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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Frågeformulär om levnadsvanor på en vårdcentral : framgångsfaktorer och hinder vid implementering

Degerheim Frykstad, Eva January 2010 (has links)
I hälso- och sjukvården finns stora möjligheter att arbeta hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande. Frågeformuläret ”Fem frågor om din hälsa” vände sig till patienter och innehöll frågor om fysisk aktivitet, BMI, bruk av tobak och alkohol samt allmän och psykisk hälsa. Formuläret hade två syften; dels för patienten för att få stöd att behålla eller hitta en hälsofrämjande livsstil, dels för personalen som ett verktyg för att identifiera levnadsvanor och upplevt hälsotillstånd samt få underlag för samtal och eventuella fortsatta insatser. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka framgångsfaktorer och hinder enligt personalen för att införa och använda detta livsstilsformulär i det dagliga arbetet på en vårdcentral. Studien var kvalitativ och som metod användes fokusgruppsintervjuer och individuell intervju. Framgångsfaktorer var bland annat tilltro till nyttan med frågeformuläret, att det är lätt och enkelt, resurser, information, utbildning, kunskap, uppföljning, feedback och att det finns en rutin för att nå alla patienter. Hinder var till exempel upplevelse av att det är svårt att tillfråga vissa patienter och känsla av osäkerhet, tidsbrist samt brist på kunskap i motiverande samtalsmetod. Den största skillnaden mot tidigare arbetssätt verkar inte främst vara själva införandet av frågeformuläret, utan till vilka patienter frågorna ställdes och av vilka yrkesgrupper. / Health care provides a great opportunity for preventive and  health promoting work. The questionnaire "Five questions about your health," is addressed to patients and contains questions about physical activity, BMI, the use of tobacco and alcohol and questions about general and mental health. The questionnaire has two purposes; the first is for the patient to receive support in order to maintain or find a healthy lifestyle, secondly the questionnaire is a tool for the staff to identify lifestyle and perceived health status of the patient and provide the basis for talks and possible further action. The aim of this study is to investigate the success factors and obstacles according to staff to implement and use this lifestyle questionnaire as a tool in the daily work at a primary health care center. The study has a qualitative design and focus group and individual interviews are the methods that have been used. Success factors were for example confidence, easy and simple, appropriate level of resources allocated, importance of information, education, knowledge, monitoring, feedback and a routine in place to reach all patients. Obstacles were for example experience that it is difficult to query some patients, a feeling of uncertainty, time constraints and lack of knowledge of Motivational Interviewing. The major difference from previous ways of working does not seem to be the introduction of the questionnaire, but rather the kind of patient groups that were queried and the groups of professionals that asked the questions.

The Research on Competitive Advantages in BLU Industry - Take an Example of ¡§R¡¨ Company

Chang, Wen-hsiang 29 August 2006 (has links)
LCD panel industry is one of the most promising industries in the world. Taiwanese LCD panel makers have performed quite well in the past few years. On the controversy, the BLU has been viewed as a low entry barrier industry with many suppliers and its profit margin seems to have been squeezed due mainly to its position between big giant LCD panel makers and limited key materials suppliers. However, BLU is one of Taiwan's few competitive industries in the global market because of its high self-sufficient rate and leading technologies over their Korean and Japanese competitors. Sometimes, Taiwan¡¦s BLU industry is even performing better than other component industries within the LCD industry supply chain. It's worth examining the competitive advantages for Taiwan BLU industry by analyzing "Company R", one of the leaders in Taiwan BLU industry. We start our research by highlighting the key characteristics of the LCD industry and the dynamics of the BLU supply chain. After analyzing the marketing, technology, and management requirements for the BLU industry, we have concluded the key success factors of the BLU industry. Then with a brief introduction of ¡§Company R¡¨, we have identified the company's competitive advantages and potential long-term strategies by analyzing the company¡¦s unique positioning and resources, and comparing those with the above-mentioned key success factors of the BLU industry. According to our study, demand for BLU should continue to grow with increasing demand for LCD TVs, in longer term. The major issue for LCD panel industry will be "demand and supply" relationship, while for BLU industry is the "volume" and its "competitive advantages" for each company. The technology development for BLU will continue. BLU is not just a so-called ¡§assembling business¡¨, and its industry entry barrier is much higher than before. Besides, the cluster effect and vertical integration are inevitable for LCD panel makers. To be successful in BLU industry, a company not only needs to focus on these key success factors, but also needs to keep developing and improving its core competencies relative to its competitors.

