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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Glycerol‑bound oxidized fatty acids: formation and occurrence in peanuts

Störmer, Lars, Globisch, Martin, Henle, Thomas 08 April 2024 (has links)
For peanuts, roasted at 170 °C, the formation of selected glycerol-bound oxidized fatty acids (GOFAs), namely 9-oxononanoic acid (9-ONA), azelaic acid (AZA) and octanoic acid, was observed by GC-MS (EI). The content of octanoic acid as well as AZA increased with continuous roasting time (from 59 mg/kg peanut oil to 101 mg/kg peanut oil and from not detectable to 8 mg/kg peanut oil, respectively), whereas the content of 9-ONA initially decreased from 25 mg/kg peanut oil to 8 mg/kg peanut oil (20 min) and increased again up to 37 mg/kg peanut oil following roasting for 40 min. Due to its aldehyde function, 9-ONA could contribute to amino acid side chain modifications as a result of lipation, which could directly influence the functional properties of peanut proteins. Both 9-ONA and octanoic acid are potential markers of thermal processes. Furthermore, in model experiments using methyl linoleate and methyl oleate, up to 18 oxidized fatty acids could be identified as methyl esters, 9-ONA as well as octanoic acid as major components and a faster formation of GOFAs under roasting conditions (170 °C, 20 min). In addition, 9-ONA contributes to the formation of AZA and octanoic acid in both free and bound form as a result of oxidative subsequent reactions in presence of iron (III).

Crack Monitoring on Concrete Structures using Robust Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors

Herbers, Max, Richter, Bertram, Marx, Steffen 16 January 2025 (has links)
The possibility to measure strains continuously using distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS) offers enormous potential for structural health monitoring. Cracks can be automatically detected, localized and crack widths calculated. To address the relevant questions of choosing the right DFOS and appropriate application technique for monitoring existing structures, two 4 m long reinforced concrete beams were loaded under service loads in a 4-point bending test. The DFOS were either bonded directly to the smooth concrete surface or along a groove. For comparison, another DFOS was integrated into the specimen. It is demonstrated that with the used adhesive, a good strain transfer from the specimen to the DFOS can be ensured even with subsequent installation. In order to detect all cracks with high reliability, robust DFOS with a monolithic cross section should be preferred for the practical use. The accuracy of crack width measurement was verified through Reference measurement via digital image correlation. For the monolithic DFOS, all measurement deviations were within the tolerance range of ±0.05 mm. With layered sensing cables, significant misinterpretations occurred due to strongly damped strain curves.

Concordance entre les interventions de l’infirmière et de médecins spécialistes dans la prise en charge des fractures de fragilisation

