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Janacek from the pianist's perspective: a prescriptive analysis of on an overgrown path, the sonata 1.X.1905, and in the mistsLee, Jennifer January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Sweet and savage: the world through the mondo film lensGoodall, Mark 02 1900 (has links)
No / Being the first ever English-language title devoted exclusively to the controversial and influential mondo documentary film cycle, this revised edition of Sweet and Savage remains the only serious study of mondo as a global film phenomenon, and includes a detailed examination of the key films of this cult genre.
Sweet and Savage identifies the principle stylistic aspects of the mondo genre through a fascinating ‘non-linear’ approach that echoes the collage shock effects of the original films. In so doing it features exclusive interviews and many unique material contributions. It is lavishly illustrated with rare photographs, stills, posters, and record sleeves.
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宇野浩二の文体的特徴に関する計量的研究 : 文体変化を中心に / ウノ コウジ ノ ブンタイテキ トクチョウ ニカンスル ケイリョウテキ ケンキュウ : ブンタイ ヘンカ オ チュウシン ニ劉 雪琴, Xueqin Liu 22 March 2019 (has links)
宇野浩二は精神病や挫折による執筆の空白期間を経るたびに異なる文体を編み出すと言われる作家である。本研究は、作品からデータを抽出し、計量的分析手法を用いて、宇野浩二の文体変化に関する諸問題を解明することを目的とする。文芸評論を踏まえ、病気後の文体変化、文体変化の時期、戦後の文体変化、同時代作家との比較の四つの問題を取り上げ、客観的なデータの分析結果に基づき、宇野浩二の文体特徴、文体変化の時期および戦後作品の独特性を明らかにした。 / Kouji Uno is a well-known Japanese littérateur, whose creative activity was interrupted twice because of a mental illness and frustrations. It was reported that his writing style had changed when he resumed writing. The study aims to investigated the differences of Kouji Uno's writing style in his different stages by using quantitative analysis. We demonstrated Uno's stylistic changes after the mental illness, the exact time of these changes, and the characteristics of works published after the War based on the literary criticism and statistical results. In addition, we clarified the uniqueness of his postwar works through a comparative analysis with contemporary writers. / 博士(文化情報学) / Doctor of Culture and Information Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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Choral Problems in the Unaccompanied Music of Francis PoulencBarnard, Jack Richard, 1932 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study, ve to analyze the stylistic characteristics in the unaccompanied music of one twentieth century composer, Francis Poulenc, in order to discover the choral problems which would confront choruses and conductors as they performed his music.
It is hoped that this study will not only enable choral conductors to better understand, interpret, and appreciate the music of Poulenc, but also will serve as a guide toward the investigation of other twentieth century composers and their works.
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L'effet pornographique : sémiostylistique pour une réception physiologique de l'art (verbal) / The pornographic effect of artLaborde, Cécile 26 September 2012 (has links)
L’idée-force de cette thèse est que littérature et sexualité ont partie liée, mais également et surtout, que la potentielle sexualisation de l’art verbal, à l’écriture comme à la lecture des textes, ne se limite pas à un genre spécifique d’écrits (qui irait du sentimental, au pornographique, en passant par l’érotique). La sexualisation à réception, toujours aléatoire, dépend de la force du style et de la sensibilité des lecteurs. La théorie de la réception que nous tentons de construire postule qu’il n’y a ni grand, ni petit art, ni arts majeurs, ni arts mineurs. L’art est un effet produit par la rencontre entre une oeuvre et un public ; il se manifeste intégralement en sensations. L’effet de l’art atteint son paroxysme lorsqu’il se fait pornographique. Cet effet pornographique de l’art, dont nous souhaitons cerner les conditions de déclenchement et de matérialisation à réception, émane de créations littéraires dont le style attire, séduit, aimante, captive et ravit les lecteurs, en leur offrant une vision de l’humain dans ce qu’il a de plus fragile et fascinant : son intimité la plus profonde et la plus cachée, son sexe. Pour appréhender ce vécu si intense et si rare qu’offrent certains textes, nous tendrons à définir l’idée de style pornographique, au sens de création par le style d’un effet pornographique. Puis, nous nous intéresserons plus largement à la portée et à la valeur de ce style, en proposant une typologie des principaux phénomènes qu’il déclenche à réception. Enfin, si l’effet pornographique est l’horizon vers lequel tout écrit littéraire tend, cet effet ne demeure, cependant, qu’un horizon. De ce fait, il conviendra de préciser, dans un troisième temps, les limites et les dangers du pornographique. / The main idea of this thesis is not only that literature and sexuality are related, but also that