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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eine retrospektive Untersuchung zum Behandlungserfolg von Recallpatienten, die im parodontologischen Behandlungskurs von Studierenden betreut wurden / A retrospective evaluation of the effect of supportive periodontal therapy (SPT) in patients treated by dental students

Hösemann, Sonja 09 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre : En fenomenologisk studie ur omsorgspersonalens perspektiv på särskilt boende

Ewaldius, Hanna, Catolino, Olivia January 2014 (has links)
Research shows that supportive conversations with elderly who are living in nursing homes isrequested among care personnel, this to satisfy both older people's mental health and socialhealth. The care personnel try to offer the elderly supportive conversation to the extent theyare able to, but they are experiencing obstacles in terms of shortage of time, ignorance and aperceived ambiguity in their profession. The purpose of present study is to describe andanalyze the phenomenon of supportive conversation with elderly living in nursing homes,based on care personnel’s perspective. The study is based on qualitative interviews with thecare personnel working in special housing. The result is analyzed from a phenomenologicalperspective with the lifeworld theory and domain theory as basis. Further on, research is usedto describe and analyze the phenomenon. The results show that care personnel feel that thereis a need for supportive conversation for older people in special housing. However, they don’thave the opportunities to offer this because of shortage of time, lack of knowledge andambiguity about what is included in their work as care personnel. This contributes to theexperienced stress among care personnel and the feeling of inadequacy in their professionalcapacity, which results in a sense of not having the ability to give the elderly a good care. / Tidigare forskning visar att samtal för äldre på särskilda boenden är något som omsorgspersonal efterfrågar, för att tillgodose de äldres psykiska och sociala hälsa. Omsorgspersonalen försöker erbjuda de äldre samtal i den mån de kan, men de upplever hinder i form utav tidsbrist, okunskap och upplevd otydlighet beträffande dagens yrkesroll som omsorgspersonal. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att beskriva och analysera fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre människor på särskilt boende, sett utifrån omsorgspersonalens perspektiv. Studien har genomförts med kvalitativa intervjuer med omsorgspersonal på särskilda boenden. Resultatet är analyserat ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv med utgångspunkt i livsvärldsteorin och domänteorin. Vidare används tidigare forskning för att beskriva och analysera fenomenet. Av resultatet framgår att omsorgspersonalen upplever att det finns behov av samtalsstöd för äldre på särskilt boende. De saknar dock möjligheten att erbjuda detta på grund av tidsbrist, brist på kunskap och oklarheter om vad som ingår i deras arbetsuppgifter som omsorgspersonal. Detta bidrar till att omsorgspersonalen upplever stress och känner sig otillräckliga i sin yrkesroll, vilket resulterar i en känsla av att inte ha möjligheten att ge den äldre en god omsorg.

Integrating supportive housing into the continuum of care in Ontario

Jutan, Norma M January 2010 (has links)
Background: An essential component of managing the health care system effectively as the population ages is to provide care to seniors in the care setting that can best meet their needs. The majority of seniors wish to remain at home, to maintain their independence. Informal caregivers (family, friends and neighbours) provide as much as 80% of care to seniors who reside at home. The absence of or loss of an informal caregiver and/or a decline in a senior’s health may necessitate a change in care setting. Supportive Housing (SH) is a rapidly emerging alternative care setting for seniors who can no longer have their needs met at home. Objective: The objectives of this dissertation were: to provide a comprehensive description of the profile of SH clients in Ontario; to determining the role of SH in the continuum of care; to develop an algorithm to support care placement decisions; and to explore the longitudinal outcomes of SH clients including quality of life, and long-term care placement. The following four research questions were addressed: What are the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of persons currently residing in SH units in Ontario? How do the profiles of current SH clients differ from the profiles of persons residing in other care settings? What changes occur in the appropriateness of SH to meet care needs over time? What factors are associated with discharge from SH to a long-term-care facility (LTC)? Methodology: The research questions were answered primarily using two Ontario interRAI data sets: A pilot sample of 1,720 SH clients collected using the interRAI Community Health Assessment and a sample of 29,790 Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) clients collected as part of normal clinical practice from clients residing in residential care setting, including SH. Data from LTC (N=832) and complex continuing care (CCC; N=425) clients in the Mississauga-Halton (MH) LHIN were also used. Data on care placement decisions were collected using a Staff Rating Form (N=332 in SH). Results: SH clients are a relatively light-care population who require support with instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) and tend to lack an informal caregiver. SH clients who receive care from a CCAC are in the minority but represent a much more clinically complex sub-population. According to staff members, the majority (80%) of SH clients are appropriately placed; of the remaining 20%, 17% were prematurely admitted to SH and would be best cared for at home, a further 3% require LTC placement. Moreover, about 10% of seniors who receive care in the MH LHIN, have been inappropriately placed and would be best cared for in a SH unit. A Decisions Support Algorithm for SH (DASH) was developed to inform care placement decisions in Ontario. The algorithm was based on both resource availability and client care needs. Level of impairment in: IADLs, cognition, continence and score on the MAPLe algorithm (an interRAI prioritization algorithm; see Figure 11), were found to be significant predictors of care placement. Poor QoL was relatively rare (~5%) among SH clients and regression analysis was used to determine the variables associated with a decline in QoL. Finally, survival analysis determined that 20% of SH clients are discharged to LTC within one year. Age, dependence on others to perform IADLs, bladder incontinence, cognitive impairment, and higher MAPLe scores were associated with this discharge. Conclusions: Analyses in this dissertation have clearly indicated the need for a standardized assessment instrument in this sector. Arbitrary decisions around eligibility and discharge criteria for supportive housing have led to inappropriate placement of clients and confusion over the role supportive housing is to play in the continuum of care. Evidence-informed care placement decisions should consider client care needs as well as both the availability of formal and informal support. An integrated health information system, such as the interRAI instruments, facilitates a culture of evidence and improves communication across the care continuum. SH is a rapidly emerging alternative care setting for seniors. If managed carefully, SH has the potential to help address many health system level concerns as the population ages. It is hoped that this dissertation has answered some key questions and also inspired further research into an important and growing field.

