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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hooking Up, Sexual Attitudes, and Parental Repartnering Choices: Variations at the Intersection of Race and Gender

Stoddard, Nathaniel Aaron 01 June 2015 (has links)
Using a subsample of emerging adults from the Stepfamily Experiences Project (n = 989), we examine how parents' repartnering choices (nonmarital and premarital cohabitation) influence their emerging adult children's commitment-related relationship attitudes (attitudes about sex in committed relationships) and behaviors (hooking up). We further examine these processes at the intersection of race and gender. In this way, we expand the current emerging adult literature by exploring two understudied populations: emerging adults who grew up in stepfamilies, and emerging adults from diverse racial backgrounds. We divided our sample by race (black, Latino, American Indian, white, and multiracial) and gender, resulting in 10 groups. We compared those 10 groups using structural equation modeling within the Bayesian framework. We found a strong association for all groups between attitudes about sex in committed relationships and hooking up and a connection between parental cohabitation and hooking up, which connection was only explained by attitudes for white men. We also found significant variation at the intersection of race and gender for all but one of our hypothesized associations. These results highlight the importance of examining variation at the intersection of race and gender and also suggest that family of origin factors, such as parental cohabitation, may impact hooking up among emerging adults raised in stepfamilies.
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台灣地區跨國初婚與繼親家庭之比較研究:以台北縣地區為例 / Comparing Transnational Families and Stepfamilies in Taiwan:An Example of Taipei County

楊惠萱, Yang, Hui -hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
國內跨國婚姻家庭的數量逐年升高,主要是因為近十年東南亞籍女性配偶的大量移入。各界討論跨國婚姻的視角鮮少以微觀的家庭互動觀點論之,並且未詳細理解跨國家庭在成因與家庭型態上的不同。因此本研究以質的研究方式,著重互動與詮釋等微視觀點,重新理解跨國家庭本身,並比較初婚及繼親跨國家庭間的異同;比較的面向包括家庭形成之過程與基礎,家庭角色規範,家庭界域,夫妻與親子互動關係等。同時,本研究也探索國內大眾或媒體對跨國家庭的偏見與歧視作用在跨國家庭中所可能造成的影響。本研究資料是經由對來自四個跨國初婚家庭與四個跨國繼親家庭中之家長及子女進行深入訪談而取得。研究結果顯示,跨國初婚與繼親家庭的家庭成因略有差異,而跨國家庭在外部關係上,皆具有結構上的困境,並影響家人互動關係。家庭內部關係上,夫妻關係與親子關係也有其個別的異同之處。在文化與適應上,跨國家庭傾向具有雙元的飲食文化特色,以及多元的語言接觸機會。並且,台籍配偶包容度能提升外籍配偶的適應情況。總體而論,跨國繼親家庭需面對較多家庭問題,並且容易因為「跨國」的因素,而使問題越加複雜。跨國家庭成員大多也對仲介婚姻存有偏見,因此將多將自身婚姻視為是「交往成婚」類型,藉此降低社會偏見可能對其造成的污名化影響。研究歸結,跨國家庭之家庭經驗具有獨特性,此一獨特性,除了受社會結構性因素影響之外,也受家庭人際互動的影響,某些層次上,更反映岀了初婚與繼親家庭的差異。 / Due largely to the escalating volume of immigration from Southeast Asia, the number of transnational families in Taiwan has increased significantly in the past decade. A number of studies have been conducted on these transnational families. However, these studies focused mostly on the macro-structural aspect of the phenomenon, and none approached the issue from the micro viewpoint. This study adopted a micro perspective to examine the experiences of transnational families established by Taiwanese and Southeast Asians. I used qualitative methods to compare transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) in grounds of family formation, family boundaries, rules governing roles of family members, and marital as well as parent-child relationships. This study also assessed the possible influence of prejudice and discrimination in the mass media and the general public on these transnational families. Data were collected through interviews with parents and children from four transnational families established by first marriages and four established by remarriages. The findings indicated that cultural difference was often associated with the difficulties faced by transnational families. Moreover, transnational families established by first marriages with those established by remarriages (stepfamilies) were quite different, in that the latter often encountered more difficulties in managing family relationships, constructing family boundaries, establishing unambiguous rules directing roles of family members, and following these rules. Members of transnational families tended to have more exposure to diverse religions and languages, and dietary practices may differ among family members. Family’s economic status is influential in shaping the relationships among family members, especially in families with financial problems. Most of the informants interviewed were inclined to distance their families from the stereotypical image of a transnational family in the eyes of the media as well as the general public, which can be seen as a strategy to avoid stigmatization. In conclusion, the results showed that the unique experiences of transnational families were embedded in social contexts and shaped by various social factors on the one hand, and developed by family members through daily interactions on the other. Furthermore, such experiences reflected the distinctions between transnational families established by first marriages and those established by remarriages.
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Kärnfamiljens uppbrott och dess effekter : En intervjustudie om socionomstudenters upplevelser som skilsmässobarn samt reflektioner kring dess inverkan på utbildningsval och yrkesroll

