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[pt] Esta dissertação documenta e analisa os empréstimos concedidos pela Finep entre 2004 e 2017. São respondidas as seguintes questões: Qual a magnitude dos subsídios? Como têm evoluído? Como variam entre indústrias e regiões? Na amostra analisada, o valor médio dos subsídios implícitos nos empréstimos é de 8,6 milhões, sendo maior para contratos com taxas de juros pré-fixadas: 10,9 milhões de reais, ou 21,5 porcento do valor presente dos empréstimos. Para os empréstimos pósfixados, indexados pela TJLP, o subsídio médio é menor, mas ainda assim relevante: 2,6 milhões de reais ou 11,7 porcento do valor presente dos empréstimos. Tanto os valores dos empréstimos quanto os subsídios concedidos foram substancialmente elevados a partir de 2008, atingindo seus picos entre 2013 e 2014. As indústrias de transformação e as regiões Sudeste e Sul tem sido as maiores beneficiárias. / [en] This dissertation documents and analyses the loans granted by Finep between 2004 and 2017. The following questions are answered: What is the magnitude of the subsidies? How have they evolved? How do they vary among industries and regions? In the analyzed sample, the average value of implicit subsidies per loan is 8,6 million reais, higher for contracts with pre-fixed interest rates: 10,9 million reais, or 21,5 percent of the loans present value. For post-fixed loans, indexed to the TJLP, average subsidy is lower, but still significant: 2,6 million reais or 11,7 percent of the loans present value. Both the amount of the loans and the subsidies were substantially increased from 2008, reaching peaks between 2013 and 2014. Transformation industries and the Southeast and South regions have been the biggest beneficiaries.
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由WTO民用航空器爭端案論SCM協定補貼及出口補貼之認定 / The determination of subsidies and export subsidies under SCM agreement: an analysis of WTO civil aircraft disputes林良怡 Unknown Date (has links)
由於民用航空器產業之經濟特性,補貼成為該產業發展之必要支柱,然因補貼係不公平之貿易行為,因此在WTO下曾引發數個民用航空器補貼爭端,包括巴西與加拿大間之區域航空器補貼案及美國與歐盟間之大型民用航空器補貼爭議。有鑑於民用航空器產業之特殊性,本文主要之研究目的在於探究SCM協定下對於民用航空器補貼及出口補貼之認定基準。本文以巴西與加拿大間之區域航空器補貼案小組與上訴機構之判定基準為基礎,輔以其他WTO裁決先例,分析「歐盟─大型民用航空器補貼案」美歐訴狀中之主張,試圖推斷本案小組對於爭端措施可能之裁決、解析過往案例中未曾闡釋之補貼要件,以期能進一步釐清SCM協定補貼及出口補貼要件之認定。 / Because of the economic characteristics of the civil aircraft industry, subsidies in practice are deemed necessary for the development of the industry. Subsidy measures taken by WTO members will distort resource allocations, and may have an adverse effect on other members. In this connection, there are 7 civil aircraft subsidy disputes under the WTO so far, including 3 regional civil aircraft disputes between Canada and Brazil and 4 large civil aircraft disputes between the United States and European Communities. In view of the fact that the civil aircraft industry possesses certain special features, the main purpose of the thesis is to analyze the requirements of determination of civil aircraft subsidies and export subsidies under the SCM Agreement. In order to further clarify the determinations of subsidies and export subsidies under the SCM Agreement, the author will take the findings in the Canada and Brazil disputes and other WTO preceding cases as the basis to analyze the arguments in the United States and European Communities written submissions of European Communities- Measures Affecting Trade in Large Civil Aircraft, try to presume the panel rulings of that case, and explore the subsidy conditions never explained by WTO preceding cases.
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Čerpání dotačních titulů finančních zdrojů EU na rozvoj bydlení v Českých Budějovicích / Drawing of financial subsidies EU for the development of housing in České BudějoviceTIBITANZLOVÁ, Hana January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze, assess and evaluate potential funding from the European Union and the Czech public budgets and their influence on the development of housing in the České Budějovice. The work is divided into two parts. The first part, theoretical, deals with the description of housing, household property and financial resources of the European Union and the public budget of the Czech Republic. The second part, practical, examines the application of theoretical knowledge. Evaluation of financial aid options for individual residential houses.
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America’s College Promise: An Economic Evaluation of President Obama’s Free Community College PlanGuan, Yue 01 January 2015 (has links)
In his 2015 State of the Union Address, President Obama announced “America’s College Promise,” a plan to make community college free for all American families making less than $200,000. In this thesis, I provide an analysis of the plan and provide an evaluation of its potential impact on the education attainment gap in the United States. I also evaluate the plan’s various components and assess its potential impact on community college student enrollment, completion, and transfer to four-year universities. Lastly, I offer recommendations for improvement.
