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Les pratiques d'affichage : points communs et variations selon les disciplines et les modes de travail pédagogiques / Poster practices : common points and variations according to the disciplines and the pedagogiesDufour, Marie 06 January 2016 (has links)
Cette recherche de thèse questionne la dimension matérielle des pratiques, et plus particulièrement celle concernant les outils d’enseignement et d’apprentissages que constituent les affiches. Mon objet de recherche se construit dans l’analyse du discours des enseignants et de celui des élèves. Je tente d’identifier leurs représentations et leurs conceptions de l’affiche, telles qu’ils disent la pratiquer, telles qu’ils s’y investissent selon les pédagogies qu’ils mettent en place. La caractérisation des pratiques d’affichage selon les disciplines scolaires contribue à des modélisations dans les espaces didactique et institutionnel, dans celui des manuels scolaires, des pratiques enseignantes et des pratiques des élèves. / This thesis research questions the material dimension of practices, especially that concerning the teaching and learning tools that are posters. The topic of my research is built into the analysis of the speech of teachers and the pupils. I try to identify their representations and views of the poster, as they say the practice, as they invest themselves according to the teaching methods they implement. The characterization of the poster practices according to the practical school subjects contribute to modeling in teaching and institutional spaces, in one of textbooks, teaching practices and pupils practices.
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Vad är samhällskunskap? : Fem gymnasielärares förståelse av skolämnet samhällskunskap / What is social science? : Five high school teachers´understanding of the school subject social scienceRexhepi, Hasibe January 2009 (has links)
<p><p><p>Syftet med framförliggande uppsats är att bidra till ökad kunskap om gymnasielärares förståelse av ämnet samhällskunskap genom en beskrivning och analys av lärares målsättning och syfte med undervisningen med avseende på mål, innehåll och selektionsavvägningar. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan för detta arbete är: <em>Vilken förståelse har gymnasielärare av innehållet och undervisningen i skolämnet samhällskunskap? </em>Utifrån syftet och forskningsfrågan är målsättningen att ge svar på de didaktiska frågorna <em>vad </em>och <em>varför.</em></p><p>För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod anammats och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med gymnasielärare som undervisar i ämnet samhällskunskap. Lärarna i studien definierar ämnet i innehållsliga termer samt i termer av blocktillhörighet. Studien visar att undervisningen i samhällskunskap bör bidra samt syfta till förståelse av samhällets struktur och funktion, men även ge eleverna kompetenser och färdigheter för att fungera som medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Vidare visar studien att målsättning är att eleverna ska utvecklas till goda, självständiga, kritiska och handlingskraftiga demokratiska medborgare med ett samhällsintresse, där de förvärvade kunskaperna kommer till användning genom att sättas in i ett sammanhang. Resultatet ger indikationer på att kunskapsområdena politik och ekonomi, kopplat till begreppet demokrati, utgör basen för ämnet. Ämnets mest centrala begrepp är demokrati och de flesta begreppen hämtas från områdena politik och ekonomi. Studien visar också att samhällskunskapsämnet är ett "aktualitetsämne" och därför prioriteras aktuella händelser i undervisningen. Vidare påvisas att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar lärarnas val av ämnesinnehåll bl.a. läroboken, lärarens intressen och preferenser, elevers och kollegors inflytande, lokala planeringsinstrument m.m. En skillnad som framträder mellan lärarna på de teoretiskt respektive pratiskt inriktade programmen är användningen av läroboken, men det råder även delade meningar bland lärarna om de lokala planeringsinstrumentens behov och betydelse för undervisningen. Resultatet visar att lärarna är tillfredsställda med samhällskunskapsämnets utformning och de tror inte att någon större framtida förändring kommer att ske med avseende på ämnesinnehållet. Men några av lärarna tror emellertid att vissa kunskapsområden och samhällsfrågor som exempelvis massmedia, livskunskap, globala frågor och miljöfrågor kommer att få större utrymme.</p></p></p> / <p><p><p>The purpose of this essay is to contribute to increased knowledge of high school teachers' understanding of the subject social science through a description and an analysis of teachers' aims and purpose of their instruction, regarding goals, contents and selection of subject contents. The overall research question for this work is: <em>What understanding does high school teachers have of the contents and the teaching of the subject social science</em>? Based on this purpose and this research question, the aim is to answer the didactic questions of <em>what </em>and <em>why.</em></p><p>To accomplish the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used, and five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with high school teachers who are teaching social science. The teachers in this study define the subject in terms of contents as well as in terms of blocs belonging. The study shows that the instruction in social science should contribute to, and aim for an understanding of society's structure and function, in addition to giving the students competence and skills regarding their function as citizens of a democratic society. Furthermore, the study shows that the aim is for the students to develop into good, independent, critical and resolute democratic citizens, with an interest in society, where the obtained knowledge can be put into a context. The result indicates that the fields of politics and economics, connected to the concept of democracy, constitute the base of the subject. The most central concept of the subject is democracy and most of the concepts are drawn from the fields of politics and economics. The study also shows that social science is a subject which is sensitive to current issues, and for that reason on-going events are given priority. Furthermore, it is shown that there are several factors that influence the teachers' choice of contents: for example the course books, the teacher’s own interests and preferences, as well as that of students' and colleagues', the local instrument used for planning etc. A difference, which appears between the teachers on the theoretical and practical programs, respectively, is the use of the course book, but there is no unity amongst the teachers concerning the need for and importance of the local planning instruments, regarding the instruction. Results show that the teachers are satisfied with the form of the subject social science, and that they believe that no extensive future change will occur, regarding the contents of the subjects. However, the teachers believe that certain fields, such as mass media, "life science", global issues as well as environmental issues will be given more space.</p></p></p>
