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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fem specialpedagogers agerande och reaktioner ur ett gatubyråkratiskt perspektiv

Rexgård, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Målet är att öka kunskapen om hur specialpedagoger kan agera och reagera i sina olika yrkesroller vid möten med olika uppdrag. Denna intervjustudie omfattar fem specialpedagogers möte med fem utvalda uppdrag och dess uppdragsbeskrivningar. De utvalda uppdragen är; Dokumentationsuppdraget, Läroplansuppdraget, Inkluderingsuppdraget, Yrkesuppdraget (speciallärare/specialpedagog) och Elevhälsouppdraget. Specialpedagogernas möten med ovanstående uppdrag är tolkade ur ett gatubyråkratiskt perspektiv, enligt Lipsky´s teori om street-level-bureaucrats. Enligt denna teori betraktas anställda inom offentlig verksamhet som gatubyråkrater, således räknas specialpedagoger som gatubyråkrater (men benämns som specialpedagoger i studien). Fokus i studien är på specialpedagogernas grad av handlingsutrymme och deras identifiering av förbättrings- respektive försämringsfaktorer i de olika uppdragen och vilka yrkesroller specialpedagogerna intar gällande de olika uppdragen. Resultatet visar i korthet att:Dokumentationsuppdraget – upplevs som en förbättringsfaktor och medför ett stort handlingsutrymme, vilket specialpedagogerna själva tagit på sig aktivt och medvetet i sina yrkesroller.Läroplansuppdraget – upplevs enligt specialpedagogerna av eleverna som försämrande men av lärarna som förbättrande. Handlingsutrymmet upplevs som litet i mötet med uppdraget.Inkluderingsuppdraget – upplevs vara starkt beroende av den egna verksamhetens lednings inställning till begreppet. Finns det ett stort handlingsutrymme för specialpedagogerna i samspel med elev/hem/lärare ses uppdraget som förbättrande men diametralt motsatt om handlingsutrymmet är litet.Yrkesuppdraget (speciallärare/specialpedagog) – upplevs som irrelevant då samtliga intervjuade specialpedagoger anser att skolans behov bör avgöra uppdraget – inte yrkesdefinitionen. Stort handlingsutrymme om skolans behov får avgöra och anses då som förbättrande. Litet handlingsutrymme om yrkena hålls för strikt åtskilda eller enbart ena yrkesgruppen finns representerad vilket kan leda till en försämring av den mindre flexibla verksamheten.Elevhälsouppdrag – upplevs som en icke-fråga då samtliga specialpedagoger alltid varit självklara medlemmar däri. Handlingsutrymmets storlek är beroende av elevhälsans organisation och dess mötesstruktur. En försämringsgrad finns inte gällande denna fråga, utan bara olika grader av förbättring.

”Knacka dörr!” : Fler barn till förskolan genom uppsökande verksamhet / ”Knock on the door!” : More children to preschool through outreach activities

Bassmann, Linda, Bregeni Fetiu, Leonora January 2024 (has links)
For the past decade, Sweden has been reinforced as a multicultural society, and immigrant integration policy has been a hotly debated topic. During the election campaigns in 2022, preschool was an important political issue, the government arguing that early interventions can be the key to the successful integration of immigrants. Subsequent amendments to the Education Act, which entered into force on 1 July 2023, require all municipalities to actively promote increased participation in preschool by means of different methods. The municipalities must provide information to parents and legal guardians and offer preschool enrollment to children who need learning Swedish, without the parents or legal guardians applying for it. The outreach activities are aimed at children who are not currently enrolled in preschool but who are entitled to be. The purpose of the present thesis is to investigate the experiences among preschool staff of the requirement to take active measures to offer preschool enrollment to the children of foreign-born parents. Through a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and a street level bureaucrats theoretical perspective, the study has focused on two municipalities which have charged preschool staff with the aforementioned task. With the analytical terms street level bureaucrats and discretion, it has been possible to investigate how the policy is implemented and how the preschool staff feels about being a fellow human being as well as an agent for a government authority. The results of the study indicate a consensus among preschool staff that they understand the purpose of, and need for, active measures, and their good intentions and ambitions are visible, despite being insufficiently prepared for the task by their employers.

PÅVERKAN PÅ NÄRBYRÅKRATENS HANDLINGSUTRYMME EFTER COVID-19 : inom region Kalmars sjukvård. / The impact on street-level bureaucrats’ discretion after covid-19 : - in district Kalmars healthcare.

