Spelling suggestions: "subject:"substantiate"" "subject:"substantiated""
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Įrodymų vertinimas baudžiamajame procese / The Evaluation of Evidences in Criminal ProcedureŽilys, Vaidotas 25 January 2008 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tema – įrodymų vertinimas baudžiamajame procese. Įrodymų vertinimas – įrodinėjimo proceso esmė. Teisingas įrodymų įvertinimas turi tiesioginės įtakos teismui baudžiamojoje byloje nustatant objektyvią tiesą ir priimant teisingą sprendimą dėl asmens kaltumo, todėl visais laikais buvo ir yra vienas iš svarbiausių mokslinių diskusijų objektų baudžiamojo proceso teisėje.
Įsigaliojus naujajam BPK ilgą laiką gyvavusi įrodymų teorija, apimanti įrodymų vertinimą, nebeatitinka šių dienų aktualijų. Įrodymų vertinimas tapo išimtine teismo prerogatyva, todėl bandyta išsiaiškinti, kaip duomenys vertinami visame įrodinėjimo procese, bei išnagrinėti aktualią įrodymų vertinimo problematiką. Tuo tikslu atliktas empirinis tyrimas, kurio metu buvo išnagrinėtos 187 baud���iamosios bylos, kuriose buvo 262 epizodai, taip pat išanalizuoti 33 nutarimai nutraukti ikiteisminį tyrimą.
Aktualiai įrodymų vertinimo sampratai atskleisti darbe analizuojamos galiojančio BPK nuostatos ir prieita prie išvados, kad BPK pateiktos įrodymus ir įrodinėjimą apibrėžiančios teisės normos Lietuvos teisinėje sistemoje yra išskirtinės ir niekuo nepagrįstos. Duomenų pripažinimas įrodymais – tai rezultatas, kuris gaunamas įvertinus jų liečiamumą, leistinumą ir tikrumą, o, pripažinus duomenis įrodymais, atliekamas įrodymų pakankamumo vertinimas. Darbe pateikiamas naujai reglamentuotas duomenų bei įrodymų vertinimo subjektų ratas ir nustatyta, kad vertinančiuoju subjektu yra ne tik teismas, bet ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The topic of the final paper is “The Evaluation of Evidences in Criminal Procedure”. The evaluation of evidences is “the soul” of the averment procedure. Right evaluation of evidences has a direct influence for a court in finding objective truth in a criminal case and in decreeing rightly on a person’s culpability, thus, it has been one of the most important objects of scientific discussion in Criminal Procedure Law at all times.
After the new Code of Criminal Procedure (hereafter – CCP) has entered into force, the theory of evidences covering the evaluation of evidences that was prevailing for a long time does not meet the topicality of today any more. The evaluation of evidences has become an exceptional prerogative of court, thus there has been an attempt to find out how the facts are being evaluated along the whole averment procedure and to analyze relevant topicality of evidence evaluation. For this reason an empirical research has been carried out that covered the analysis of 187 criminal cases with 262 episodes involved, as well as 33 decisions to nonsuit pretrial investigation have been examined.
In order to reveal a relevant concept of evidence evaluation the final paper analyses the provisions of CCP being in force and the conclusion has been made that the rules of law that are presented in CCP and define evidence and averment are exceptional and not reasoned in Lithuanian legal system. The validation of facts to be evidences is the result that is achieved after... [to full text]
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Dokazování elektronickými důkazními prostředky / Substantiation of Electronic EvidenceKlein, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Substantiation of Electronic Evidence Abstract This thesis addresses the procedural questions of securing and presenting electronic evidence in criminal proceedings. The use of modern devices and the subsequent creation of electronic evidence is very common, making it necessary for legislation as well as investigative, prosecuting and adjudicating bodies to set out an adequate framework for securing and producing such evidence. The thesis seeks to determine the limits of this framework with regard to the rights to a fair trial, privacy and secrecy of correspondence, as well as the principle of public authority interference minimization, keeping in mind that electronic evidence must be secured and produced in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, the Constitution and enforceable international treaties, respecting the rights of individuals but also allowing criminal proceedings to reach their ultimate goal. The thesis first concentrates on traditional instruments of securing evidence, e.g. search warrants, seizure of an item, operative-search means or various types of wiretapping. These general findings are then applied to commonly used information technologies, such as emails, documents stored on websites or social media platforms, as well as communication conducted via mobile applications. In its...
