsmodell hjälper dem leva upp till svensk lagstiftning och ökade miljökrav, samt att det finns en vilja att minska sin klimatpåverkan. Förutom detta framkommer det att kundernas och marknadens efterfrågan på miljövänliga alternativ är något som i stor utsträckning motiverat företagen att arbeta för en cirkulär ekonomi. Resultatet går till viss del i linje med tidigare forskning. Det som skiljer sig är att lagar och miljökrav samt miljöintresse är mer framträdande än tidigare forskning visat. Det vore därför intressant att i vidare studier undersöka drivkrafter till cirkulära affärsmodeller utifrån institutionell teori. Det vore även intressant att studera skillnader vid en jämförelse mellan små, medelstora och stora företag eller börsnoterade och onoterade företag. / Background: For a long time, the world economy has been built on a linear economy, a system that is not sustainable and a threat to a sustainable future economy. A circular economy has been raised as a more sustainable alternative. It has been brought forward that the firms will have to lead the work towards a circular economy for the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy to be possible, and some firms have already started this work by implementing a circular business model. Some previous studies have shown that a circular business model generates economic benefits, some have shown economic disadvantages. This study aims to give theoretical and practical contributions by studying the drivers that has determined companies to implement a circular business model, and thereby examine if there are other drivers than economic profitability. Purpose: The aim of the study is to explore which drivers have motivated firms to start working towards a circular economy. By studying the firm’s view on revenues and costs in conjunction with their work for a circular economy the study aims to contribute with knowledge regarding to which extent economic profitability has an impact on the decision to change the business model. An additional aim with the study is to explore if there are other drivers that has had an impact on the motivation to direct the business towards a circular business model. Since the study aims to contribute with understanding regarding which drivers that have motivated firms to work this way, the study should be of interest for decision makers who want firms to start working towards a circular economy. Method: To answer the research question, and to achieve the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used by conducting semi-structured interviews with firms which are working with a circular business model. The theories that have been used to analyse the empirical data are the shareholder theory, the stakeholder theory and the self-determination theory. Result and conclusion: The result shows that the opportunity to have a positive impact on revenues and costs in the short term has not had an impact on the decision to direct the business towards a circular business model for most of the companies that have been a part of this study. Some of them work toward a circular economy even though it currently has a negative impact on their profit. Economic profitability in the short term does not seem to have been what has motivated them into directing the business towards a circular business model. It seems that they would rather have been motivated to work with a circular business model because they need to follow environmental regulations and live up to certain environmental requirements in procurement, together with a will to lower their impact on the environment. Besides this it appears that the demand for environmentally friendly products from the company's customers and the market in general is something that has motivated the companies to work towards a circular economy. The results comply with earlier studies to some extent. Differences are that drivers in terms of laws and environmental requirement in procurement are mentioned more in this study than in earlier studies. For further studies it would therefore be interesting to study drivers for a circular economy using institutional theory. It would also be interesting to study differences between drivers for small, medium and large companies, or differences between listed and unlisted firms.

Le management de la performance sociétale des stations de montagne : une approche par les parties prenantes / Mountain resorts' social performance management : a stakeholder approach

