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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le mouvement-liberté. Généalogie philosophique et littéraire d'un imaginaire politique (1897-2017) / Movement as freedom. A philosophical and literary genealogy of a political imaginary (1897-2017)

Jeusette, Julien 22 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse qui se situe au croisement de trois champs de recherche (la littérature, la philosophie, l’histoire des idées) a pour ambition de retracer la manière dont le déracinement, le nomadisme et l’errance ont été investis, à un moment donné de notre Histoire, d’une appréciation positive, au moment même où la sédentarité et l’enracinement se sont vus taxés de conservatisme ennuyeux. Nous postulons que ces évaluations particulières forment un imaginaire politique, dans la mesure où elles sous-tendent une conception particulière du pouvoir (conçu comme un pouvoir-bloquer, un pouvoir-figer) et une conception particulière (spatiale) de la liberté. Cet imaginaire politique, que nous avons nommé « mouvement-liberté » (tout discours axiologique valorisant le mouvement libre et infini, et dévalorisant l’immobilité, la sédentarité et l’enracinement), émerge dans Les Nourritures terrestres d’André Gide et dans Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra de Nietzsche à la fin du XIXe siècle. Nous montrons ensuite que ce discours s’amplifie au cours des années 1920-1930, notamment au sein des textes que nous avons qualifiés de « romans de fuite » ; la troisième partie de la thèse porte sur les années 1960-1970 et met en évidence la redondance discursive du « mouvement-liberté » au sein de la « French theory ». Alors que ces trois premières parties retracent la constitution et l’évolution de cet imaginaire politique minoritaire, la quatrième et dernière partie cherche à penser le retournement qui voit le mouvement-liberté phagocyté par la logique néolibérale. En effet, ce discours, qui était politiquement critique et explicitement de l’ordre du « contre-pouvoir » de la fin du XIXe siècle jusqu’aux années 1970, est aujourd’hui récupéré par le néolibéralisme, qui le revendique pour son propre compte et le travestit en « idéologie nomade » - nous montrons qu’il s’agit bien là d’un travestissement. La généalogie que nous proposons permet de saisir des infléchissements importants quant à l’histoire de la subjectivité et de la politique. / This dissertation is at the crossroads of three fields of research (literature, philosophy, history of ideas); it aims to understand the way in which, at a given moment of our History, uprooting, nomadism and wandering have been positively evaluated, while immobility and settled modes of life have been denigrated. These particular evaluations form a political imaginary, insofar as they underlie a specific conception of power (conceived as capacity to block, to freeze) and a specific (spatial) conception of freedom. This political imaginary, which we called "movement-as-freedom" (any axiological discourse valuing absolute movement and devaluing immobility, rootedness), emerges in André Gide's Nourritures Terrestres and in Nietsche’s Zarathustra at the end of the nineteenth century. We then show that this discourse is amplified during the years 1920-1930, especially in the texts that we called "novels of flight"; the third part of the thesis deals with the years 1960-1970 and highlights the discursive redundancy of "movement-as-freedom" within the French theory. While these first three parts retrace the constitution and the evolution of this minoritarian political imaginary, the fourth and last part seeks to think the recuperation of this discourse by the neoliberal logic. Indeed, this once politically critical discourse is now recuperated by neoliberalism, which praises mobility and despises stability. We focus on this ironic reversal in our last chapter. The genealogy we propose allows us to grasp important changes in the history of subjectivity and politics.

Le passage invisible : la voix dans la clinique des psychopathologies de la croyance / The invisible passage : the voice in the psychological clinic of belief

