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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse et reconnaissance des émotions lors de conversations de centres d'appels / Automatic emotions recognition during call center conversations

Vaudable, Christophe 11 July 2012 (has links)
La reconnaissance automatique des émotions dans la parole est un sujet de recherche relativement récent dans le domaine du traitement de la parole, puisqu’il est abordé depuis une dizaine d’années environs. Ce sujet fait de nos jours l’objet d’une grande attention, non seulement dans le monde académique mais aussi dans l’industrie, grâce à l’augmentation des performances et de la fiabilité des systèmes. Les premiers travaux étaient fondés sur des donnés jouées par des acteurs, et donc non spontanées. Même aujourd’hui, la plupart des études exploitent des séquences pré-segmentées d’un locuteur unique et non une communication spontanée entre plusieurs locuteurs. Cette méthodologie rend les travaux effectués difficilement généralisables pour des informations collectées de manière naturelle.Les travaux entrepris dans cette thèse se basent sur des conversations de centre d’appels, enregistrés en grande quantité et mettant en jeu au minimum 2 locuteurs humains (un client et un agent commercial) lors de chaque dialogue. Notre but est la détection, via l’expression émotionnelle, de la satisfaction client. Dans une première partie nous présentons les scores pouvant être obtenus sur nos données à partir de modèles se basant uniquement sur des indices acoustiques ou lexicaux. Nous montrons que pour obtenir des résultats satisfaisants une approche ne prenant en compte qu’un seul de ces types d’indices ne suffit pas. Nous proposons pour palier ce problème une étude sur la fusion d’indices de types acoustiques, lexicaux et syntaxico-sémantiques. Nous montrons que l’emploi de cette combinaison d’indices nous permet d’obtenir des gains par rapport aux modèles acoustiques même dans les cas ou nous nous basons sur une approche sans pré-traitements manuels (segmentation automatique des conversations, utilisation de transcriptions fournies par un système de reconnaissance de la parole). Dans une seconde partie nous remarquons que même si les modèles hybrides acoustiques/linguistiques nous permettent d’obtenir des gains intéressants la quantité de données utilisées dans nos modèles de détection est un problème lorsque nous testons nos méthodes sur des données nouvelles et très variées (49h issus de la base de données de conversations). Pour remédier à ce problème nous proposons une méthode d’enrichissement de notre corpus d’apprentissage. Nous sélectionnons ainsi, de manière automatique, de nouvelles données qui seront intégrées dans notre corpus d’apprentissage. Ces ajouts nous permettent de doubler la taille de notre ensemble d’apprentissage et d’obtenir des gains par rapport aux modèles de départ. Enfin, dans une dernière partie nous choisissons d’évaluées nos méthodes non plus sur des portions de dialogues comme cela est le cas dans la plupart des études, mais sur des conversations complètes. Nous utilisons pour cela les modèles issus des études précédentes (modèles issus de la fusion d’indices, des méthodes d’enrichissement automatique) et ajoutons 2 groupes d’indices supplémentaires : i) Des indices « structurels » prenant en compte des informations comme la durée de la conversation, le temps de parole de chaque type de locuteurs. ii) des indices « dialogiques » comprenant des informations comme le thème de la conversation ainsi qu’un nouveau concept que nous nommons « implication affective ». Celui-ci a pour but de modéliser l’impact de la production émotionnelle du locuteur courant sur le ou les autres participants de la conversation. Nous montrons que lorsque nous combinons l’ensemble de ces informations nous arrivons à obtenir des résultats proches de ceux d’un humain lorsqu’il s’agit de déterminer le caractère positif ou négatif d’une conversation / Automatic emotion recognition in speech is a relatively recent research subject in the field of natural language processing considering that the subject has been proposed for the first time about ten years ago. This subject is nowadays the object of much attention, not only in academia but also in industry, thank to the increased models performance and system reliability. The first studies were based on acted data and non spontaneous speech. Up until now, most experiments carried out by the research community on emotions were realized pre-segmented sequences and with a unique speaker and not on spontaneous speech with several speaker. With this methodology the models built on acted data are hardly usable on data collected in natural context The studies we present in this thesis are based on call center’s conversation with about 1620 hours of dialogs and with at least two human speakers (a commercial agent and a client) for each conversation. Our aim is the detection, via emotional expression, of the client satisfaction.In the first part of this work we present the results we obtained from models using only acoustic or linguistic features for emotion detection. We show that to obtain correct results an approach taking into account only one of these features type is not enough. To overcome this problem we propose the combination of three type of features (acoustic, lexical and semantic). We show that the use of models with features fusion allows higher score for the recognition step in all case compared to the model using only acoustic features. This gain is also obtained if we use an approach without manual pre-processing (automatic segmentation of conversation, transcriptions based on automatic speech recognition).In the second part of our study we notice that even if models based on features combination are relevant for emotion detection the amount of data we use in our training set is too small if we used it on large amount of data test. To overcome this problem we propose a new method to automatically complete training set with new data. We base this selection on linguistic and acoustic criterion. These new information are issued from 100 hours of data. These additions allow us to double the amount of data in our training set and increase emotion recognition rate compare to the non-enrich models. Finally, in the last part we choose to evaluate our method on entire conversation and not only on conversations turns as in most studies. To define the classification of a dialog we use models built on the previous steps of this works and we add two new features group:i) structural features including information like the length of the conversation, the proportion of speech for each speaker in the dialogii) dialogic features including informations like the topic of a conversation and a new concept we call “affective implication”. The aim of the affective implication is to represent the impact of the current speaker’s emotional production on the other speakers. We show that if we combined all information we can obtain results close to those of humans