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Direct payment subsidies and the impact on farm land prices: a cross-country comparative evaluationRupp, Magnus January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Mykel Taylor / Agriculture subsidization policies have a long history and have been criticized, reformed and heavily discussed multiple times over the last centuries. However, most countries in the world use farm subsidies as a policy instrument and spend billions every year. Especially highly developed and wealthy countries seem to have a tendency to subsidize production agriculture and the agricultural industry.
The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of the impact direct payments or subsidies may have on farm land values via farmers paying higher dollars for ground they rent and capitalization of those higher rents. Analysis is done by comparing the allocation of subsidy dollars from the Common Agricultural Policy on two wheat farms in Germany and Czech Republic, which are member countries of the European Union, to wheat farms in the United States and Australia, countries with relatively lower subsidy levels. Data for the farms include their cost structures, total revenues, and total direct payments. Comparisons of their relative land values and rental rates paid will provide evidence to test the hypothesis that direct subsidies are likely to increase land values.
Based on the economic costs of production for the farms in Germany and Czech Republic, the value of land is not necessarily the residual claimant for the direct payments paid out through Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy. Possible explanations for this include restrictions on farmland use and farmland ownership structures held over in former communist countries where farms were owned by the state. These factors are likely to affect potential farmland owners’ perceptions of property rights and their willingness to pay a full market value for land.
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Beach-cast deposition, food provision, and commercial harvesting of a non-indigenous seaweed, Mazzaella japonica, in Baynes Sound, British ColumbiaHolden, Jessica 09 September 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines the contribution of a non-indigenous red alga, Mazzaella japonica, to wrack subsidies in Baynes Sound, British Columbia, and the effects of its removal by a commercial beach-cast harvest. Field and laboratory work was conducted to determine: 1) How large wrack inputs are in terms of biomass and spatial extent within the harvest region, and what proportion of this is comprised of M. japonica; 2) how wrack characteristics influence associated macrofauna communities; 3) if there is any detectable effect of beach-cast harvesting on either the wrack characteristics or macrofauna communities; and 4) if M. japonica provides a food source for native invertebrate consumers within the subtidal and supralittoral zones. Field surveys conducted from November 2014 through March 2015 found that wrack biomass within the harvest region could reach as much as 853 kg (±173 SD) per meter of shoreline, and cover up to 35 m2 (± 3 SD) of beach surface within this area. The macrophyte composition of the wrack was dominated by M. japonica, which accounted for 90% of the identifiable macrophyte biomass on average. Wrack in the later stages of decomposition hosted the most speciose and diverse assemblages of macrofauna, though community composition also differed among collection sites and with depth of the wrack. Though we were limited in our ability to disentangle the effects of beach-cast harvesting due to a concentration of effort at one site, we failed to detect any large influence on wrack biomass or macrofauna communities. Harvesting does, however, appear to be associated with a greater area of wrack cover and decreased mean depth.
Stable isotope mixing models estimated that M. japonica contributed no more than 22% and 17% on average to the diets of supralittoral and subtidal consumers respectively, despite its overwhelming dominance in both environments. These results suggest that the non-indigenous red alga may experience a reprieve from herbivory within the subtidal environment. A lack of consumption within the supralittoral zone could influence nutrient cycling on recipient beaches and increase propagule pressure in the surrounding regions. Results from these studies are intended to help inform the management of M. japonica and its commercial harvesting. Combined, they indicate that this non-indigenous seaweed does not provide a substantial subsidy in the form of food provision for resident invertebrates. Furthermore, the commercial removal of M. japonica is small compared to the total biomass available, and had no detectable effect on the wrack-associated macrofauna communities examined. / Graduate / 2017-08-19 / jjulin.holden@gmail.com
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Zhodnocení využitelnosti strukturálních fondů v malém podniku / Evaluation of the efficiency of the Structural Funds in small businessTrojanová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This essay focuses on a project funded by the EU, focusing on professional education of the staff. The project is implemented under the OP Prague - Adaptability, No.1 priority axis. The aim is to evaluate the work throughout the project, its benefits for both employees and the company itself. The work describes the whole project from the very idea of the implementation, through the selection of an appropriate subsidy program, writing the application, the supplier selection process, implementation and completion of the project, including its evaluation.