Senay, Andréa 09 1900 (has links)
Introduction. L’ostéoporose est une maladie chronique habituellement asymptomatique jusqu’à ce qu’il y ait fracture de fragilisation (FF). Ces fractures engendrent des coûts importants dont une partie pourrait être évitée par la prise en charge de ces patients pour l’ostéoporose. L’implantation d’un programme de prévention des fractures subséquentes géré par des infirmières en orthopédie pourrait permettre de parer à ces problèmes. Objectifs. L’objectif principal de ce projet était de déterminer si une infirmière peut gérer de façon efficace et sécuritaire un service de liaison pour fracture. Méthode. Les décisions cliniques d’infirmières entre 2010 et 2012 pour 525 patients d’un service de liaison pour fracture à l’étude ont été évaluées par deux médecins spécialistes indépendants avec expertise dans les soins pour l’ostéoporose. Résultats. Les infirmières ont pu identifier la totalité des sujets à risque et référer 26.7% de ceux-ci à un spécialiste. L’accord entre chacun des évaluateurs et les infirmières était de >97%. Les évaluateurs ont donné les mêmes réponses à >96% pour chaque type de décision et le niveau d’accord inter-juge était presque parfait (AC1 >0.960). Aucune référence n’a été jugée inutile. Les comorbidités majeures ont toutes été prises en charge. Conclusion. L’accord élevé entre les décisions cliniques des infirmières et des médecins évaluateurs démontre que la prise en charge par une infirmière est sécuritaire et recommandable pour les patients avec FF. Ce type d’intervention pourrait contribuer à résoudre les problèmes d’accessibilité aux soins chez les patients avec fragilité osseuse, ainsi qu’à diminuer le fardeau économique que représente le traitement des FF pour la société. / Introduction. Osteoporosis is a chronic condition which is usually asymptomatic until a fragility fracture (FF) occurs. These fractures lead to increased morbidity and mortality in patients. Moreover, a major care gap exists in the investigation for bone fragility and initiation of treatment for individuals who sustain a FF. The implementation of a subsequent fracture prevention program managed by nurses could be the key in resolving these problems. Objectives. The main objective of this project was to determine if a nurse can manage safely and efficiently a fracture liaison service (FLS). Methods. Clinical decisions of nurses for 525 subjects in a studied FLS between 2010 and 2012 were assessed by two independent physicians with expertise in osteoporosis treatment. Results. The nurses succeeded in identifying all patients at risk and referred 26.7% of patients to a specialist. Thereby, they managed 73.3% of subjects with FF. No needless referrals were made according to both physicians. Agreement between each evaluator and the nurses was of >97%. Physicians’ decisions were the same in >96% for each type of decision and AC1 coefficient was of >0.960 (almost perfect level of agreement). All major comorbidities were adequately managed. Conclusion. High agreement between nurses and physicians’ clinical decisions indicate that the management by a nurse of a FLS is safe and recommended for patients with FF. This kind of intervention could help resolve the existing care gap in osteoporosis care as well as the societal economic burden associated with treatment of FF.

L'application dans le temps des décisions QPC / Temporal application of QPC decisions of the french Conseil constitutionnel

Benigni, Marina 12 November 2018 (has links)
La question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC), instaurée en 2008, permet au Conseil constitutionnel de se prononcer sur la conformité d’une disposition législative déjà entrée en vigueur, aux « droits et libertés que la Constitution garantit ». Les effets substantiels des décisions QPC, c'est-à-dire la suppression ou la modification d’une disposition législative par le prononcé d’une inconstitutionnalité ou d’une réserve d’interprétation, peuvent se révéler importants compte tenu de la portée erga omnes de ces décisions. C’est alors par la maîtrise de leur application temporelle que les effets substantiels vont être encadrés voire modérés. Certains effets temporels revêtent un caractère automatique : la décision QPC en tant qu’elle porte sur une norme (la disposition législative en cause), s’insère dans l’ordonnancement juridique et, à ce titre, génère des conflits de normes. Par ailleurs, les effets temporels peuvent également, et surtout, être choisis par le Conseil constitutionnel, par l’utilisation de son pouvoir de modulation. Ce pouvoir a été conçu de manière à laisser une grande liberté au Conseil constitutionnel. Dans une démarche d’efficacité, le juge constitutionnel s’est fixé l’objectif de faire bénéficier le justiciable d’un« effet utile » de ses décisions et a par conséquent valorisé l’usage de la rétroactivité. Cependant, la liberté seule n’assure pas une pleine maîtrise de ce pouvoir de modulation et ce même pouvoir est parfois insuffisant pour régir les effets substantiels des décisions QPC. La thèse contribue, sur la base d’une analyse exhaustive de l’ensemble des décisions QPC du Conseil et de trèsnombreuses décisions dites « retour de QPC » des juridictions ordinaires, à étudier ces insuffisances et notamment le manque de réflexion sur la compatibilité entre la technique de la modulation et l’office du juge constitutionnel et sur la nécessité d’une collaboration avec les juridictions ordinaires. / The priority question of constitutionality (QPC), created in 2008, allows the french Constitutional Council to operate a judicial review of an adopted law. The substantial effects of a QPC decision, ie the abolition or the modification of a legislation by pronouncing its unconstitutionality or by interpreting it in accordance with the Constitution, can be considerable given the erga omnes impact of these decisions. These substantial effects can however be controlled or moderated by the temporal effects. Some temporal effects are inevitable: the QPCdecision since it concerns a norm (the law), integrates with the legal order and generates norms’ conflicts. Otherwise the temporal effects can be chosen by the Constitutional Council thanks to the ability of modulating the temporal effects of its decisions. This jurisdictional technical lets total liberty to the Constitutional Council. The court, in an efficacy perspective, sets the objectiveof giving a « useful effect » to the litigant and thus accords value to retroactivity. Yet this liberty alone isn’t enough to provide a complete control of this modulating ability and this ability can’t regulate all the substantial effects. This thesis, based on an exhaustive jurisprudential analysis ofthe QPC decisions, aims to study these difficulties and especially the lack of reflection about the compatibility of the technical into the judicial office of the court and about the essential collaboration with the ordinary jurisdictions.