Delmont, Isabelle 18 April 2015 (has links)
Dans la confiance, l'infans scotomise psychiquement le chaos sonore qu'il ne peut pacifier autrement. Le vide sonore, né de cette rétraction volontaire de son attention, sera un espace impensable mais aussi le réservoir de créations psychiques à venir. Comme le potier "créé" le vide de son vase tout en le cachant, l'infans focalise ensuite son attention sur des sons privilégiés afin de voiler-dévoiler le vide de sa scotomisation. C'est une prosodie (entendue pour la première fois comme musicale) qui focalisera sur elle son attention ainsi libérée, et donnera forme à "ce vase" psychique. Sa réception de la prosodie d'un autre Sujet, enveloppant un vide étranger mais identique au sien, permet à un point de doute de percer la belle Confiance de l'infans, dont le restant ne sera plus dès lors qu'une Croyance. L'enfant peut enfin inventer dans l'échange avec cet autre Sujet ses premiers signifiants-musicaux prosodiques non verbaux, puis les charger -ensuite- d'affects au fur et à mesure de ses "associations d'idées". Pour le présent écrit, ce qui de l'affect n'est pas musicalisable est le premier objet de désir de l'inconscient du petit humain. Inconscient qui restera toujours structuré comme un langage musical. / Trust allows the infant to scotomise chaos's noises. Thus, he forms a void, born of a retraction of his attention. It is an unthinkable space. It is also the base for future mental creations. As the potter "creates" and "hides" simultaneously the emptiness of his vase, the infant will focus his attention on privileged sounds to generate (and hide) his scotomisation. Those human sounds will transform this "deaf hole" in a musical silence. The present doctoral study purpose is to investigate how a prosody can allow a subjectification of the infant, from a vacuum, when he heard it for the first time as a musical language. Therefore, the present dissertation argues that a prosody can create a Belief in the infant mind. Then, the Belief itself allows to bring into existence musical-signifiers, creating the desire. And creating also the unconscious of the child subjectivated. Unconscious formed as a musical language for ever.

La fonction du sujet et la temporalité des états délirants : prolégomènes à la clinique de l’extériorité / The function of the subject and the temporality of delusional states : prolegomena for the clinic of exteriority

Tyranowski, Raphaël Lucas 07 October 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail de recherche cherche à éclairer le rapport entre le sujet, le délire et le temps. Les prémisses de cette question sont essentiellement cliniques : dans notre pratique nous avons rencontré des patients délirants dont les états ont présenté des organisations subjectives qui ne pouvaient pas être ni décrites, ni comprises dans la terminologie traditionnelle de la psychiatrie ou de la psychologie. Cette expérience clinique nous a confronté à deux difficultés majeures : premièrement, les agencements subjectifs du délire contredisent souvent la conception du sujet dont dispose la psychologie, deuxièmement, dans de nombreux cas toute tentative de réduction de la forme clinique du délire à la conception médicale de l’évolution continue conduit à une méconnaissance du fondement subjectif de l’organisation temporelle du phénomène. Dans notre travail nous démontrons que le phénomène délirant demande un concept du sujet et une notion du temps qui répondent à l’exigence de sa structure clinique. D’abord, en réinterrogeant la clinique classique des états délirants dans la perspective structurale, nous expliquons pourquoi l’étude des états délirants nécessite une transgression du plan de la psychopathologie traditionnelle. Ensuite, sur le fond d’une élaboration approfondie du concept de temps logique, nous conceptualisons une approche clinique qui met en évidence que le rapport de la formation délirante au temps est une série discontinue de modes de subjectivation de la jouissance qui permet d’identifier la temporalité du délire à un agencement de la succession de modes de temporalisation. Ainsi notre recherche aboutit à démontrer la thèse qui postule une solidarité structurale de la fonction du sujet avec la fonction-temps dans la clinique des états délirants / The present research seeks to shed light on the relationship between the subject, delusion and time. The premises of this question are essentially clinical: in our practice we have encountered delusional patients whose states have presented subjective organizations that could not be described or understood in traditional terminology of psychiatry or psychology. This clinical experience has confronted us with two major difficulties: firstly, the subjective organization of the delusion often contradicts the psychological conception of the subject, secondly, in many cases the attempt to reduce the clinical form of delusion to the medical conception of continuous evolution leads to a ignorance of the subjective basis of the temporal organization of the phenomenon. In our work we demonstrate that the delusional phenomenon demands a concept of the subject and a notion of time, which meet the requirement of its clinical structure. Firstly, by re-examining the classic clinic of delusional states in the structural perspective, we explain why the study of delusional states requires a transgression of the traditional psychopathology approach. Then, on the basis of the detailed elaboration of the concept of logical time, we conceptualize a clinical approach, which shows that the relation between delusion formation and time is a discontinuous series of modes of subjectivation of jouissance which permit to identify the temporality of delusion with an arrangement of the succession of modes of temporalization. Thereby our research results in demonstrating the thesis, which postulates a structural solidarity of the function of the subject with the function-time in the clinic of delusional states.

