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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Centrum trvale udržitelného rozvoje / Place of Sustainable Development

Bartůšek, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The project is a solution of the Moravske square public space.

Udržitelný rozvoj cestovního ruchu a jeho uplatňování ve vybrané destinaci - Itálie / Sustainable tourism and its application in the selected destination - Italy

Svobodová, Petra January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the concept of sustainable tourism development and application of this approach in Italy. The first chapter is devoted to the theory and explains the sustainability of tourism. The second chapter presents Italy as a tourist destination and its position on the international tourism market. The third part focuses on sustainable tourism and its form in Italy. The final chapter describes the most actual problems of Italian tourism and proposes possible solutions.

Quels types d'éco-quartiers pour l'Iran ? : recherche sur la faisabilité des écoquartiers en Iran : application à l'étude de la création et construction d'un écoquartier en campagne de Téhéran et ses effets sur les citoyens et leurs modes de vie : Téhéran-Hashtgerd / What types of eco-neighborhoods for Iran? : research on the feasibility of eco-districts in Iran : application to the study of the design and construction of an eco-neighborhood in Tehran and its effects on people and their lifestyles : Teheran-Hashtgerd

Azari, Elahe 22 September 2016 (has links)
Un écoquartier est un quartier qui réduit les consommations d’énergie en utilisant les énergies renouvelables ; mettant en valeur des déplacements doux ; limitant la production des déchets et l’utilisation d’eau ; intervenant aussi sur les choix des matériaux de construction utilisés et dont les chantiers mêmes peuvent faire l'objet d'une attention particulière. Le développement des écoquartiers est très récent dans le monde occidental, et n’a connu que peu d’applications par ailleurs. Un pays comme l’Iran n’a pas encore intégré de réflexions précises portant sur les écoquartiers et leurs développements ; alors même qu’il est en train d’entrer dans une nouvelle étape de son développement qui se caractérise par la montée des préoccupations de développement durable, et une concentration sur le sujet de l’énergie renouvelable, en parallèle à l’augmentation de l’alphabétisation des citoyens. Notre recherche sur la construction et l’intégration des écoquartiers dans un pays comme l’Iran, intégrant ses aspects sociaux, économiques et urbains. D’un côté nous cherchons à savoir si les habitants ont des esprits ouverts pour s’alphabétiser et accepter ces contraintes dans leur ville et d’un autre côté nous allons voir différents types d’écoquartiers, afin de chercher à préciser quels types d’écoquartier et de logements durables sont possibles en Iran. Ainsi, notre projet est de faire une recherche qui porte sur l’acceptabilité et la faisabilité des écoquartiers adaptés au monde iranien, et dont les résultats pourraient sinon révolutionner au moins guider la conception urbanistique des villes en Iran. / We enter in the new level of urban planning that promotes eco-district, which is part of the objective of sustainable development and reduction of the ecological footprint, usually associated with a strong involvement of residents. Recall that an eco-district is a district that reduces energy consumption by using renewable energy; highlights gentle movements; limit the production of waste and the use of resources such as water; also involved in the choice of building materials.The development of eco-neighborhoods is very recent in the Western world, and has seen little application elsewhere. A country like Iran has not yet integrated accurate reflection on eco-neighborhoods and their development, even though it is now entering a new stage of sustainable development. Our project is to research and focus on the acceptability and feasibility of eco-neighborhoods which are adapted to the Iranian world, and whose results could revolutionize, or at least to change the urban design of cities in Iran. In a first point we briefly consider the general problem of the eco-district, before dealing in second place this issue in the context of Iran and, more specifically Tehran ; for final question the feasibility of eco sustainable neighborhoods in Iran.