the sexualization of art, during the writing and the reading as well, is not restricted to specific literary genres (sentimental, erotic, or pornographic). The sexualization, always uncertain, is both due to the strength of style and to the readers’ sensitivity. The theory of reception we intend to elaborate is based on the idea that there is neither high art nor low art. Art is an effect caused by the encounter of a work and a public. Art is nothing but sensation. Art can recreate some reality by means of invoking sensations.The effect of art reaches its paroxysm when it becomes pornographic.This pornographic effect is derived from literary texts whose style attracts, seduces, captivates and ravishes readers, by revealing the most deep and the most secret intimacy of humans : their sex. We intend to see where, when and how this effect may happen. First, we’ll try to define what we mean by “pornographic style”, in other words what in style manages to create a pornographic effect on readers. Then, we'll attempt to bring to light the many phenomena it induced. However, even if the pornographic effect is the main purpose of art, it has to remain an horizon. Therefore, we'll have to consider the limits and risks of all pornography.
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Novinový titulek - srovnání titulků v bulvárních a seriózních tiskovinách a jejich internetové verzi / Headline - comparison of headlines in tabloid and serious press and their internet versionKopřivová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was trace the general tendence in the produce of headlines in the tabloid and serious press and their internet versions. The basis for this work was a sample of twelve newspaper headlines that came out in January and February 2013. There were drawn following conclusions on the basis of stylistic and pragmatic analysis and comparison of these titles. Analyzed subtitles are different designs and used language tools. The tabloid media is trying to attract potential readers, especially graphic design titles, while serious media put more accent on the content of the title message. The tabloid headlines have characteristic color caps and overhang headling to other cell components. Headlines of serious media are printed in black and stands on the site separately. One of the differences between tabloid headlines and serious media is their length - tabloid usually decide for shortes ones than the serious media. Basis subtitles should form a neutral literary language, yet there are presented present colloquial expressions in the headlines of tabloids and media. Tabloid headlines include expressive sign unlike the serious media headlines. Statements in the headlines are assertive and have interrogative and directive use. The tabloid media uses interrogative function in headlins more than the...
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Os significados da similaridade e do contraste entre os estilos de arte rupestre $$b um estudo regional das pinturas e gravuras do alto-médio São Francisco / The meanings of the similarity and the contrast between rock art styles $$b a regional study of paintings and engravings of the upper-middle São Francisco riverRibeiro, Loredana Marise Ricardo 29 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta análises estilísticas e espaciais da arte rupestre de cerca de cem abrigos do alto-médio São Francisco (norte mineiro e sudoeste baiano), desenvolvidas com o objetivo de elaborar um quadro crono-estilístico do registro rupestre regional que possa subsidiar estudos de correlação entre seqüências estratigráficas e seqüências estilísticosucessórias. As análises tomaram por base as classificações existentes para a arte rupestre do Brasil Central e da região (tradições Agreste, São Francisco, Nordeste e Complexo Montalvânia), visando a discutir a operacionalidade da metodologia classificatória vigente e o alcance interpretativo destas categorias de análise. As análises resultaram na definição de diversos estilos sucessivos, sendo alguns deles possivelmente contemporâneos. A seqüência sucessória estilística foi comparada à seqüência estratigráfica regional, utilizando as datações absolutas e relativas disponíveis para balizar uma periodização inicial da arte rupestre do norte mineiro. Essa periodização - ainda hipotética em função das datações disponíveis se referirem a apenas dois dos doze estilos identificados - mostra que a arte rupestre do Holoceno médio responde por vários estilos associados, que não podem ser seguramente organizados em seqüência sucessória e que podem ter sido praticados em contemporaneidade. O estudo da variação estilística nas dimensões gráfica, temporal e espacial (em pequena e grande escala) mostrou que estilos distintos por critérios temáticos interconectam-se e articulam-se em outras dimensões. A observação de diferenças relevantes entre estilos, relativas a atributos temáticos, localização