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Analyzing the effect of complaints, investigation of allegations, and deficiency citations on the quality of care in United States nursing homes (2007 – 2012)Hansen, Kevin E. 01 January 2015 (has links)
The quality of care in nursing homes has been evaluated from many varying perspectives, but few studies have analyzed quality in light of complaints made to state survey agencies by residents, their family members, or other individuals interacting with the nursing home. This study analyzed complaints, investigation of complaint allegations, and complaint-related deficiency citations to determine their effect, if any, on the quality of care in nationwide nursing homes. Using the Online Survey Certification and Reporting (OSCAR) survey dataset for facility characteristics and the complaint investigation dataset for outcomes of complaint investigation, analyses conducted included descriptives, correlations, conceptual mapping for complaint-related deficiencies, chi-square tests of independence, t-tests, and generalized estimating equations. At baseline, approximately 66% of nursing homes were for-profit and roughly 53% belonged to a chain membership, while the average percent of residents receiving Medicaid for care reimbursement was 60%. Results indicated that nursing homes differed significantly by profit status and chain membership on whether a complaint was received and whether a deficiency citation was issued following a complaint investigation. Additionally, certain facility and resident-aggregated characteristics, as indicated by odds ratios, were associated with an increase in the likelihood of receiving a complaint or a complaint-related citation. With respect to facility characteristics, for-profit nursing homes and those nursing homes belonging to a chain membership were found to have more complaints and more complaint-related deficiency citations than nonprofit nursing homes and non-chain facilities. Resident-aggregated characteristics, such as a nursing home having more residents restrained, more residents with a catheter, or more residents with a diagnosis of depression, indicated a greater likelihood of receiving a complaint or complaint-related deficiency citation in longitudinal analyses. While additional research could aid in interpreting the effect of complaints on quality of care in nursing homes, study results indicate several facility and resident-aggregated factors that may aid in better understanding of quality of care and improve the training of surveyors and nursing home staff to improve quality of care for residents.
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Dokazování elektronickými důkazními prostředky / Substantiation of Electronic EvidenceJirounková, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
Substantiation of Electronic Evidence Abstract The author focuses on the possibility of "misuse" of data as electronic evidence in the thesis. She describes specifics of electronic evidence and she points out that current technologies are so advanced that they are able to track and map the lives of individuals. The author simulates the investigation of the crime of murder, based on the idea, that thanks to the daily stored data on digital activity of persons in conjunction with GPS data, the physical activity of persons can be proven. She seeks to investigate this crime regardless of the regulation of fundamental human rights and freedoms only by electronic evidence. Eventually she assesses the procedure in the light of legislation. Finally, the author deals with the issue of confidentiality obligations of attorneys at law in connection with the use of electronic devices for the performance of their activities and she points out specifics of search of premises, where attorneys at law perform advocacy. Kristýna Jirounková Thesis 2021 Charles University, Faculty of Law
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Evidence in Epistemic Logic : A Topological Perspective / Preuves en logique épistémique : une perspective topologiqueÖzgün, Aybüke 04 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat est une investigation des logiques de la connaissance, de la croyance et de la dynamique d'information, en utilisant des outils de topologie et logique épistémique (dynamique). La partie I concerne les interprétations fondées sur des preuves de croyances justifiées et connaissance. Commencer par une interprétation topologique des connaissances désormais standard en tant qu'opérateur intérieur, nous développons, de manière progressive, un cadre qui (1) peut parler de preuves non seulement sémantiquement, mais aussi le niveau syntaxique, rendant ainsi la notion de preuve plus explicite; (2) prend la preuve comme