Thorfelt, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
The covid-19 pandemic had a big impact on the whole world, and a great deal of research was directed at the subject. Earlier research has foremost been directed at the covid-19 pandemic as a crisis, the management of the crisis and vaccinations. The effects of the pandemic, primarily from the perspective of street-level bureaucrats, is a relatively unexplored subject. The discretion of street-level bureaucrats in healthcare in the district of Kalmar is explored in this paper, together with the question and explanation of if and how the discretion has changed. The problems are mostly focused on how the changes are experienced in the post-pandemic timeline, how the discretion is affected and what might be the cause to the changes in discretion. The problems are studied based on Lipsky´s theory of street-level bureaucrats with the support from Jönsson´s theory of discretion. The theories have also been used for the development of the interview questions, that in turn have been used to collect the empirical data for this study. Semi structured interviews were used to collect the empirical data in physical interviews with doctors and nurses who work in district Kalmar. The result of the interviews has since been analyzed with qualitative text analysis with the support of the aforementioned theories. The result and the analysis showed a change in the cornerstones of the street-level bureaucrats’ framework according to Jönsson´s theory. The changes in district Kalmar during the pandemic can still be seen in the post-pandemic timeline in several ways. Therefore, a change in the street-level bureaucrats’ discretion can be seen and explained. Street-level bureaucrats have had an increase in knowledge and developed coping mechanisms, simplifications, and routines for the before uncertain situations, which in turn have resulted in a more comfortable street-level bureaucrat with changed discretion. Further research may show how these changes and effects can be seen in the future and other districts, which can contribute to the scientific gap that this study has shown about the remaining effects in the post-pandemic timeline.

Cultivating Professional Meaning and Commitment: Frontline Nurses' Narratives about Peer Support

Sogodogo, Amady Tiecoura 28 May 2024 (has links)
This dissertation explores frontline nurses' perceptions of peer support in fostering emotional, professional, and organizational support and commitment in different contexts. This study draws together scholarship on street-level bureaucrats (SLBs) and formal and informal training in nursing to build on research demonstrating that internal organizational elements such as formal training and informal peer interaction continuously develop SLBs' professional and organizational personalities. Also, research traditions on SLBs regard peer interaction as policy implementation using "service styles" to build stronger ties with peers to solve problems and better respond to the needs of citizens and communities. Despite the prominent role peers play in scholarly research on SLBs, few empirical studies have contextualized the meaning of peer support in different settings to examine how it affects professional meaning and organizational commitment in a specific industry. This dissertation expands on the findings of several studies that demonstrate that peer relatedness is an important component of frontline work. The distinctive contribution of this dissertation is using narrative analysis to collect and analyze stories of firsthand experiences told by personal narratives from mental health, military, and emergency nurses in public hospitals to thoroughly compare the perception of informal or formal peer support influence and highlight its evaluative aspects across different settings. This dissertation contributes to the street-level bureaucracy theory by providing empirical evidence in contextualizing peer support as a catalyst for emotional support and a buffer for organizational uncertainty in various emotionally charged healthcare settings. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation focuses on the narratives of frontline nurses in mental health, military, and emergency settings to highlight the impact of peer support on nurses' emotional well-being, as well as professional development, fulfillment, and commitment in diverse healthcare environments. This study illuminates how formal (preceptorship) and informal (mentorship) training or peer support shape nurses' professional identities, engagement, and commitment. Despite the acknowledged importance of peer support in public administration scholarly discourse, few studies have explored its nuanced significance across different healthcare settings. This dissertation addresses this gap by employing narrative analysis to examine narratives from mental health, military, and emergency nurses in public hospitals. By comparing informal and formal peer support perceptions of these different types of nurses, this study explores the realities of frontline healthcare delivery, including the emotional toll and systemic challenges they face, personal development lessons learned, and dynamics surrounding co-supporting quality care through peer support. Subsequently, this study highlights the critical role of peer support in developing and enhancing the psychological drivers — autonomy, mastery, purposefulness — and social drivers — supportive workplace, sense of belonging, and psychological safety— of nurses, thereby fostering a supportive environment and enhancing their competency and the quality and safety of patient care.