Mohammad Ali Notani (17666643) 18 December 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Cold mix asphalt (CMA) is an eco-friendly paving material produced at ambient temperatures, offering energy savings by requiring less energy to decrease asphalt binder viscosity. This technology eliminates the need for heating during the mixing and compaction processes, further magnifying its economic benefits when used as a cold-in-place recycling technique. Unlike hot mix asphalts that gain strength through cooling, CMA achieves its final strength through a curing process involving the evaporation of volatiles and the hardening of the emulsified asphalt binder over time. However, its reliance on a curing process for strength development raises concerns about its short-term performance.</p><p dir="ltr">A typical CMA mixture consists of four main components: air voids, mineral aggregate, water, and asphalt droplets suspended in water. The presence of water can significantly influence the overall performance of the mixture under both traffic and environmental loads. Most existing studies on CMA have predominantly focused on the behavior of the mixtures after they have fully cured. However, in real-world scenarios, pavements are often subjected to various stresses during the curing process, which takes up to several months. As a result, premature distress can compromise the early performance of the pavement. Asphalt undergoes significant chemical and physical changes throughout this phase that can influence its final characteristics and in-situ performance. Overlooking this crucial stage can lead to a poor understanding of the material's capabilities and limitations. Despite the importance of this phase, the micromechanical and rheological behaviors of CMA during curing remain largely uncharted territories. Therefore, this dissertation aims to investigate the micromechanical performance of CMA during the curing phase.</p><p dir="ltr">This research study was performed in two study scales: Mastic and Mixture. The first scale focused on the rheological performance of emulsified-cold asphalt mastic (ECAM), considering varying curing levels, different filler-binder ratios, and filler surface treatments. Comprehensive rheological tests, including frequency sweep, temperature sweep, and strain sweep tests, were conducted on fully and partially cured mastic samples, i.e., 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%, across a wide range of test temperatures. To analyze the physio-chemical adhesion properties between filler and emulsified asphalt, an analytical tool named the “asphalt-filler interaction” theory was formulated to determine the adhesion bond between filler and binder in the presence of moisture. Microscopic images were also captured to analyze the micro-structure and moisture interaction in the CMA’s matrix. Moreover, the presence of moisture in the CMA brings up another complexity during curing time: The water-to-ice phase transition. Normal Force (Nf) was used as a novel measurement parameter to determine water-ice phase transition effects on the rheological study of emulsified mastic. In the mixture scale, mechanical tests were performed on specimens fabricated with two gradations at fully and uncured CMA samples. The mixture experimental tests included the dynamic modulus test, Illinois flexibility index test, Hamburg wheel loaded test, and disc-shaped compact tension test.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertation presents a thorough analysis and detailed findings that illuminate the complex relationships and behaviors of CMA, particularly at the mastic scale. A significant observation is the direct influence of the filler-to-binder ratio on the curing time; increasing this ratio prolongs the curing process while using a filler with less surface area accelerates it. Notably, 25% of the filler-to-binder ratio enhances the rheological properties of ECAM, particularly at lower loading frequencies. This study further pinpoints the 60% curing level as a crucial threshold in the CMA curing process. Below this, moisture's effect on rheological performance overshadows that of the primary asphalt material, leading to brittle characteristics in freezing conditions and viscous behavior at intermediate temperatures. In the curing stage, the trapped and blocked waters that emerge during the coalescence phase of the emulsified asphalt breaking contribute to the extended curing time of ECAM.</p><p dir="ltr">Additionally, freezing temperatures yield a water-to-ice phase change in uncured ECAM, resulting in a brittle behavior. Interestingly, a direct correlation emerges between curing percentage and freezing point; higher curing percentages relate to lower freezing points. Another significant discovery is the appearance of micropores in fully-cured ECAM, likely due to water evaporation and emulsifier presence, which potentially compromises its performance compared to ECAM fabricated with residual asphalt binder. Furthermore, adjusting the pH, especially by treating limestone filler with hydrochloric acid (HCl), showed noticeable improvements in CMA’s rheological behavior. At the mixture scale, the CMA mixture contained a higher filler-binder ratio in the mixture scale, presenting a better viscoelastic performance and higher cracking resistance at intermediate and freezing temperatures. Moreover, a minimum amount of water, 2.5% by total mass, added to the CMA mixture is essential to ensure adequate mixability, workability, and compactibility. Viscoelastic analysis showed that the curing process changes the transition point from elastic to viscous behavior of CMA mixtures. This shift towards lower frequencies results in a CMA mixture with poor resistance to higher temperature performance.</p>

Les conditions monétaires d'un développement local soutenable : des systèmes d'échange complémentaire aux monnaies subsidiaires / Monetary conditions for sustainable local development : from complementary trading schemes to subsidiary currencies