Bornström, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socionomstudenter under uppväxten påverkades av föräldrarnas separation och följande förändringar såsom nya familjekonstellationer samt hur dessa erfarenheter kan kopplas till utbildningsval och framtida socionomroll. Studiens data består av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med socionomstudenter som går sin sjätte termin på Södertörns Högskola. En av informanterna hade dock inte upplevt någon ny familjekonstellation efter föräldrarnas separation. Den valda analysmetoden för denna studie utgår från en övergriplig kvalitativ metod som består av att koda, tematisera och summera. Tillsammans med den valda analysmetoden analyserades resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning och teoretiska perspektiv såsom coping, systemteori och wounded healer. Studiens resultat visar att majoriteten av informanterna hade det svårt hemma innan skilsmässan på grund av föräldrakonflikter. Resultatet presenterar även skilda upplevelser av att leva i en ny familjekonstellation då både positiva och negativa upplevelser uppmärksammats. Även belystes positiva och negativa aspekter av olika boendeformer, förändringar i relation till föräldrar samt skillnader i känslor och hantering. Gemensamt för informanterna är att föräldrarnas skilsmässa inte haft en direkt påverkan på utbildningsval men att de kan se fördelar med att ha upplevt en föräldraseparation för deras framtida yrkesroll och deras förståelse för klienter. / The purpose of this study was to explore how social work students were impacted by their parents' divorce and the changes that followed, as well as how these experiences can be linked to the choice of education and their future profession. The empirical data consists of semi-structured interviews with students at Södertörn University studying their sixth semester to receive a bachelor's degree in social work. The four informants, except one, all experienced new family structures post-divorce. The chosen analysis method is the constant comparative method consisting of coding, thematization and summarizing. The analysis also includes previous research and theoretical perspectives such as coping, systems theory and wounded healer. The results showed that three of the informants experienced parental conflict prior to parental separation. The results also presented differences regarding experiences of new family structures due to both positive and negative aspects being mentioned. Contrasts within the results also displayed in changes in the parent-child relationship, emotions and coping as well as living arrangements. All informants stated that the parental divorce did not have a direct impact on the choice of education and occupation, however they could all acknowledge it resulting in increased understanding and compassion for future clients.
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Deconstructing dominant stepfamily narratives : freeing silent voices

Amoore, Neil John. 12 1900 (has links)
Stepfamilies are shown by existing research as having multiple problems unique to this type of family, some of which include role ambiguity, role strain, role captivity, increased stress and adjustment problems in children. Stepparents are portrayed as evil, abusive and wicked in the media, literature or film, while stepchildren are variously portrayed as victims, naughty and manipulative. These popular perceptions of stepfamilies appear to be shaped by myths or dominant narratives which serve to shape stepfamily member's experience of and roles in the reconstituted family. Drawing on the work of postmodernism, social constructionism and the narrative theorists this study will expose those dominant narrative or myths which shape the experience of two stepfamilies. Using an emergent design, the experiences of these two families is described in an attempt to highlight some of the implications such an approach holds for both further research and psychotherapy. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

The experiences of stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren

Hutton, Karmen 09 1900 (has links)
This study explored the experiences of stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren, using a phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design. Participants were recruited in the Gauteng area through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the information. The findings of this study indicate the following: the participants, in their role as stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren, experienced various challenges that were very stressful, especially during the early stages of stepfamily formation. The lack of acknowledgement of the stepmothers’ dedication to their stepchildren, as well as conflicting rules concerning how to care for the children, caused distress for the participants. Support from their partners, as well as improved stepfamily relationships over time, were acknowledged as contributing factors to the participants’ continued commitment to their stepfamilies. Further research on stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren is recommended / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical Psychology)

The experiences of stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren

Hutton, Karmen 09 1900 (has links)
This study explored the experiences of stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren, using a phenomenological approach and qualitative exploratory design. Participants were recruited in the Gauteng area through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the information. The findings of this study indicate the following: the participants, in their role as stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren, experienced various challenges that were very stressful, especially during the early stages of stepfamily formation. The lack of acknowledgement of the stepmothers’ dedication to their stepchildren, as well as conflicting rules concerning how to care for the children, caused distress for the participants. Support from their partners, as well as improved stepfamily relationships over time, were acknowledged as contributing factors to the participants’ continued commitment to their stepfamilies. Further research on stepmothers of non-residential stepchildren is recommended / Psychology / M. A. (Clinical Psychology)