la notion la plus primitive, et définit la croyance et la connaissance purement basé sur elle. Dans la partie II de cette dissertation, nous nous concentrons sur notions de connaissances ainsi que divers types de dynamique de l'information comprenant apprendre de nouvelles preuves. Plus précisément, cette partie est centrée autour des notions de certaines connaissances et savoir-faire en tant que «connaissances potentielles», ainsi que les liens entre la notion abstraite d'effort épistémique englobant toute méthode l'acquisition de preuves et les attitudes dynamiques bien étudiées telles que les annonces publiques arbitraires. Pour résumer, cette thèse réinterprète d'une part certaines logiques épistémiques et doxastiques existantes et leurs extensions dynamiques d'un point de vue topologique, fournissant une interprétation fondée sur des preuves. D'un autre côté, elle utilise des outils topologiques pour affiner et étendre les analyses antérieures, conduisant à de nouvelles logiques de la dynamique des preuves et de l'information / This dissertation brings together epistemic logic and topology. It studies formal representations of the notion of evidence and its link to justification, justified belief, knowledge, and evidence-based information dynamics, by using tools from topology and (dynamic) epistemic logic. Part I is concerned with evidence-based interpretations of justified belief and knowledge. Starting with a by-now-standard topological interpretation of knowledge as the interior operator, we develop, in a gradual manner, a topological framework that (1) can talk about evidence not only semantically, but also at the syntactic level, thereby making the notion of evidence more explicit; (2) takes evidence as the most primitive notion, and defines belief and knowledge purely based on it, thereby linking these two crucial notions of epistemology at a deeper, more basic level. In Part II of this dissertation, we focus on notions of knowledge as well as various types of information dynamics comprising learning new evidence. More precisely, this part is centered around the notions of absolutely certain knowledge and know ability as "potential knowledge", as well as the connections between the abstract notion of epistemic effort encompassing any method of evidence acquisition and the well-studied dynamic attitudes such as public and arbitrary public announcements. To sum up, this dissertation on one hand re-interprets some existing epistemic and doxastic logics and their dynamic extensions from a topological perspective, providing an evidence-based interpretation. On the other hand, it uses topological tools to refine and extend earlier analysis, leading to novel logics of evidence and information dynamics
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Žemės naudojimo Pakruojo rajono savivaldybėje tyrimas / Substantiation of Pakruojis district agricultural land useJaneliūnienė, Aida 16 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir pagrįsti žemės ūkio paskirties žemės naudojimą Pakruojo rajono savivaldybėje.
Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti žemės naudojimą reglamentuojančius dokumentus, išnagrinėti Pakruojo rajono savivaldybės žemės ūkio paskirties žemės naudojimo ypatumus bei pagrįsti žemės naudojimą ir nustatyti žemės konsolidacijos poreikį Pakruojo rajono savivaldybėje.
Lietuva nedidelė šalis, tačiau gamtinės sąlygos kiekviename regione gali smarkiai skirtis, tai nevienodas reljefas, dirvožemių įvairovė, net klimato skirtumai. Lyginant reljefą, dirvožemius ir klimatą, šalyje išskiriamos trys gamtinės zonos – Rytų, Vakarų ir Vidurio. Pakruojo rajono savivaldybė yra šiaurės Lietuvoje. Rajono savivaldybės bendras žemės plotas 2014 m. sausio 1 d. siekia 131556,90 ha, iš jų žemės ūkio naudmenų plotas sudaro 94137,87 ha, tame skaičiuje: 87974,00 ha ariamoji žemė, 556,96 ha sodai, 5606,91 ha pievos ir natūralios ganyklos. Rajone yra 25828,59 ha miškų. Pakruojo rajono savivaldybėje privačios fizinių asmenų žemės plotas sudaro 98235,25 ha, privačios juridinių asmenų žemės plotas sudaro 12469,56 ha, 14492,16 ha yra valstybinė žemė, nusausintos žemės plotas 94340,01 ha. Rajone vyraujančios žemumos yra tinkamos žemdirbystei, todėl čia didelis skaičius žemės ūkio bei jo produktų perdirbimo įmonių. Taip pat yra laisvų žemės plotų, tinkamų verslo plėtrai. Pakruojo rajono savivaldybės žemės naudojimui turi įtakos tiek pačios žemės pasiskirstymas pagal... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this graduation paper is to analize and base agricultural land use in Pakruojis district.
Objectives of the work: analysis of agricultural land use regulations, documents, also analysis of land use characteristics based on the use of agricultural land in Pakruojis district.
