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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainability assurance in practice : evidence from assurance providers in the United Kingdom

Channuntapipat, Charika January 2016 (has links)
Sustainability assurance (hereafter ‘SA’) has been a significant area of development in corporate reporting during the last two decades, but one that so far has been subject to limited research. Existing studies in this field have mainly focused on SA opinions, and have tried to understand the characteristics of, and the elements included in, assurance statements, instead of enquiring beyond such outputs to obtain evidence from SA providers themselves. This thesis aims to provide insights into the SA process regarding how decisions in the process are made and what could influence such decisions. It aims to understand what SA practice actually is by examining SA providers’ understandings of the meaning of the practice and the influences that such understandings have on the actual assurance process. Hence, the study focuses on the development of SA practice from the perspective of the assurance providers. It focuses on issues beyond the content of the SA statements to explore the processes leading to the actual delivery of such statements and a wide range of factors that influence the production of such statements and the development of SA practice in general. This study employs a qualitative research approach, using semi-structure interviews as the main data collection method supplemented by various textual data sources. Research participants are SA providers in the UK, including accounting and non-accounting assurance providers. Drawing on the perspective of actor-network theory (ANT), the thesis focuses on the associations involving both human (e.g. assurance providers, reporting organisations, and stakeholders) and non-human (e.g. reporting guidelines, and assurance standards) elements shaping the assurance practice. The theoretical framework based on ANT allows the flexibility in exploring important issues by following the actors, their associations, and their influence on the practice. The findings show that assurance providers’ understandings of the assurance practice vary significantly and that such variation has a major effect on how the assurance practice is conducted. The assurance providers may perceive their roles as independent assurance providers but also adopt other roles to match with the interests and demands of various constituencies. The study shows, in particular, that the providers’ perceived roles vary between what can be termed an ‘independent verifier’, a ‘sustainability consultant’ and a ‘sustainability promoter’, depending on the way in which they place importance on assurance- as against sustainability-related elements of the assurance process. Their different perceptions of their roles influence the internal dynamics of how assurance engagements are conducted. In particular, the study identifies four types of SA engagements, namely ‘social assurance’, ‘integrated assurance’, ‘formative assurance’ and ‘compliance assurance’. Such a categorisation provides a broad-based understanding of the SA as a practice field and the degree of heterogeneity within it. This study provides methodological and empirical contributions by providing evidence on the process associated with SA practice through interviews with different types of organisations providing SA services. Moreover, basing the theoretical framework on ANT highlights the interactions between different actors as a part of the development of SA practice and offers a new perspective to explore the practice and factors influencing its development.

“It Would Be Interesting to See Assurance Statements with Qualifications” : Assurers’ Perspectives on Sustainability Assurance Engagements and Client Relationships

Paunisaari, Essi, Raatgever, Eric January 2018 (has links)
The proliferation of sustainability reporting has been accompanied with stakeholders’ concerns over the credibility of sustainability reports. This worry has resulted in the assurance of sustainability reports and accordingly, professionals have sought to create a new auditable market and academics to understand this phenomenon. Though previous research has shown that assurers and clients jointly decide the terms of the engagement, assurers’ perceptions of sustainability assurance and assurer–client relationships, in which the engagement takes place, have been overlooked. We try to close this gap by conducting an interview-based study which firstly, examines how assurers view and experience sustainability assurance engagements and secondly, investigates how assurers characterize their relationship with clients. We lead 12 interviews with assurers working for either Mazars, BDO, Grant Thornton, or RSM, covering 11 countries worldwide.   The empirical findings indicate that assurers work with sustainability reports that are unbalanced and inaccurate. Particularly, they view the inaccuracy of nonfinancial data as a challenge to the issuance of sustainability assurance statements. We find that inaccuracy is perceived difficult because assurers lack technical expertise and are unpracticed in auditing qualitative information. Further, when assurers cannot verify the disclosed information, they rather terminate the engagement than issue a presumably misleading assurance statement. The termination of an engagement is, however, the ultimate response and until then, assurers collaborate with the client to be able to issue an assurance statement. Hence, collaboration is considered key to the completion of a sustainability assurance engagement. This research contributes to a better understanding of practitioners’ perspectives on sustainability assurance engagements both practice and relationship-wise. We also develop practical implications and future research avenues.