”Här flyttas man hem till någonstans man kanske inte väljer” : Tankar och erfarenheter kring att ge stöd till personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning på särskild boende / “You are moved to a place you might not have chosen” : Thoughts and experiences of providing support to people with psychiatric disabilities in supportive housing

Söderberg, Katarina January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många personer med psykisk funktionsnedsättning har en upplevelse av låg livskvalitet. De har också en sämre utgångspunkt materiellt, ekonomiskt, socialt och hälsomässigt. Att beviljas insatsen särskilt boende innebär att få stöd, service och omsorg i sin vardagstillvaro. Tidigare studier har visat att för att ett stöd ska upplevas stödjande behöver personalen ha både kunskap och vissa egenskaper, lyssnande, medkännande och lyhördhet. Syfte: Att beskriva vårdpersonals erfarenheter och tankar kring hur man utformar vardagligt stöd till livskvalitet för personer som bor i särskilt boende. Metod: Halvstrukturerade intervjuer gjordes där sammantaget tio personal deltog från fem särskilda boenden. Som analysmetod användes kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Personalens erfarenheter av att ge stöd till livskvalitet rörde sig inom tre olika områden. Hur dessa områden, vårdrelation, organisation och miljö var beskaffade och upplevdes påverkade stödets insats och kvalitet. Det framkom att en viktig komponent i det vardagliga stödet utgjordes av ett omfattande motivationsarbete. Det fanns en bristande överensstämmelse mellan de boendes uppfattning om stöd behov och det som personalen ansåg att de behövde. Ett samband som visade sig var personalens uttryckta maktlöshet i vissa stödjande situationer och samtidig frånvaro eller bristande kontinuitet av handledning. Diskussion: Det särskilda boendet har som konstruktion stora utmaningar i att göra anspråk på att vara ett hem och inte en institution. Redan språkbruket etiketterar; man bor inte i en lägenhet utan på ett gruppboende och man är inte hyresgäst utan boende. De yttre strukturerna kan förstärka ett vi och dom tänkande där behov och svårigheter riskerar att bli beskrivna utifrån grupptillhörighet. / Background: Many people with psychiatric disabilities have a perception of low quality of life. They also have lower standard, materially, economically, socially and health-wise. To be granted supportive housing means getting daily support, service and care. Previous studies have shown that the supporting staff have to be knowledgeable and have special features, compassionate, responsive and attentive. Aim: To describe a health care professional experiences and thoughts on how to style casual support to the quality of life for people living in sheltered housing. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted as with ten staff members from five supportive housing. The method of analysis was qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach. Results: The staffs’ experiences of providing support for quality of life was categorized into three different areas. How these areas, care relationship, organization and environment was constituted and perceived made impact on support effort and quality. It emerged that a key component of the everyday support consisted of a comprehensive motivational work. There was a mismatch between the residents' perception of support needs and what the staff felt that they needed. A relationship that turned out was the staff expressed powerlessness in some supportive situations and the absence or lack of continuity of supervision. Discussions: Supportive housing has as major challenges in claiming to be a home and not an institution. The language used; you do not live in your own apartment, but in a group home and you are not a tenant, but a person living there. The outer structures can reinforce an “us” and “them” thinking where the needs and difficulties might be described on the basis of group membership.