The Success Factors of Using Wireless Local Area Network to Enhance Experiential Marketing in Retailing Industry¡GThe Case of Department Stores in Kaohsiung

Leu, Su-hsing 30 August 2006 (has links)
This study explores the application of wireless local area network (WLAN) in retailing industy for enhancing experiential marketing. As competition in the retailing industry increases, added with new entrants competing for old customers, department stores nowadays must consider new ways of attracting customers. Against that backdrop , experiential marketing becomes increasing important. Taking Kaohsiung¡¦s six department stores as cases for study, the author conducted a two-wave survey to examine whether and to what extent visitors of deparment stores appreciate the introduction and possible deployment of wireless local area networks as a means for enhancing experiential marketing. Using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) as a research method, this study sorts out not only the key success factors of introducing wireless Internet in the context of department stores but also the priority setting of those key success factors, which includes seventeen elements falling into five categories. Broadly put, marketing and promotion stands out as the first priority setting, followed by business model and infrastructure. The finding of such priority setting has deep implications for experiential marketing which also falls into five modules of analysis: sense, feel, think, act and relate. It shows that visitors are more satisfied with the aspects of sense and feel, whereas the other three leave rooms for improvement. By introducing and deploying information and communications technologies, such as WLAN, that weakness of experiential marketing can be improved.

A Conceptual Performance Measurement Framework For Construction Industry

Isik, Zeynep 01 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The performance assessment done by objective measures have now been replaced with subjective measures. Within the context of this research / interdependencies between a construction company&rsquo / s &ldquo / resources and capabilities&rdquo / , &ldquo / project management capabilities&rdquo / , &ldquo / strategic decisions&rdquo / , &ldquo / strength of relationships with other parties&rdquo / and &ldquo / external factors&rdquo / with &ldquo / project performance&rdquo / and &ldquo / company performance&rdquo / were investigated from a resource based perspective which put forward intangible assets of the company. To achieve the objectives, a questionnaire survey was administered to 73 Turkish contractors and the data obtained from 354 projects that were held during the last five years were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). It was hypothesized in this study that construction company performance is influenced by the resources and capabilities within the company, the long-term and short-term strategies adopted by the company, the strength of the relationships of the company with other parties involved in construction projects, external factors and project management competencies. A structural equation model was set up to measure the seven latent variables through their constituent variables and to see if the hypothesized relationships exist. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that, this research has introduced a method to measure performance both in subjective (qualitative) and the objective (quantitative) terms. The strong path coefficients between the constructs of the model are an indication that, after decades in pursuit of finding ways to improve the performance of construction companies, subjective dimensions of performance have proven to be as effective as the traditional objective dimensions.

"Den nakna sanningen om LSO" : En mixmetodologisk kartläggning av Lagen om Skydd mot Olyckors inverkan på kommunalt olycksförebyggande arbete i Sverige / "The naked truth about LSO" : A mixed-method assessment of the Swedish Civil Protection Act’s impact on municipal accident prevention in Sweden