Bourgel, Boris 29 November 2018 (has links)
La Performance Sociétale de l’Entreprise (PSE) a reçu une attention croissante tant au plan théorique qu’empirique. Pourtant, elle reste souvent réduite à sa dimension « résultats », centrée sur la mesure. Par opposition, sa dimension managériale a été largement ignorée et le management des Parties Prenantes (PP), notion vague et indéterminée, constitue toujours l’unique levier managérial de la PSE proposé par la littérature. Cette thèse cherche à combler ce manque et propose une modélisation de la PSE qui considère explicitement le rôle des PP vis-à-vis de sa dimension managériale. Cette dernière est saisie à travers un ensemble de leviers managériaux situés à trois niveaux – stratégique, tactique et opérationnel. L’applicabilité du modèle aux stations de montagne est discutée à l’aide d’une revue systématique de la littérature pour rendre compte d’éventuelles spécificités propres à cette unité d’analyse. La méthodologie empirique, de nature exploratoire et confirmatoire, repose sur l’étude de 4 cas de stations de montagne situées dans les alpes françaises. Les données primaires issues de 71 entretiens semi-directifs et de questionnaires auprès de PP représentatives des sphères civile, politique et économique des stations ont été complétées par des données secondaires. Malgré le constat d’un certain « tropisme économique » dans les 4 stations étudiées, les résultats indiquent que les PP des stations ont un rôle à jouer aux trois niveaux du management de la performance sociétale et que l’intensité de ce rôle varie en fonction de leur légitimité et pouvoir. Ils montrent également que l’intégration des PP au management de la performance sociétale est une condition nécessaire pour permettre une réelle prise en compte de leurs responsabilités sociétales. Au plan théorique, cette thèse contribue à l’approche de la PSE par les PP par la prise en compte explicite de sa dimension managériale à côté de sa dimension « résultats ». Au plan managérial, elle débouche sur des recommandations utiles pour aider les stations de montagne à se saisir d’une performance élargie à ses composantes économiques, sociales et environnementales en réponse aux enjeux sociétaux auxquels elles font face / Corporate Social Performance (CSP) has received a significant attention from scholars and practitioners. However, the study of the concept is often limited to its “results” dimension, focusing on measurement only. On the other hand, its managerial dimension has mostly been ignored and the concept of “stakeholders management”, a rather vague and ambiguous one, remains as CSP only managerial lever in the literature. This research seeks to fill that gap and develops a new CSP model. Its new managerial dimension comprises a set of managerial levers at strategic, tactic and operational levels and explicitly takes stakeholders’ role into account. As this research focuses on mountain resorts, the model’s relevance for such a unit of analysis has been assessed by confronting it to mountain resorts’ specificities identified through a systematic literature review. From a methodological point of view, 4 mountain resorts located in the French Alps have been studied through two (exploratory and confirmatory) case study methodologies. Primary data consists of transcripts of the 71 semi-directive interviews conducted with stakeholders from the political, civilian and economic spheres in the 4 resorts. Secondary data has also been collected. Despite the “economic tropism” observed in all 4 resorts, results show that stakeholders have a role to play on each three levels of social performance management and that this role may vary according to stakeholders’ power and legitimacy in the resort. They also show that integrating stakeholders in social performance management is a mean, for them, to better take their social responsibilities into account. From a theoretical perspective, the research contributes to the stakeholders’ approach of CSP by explicitly taking its managerial dimension into account and replacing it next to its “results” dimension. From a managerial point of view, we propose recommendations to help mountain resorts to embrace a wider – economic, social and environmental – view of performance

Organizational façades and hypocrisy within sustainability reports : A qualitative content analysis of Royal Bank of Scotland’s sustainability reports between 2008-2013

Demircioglu, Edessa, Norheim, Karoline January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Background: Sustainability reporting is an important communication channel for corporations to increase legitimacy in the public eye and handle different stakeholder demands (Blanc et al., 2017). In order to manage different stakeholder demands scholars have developed different theories to detect any inconsistencies between a corporation’s communication and actions, namely organizational façades and organizational hypocrisy. Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to understand in which way RBS are misleading, in form of communication, their customers in their sustainability reports. This phenomenon is investigated between 2008-2013. It is under this period the FCA (2016) investigation concluded that the bank had misled their customers. Method: This thesis adopts the qualitative content analysis when conducting the research. This method aids to categorize the text data which helps to make a large sample of text more attainable and easier to analyse and find connections within the data. In this thesis the textual data is coded into one of the three following codes: (i.) Rational façades - the organization meet fundamental norms of rationality. (ii.) Progressive façades - the organization do not only show rationality but also progress. (iii.) Reputational façades - statements that are disclosed in order to meet demands of the most critical stakeholders (Abrahamson, & Baumard, 2008) Conclusion: The results show that the most frequently apparent façades in the sustainability reports are progressive façades, followed by reputational façades and lastly rational façades. Moreover, the findings of this thesis uncovered clear sub-categories fitting under each façade. The sub-categories discovered were eight folded. Lastly, the results show that RBS shows signs of organizational hypocrisy, since their sustainability report disclosures and their actions are not in line, during the investigation period.