Young people's emotional experiences of Kaiapoi.

Tanner, Kimberley January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Kaiapoi, a small town in North Canterbury, and studies the ways young people are discursively constructed by adults and each other, and also the different ways young people experience and use the town's environment. Drawing on key informant interviews, media analysis, a youth survey and a photography activity (photovoice); the research developed a rich understanding of the different ways young people are constructed in Kaiapoi and the places young people enjoy and do not enjoy going to in the town and why.

Leveraging business intelligence management to business performance management in a manufacturing environment / Landman, S.

Landman, Stephanus January 2011 (has links)
No business can effectively be managed without the proper management and information that reflects and creates the milieu it operates in. Business performance management creates the framework in which a structured approach can be followed in setting the scene for a predictive and controllable environment. Business intelligence creates the information structures; information relationships and a reflection of the value chain of the business. By combining the two methodologies it creates a total business solution that harmonises all aspects of value creation in an objective manner. The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in business performance management and business intelligence, and to assess the relationship of business performance management and business intelligence within the South African natural resource' mining and manufacturing sector. The various processes of business performance management and business intelligence are discussed in the literature study. During the literature research several approaches to business performance management implementations and the pros and cons of business performance management are discussed. A broad look at business intelligence is done, with key focus on delivering of information. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

Leveraging business intelligence management to business performance management in a manufacturing environment / Landman, S.

Landman, Stephanus January 2011 (has links)
No business can effectively be managed without the proper management and information that reflects and creates the milieu it operates in. Business performance management creates the framework in which a structured approach can be followed in setting the scene for a predictive and controllable environment. Business intelligence creates the information structures; information relationships and a reflection of the value chain of the business. By combining the two methodologies it creates a total business solution that harmonises all aspects of value creation in an objective manner. The aim of this study is to conduct a thorough theoretical study on the relevant aspects involved in business performance management and business intelligence, and to assess the relationship of business performance management and business intelligence within the South African natural resource' mining and manufacturing sector. The various processes of business performance management and business intelligence are discussed in the literature study. During the literature research several approaches to business performance management implementations and the pros and cons of business performance management are discussed. A broad look at business intelligence is done, with key focus on delivering of information. / Thesis (MBA)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Defensive and Supportive Talk, Verbal Aggressiveness and Communication Climate

Hajdasz, Peter A. 12 January 2012 (has links)
Significant research has investigated Jack Gibb’s model of defensive and supportive communication, but little has explored the influence of the type of talk -- defensive or supportive -- on perceptions of communication climate and the role that verbal aggressiveness may play in influencing both the types of talk and these perceptions. This thesis explored the relationship between defensive and supportive talk, verbal aggressiveness and communication climate using a mixed-method approach. Specifically, the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale was used to group participants for a dyadic problem solving exercise which generated conversational data that was analyzed qualitatively. Then, the Communication Climate Inventory was used to measure participants’ perceptions of the communication climate that emerged in their problem-solving dyad. The findings highlight factors that may influence the perception of communication climate. Examples of supportive talk that builds positive communication climates and limits the effects of verbal aggressiveness and examples of defensive talk that leads to negative communication climates are provided. This research demonstrates that language has an influence on communication climate through the words that shape the complex ways people perceive and understand each other and, interestingly, that the negative impact of defensive communication overrides the positive impact of supportive communication on the emergent communication climate.

Psychological needs and music engagement intentions: a self-determination theoretical perspective on the motivation to continue in music