Fare, Marie 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’évaluer les potentialités et les impacts des monnaies locales, sociales et complémentaires au regard des enjeux posés par le développement soutenable. La thèse adopte une approche socioéconomique et institutionnaliste, alimentée principalement par deux études de terrain sur les dispositifs du SOL Alpin (France) et de l’Accorderie (Québec) pour obtenir des données quantitatives et qualitatives. Dans une approche bioéconomique et socioéconomique, un double enchâssement de l’économie dans le social et du social dans l’environnement est postulé. À partir des résultats des enquêtes et de l’analyse théorique, un schéma monétaire à même de favoriser le développement local soutenable sera présenté. Cet agencement propose, dans un dépassement de l’approche en termes de complémentarité, de poser les jalons d’une perspective relative à la subsidiarité monétaire c'est-à-dire un agencement monétaire relatif à chaque niveau d’action sur le territoire. / This thesis aims to assess the potential and impact of local, community and complementary currencies with regard to the challenges posed by sustainable development. The thesis adopts a socio-economic and institutionalist approach based mainly on the SOL Alpin (France) and the Accorderie (Quebec) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. In a bio-economic and socio-economic approach is postulated a double embeddedness of the economy in the social and social in the environment. From the survey results and theoretical analysis will be presented a monetary scheme able to support local sustainable development. This arrangement provides beyond the approach to complementarity, to lay groundwork for a perspective on subsidiarity money that is to say monetary arrangement on each level of action in the territory.

Participation et tourisme : quelle place pour la population ? Une étude exploratoire d'initiatives participatives au Brésil. / Participation and tourism : what place for population? An exploratory study of participatory initiatives in Brazil.

Seno Alves, Daiane 26 June 2018 (has links)
Les débats autour du « durable » retournent le regard du développement vers le local. La participation citoyenne commence ainsi à intégrer les projets de développement territorial en tant qu’outil pour faire rapprocher les habitants aux décisions et aux décideurs de projets, en même temps qu’ils se réapproprient leur territoire. Les publications apparues autour de la participation jusqu’à présent se dédient notamment à sa définition et moyens. Certaines se positionnent dans un contexte précis et nous donnent des idées plus concrètes du terrain. Cependant, la plupart de recherches sur la participation et la concertation analysent soit des cas liés à la gestion de ressources naturelles (gestion de l’eau ou des forêts...), soit de l’aménagement urbain. Il existe pourtant une activité qui est encore peu étudiée et qui touche l’ensemble des caractéristiques du territoire : le tourisme. Peu d’ouvrages (notamment sur le tourisme solidaire ou responsable) sont dédiés à analyser l’importance du développement participatif dans le domaine. Nous souhaitons étudier ce type de développement dans le tourisme de manière globale afin de comprendre les relations complexes entre la population, les décideurs, les autres acteurs, le projet, le territoire et les touristes. Même si nous nous inspirons des cas de développement participatif dans d’autres domaines, il restera toujours une marge de différence assez significative entre eux et le tourisme. C’est pourquoi nous croyons que des analyses plus précises d’un développement participatif dans le tourisme doivent être menées en parallèle. Ces analyses cherchent comprendre tout d’abord dans quelles mesures ce type de développement est important pour l’évolution durable du tourisme pour ensuite déterminer les niveaux de participation plus pertinents et comment les mettre en oeuvre. Ce travail a un caractère exploratoire et cherche développer une compréhension théorique du(des) rôle(s) de la participation citoyenne aux décisions et projets touristiques. Même si cette recherche devrait être considérée plus exploratoire que comparative, nous avons autant l’ambition de tracer quelques comparaisons vers la fin. La motivation première de cette étude concerne la nécessité d’impliquer les habitants dans les politiques et projets touristiques locaux. Ainsi, la question globale de la recherche a été identifiée : la participation de la population peut-elle représenter un facteur de durabilité pour le développement d’un tourisme plus inscrit dans le territoire ? À partir de là, d’autres questionnements sont faits : Quelle est la réalité de la participation citoyenne dans les décisions touristiques ? Les avis de la population sont-ils pris en compte par les autorités responsables ? Comment cette implication peut-elle influencer à la fois le tourisme installé sur le territoire (images, valorisation, accueil, flux...) et la vie quotidienne des habitants (qualité, sentiments, aménités, relations...) ? / Debates around “sustainability” focus the development on the local level. Citizen participation becomes therefore part of territorial development projects as a tool that at the same time brings closer inhabitants and projects decision-makers and allows the first ones to reappropriate their territory. Publications about participation so far worry about its definition and the necessary means. Some talk about more precised contexts and give us real concrete ideas. Nevertheless, research about participation and dialogue analyzes either cases of natural resources management (e.g. water or forests management) or city planning. There is however a less studied activity which touches all the characteristics of a territory: tourism. Few texts (mainly about solidarity or responsible tourism) are dedicated to the analysis of the importance of participatory development in the sector. We propose a general study of this kind of development in tourism in order to understand complex relations between population, decision-makers, other actors, projects, territory and tourists. Even if we get inspired by cases of participatory development in other fields, there will always be a large margin of difference between them and tourism. That is why we believe that more specific analyses of participatory development in tourism must be drawn in parallel. These analyses try firstly to understand in which ways this kind of development is important to a sustainable evolution of tourism. In this way, later on the study it is possible to determine the pertinent levels of participation and how to employ them. This work has an explorative character and seeks to develop a theoretical understanding of citizen participation role(s) in touristic decision-making and projects. Even though the study should be considered as explorative rather than comparative, our ambition is to make some comparative notes by the end of it. The initial research problem motivating this study concerns the need of involvement of inhabitants in local touristic politics and projects. Hence, one overall research question has been defined: Can people’s participation represent a factor of sustainability to the development of a tourism fitting well in a territory? From that reflection, other questions are made: What is the reality of citizen participation in touristic decision-making? Are people’s opinions taken into consideration by the responsible authorities? How can this involvement influence at the same time the tourism on a territory (images, promotion, welcome, flows, etc.) and the everyday life of inhabitants (quality, feelings, amenities, relations, etc.)?