Verformungsverfestigung bei zyklisch inkrementeller Torsion von Reineisen und dem Stahl 42CrMo4N / Strain hardening of pure iron and steel 42CrMo4N under cyclic incremental torsion

Kuprin, Corinna 12 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Fließverhalten von Stählen bei zyklisch inkrementeller Torsion. Dazu werden vergleichend Reineisen und der ferritisch-perlitische Stahl 42CrMo4N bei unterschiedlichen Verformungspfaden betrachtet. Vor allem in zyklischen Torsionsversuchen mit bleibendem Verformungsinkrement je Zyklus werden Fließkurvenverläufe und Verformungsverfestigung analysiert. Die Ergebnisse belegen den Einfluss des lamellaren Zementit auf das Fließverhalten des Stahls 42CrMo4N, während die Eigenschaften des Reineisens von der entstehenden Versetzungszellstruktur bestimmt werden. Die Richtungsabhängigkeit der Fließspannung und die Verläufe der Fließkurven unterscheiden sich für die betrachteten Werkstoffe deutlich. Fließortkurven dienen der quantitativen Beschreibung der Verfestigung. Die Vorgehensweise zu ihrer Ermittlung und ihre Abhängigkeit von den Versuchsbedingungen und den Verformungszuständen werden gezeigt. Bei Reineisen dominieren isotrope, bei dem Stahl 42CrMo4N kinematische Verfestigungsanteile das Fließverhalten. / Ferritic-pearlitic steel 42CrMo4N and pure iron under different strain paths are compared regarding their flow behaviour. Mainly in cyclic torsion tests with resulting strain increment per cycle shear stresses and strain hardening are analysed. The results show, that the cementite lamellae determine the flow behaviour of the steel 42CrMo4N, whereas the properties of pure iron are governed by the evolving dislocation cell structure. The dependency of flow stress on the strain direction is different for the two materials. Yield surfaces describe strain hardening quantitatively. The procedure for yield point detection and the dependency of subsequent yield surfaces on experimental conditions and strain states is shown. For pure iron isotropic hardening, for steel 42CrMo4N kinematic strain hardening dominates the flow behaviour.

Příčinná souvislost v občanském právu / Causal nexus in civil law

Smička, Martin January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an insight into the topic of causation in law and to acquaint its reader with the common methods of proving the causation before courts. Among the most used methods such as the 'but for' test, this paper focuses on specific aspects of this topic which were introduced to the Czech legal system together with the adoption of the Civil Code 2014. The thesis also includes description and analysis of alternatively used methods of proving 'multiple causation' cases such as the theory of 'loss of chance' and 'pure economic loss'. Among this analysis the comparison between Czech and British legal system is used extensively. The core of this thesis is the effort to confirm or to refute the hypothesis that despite the Czech legal system does not officially recognize distinction between 'factual causation' and 'legal causation' as it is done in the British legal system, methods from both categories are actively used by Czech courts. This paper also aims to analyze whether, due to the fact that recognition between 'factual causation' and 'legal causation' is not explicitly expressed in the Czech legal system, does exist any negative or positive impact on judicial decisions. The last goal of this thesis is to demonstrate whether, similarly as in the British law, the significant number...