Lithuania is a small country, but condition of nature is quite different. There is variety of soil, relief, also climat differences. Taking into account soil, relief and climate differences, in Lithuania there are three natural zones – West, Central and East. Pakruojis region is in North west of Lithuania– in the edge of East Europe flatlands. Region land area was 131556,90 ha in 2014 the first of January. In this area is 10315 ha of agricultural land: 90904 ha arable land, 1260 ha gardens, 10988 ha grassland and natural pasture. In Siauliu region is 59586 ha forests, private land 108676 ha, 72048 ha is state land, drained land area is 29713 ha. In Region teritory land is suitable for agriculture, consequantly in this land there are many agriculture and product recycling companies. Siauliai region land use depends on land distribution, landscape properties, tourism, minerals, also farmers and farms size. Land use perspective is not about analysis of statistic data, but also evaluation of all factors, on which land uses and intensity depends. Under the current farm specialization, it is more in line with the development needs of industries, environmental protection and management of land use... [to full text]
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Žemės naudojimo pagrindimas Šiaulių rajone / Substantiation of land use in Šiauliai districtKartašovaitė, Alina 21 June 2013 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti ir pagrįsti žemės naudojimą Šiaulių rajone.
Baigiamojo darbo uždaviniai: išanalizuoti žemės naudojimą reglamentuojančius dokumentus, taip pat išnagrinėti Šiaulių rajono žemės naudojimo ypatumus bei pagrįsti žemės naudojimą Šiaulių rajone.
Lietuva yra nedidelė šalis, tačiau gamtinės sąlygos joje gana skirtingos. Tai dirvožemių įvairovė, nevienodas reljefas, net klimato skirtumai. Lyginant dirvožemius, reljefą ir klimatą, šalyje išskirtos trys gamtinės zonos – Vakarų, Vidurio ir Rytų. Šiaulių rajonas yra Lietuvos šiaurės vakarų dalyje - Rytų Europos lygumos pakraštyje, Lietuvos vidurio žemumoje. Rajono savivaldybės bendras žemės plotas 2012 m. sausio 1 d. siekia 180732 ha, iš jų žemės ūkio naudmenų plotas sudaro 10315 ha, tame skaičiuje: 90904 ha ariama žemė, 1260 ha sodai, 10988 ha pievos ir natūralios ganyklos. Rajone yra 59586 ha miškų. Šiaulių rajone privačios žemės plotas sudaro 108676 ha , 72048 ha yra valstybinė žemė - nusausintos žemės plotas 29713 ha. Rajono teritorijoje vyraujančios žemumos - tinkamos žemdirbystei, todėl čia gausu žemės ūkio bei jo produktų perdirbimo įmonių. Yra ir laisvų žemės plotų, tinkamų verslo plėtrai, su netoliese esančiomis komunikacijomis (dujotiekiu, elektros bei vandentiekio magistraliniais tinklais). Šiaulių rajono žemės naudojimo pagrindimui turi įtakos tiek pačios žemės pasiskirstymas pagal paskirtis, tiek kraštovaizdžio ypatybės, turizmas, naudingosios iškasenos bei ūkininkų skaičius ir ūkių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this graduation paper is to analyse land use in Siauliai district.
Objectives of the work: analysis of land use regulations, documents, also analysis of land use characteristics based on the use of land in Siauliai district.
Although Lithuania is a small country, it has many natural variations. It has a variety of soils, relief and climatic differences too. When comparing soil, relief and climate, Lithuania can be divided into three regions – West, Central and East.
Siauliai region is in North west of Lithuania – on the edge of the East Europe flatlands. As on January 1st 2012 the land area totals 180,732ha. This comprises 10,315 ha of agricultural land, made up of 90,904 ha of arable land, 1,260 ha of gardens and 10,988 ha of grassland and natural pasture.
In Siauliai region there are 59,586 ha forests. Private land amounts to 108,676 ha, 72,048 ha is state land and drained land amounts to 29713 ha. Because much of the land is suitable for agriculture, there are many agricultural and product recycling companies in existence.
Siauliai region land use depends on land distribution, landscape properties, tourism, minerals, also farmers and farms size. Land use perspective is not about analysis of statistic data, but also evaluation of all factors, on which land uses and intensity depends. Under the current farm specialization provides, that it is more in line with the development needs of industries, environmental protection and management of land use requirements... [to full text]
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