Ensemble multi-label learning in supervised and semi-supervised settings / Apprentissage multi-label ensembliste dans le context supervisé et semi-supervisé

Gharroudi, Ouadie 21 December 2017 (has links)
L'apprentissage multi-label est un problème d'apprentissage supervisé où chaque instance peut être associée à plusieurs labels cibles simultanément. Il est omniprésent dans l'apprentissage automatique et apparaît naturellement dans de nombreuses applications du monde réel telles que la classification de documents, l'étiquetage automatique de musique et l'annotation d'images. Nous discutons d'abord pourquoi les algorithmes multi-label de l'etat-de-l'art utilisant un comité de modèle souffrent de certains inconvénients pratiques. Nous proposons ensuite une nouvelle stratégie pour construire et agréger les modèles ensemblistes multi-label basés sur k-labels. Nous analysons ensuite en profondeur l'effet de l'étape d'agrégation au sein des approches ensemblistes multi-label et étudions comment cette agrégation influece les performances de prédictive du modèle enfocntion de la nature de fonction cout à optimiser. Nous abordons ensuite le problème spécifique de la selection de variables dans le contexte multi-label en se basant sur le paradigme ensembliste. Trois méthodes de sélection de caractéristiques multi-label basées sur le paradigme des forêts aléatoires sont proposées. Ces méthodes diffèrent dans la façon dont elles considèrent la dépendance entre les labels dans le processus de sélection des varibales. Enfin, nous étendons les problèmes de classification et de sélection de variables au cadre d'apprentissage semi-supervisé. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche de sélection de variables multi-label semi-supervisée basée sur le paradigme de l'ensemble. Le modèle proposé associe des principes issues de la co-training en conjonction avec une métrique interne d'évaluation d'importnance des varaibles basée sur les out-of-bag. Testés de manière satisfaisante sur plusieurs données de référence, les approches développées dans cette thèse sont prometteuses pour une variété d'ap-plications dans l'apprentissage multi-label supervisé et semi-supervisé. Testés de manière satisfaisante sur plusieurs jeux de données de référence, les approches développées dans cette thèse affichent des résultats prometteurs pour une variété domaine d'applications de l'apprentissage multi-label supervisé et semi-supervisé / Multi-label learning is a specific supervised learning problem where each instance can be associated with multiple target labels simultaneously. Multi-label learning is ubiquitous in machine learning and arises naturally in many real-world applications such as document classification, automatic music tagging and image annotation. In this thesis, we formulate the multi-label learning as an ensemble learning problem in order to provide satisfactory solutions for both the multi-label classification and the feature selection tasks, while being consistent with respect to any type of objective loss function. We first discuss why the state-of-the art single multi-label algorithms using an effective committee of multi-label models suffer from certain practical drawbacks. We then propose a novel strategy to build and aggregate k-labelsets based committee in the context of ensemble multi-label classification. We then analyze the effect of the aggregation step within ensemble multi-label approaches in depth and investigate how this aggregation impacts the prediction performances with respect to the objective multi-label loss metric. We then address the specific problem of identifying relevant subsets of features - among potentially irrelevant and redundant features - in the multi-label context based on the ensemble paradigm. Three wrapper multi-label feature selection methods based on the Random Forest paradigm are proposed. These methods differ in the way they consider label dependence within the feature selection process. Finally, we extend the multi-label classification and feature selection problems to the semi-supervised setting and consider the situation where only few labelled instances are available. We propose a new semi-supervised multi-label feature selection approach based on the ensemble paradigm. The proposed model combines ideas from co-training and multi-label k-labelsets committee construction in tandem with an inner out-of-bag label feature importance evaluation. Satisfactorily tested on several benchmark data, the approaches developed in this thesis show promise for a variety of applications in supervised and semi-supervised multi-label learning