The quality of corporate environmental reporting (CER) : theory and practice

Eakpisankit, Araya January 2012 (has links)
Due to the fact that corporate environmental reporting (CER) is largely voluntary and unregulated, practice has evolved in the absence of a meaningful conceptual framework. This lack of a normative theory stating what should be the content of CER as well as the methods for measuring reported information being largely volumetric or content based, is advanced as a major limitation in the existing literature. In this study, the wellestablished conceptual frameworks for financial reporting are adapted as the basis for a CER conceptual framework in which four characteristics of CER indicate its quality. Empirical methods for the measurement of such characteristics are also adapted from the financial reporting literature. The main aim of this research is to use the adapted framework to examine the extent of variation in the quality of CER and then to test its applicability to the key motivational theories. The empirical work involves a panel of US and UK firms over a two-year period. This allows cross-sectional comparison to be made between different financial accounting regimes (rules- vs. principles-based) as well as permits examination of the development of CER over time. Further, the empirical work is extended to investigate the interrelationship between the financial and environmental performance of a firm. Evidence in support of the legitimacy and institutional theory explanations for disclosure motivations is comprehensively found through the measures of the qualitative characteristics identified. That is, the use of a novel CER framework based on financial reporting quality here enables a more robust understanding of the reporting behaviours than previous work. Moreover, evidence for CER variation owing to the differences in financial reporting regimes is found and thus, it is reasonable to assert that the culture of financial reporting, to some extent, informs the nature of voluntary non-financial reporting. However, perhaps owing to the short time frame of the investigation, evidence of financial rewards from being environmentally effective or through providing CER is not found. The findings from this research will be of interest to preparers and users of corporate environmental reports as well as to policymakers, particularly in terms of enabling them to assess the quality of reporting and its level of fit with their expectations. Moreover, they also shed light on the link between environmental performance, as manifested in carbon emissions, and what is reported.

Intellektuellt kapital : Företagens mest värdefulla tillgång utan värde / Intellectual capital : Companies' most valuable asset without value

Karlsson, Niklas, Lindén, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Världsekonomin har gått från att vara industribaserad till att bli mer och mer kunskapsbaserad. Nya kunskapsbaserade företag som Google och Spotify har växt fram utan stora materiella tillgångar och med helt andra framgångsfaktorer än tidigare. Detta har skapat ett växande gap mellan företags bokförda värde och marknadsvärde. Det värde som utgör skillnaden mellan marknadsvärde och bokfört värde kan kallas intellektuellt kapital. Definitionen av intellektuellt kapital har förändrats utvecklats och anpassats genom år av tidigare forskning. Med växande börsvärden och osynliga tillgångar har en global efterfrågan på ökad transparens i företags redovisning uppkommit. Av flertalet internationella initiativ för harmonisering av redovisning, anses standardiserad redovisning av intellektuellt kapital vara en del i lösningen på bristande information i den traditionella balansräkningen. Med växande gap mellan redovisat värde och börsvärde följer ett antagande om ett växande gap mellan tillgång och efterfrågan på information. Tidigare studier som undersökt redovisning av intellektuellt kapital i Sverige har dock givit resultat som inte är helt förenliga med det antagandet.Studiens syfte är att synligöra det intellektuella kapitalets förändring i svenska företag och därigenom förklara tillgång och efterfrågan på ytterligare information i den existerande redovisningen för att spegla företags marknadsvärde. Studien använder en modifierad version av Karl Erik Sveibys analysmodell för identifiering och kategorisering av intellektuellt kapital i de tre huvudkategorierna internt-, externt- och humant kapital. En kvantitativ innehållsanalys på årsredovisningar åren 2007, 2009 och 2011 från Sveriges fem största företag, utförs för att besvara frågan: Hur har redovisning av intellektuellt kapital förändrats i Sverige?Resultatet visar inte på någon markant bestående förändring i mängden redovisat intellektuellt kapital. Detta kan indikera att befintlig tillgång på information i redovisning möter efterfrågan och ger skäl att ifrågasätta och debattera en standardiserad redovisning av intellektuellt kapital baserat på en global efterfrågan. För vidare forskning föreslås studier med större antal företag samt empiriska studier av efterfrågan på information om intellektuellt kapital i redovisningen. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Study of business model innovation : developing new frameworks of business models for the future