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Financování příspěvkových divadel Hlavního města Prahy / Financing of theatres – allowance organizations of the City of PragueŠvubová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the financing of theatres -- allowance organizations of the City of Prague. The thesis outlines the development of organisational structures of the Czech theatre as well as offers an overview on how theatres are run and operated in relation to the Czech legislation. Furthermore, the whole issue is examined in depth and placed in a wider context of economic policy. The thesis aims to evaluate the transformation using the example of selected theatres that have been transformed; the analysis also consideres allowance organisations. It is intended to outline mechanisms that enable optimal functioning of theatres in general, i. e. not only for non-profit theatres, as well as combine private and public financing at the same time. Systems of financing arts in United Kingdom and in Austria are presented in order to provide inspiration for the improvement of the Czech system. This diploma thesis endeavours an outline of the question analysed in its whole complexity.
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Medidas protecionistas utilizadas pelos Estados Unidos e União Européia para o açúcar: impacto sobre a economia das regiões exportadoras do Brasil. / Protectionist measures used by the United States and European union for sugar: impacts upon the economy of Brazilian expotable regions.Costa, Cinthia Cabral da 02 March 2004 (has links)
As exportações brasileiras de açúcar, especialmente as originadas da região Centro-Sul, são altamente competitivas no mercado mundial. Contudo, sofrem efeitos de políticas protecionistas no âmbito do comércio internacional, alterando a movimentação da produção em resposta à determinação de oferta e demanda de mercado. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e quantificar os efeitos que as medidas protecionistas para o açúcar nos Estados Unidos e na União Européia, tiveram sobre a exportação brasileira de açúcar, e sua repercussão na economia brasileira como um todo, tomando como base o impacto nas principais regiões produtoras do país. Utilizando o modelo descrito por Gardner (1987), verificou-se que a eliminação do equivalente tarifário, referente as quotas tarifárias de importação e programas de preço mínimo, nos Estados Unidos, aumentaria a participação brasileira no mercado de açúcar bruto em cerca de 18%, considerando as exportações médias que ocorreram para o mercado norte-americano no período de 1996 a 2002. Na União Européia, a redução de quotas de importação e a política de sustentação de preços provocariam um aumento de 55%, em média, nas exportações brasileiras, entre 1996 e 2002. Esse valor é obtido pressupondo-se que os outros potenciais exportadores não expandam suas participações no mercado internacional. Em termos de volume e valor exportado, os cálculos considerando a extinção de medidas protecionistas para o açúcar nos mercados da UE e dos EUA, produziram resultados semelhantes, com impactos estimados para a economia brasileira de incremento no valor da produção de, aproximadamente, R$ 166 milhões/ano e de geração de 6.547 empregos/ano, considerando os impactos diretos, indiretos e de efeito do aumento da renda, dos dois efeitos agindo simultaneamente, e nas duas regiões exportadoras do Brasil. Os resultados obtidos quando se considera a eliminação do valor calculado como equivalente subsídio do mercado europeu, para suas exportações de açúcar refinado, no entanto, sinalizam impactos mais expressivos que a eliminação do equivalente tarifário sustentado pelo bloco e pelos Estados Unidos. Esse impacto foi também mais expressivo para a região Centro-Sul comparado à da região Norte- Nordeste do Brasil. Os resultados sugerem que, neste contexto, o volume das exportações brasileiras de açúcar refinado aumentaria três vezes mais que o volume das exportações de açúcar bruto, se ambos os equivalentes tarifários, para os Estados Unidos e União Européia, fossem eliminados conjuntamente. Uma simulação do impacto dessa mudança na economia brasileira, indica a possibilidade de que incrementos na produção e emprego ocorram nessa mesma proporção: aumento de cerca de R$ 263 milhões/ano em produção (sendo R$ 211 milhões na região Centro-Sul e R$ 52 milhões na região Norte-Nordeste) e 8.480 empregos/ano gerados, considerando os efeitos diretos, indiretos e os impactos induzidos pelo efeito renda das famílias (sendo 5.256 na região Centro-Sul e 3.223 na região Norte-Nordeste). O valor total da produção estimulada pelos três impactos foi maior no Centro-Sul do Brasil. Já em relação à porcentagem do aumento da produção existente na economia, foi mais significativo o impacto na região Norte-Nordeste. Essas informações são úteis para a formulação de políticas econômicas e para a previsão de reações dos mercados frente a mudanças em variáveis internacionais, que são polêmicas na comunidade internacional. / Brazilian sugar exports, particularly those produced in the Center-South region, are highly competitive in the international market, but bear the effects of protectionist policies in international trade, as production changes compared to what would be obtained in response to supply and demand market signs. The objective of this study was to identify and measure the effects that protectionist measures for sugar, of the United States and European Union, had upon Brazilian sugar exports, together with its impact upon the overall economy, considering the results upon the main sugar producing