Who am I? : subjectivities in the society of accountability

Bianchi, Amos January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral thesis Who Am I? Subjectivities in the Society of Accountability aims to demonstrate that accountability is one of the most powerful processes of subjectivation in our contemporary era. The background is constituted by ordinary daily practices, born from the propagation of digital media in the last twenty years. Accountability is defined as the peculiar anthropotechnic that derives from the extension of the subject in the form of the account. Account is defined as every extension of the subject in the digital world, so that these extensions are univocally attributable to a singular physical body of a singular human being. The concept of subjectivity is considered as outlined by Michel Foucault in the period 1977-1984. The dissertation also aims to demonstrate that the society of control, investigated by Foucault and Gilles Deleuze, finds its present fulfillment in the form of the society of accountability. Accountability is considered in three moments, connected by a circular movement instead of a causal sequence. The first moment describes how dispositives act on subjects. The scene of address is constituted by the request of performativity made by dispositives to the subject. This request takes place in the account, to be understood as the interface between dispositives and subjects. Secondly, the same process is taken in consideration from the point of view of the subject, who is invited to answer the question: Who am I? Thus the subject understands him/herself as a subjectivity without ground, because the hermeneutics of the self, derived from dispositives, finds the foreclosure of the referent as its foundation. In a third moment accountability is considered from the point of view of the statements (énoncés). The conversion of statements into information, and the statistical inferences operated on it (basically, the processes related to big data), are the focus of this moment. The outcome of this analysis is a second hermeneutics of the subject, characterised by the discourse of the master. Convergences and divergences between this (digital) hermeneutics, the Christian hermeneutics derived from the confession and the Cartesian moment are explored in order to outline the actual accountability as pastoral power and discourse of the master at the same time. In conclusion, accountability is considered as a possible ethics. If anomie and anonymity are excluded as far as they exclude the scene of address, and consequently the very possibility of existence of a bios, the valorisation of opacity is identified as the grounding of a possible ethical action based on freedom, an exercise of freedom to be understood as resilience to the complete panoptical visibility and the consequential proceduralisation of the scene of address.

Ofício de gestão em tempos de poder gerencialista : a potência da atividade para fazer crítica