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Vad är samhällskunskap? : Fem gymnasielärares förståelse av skolämnet samhällskunskap / What is social science? : Five high school teachers´understanding of the school subject social scienceRexhepi, Hasibe January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med framförliggande uppsats är att bidra till ökad kunskap om gymnasielärares förståelse av ämnet samhällskunskap genom en beskrivning och analys av lärares målsättning och syfte med undervisningen med avseende på mål, innehåll och selektionsavvägningar. Den övergripande forskningsfrågan för detta arbete är: Vilken förståelse har gymnasielärare av innehållet och undervisningen i skolämnet samhällskunskap? Utifrån syftet och forskningsfrågan är målsättningen att ge svar på de didaktiska frågorna vad och varför. För att uppnå studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod anammats och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med gymnasielärare som undervisar i ämnet samhällskunskap. Lärarna i studien definierar ämnet i innehållsliga termer samt i termer av blocktillhörighet. Studien visar att undervisningen i samhällskunskap bör bidra samt syfta till förståelse av samhällets struktur och funktion, men även ge eleverna kompetenser och färdigheter för att fungera som medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Vidare visar studien att målsättning är att eleverna ska utvecklas till goda, självständiga, kritiska och handlingskraftiga demokratiska medborgare med ett samhällsintresse, där de förvärvade kunskaperna kommer till användning genom att sättas in i ett sammanhang. Resultatet ger indikationer på att kunskapsområdena politik och ekonomi, kopplat till begreppet demokrati, utgör basen för ämnet. Ämnets mest centrala begrepp är demokrati och de flesta begreppen hämtas från områdena politik och ekonomi. Studien visar också att samhällskunskapsämnet är ett "aktualitetsämne" och därför prioriteras aktuella händelser i undervisningen. Vidare påvisas att det finns ett flertal faktorer som påverkar lärarnas val av ämnesinnehåll bl.a. läroboken, lärarens intressen och preferenser, elevers och kollegors inflytande, lokala planeringsinstrument m.m. En skillnad som framträder mellan lärarna på de teoretiskt respektive pratiskt inriktade programmen är användningen av läroboken, men det råder även delade meningar bland lärarna om de lokala planeringsinstrumentens behov och betydelse för undervisningen. Resultatet visar att lärarna är tillfredsställda med samhällskunskapsämnets utformning och de tror inte att någon större framtida förändring kommer att ske med avseende på ämnesinnehållet. Men några av lärarna tror emellertid att vissa kunskapsområden och samhällsfrågor som exempelvis massmedia, livskunskap, globala frågor och miljöfrågor kommer att få större utrymme. / The purpose of this essay is to contribute to increased knowledge of high school teachers' understanding of the subject social science through a description and an analysis of teachers' aims and purpose of their instruction, regarding goals, contents and selection of subject contents. The overall research question for this work is: What understanding does high school teachers have of the contents and the teaching of the subject social science? Based on this purpose and this research question, the aim is to answer the didactic questions of what and why. To accomplish the purpose of the study, a qualitative method has been used, and five semi-structured interviews have been conducted with high school teachers who are teaching social science. The teachers in this study define the subject in terms of contents as well as in terms of blocs belonging. The study shows that the instruction in social science should contribute to, and aim for an understanding of society's structure and function, in addition to giving the students competence and skills regarding their function as citizens of a democratic society. Furthermore, the study shows that the aim is for the students to develop into good, independent, critical and resolute democratic citizens, with an interest in society, where the obtained knowledge can be put into a context. The result indicates that the fields of politics and economics, connected to the concept of democracy, constitute the base of the subject. The most central concept of the subject is democracy and most of the concepts are drawn from the fields of politics and economics. The study also shows that social science is a subject which is sensitive to current issues, and for that reason on-going events are given priority. Furthermore, it is shown that there are several factors that influence the teachers' choice of contents: for example the course books, the teacher’s own interests and preferences, as well as that of students' and colleagues', the local instrument used for planning etc. A difference, which appears between the teachers on the theoretical and practical programs, respectively, is the use of the course book, but there is no unity amongst the teachers concerning the need for and importance of the local planning instruments, regarding the instruction. Results show that the teachers are satisfied with the form of the subject social science, and that they believe that no extensive future change will occur, regarding the contents of the subjects. However, the teachers believe that certain fields, such as mass media, "life science", global issues as well as environmental issues will be given more space.