Chandrasekara, C. H. M. Kasun Priyanka January 2015 (has links)
The literature review on emerging concepts of 'Business model' and 'Business model innovation' finds significant theoretical and practical potential to facilitate the strategising and innovating activities of modern organisations operating in complex and dynamic business environments. However, a further review of extant literature reveals that although a significant knowledge-base has been accumulated focusing on the content and process aspects of the phenomenon, very few of the conducted studies take a practice-based perspective. Therefore, in keeping with the broader research question of current strategising practices, this research investigates the issue from many possible philosophical, theoretical and methodological angles, in turn making several contributions to the theory and practice of business models while also opening up several potential future research avenues. This research consists of four main research stages sequentially covering problem formulation, two theory creation phases and problem solving, thereby meeting the requirements of a practice-based management research through relevance rather than merely rigour, as in conventional scientific research. As a result, it offers several research contributions to both the theory and practice of business models, which can be immediately put into practice by theorists, practitioners and entrepreneurs: a pluralistic business model research classification framework; a dynamic practice-based approach to the construction of business models; a knowledge-based conceptualisation of business models and a dynamic capability matrix for business model practices. Additionally, this research also offers potential future contributions to adjacent research streams such as dynamic capabilities, strategy as practice and research methodology. Overall, by utilising the philosophy of pragmatism, this thesis advances the contemporary discipline of business models towards a practice-based science, crucially and timely bridging the knowledge gap in existing practice-based theories and frameworks business models. It is hopes that this work will gave rise to a new movement of research on business models, positioning itself as a well established applied-oriented management science among the broader disciplines of strategy, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Stratégies d'influence et réception d'une politique publique d'équipement solaire en Algérie / Influence strategies and reception of a public policy for solar equipment in Algeria

Benahcene, Mounir 17 December 2018 (has links)
Pour encourager les actions en faveur des énergies renouvelables, le gouvernement algérien a lancé en 2011 « le programme de développement des énergies renouvelables et d’efficacité énergétique » qualifié d’ambitieux. Pour décoder les enjeux de cette politique publique énergétique, surtout en matière de réception, nous avons mobilisé l’approche de « gouvernance publique » ainsi que « la théorie des parties prenantes ». La réception de cette politique « polities » en termes de projets se traduit par deux dimensions. La première dimension nous a conduit à construire une typologie des projets déployés. La deuxième nous a permis de construire une typologie des stratégies d’influence. Ces stratégies ont été mobilisées à l’occasion de l’appropriation de cette politique publique dans les grands projets et les petits projets. Il s’agirait de les caractériser dans l’hypothèse qu’elles seraient de nature très différente entre les deux types de projets observés.Nous avons constaté que les grandes entreprises, au niveau local, utilisent un certain nombre de stratégies similaires mais limitées. En revanche les petites entreprises locales combinent plusieurs stratégies d’influence démontrant une forme de créativité stratégique. / To encourage actions in favour of renewable energies, in 2011, the Algerian government launched "program to develop renewable energies and promote energy efficiency”, which described it as ambitious. To decode the stakes of this energetic public policy, especially in terms of polity, we have mobilized the “public governance” approach as well as “stakeholdertheory”. The reception of this “policy” in terms of projects is reflected in two dimensions. The first dimension led us to construct a typology of the projects deployed. The second dimension allowed us to construct a typology of the influence strategies implemented when this public policy was appropriated in large and small projects. They would have to be characterized with the assumption that they would be of a very different nature between the two types of projects observed. We found that large companies, at the local level, use rather similarly limited strategies. On the other hand, small local companies combine several influencing strategies that demonstrate a form of strategic creativity.