Jönsson, Morgan January 2015 (has links)
Inledning: Den första januari 2004 trädde lag (2003:778) om skydd mot olyckor (LSO) i kraft. Till skillnad från tidigare lagstiftningar i form av brandlagen (1974:80) och räddningstjänstlagen (1986:1102) är LSO tilltänkt att verka för en bredare olyckspreventiv verksamhet som sträcker sig utöver räddningstjänstens traditionella ansvarsområden. Lagen har dock inte utvärderats under de senaste sex åren. Följaktligen ämnar denna studie att kartlägga vilken inverkan som LSO har på det olyckspreventiva arbete som idag bedrivs på lokal nivå. Metod: Studien har en mixmetodologisk ansats där sammanlagt fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex informanter har utförts i Värmland. Därutöver har en enkätundersökning distribuerats till samtliga 163 räddningstjänster och räddningstjänstförbund i Sverige. Resultat: De data som samlats har totalt genererat fem olika kategorier. Synen på LSO som en räddningstjänstlag anspelar på det faktum att arbetet med LSO i mångt och mycket åligger räddningstjänsten. Det förvaltningsspecifika styrdokument förklarar att handlingsprogramet, som var tilltänkt att utgöra en kommunövergripande olyckspreventiv strategi, uteslutande reglerar räddningstjänstens verksamhet. Initierandet av en förändringsprocess kartlägger de framgångsfaktorer som förutsätts för att en framgångsrik verksamhet ska kunna bedrivas. Lagom är bäst: Oenighet kring statens roll påtalar behovet av detaljstyrning och tillsynsarbete. Avslutningsvis beskriver Med facit i hand: Saker och ting tar tid att arbetet med lagstiftningar är en tidskrävande process som måste bedrivas långsiktigt. Slutsats: Sammantaget visar resultatet att det praktiska utfallet av LSO är att betrakta som en räddningstjänstlag snarare än en kommunövergripande olycksskyddlagstiftning. Det påtalas därigenom att LSO är uddlös när det kommer till att initiera ett olycksförebyggande arbete som sträcker sig utanför räddningstjänstens traditionella verksamhetsuppdrag. Det antyds dock att svårigheterna att följa den initiala visionen inte enbart kan härledas till lagstiftningens utformning, utan även till kommuners bristande medvetenhet för det lokala olyckspanoramat. / Introduction: On January 1st 2004, Sweden’s contemporary Civil Protection Act (LSO), was put in place. Unlike its precursors, "brandlagen (1974:80) and räddningstjänstlagen (1986:1102)", LSO serves to institute and facilitate accident preventative measures beyond the traditional work carried out by municipal rescue services. However, the legislation has not been evaluated over the past six years. Consequently the aim of this study is to assess the impact that LSO has on the accident preventive activities currently carried out at the municipal level. Methods: The study has a mixed methodological approach where four semi structured interviews have been conducted with a total of six informants in Värmland, Sweden. A questionnaire was also distributed to all 163 rescue services in Sweden. Results: A total of five categories emerged from the data analysis process. "Synen på LSO som en räddningstjänstlag" addresses the fact that most of the work done in compliance with LSO is solely carried out by local rescue services. "Det förvaltningsspecifika styrdokumentet" pinpoints that the action plan required by LSO only regulates the work of rescue services, despite its vision of guiding all relevant municipal sectors. Moreover, "Initierandet av en förändringsprocess" maps the factors that are critical to successfully carrying out accident prevention measures at the local level. "Lagom är bäst: Oenighet kring statens roll" underlines the need for micromanagement and regulatory work. Finally, "Med facit I hand: Saker och ting tar tid" describes that the institutionalization of legislation is a time consuming process that needs to be approached as such. Conclusions: Overall, the results demonstrate that LSO is to be regarded as a legislation that specifically regulates the rescue services, rather than municipalities as a whole. Hence, the study suggests that LSO is futile in terms of initiating accident prevention measures beyond the daily activities of the rescue services. However, the struggle of LSO to institutionalize an overarching accident prevention process cannot solely be attributed to the design of the legislation, but also to insufficient municipal risk awareness.

Importance of Knowledge Management and Factors that Influence and Encourage the Implementation of KM in SMEs

Javed, Meer Qaisar January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of knowledge management and to identify the factors that influence and encourage the implementation of knowledge management in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Existing studies have mainly focused large organizations and no study has been carried out from the perspective of small companies systematically. Qualitative design has been used in this research study to identify knowledge management factors that influence the knowledge management implementation in small organizations. A case study has been used and data was collected through interviews from employees of kunjah online service provider. Properly utilizing these factors make a contribution towards organizational growth.