Liu, Mark Yun-Wu 07 November 2016 (has links)
Researchers of student motivation have often explained students’ desire to engage in various activities in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Babad, 1993; Legutki, 2010; McPherson, 2000; O’Neill, 1999). However, there is a perpetuating absence of a unifying and theory-based understanding of motivation in music education that illustrates the need for the current study. Using self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000) as the theoretical framework, I examined (a) the association between fulfillment of psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) experienced by high school orchestra students and their perceived level of autonomy-supportive learning, and (b) the connection between different qualities of self-determined motivation (i.e., external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic regulation) and students’ intentions to engage in music learning in the future. This cross-sectional quantitative study incorporated an author-designed instrument, which was an adaptation of Basic Psychological Needs Scale (Deci & Ryan, 2000) and Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Learning version (Black & Deci, 2000). I surveyed 706 high school orchestra students in the Midwest, and the response rate was 99.7%. The findings indicate that autonomy (β = .37), competence (β = .17), and relatedness (β = .14) positively predicted music students’ overall outlook on their autonomy-supportive learning. Identified regulation and intrinsic regulation positively predicted music students’ short- (β = .23, β = .34), medium- (β = .15, β = .29), and long-term intentions (β = .25, β = .25) of music engagement, indicating that there is a connection between autonomous regulation in music students and their future engagement intentions. External regulation (β = -.10) negatively predicted short-term intention only, indicating that there is a connection between extrinsic motivation and low intentions to continue must learning. This study provides evidence to support self-determination theory as a viable approach for understanding student motivation in the field of music education. Future research recommendations and implications for teaching are also provided.

Círculo de cultura e economia solidária: uma investigação dessa aliança no cotidiano dos catadores da Coocassis / Culture circle and supportive economy: an investigation of this alliance in the daily lives of the Coocassis collectors

Torres, Ana Elídia [UNESP] 18 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by ANA ELÍDIA TORRES null (annaelidia@hotmail.com) on 2016-02-28T15:17:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 CÍRCULO DE CULTURA E ECONOMIA SOLIDÁRIA.pdf: 976482 bytes, checksum: 1db566d2dfbe3d3bb3fcda37028f776a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-02-29T16:13:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 torres_ae_me_assis.pdf: 976482 bytes, checksum: 1db566d2dfbe3d3bb3fcda37028f776a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-29T16:13:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 torres_ae_me_assis.pdf: 976482 bytes, checksum: 1db566d2dfbe3d3bb3fcda37028f776a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar se o Círculo de Cultura, enquanto ferramenta de Educação Popular, pode contribuir para a afirmação dos princípios da Economia Solidária. Para tanto fizemos uma pesquisa de campo buscando averiguar possíveis impactos do Círculo de Cultura no cotidiano dos trabalhadores da Cooperativa de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis de Assis e Região (Coocassis), que ocorreu com o grupo durante os anos de 2010 e 2011, e tinha como intuito potencializar os princípios da Economia Solidária. Para alcançar o objetivo desta pesquisa, realizou-se, nos anos de 2014 e 2015, um reencontro com o grupo de catadores em uma pesquisa de campo promovida pelo método etnográfico. Ao todo, foram dois anos de convívio com a Cooperativa durante a graduação, dois anos distante da Cooperativa e, por fim, mais dois anos de pesquisa. Dividindo didaticamente o trabalho em dois grandes encontros, temos: o primeiro com o passado, através do Diário de campo produzido lá e usado aqui como documento. E o segundo encontro no retorno à Coocassis, e no novo convívio com o grupo, realizado com visitas semanais. Como resultado disso vimos vidas reais que foram impactadas pela Economia Solidária, mas que mesmo trabalhando em uma cooperativa autogestionária, viviam grandes contradições pois ainda estavam submetidos a sociedade capitalista. Nesse sentido, pensar a Educação Popular e o Círculo de Cultura para o cooperativismo autogestionário e popular é fundamental para enfrentar as contradições que emergem das relações apresentadas ao longo do trabalho. / The purpose of this work is to investigate whether the Culture Circle, as a Popular Education tool, can contribute to the affirmation of the principles of Supportive Economy. To this end we did a field research seeking to investigate possible impacts of Culture Circle in the daily lives of workers from Recyclable Materials Collectors Cooperative of Assis Region(Coocassis), it happened to the group during the years 2010 and 2011, and it had the intention to enhance the principles of Supportive Economy. To achieve the objective of this research, in the years 2014 and 2015, a reunion with the collectors group was held in a field research conducted by the ethnographic method. In all, two years of living with the Cooperative during graduation two years away from the Cooperative and, finally , two more years of research. Didactically dividing the work into two major meetings , we have: the first with the past, through the Field diary produced there and used here as a document. The second meeting in the return to Coocassis , and the new association with the group , carried out weekly visits . As a result we have seen real lives that have been impacted by the Supportive Economy, but even working on a self-managed cooperative, lived great contradictions as they were still subject to capitalist society. In this sense, think of Popular Education and Culture Circle for self-managed and popular cooperativism is essential to face the contradictions that emerge from the relations presented throughout the work.

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