Moro, Cibele Vargas Machado January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação toma como foco o trabalho de gestores de uma grande empresa pública brasileira da área de logística pela perspectiva da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia – ambas abordagens do escopo das Clínicas do Trabalho –, notadamente através da noção de atividade. Em interlocução com conceitos foucaultianos e da Esquizoanálise, consideramos os processos moleculares de singularização da/na atividade e sua potência de produção de desvio e resistência, pela problematização aos modos instituídos de trabalhar. Tomamos, ainda, a noção de poder gerencialista proposta por Vincent de Gaulejac enquanto ideologia que convoca subjetivamente os sujeitos em direção a um ideal que atenda às exigências do mundo econômico, prescrevendo modos de viver e trabalhar. Desse modo, buscamos acompanhar os movimentos da atividade dos gestores que lidam com o paradoxo de gerir a atividade dos subordinados, a qual escapa permanentemente às suas pretensões, investigando também as possibilidades de produção de crítica e resistência presentes nesse ofício, bem como sua relação com a expansão do poder de agir dos próprios gestores e dos coletivos de trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, orientamo-nos pelas pistas da cartografia e da dialogia e propomos a formação de coletivos de análise da atividade de gestão junto a gestores operacionais, a realização de visitas às unidades de trabalho e a análise de documentos relativos às normativas gerenciais. A análise dos materiais produzidos aponta para três eixos referentes à atividade dos gestores: os constantes esforços de renormatização empreendidos pelos gestores diante dos imprevistos e restrições do dia a dia; o encontro da atividade do gestor com a atividade de seus subordinados, produzindo-se por entre práticas de governo e a construção da confiança; e a dimensão política da construção do gênero profissional da gestão. Propomos, a partir desses aspectos, a discussão acerca de uma “gestão menor”, em sintonia com o devir do trabalho, aliando efeitos de crítica e clínica. / This dissertation takes focus on the work of managers of a large Brazilian public company from logistics field through the perspective of Clinic Activity and Ergology- both approaches the scope of the Clinics of Work - especially through the notion of activity. In dialogue with Foucault’s and Schizoanalysis concepts, we consider the molecular processes of singularizantion of / in activity and its power of production of deviation and endurance, by questioning the established ways of working. We also consider the notion of management power proposed by Vincent Gaulejac as an ideology that summons subjectively the subjects toward an ideal that meets the requirements of the economic world, prescribing ways of living and working. Thus, we seek to follow the movements of the activity of managers, who deal with the paradox of managing the activity of subordinates, which permanently escapes of their pretentions. We also investigate the production possibilities of critics and resistance present in this craft, as well as their relationship with the expansion of the power of acting of the managers and work collectives. From a methodological point of view, we take for guidance the ways of cartography and dialogy and propose the formation of collective of analysis for the management activity along with the operational managers, conducting visits to work units and the analysis of documents relating to the management regulations.The analysis of the produced materials points to three key axis regarding the activity of managers: the constant standardization efforts by managers facing the unexpected and restrictions of everyday life; the meeting of the managers activity with the activity of their subordinates, producing among governance practices and building trust; and the political dimension of the construction of professional management gender. We propose from these aspects, the discussion about a "smaller management", in tune with the becoming work, combining effects of criticism and clinic.

Genealogy Through the Decolonial Turn: Cultivating Critical Attitudes

Nigh, Amy 06 September 2018 (has links)
This thesis offers a reconsideration of the contentious relationship between Michel Foucault and postcolonial thought through the decolonial turn, by interpreting critique as attitude. The discussion of continuity in Foucault’s work on subjectivity, between his genealogical and ethical periods, leads to an understanding of critical attitude as a mode of critique and self-critique that depends on genealogy as a method of historical inquiry. Meanwhile, the shift away from European modes of rationality described by the decolonial turn in philosophy, proposes an approach to social transformation and the dismantling of Eurocentrism through understanding critique as operative in terms of the decolonial attitude. A comparison of these two attitudes as modes of critique provides common ground for the recognition of their mutual compatibility as techniques for reinterpreting history that also work in the service of contending with coloniality.

Ofício de gestão em tempos de poder gerencialista : a potência da atividade para fazer crítica

