Spelling suggestions: "subject:"svag""
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Linjediagram med Canvas och SVG utifrån vatten-relaterad data : Utritningstekniker för webben / Line charts through Canvas and SVG using water-related data : Drawing graphics on a web pageLeth, Sara January 2023 (has links)
Datamängderna som analyseras fortsätter växa (Xu et al., 2022) och SVG (”Scalable Vector Graphics”) och Canvas ligger ofta till grund för 2D-datavisualiseringar (Johnson och Jankun-Kelly, 2008). Samtidigt är det fortsatt viktigt att en webbplats erbjuder god interaktivitet för att inte förlora sina användare p.g.a. undermålig prestanda (Huang, 2005; Babovic, Protic och Milutinovic, 2016). I följande studie jämförs SVG och Canvas genom ett tekniskt experiment för att se vilken av utritningsteknikerna som lämpar sig bäst för att rita ut linjediagram utifrån vatten-relaterad data i ett interaktivitetsperspektiv. Visualieringarna utförs genom två olika JavaScript-bibliotek och resultaten visar att Canvas tillhandahåller en högre nivå av interaktivitet i form av lägre renderingstider vid ”real-time rendering”.
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Map Interactivity: Exploring the Benefits in the Utah Studies ClassroomTaylor, Whitney Fae 17 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis introduces map interactivity as a new learning resource for historical geography subjects. The purpose of the research is to examine the ability of interactive maps to improve the learning process in social studies classrooms in Utah's public schools. An interactive map and paper maps focused on Utah settlement and hypothetical geographical attractors were created for this research. A two-group experiment was conducted in six classes of Utah Studies; the experimental group used an interactive map, and the control group used a series of paper maps and corresponding tables. Students' conceptual knowledge was tested before and after they used the maps via a pre- and posttest. In addition, at the conclusion of the unit, students rated their feelings about the unit and their assigned maps on a bipolar adjective (semantic differential) scale. Students using the interactive map showed significantly better improvement on two sections of the test: matching and multiple choice. The cognitive processes and the types of knowledge the questions tested likely contributed to this result. Although a significant difference was not found for the attitude assessment, the slow speed of the computers may have increased students' frustration with the interactive map and, consequently, negatively impacted their attitudes about the unit. Integrating interactive maps in social studies classrooms can enhance learning, as these maps can promote an environment in which students learn more effectively and are more interested in the subject matter. As schools update their technology with faster computers, educators should implement more technological mapping resources that may enhance students' learning and attitudes about social studies.
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Diffusion-Based Generation of SVG ImagesJbara, Hassan 06 February 2024 (has links)
Diffusion Models have achieved state-of-the-art results in image generating tasks, yet face different challenges when used in different domains. We first give a brief overview of the Diffusion Models architecture. Then, we present a new model and architecture called SVGFusion that applies the principles of Diffusion Models to generate Vector Graphics. Vector Graphics have a complex structure and are vastly different than pixel images, and thus the main challenge when working with Vector Graphics is how to represent their complex structure in a way that a Diffusion Model can effectively process. We will explain this and the further challenges that we encountered during the process and how we successfully addressed some of them. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by training a sample model on a decently sized dataset as well as running valuable experiments. Furthermore, we offer useful insights, recommendations and code to researchers who wish to further explore this topic.
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¿¿¿¿¿¿GeometryEditor: A Web-based System for Authoring, Sharing and Support of Plane Geometry Manipulatives for Mathematics EducationLAI, XUN 15 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Grafiska gränssnitt i webbapplikationer : Jämförelse av responsivitet och laddningstid med SVG och boxmodellen i ett grafikbaserat bokningssystem / Graphical interfaces in web applications : Comparison of responsivity and load times using SVG and the box model in a graphics-based booking-systemJansson, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker skillnaden för responsivitet och laddningstid mellan de grafiska teknikerna SVG och boxmodellen, i ett grafikbaserat bokningssystem byggt med ramverket Blazor. Ett bokningssystem för sittplatser i ett kontor med Blazor byggdes och layouter genererades med olika antal sittplatser (element). Fyra olika tester gjordes, tre för att testa responsiviteten genom inzoomning och panorering och ett för att testa laddningstiden. Testerna visade att SVG laddade snabbare än boxmodellen, men att det – trots flera ej övertygande resultat – inte var någon skillnad mellan de två grafiska teknikerna för responsiviteten. Framtida arbeten kan bygga vidare på studien genom att använda andra ramverk eller byta ut boxmodellen mot en grafisk teknik med fokus på vektorgrafik. Större framtida arbeten kan inkludera ombyggnation av Blazor och webbläsaren för att undgå användandet av JavaScript.