Défis environnementaux de la viticulture : une analyse comportementale des blocages et des leviers d'action / The environmental challenge for the winegrowing industry : a behavioural analysis of barriers to action and change levers

Raineau, Yann 16 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite des enjeux environnementaux et sanitaires de l’agriculture sous l’angle de l’économie comportementale. En partant de l’exemple emblématique fourni par la contestation sociale de l’usage des pesticides dans la filière vin, nous montrons pourquoi la réorientation durable du système productif ne peut s’affranchir d’une analyse des arbitrages effectués par les agents économiques. Du côté de la demande, nous mesurons expérimentalement l’effet concurrentiel des certifications (agriculture biologique) et des innovations technologiques (e.g. cépages résistants, réduction des sulfites) sur les préférences des consommateurs. Nous observons que ceux-ci sont prêts à revoir en partie leurs exigences gustatives en faveur d’un niveau élevé de qualité environnementale, mais que leurs motivations sont en partie liées à des attentes sanitaires, générant des signaux contradictoires pour l’offre. Le faible niveau d’information auquel ils ont accès constitue par ailleurs un frein à la sélection des meilleurs produits. Au niveau de l’offre, nous soutenons que la réponse à cette demande reste fortement limitée par l’inertie du système productif. Celle-ci peut être attribuée à une aversion au risque mais aussi, de nouveau, à un déficit informationnel, bien plus qu’à des comportements déviants liés au mimétisme, souvent incriminé en agriculture. Ce déficit porte cette fois sur les possibilités d’action de l’amont de la filière, dans notre cas les viticulteurs. Nous donnons alors des pistes d’orientation des politiques publiques de régulation, au niveau global ou au niveau plus local de la gouvernance d’entreprise, pour faciliter l’adéquation entre offre et demande sociétale. / This thesis deals with the impact of agriculture on health and the environment from a behavioural economics perspective. Focusing on the controversial use of pesticides in the winegrowing industry, I demonstrate the importance of considering the trade-offs made by economic actors in order to understand the obstacles hindering a shift to sustainable production. On the consumer side, I experimentally measure the competitive effect of certification (organic farming) and technological innovations (e.g. resistant grapevines, reduction of sulphites) on consumers’ preferences. I observe that consumers are partly willing to review their taste requirements in exchange for high environmental quality level, but that their motives are essentially health-oriented, generating contradictory signals towards producers. Besides, selecting the best products is hampered by the little information consumers are provided with. On the supply side, I argue that ability to meet demand is strongly limited by the inertia of the production system. This inertia can be attributed to risk aversion but again, to a large extent, to a lack of information, rather than being, as is often suggested in an agricultural context, the result of imitation. This lack of information this time concerns the various options available upstream, in this instance, on the part of winegrowers. I then provide guidelines for public regulatory policies, at global level or at more local level of corporate governance, to enable a match between supply and societal demand.

An ecology of change : teaching and learning for sustainable development in the tertiary education sector in the United Kingdom 2005-2014

Sjerps-Jones, Henriette Maria January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I advocate and evidence ESD through understanding and analysing the ecology of change in educational organisations, in particular Tertiary Education (TE), during the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD, 2005-2014). I draw on my portfolio of research that examined various aspects of the efforts to mainstream ESD during this decade. My publications, which are referred to in this thesis, are based on experience of my own practice as lecturer, educational development manager and advocate of ESD at local, national and global level. My research approach is broadly based on action research principles. I argue that, to fully understand this complex change process, it is necessary to appreciate the role of the underpinning, and often conflicting, values in TE and how they influence the adoption of ESD. I further discuss the influence of both ‘top-down’ approaches, that are expressed in policies and frameworks, and ‘bottom-up’ approaches that are instigated by communities and individuals with special interests. The influence of the learning environment itself is also examined. Lastly, I make the case that the employment of appropriate action research methodologies can help with gaining a better understanding of this process as well as play a part in the process itself.