When CSR meets the stock market : the role of investor attention / Responsabilité sociale de l'entreprise et performance financière : quel rôle pour l'attention des investisseurs

El aouadi, Amal 23 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se compose de trois essais empiriques qui étudient le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs comme étant un déterminant de la relation entre la performance sociale de l’entreprise (PSE) et sa performance financière (PFE). Notre objectif étant de repenser la littérature controversée sur les répercussions financières des activités de l’entreprise en matière de RSE, nous émettons un nouveau postulat – l’attention des investisseurs joue un rôle important dans la relation PSE-PFE. En effet, en complément à l’attrait de l’attention des investisseurs sur les marchés financiers tel que suggéré par un bon nombre d’articles académiques, une littérature émergente mais conséquente a récemment souligné le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise ainsi que celui de l’attention des différentes parties prenantes comme étant des facteurs pertinents de la relation entre la PSE et la PFE. Par conséquent, nous avons jugé utile de revisiter les retours sur investissements de la PSE, tout en intégrant l’effet de l’attention des investisseurs.Un important courant de la littérature empirique sur la PSE témoigne d’une forte cohésion entre l’entreprise socialement responsable et ses différentes parties prenantes telles que les consommateurs, les employés, les fournisseurs, les investisseurs les analystes financiers ainsi que les militants et activistes, cette cohésion étant encore plus forte, pour les entreprises bénéficiant d’une attention plus accrue de la part des différentes parties prenantes. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous poursuivons dans une telle logique et plus particulièrement, nous mettons en œuvre une analyse plus fine de ce constat, à savoir, nous évaluons le rôle de l’attention des investisseurs, en tant que ressource cognitive rare et limitée, dans la relation PSE-PFE. Cette thèse comporte quatre chapitres. Un chapitre préliminaire passe en revue la littérature existante sur la valeur marché de la PSE. En particulier, nous identifions trois courants de recherche principaux portant sur cette question et discutons du rôle des mécanismes internes et externes qui affectent la réaction des marchés financiers à la performance sociale. Plus important encore, nous accordons une attention particulière à la littérature sur le rôle de la visibilité de l’entreprise pour traduire la PSE en PFE. Ce dernier constat ouvre le débat sur la pertinence probable de l’attention de l’investisseur comme un déterminant clé de la relation PSE-PFE. Ainsi, dans une deuxième partie, nous portons un intérêt particulier à la littérature antérieure sur l’attention, le traitement de l’information et la prise de décision sur les marchés financiers. Puis, après avoir correctement défini l’attention et présenté son rôle sur les marchés financiers, nous essayons dans la dernière section de ce chapitre, d’établir le lien entre la littérature sur l’attention des investisseurs et celle sur l’impact financier de la PSE afin de déceler les perspectives de recherche futures. En dernier lieu, nous concluons et donnons le ton à la question de recherche complexe et stimulante que nous essayons d’élucider tout au long des trois essais de cette thèse à savoir, comment l’attention des investisseurs transforme la PSE en PFE. [...] / This thesis consists of three empirical essays investigating the role of investor attention as a determinant of the relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance. Our aim is to rethink the controversial literature on the financial implications of CSR activities by exploring a new premise – investor attention may shape the financial returns on corporate social impact. Since a growing stream of literature has highlighted the role of firm visibility as well as stakeholder attention to connect CSP to financial performance in addition to the complementary literature of investor attention and stock prices, we expect that controlling for firm-specific investor attention would provide novel insights to the literature on the potential financial effects of CSP.A consistent strand of literature has provided interesting evidence of a strong relationship between the firm CSP and its stakeholders such as consumers, employees, suppliers, investors, analysts, activists and communities, and regulators, with the benefits being stronger, the greater the attention to and salience of social activities among stakeholders. We complement and extend this literature by implementing a more granular analysis and particularly we focus on the relevance of investors’ attention, a scarce and limited cognitive resource.This research is divided in four chapters. The first chapter is a survey of prior theoretical and empirical literature on the controversial debate of the relation between CSR and financial outcomes. We have particularly reviewed potential mechanisms that allow CSP to translate into CFP. Most importantly, we rely on studies claiming that firm visibility is a crucial factor to connect social impact to financial performance. Another argument of great appeal is the stakeholder attention theory as proposed by Madsen and Rodgers (2015) from which our research question draws its full legitimacy. Then, we have connected the literatures on attention, information, decision making and CSR to remake the CSP-CFP puzzle and highlight potential research hypotheses. A more readable view is provided by Figure 1 (later in this document) which integrates and synthesizes key predictors, outcomes, mediators, and moderators of the CSP-CFP relation by focusing on studies related to CSR and firm visibility thereby introducing the role of investor attention. Figure 1 is not an exhaustive conceptualization of all the intervening variables in this relationship but rather meant as a multilevel lens and guiding framework to which other variables can be added in the future. However, despite all the advancements in assessing the returns on CSR investments, this debate remains unsettled and has yielded conflicting results. Thus, we conducted three empirical essays on the relation between CSP and financial performance and particularly provide new and unique evidence on the role of investor attention to shape this controversial empirical issue. Therefore, in the first essay, we conduct a multi-country event study and investigate the impact of environmental, social and governance (ESG) news headlines on the shareholder wealth. We find that investors do not value positive ESG news headlines but negatively react to negative ESG news headlines. This result is consistent with the idea that social responsibility and irresponsibility are not the two sides of the same coin. Furthermore, evidence reveals that shareholders only react to negative corporate governance related headlines. This suggests that investors may be especially prone to attend to corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that directly impact their own interests as previously suggested by T. M. Jones et al. (2007). Most importantly, investor attention was found to shape the punishment and reward of CSP, after controlling for the additional role of firm’s internal moderators such as firm size and advertising expenditure. [...]