Moro, Cibele Vargas Machado January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação toma como foco o trabalho de gestores de uma grande empresa pública brasileira da área de logística pela perspectiva da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia – ambas abordagens do escopo das Clínicas do Trabalho –, notadamente através da noção de atividade. Em interlocução com conceitos foucaultianos e da Esquizoanálise, consideramos os processos moleculares de singularização da/na atividade e sua potência de produção de desvio e resistência, pela problematização aos modos instituídos de trabalhar. Tomamos, ainda, a noção de poder gerencialista proposta por Vincent de Gaulejac enquanto ideologia que convoca subjetivamente os sujeitos em direção a um ideal que atenda às exigências do mundo econômico, prescrevendo modos de viver e trabalhar. Desse modo, buscamos acompanhar os movimentos da atividade dos gestores que lidam com o paradoxo de gerir a atividade dos subordinados, a qual escapa permanentemente às suas pretensões, investigando também as possibilidades de produção de crítica e resistência presentes nesse ofício, bem como sua relação com a expansão do poder de agir dos próprios gestores e dos coletivos de trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, orientamo-nos pelas pistas da cartografia e da dialogia e propomos a formação de coletivos de análise da atividade de gestão junto a gestores operacionais, a realização de visitas às unidades de trabalho e a análise de documentos relativos às normativas gerenciais. A análise dos materiais produzidos aponta para três eixos referentes à atividade dos gestores: os constantes esforços de renormatização empreendidos pelos gestores diante dos imprevistos e restrições do dia a dia; o encontro da atividade do gestor com a atividade de seus subordinados, produzindo-se por entre práticas de governo e a construção da confiança; e a dimensão política da construção do gênero profissional da gestão. Propomos, a partir desses aspectos, a discussão acerca de uma “gestão menor”, em sintonia com o devir do trabalho, aliando efeitos de crítica e clínica. / This dissertation takes focus on the work of managers of a large Brazilian public company from logistics field through the perspective of Clinic Activity and Ergology- both approaches the scope of the Clinics of Work - especially through the notion of activity. In dialogue with Foucault’s and Schizoanalysis concepts, we consider the molecular processes of singularizantion of / in activity and its power of production of deviation and endurance, by questioning the established ways of working. We also consider the notion of management power proposed by Vincent Gaulejac as an ideology that summons subjectively the subjects toward an ideal that meets the requirements of the economic world, prescribing ways of living and working. Thus, we seek to follow the movements of the activity of managers, who deal with the paradox of managing the activity of subordinates, which permanently escapes of their pretentions. We also investigate the production possibilities of critics and resistance present in this craft, as well as their relationship with the expansion of the power of acting of the managers and work collectives. From a methodological point of view, we take for guidance the ways of cartography and dialogy and propose the formation of collective of analysis for the management activity along with the operational managers, conducting visits to work units and the analysis of documents relating to the management regulations.The analysis of the produced materials points to three key axis regarding the activity of managers: the constant standardization efforts by managers facing the unexpected and restrictions of everyday life; the meeting of the managers activity with the activity of their subordinates, producing among governance practices and building trust; and the political dimension of the construction of professional management gender. We propose from these aspects, the discussion about a "smaller management", in tune with the becoming work, combining effects of criticism and clinic.