Sustainability assurance : A qualitative study exploring the assurance process, team and report of sustainability assurance

Al-Halwachi, Jafar, Eklind, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Sustainability assurance is on the uprising. Nowadays, more and more companies are thinking about sustainability which resulted in a growing market for sustainability assurance. The global reporting initiative (2013, p.6) defines sustainability assurance as “the use of external, independent reviews of sustainability management processes and final disclosures is intended to increase the robustness, accuracy and trustworthiness of disclosed information.”. Unlike financial auditing, sustainability assurance ismostly unregulated and there are various guidelines and frameworks issued to help the assurance provider. The lack of mandatory regulations has resulted in a fragmented assurance environment where different approaches is used by different assurance providers. This in turn has contributed to the sustainability assurance process being unknown. The uncertainty around sustainability assurance affect the usersof the assurance report, for example stakeholders’, which can find it difficult to identify, interpretand compare the results of the sustainability assurance.The purpose of this study is to contribute to the limited knowledge on sustainability assurance, by investigating the sustainability assurance from both auditors’ and non-auditors’ perspectives.To assist in fulfilling the purpose, four main themes were developed; assurance team, assurance process, assurance report and the future of sustainability assurance. To fulfill the purpose of this study, the research questions are;“What is the audit process of sustainability reports?”“What does the sustainability assurance team look like?”“What does the sustainability assurance report look like?”The result in this study suggests that the process of sustainability assurance looks different depending on the assurance provider. The findings also suggest that the assurance team almost looks the same, regardless who is the assurance provider. When it comes to the results regarding the assurance report, it is evident that there are many ways to improve theusefulness and informativeness of the report. Furthermore, the findings of this study contribute to the limited knowledge of sustainability assurance by thoroughly exploring the assurance process.

Auditors´ path toward building their comfort in sustainability auditing : A qualitative study of how sustainability auditors´ comfort is created using the structure and professional judgment

Cederholm, Caroline, Åkerlund, Linn January 2023 (has links)
Background: There is an increased demand for professions in sustainability assurance due to the forthcoming directives of CSRD coming in 2024. Currently, there is a lack of knowledge of what a sustainability auditor does to build audit comfort and ensure audit quality in a sustainability report. Therefore, it is important to devote time and attention to this developing industry as studies have found issues in reporting on sustainability.    Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to get a better understanding of how sustainability auditors may build their comfort in sustainability auditing despite its complexity, and variability and that they are challenging to fully comprehend due to a lack in standardization. This study aims to extend existing research by contributing with a deeper theoretical and empirical knowledge of sustainability auditing, based on structure as well as professional judgment.    Methodology: An explanatory purpose and an abductive approach have been applied to the method. The study is based on a qualitative research method as nine interviews have been conducted in a narratively and semi-structured way. These interviews, together with one participant observation have formed the empirics.    Conclusion: The thesis builds an understanding of the comfort theory in combination with sustainability assurance in the comparatively new area of practice within auditing. The findings show that the sustainability auditors find comfort in a combined use of professional judgment and structure, but today the professional judgment is mainly used to conduct the audit comfort because of the lack of structure.

Sustainability Assurance Quality and the Effect of the Audit Committee : A study of Sweden

Harila, Fanny, Marklund, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
There is an increasing need for companies to act more responsibly in sustainability related issues due to pressures from their stakeholders. This increased pressure comes with a corresponding need for companies to report on their actions. As the stakeholders of companies do not have the opportunity to assess the credibility of the reporting themselves, the responsibility falls upon a third party to give assurance on the contents of the report. The assurance of such will be an important part in providing reliability to the sustainability work and report. One important corporate governance function responsible for overseeing the sustainability reporting and the assurance thereof is the audit committee. Therefore, this study will examine the effect of audit committee characteristics on the quality of sustainability assurance. Due to the novelty of the concept of sustainability assurance and as not many previous studies have addressed the issue of the quality, the authors proposed the following research question: “How do audit committee characteristics influencesustainability assurance quality?”. The findings from the study are analyzed through the shareholder-stakeholder theory, legitimacy theory, agency theory and the resource dependency theory. The shareholder-stakeholder and legitimacy theory are used to analyze the audit committees role as a governance function and the agency and resource dependency theory are applied to the different characteristics. This quantitative study includes data from the top 100 publicly listed companies in Sweden with a separate audit committee appointed by and amongst the board. The study uses observations from the fiscal year 2021, with data collected through content analysis. This thesis is conducted under a positivist paradigm, with a deductive approach. The data is tested through OLS regression, and the analysis is conducted with grounds in previous literature and theory. The results of this study are in some respects in line with a previous study but has also found differing results. Companies with audit committees with at least one member with industry expertise are more likely to have higher quality assurance on their sustainability report. Apart from the previous study, this study did not find a significant relationship of the independence and meeting frequency of audit committees. A significant relationship was neither found to the gender diversity, size, or experience of audit committees. Therefore, the authors can conclude that the research question is answered and that the results indicate that the audit committee may not be the best explanatory basis for the quality of sustainability assurance.

Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : Granskares kunskap för att erhålla tillförlitlighet i granskningsprocessen

Eriksson, Sofia, Ervenhag, Pauline January 2019 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Titel: Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning - Granskares kunskap för att erhålla tillförlitlighet i granskningsprocessen   Nivå: Examensarbete på Grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi   Författare: Sofia Eriksson och Pauline Ervenhag   Handledare: Tomas Källqvist och Pär Vilhelmson   Datum: 2019 – Juni   Syfte: Enligt tidigare forskning tenderar granskare av hållbarhetsredovisning att sakna tillräckligt med kunskap och utbildning för att bedöma redovisningens tillförlitlighet. Hållbarhetsredovisning är en del av revisionen som anses vara en svår uppgift, och därför är kunskap inom detta område viktigt. Syftet med studien var att öka förståelsen för vilken kunskap granskare av hållbarhetsredovisningar saknar vid granskningsprocessen för att erhålla tillförlitlighet.   Metod: För att kunna belysa och besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en studie baserad på kvalitativ metod. Avsikten var att skapa ökad förståelse och inblick i vilken kunskap granskare av hållbarhetsredovisning behöver och saknar. Studien utgick från ett abduktivt synsätt där den teoretiska referensramen och empirisk datainsamling har analyserats i samverkan med varandra. Uppsatsens syfte undersöktes bland annat med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med både bestyrkande-, granskande- och finansiella revisorer samt respondenter från FAR.   Resultat & slutsats: Studiens resultat visade att erfarenhet är den centrala källan till kunskap inom granskningsprocessen av hållbarhetsredovisningens tillförlitlighet. Ett exempel som belyser detta är att erfarenhet och lärandet av varandra har haft en inverkan på granskare under deras process att granska hållbarhetsredovisningar.   Examensarbetets bidrag: Vi har i denna studie kommit fram till två teoretiska bidrag då vi fann skillnader mellan vår teoretiska referensram och vårt empiriska material gällande granskares kunskap. Studiens första teoretiska bidrag visade att kunskap inte ses som en saknad vidare att erfarenhet är en viktig faktor för granskare under granskningsprocessen av hållbarhetsredovisningar. Detta relateras till praktisk klokhet och tacit knowledge eftersom kunskap kan uppkomma genom erfarenhet och lärandet av varandra. Studiens andra teoretiska bidrag visade att det finns en bakomliggande efterfrågan på utbildningar inom hållbarhetsredovisningens delar.   Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi finner ett fortsatt intresse av att se hur granskares arbetslivserfarenheter påverkar synen på kunskap utifrån erfarenhet. Därför är ett förslag till vidare forskning att genomföra en liknande studie med fler respondenter där hänsyn tas till arbetslivserfarenhet för att bidra till nya infallsvinklar.