Ditch detection using refined LiDAR data : A bachelor’s thesis at Jönköping University / Dikesdetektion med hjälp av raffinerad LiDAR-data

Flyckt, Jonatan, Andersson, Filip January 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, a method for detecting ditches using digital elevation data derived from LiDAR scans was developed in collaboration with the Swedish Forest Agency. The objective was to compare a machine learning based method with a state-of-the-art automated method, and to determine which LiDAR-based features represent the strongest ditch predictors. This was done by using the digital elevation data to develop several new features, which were used as inputs in a random forest machine learning classifier. The output from this classifier was processed to remove noise, before a binarisation process produced the final ditch prediction. Several metrics including Cohen's Kappa index were calculated to evaluate the performance of the method. These metrics were then compared with the metrics from the results of a reproduced state-of-the-art automated method. The confidence interval for the Cohen's Kappa metric for the population was calculated to be [0.567 , 0.645] with a 95 % certainty. Features based on the Impoundment attribute derived from the digital elevation data overall represented the strongest ditch predictors. Our method outperformed the state-of-the-art automated method by a high margin. This thesis proves that it is possible to use AI and machine learning with digital elevation data to detect ditches to a substantial extent.

A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF FFN AND CNN WITHIN IMAGE RECOGNITION : The effects of training and accuracy of different artificial neural network designs

Knutsson, Magnus, Lindahl, Linus January 2019 (has links)
Image recognition and -classification is becoming more important as the need to be able to process large amounts of images is becoming more common. The aim of this thesis is to compare two types of artificial neural networks, FeedForward Network and Convolutional Neural Network, to see how these compare when performing the task of image recognition. Six models of each type of neural network was created that differed in terms of width, depth and which activation function they used in order to learn. This enabled the experiment to also see if these parameters had any effect on the rate which a network learn and how the network design affected the validation accuracy of the models. The models were implemented using the API Keras, and trained and tested using the dataset CIFAR-10. The results showed that within the scope of this experiment the CNN models were always preferable as they achieved a statistically higher validation accuracy compared to their FFN counterparts.

Classificação semi-supervisionada baseada em desacordo por similaridade / Semi-supervised learning based in disagreement by similarity