Stakeholder Participation and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Study of Problem Gambling in the New South Wales Registered Club Sector

Fallon, Wayne John, w.fallon@uws.edu.au January 2009 (has links)
Within the context of

Corporate Social Responsibility och Corporate Financial Performance : En studie om företagsstorleks inverkan på sambandet mellan CSR och CFP inom företag noterade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm

Granholm, Jenny, Wikström, Anna January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på företagsstorleks inverkan på sambandet mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). Huvudsyftet är att mäta om effekten av CSR på CFP skiljer sig mellan små och stora företag noterade på Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm. Perioden som studeras är åren 2006-2009 samt år 2011. För att utröna om företagsstorlek har inverkan på sambandet tillämpas modererande regressionsanalys som går ut på att fastställa huruvida någon interaktionseffekt förekommer eller ej. Vi kontrollerar även för variablerna bransch och tid. Efter exkluderingar och bortfall består urvalet av 286 företag listade på Small-Cap, Mid-Cap och Large-Cap under den studerade tidsperioden. Resultaten visar att företagsstorlek påverkar sambandet mellan CSR och CFP, även om det är oklart på vilket sätt. Olika mått på CFP påvisar skilda riktningar av interaktionseffekten. / This study focuses on the interaction effect of firm-size on the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP). The main purpose is to determine if the effect of CSR on CFP differ between small and large firms listed on Nasdaq OMX Nordic Stockholm. The studied period is the years between 2006 and 2009 plus 2011. In order to investigate if firm-size moderates the relationship between CSR and CFP, we apply moderated regression analysis which is used to determine whether or not an interaction effect is present. We also control for other variables such as industry and time. We consider a final sample of 286 firms listed on Small-Cap, Mid-Cap and Large-Cap during the observed time period. The results show that firm-size does have an interaction effect on the relationship between CSR and CFP, even though it is not clear in which way. Diverse measurements of CFP yield different direction of the interaction effect.

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