The implementation of knowledge management systems : an empirical study of critical success factors and a proposed model

Alsadhan, Abdulaziz Omar Abdullah January 2007 (has links)
KM is the process of creating value from the intangible assets of an enterprise. It deals with how best to leverage knowledge internally in the enterprise (in its individual employees, and the knowledge that gets built into its structures and systems) and externally to the customers and stakeholders. As KM initiatives, projects and systems are just beginning to appear in organisations, there is little research and empirical field data to guide the successful development and implementation of such systems or to guide the expectations of the potential benefits of such systems. In addition, about 84 per cent of KM programmes failed or exerted no significant impact on the adopting organisations worldwide due to inability to consider many critical factors that contribute to the success of KM project implementation. Hence, this study is an exploratory investigation into the KM implementation based on an integrated approach. This includes: (1) a comprehensive review of the relevant literature; (2) a comprehensive analysis of secondary case studies of KM implementations in 90 organisations presented in the literature, in order to arrive at the most critical factors of KM implementation and their degree of criticality; (3) exploratory global survey of 92 organisations in 23 countries that have already implemented or are in the process of implementing KM; (4) in-depth case studies of four leading organisations to understand how KM implementation processes and the critical factors identified are being addressed. Based on the empirical findings of the study, 28 critical factors were identified that must be carefully considered in the KM implementation to achieve a successful project. Moreover, the study proposes an integrated model for effective KM implementation which contains essential elements that contribute to project success.

Power quality programme awareness : framework for developing countries

Sultan, Saad Saleh January 2013 (has links)
In recent years, Power Quality Programmes (PQPs) have become one of the most recent services offered to electrical distribution companies, both private and state suppliers. This is due to the sudden increase in the number of concerns over power quality (PQ) problems. The aim of this research is to study the implementation of a PQP framework, and the obstacles and barriers faced by Libyan Distribution Networks (LDNs) in implementing a PQP. Firstly, to identify the most critical success factors that would have a major impact on PQP implementation in LDNs. Five Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for PQP were identified to examine the level of power quality in LDNs. They are PQ awareness, PQ disturbances, PQ management commitment, PQ employee’s participation and training and PQ customers’ satisfaction. It revealed that all five CSFs were significantly affected by the level of PQ awareness, and the suspension of PQP implementation. An appropriate PQP framework was developed for the purpose of this study to guide LDNs as a case study in developing countries. The proposed PQP framework model was validated based on the identified CSFs, and the barriers and benefits of PQP, which were analysed using different techniques based on both SPSS and NVivo software. The PQP framework was developed from the findings based on the responses of 397 PQ survey participants, and supported by 44 face-to-face semi-structured interviews conducted with professionals and expert LDNs staff. Out of the 16 PQP barriers, 13 were statistically significant, which indicated that Libya distribution systems have already surmounted various barriers to implementing a PQP effectively. The developed PQP framework consisted of three essential phases. Phase one is designed to increase the level of awareness, while phase two involves preparation for PQP, which contains seven crucial requirements. Phase three, which is the implementation, is designed to determine both the weaknesses and obstacles, and is designed to increase the awareness level. This framework encourages and guides the implementation teams to have an obvious and clear awareness and vision of how to prevent existing obstacles from reappearing in different forms, leading to long-term PQP improvements. There were 11 overall benefits of PQP implementation, which would have a positive impact on LDNs.