regions of the country. A model described by Gardner (1987), was used to verify that the elimination of the tariff equivalent, relative to the import tariff quotas, together with the phase out of the minimum price program in the United States, would have increased the Brazilian participation in the raw sugar market by about 18 percent of its average exports to the US market through the 1996 to 2002 period. In the European Union, the reduction of import quotas and of the price support policy, showed and increase of 55 percent, on average, upon Brazilian exports, considering the same period of 1996 to 2002. This value is obtained under the assumption that other potential exporters will not expand their share in the international sugar market. In terms of export volume and value, calculations considering the extinction of protectionist measures for sugar in the EU and United States markets, produced results very similar, with estimated impacts of an increase in the production value upon the Brazilian economy by approximately R$ 166 million per year, together with the generation of 6.547 employments per year. These results were obtained considering the direct and indirect impacts of an income increase, besides the effects of these two effects acting simultaneously, and in the two major exportable regions in Brazil. The results obtained as one considers the elimination of the calculated value, as a subsidy equivalent of the European market for refined sugar exports, however, indicated more expressive effects compared to the elimination of equivalent tariff sustained by that trade bloc and by the United States. This impact was also more expressive for the Center-South region compared to the North-Northeastern Brazil. The results suggest that in this context, the export volume of refined sugar would increase three times more than the expansion in the raw sugar exports, if both are equivalent tariffs for the United States and the European Union were simultaneously eliminated. The simulation of the impact of this change in the Brazilian economy indicates the possibility that increases the increments in production and employment occur in this same proportion: production increased by R$ 263 million per year (being R$ 211 million in the Center South region and R$ 52 million in the North-Northeastern region) and 8.480 employments per year were created, considering direct, indirect and the impacts induced by the effects of family income (such that 5.256 in the Center-South region and 3.223 in the North-Northeast). The total production value stimulated by the three impacts was greater in the Center-South Brazil. However, the percentage increase in the actual level of production was more significant in the North Northeast. This is useful information to formulate economic policies and to forecast the market reaction in face of changes in the international variable what is still a controversial matter within the international community.
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Análise dos efeitos de um imposto sobre alimentos engordativos no mercado brasileiro / Analysis of the effects of a fat tax in the Brazilian marketLeifert, Rodrigo Mantaut 02 May 2013 (has links)
A obesidade atingiu o estado de epidemia global para a Organização Mundial da Saúde. O Brasil não estaria imune a este fenômeno, segundo o IBGE presente em todas as classes sociais e faixas etárias. O interesse do ponto vista econômico é que o mercado de alimentos apresenta falhas, pois este não consegue precificar a relação entre consumo dos alimentos engordativos e a relação desses com doenças, a inconsistência temporal e o custo social para o sistema de saúde. Isso incentiva iniciativas de política pública para combater esse problema, uma das quais é analisada no presente trabalho. Mais especificamente, busca-se investigar a aplicação de um sobre tributo alimentos engordativos combinado com subsídio a cereais, frutas, verduras, vegetais e legumes. Para esta análise, foi necessário estimar a demanda por alimentos com base na POF-IBGE, para então aplicar a política fiscal proposta e avaliar seus impactos econômicos. O resultado, após a simulação de alguns cenários, é que o imposto sobre alimentos engordativos é uma opção que precisa ser combinada com um subsídio a alimentos saudáveis; caso seja aplicado apenas o imposto nos alimentos engordativos, podem ocorrer efeitos indesejáveis, tais como o aumento do consumo de alimentos ricos em sódio. / Obesity has reached global epidemic status for the World Health Organization, Brazil will not be immune to this phenomenon, according to IBGE present in all social classes and age groups. The interest point of view is that the economic food market is flawed, because it fails the price relationship between consumption of fattening foods and their relationship with disease, time inconsistency and social cost to the health system. This encourages public policy initiatives to combat this problem, one of which is analyzed in this dissertation. More specifically, it seeks to investigate the application of a tax on fattening foods combined with subsidies to cereals, fruits and vegetables. For this analysis, it was necessary to estimate the demand for food based on POF-IBGE, then apply a tax policy proposal and evaluate its economic impacts. The result, after some simulation scenarios, is that the tax on fattening foods is an option that needs to be combined with a subsidy to healthy food; if the tax is applied only in fattening foods, side effects can occur, such as increased consumption of foods high in sodium.
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