A avaliação como dispositivo de subjetivação

Bertoldo, Fernanda 19 June 2012 (has links)
A presente dissertação ancora-se na Linha de Pesquisa História e Filosofia da Educação do Mestrado em Educação da Universidade de Caxias do Sul e problematiza os processos de avaliação escolar em uma perspectiva genealógica. O problema de pesquisa questiona as formas pelas quais a avaliação escolar vem funcionando como um dispositivo na produção de modos de subjetivação. Como referencial teórico, são tomados, principalmente, os conceitos de dispositivo e subjetivação desenvolvidos por Michel Foucault. A investigação está circunscrita a documentos que legislam sobre os processos de educação e, mais especificamente, que regulam o processo de avaliação escolar. O primeiro documento utilizado na análise é datado de janeiro de 1828; a partir dele, apuram-se os enunciados sobre o processo de avaliação até a última LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96) e os pareceres e decretos decorrentes. Os documentos foram obtidos, na maior parte, em um acervo de leis e documentos denominado Base Legis. Nos documentos, buscam-se as condições de possibilidades de um discurso de avaliação em cada formação discursiva. Salienta-se que as análises não operam com juízos a respeito dos processos de avaliação, mas com as condições históricas de seu funcionamento. Diante disso, considera-se o pressuposto de que avaliação vem a ser um determinado dispositivo tecido em diferentes relações de poder e saber, na produção de determinados modos de subjetivação. A análise é produzida a partir da noção de descontinuidade da história. Procura-se pôr em evidência os deslocamentos de discursos que produzem rupturas nos modos de funcionamento, aqui circunscritos na produção – via dispositivo da avaliação – de ―bons cristãos‖ e ―bons cidadãos‖, de um modelo de exclusão e outro de inclusão, bem como a produção da lógica disciplinar na avaliação, atravessada nos sujeitos da escola. A análise não é forjada de modo a caracterizar uma história global, nem mesmo uma forma linear de história, mas a partir da noção de descontinuidade da história. O que se tentou produzir foi uma problematização acerca da constituição desse sujeito da educação pelo processo de avaliação, e isso só foi possível com o rompimento da noção de um sujeito identitário, unitário e autônomo. Interessa a constituição dos modos de ser, em suas relações de poder e saber. Entende-se, assim, a avaliação com um dispositivo – que engloba e coloca em funcionamento os sujeitos, como uma rede que se tece nas arquiteturas das escolas e fora delas; passa pelos comportamentos convencionados, pela dinâmica de circulação; está presente na valoração dos valores morais, nos enunciados científicos, nas legislações, nas organizações espaçotemporais, enfim, nos meandros do que se é, do que se faz e do que se fala. Dessa forma, pode-se afirmar que o dispositivo está inscrito numa linha de força, ligado a configurações de poder que efetivam determinados modos de subjetivação, os quais, nesse processo, produzem os cidadãos, os incluídos e os disciplinados e normatizados que cobrem todo corpo social. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-09T16:12:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Bertoldo.pdf: 2497917 bytes, checksum: 893044e524dc4683c30e7daf8e5adcf9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-09T16:12:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Fernanda Bertoldo.pdf: 2497917 bytes, checksum: 893044e524dc4683c30e7daf8e5adcf9 (MD5) / This master‘s thesis is anchored on the research line for History and Philosophy of Education at the Master‘s Program at the University of Caxias do Sul and it discusses the processes of school assessment under a genealogical perspective. The research problem questions the ways through which school assessment has been functioning as a device in the production of modes of subjectivation. As theoretical references, the concepts for devices and subjectivation developed by Michel Foucault are the main support. The investigation is confined to documents that legislate on processes of education and, more specifically, that rule the process for school assessment. The first document used in the analysis is dated January 1828; from it the statements regarding the process of assessment up to the latest LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96) and the stated opinions and decrees resulting from it. The documents were obtained – in its majority – at a document collection called Base Legis. In the documents, conditions for the possibilities of a discourse on assessment in each discourse formation are investigated. It is pointed out that the analyses do not operate based on judgements regarding assessment processes, but on the historical conditions of its functioning. Hence, the assumption that assessment turns out to be a certain device woven in different relationships of power and knowledge, in the production of certain ways of subjectivation. The analysis starts from the notion of historical discontinuity. There is an attempt to highlight the dislocations in discourses that produce ruptures in the functioning, here limited to the production – via assessment – of ―good Christians‖ and ―good citizens‖, from a model of exclusion and one of inclusion, as well as the production of disciplinary logic in assessment going through the subjects of school. The analysis is not forged in such a way as to characterize a global history, not even a linear history, but from the notion of discontinuity of history. What has been attempted was to produce a problematization about the constitution of that subject of the education by the assessment process, and that was only possible with the rupture of the notion of an identity subject, which is unitary and autonomous. There is an interest on the constitution of the ways of being, in their relationships with power and knowledge. Thus, assessment is understood as a device that encompasses and sets up the subjects as a network that is woven in the architecture of schools and out of it; going through behaviors agreed upon, the dynamic of circulation; it is present in the valuation of moral values, in scientific utterances, in legislations, in timeline organizations; in short, in the entanglement of what one is, of what one says, and what one does. That way, it is possible to state that the device is inscribed in a line of power, connected to configurations of power that can put into effect certain ways of subjectivation, which in this process produce citizens, the included, disciplined and standardized ones who cover the entire social body.

Ofício de gestão em tempos de poder gerencialista : a potência da atividade para fazer crítica