Verslą kuriančių moterų lyderystės sėkmės kriterijai / Key success factors of leadership for women entrepreneurs

Stragienė, Romualda 14 November 2008 (has links)
Ar tikrai moteris-lyderė turi būti maištaujanti feministė? Kyla klausimas, ar mes gerai suprantame, kas yra geras lyderis ir kokios yra jo savybės. Ilgą laiką buvo įprasta įmonės vadovo poste matyti vyrą, kuris elgiasi tarsi karo vadas: griežtai bei užtikrintai. Šiandien lyderiui šių savybių nepakanka, jam keliami ir nauji reikalavimai: grįžtamasis ryšys, paskatinimas ir parama, empatija ir intuicija. Šios savybės paprastai labiau būdingos moterims, tačiau mūsų visuomenėje jos, net ir turėdamos ambicijų pirmauti, rečiau negu vyrai siekia lyderių pozicijos. Moterims pasiekti aukščiausią poziciją yra sunkiau, o priežasčių tam reikia ieškoti visuomenės ir pačių moterų nuostatose. Darbo tikslas: Išnagrinėti moterų lyderystės ypatumus ir įvardinti jų lyderystės sėkmės kriterijus Darbo uždaviniai: 1) Atskleisti šiuolaikinio lyderio sampratą, 2) palyginti moterų ir vyrų lyderystės ypatumus, 3) išryškinti moterų lyderystės sėkmės veiksnius, 4) išnagrinėti Lietuvos verslininkių lyderystės bruožus, 5) nustatyti Lietuvoje verslą kuriančių moterų lyderystės sėkmės veiksnius. Tyrimo metodai: 1) mokslinės literatūros analizė ir apibendrinimai, 2) pusiau struktūrizuotas interviu. Atlikta literatūros analizė parodė, kad mokslininkai neturi vieningos nuomonės dėl lyčių skirtumų lyderystės kontekste. Dauguma atliktų tyrimų parodė, kad vyrams yra labiau būdingas transakcinis lyderystės stilius, o moterims – transformacinis. Sėkmingos moterims lyderėms yra būdinga: bendradarbiavimas, kitų žmonių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Is woman leader always a rebellious feminist? There’s a question about understanding of a true leader and his characteristics. For a long time it was normal to see a man at manager‘s position, acting like a war hero: strictly and firmly. For a modern leader it is not enough! He is required to show feedback, support and empowerment, empathy and intuition. These characteristics are often found in daily behavior of women, but still in our society women do not show enough ambitions to seek for leading positions. It is more difficult to reach a top position for a woman than a man. Why? We need to look for reasons in our society and inside women thinking. The purpose: to analyze characteristics of women leadership and determine key success factors of their leadership success. The tasks: 1) Reveal the concept of modern leadership, 3) Compare peculiarities of female and male management; 3) Determine key success factors of female leadership; 4) Analyze leadership characteristics of Lithuanian women entrepreneurs; 5) Specify key success factors of leadership of Lithuanian women entrepreneurs. Research methods: 1) Analysis of academic literature, 2) Semi-formal interview. Analysis of academic literature showed that academics do not have a common opinion about sex differences in the context of leadership. Most researches show that men often demonstrate transactional style of leadership and women prefer transformational. Successful women leaders have some things in common: cooperation... [to full text]

"Det handlar ju om förutsättningar" : En studie om IT-satsningar i svensk skola

Edvardsson, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
Background: IT development has in recent decades been fast progressing. In Sweden many schools have begun to invest in IT and new technologies. What happens at the schools that are investing in IT equipment and modern technology? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to elucidate the conditions for and the success factors and barriers that principals and teachers will experience in IT. Principals' experiences are complemented and mirrored against the teachers. The following issues are in focus: 1. What basic conditions are necessary for IT equipment and modern technology to be used in education? 2. What are the success factors and how do the principals create these? 3. What are the difficulties / obstacles and how do the principals overcome these difficulties? Result: Based on the study, one can see that certain conditions are required in order for IT ventures to succeed. The most important requirement is supporting principals. Conditions such as finance, technology and effective IT support also seem to be important. Another conclusion is that is not only the principals´ responsibility to create all conditions that are needed; municipalities need to centrally decide how to organize their schools, what they want with IT and then sets the stage for it to work. Key words: IT ventures, school improvement, principals, teachers, conditions, barriers and success factors.

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