Sustainability Assurance and the Engagement of Multidisciplinary Teams

Raphael, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
Research have revealed that the accounting profession engage multi-disciplinary teams in the assurance of sustainability reports. However, how such teams are composed or the values that these teams bring to the assurance engagement process, and how reliance is established on the work performed by such teams has been left uncovered. This research sought to fill this gap, and hence, contributed to providing an understanding surrounding this issue. Semi-structured interviews with auditors from the Big Four Audit firms, engaged with performing sustainability assurance was conducted. The findings revealed that the engagement of multi-disciplinary teams, comprising both financial accountants and sustainability specialists from various disciplines, was necessary in ensuring quality assurance work performance. Firstly, the in-depth knowledge of sustainability subject matters possessed by the sustainability experts, enabled the questioning of the correctness of sustainability items reported by the clients. Secondly, sustainability experts were valuable in the planning stage of the engagement, in identifying client risk areas. Thirdly, sustainability expert involvement, enabled the winning of work contracts. Additionally, the engagement of multi-disciplinary teams was revealed to be valuable to the client firms. Firstly, the sustainability experts assisted clients in identifying the most valuable issues to report to their stakeholders. Secondly, due to the expert’s knowledge and experience, it enabled them to inform clients on high reporting levels. Finally, sustainability experts provided clients with valuable feedback that aids the improvement of the client processes, and the management of risks. The establishment of reliance on the work performed by the teams, requiring an accountant to signoff every engagement work performed by the team, as required by the applicable assurance standards, was partially supported by this study. Sustainability experts, who were non-accountants, was revealed to be engaged in this signing off ritual, hence, leaving room for the questioning of such assurance engagements signed off by sustainability experts.

Kompetenskrav för hållbarhetsgranskning : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av jobbannonser inom EU

Claudin Shahane, Mari, Rodeblad Redig, Josefine January 2024 (has links)
Problematization: Previous studies have focused on examining the competencies required of sustainability auditors through the auditor’s perspective. However, there is a gap in research when it comes to examining competence by analyzing the market and its different demands on auditors and non-auditors. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of the competency requirements within sustainability auditing practice and find out if there are variations in the requirements between auditors and non-auditors. Frame of reference: The section begins with the purpose of sustainability assurance and the different components of competence through the competence tree. Then previous research related to competence within sustainability assurance, structured according to the different components of competence is presented. The section ends with a review of resource-based theory, new institutional theory and the analytical model for the study. Method: The study was carried out using a qualitative method, where a qualitative content analysis was applied. The study’s sample consists of 30 job advertisements in different countries in the EU for external sustainability assurance providers, with a division into audit firms and non-audit firms. Empirical evidence and analysis: The result shows both similarities and differences in the demand for competence in education, experience, knowledge and personal characteristics. Audit firms focus strongly on business financial competence, while non-audit firms demand specific competence in sustainability areas. At the same time, the study identifies certain similarities and a certain harmonization in the industry in terms of skills in demand. Conclusions: Auditors and non-auditors require a diverse and complementary set of competencies toeffectively ensure sustainability and meet the varying needs of different businesses. Market analysis reveals that an auditor’s experience and knowledge are more crucial for sustainability assurance than previously emphasized. The study has contributed to an increased understanding of the competence required in practice for sustainability assurance based on the market’s demand. / Problemdiskussion: Tidigare studier har fokuserat på att undersöka den kompetens som krävs hos hållbarhetsgranskare genom granskarens perspektiv. Dock finns det ett gap i forskningen när det kommer till att undersöka kompetensen genom att analysera arbetsmarknaden och dess olika krav på revisorer och icke-revisorer. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för kompetenskraven inom hållbarhetsgranskning och ta reda på om det finns variationer i kraven mellan revisorer och icke-revisorer. Teoretisk referensram: Avsnittet inleds med syftet för hållbarhetsgranskning och kompetensträdets innebörd. Därefter presenteras tidigare forskning om kompetensbegreppet, strukturerad enligt kompetensträdets olika delar. Avsnittet avslutas med en genomgång av den resursbaserade teorin, nyinstitutionell teori, isomorfism samt legitimitetsbegreppet, och introducerar en analysmodell. Metod: Studien har utförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod, där en kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillämpats. Studiens urval består av 30 jobbannonser inom olika länder i EU för extern hållbarhetsgranskning, där uppdelning är revisionsbyråer och icke-revisionsbyråer. Empiri och analys: Resultatet visar både likheter och skillnader i efterfrågan på kompetens inom utbildning, erfarenhet, kunskaper och personliga egenskaper. Revisionsbyråer fokuserar starkt på företagsekonomisk kompetens, medan icke-revisionsbyråer efterfrågar specifik kompetens inom hållbarhetsområden. Samtidigt identifierar studien vissa likheter och en viss harmonisering i branschen när det gäller efterfrågade kompetenser. Slutsatser: Revisorer och icke-revisorer kräver en mångsidig och kompletterande uppsättning kompetenser för effektiv hållbarhetsgranskning och för att möta de varierande behoven hos olika företag. Analysen av arbetsmarknaden visar att en revisors erfarenhet och kunskap är viktigare för hållbarhetsgranskning än vad som beaktats i tidigare studier. Studien har bidragit till en ökad förståelse för den kompetens som krävs i praktiken för hållbarhetsgranskning baserat på marknadens efterfrågan.