Analýza přístupů k tématice Green ICT v IT společnostech operujících na českém trhu / Green ICT analysis in IT companies operating on the czech market

Targa, Jan January 2011 (has links)
Recent economical crises, constant development of new technologies and faster globalisation cause different changes in all organisations all over the world. One of these changes are also different considerations about suistainable development and the impact different companies have. Those organisations are getting more and more involved into this topic and become more competitive within quickly developing global economics. They look for the ways how to contribute to suistainable development. One of the ways is also suistainable IT in a company focused on Green ICT. The aim of this thesis is to describe Green ICT, how it matches with suistainable development and what are the areas it covers. Firstly, the thesis contains an explanation of what Green ICT is. Secondly it focuses on the approach to this issue in different companies of different sizes in different industries. To achieve this aim, there are used different surveys from worldwide known companies. In the next part this thesis deals with two most important global IT companies, that significantly influence supply of ERP systems to the Czech market. This part specifies the areas covered by above mentioned companies and their main achievements. The main goal of this thesis is to analyze current state of Green ICT within local market. To achieve this goal, there was taken a survey focusing on Green ICT perception at ERP suppliers on the Czech market. Data from this survey were then analysed and evaluated. This thesis also provides a measuring scale for evaluation of Green ICT level. To demonstrate this, there were two global companies evaluated compared to three local companies evaluation.

Etiskt ansvarstagande : Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags uppförandekod och en underleverantörs arbetssätt / Ethical responsibility : With a perpsective that derives from the gap that cam emerge between a company's Code of Conduct and a suppliers's workmethods

Magnussen, Matilda, Jakobsen, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Kurs: Ämnesfördjupande arbete i logistik och ekonomistyrning, 2FE02E, 2FE20E Författare: Therese Jakobsen och Matilda Magnussen Handledare: Petra Andersson Titel: Etiskt ansvarstagande – Med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags uppförandekod och en underleverantörs arbetssätt Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle krävs det att företag tar ett större etiskt ansvar och verkar för en hållbar utveckling. Det ansvarsfulla företaget är ett uttryck för det företag som aktivt arbetar med Corporate Social Responsibility. Ett verktyg i arbetet med det är att utveckla en uppförandekod, även kallat Code of Conduct som dikterar riktlinjer och normer företagets verksamhet ska genomsyras av. I och med detta uppmärksammas oetiskt beteende i en större utsträckning och tydliggör vikten av att arbeta aktivt med CSR. Vilket leder fram till en problemdiskussion om hur ett företag kan ta ett etiskt ansvar med avstamp i de gap som kan uppstå mellan ett företags Code Of Conduct och en underleverantörs arbetssätt. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för den process som startar då företag misstänker att det finns ett gap mellan deras CoC och underleverantörers arbetssätt. Detta för att redogöra hur processen hanteras vid upptäckt av oetiskt gap med avstamp i ett inköpande företags CoC och en underleverantörs arbetssätt och belysa hur processen kan förbättras. Metod: Denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie och bygger på expertintervjuer samt ett typföretag. Två konsulter som kan tituleras experter inom ämnet hållbarhet har intervjuats och ett typföretag har studerats. Urvalet av respondenter och företag är gjord via ett bekvämlighetsurval. Studien har positivistiskt synsätt och utgår från en analytisk induktion som angreppsätt. Slutsats: Hur processen utformas då ett företag misstänker ett oetiskt beteende hos en underleverantör varierar från fall till fall och beror på varför företaget tar ett etiskt ansvar och hur det appliceras i praktiken. Det finns en tydlig koppling mellan ekonomin och hållbar utveckling där ekonomin har en förmåga att både främja och stjälpa den hållbara utvecklingen. I arbetet med Corporate Social Responsibility och stävan efter hållbar utveckling är det bäst att agera i förebyggande syfte, anfall är bästa försvar. Nyckelord: CSR, hållbar utveckling, etiskt ansvarstagande, Code of Conduct, värdekedja, leverantörsrevisioner, process och arbetsmetod.

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