dos painéis nos abrigos e dos abrigos na paisagem regional, sugere a existência concomitante de repertórios temáticos complementares na arte rupestre do Holoceno médio, integrando um complexo sistema de representações visuais. O estudo sugere que a utilização da usual categoria tradição" como parâmetro de análise dificulta, em vez de favorecer, a organização do registro rupestre, na medida em que direciona a pesquisa para os padrões de similaridade. Em análises focadas nestes padrões, os contrastes e as diferenças entre expressões são mascarados e ofuscados. Expressões estilísticas tematicamente distintas podem estar conectadas de modo complementar, tornando necessário investigar as relações entre estilos caracterizados por temáticas distintas, avaliando suas semelhanças e dissimilaridades, antes de atribuí-los a tradições também distintas / This work is the result of a research in rock art stylistics and space analyses of about one hundred shelters from the region of Alto-médio São Francisco (north of the brazilian state of Minas Gerais and southwest of the state of Bahia), with the objective of elaborating a chrono-stylistic relative picture of the regional rock-art register that could support correlational studies of stratrigraphics and successory stylistics sequences. The analyses developed were based on the existing rock art classifications of Central Brazil and region(Agreste, São Francisco, Nordeste and Complexo Montalvânia traditions), and were aimed at discussing the operationality of the given classificatory methodology and the interpretative reach of these categories of analysis. The stylistics and space diachronic analyses resulted in the definition of diverse successive styles, some of them possibly contemporaries. The successory stylistic sequence was compared to the regional stratigraphic sequence using the absolute and relative datings available as bollards to develop an initial rock-art periodization of the northern region of the state of Minas Gerais. This periodization still hypothetical, once the the available datings are related to only two of the twelve identified styles shows that the middle Holocen rock art stands for several associated styles that cannot be surely organized in a successory sequence and that might have been practiced at the same time. The study of the stylistic variation in its graphical, temporal and spacial aspects (in small and great scale) has showed that styles that are considered distinct because of thematic criteria in fact interconnect and articulate each other in other dimensions. The observation of relevant differences between styles, as well as of oppositions between the thematic attributes of localization in the shelters and the shelters in the regional landscape, suggests the simultaneous existence of complementary thematic repertoires in the middle Holocen rock art, composing a complex system of visual representations. The study suggests that, instead of improving the organization of the rock art register, the use of rock-art traditions as a parameter for analysis makes this organization more difficult, in as much as it directs the research to standards of similarity. In analyses focused in these standards, the contrasts and the differences between expressions are masked and dimmed. Thematicly distinct stylistics expressions can be connected in important and complementary ways, making it necessary to investigate the relations between styles characterized by distinct thematic characteristics and to evaluate their oppositions and disimilarities before attributing them to distinct traditions.
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A voz do corpo e as instâncias do narrar em A amortalhada de María Luisa Bombal / The voice of the body and instances of narrating in The shrouded woman by María Luisa BombalFigueiredo, Juliana Fragas 30 March 2015 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta a escritora chilena María Luisa Bombal ao cenário da crítica literária brasileira, destacando brevemente suas obras, porém detendo-se em A amortalhada, escrita em 1938. Assim, buscar-se-á mostrar alguns recursos recorrentes nesta obra da autora, sobretudo no que tange à(s) voz(es) apresentada(s) no desenvolver-se da narrativa, ou seja, analisar como se dá o discurso. Em particular, na pesquisa, tratar-se-á de ritmo, rima e sinestesias, recursos que contribuem para que a obra seja de uma simbologia, rara e precisa. / We intend to introduce this study about Chilean writer María Luisa Bombal´s life and work to the scenery of Brazilian literary criticism, trying to analize more closely La amortajada (The shrouded woman) (1938) considered extremely important in Chilean and international literary milien. We will emplacize certain narrative devices like the use of differet voices in the discourse, all along the plot, rhythm, rhyme and synesthesy which contribute to the creation of a typical symbology, rare and need.