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Random Variate Generation Web ServiceSabah, Mohammad 12 September 2003 (has links)
Simulation and statistical applications often mimic the behavior of a random phenomenon by way of generating random observations that form a known or empirical probability distribution with estimated parameter values. Generation of such random observations is called Random Variate Generation (RVG). The number of simulation and statistical applications provided on the World Wide Web (Web) is on the rise. To facilitate the development of simulation and statistical applications on the Web by way of reuse, there is a need for providing RVG as a Web service. This research involves the development of such a Web service for RVG, which can be invoked programmatically over the Web by using SOAP over the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) running on top of the Internet. To provide the RVG Web service, an RVG Web application is developed based on the Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture. The RVG Web application is engineered by using the IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer and runs on the IBM WebSphere Application Server. A client simulation and statistical application may call the RVG Web service and request the generation of random variates from 27 probability distributions. In addition, the RVG Web service also provides general statistics, scatter plot, and histogram of the requested random variates. The plots and histograms are created in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). The RVG Web service: (a) accepts requests in the Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, which is specified according to a request schema, and (b) sends the results to the client application also in the XML format specified according to a reply schema. The interface specification and access information needed to invoke the RVG Web service are provided in the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) document. Any Web-based simulation or statistical application that needs generation of random variates, their scatter plots and histograms, can invoke the RVG Web service programmatically at http://sunfish.cs.vt.edu/RVGWebService . / Master of Science
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Interaktiv visualisering av IP-nätverkEriksson, Steve January 2011 (has links)
Ett icke trivialt IP-nätverk består av många noder som är förbundna med varandra genom olika typer av transmissionsmedier. Man kan föreställa sig nätverket som ett moln av noder och förbindelser. Nätverksvisualisering handlar om att kika in i molnet och snabbt få en övergripande bild över de komplexa relationer som finns i det. Genom att skapa nätverkskartor som grafiskt beskriver ett IP-nätverk kan arbetet med att övervaka och felsöka det underlättas. Telenors svenska nätverksövervakning har utvecklat ett system för att automatiskt generera nätverkskartor i formatet SVG. De har ställt frågan om det går att göra dessa interaktiva och koppla ihop dem med befintliga verktygsprogram. Denna rapport visar exempel på tekniker, baserade på öppen källkod och öppna standarder, som kan användas för att utveckla ett system som gör nätverkskartor i dokumentformatet SVG interaktiva i en webbläsare. Problemet att göra nätverkskartorna interaktiva analyseras och olika lösningsalternativ tas fram och jämförs med varandra. Ett system baserat på öppen mjukvara och öppna standarder utvecklas för att visa hur de redovisade teknikerna kan användas i praktiken. Systemets arkitektur beskrivs i tre systemvyer. Nätverkskartorna berikas med bindningar mellan händelser i webbläsaren och JavaScript-funktioner genom att transformera dem med XSLT. Användargränssnittet utgörs av SVG-objekt och JavaScript varifrån det går att asynkront anropa program på en webbserver. Systemet saknar kopplingar till Telenors verktygsprogram. Flera CGI-skript skapas som visar att det från webbservern går att anropa externa program. Det finns inga funktionella begränsningar som hindrar systemet från att kopplas ihop med verktygsprogrammen. Det implementerade systemet kan användas som en grund för att vidareutveckla ett mer komplett system för interaktiv visualisering av IP-nätverk. Systemets funktionalitet avgränsades och har enabart utvecklats för att fungera väl i webbläsaren Firefox. Om systemet ska användas i skarp miljö måste det impementeras stöd för de populäraste webbläsarna. Systemet innehåller inga funktioner rörande säkerhet, till exempel saknas krypterad förbindelse mellan klient och server. Rapporten avslutas med test och utvärdering av systemet och förslag ges på hur det kan förbättras.
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Uživatelské rozhraní systému ERIAN v prostředí webových technologií / User interface of system ERIAN based on web technologiesFinger, Artur January 2019 (has links)
ERIAN is a complex business rule management system developed by com- pany Komix. Part of this system is the Rule Management Interface (RMI) which allows users to create, edit, schedule, test and otherwise manage their business rules. The RMI is implemented as a thick client based on C# and WPF, which has its disadvantages. This thesis provides a prototypical implementation of the RMI as a thin client based on cutting-edge web technologies. This thesis predominantly deals with the choice of the correct technologies for the task, while allowing develop- ment and maintainance of different customized versions of the RMI and making sure the prototype handles working with business rules seamlessly even if they are exceptionally large. The resultant RMI prototype is well testable and adds several new function- ality features, compared to the original. It lays a good foundation for a complete re-implementation of the RMI as a thin client.