繼親家庭青少年之生活適應歷程 / The life adaptation processes of teenagers in stepfamily

黃瑞雯, Huang, Jui-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
面對離婚率的高漲,家庭型態呈現多元的變化,有關單親家庭的研究國內外已多所著墨,但對於單親後再婚的家庭狀況卻潛藏在核心家庭外貌下而忽略了其真實生活經驗與需求。繼親家庭的組成對家庭成員而言,帶著過去的生活經驗進入繼親家庭,經驗了離異與重組的過程,一連串的改變、壓力與調適,尤其對於繼親家庭中的青少年而言,游走於獨立與依賴之間,但卻又深受家庭之影響。因此,本研究以質化方式深入訪談18位12-20歲的繼親家庭青少年,由其主觀的經驗陳述,深入了解他們將如何認知與解讀繼親的進入,以及在繼親家庭中的適應情況。茲將結果摘述如下: 1.繼親家庭的準備與改變 繼親家庭不可避免的面臨成員間的第一類接觸:對於生親而言,以再婚時子女年齡的大小作為詢問與否的標準,但研究卻也發現有少數例子是持續保持家庭秘密--繼親家庭事實;對於繼親而言,小心翼翼的期盼「好的開始是成功的一半」,以討好子女之方式,並著手家庭一體感之建立,如:稱呼的改變或姓氏的更動,再者,有些家庭則是在婚前以同居方式增加繼親子相處與調適之機會。然而,對於子女而言,多是被動的接受繼親家庭的事實,認知並體貼大人的需要。 經驗了繼親加入後的一段蜜月期,伴隨著忠誠問題而勾起雙重失落的經驗,失落了過去與生親之親密依附,也失落了單親家庭中的代親職角色。子女需要時間來哀悼。研究中發現,子女學習以樂觀、跳脫傳統的家庭框架來面對繼親進入的優點,以及經由雙親和平轉化子女的分離焦慮,皆有助於繼親家庭中青少年之調適以及繼親家庭之建立。 2.繼親家庭職務模式 繼親家庭之管教模式多呈現以「生親為主、繼親為輔」,或是「生親扮黑臉、繼親扮白臉」之情況。分析狀況主要為互動結構使然,繼親家庭乏過去共同的歷史,繼親被視為「局外人」,管教衝突互動下來之結果,繼親多半會選擇淡出管教之列;相對於生親的職務角色則呈現「中間人」之兩難角色情況,研究中發現子女多會體諒生親之兩難而選擇以忍耐、逃避來因應。 建立信賴的親職系統,有賴於三角關係的動員,繼親善意對待、生親背後支持、強化新配偶間的婚姻連帶、以及子女樂觀信念。 3.繼親家庭關係 繼親子關係:子女帶著對過去經驗或價值來評量繼親,對繼父之評量焦點為經濟能力、對於繼母則多為親職能力、或是全方位評量綜合,顯然繼母較繼父難為。子女依照評量標準進而決定心理取向與因應;研究中發現子女多以工具取向評量,並接納繼親成為生親輔佐者、家務氣氛調劑者、家務與經濟分擔者角色。子女們也多認知養育較生育來得有恩典。 生親子關係:生親子間具有單親生活的革命情誼,面臨繼親之進入,挑起親子關係與婚姻關係的爭戰,雙重束縛之情緒油然而生,子女仍維繫著「代親職」的角色而對生親有心疼之感受,加上不安全感所引發對生親的氣憤與失望、擔心「又」被生親遺棄。 原親子關係:原親子間多呈現不聯絡、不穩定之情況。原親探視之過程中除了表達關心、提供支援、並與繼親相較彼此之親職能力,尤其在「兩個女人的戰爭」中更是鮮明。原親子關係中也發現,手足中排行老大者之依附關係尤其明顯,以家庭系統來檢視,老大的疏離反倒有助於其他手足或成員轉而投向繼親家庭之融合。 手足關係: 手足關係潛藏著陪伴與競爭的關係,:繼親家庭中的手足關係可能是親手足、半手足或是無血緣連帶之繼手足關係,而半手足間容易競爭資源或是寵愛,但卻也可以經由血緣關係的聯繫而強化繼親家庭的合法連帶。 4.支持系統與適應情況 支持系統與適應情況息息相關。青少年最主要的支持系統為親屬與朋友。親屬資源中又以直系血親為最,常成為替代父母的義務照料者,尤其是「娘家」的資源。朋友資源則是青少年的另一個避風港、或是逃避家庭的防空洞。然而繼親家庭具有環境上易變動之特質,轉學「後遺症」常導致小孩缺少時間來建立信任與親密關係。 個人情緒適應與影響;青少年多以求助朋友或是轉移注意力來調適情緒與壓力。而繼親家庭對於其人格之影響,明顯表現在:追求獨立的課題上,期待離家生活,或在經濟上尋求獨立;再者,由於受到過去父母婚姻經驗之影響,模仿與學習父母因應之道,人格特質呈現兩個極端--敏感與無力感。 家庭適應:藉由受訪者家庭圖像的呈現解讀其弦外之音,家庭圖像有:傳統型--規律生活、關係人的組成、有雙親等,或是簡單型--家是一個居住的殼,以及理想型--家是愛的組合體。圖像之下呈現有抗拒、接納與順服三種因應方式。研究中發現家庭圖像都依據某種邏輯切割出家庭中的聯盟關係。 學校社會適應:學校對青少年而言是個具體而微的小社會縮體,面對繼親家庭之社會負面刻板印象。多數受訪者對外採取隱瞞繼親家庭之事實,或是以敷衍帶過的方式,甚至以「單親家庭之名」來包裹繼親家庭之事實,少數受訪者則是僅對小團體透漏,全然不在意的則佔少數。
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Deconstructing dominant stepfamily narratives : freeing silent voices