Gutiérrez, Victor Antonio Laguna 03 May 2010 (has links)
O aprendizado semi-supervisionado é um paradigma do aprendizado de máquina no qual a hipótese é induzida aproveitando tanto os dados rotulados quantos os dados não rotulados. Este paradigma é particularmente útil quando a quantidade de exemplos rotulados é muito pequena e a rotulação manual dos exemplos é uma tarefa muito custosa. Nesse contexto, foi proposto o algoritmo Cotraining, que é um algoritmo muito utilizado no cenário semi-supervisionado, especialmente quando existe mais de uma visão dos dados. Esta característica do algoritmo Cotraining faz com que a sua aplicabilidade seja restrita a domínios multi-visão, o que diminui muito o potencial do algoritmo para resolver problemas reais. Nesta dissertação, é proposto o algoritmo Co2KNN, que é uma versão mono-visão do algoritmo Cotraining na qual, ao invés de combinar duas visões dos dados, combina duas estratégias diferentes de induzir classificadores utilizando a mesma visão dos dados. Tais estratégias são chamados de k-vizinhos mais próximos (KNN) Local e Global. No KNN Global, a vizinhança utilizada para predizer o rótulo de um exemplo não rotulado é conformada por aqueles exemplos que contém o novo exemplo entre os seus k vizinhos mais próximos. Entretanto, o KNN Local considera a estratégia tradicional do KNN para recuperar a vizinhança de um novo exemplo. A teoria do Aprendizado Semi-supervisionado Baseado em Desacordo foi utilizada para definir a base teórica do algoritmo Co2KNN, pois argumenta que para o sucesso do algoritmo Cotraining, é suficiente que os classificadores mantenham um grau de desacordo que permita o processo de aprendizado conjunto. Para avaliar o desempenho do Co2KNN, foram executados diversos experimentos que sugerem que o algoritmo Co2KNN tem melhor performance que diferentes algoritmos do estado da arte, especificamente, em domínios mono-visão. Adicionalmente, foi proposto um algoritmo otimizado para diminuir a complexidade computacional do KNN Global, permitindo o uso do Co2KNN em problemas reais de classificação / Semi-supervised learning is a machine learning paradigm in which the induced hypothesis is improved by taking advantage of unlabeled data. Semi-supervised learning is particularly useful when labeled data is scarce and difficult to obtain. In this context, the Cotraining algorithm was proposed. Cotraining is a widely used semisupervised approach that assumes the availability of two independent views of the data. In most real world scenarios, the multi-view assumption is highly restrictive, impairing its usability for classifification purposes. In this work, we propose the Co2KNN algorithm, which is a one-view Cotraining approach that combines two different k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) strategies referred to as global and local k-Nearest Neighbors. In the global KNN, the nearest neighbors used to classify a new instance are given by the set of training examples which contains this instance within its k-nearest neighbors. In the local KNN, on the other hand, the neighborhood considered to classify a new instance is the set of training examples computed by the traditional KNN approach. The Co2KNN algorithm is based on the theoretical background given by the Semi-supervised Learning by Disagreement, which claims that the success of the combination of two classifiers in the Cotraining framework is due to the disagreement between the classifiers. We carried out experiments showing that Co2KNN improves significatively the classification accuracy specially when just one view of training data is available. Moreover, we present an optimized algorithm to cope with time complexity of computing the global KNN, allowing Co2KNN to tackle real classification problems

Classificadores baseados em vetores de suporte gerados a partir de dados rotulados e não-rotulados. / Learning support vector machines from labeled and unlabeled data.

Oliveira, Clayton Silva 30 March 2006 (has links)
Treinamento semi-supervisionado é uma metodologia de aprendizado de máquina que conjuga características de treinamento supervisionado e não-supervisionado. Ela se baseia no uso de bases semi-rotuladas (bases contendo dados rotulados e não-rotulados) para o treinamento de classificadores. A adição de dados não-rotulados, mais baratos e geralmente disponíveis em maior quantidade do que os dados rotulados, pode aumentar o desempenho e/ou baratear o custo de treinamento desses classificadores (a partir da diminuição da quantidade de dados rotulados necessários). Esta dissertação analisa duas estratégias para se executar treinamento semi-supervisionado, especificamente em Support Vector Machines (SVMs): formas direta e indireta. A estratégia direta é atualmente mais conhecida e estudada, e permite o uso de dados rotulados e não-rotulados, ao mesmo tempo, em tarefas de aprendizagem de classificadores. Entretanto, a inclusão de muitos dados não-rotulados pode tornar o treinamento demasiadamente lento. Já a estratégia indireta é mais recente, sendo capaz de agregar os benefícios do treinamento semi-supervisionado direto com tempos menores para o aprendizado de classificadores. Esta opção utiliza os dados não-rotulados para pré-processar a base de dados previamente à tarefa de aprendizagem do classificador, permitindo, por exemplo, a filtragem de eventuais ruídos e a reescrita da base em espaços de variáveis mais convenientes. Dentro do escopo da forma indireta, está a principal contribuição dessa dissertação: idealização, implementação e análise do algoritmo split learning. Foram obtidos ótimos resultados com esse algoritmo, que se mostrou eficiente em treinar SVMs de melhor desempenho e em períodos menores a partir de bases semi-rotuladas. / Semi-supervised learning is a machine learning methodology that mixes features of supervised and unsupervised learning. It allows the use of partially labeled databases (databases with labeled and unlabeled data) to train classifiers. The addition of unlabeled data, which are cheaper and generally more available than labeled data, can enhance the performance and/or decrease the costs of learning such classifiers (by diminishing the quantity of required labeled data). This work analyzes two strategies to perform semi-supervised learning, specifically with Support Vector Machines (SVMs): direct and indirect concepts. The direct strategy is currently more popular and studied; it allows the use of labeled and unlabeled data, concomitantly, in learning classifiers tasks. However, the addition of many unlabeled data can lead to very long training times. The indirect strategy is more recent; it is able to attain the advantages of the direct semi-supervised learning with shorter training times. This alternative uses the unlabeled data to pre-process the database prior to the learning task; it allows denoising and rewriting the data in better feature espaces. The main contribution of this Master thesis lies within the indirect strategy: conceptualization, experimentation, and analysis of the split learning algorithm, that can be used to perform indirect semi-supervised learning using SVMs. We have obtained promising empirical results with this algorithm, which is efficient to train better performance SVMs in shorter times from partially labeled databases.