Moro, Cibele Vargas Machado January 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação toma como foco o trabalho de gestores de uma grande empresa pública brasileira da área de logística pela perspectiva da Clínica da Atividade e da Ergologia – ambas abordagens do escopo das Clínicas do Trabalho –, notadamente através da noção de atividade. Em interlocução com conceitos foucaultianos e da Esquizoanálise, consideramos os processos moleculares de singularização da/na atividade e sua potência de produção de desvio e resistência, pela problematização aos modos instituídos de trabalhar. Tomamos, ainda, a noção de poder gerencialista proposta por Vincent de Gaulejac enquanto ideologia que convoca subjetivamente os sujeitos em direção a um ideal que atenda às exigências do mundo econômico, prescrevendo modos de viver e trabalhar. Desse modo, buscamos acompanhar os movimentos da atividade dos gestores que lidam com o paradoxo de gerir a atividade dos subordinados, a qual escapa permanentemente às suas pretensões, investigando também as possibilidades de produção de crítica e resistência presentes nesse ofício, bem como sua relação com a expansão do poder de agir dos próprios gestores e dos coletivos de trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, orientamo-nos pelas pistas da cartografia e da dialogia e propomos a formação de coletivos de análise da atividade de gestão junto a gestores operacionais, a realização de visitas às unidades de trabalho e a análise de documentos relativos às normativas gerenciais. A análise dos materiais produzidos aponta para três eixos referentes à atividade dos gestores: os constantes esforços de renormatização empreendidos pelos gestores diante dos imprevistos e restrições do dia a dia; o encontro da atividade do gestor com a atividade de seus subordinados, produzindo-se por entre práticas de governo e a construção da confiança; e a dimensão política da construção do gênero profissional da gestão. Propomos, a partir desses aspectos, a discussão acerca de uma “gestão menor”, em sintonia com o devir do trabalho, aliando efeitos de crítica e clínica. / This dissertation takes focus on the work of managers of a large Brazilian public company from logistics field through the perspective of Clinic Activity and Ergology- both approaches the scope of the Clinics of Work - especially through the notion of activity. In dialogue with Foucault’s and Schizoanalysis concepts, we consider the molecular processes of singularizantion of / in activity and its power of production of deviation and endurance, by questioning the established ways of working. We also consider the notion of management power proposed by Vincent Gaulejac as an ideology that summons subjectively the subjects toward an ideal that meets the requirements of the economic world, prescribing ways of living and working. Thus, we seek to follow the movements of the activity of managers, who deal with the paradox of managing the activity of subordinates, which permanently escapes of their pretentions. We also investigate the production possibilities of critics and resistance present in this craft, as well as their relationship with the expansion of the power of acting of the managers and work collectives. From a methodological point of view, we take for guidance the ways of cartography and dialogy and propose the formation of collective of analysis for the management activity along with the operational managers, conducting visits to work units and the analysis of documents relating to the management regulations.The analysis of the produced materials points to three key axis regarding the activity of managers: the constant standardization efforts by managers facing the unexpected and restrictions of everyday life; the meeting of the managers activity with the activity of their subordinates, producing among governance practices and building trust; and the political dimension of the construction of professional management gender. We propose from these aspects, the discussion about a "smaller management", in tune with the becoming work, combining effects of criticism and clinic.

(De)mortgaging lives : financialisation, biopolitics and political subjectivation in the Barcelona metropolitan region

García Lamarca, Melissa January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on one instance of housing financialisation, mortgagedebt and political subjectivation through considering the mortgaging anddemortgaging of life in the Barcelona metropolitan region from 1997 to 2014.My original contributions to knowledge are illustrating how the financialisationof housing equates to the financialisation of life; operationalising a biopoliticalreading of mortgaged homeownership and showing how politicalsubjectivation is not an act or event but an accumulation of learned practices‘from below’. A heterodox, Marxist-inspired political economic perspectiveand ethnographic engagement with (formerly) mortgaged homeowners in thehousing rights movement the Platform for Mortgage Affected People (PAH) inthe Barcelona metropolitan region are used to explore the mortgaging anddemortgaging of life. To consider the former, I connect the political economicprocesses driving the financialisation of housing during Spain’s 1997-2007housing boom to the lived experience of people unable to pay theirmortgage, facing foreclosure and eviction, in the Barcelona metropolitanregion. In other words, I weave together the macro processes and microrealities underlying the mortgaging of life. To understand the demortgaging oflife, I consider the processes of political subjectivation of mortgage-affectedpeople through their collective struggles with the PAH to get their mortgagedebt forgiven, to block evictions and to occupy empty bank-owned housing,among others. The thesis sheds light onto how life becomes a keycomponent of (urban) capital accumulation strategies, and thus thedevelopment of urban futures, and how financialised and biopoliticaltechnologies of power related to (mortgage) debt can be disrupted.

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