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Prazer de sombra: uma leitura de Dão-Lalalão, de João Guimarães Rosa / Pleasure of shade: a reading of Dão-Lalalão, by João Guimarães RosaRocha, Edinael Sanches 05 October 2009 (has links)
Rosa. Articula-se a proposta de uma análise estilística do texto com a interpretação de cunho psicanalítico, sobretudo a partir de Freud. Situa-se, primeiramente, a relação entre este estudo e a fortuna crítica da obra selecionada, discutindo aspectos relevantes dos trabalhos de outros estudiosos. Ao abordar a relação entre o foco narrativo e o protagonista e utilizando-se de indicações do próprio Guimarães Rosa presentes em outras obras e em correspondências com seus tradutores, utiliza-se a metáfora do badalar de um sino como homólogo aos movimentos internos e externos de Soropita, sobretudo em torno da questão da manutenção do recalque como forma de preservar sua estabilidade social e pessoal. Esta dissertação reflete ainda sobre uma possível disposição melancólica de Soropita, além de estudar aspectos significativos do amor entre este personagem e sua esposa, Doralda, que mantém relação com a dinâmica do recalque. Aponta-se, por fim, para o caráter cíclico e inconcluso da presente narrativa, como sendo sua marca distintiva, não havendo, no nível do personagem principal, solução possível para seus dilemas. As questões histórico-sociais, pertinentes ao contexto abarcado pela novela, também serão articuladas ao estudo do estilo e à problemática psicanalítica abordada. / The present essay examines the novel Dão-Lalalão, by author João Guimarães Rosa, from Minas Gerais. It articulates the proposal of a stylistic analysis of the text with the interpretation of psychoanalytic nature, especially from Freud. It is placed, first, the relationship between this study and the critical fortune of the selected work, discussing relevant aspects of other scholars works. In addressing the relationship between the narrative focus and the protagonist and using Guimarães Rosas own indications present in other works and correspondence with his translators, it is used the metaphor of the chime of a bell as correlation with the internal and external movements of Soropita especially around the issue of maintenance of repression as a means of preserving his social and personal stability. This work still reflects on a possible melancholic disposition of Soropita, in addition to study significant aspects of love between this character and his wife, Doralda, which maintains relationship with the dynamics of repression. It points out, finally, to the cyclical and inconclusive nature of the present narrative, as its distinguishing mark, do not existing to the level of the main character, possible solution to his dilemmas. The historical and social issues, relevant to the context covered by the novel, will also be articulated to the study of the style and to the psychoanalytic problematic issues considered.
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Zpráva a reportáž - stylistická analýza zpravodajských útvarů v dánštině / News report and reportage - stylistic analysis of newspaper reporting genres in DanishHušková, Taťána January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Ústav germánských studií Oddělení skandinavistiky Diplomová práce Taťána Hušková ZPRÁVA A REPORTÁŢ - STYLISTICKÁ ANALÝZA ZPRAVODAJSKÝCH ÚTVARŮ V DÁNŠTINĚ (NEWS REPORT AND REPORTAGE - STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF NEWSPAPER REPORTING GENRES IN DANISH) Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. PhDr. Marie Vachková, Ph.D. Praha, srpen 2012 Za pomoc při vypracování diplomové práce děkuji Doc. PhDr. Janě Hoffmannové, DrSc. a za laskavé vedení Doc. PhDr. Marii Vachkové, Ph.D. Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatně, že jsem řádně citovala všechny použité prameny a literaturu a že práce nebyla využita v rámci jiného vysokoškolského studia či k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. ................................................ V Praze, dne 15. srpna 2012 Resumé Tato diplomová práce si klade za cíl zmapovat hlavní rysy zpravodajského stylu v dánštině srovnáním vybraných zpravodajských útvarů - zprávy a reportáže - a uplatněním metody stylistické analýzy několika zpravodajských textů, které popisují shodnou událost, což je nezbytným předpokladem pro komparativní stylistickou analýzu. Samotné analýze předchází teoretická část, v níž se snažím vymezit základní terminologii stylistiky, která vychází z funkčního přístupu ke stylu. Zde čerpám především ze stylistických...
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