Anotação automática semissupervisionada de papéis semânticos para o português do Brasil / Automatic semi-supervised semantic role labeling for Brazilian Portuguese

Manchego, Fernando Emilio Alva 22 January 2013 (has links)
A anotac~ao de papeis sem^anticos (APS) e uma tarefa do processamento de lngua natural (PLN) que permite analisar parte do signicado das sentencas atraves da detecc~ao dos participantes dos eventos (e dos eventos em si) que est~ao sendo descritos nelas, o que e essencial para que os computadores possam usar efetivamente a informac~ao codicada no texto. A maior parte das pesquisas desenvolvidas em APS tem sido feita para textos em ingl^es, considerando as particularidades gramaticais e sem^anticas dessa lngua, o que impede que essas ferramentas e resultados sejam diretamente transportaveis para outras lnguas como o portugu^es. A maioria dos sistemas de APS atuais emprega metodos de aprendizado de maquina supervisionado e, portanto, precisa de um corpus grande de senten cas anotadas com papeis sem^anticos para aprender corretamente a tarefa. No caso do portugu^es do Brasil, um recurso lexical que prov^e este tipo de informac~ao foi recentemente disponibilizado: o PropBank.Br. Contudo, em comparac~ao com os corpora para outras lnguas como o ingl^es, o corpus fornecido por este projeto e pequeno e, portanto, n~ao permitiria que um classicador treinado supervisionadamente realizasse a tarefa de anotac~ao com alto desempenho. Para tratar esta diculdade, neste trabalho emprega-se uma abordagem semissupervisionada capaz de extrair informac~ao relevante tanto dos dados anotados disponveis como de dados n~ao anotados, tornando-a menos dependente do corpus de treinamento. Implementa-se o algoritmo self-training com modelos de regress~ ao logstica (ou maxima entropia) como classicador base, para anotar o corpus Bosque (a sec~ao correspondente ao CETENFolha) da Floresta Sinta(c)tica com as etiquetas do PropBank.Br. Ao algoritmo original se incorpora balanceamento e medidas de similaridade entre os argumentos de um verbo especco para melhorar o desempenho na tarefa de classicac~ao de argumentos. Usando um benchmark de avaliac~ao implementado neste trabalho, a abordagem semissupervisonada proposta obteve um desempenho estatisticamente comparavel ao de um classicador treinado supervisionadamente com uma maior quantidade de dados anotados (80,5 vs. 82,3 de \'F IND. 1\', p > 0, 01) / Semantic role labeling (SRL) is a natural language processing (NLP) task able to analyze part of the meaning of sentences through the detection of the events they describe and the participants involved, which is essential for computers to eectively understand the information coded in text. Most of the research carried out in SRL has been done for texts in English, considering the grammatical and semantic particularities of that language, which prevents those tools and results to be directly transported to other languages such as Portuguese. Most current SRL systems use supervised machine learning methods and require a big corpus of sentences annotated with semantic roles in order to learn how to perform the task properly. For Brazilian Portuguese, a lexical resource that provides this type of information has recently become available: PropBank.Br. However, in comparison with corpora for other languages such as English, the corpus provided by that project is small and it wouldn\'t allow a supervised classier to perform the labeling task with good performance. To deal with this problem, in this dissertation we use a semi-supervised approach capable of extracting relevant information both from annotated and non-annotated data available, making it less dependent on the training corpus. We implemented the self-training algorithm with logistic regression (or maximum entropy) models as base classier to label the corpus Bosque (section CETENFolha) from the Floresta Sintá(c)tica with the PropBank.Br semantic role tags. To the original algorithm, we incorporated balancing and similarity measures between verb-specic arguments so as to improve the performance of the system in the argument classication task. Using an evaluation benchmark implemented in this research project, the proposed semi-supervised approach has a statistical comparable performance as the one of a supervised classier trained with more annotated data (80,5 vs. 82,3 de \'F IND. 1\', p > 0, 01).