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”Dubbelt uppdrag blev trippelt”: måluppfyllelse, värdegrund och… marknadsföring! : - En kvalitativ studie av musiklärarens utåtriktade verksamhet / Double assignment turned out to be triple: fulfillment of learning objectives, work with values and ... marketing! : - A qualitative study of music teachers’ outreach activitiesScheffer, Rickard January 2015 (has links)
My research interest in the upcoming paper is the increased need for promotion of schools. I. e. the individual school´s needs to be able to show its existence, in the huge flow and availability of information; schools and universities, study circles, streamed lectures on the Internet, public schools and private schools, different educational directions, et cetera. The schools’ needs to market itself, make good PR and sell their pedagogical idea, and that has become increasingly important. My purpose is to clarify how music teachers, in the Swedish primary and secondary school, skills and competences are used in outreach activities within but also outside, the school premises. With outreach activities I mean here the kind of official events that have cultural, tradition-bearing moves and where music teachers often have an additional responsibility for implementation, such as Speech Days, Lucia celebrations, “Open School days”, PTA meetings, et cetera. Research issues 1) What is the significance of outreach activities expressed by music teachers and principals? 2) Which motives are expressed by the two occupation categories when it comes to outreach activities arranged by the school and how they can be related to the current governing documents? 3) To what extent are these activities and music teacher's work with these integrated in music as a school subject? Results Outreach music activities play a big role in getting students to develop and demonstrate the basic knowledge and the breadth to which they dedicated themselves through the school’s music classes. As a consequence of that all students have been able to assimilate basic music skills outreach activities has been important to show the excellence of the pupils which they are happy to show, both for their own lifelong and life-wide learning and the school's ability to do PR for it’s well-functioning music activities. This allows the school to continue the good pedagogical work when new students secure the economic basis for the future. If outreach activities are used to give students control over their learning in the right way, it can additionally help to ensure that students stimulates to take an active part in school development at various levels, locally, nationally and internationally. Music Teachers' motives for carrying out outreach activities varied between unequivocally curriculum-related goals, didactic goals at the individual level as well as PR and marketing-related reasons, with strong emphasis on the curriculum. A concrete motive for music teachers in the study was that all outreach activities are considered as good opportunities to "jam" with students, to gain experience through music situations similar to those that you can meet as a professional musician in the future, such as "master-apprentice" meetings. The strongest motive was to conduct outreach activities in relation to the substance in the curriculum, such as solo singing, choir, accompaniment, melody playing and to reflect on and discuss the importance of music, different genres, sound engineering, et cetera. For a couple of the principals the promotion of the school was of greater importance than for the others. They simply had to be so well performing that they each fall semester can attract a new first year class with students. Several of the principals in the study made a connection between the schools’ outreach activities and its work with values. There was an almost unanimous agreement that outreach music activities are an integral and very important part of school music education, both among music teachers and principals. However, there were a couple of principals and even music teachers, who argued that the very large outreach activities were not optimally timed opportunities for assessment. Especially the music teachers in the study were in this respect divided into half’s, where the majority on the contrary argued that outreach activities are very important formative and stimulating opportunities for assessment. Even in this respect, i. e. when it comes to how outreach activities can be integrated in music as a school subject, strong arguments can be made to have requirements of curriculum related issues like singing, ensemble playing, accompaniment, melody playing, sound engineering and really almost everything in the curricula. A polarization or loyalty conflict between prioritizing curriculum-related goals or PR did not seem to be verifiable, empirical data rather told that the participants in this study saw it as two activities in symbiosis. In contrast, some of the experienced music teachers spoke about the importance of "peeling off" unnecessary and costly project, and instead prioritize things that create greater opportunities for the student's musical learning.
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