朱金池, ZHU, JIN-CHI Unknown Date (has links)
組織成員考核制度之研究,漸受重視;但有關第一層官僚組織成員(Street-Ievel - bureaucrats )的考核問題,依然存在。本文研究目的在以多學科的研究法,建構有 關考核理論的分析架構,並以我國警察機關為例,對考核制度作系統性的、實證性的 探討。所謂「考核制度」是指:一個組織系統為達成管理、發展、研究的目的,藉由 工作的分析、量表的標準化,對於組織成員的實際工作行為、品德操守、及特殊潛能 等表現作正確的、有系統的檢視的過程安排。 本文所採研究途徑(APPROACH)主要有系統研究法、心理研究法、及結構功能分析法 等;所採研究方法(METHOD)有文獻探討法、問卷調查法、訪問調查法等。 全文計分六章二十節,約六萬餘字,內容要點如后: 第一章、緒論:談及研究動機與目的、概念與界說、研究範圍與內容、研究方法與架 構、及研究限制等節; 第二章、組織成員考核目的:包括管理(如升遷、調職、訓練、調薪等)、發展(如 改進工作績效、協助前程發展等)、及研究(如評估甄選效度、訓練成效等)的目的 ; 第三章、組織成員考核制度運件過程:指涉工作的分析、量表的發展、正式考核的執 行、及人事措施的配合等節; 第四章、組織成員考核制度困境:敘述效度、信度、正確性及實用性的問題; 第五章、個案研究:檢討我國警察人員考核制度在制度運作及成員滿意程度方面的情 形; 第六章、結論與建議:就本文研究結果,提出有關學術上及實務上的建議。

Gender Mainstreaming in Kisumu County High Schools : A Study of Gender Mainstreaming Policy Implementation on the Local Level in Kenya

Younis Forssman, Joulin, Jacobsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Det besvärliga våldet : Socialtjänstens stöd till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer / The troublesome Violence : The Social Services’ Support for Female Victims of Domestic Violence

Ekström, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
I avhandlingen analyseras hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov tolkas, omförhandlas och anpassas för att kunna hanteras inom socialtjänstens organisation. Avhandlingens övergripande frågeställningar fokuserar på insatser och behov, betydelsen av socialtjänstens organisering och betydelsen av socialarbetarnas handlingsutrymme. Avhandlingen baseras på kvalitativa analyser av statliga propositioner, intervjuer med socialarbetare och med kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Det teoretiska ramverket bygger bland annat på Frasers (1989) teoretiska perspektiv som tar sin utgångspunkt i samhällets tolkningar av människors/gruppers behov av stöd, nyinstitutionell teori och teorier om gatubyråkrater. Avhandlingen visar att socialarbetares tolkningar är centrala aspekter av förhandlingen om hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov och rätt till stöd ska förstås. Ett viktigt resultat i avhandlingen är att stödet till våldsutsatta kvinnor blir så pass olika. Avhandlingen ger inga svar i kvantitativa termer på hur olikheten är fördelad, men den ger exempel på hur olikheten tar sig uttryck. I kommuner där specialiseringen innebär att socialarbetarna på socialkontoret i första hand utreder behov och fattar beslut om insatser, måste det också finnas adekvata insatser att besluta om. Saknas det så erbjuds inte heller något stöd. Stödet till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer blir också olika eftersom socialarbetare ställer olika krav eller sätter upp olika trösklar för att kvinnor ska få stöd. Avhandlingen visar att både gemensam kunskap och gemensam syn på sociala problem är centralt för att samarbetet inom den specialiserade socialtjänstens ska fungera och i längden också för vilket stöd människor kommer att erbjudas. / This thesis analyses how the needs of abused women are interpreted, renegotiated and adapted for handling within the social services. The overarching research questions concern support and needs, the significance of the social services organisation, and the role of social workers’ own discretion. The material consists of qualitative analyses of government bills, and interviews with social workers as well as with female victims of domestic violence. The theoretical framework includes Fraser's (1989) perspective on society's interpretations of people/groups in need of support, neo-institutional theory and the theory of street level bureaucracy. The thesis shows that social workers’ interpretations are central for how abused women's needs and their right to support will be understood. An important result is the wide variation in the kinds of support offered, deriving from the fact that there appears to be no uniform approach across the municipal social services; social workers in the different offices set up different requirements/thresholds for women to receive support. No answers are given in quantitative terms of how this diversity is distributed, but examples are presented to illustrate the range manifested. In  municipalities where specialisation means that the social workers primarily investigate needs and make formal decisions about measures to be taken, there must also be adequate interventions in place to decide upon and distribute. The thesis shows that both mutual knowledge and mutual understanding of social problems are central for the cooperation within in the specialised social services and ultimately for what kind of support people will be offered.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