Abordagens para aprendizado semissupervisionado multirrótulo e hierárquico / Multi-label and hierarchical semi-supervised learning approaches

Metz, Jean 25 October 2011 (has links)
A tarefa de classificação em Aprendizado de Máquina consiste da criação de modelos computacionais capazes de identificar automaticamente a classe de objetos pertencentes a um domínio pré-definido a partir de um conjunto de exemplos cuja classe é conhecida. Existem alguns cenários de classificação nos quais cada objeto pode estar associado não somente a uma classe, mas a várias classes ao mesmo tempo. Adicionalmente, nesses cenários denominados multirrótulo, as classes podem ser organizadas em uma taxonomia que representa as relações de generalização e especialização entre as diferentes classes, definindo uma hierarquia de classes, o que torna a tarefa de classificação ainda mais específica, denominada classificação hierárquica. Os métodos utilizados para a construção desses modelos de classificação são complexos e dependem fortemente da disponibilidade de uma quantidade expressiva de exemplos previamente classificados. Entretanto, para muitas aplicações é difícil encontrar um número significativo desses exemplos. Além disso, com poucos exemplos, os algoritmos de aprendizado supervisionado não são capazes de construir modelos de classificação eficazes. Nesses casos, é possível utilizar métodos de aprendizado semissupervisionado, cujo objetivo é aprender as classes do domínio utilizando poucos exemplos conhecidos conjuntamente com um número considerável de exemplos sem a classe especificada. Neste trabalho são propostos, entre outros, métodos que fazem uso do aprendizado semissupervisionado baseado em desacordo coperspectiva, tanto para a tarefa de classificação multirrótulo plana quanto para a tarefa de classificação hierárquica. São propostos, também, outros métodos que utilizam o aprendizado ativo com intuito de melhorar a performance de algoritmos de classificação semissupervisionada. Além disso, são propostos dois métodos para avaliação de algoritmos multirrótulo e hierárquico, os quais definem estratégias para identificação dos multirrótulos majoritários, que são utilizados para calcular os valores baseline das medidas de avaliação. Foi desenvolvido um framework para realizar a avaliação experimental da classificação hierárquica, no qual foram implementados os métodos propostos e um módulo completo para realizar a avaliação experimental de algoritmos hierárquicos. Os métodos propostos foram avaliados e comparados empiricamente, considerando conjuntos de dados de diversos domínios. A partir da análise dos resultados observa-se que os métodos baseados em desacordo não são eficazes para tarefas de classificação complexas como multirrótulo e hierárquica. Também é observado que o problema central de degradação do modelo dos algoritmos semissupervisionados agrava-se nos casos de classificação multirrótulo e hierárquica, pois, nesses casos, há um incremento nos fatores responsáveis pela degradação nos modelos construídos utilizando aprendizado semissupervisionado baseado em desacordo coperspectiva / In machine learning, the task of classification consists on creating computational models that are able to automatically identify the class of objects belonging to a predefined domain from a set of examples whose class is known a priori. There are some classification scenarios in which each object can be associated to more than one class at the same time. Moreover, in such multilabeled scenarios, classes can be organized in a taxonomy that represents the generalization and specialization relationships among the different classes, which defines a class hierarchy, making the classification task, known as hierarchical classification, even more specific. The methods used to build such classification models are complex and highly dependent on the availability of an expressive quantity of previously classified examples. However, for a large number of applications, it is difficult to find a significant number of such examples. Moreover, when few examples are available, supervised learning algorithms are not able to build efficient classification models. In such situations it is possible to use semi-supervised learning, whose aim is to learn the classes of the domain using a few classified examples in conjunction to a considerable number of examples with no specified class. In this work, we propose methods that use the co-perspective disagreement based learning approach for both, the flat multilabel classification and the hierarchical classification tasks, among others. We also propose other methods that use active learning, aiming at improving the performance of semi-supervised learning algorithms. Additionally, two methods for the evaluation of multilabel and hierarchical learning algorithms are proposed. These methods define strategies for the identification of the majority multilabels, which are used to estimate the baseline evaluation measures. A framework for the experimental evaluation of the hierarchical classification was developed. This framework includes the implementations of the proposed methods as well as a complete module for the experimental evaluation of the hierarchical algorithms. The proposed methods were empirically evaluated considering datasets from various domains. From the analysis of the results, it can be observed that the methods based on co-perspective disagreement are not effective for complex classification tasks, such as the multilabel and hierarchical classification. It can also be observed that the main degradation problem of the models of the semi-supervised algorithms worsens for the multilabel and hierarchical classification due to the fact that, for these cases, there is an increase in the causes of the degradation of the models built using semi-supervised learning based on co-perspective disagreement