Amoore, Neil John. 12 1900 (has links)
Stepfamilies are shown by existing research as having multiple problems unique to this type of family, some of which include role ambiguity, role strain, role captivity, increased stress and adjustment problems in children. Stepparents are portrayed as evil, abusive and wicked in the media, literature or film, while stepchildren are variously portrayed as victims, naughty and manipulative. These popular perceptions of stepfamilies appear to be shaped by myths or dominant narratives which serve to shape stepfamily member's experience of and roles in the reconstituted family. Drawing on the work of postmodernism, social constructionism and the narrative theorists this study will expose those dominant narrative or myths which shape the experience of two stepfamilies. Using an emergent design, the experiences of these two families is described in an attempt to highlight some of the implications such an approach holds for both further research and psychotherapy. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Childhood family structure in 16 European countries

Gustafsson, Andreas January 2024 (has links)
At the end of the 20th century we saw great changes in family dynamics with rates ofseparation and re-partnerning increasing across Europe. Previous research has primarilyfocused on adults but less is known about how these family demographic changes haveaffected children's family structure. From previous studies we know that there areregional differences in children's propensity to experience parental separation, repartneringas well as being born to a lone mother. A link between maternal educationand children's risk of experiencing certain family transitions have also been found, butthe evidence are mixed and the educational gradients are not always clear. In this thesis,I use data from the Harmonized Histories dataset on 16 European countries to findwhich family structures are the most common for European children and how they varyacross regions and by maternal educational level. I use sequence and cluster analysis toidentify the set of family structures which best captures the family life course ofchildren up to age 15. I partly find similar results as previous studies with regard to theregional differences and educational gradient in family structure. New findings showthat there is a North/South divide in the propensity of children to remain with theiroriginal parents throughout childhood as well as experiencing parental separation andstepfamily formation. Further, I corroborate previous findings on the relationshipbetween maternal education and childhood family structure as well as provide newresults. One important finding is that children of highly educated mothers whoexperience parental separation are more likely than children of less educated mothers toremain with a single mother rather than to enter into a new stepfamily. This holds formost European regions. In sum, this research contributes to the field of familydemography by analyzing children’s longitudinal family structure and by incorporatingboth country of residence and socioeconomic background. It highlights the need forincorporating the entire life course of children, as well as the geographical andsocioeconomic context for a more complete understanding of how family demographicchanges have played out for European children.
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Integrating a girl-child orphaned by aids in a reconstituted family: pastoral and other challenges

Mutasa, Gertrude Pazvichainda Stembile 01 1900 (has links)
Five years ago at the age of 14, Rutendo Chaibva was double-orphaned by AIDS. A "Family Post Bereavement Property and Responsibilities Disbursement Committee" assigned her uncle Eric Gara as "replacement parent". Rutendo and her " replacement mother" Gerlinda were co-participants in the Participatory Action Research Study. It started in a therapeutic relationship after the family experienced some difficulties in integrating Rutendo into the reconstituted family. Both the therapy and research conversations explored and identified several pastoral and other challenges that militated against the integration process. Rutendo and Gerlinda's road was littered with, among others, minefields of silence and tears, secrecy, multiple losses, unresolved bereavement, unfinished business, anger, fear, and groping for Christian fellowship. It was concluded that personal, family, pastoral and other challenges, and, HIV/AIDS related complexities had militated against the integration process. At the end, Rutendo and Gerlinda acknowledged that therapy and the research processes had impacted positively on the integration process that improved significantly. / Practical Theology / M. Div. (Pastoral therapy)

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