Todorovac, Elizabeth, Lennartsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients’ needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a better understanding of how social welfare officers handles their elbow room in the field of actions to support the children of parents with mental illness. We have conducted a qualitative study where we interviewed six social welfare officers using the “vinjett” method. All social welfare officers included in the study are working with children of parents with mental illness. By using Michael Lipsky’s theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats we intended to get an understanding of how social welfare officers would act in specific situations. Our study shows that social welfare officers’ first contact is with the parents for a judgment of their capacity as parents. The results shows that the social welfare officers, who we interviewed, felt that they had a wide elbow room with resources to determine and shape different actions for the children of parents with mental illness but at the same time they experienced different barriers which may limit the alternatives in their decision-making. The majority of the social welfare officers in our study felt that they were aware of the power and control they possesses, which also are defined in Lipsky’s theory.

Handlingsutrymme : En kvalitativ studie - ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv, gällande insatser för barn till föräldrar med psykisk sjukdom

Todorovac, Elizabeth, Lennartsson, Annika January 2009 (has links)
<p>How does a social welfare officer know when a parent with mental illness or behavioral symptoms is harmful to the children? As a social you are confronted with different ethical dilemmas on a daily basis. The social welfare officers have to follow their own authorities, laws, guidelines and regulations while at the same time do everything to satisfy their clients’ needs. This inconsistency can sometimes be difficult to handle. The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge and a better understanding of how social welfare officers handles their elbow room in the field of actions to support the children of parents with mental illness. We have conducted a qualitative study where we interviewed six social welfare officers using the “vinjett” method. All social welfare officers included in the study are working with children of parents with mental illness. By using Michael Lipsky’s theory of Street-Level Bureaucrats we intended to get an understanding of how social welfare officers would act in specific situations. Our study shows that social welfare officers’ first contact is with the parents for a judgment of their capacity as parents. The results shows that the social welfare officers, who we interviewed, felt that they had a wide elbow room with resources to determine and shape different actions for the children of parents with mental illness but at the same time they experienced different barriers which may limit the alternatives in their decision-making. The majority of the social welfare officers in our study felt that they were aware of the power and control they possesses, which also are defined in Lipsky’s theory.</p>

Yttre förändring och inre anpassning : Organisation och arbete inom tre kommuners stödboenden för ensamkommande ungdomar / External change and internal adjustment : Organisation and work in supported housing for unaccompanied youths in three municipalities

Höglund, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The Swedish child welfare system allows a possibility to place children in out-of-home-care. In 2016 a new form of placement was introduced: supported housing [stödboende]. The main purpose of a placement in supported housing is to prepare the residents – young people between the ages of 16 and 20 – for an independent life and living. Unaccompanied youths constitutes a category of service-users that has become relevant for placement in supported housing due to the assumption that they are in need of support-oriented rather that treatment- and care-oriented services. The purpose of this master’s thesis is to analyse how supported housing units for unaccompanied youths are organised and how the staff describe working to ensure the independence of the youths. To meet the purpose of the study, supported housing units in three Swedish municipalities have been studied through a total of 15 semi-structured interviews with section managers, unit managers, coordinators and staff. Supported housing for unaccompanied youths has been studied as an organisational idea which has been received and adopted in the municipalities. To understand how external pressure and internal processes influence the units and the work, an organisational perspective has been applied on the empirical material, through new institutionalism and Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucracies. From Said’s theory of orientalism the construction of “the other” is used as a complement to also understand how different constructions of residents and work with independency are expressed. The results of the study indicates that the organisation of the units and the work within them are highly affected by external factors, such as reduced economical resources and the situation in which many of the placed youths are still awaiting decisions on their asylum applications due to long processing times at the Swedish Migration Agency. This leads to great challenges both in terms of organisation and work. To meet the needs of the situation informal adjustments of routines and work are often made by both managers and staff. Concerning the work with independency, a division of three becomes visible: practical, societal and emotional/social independency. How the work is conducted seems to be influenced not only by the discretion of the staff, but also by whether or not the youths have received a residential permit. An important conclusion is the emergence of a construction of the “ideal” supported housing unit, where the placed youths can practice on standing on their own two feet in a safe environment. However there is also a parallel construction of “reality”, where challenges beyond the control of the staff and managers highly affect the units and the organisation of the work, including economical resources, the Swedish asylum politics, other social service actors, as well as the mental health of the placed youths.

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