Vad driver revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete? : En kvantitativ studie som förklarar revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete utifrån individ- och byråspecifika faktorer / What Influences Auditors' Proactive CSR Work? : A Quantitative Study that Explains Auditors' Proactive CSR Work on the basis of Individual- and Agency Specific Factors

Nilsson, Freja, Persson, Caroline January 2020 (has links)
Efterfrågan på hållbarhetsinformation är något som ökar i dagens samhälle. Samtidigt visar tidigare studier att det finns allvarliga brister i företags hållbarhetsrapporter. Forskare har dessutom konstaterat att revisorer har en kvalitetssäkrande roll för hållbarhetsrapporters trovärdighet. I takt med samhällsutvecklingen växer hållbarhetstjänster inom revisionsbranschen, och det går att skönja ett proaktivt hållbarhetsarbete hos revisorer. Något som oss veterligen inte studerats tidigare är vad som driver revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete. Syftet med studien är att förklara vad som driver revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete utifrån fyra individ- och byråspecifika faktorer. Dessa faktorer är byråtillhörighet, kompetens, individens hållbarhetsengagemang och hierarkisk position. Frågeställningen är: I vilken utsträckning kan revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete förklaras utifrån fyra individ- och byråspecifika faktorer? Legitimitetsteorin, professionsteorin och institutionella teorin har använts som teoretisk ram för att uppnå studiens syfte. Även litteratur som behandlar hållbarhetsrapportering, autonomi, proaktivt agerande och de fyra faktorerna har använts. Med utgångspunkt i litteraturen har sex hypoteser bildats, vilka sedan testats empiriskt. För att samla in data konstruerades en webbenkät som sedan skickades ut via mejl till revisorer runtom i Sverige. Resultaten av studien visar att det finns ett positivt samband mellan revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete och kompetens, yrkesmässigt såväl som privat hållbarhetsengagemang respektive hög hierarkisk position. Däremot gick det inte att påvisa att byråtillhörighet och tid i branschen skulle vara förklarande faktorer till revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete. Studiens viktigaste bidrag är att ge revisionsbranschen insikter i vad som driver proaktivt hållbarhetsarbete bland revisorer. Studien upplyser också samhället om att revisorers proaktiva hållbarhetsarbete kan gynna hållbarhetsutvecklingen i samhället. / Demand for CSR information is increasing in today’s society. At the same time, previous studies show some serious deficiencies in CSR reporting. Researchers have also found that CSR reports certified by a financial auditor are perceived as more credible. CSR services are a growing business area in the audit industry, and a proactive CSR work among auditors can be discerned. As far as we are aware, there has yet to be any research conducted on what influences auditors’ proactive CSR work. The purpose of this study is to explain what influences auditors’ proactive CSR work based on four individual- and agency specific factors. The research question is: To what extent are auditors’ proactive CSR work explained by four individual- and agency specific factors? Legitimacy-, professional-, and institutional theory, and literature that deals with CSR reporting, autonomy, proactive behavior and our four factors has been used as a theoretical framework. Based on the literature, six hypotheses have been formed, which later have been empirically tested. Data was collected through a web-based survey which was sent via e-mail to Swedish auditors. The results show that there is a positive relationship between auditors’ proactive CSR work and competence, dedication to sustainability issues – professionally as well as private, and high hierarchical position. It was not possible to demonstrate that agency affiliation or time in the industry would be an explanatory factor for auditors’ proactive CSR work. The main contributions of this study are to provide the audit industry with insights into what influences auditors’ proactive CSR work. The study also informs society that auditors’ proactive CSR work can benefit the sustainable development.

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