A comparative study of social bot classification techniques

Örnbratt, Filip, Isaksson, Jonathan, Willing, Mario January 2019 (has links)
With social media rising in popularity over the recent years, new so called social bots are infiltrating by spamming and manipulating people all over the world. Many different methods have been presented to solve this problem with varying success. This study aims to compare some of these methods, on a dataset of Twitter account metadata, to provide helpful information to companies when deciding how to solve this problem. Two machine learning algorithms and a human survey will be compared on the ability to classify accounts. The algorithms used are the supervised algorithm random forest and the unsupervised algorithm k-means. There will also be an evaluation of two ways to run these algorithms, using the machine learning as a service BigML and the python library Scikit-learn. Additionally, what metadata features are most valuable in the supervised and human survey will be compared. Results show that supervised machine learning is the superior technique for social bot identification with an accuracy of almost 99%. To conclude, it depends on the expertise of the company and if a relevant training dataset is available but in most cases supervised machine learning is recommended.

Modélisation, détection et classification d'objets urbains à partir d’images photographiques aériennes / Modeling, detection and classification of urban objects from aerial images

Pasquet, Jérôme 03 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde des problèmes liés à la localisation et reconnaissance d'objets urbains dans des images aériennes de très haute définition. Les objets urbains se caractérisent par une représentation très variable en terme de forme, texture et couleur. De plus, ils sont présents de multiples fois sur les images à analyser et peuvent être collés les uns aux autres. Pour effectuer la localisation et reconnaissance automatiquement des différents objets nous proposons d'utiliser des approches d'apprentissage supervisé. De part leurs caractéristiques, les objets urbains sont difficilement détectables et les approches classiques de détections n'offrent pas de performances satisfaisantes. Nous avons proposé l'utilisation d'un réseau de séparateurs à vaste marge (SVM) afin de mieux fusionner les informations issues des différentes résolutions et donc d'améliorer la représentativité de l'objet urbain. L'utilisation de réseau de SVM permet d'améliorer les performances mais à un coût calculatoire important. Nous avons alors proposé d'utiliser un chemin d'activation permettant de réduire la complexité sans perdre en efficacité. Ce chemin va activer le réseau de manière séquentielle et stoppera l'exploration lorsque la probabilité de détection d'un objet est importante. Dans le cas d'une localisation basée sur l'extraction de caractéristiques puis la classification, la réduction calculatoire est d'un facteur cinq. Par la suite, nous avons montré que nous pouvons combiner le réseau de SVM avec les cartes de caractéristiques issues de réseaux de neurones convolutifs. Cette architecture combinée avec le chemin d'activation permet une réduction théorique du coût d'activation pouvant aller jusqu'à 97% avec un gain de performances d'environ 8% sur les données utilisées. Les méthodes développées ont pour objectif d'être intégrées dans un logiciel de la société Berger-Levrault afin de faciliter et d'améliorer la gestion de cadastre dans les collectivités locales. / This thesis deals with the problems of automatic localization and recognition of urban objects in high-definition aerial images. Urban object detection is a challenging problem because they vary in appearance, color and size. Moreover, there are many urban objects which can be very close to each other in an image. The localization and the automatic recognition of different urban objects, considering these characteristics, are very difficult to detect and classical image processing algorithms do not lead to good performances. We propose then to use the supervised learning approach. In a first time, we have built a Support Vector Machine (SVM) network to merge different resolutions in an efficient way. However, this method highly increases the computational cost. We then proposed to use an “activation path” which reduces the complexity without any loss of efficiency. This path activates sequentially the network and stops the exploration when an urban object has a high probability of detection. In the case of localizations based on a feature extraction step followed by a classification step, this may reduce by a factor 5 the computational cost. Thereafter, we show that we can combine an SVM network with feature maps which have been extracted by a Convolutional Neural Network. Such an architecture associated with the activation path increased the performance by 8% on our database while giving a theoretical reduction of the computational costs up to 97%. We implemented all these new methods in order to be integrated in the software framework of Berger-Levrault company, to improve land registry for local communities.

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