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De l'intérêt des modèles grammaticaux pour la reconnaissance de motifs dans les séquences génomiques / Interest of grammatical models for pattern matching in genomic sequencesAntoine-Lorquin, Aymeric 01 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse en bioinformatique étudie l'intérêt de rechercher des motifs dans des séquences génomiques à l'aide de grammaires. Depuis les années 80, à l'initiative notamment de David Searls, des travaux ont montré qu'en théorie, des grammaires de haut niveau offrent suffisamment d'expressivité pour permettre la description de motifs biologiques complexes, notamment par le biais d'une nouvelle classe de grammaire dédiée à la biologie : les grammaires à variables de chaîne (SVG, String Variable Grammar). Ce formalisme a donné lieu à Logol, qui est un langage grammatical et un outil d'analyse développé dans l'équipe Dyliss où a lieu cette thèse. Logol est un langage conçu pour être suffisamment flexible pour se plier à une large gamme de motifs qu'il est possible de rencontrer en biologie. Le fait que les grammaires restent inutilisée pour la reconnaissance de motifs pose question. Le formalisme grammatical est-il vraiment pertinent pour modéliser des motifs biologiques ? Cette thèse tente de répondre à cette question à travers une démarche exploratoire. Ainsi, nous étudions la pertinence d'utiliser les modèles grammaticaux, via Logol, sur six applications différentes de reconnaissance de motifs sur des génomes. Au travers de la résolution concrète de problématiques biologiques, nous avons mis en évidence certaines caractéristiques des modèles grammaticaux. Une de leurs limites est que leur utilisation présente un coût en termes de performance. Un de leurs atouts est que leur expressivité couvre un large spectre des motifs biologiques, contrairement aux méthodes alternatives, et d'ailleurs certains motifs modélisés par les grammaires n'ont pas d'autres alternatives existantes. Il s'avère en particulier que pour certains motifs complexes, tels que ceux alliant séquence et structure, l'approche grammaticale est la plus adaptée. Pour finir, l'une des conclusions de cette thèse est qu'il n'y a pas réellement de compétition entre les différentes approches, mais plutôt qu'il y a tout à gagner d'une coopération fructueuse. / This thesis studies the interest to look for patterns in genomic sequences using grammars. Since the 80s, work has shown that, in theory, high level grammars offer enough expressivity to allow the description of complex biological patterns. In particular David Searls has proposed a new grammar dedicated to biology: string variable grammar (SVG). This formalism has resulted in Logol, a grammatical language and an analysis tool developed by Dyliss team where this thesis is taking place. Logol is a language designed to be flexible enough to express a wide range of biological patterns. The fact that the grammars remain unknown to model biological patterns raises questions. Is the grammatical formalism really relevant to the recognition of biological patterns? This thesis attempts to answer this question through an exploratory approach. We study the relevance of using the grammatical patterns, by using Logol on six different applications of genomic pattern matching. Through the practical resolution of biological problems, we have highlighted some features of grammatical patterns. First, the use of grammatical models presents a cost in terms of performance. Second the expressiveness of grammatical models covers a broad spectrum of biological patterns, unlike the others alternatives, and some patterns modeled by grammars have no other alternative solutions. It also turns out that for some complex patterns, such as those combining sequence and structure, the grammatical approach is the most suitable. Finally, a thesis conclusion is that there was no real competition between different approaches, but rather everything to gain from successful cooperation.
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Grafické zobrazení relací mezi počítači v Internetu / Visualization of relations between computers in the InternetCimbálek, Přemysl January 2008 (has links)
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) transmits the television signal over the TCP/IP family of protocols. Its advantages are for example that the transmitting is not only one-way as in the “classical” TV broadcasting, but it can provide feedback such as interactivity. There are also some problems which avoids development, for example low channel capacity of access networks. That is why new methods , for example how to get more efficiency in IPTV transmission, are proposed. The main task of this diploma thesis is to visualize tree structure of relations between nodes in the network, based on understanding of principles of the hierarchical summarization and IPTV transmitting. The nodes in the tree structure provide computing and summarizing of the data in back-way channel. There is the data from the end users in this channel. In the first part of this diploma thesis there is explained the principle of IPTV and its differences as compared with classical TV broadcasting. The part is also aimed for the supported services, advantages and disadvantages. There is explained the compressing data with the MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 standards and problems with transport networks called “last mile problem.” To transmitting data IPTV uses Source Specific Multicast – every user connects to the multicast session with requested TV program. Feedback is provided by unicast. Feedback network uses the hierarchical summarization principle to reduce the data. This problem, connected with RTP, RTCP and TTP protocols, is in the work described as well. There is an international experimental network called PlanetLab mentioned in theoretical part of this work. Proposed structure of new protocol and applications including the visualization for IPTV broadcast, is tested in that network. In the practical part of this work there are discussed possibilities and methods for the visualization and data storage. Because of high availability and flexibility, there were chosen web technologies, such as MySQL for data storage. The tree model is executed by Java. The visualization is solved by web technologies, source code for visualization is dynamically generated by scripts in JSP (Java Server Pages). Graphical output is provided by the vector format SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) which is created for graphical expression on the internet and in the mobile phones. There were created interactive web application thanks its ability to cooperation with Javascript technology. This application visualizes relation-tree structure of nodes. In this work there are explained basics of all used technologies, there are also given reasons for chosen methods and formats. Examples and interesting parts of solution are mentioned as well.
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