Verformungsverfestigung bei zyklisch inkrementeller Torsion von Reineisen und dem Stahl 42CrMo4N

Kuprin, Corinna 04 October 2012 (has links)
Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Fließverhalten von Stählen bei zyklisch inkrementeller Torsion. Dazu werden vergleichend Reineisen und der ferritisch-perlitische Stahl 42CrMo4N bei unterschiedlichen Verformungspfaden betrachtet. Vor allem in zyklischen Torsionsversuchen mit bleibendem Verformungsinkrement je Zyklus werden Fließkurvenverläufe und Verformungsverfestigung analysiert. Die Ergebnisse belegen den Einfluss des lamellaren Zementit auf das Fließverhalten des Stahls 42CrMo4N, während die Eigenschaften des Reineisens von der entstehenden Versetzungszellstruktur bestimmt werden. Die Richtungsabhängigkeit der Fließspannung und die Verläufe der Fließkurven unterscheiden sich für die betrachteten Werkstoffe deutlich. Fließortkurven dienen der quantitativen Beschreibung der Verfestigung. Die Vorgehensweise zu ihrer Ermittlung und ihre Abhängigkeit von den Versuchsbedingungen und den Verformungszuständen werden gezeigt. Bei Reineisen dominieren isotrope, bei dem Stahl 42CrMo4N kinematische Verfestigungsanteile das Fließverhalten. / Ferritic-pearlitic steel 42CrMo4N and pure iron under different strain paths are compared regarding their flow behaviour. Mainly in cyclic torsion tests with resulting strain increment per cycle shear stresses and strain hardening are analysed. The results show, that the cementite lamellae determine the flow behaviour of the steel 42CrMo4N, whereas the properties of pure iron are governed by the evolving dislocation cell structure. The dependency of flow stress on the strain direction is different for the two materials. Yield surfaces describe strain hardening quantitatively. The procedure for yield point detection and the dependency of subsequent yield surfaces on experimental conditions and strain states is shown. For pure iron isotropic hardening, for steel 42CrMo4N kinematic strain hardening dominates the flow behaviour.

Retensiestrategieë as teenvoeter vir vroeë beroepsverlating onder maatskaplike werkers

Adlem, Anri Gretha 30 November 2007 (has links)
The serious shortage of social workers (nationally) caused by their exodus from the profession at an alarming rate and the resultant classification of social work as a "scare skill" served as motivation for this research project into retention strategies to retain social workers for the profession. A qualitative research approach and an explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed to conduct semi-structured interviews with 15 purposely selected participants in the geographically defined boundaries of the Northern Free State and Gauteng. Tesch's (in Creswell, 1994) and Guba's models (in Krefting, 1991) aided the processes of data collection and verification, respectively. The research findings uncovered: general and specific reasons for the social workers' exodus, feelings and emotional reactions of social workers subsequent to the early exodus from the profession, and retention proposals to retain social workers. Based on the findings, recommendation directed to practice, education, policy and further research, were made. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

Retensiestrategieë as teenvoeter vir vroeë beroepsverlating onder maatskaplike werkers

Adlem, Anri Gretha 30 November 2007 (has links)
The serious shortage of social workers (nationally) caused by their exodus from the profession at an alarming rate and the resultant classification of social work as a "scare skill" served as motivation for this research project into retention strategies to retain social workers for the profession. A qualitative research approach and an explorative, descriptive and contextual research design was employed to conduct semi-structured interviews with 15 purposely selected participants in the geographically defined boundaries of the Northern Free State and Gauteng. Tesch's (in Creswell, 1994) and Guba's models (in Krefting, 1991) aided the processes of data collection and verification, respectively. The research findings uncovered: general and specific reasons for the social workers' exodus, feelings and emotional reactions of social workers subsequent to the early exodus from the profession, and retention proposals to retain social workers. Based on the findings, recommendation directed to practice, education, policy and further research, were made. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Social Work)

Posouzení návratnosti investice do nízkoenergetického nebo pasivního rodinného domu / Assessment of Return on Investment in a Low-energy or Passive House

Ryba, Radim January 2014 (has links)
The subjects of this thesis are low-energy and passive houses. The main objective is to compare the acquisition costs and operating cost of the low energy and passive houses with conventional construction of houses offering the real estate market, respectively evaluating of investments in energy-efficient buildings. Furthermore, the work focuses on the history, properties and basic problems of designing energy efficient buildings with subsequent by an assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of their implementation. Klíčová slova

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